The climate of Sardinia by months. When is the best time to go on vacation to Sardinia? Tourist places in Sardinia

Career and finance 15.08.2019
Career and finance

One of the most ecological and picturesque regions of Italy, Sardinia is located in the center mediterranean sea, two hundred kilometers west of the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula, just above North Africa. The ancient Greeks nicknamed the island "Sandaliotis" because of the similarity of its shape with a sandal, and the local natives sincerely believed that Sardinia was the first earthly footprint of the divine foot. One way or another, the place is truly heavenly, and why it is necessary to go there at the end of spring, at the beginning of summer or autumn, the Tour-Calendar will tell you in this article.

Tourist season in Sardinia

It is hard to believe that Sardinia was once the poorest region in Italy. Entrepreneurship helped to climb the pedestal of well-being local residents who managed to profitably present a rich historical heritage and natural benefits. Today tourism is the island's main source of income. Thanks to the warm climate, you can relax on the island all year round, but as such, the tourist season in Sardinia lasts from April to November. 1840 km coastline- this is a transparent emerald sea, hundreds of secluded lagoons and beautiful grottoes, the purest sand, a string of elite resorts. In addition, Sardinia is recognized best place all over the Mediterranean for diving. Along with the classic beach holiday, the island offers many natural and architectural reserves to explore. It is worth saying that in Sardinia, despite its wild popularity, a patriarchal atmosphere reigns with its own way of life and rhythm of life. Most of the island remains outside the mass influence of tourism, which is the main secret of the charm of Sardinia.

High season in Sardinia

The influx of tourists to Sardinia falls on summer months when the beach season is in full swing. However, the atmosphere here is more relaxed and relaxed than on some islands in the Mediterranean during the summer boom. In addition, the island has many beaches that can be classified as "wild": a minimum of equipment, and a minimum number of vacationers.

Low season in Sardinia

In mid-November, the last tourists from the category of amateurs leave the island. beach holiday. And, as you know, they are always in the majority, so the island is noticeably empty. However, the beauty of Sardinia is that it will be interesting to stay here all year round. Some, albeit rare, travelers come here from December to April to taste the real, non-tourist life of the island: to travel it up and down on a rented bike, to get acquainted with the customs and culture of the locals, to touch the origins of ancient civilizations.

Beach season in Sardinia

The beaches of Sardinia are the real pride of the island. According to official figures, about 25% of all beaches in Italy are concentrated here. Most of them have been awarded the Blue Flag, which is a certificate of their quality. Behind the crystal clear waters and the finest white sand people go to Sardinia starting from May. The swimming season lasts until mid-November. In general, the water temperature of the Tyrrhenian and Sardinian seas during this period ranges from 18 °C to 25 °C.

Velvet season in Sardinia

While the end of September in many Mediterranean resorts marks the end beach season, in Sardinia the weather still favors active swimming and sunbathing. In October, the water temperature is 21°C-22°C, and in November - 18°C-19°C.

Festival season in Sardinia

Every month on the island is marked by some event. These are generally accepted Italian holidays and religious events, “spiced up” with many costumed processions. On May 1, the islanders celebrate the day of the patron saint of the island, St. Efisio, at the end of May - equestrian procession and competition "Cavalcata Sarda", June is notable for the festival of shearing sheep "Tundimentaseulesa", on August 7 in Iglesias the archery tournament takes place, on August 29 the Feast of the Savior, on September 3 in Cabras a dramatization of the fight against the Saracens "Shoeless Men Run" ", at the end of October in Aritzo becomes the location of the chestnut festival "Sagra della Castagna", on October 31 they have fun on Halloween, on November 1 - All Saints Day, the end of February is always associated with the magnificent carnival "Bosa Carnival", at this time Oristano meets a religious event " Sa Sartiglia.

Climate in Sardinia

Due to its southern location, Sardinia is warm all year round. In the spring, starting from March, the weather on the island is very pleasant, which persists into the early summer in May. And from June to September - quite dry and hot. Winters on the island are generally wet and cool. Northern part the islands tend to experience more rainfall. The temperature level here is slightly lower than on the south coast, which is on the way strong winds blowing from North Africa. Throughout the year, the temperature ranges from 0 °C (in the mountains) to 40 °C (on the hottest day). In general, the island experiences little rainfall each month. The only exceptions are November and December.

Sardinia in spring

Spring is the driest time of the year after summer. In March, the island is still free from the influx of tourists. The air temperature gradually begins to rise, reaching a maximum of 18 °C in April and 22 °C in May. But closer to the night it starts to get colder, so you have to wear warm clothes.

Temperature and weather in Sardinia in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Average temperature+12 +14 +17
Temperature during the day+16 +18 +22
Temperature at night+7 +9 +12
Water temperature+14 +15 +17

Sardinia in summer

Summer in Sardinia is hot and dry. Particularly affected by drought southern part islands. The sun shines for at least 12 hours a day. July and August are undoubtedly the leaders in high temperatures- 29 °C and 30 °C respectively. Sometimes the thermometer can jump up to 40 ° C. At this time, you can go to the mountains to at least take a break from stuffiness. As for the evenings, they are quite cool: from 16°C in June to 19°C in August. At the end of the summer season, the likelihood of precipitation increases.

Temperature and weather in Sardinia in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Average temperature+21 +24 +25
Temperature during the day+26 +29 +30
Temperature at night+16 +19 +19
Water temperature+20 +23 +25

Sardinia in autumn

Autumn in Sardinia is just as great a time to visit the island as spring. The heat subsides, but the temperature of the water in the sea remains at the same high levels. The end of the swimming season on the island falls on the first half of November. In October, it starts to rain, reaching its maximum intensity towards the end of the season. At night, it gets significantly colder, winter time is coming.

Temperature and weather in Sardinia in autumn

September weatherOctober weatherNovember weather
Average temperature+22 +18 +13
Temperature during the day+26 +22 +17
Temperature at night+17 +13 +9
Water temperature+23 +21 +18

The location of Sardinia leaves no doubt - the climate on the island is typically Mediterranean. How nice is the title! The sound of waves is immediately heard, a soft breath of wind is felt, filled with aromas of juniper and rosemary. In coastal areas, the beneficial effect of the gentle sea is especially felt. The winter here is very mild, the temperature rarely drops below +10°C, the summer is hot and dry with temperatures reaching +35°C. However, winds blowing mainly along the coast make it possible to perceive ambient temperature, as being cooler and therefore easier to withstand the heat.

The climate of Sardinia's interior is more continental with temperatures that can reach -10°C in winter and +40°C in summer. Temperature fluctuation between day and night tends to be higher than on the coasts. Precipitation usually falls throughout the island, as a rule, there is never a lot of it. However, to be precise, the western part of the island, which is most affected by wet ocean currents, receives more precipitation than the eastern part, protected by the highest mountain system Sardinia - Gennargentu massif. It usually rains on the island in late autumn and winter. But summer is characterized by an almost complete absence of precipitation.

When to go to Sardinia

The swimming season on the island traditionally lasts from the beginning of May to the end of September. Although it must be said that last years and in October the weather is warm, even hot, and you can swim throughout this month, enjoying, as in September, the mild climate, gentle sea and deserted beaches. The peak of the glamorous life of the Costa Smeralda, when celebrities and VIPs from all over the world come here, falls on June, July and, especially, August. During the same period, the majority of tourists visit the south of the island, where the water temperature on the hottest days reaches 30 ° C.

Sardinia, thanks to its mild climate, is good for travel throughout the year. Best Moments to get acquainted with the unique history of the island, with its mountain landscapes, forests and lakes - this is autumn and, especially, spring, when golden balls of acacias bloom on the coasts, and emerald plains and hills are covered with a carpet of pink and red poppies.

Tourism in Sardinia is not only about the beach, the sea and night life, but also sports, and nature, and culture, and much more ... 365 days a year. At any time of the year, this real Wonderland can offer the curious traveler unique, unlike anything else. Sardinia is an island ancient history, so the holidays here are really something incredible. Particularly interesting are Easter in April-May, the February carnival, so interesting and so different, as well as grandiose festivities dating back to the Middle Ages - St. Efisio's Day in Cagliari (May 1-4), S'Ardia in Sedilo July), Candelieri in Sassari (August 14).

Autumn is a great time to get acquainted with the gastronomy and traditions of the hospitable island. From September to mid-December, in the central, most mountainous and “real” part of Sardinia, which has been called Barbagia since the time of the Roman Empire, a holiday is held that allows you to visit different towns, plunge into the legendary Sardinian hospitality and feel the ancient and sincere soul of this people. After all, "Autumn in Barbagia" is a festival that offers the best of the gastronomic, craft, and musical traditions of Sardinia.

Sardinia is the second largest Italian island in the western Mediterranean after Sicily. Sardinia is located between Italy, French Corsica and Africa. The island is characterized by mild subtropical mediterranean climate, a great variety of vegetation and animals, and an unusual culture that resulted from the repeated transition of the island from hand to hand - Sardinia was ruled by the Phoenicians, Romans, Spaniards, formed alliances with Corsica, and only in the 19th century became part of Italy. All this affected the Sardian culture, their customs, art, language and cuisine, which absorbed the traditions of many peoples.

In Sardinia in July - the height tourist season. The beaches of Sardinia are the pearl and pride of the island, they are clean, snow-white, with clear turquoise water. Most of them have a quality certificate - the Blue Flag. The most popular region for a beach holiday and the most prestigious resort in Europe is the Costa Smeralda - the rich and famous rest here. The beaches of the Villasimius and Alghero regions are also popular among tourists, and lovers of solitude and wildlife go to the beaches of Ogliastra, Berkida and Oristano.

If you leave the coastal zone, you plunge into the history of Sicily - the island is literally strewn with sights, each town and each village has its own zest, its own unusual traditions. Scattered throughout the island are "nuraghes" - huge stone dwellings of the ancient inhabitants of the island. You can also see sand dunes on southwest coast, admire the corals off the coast of Alghero, visit the colony of pygmy white donkeys in Asinara.

The weather in Sardinia in July is hot in summer - during the day the air warms up to 29 degrees, at night the temperature drops to 19. The water in the sea is warm - 23 degrees.

Sardinia attracts tourists with its extremely mild, Mediterranean climate. The sun shines almost 300 days a year. In summer it is not too hot or stuffy here. Cold winds blow almost all year round. warm winds. best time for holidays in Sardinia is considered the period from April to October. It was at this time that the water in the reservoirs of Sardinia is especially warm, and bathing season at it's peak .

It's always warm in Sardinia

In coastal areas, where most of the population lives, winters are mild. The temperature rarely drops below zero. Summers are hot and windy. Rains are practically non-existent in summer, and the air temperature usually reaches 35 °C.

Air/water temperature:

May +25/+17°С.

June +26/+20°С.

July +30/+23°С.

August +34/+25°С.

September +27/+23°С.

October +22/+20°С.

January +7/+10°С.

The average water temperature off the coast of Sardinia warms up in the summer months to 23-25°C. The climate in Sardinia is subtropical. Here all seasons are good, but especially spring and autumn. At this time, it is warm here, while it rarely rains. That is why tourists come to Sardinia most often in spring and autumn.

Good season for swimming

The sun shines on the island all year round. The sea begins to warm up in May, at the end of the month the swimming season opens. The warmest sea in August. The peak swimming season on the island lasts from June to October.

The water is also very warm in autumn. The whole of September and until the end of October, and sometimes until the end of November, the swimming season continues. And some tourists swim in the sea even in winter.

The mountains of Sardinia and the problem of drought

In the mountains, the climate is more severe than on the plains and on the sea coast. In winter, the temperature here often drops below zero. In summer, the air here is very fresh, especially at night. Rarely, the heat here lasts several days, there is almost no precipitation. Especially along the coast and in the south, an average of less than 500 mm of precipitation falls annually.

Remarkably, land and property prices in the highlands of Capo Carbonara are particularly low, with only 266mm of rain per year. Due to the drought, the mountains of Sardinia are almost uninhabited, which is clearly visible if you look at the map of the island.

In the interior of the island, the average rainfall can reach 500-800 mm. On the slopes of the mountains are heavy rains which can even exceed 1000 mm per year. To solve the problem of drought, since the end of the nineteenth century and to this day, artificial rivers have been created on the island. Today there are about 50 such rivers.

Winds of Sardinia: pros and cons

The main influence on the climate is provided by the Atlantic, African and Arctic winds. Sardinia is a very windy area. Positive side This phenomenon is the numerous wind turbines installed on mountain ranges in some industrial areas. The inhabitants of Sardinia use the wind as a source of energy.

The pluses include the fact that in the summer it is never stuffy here - the wind literally blows through the entire island.

In Sardinia, winds such as the Mistral from North Africa and the Scirocco from France predominate. The first softens, as already mentioned, summer temperatures. The second brings hot air.

Sardinia is chosen for recreation precisely because of the comfortable, sunny climate.

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