Alanya in May Alanya for May holidays

Tourism and rest 14.06.2019
Tourism and rest
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rested from May 6 to 13, in the afternoon 28-33, in the evening it’s cold 18-20 .... the sea is 22-24, I don’t understand who writes about some 15 degrees, here in March 17-18))) and so, of course, I thermophilic and I like it when the day is under 40 and the sea is 27, but if you take the generally accepted canons, it is quite comfortable.

My husband made a present for my birthday - he bought trips to Turkey. We rested in Alanya from May 15 to May 24, the prices at this time are still low. The weather averaged excellent 28-30 degrees. The sand on the beach in the afternoon heated up so much that you no longer look like barefoot. But the sea has not yet had time to warm up to a comfortable temperature, in the first days it was 15-17 degrees. Of the clothes, only T-shirts and shorts were useful to us, even in the evening we went in light summer outfits. According to the forecast, rains were promised a couple of times during this time, but fortunately for us, there were no rains.

We were in Turkey that year. The sea was not quite warm, there were few people. The water temperature reached its maximum pleasant temperature closer to four o'clock. Despite this, the sun burned down every day. And let the shadow not deceive you, getting burned to a crimson color is as easy as shelling pears. The advantage of the climate in those places is the absence of stuffiness at maximum temperature. You don’t leak and you don’t suffocate. You can safely cover up, escaping from the sun. You won't feel stuffy.

We rested in Alanya in early May, at the very beginning of the season. At this time the most low prices and few vacationers, and the weather is great for those who do not like the heat: during the day +22 degrees in the shade and +26 in the sun, at night +19. The only problem is the cold sea, it is impossible to swim (about +20 Celsius). I do not recommend to come with children at this time. In the pools, the water is generally comfortable: cool in the morning, but warms up to a pleasant temperature during the day. For several days in a row it rained at night, and during the day it was cloudy. In the evening we went in light jackets.

Three of us flew with a friend and his girlfriend. We were there only 10 days, but for all the time there was only 1 light rain, the rest of the days it was so hot that we could hardly escape) A few years ago we came here already, but the weather was complete horror, the rest was ruined. But this time it's different!

We stayed for 2 weeks at the end of the month. We were very lucky with the weather, it was just right. The temperature at night did not drop below +15, during the day the air warmed up to 30-35, the sky was absolutely clear, all the time of rest. There was a small breeze, about 3-5 meters per second, it blew almost constantly. The sea was quite cool, about 18-20 degrees, with little excitement. there was a small storm for about 2 days, but then everything calmed down.

On the the May holidays flew to swim in the Mediterranean Sea to Turkey. The resort chosen was Alanya. Although Alanya is one of the southernmost seaside resorts in Turkey, the weather in early May was not particularly beachy. Of course, it was warm all day, in the evening we also walked without jackets. But the water in the sea was invigorating, not like in summer or early autumn. Therefore, if you choose Turkey in May, consider the middle or end of the month.

They took leave in May. I was upset, since all my native resorts are still practically closed. A friend advised me to fly to Alanya, where she was in April. Listened to advice. I did not expect such a clean sea and how much warm sun. The beaches are huge, the sand is clean. The mountainous area pleases the eye, everything blooms. Every day was windless. The water in the sea is warm. Swimming and sunbathing is a pleasure. At this time, there were few vacationers and it was possible to walk along the beaches. I like it. I will definitely go there next year.


Alanya in May: weather and tourist reviews

Want to see spring in all its glory? Then collect to the Turkish resort of Alanya. In May 2019, the weather here is truly spring, one might even say summer. The water temperature in the sea is not yet too high, but it will rise and by the middle of the month, you may be able to swim. We’ll tell you further what to do in Alanya while you can’t swim in the sea, what are the sights here, and how often it rains here.

By the standards of our homeland, the May weather in Alanya is already summer. And how could it be otherwise, if during the day it is up to +28 +30 degrees Celsius. Already in the early morning, as soon as the sun rises over the sea, the air will warm up. If at eight in the morning it is cool and about +18 degrees, then in a couple of hours, just in time for going to the beach, the temperature will jump up to +25 and then it will only rise.
The nights have been cold since the beginning of the month. In the first week of May, the night temperature is unlikely to rise above +15 degrees. But in the twenties, the air temperature at night will already be +20 and a little higher. But don't be fooled. It still feels cool and night walks are best done in warm clothes. And to meet the dawn is in jackets, at least until sunrise.

No matter how hard nature tries, no matter how warm the sun is, the sea still warms up slowly. If you're lucky, the water in the sea will warm up to normal indicators towards the middle of the month. But it may also happen that the sea becomes comfortable for swimming closer to June and nothing can be done about it.
But you shouldn't get upset. In any case, the hotels have swimming pools, where the same sea ​​water, only warmed up. So put on beach clothes, take a cocktail and go to the pool, relax.

Rest can be interrupted by rain. Although the probability of this is less than five percent. The thing is that in the resort at the end of spring there can be only one rainy day. This is small, considering that sunny days more than 25 for the whole month. The total amount of precipitation is not more than 20 millimeters.

Another noteworthy event is that the daylight hours have become very long and its duration is already 14.5 hours. So tourists can spend more time on the beaches, on excursions and just walking around.
Hiking and boat trips are popular in Alanya. Choose any type of recreation, and have fun. May prices will please you, they are low, like the air temperature in Moscow in January.

Alanya in May reviews of tourists


“In mid-May, namely from the 12th to the 21st, we were in Alanya. The weather is very hot, like it's already summer. Even after sunset, the heat is felt. We swam in the sea several times, but not for long. The water is cold, but you can go into it. There was no rain, all days are sunny.


“The May holidays have come, and we flew to Turkey. We stopped our choice at the resort of Alanya. The weather is sunny, no rain or clouds. The sea is such that you can swim, but you need to do it carefully. It is better not to be in the sea for more than five minutes. The prices are low, even lower than in Sochi or in the Crimea.”

In May in Alanya begins tourist season. Accordingly, the number of tourists is noticeably increasing, so if you decide to spend your vacation here, then take care of buying tickets and booking hotel rooms in advance.

The weather at the end of spring is not yet so hot: about 26 degrees Celsius, but this is quite enough for a comfortable stay on the beach, by the pool or walking around the sightseeing places of the resort. Sunbathing with caution: there is a risk of getting sunburn, so before going out, apply on the skin sunscreen. In addition, always take a hat with you that will protect against heat stroke.

The sea warms up to 19 degrees: the water may seem cool, but it is already suitable for swimming. For families with children, it is better to prefer heated pools at hotels. In May, a small amount of precipitation is expected in Alanya: about 36 millimeters. Going on a long walk, it is better to take an umbrella or a raincoat with you so as not to accidentally get wet. Thanks to warm, but not hot weather, this time is very favorable for visiting monuments and sights.

Beach holidays in Alanya are very popular with Russians. People usually go here in May to relax with the whole family. Beautiful beaches and clear sea clear days and the hospitality of the residents of the resort make Alanya great place for relax.

The weather in May in Alanya is great. Bright sunshine, cool breezes, warm nights and occasional quick rains all help make your holiday a success.

Hotels in Alanya are of excellent class, there are members of world lines. During high season it is better to book a tour ahead of time - rooms in hotels are sold out instantly due to the influx of tourists. In hotels, sometimes there are animators with rooms for children and adults.

In addition to relaxing on the beach, you can go on excursions. There are interesting historical and natural sights in Alanya and nearby. With children, you can go to the water park, zoo or just for a walk. A tour to Alanya is suitable for young people, families with children, the elderly.

For the May holidays, I decided to go to Alanya. Three years ago I went to the May holidays in Side, and in my memory there was a steppe covered with poppies with the ruins of an ancient city, not crowded beaches and a warm sea. The weather in Turkey for the May holidays was sunny, it was hot during the day, 23-25 ​​degrees, water 20-21, it was comfortable to swim.

So this time too, I expected to swim and go on excursions.

I have never been to Alanya before. Judging by the reviews, there was something to see.

I could not find a company, I had to go alone. The tour was booked online on the website. The voucher cost 15 thousand +2 thousand fuel surcharge. I took a city hotel in the center of Alanya, three stars, all inclusive.

On May 1 at 4-30 our plane took off from Domodedovo, and at about 8 o'clock in the morning we landed in Antalya. The time in Turkey is the same as in Moscow, there was no need to change the clock.

So, they arrived. Sun, warm. They took off their jackets and stripped down to T-shirts. Until 9 sat on the buses, then drove off.

Distance from Antalya to Alanya - 150 km, to go about 2 hours. The track is good. We passed Belek with its pine forests, and the steppe stretched. On the left side, the mountains of Tavros could be seen in the distance.

Then the route approached the sea, and resort settlements began: Karaburun, Incekum, Avsalar, Konakli. All of them, together with the city of Alanya, form one resort area. When choosing a hotel in Alanya, keep this in mind and pay attention to where exactly it is located. The tour operator will have “Alanya, hotel (for example) “Angelika”, and this hotel is located in the village of Konakli, 6-8 km from Alanya.
Alanya and surrounding villages

Where is it better to live: in the villages or Alanya itself? Cheaper, of course, in the villages. For the price, a good five-star hotel in the suburbs is equal to a miserable three-ruble note in Alanya. This is the main advantage of choosing a hotel in Konakli, Incekum, etc. And, in principle, if you are traveling only by beach holiday and want to take a break from city life, you can take the suburbs.

But to be honest, I didn’t like the suburb at all. This is a continuous series of hotels, behind which the bare steppe stretches. Lots of buildings. The beach is in many places separated from the hotels by the highway, so that when you drive, a strip of beaches stretches to the right, and a cluster of hotels to the left.

By right hand– sandy beaches

on the left - hotels

some hotels are on the right, near the sea

Sometimes the road was quite close to the sea:

And one more minus, which is significant for May, is that Alanya itself, fenced off by a wall of mountains, has its own microclimate, and bathing season starts earlier here. But in the steppe settlements the water is cooler. While we were driving along the sea, I did not see a single swimmer until Alanya itself.

And in Alanya itself, people swam, although not so much.

And those who lived in the villages swam only in the pools.

Hotel on the road (very close to the highway)

However, they lived in an incomparably best conditions. In addition, a regular bus runs along the sea through all the villages to the center of Alanya, so if you wish, you can always come to the city.

In general, we drove along the sea and along the way we took people to their hotels. And then they passed the tunnel, and the landscape changed rapidly: the steppe disappeared, mountains appeared, and one of the mountains protruded far into the sea, and partly resembled the Crimean Ayudag.

Around the corner - Alanya

I immediately liked Alanya. Low houses, a lot of greenery, a pretty embankment.

Ataturk Boulevard - the main street of Alanya

My hotel called Mirage was the last one, and it really turned out to be a mirage for me, because when I arrived there, the boy at the reception said that the hotel was not ready for guests to check in (why was it confirmed then?), and I would be placed in another hotel, closer to the center . And they took me there in a car.

My new hotel was called Neray and it certainly wasn't heaven. In the center of it was a light well, with four rings-floors around the perimeter.

Neray Hotel

Light well inside the building

On the first floor there was a reception and a dining room. There was also an outdoor pool. I arrived just in time for dinner, so that the entire small audience of Neray was assembled - about 15 people, all Russian speakers, and everyone arrived the night before on one flight.

The range of dishes was poor, and somehow I was even surprised, because I did not expect such modesty from Turkey. One meat dish, tomatoes, cucumbers, grated carrots, herbs and for dessert - cut oranges. On the other hand, I thought, it’s even good for me - at least a little “I’ll go into the shores.” Rolls and sweets are absolutely useless.

After dinner, the clerk and I went to check me in and could not find a room without flaws. In the end, I settled on the room with the least number of them - it just did not close the door to the balcony and the panel from the shower was torn off. “It’s okay, the water after the shower will then leak into the hole on the floor,” the boy promised. “And no one will climb onto the balcony: the fourth floor.” He was sad and big-eyed and resembled the melancholy donkey Eeyore. Uzbek, as it turned out.

My number

View from the window

Okay, time is running out, and I'm wasting it on such uninteresting things. I quickly packed my bag and headed to the beach.

Cleopatra beach

I previously studied the map of Alanya and knew that I had to go to Cleopatra Beach for swimming, which starts on the right side of the Ayudaga mountain. Strictly speaking, the part of the beach adjacent to the mountain on the map is designated as Dalmatas beach (the Dalmatas cave is also located there), which then turns into Cleopatra beach, but in fact it is the same sandy strip.

The beaches in Alanya are municipal, they stretch for many kilometers on both sides of the mountain - a continuous strip, without breaking into pieces of hotel beaches. Entrance to the beaches is free. Sunbed rental - 2 lira (about 40 rubles). But many vacationers lie on the sand on their towels. There is no charge for the use of showers and changing cabins.

All days the weather was sunny and warm, up to 24-25 degrees. Sea - 19-20. True, heavy clouds hung over the mountains on the first day, but they did not reach the city.

Cleopatra's beach is considered the best beach Alanya. The sunset is sandy, the water is purest, of an unusual fresh blue hue.

Cleopatra beach

Waves with lambs beat against the shore, but how can they stop a man who has arrived from the north! I rush into the water and now I'm swinging up and down on high waves - in the company of a few teenagers.

The prudent public lies on the beach and absorbs the sun and sea air with their skin. Also good!

Embankment of Alanya

After swimming, I walk along the embankment. May 1st is also a holiday in Turkey. Everyone is resting. Someone is sitting on the grass under the trees, spreading a tablecloth with food, someone is walking along the alleys.

Park area stretches along the beach

Exercise machines are installed on the embankment; you can exercise on each of them as you pass by. There are sports grounds in succession: volleyball, basketball - and passions boil on each of them. Tennis tables are also not empty.

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