How to make a pleasant surprise for a girl. “I want to be different for her!” Best recipe of the month

Family and relationships 07.11.2017
Family and relationships

Despite the fact that the fair sex, as you know, loves with their ears, from time to time men need to reinforce compliments and declarations of love with gifts made just like that, for no reason.

Of course, a very small number of representatives of the strong half of humanity on this planet can regularly present yachts, diamonds and cars to their loved ones, so the rest have to show imagination and creativity. So, what kind of small gift can be presented to a girl so that he gives her maximum pleasure?

There is not much

If you take a closer look, then the life of every girl consists of various useful and pleasant little things, and among them there are things about which one can safely say “it never happens much”. Of course, she will most likely not like the fifth keychain or the eighth purse, but another bottle of perfume, a beautiful belt, a handbag or a set of lower ones will certainly not be superfluous. The most important thing is that this will not happen again, unless your girlfriend, of course, collects a collection of any items.

Favorite hobby

Almost every girl has a small hobby, which can be used to make her small, a pleasant surprise. For example, if your soulmate is fond of embroidery, you can give her a set with a cute picture, if she likes knitting - knitting needles or threads, but for lovers of cooking, a small set of spices, a sushi mat or even a special vegetable peeler is perfect. In general, the choice here is very large - in any specialized store, the seller will tell you the best option.

In addition, if a girl is fond of sports, she can be presented with something related to training: for example, small dumbbells, hula hoops, thermal underwear for training in the cold season, etc. True, you need to be very careful with such a present: some girls may well take it as a hint that it's time to go on a diet.

Cosmetics and beauty

It is very difficult to find a representative of the fair sex who would not love cosmetics. If you do not know the tastes of your significant other, you can try to give her something original: for example, golden or silver shadows, glitter powder, nail polish that changes color, etc.

Universal gifts can be called hand cream, body lotion or manicure set. But it is not recommended to give face creams and shampoos - it is not at all a fact that you will not be mistaken with the type of hair or skin type of your chosen one.

Auto Lady Gifts

Nowadays, many women are no less avid motorists than men. At the same time, they take care of their cars very carefully, that is, the present can be associated precisely with this hobby. A bottle of shampoo for washing a car, a “herringbone” with her favorite scent or a special “car” cup for coffee will surely appeal to a car lady.

plush friends

Plush toys are considered the perfect gift for any girl. Indeed, even the most serious business woman will surely smile at the sight of a cute cat or bear.

Eternal Rose from "Beauty and the Beast" - an amazing gift for lovely ladies

Trend of 2017! A rose in a flask that will not wither for 5 years, thanks to a special stabilization technology. Gift wrapping and engraving with your text!

The range of such gifts today is very large - you can even choose some functional product: for example, one that can serve as a pillow, or an anti-stress toy that is fashionable in our time.

Bouquet and candy gifts

Flowers and sweets are another common gift that men often present to their loved ones. However, in the case of such a seemingly banal present, you can show originality and creativity. For example, bouquets of sweets or fruits are an excellent presentation option - they can be ordered at almost any confectionery or on a specialized website, and there will be just a lot of positive emotions from such a gift.

If you still want to give your girlfriend a beautiful rose, do it in the most romantic way. For example, a flower can be previously hidden in a secluded place, and then include this place in the route of your joint walk. Approaching him, ask the girl to close her eyes, then take the flower out of the cache and hand it to your beloved. True, the place must be chosen in such a way that someone else does not “take it away”, or a too diligent janitor does not throw it away.

For two

Another very romantic and interesting version of a small gift is the so-called paired souvenirs. They are various small items (pendants, key chains, etc.) that can be divided into two parts, leaving one of them for yourself, and giving the second to your beloved. Thus, you will have a beautiful symbol of your endless and shared love.

Photo Variations

Couples who have been dating for a long time are sure to have photos together that can be a good basis for a little surprise. Mugs, t-shirts, glasses with your image or a beautiful collage - modern technologies allow you to choose absolutely everything that your heart desires.


very romantic and original gift there will be one that is created by one's own hands. Nowadays, even those who have never attended the Skillful Hands circle will not have problems with such a present.

In modern stores you can get a variety of sets with detailed instructions: It can be making candles, soaps, photo frames, beaded jewelry, and even painting pictures. From a man it will be nice to receive gifts created with his own hands from wood or metal. For example, wooden roses. Believe me, even if something doesn’t work out for you, not a single woman can resist any present that you spend time and effort on.

Those who do not have the desire to engage in manual creativity can choose the easiest way - to cook a romantic dinner for their beloved. Find on the Internet a master class on cooking some dish (by the way, making the same sushi is not difficult at all - you just need to choose the right products and follow the recipe exactly), and surprise your beloved with your culinary skills.

We give emotions

A small gift for a girl may well be associated not with some material thing, but with feelings and emotions. The scope for fantasy in this case is also very large: for example, you can arrange a romantic evening in some special place - on the seashore, river, or even on the roof of a high-rise building. In this case, you do not have to make special preparations: bedspreads, a bottle of wine and two glasses will be enough. Also, a sung song with a guitar can be a surprise for a girl. Moreover, it will be very nice if the song is original and composed by you.

For lovers of extreme sports, a good gift would be a bungee jump or tickets to some attraction. True, in this case, do not forget that you will have to go on such an exciting adventure together, so if you are afraid of heights or doubt your vestibular apparatus, it would be better to choose another gift option.

When making a small gift to your girlfriend, it is very important to remember the surroundings in which you will present it. A simple and banal postcard, accompanied by a sincere, beautiful declaration of love, can melt the heart of even the coldest and most unapproachable beauty.

Only actions can demonstrate all your care and open your heart. By organizing a small, but unusual surprise for a girl, you can please her and let her know about your feelings.

Don't know how to surprise a girl? There are many different options, choosing between an expensive gift and an adventure just for two, it is better to choose the latter. Gifts are very nice, but rather banal. A girl will experience completely different feelings if you make a surprise for her beloved and give her a colorful and vivid memory.

What a surprise to make a girl: 4 great ideas

  1. Rooftop table for two. When deciding what surprise to give your wife, be sure to think about dinner on the roof of the building, because this is a great idea for a romantic date. Just imagine how surprised your loved one will be. Enticing city lights, sunset and, of course, dancing under starry sky- the main components of the evening. To organize such a surprise for a girl, you need to prepare a light dinner, take care of the music and be sure to take a blanket with you.
  2. Tram or bus. Thinking out how to surprise a girl, you can give free rein to your imagination and not be afraid to be funny. Just imagine - your beloved returns home after a hard day's work, a bus or tram pulls up to her, from which you get out and invite her to go inside. And there are a lot of balls, rose petals are on the floor and a beautiful table is set. You can also invite musicians who will complement the overall picture. Such surprises for your girlfriend will be able to show her the strength of your feelings and you will want such a journey to last forever.
  3. Library. Such a place is considered very unexpected and original. Such an unusual surprise for the girl will be just right during the session, when she gets very tired and constantly sits at the books. You can escort her to the library by offering to help with her studies, where a delicious dinner will be waiting for you. The main thing when arranging a similar romantic surprise for a girl is to make sure that she does not have serious blockages in her studies, and she can spend several hours with you and give her brain a rest.
  4. Picnic. Deciding what surprise to give a girl in warm time year, you should definitely pay attention to a picnic date. Just make the invitation to it original. Let the girl be met on the street by a person in an interesting costume, for example, a rabbit and give a beautifully designed message and a bouquet of carrots to boot, or a carriage will be waiting for her near work, which will take her to the meeting place. Such an interesting surprise will definitely please her.

A little more about surprises for your girlfriend

When choosing what kind of surprise to make to your wife or girlfriend, first of all, you need to take into account her interests. You can go anywhere - to a restaurant, cinema, cafeteria or horseback riding. The main thing to remember when making pleasant surprises for a girl is to think about her. If this is a restaurant, then memories should be associated with it, if a movie should be her favorite and it’s good when her favorite cakes are served in a cafe.

You are a young and very loving person. Or not very young, but also in love. Your beloved has a holiday soon: a birthday, for example, or March 8th. You've already decided what to give her. However, you can’t decide on a congratulation and a way to present a gift.

Wanna do surprise girlfriend to make the holiday unforgettable for her? Surprise? Or maybe even dumbfound? Although you need to be more careful with this - a subtle girl's psyche can react negatively to your super-mega-creative.

Are you thinking about how to congratulate a girl in an original way , but only banal things come to mind? Remember: many girls are most touched by platitudes - the same ones that are sung about in songs and shown in movies.

For example, a million scarlet roses - as old as the world, but always relevant. And let it be not a million roses, but a million petals - this will make an equally strong impression on the girl. Serenades under the windows are also banal, but the girl's heart will not resist.

In a word, you can surprise and delight a girl with a banality, the main thing is that it should be unexpected and pleasant for her. Perhaps you will find something suitable for yourself in our list of ideas - both trivial and more or less original. And let your happy birthday greetings to your beloved will be the most romantic for her!

How to originally congratulate a girl on her birthday, March 8 or Valentine's Day: surprise ideas for your beloved

1. Surprise quest

There are a lot of options here. First you need to write a script for the action. Decide what will be the finale of the "quest": presenting a gift, presenting a gift plus fireworks, dinner at a restaurant, or something else. Accordingly, decide on a place that will become the purpose of your girlfriend's trip.

And then figure out how to direct it to that place. To get started, you can put a letter under her door with an invitation to go outside or just send an SMS. On the street, right on the pavement, you can draw arrows with paint. The arrows can lead her to a decorated car that will take her to the right place, where the girl will find some more signs. Well, then - the enchanting finale.

You can attract friends: for example, one of the friends will be the driver, the other will meet her and, handing a bouquet of flowers, tell her where to go next. The third will be waiting for the girl with a congratulatory poster in her hands and a postcard. Well, then you will come out to her with a gift. And at that moment, the fourth friend will set off fireworks or shower you with confetti, after which all friends will sing a serenade.

The script can be anything. This version of congratulations is suitable for a young perky girl who loves any surprises.

2. Video greeting - a surprise for your girlfriend

Long before the holiday, start making video preparations, filming your beloved in different circumstances and angles. Before the holiday, edit a touching mini-movie dedicated to the girl and your love for her. If you are “on you” with a computer, you will succeed. Try to make it really beautiful and soulful.

Upload the video to Youtube or other video hosting. On the morning of the holiday, she received an e-card and a link to the page with the video - it will be a wonderful surprise for her. She will first be touched, then shed tears, and then send a link to the video to all her girlfriends. And in the evening, when you come to give her a material gift, she will thank you with a hot kiss.

3. Congratulations outside the window

You get up as early as possible and write a congratulation or a declaration of love under the window of your girlfriend. What to write? Paint, but not on asphalt, but on snow. On the pavement, you can put her name and the word "love" from flowers or rose petals, unless, of course, there is a strong wind.

If she lives on a high floor, you can do this: you take an extra, put a red hat on each and put them so that you get a figure in the form big heart. From above, it will look spectacular, especially if the heart is not static - let the “red caps” attracted by you gently sway, raise their hands in sync, etc.

The inscription outside the window can be done in the evening. For this, there are special luminous paints. Congratulations can be laid out from floating ones - you will need a lot of them, literally several hundred. But the effect is worth it. Spread the name, set fire to all the candles and get ready to catch the enthusiasm.

As soon as a congratulation or confession is written - no matter what and how - you immediately need to call the girl on mobile phone and ask to look out the window. Of course, you need to be sure that she is at home.

4. Romantic evening on the roof

Look for an open roof more or less suitable for creating a romantic setting. Decorate as you like. Think about how you will sit. Buy champagne, cake. Involve an assistant: let him be on duty on the roof and guard the decor and treats.

Go after the girl yourself and figure out how to lure her to the roof: say, for example, that you recently discovered an unusual star in the sky that reminds you of her. And you can only see this star from above.

When you go up to the roof, she will find that a romantic evening awaits her. If she asks where is that wonderful star, point to the sky and say that any of these beautiful stars reminds you of your loved one.

5. Decorate her room

Try to get into her room while she is sleeping or absent. Decorate the room with rose petals, flowers and helium balloons, each with a note with a sincere compliment and words of love.

6. Promote your girlfriend

Order the production of a billboard or streamer with her photo and congratulations. For example: “Marishka, my love, I congratulate you on your birthday” or “The most wonderful girl on planet Earth has a birthday today! Love you!". Rent a billboard or streamer for a few days. Have her see them from her window or drive through them on her way to work. Today it is not so expensive, especially if the girl you love does not live in the city center.

7. Gift through the window

Use the service of "industrial climbers" - let a person in the form of a courier knock early in the morning not on the door, but on the window and hand over a bouquet of flowers and greeting card from you. Actual if the girl lives on a high floor.

8. Congratulatory flashmob

Let all your friends and acquaintances on her birthday send her one SMS with a different congratulatory text (who cares what). However, the signature in each SMS will be yours. The more friends and acquaintances you have, the more effective the flash mob will be. Imagine: she will receive a hundred SMS from different numbers in a day - and they are all “from you”.

9. Shower her with congratulations

Congratulate her exactly as many times as she turns.

For example (from morning to evening):

  • congratulations outside the window;
  • congratulations on the phone;
  • SMS in verse;
  • romantic email;
  • electronic postcard;
  • paper postcard by courier;
  • flowers by courier;
  • voice postcard on the phone;
  • postal telegram;
  • link to video greeting;
  • a poster with congratulations at the exit from her work;
  • balloons on her car and an envelope with a postcard on windshield and so on.

Final congratulations - personally, eye to eye. She will definitely not forget such a surprise on her holiday. Fantasize!

10. Original presentation of flowers

Order beautiful bouquet with one artificial flower. It is important that he does not stand out from the rest. Put a small postcard into the bouquet, writing a congratulation in it and the following words: “I will love you until the last petal of this bouquet withers.” The girl will be perplexed, because the flowers can wither in a week. But when she discovers that one of the flowers is eternal, she will understand and appreciate your words. It is with a calm disposition. A bitch, having read and not understanding, maybe with a bouquet and in the face ...

11. Draw - a surprise for your beloved

You can use acquaintances whom she does not know. Well, or pay for the work of professional actors. Think about how you can play it.

Here is a simple example: tell her to come to the cafe where you have booked a table. Warn her you'll be a little late, but let her wait. When she is sitting in a cafe, a man in a police uniform will come up to her and show her Your photo and asks if she knows this person. It doesn't matter what she answers: the policeman will invite her to go with him. Of course, he must be as serious as possible.

The uniformed man will ask her to get into a nearby car to identify one thing. When she gets into the car, music will be heard, and the policemen sitting in the car will shout “Happy Birthday” in chorus and hand it to her. Then they will report that the man with the photo is delayed and asked very much to congratulate his girlfriend. When she returns to the cafe, you will already be there.

Make up a script for the prank, based on your capabilities and the character of the girl.

12. Wanted!

Prepare an ad layout with her photo and some text like this:

Print out several copies and hang them on the doors of the entrances to her and neighboring houses, as well as on the doors of the office where she works or the institute where she studies.

13. If finances don't sing romances...

Money - full pockets? It's even easier for you. You can arrange any: for example, organize a dinner in a helicopter or a horse ride together.

Buy all the seats in the VIP hall of the cinema and pay for a short video about your love for her to be shown before the movie. Then you will watch a movie, drink champagne and kiss. At the end of the session, give her a gift.

14. Romantic evening at your home

If you want to invite her to your place, prepare an apartment. What do girls love? Banal rose petals, a bath with aromatic foam, champagne, a declaration of love and a gift.

Buy pink sticky notes - a hundred or more. Write a confession and a compliment on each one, but don't repeat yourself. Paste these pieces of paper throughout the apartment, even in the most unexpected places. She will be delighted.

15. Romantic picnic

In the warm season, choose beautiful place outside the city, preferably near a small body of water. Decorate the clearing with balls, sky lanterns, paper garlands. Prepare flower wreaths and floating candles. Put everything you need for a picnic in the car: folding furniture, a bottle of wine, a basket of food and utensils, napkins, etc.

Invite your loved one on a date, but warn her to dress in comfortable clothes. When she comes out, blindfold her and ask her to trust you. Take her to the clearing and untie her eyes. Having quickly prepared everything for a picnic, congratulate your beloved and invite her to an impromptu table. Then you can launch flower bouquets and lit floating candles into the pond, and send air lanterns into the sky.

16. Arrange a romantic date in a limousine

You need to rent it for at least 2-3 hours. Take care of decoration, champagne, light snacks. Come up with some surprise for your loved one, for example.

No matter how old a person is, deep down he still remains a child. He wants to be pleased, surprised and taken care of him. That is why many people up to a certain age treat their birthday in a special way, expecting surprises and fulfillment of desires from it. And men, despite all their equanimity and seeming impenetrability, are no exception here. But loving woman you may not have to wait for a few days a year when you can fulfill the dream of your loved one, but arrange an unforgettable day for him at any moment. If you want to surprise your chosen one, give him happy moments, become a sorceress for him, prepare surprises for him when you yourself want it.

What a surprise to make a loved one

If in the foreground for you is the desire to maintain a harmonious relationship with your loved one, no matter how much time you are together, then learn to listen to his desires and needs. A man who constantly feels attention from his beloved will answer her with even greater reciprocity than before. In addition, surprises that will help show this attention will be an indicator of your ingenuity. And such women cause admiration in a man and a desire to unravel their many secrets.

We will share some ideas with you:

Oil burner:

  1. Buy an aroma lamp.
  2. Study (carefully) the instruction to it.
  3. Choose favorite place in the room or apartment of a loved one.
  4. Wait for your loved one to come home from work.
  5. Turn on this lamp when your loved one is next to her.
  6. Give him genuine smiles.

Warm scarf:

  1. Buy good (quality) threads.
  2. Buy knitting needles.
  3. Think about whether you know how to knit (if you don’t know how, learn).
  4. Start knitting your favorite scarf.
  5. When you finish knitting, sew three buttons onto the scarf.

Leaves on which the words are written:

  1. Buy a lot of multi-colored leaves (better - leaflets - stickers).
  2. Write on each of them some beautiful phrase (“I adore you”, “I missed you to madness”, “I adore you”, “you are the most the best man”,“ It’s impossible for me without you ”,“ you are very beautiful ”,“ thank you for being with me now”).
  3. Post these leaflets throughout the apartment.

Air balloons:

  1. Buy a sea of ​​snow-white balloons.
  2. Inflate all these balloons (carefully so as not to burst).
  3. Carry balloons to his car quietly.
  4. Decorate it (with balloons) as you wish.

Matrix (screen) for a laptop:

  1. Collect enough money.
  2. Get a matrix.
  3. Find time to go and change it.
  4. Enjoy the result and the joy of your loved one.

Photo session of a loved one:

  1. Give the guy the flag of his favorite football team.
  2. Wait until the day when the TV will have to broadcast the match of this team.
  3. Invite your loved one to take a picture with the flag.
  4. Tell him to put a photo (the most successful one) with a flag on the avatar "VKontakte".


  1. Persuade the guy to take a walk with you.
  2. Take him to some ski center.
  3. Rent some tubing.
  4. Admit to the guy that this was all made up for him.
  5. Have fun every minute of your extreme time.

Shopping for clothes for yourself:

  1. Go to a clothing store.
  2. Buy something pretty and seductive in the shop (for yourself, but for his sake).
  3. Do a general house cleaning.
  4. Beloved wait from work.
  5. Feed him a delicious but ordinary dinner.
  6. Change into the outfit you bought while splashing around in the bathroom.


  1. Find an unusual key from your grandmother or in the attic.
  2. Sew a pillow (heart-shaped).
  3. Give the guy a pillow and a key.
  4. Tell him that you give him your heart and a "master key" from him.


  1. Collect a lot of money.
  2. Buy twenty to thirty (possibly more) bottles of champagne.
  3. Wait for the guy to return from work (or school).
  4. Fill the tub with champagne (instead of water).
  5. Take him to the bath.


  1. Take a large piece of paper (landscape).
  2. Take a lot of paints, felt-tip pens and pencils.
  3. Draw some big and bright drawing.
  4. Present it when you are sure that it is more than ready.

What gifts can be a real surprise for a loved one:

  1. Plasticine figurine. What figurine to make? Any. You just need to choose expressive colors so that it is not boring to look at it.
  2. Training apparatus. It can be any (for anything) simulator! But consider the dimensions so that there is where to put it.
  3. A set of handkerchiefs. Modestly? But he will not think that you can give such a gift! Necessary thing and never redundant.
  4. Bike. You can ride it together. This is a wonderful surprise on wheels! The guy will be delighted with him despite the fact that he already has an expensive and favorite car!
  5. Ashtray. It will be relevant if your loved one belongs to smokers. If not, then don't give it.
  6. Tetris. It will remind you of your childhood. The guy will be delighted, even if he is already over thirty by age "passed".
  7. Wristwatch. Don't chase the price! If you see an unusual watch - buy it! True, you also need to take into account the attitude of your loved one to the watch.
  8. Huge pie or cake. Don't have time to stand in the kitchen by yourself? Order in the store or in the Internet store such a "charm"!
  9. Notebook. One (which he already has) he will use for work, and the second for everything else. Many guys dream of such surprises!
  10. Anything collectible. Remember (ask) what he likes to collect. Having replenished his collection with at least something small, you will make your loved one very happy!
  11. Constructor. Probably, the guy didn’t play enough of them when he was little! And if he played enough, then in his " kids time There were definitely no such toys! You'll see how happy and surprised he will be with the surprise! The constructor will have a rather constructive effect on it.
  12. Soft toy. There are wonderful toys (huge sizes) that can be used as pillows, armchairs or a sofa.
  13. Alarm clock (flying). He will be immensely grateful to you for such a gift - a surprise. After all, it is quite difficult for men to get up (wake up) in the morning. And you will make his life easier with your surprise.
  14. Wall - TV. Put it in place of the old one that stands and gathers dust in the corner.
  15. Mini-bar or mini-fridge. Many men dream of this. After all, they want to relax sometimes.
  16. Board game. Choose any! The main thing is that you present it unusually, unexpectedly.
  17. Clothes hanger. Let it have at least ten hooks. And it's okay if it is a little "glamorous" (decorated). And men love pretty things.
  18. What worthy surprise can you make to your loved one? - Ring (gold). Give this to your loved one if he likes gold. You can also give a silver one, if he is more supportive of silver. You can also donate a chain!

Switch. . .

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