Who will be born to Daria Pynzar. Daria Pynzar: “Birth occurs in the life of every woman

Helpful Hints 20.06.2019
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Former participant in the show "Dom-2" Daria Pynzar gave birth to a boy, whom she and her husband Sergei want to call David.

May 16 in the family former members"Dom-2" of Sergei and Daria Pynzar, there was a replenishment in the family - the couple had a second son, whom his parents named David.

Daria gave birth in Moscow at the Perinatal Medical Center "Mother and Child" on Sevastopol Avenue. Mom and baby are doing great.

“Seryozha and I decided to name our son according to Christmas time. On May 15, these are Yegor, Boris, Gleb, Mikhail, David. I like the last name the most. Yes, it is not Russian, but Hebrew, but I think, if you like it, you don’t need to pay attention to it. Also, David is very unusual name, this is also its plus. In the meantime, we are not 100% sure of our choice, we call our son Sergeyich, ”said Daria.

Daria says that during the second birth, which lasted 4 hours, she made an unusual discovery for herself.

“Do not believe me, the hammock saved me! The usual red hammock that I had in the ward. Doctors advised me to sit in it during contractions, and it helped me a lot, I almost did not feel pain! Still, of course, this is a huge merit of doctors. They, one might say, “gave birth” to a baby for me in just three attempts. It hurt me only quite a bit, until the “epidural” was done and only then, just before the appearance of my son. I am indescribably delighted with the hospital, I advise everyone to give birth here! ”, She said.

All the time of childbirth, Daria's husband Sergey did not leave her for a minute.

“He supported me, spoke affectionate words. Stroking his head, holding his hand. Serezha cut the umbilical cord and immediately took the baby in his arms. And when I saw the child, I immediately realized that he was a copy of Theme, one to one, only dark. And in terms of weight, he is even larger than Tema - 2750 grams, and the weight of the first son at birth was 2530 grams. The height of the younger brother is 50 cm, a little more than the older one was at birth - 47 cm, ”said Daria.

Dasha's eldest child Artem, who will turn 5 in July, has not yet seen his younger brother.

“The son accompanied me to the hospital with tears. Worried about how I would be there, what would happen to me? He said: “Mom, you hold on!”, And my heart was already shrinking. And in the evening, when Seryozha returned home after giving birth, without me, Theme could not hold back his tears. He began, sniffling, to get ready, to dress: “Dad, I'll go to my mother! I want to go to her!” Seryozha barely reassured him ... My husband decided that for the time being it would be better for me not to call him, otherwise he would hear my voice and burst into tears again, ”said Daria Pynzar.

An extract from the maternity hospital of a young mother with a newborn will take place tomorrow.

“From the hospital, we will immediately go home. I really want to quickly go to my native walls, and I really missed my eldest son, ”said the star of the reality show.

Published on 15.05.16 22:33

"House 2", news and rumors 05/16/2016: Daria Pynzar gave birth to her second child

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The star of the scandalous television project "Dom 2" Daria Pynzar gave birth to a boy on May 15, 2016. The birth went well and ended at 5:53 pm.

The second boy was born in the family of Daria and Sergey Pynzar. The weight of the baby at birth was 2.730 kg, and the height was 50 cm. It is known that the head of the family was also present at the clinic during childbirth.

“Like any girl, I was worried about how the birth would go, whether everything would be fine with the baby. But I set myself up for good, for intcbatch positive. I am very grateful to my husband Seryozha, who was with me all the time of childbirth and supported me. It was so important for me to go through childbirth together! We are just incredibly happy, now we have real euphoria from what is happening!" - Daria Pynzar told her fans.

Daria Pynzar gave birth to her second child PHOTO

The exact name of the newborn has yet to be announced. It is known that the family wanted to name the first son German, but when the boy was born, Daria and Sergey realized that the name Artemy was more suitable for him.

Daria Pynzar with her husband and newborn son

One of the most famous participants in the reality show became a mother. The second son of the ex-star "House-2" was born on May 15 at 17:53. Baby's height is 50 cm, weight is 2.73 kg.

Interestingly, this event happened exactly on the eve of the premiere of the Pregnant project, where the blonde, in the company of other star participants, took part. The baby was born the day before the appointed date. Initially, Dasha herself expected to give birth on May 16th. True, she soon ceased to be so sure of the timing, since she even endured her first child. In addition, the young mother wanted to avoid other troubles.

“We already had unpleasant moments associated with information about my birth. When even on the official website on our behalf they wrote that I had given birth. Although I was still pregnant at the time. After that, accusations began to fall on us that we were deceiving people, although I did not deceive anyone. Therefore, now we have decided not to name any dates in order to avoid such troubles, ”Daria told the site a few days before the birth.

By the way, the blonde was a little worried before important event, which she admitted publicly: “Like any woman, I had fears about how the birth would go, whether everything would be fine with the baby. But I tried to think less about it and set myself up for the positive. I would like to say a special thank you to my husband Sergey, who was by my side throughout the process and supported me. It was very important for me to go through this together! Now we are incredibly happy and are in a state of euphoria from what is happening, ”Pynzar shared her emotions.

Dasha still hasn't chosen a name for the boy. She hopes that insight will come to her in the near future. The situation was similar with the first child. For a long time, she and her husband Sergei planned to call him German, but when they saw the baby, they realized that the boy was actually Artem. By the way, the child, who is already five years old, was really looking forward to his brother, whom he asked for "as a gift." “The order was received - the order was completed,” a participant in the Pregnant program joked. “We started preparing him for the arrival of a second child at the planning stage. We tried to make Artem and his brother friends in advance and even promised him that the baby would come to him with gifts. We bought them in advance and handed them to Tema right at the hospital. He was happy".

The family has already fully prepared for the birth of the child, having bought everything necessary. According to Dasha, she does not belong to the category of people who, fearing a bad omen, do not buy anything in advance. Now the newborn baby and mother feel well and are waiting for discharge from the hospital.

Daria Pynzar

Eight years of this girl's life passed in front of television cameras. In a reality show, she found her love, got married and gave birth to a son, Artem. May 15 . Her birth also hit the reality show, but this time dedicated to the expectation of replenishment in the family..

Interesting position always make adjustments in life. How has your life changed with your second pregnancy?

We are in a hurry to renovate our home. Bought a townhouse but haven't moved in yet. We plan to do this closer to the new year. We dream that our newborn boy will already be comfortable in the new house. I want to make it in light colors. I really love minimalism: when there is a minimum of color, things and furniture.

How are you feeling a few days before the baby is born?

- I feel good. Vigorously. And no nausea either. Maybe because I'm busy all the time. Although in the first pregnancy there was toxicosis. The only thing that is difficult for me to do now is put on my own shoes. I can't wear heels. The clothing style has changed. But nothing else has changed: neither character nor temperament. Although, maybe I just don't notice it. (Smiling.)

- And who helps you put on shoes?

Husband, of course! Who else! (Smiles.) We are constantly together, and my husband supports me in everything. Moreover, he really wanted a second child, he asked me. It was his initiative. And of course, he protects me: I feel protected and supported. I have such a character: if I had known that they would not give me this, I would hardly have agreed to a second birth. Security and comfort are important to me. I don't breed in uncomfortable conditions. (Laughs.) And in general, I think everything is manifested in small things. And comfort too. At least in a pregnant woman. The husband must understand everything and be patient with this. To the fact that I, for example, toss and turn, wake him up if I feel uncomfortable lying down.

How does your son feel about having a brother?

- Artem is now four years old. When we were still at the planning stage of pregnancy, we said that we wanted to have a brother or sister for him. They asked if he wanted to. Artem answered: “Yes, I want a brother.” Actually, the request was accepted and fulfilled.

- You have a solid experience of participating in reality shows. Nevertheless, waiting for childbirth in front of the cameras is the choice of a brave girl. How was the filming process?

- Actually, it's simple. A person with a camera is assigned to you, and that's it. Nothing supernatural happens. Besides, I got used to such things: I spent eight years on a reality show. I knew what I was getting into. Cameras do not bother me: what they are, what they are not - I feel very comfortable in front of them. I'm surprised when people decide on something, and then they don't like it and they grumble. I am an adult woman who weighs all the pros and cons. I immediately knew that I needed it, even when the TV channel was not sure. (Laughs) But I convinced them.

- Doesn't it bother you that too intimate moments get into the frame?

- I do not see anything shameful in pregnancy or childbirth. Well, they will show there moments of ultrasound or how I am lying in the doctor's room. For me, this is normal. It happens in every woman's life. I wanted to participate in this, to remember for myself. For my baby to see when he grows up.

- And in a reality show where love is built, will they no longer see you?

- I have already left Dom-2. Maybe we will visit there. But as participants they will not see us there. We have been living at home for two years and only come to the TV set. We have already spent many years there. How can? If we didn't have a child, we could spend at least a whole day there. But discussing other people's problems when you already have your own family is somehow ridiculous. When the baby was born, we realized that we needed to move on, we had different ideas, and we began to implement them. We had to earn money for the children and for the house, which we eventually bought.

- During the filming of "Pregnant" were there many funny moments?

“They put a camera in our car, and we had to stop at the request of the traffic cop. As a result, this traffic police officer got into the frame, and he did not even know that he was being filmed. And still doesn't know. Big hello to him, because a good young man turned out to be ...

- Your friend Ksenia Borodina recently became a mother for the second time. Did she share her pregnancy tips with you?

- Of course, I shared it. I even give birth to her doctor. I listened to her advice, because she was very pleased with the birth, everything went perfectly for her. I think that's what all friends do, help each other.

Yesterday, a replenishment happened in the family of ex-participants of the Dom-2 television program Sergey and Daria Pynzar - the second son of the couple was born. A joyful event took place in the Perinatal Medical Center "Mother and Child" on Sevastopol Avenue. Mom and baby are doing great today. True, while the boy's parents have not decided what to call him.

“Seryozha and I decided to name our son according to Christmas time,” Dasha shares. - On May 15, these are Yegor, Boris, Gleb, Mikhail, David. I like the last name the most. Yes, it is not Russian, but Hebrew, but I think, if you like it, you don’t need to pay attention to it. In addition, David is a very unusual name, this is also his plus. In the meantime, we are not 100% sure of our choice, we call our son Sergeyich ... "

Daria says that during the second birth, which lasted 4 hours, she made an unusual discovery for herself. “Do not believe me, the hammock saved me! says the young mother. - The usual red hammock that I had in the ward. Doctors advised me to sit in it during contractions, and it helped me a lot, I almost did not feel pain! Still, of course, this is a huge merit of doctors. They, one might say, “gave birth” to a baby for me in just three attempts. It hurt me only quite a bit, until the “epidural” was done and only then, just before the appearance of my son. I am indescribably delighted with the hospital, I advise everyone to give birth here!”

All the time of childbirth, the husband of Daria Sergey did not leave his beloved for a minute.

“He supported me, spoke kind words,” says a participant in the reality show “Pregnant” on the Domashny TV channel. He stroked his head and held his hand. Serezha cut the umbilical cord and immediately took the baby in his arms. And when I saw the child, I immediately realized that he was a copy of Theme, one to one, only dark. And in terms of weight, he is even larger than Tema - 2750 grams, and the weight of the first son at birth was 2530 grams. The height of the younger brother is 50 cm, a little more than the older one was at birth - 47 cm.

Dasha's eldest child Artem, who will turn 5 in July, has not yet seen his younger brother. “My son accompanied me to the hospital with tears,” says Dasha. - Worried about how I would be there, what would happen to me? He said: “Mommy, hold on!”, And my heart was already shrinking ... And in the evening, when Seryozha returned home after giving birth, without me, Theme could not hold back his tears. He began, sniffling, to get ready, to dress: “Dad, I'll go to my mother! I want to go to her!” Seryozha barely reassured him ... My husband decided that for the time being it would be better for me not to call him, otherwise he would hear my voice and burst into tears again.

The discharge of a young mother with a newborn will take place this Wednesday. “We will immediately go home from the maternity hospital,” Dasha shares her plans. “I really want to go back to my native walls, and I really missed my eldest son…”

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