What watch to buy. What is the best watch to buy

Technique and Internet 25.10.2017
Technique and Internet

Wristwatches have been worn for a long time not to determine the time by them, watches have become a necessary attribute of a successful man, which speaks of his taste, wealth and social status...

In order to find out the time, you can also use a cell phone, if you want to buy yourself wrist watch, then in no case do not buy cheap watches, made in China or fakes of famous brands. Do not disgrace yourself and do not spare money, if you are going to buy yourself a watch for a small amount, then it is better not to buy at all. A wristwatch is such an accessory that you should not spare money!

So the most important question! What watch to choose? First of all, remember that a good branded watch can never be cheap if you find a watch somewhere well-known brand the cost of which is several times less than its real price, then this should alert you, most likely it is just a good fake. Never buy watches in the markets or in underground passages, do it only in specialized stores!

The best men's watch companies

The most popular manufacturers of men's watches this is among the Swiss - Certina, Longines, Tissot. Japanese - Seiko, Citizen, Casio, Orient and Korean production - Romanson, Essence!

When making a choice, consider first of all your style and lifestyle. Of course, there should be several good hours in order to be able to choose the most suitable ones, for example, for everyday use or for any significant event. But of course, not everyone can afford it, so I can advise you a compromise option, you can buy men's watches of a sporty-classic type, which will go well with both ordinary clothes and a business suit. You can choose watches from Certina, Tissot, or Seiko; it will cost you from 12,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Swiss watches are considered the best in the world. Therefore, if you want to stand out and show everyone how successful and rich you are, then you can choose Longines watches (Longines). Such watches will cost from 90,000 rubles and much more.

What type of mechanism to choose?

So well, now let's decide on the type of mechanism. As you already know, there are several basic types of watches − mechanical quartz and electronic.

In mechanical watches a tightly wound spring serves as a power source, the problem of mechanical watches is that the spring unwinds at an uneven speed, so the clock may not show the time quite accurately. In order to remove this error, manufacturers use a device called automatic winding, this is when the spring is pulled up by itself, for example, from the movement of the hand when walking. but such a device rarely relieves the owner of the watch from manual winding, since this mechanism is not effective when the watch is used rarely or when it is sedentary. Mechanical watches are sensitive to weather conditions and dust, but with careful use and the necessary prevention, they can serve you for a very long time.

In quartz watch to bring the mechanism into action, a conventional or solar battery is used, and the oscillatory system of the mechanism is replaced by a quartz crystal. Quartz watches, unlike mechanical ones, are highly accurate and do not require the participation of the owner in their performance. Such watches are quite reliable and durable and are in good demand.

Well, the third type is an electronic watch., unlike quartz watches, they have a digital display indicator. There is also a combined option, this is when the time indication using arrows is used together with a digital display. Such watches also find their fans and deserve attention.

watch case

Also, when choosing a watch, always pay attention to the material from which the watch case is made. Titanium alloy cases are always highly valued. I do not advise you to buy a gold-plated watch, since even any high-quality gold coating will begin to peel off in a couple of years, it is better to choose such a watch whose case does not have any coating at all. Pay attention to the glass, the most durable is sapphire, which is almost impossible to scratch, crystal and mineral glass are also used in watches, which are considered less durable and of higher quality.


And finally, a few words about the strap. All lovers of leather straps should not forget that even if it is made of very high quality, it will still be pretty worn out in a year and will not look very attractive. Therefore, if you do not want to constantly change it, then choose a metal bracelet, preferably one made of cast links, such a bracelet is more practical and durable, but at the same time less convenient than leather.

I bought myself a watch 4 years ago with a gold case for 140,000 rubles Russian company Platinor In general, watches made in Russia are not valued very well in Russia, so buy better Japanese or Swiss ones. Most of all I like mechanical watches with automatic winding, with batteries, and electronic ones somehow do not impress me at all. I prefer a leather strap, although I have to change it constantly! I don’t like metal bracelets, they are heavy, uncomfortable and freeze your hand very unpleasantly in winter :)

The purchase of a watch should always be taken very seriously, this is a thing that can say a lot about its owner, so never make hasty decisions and do not be fooled by great deals! I hope that with this article I helped you at least a little to make a decision in choosing a watch! I wish you happy shopping and business success, see you soon! Bye:)


Quite recently, quite a funny story with my sidekick Andrey. His mother-in-law gave him a watch for his birthday, according to her, the watch is quite expensive with a gold case, a very famous brand!

Of course, such a gift made an indelible impression on my friend, which later caused a change in his usual behavior ... at first his talk changed slightly, then a little imposingness was added to his gait and even the extreme fingers on his left hand began to spread out a little ...

But, the trouble is, there was a malfunction in the expensive Swiss mechanism and the clock began to show not quite the exact time, and then it stopped altogether. Of course, Andrei immediately shared his misfortune with me and offered to go to an expensive service together to repair his mother-in-law's gift ... I immediately suspected something was wrong with his watch, but he reacted extremely aggressively to a request to look at it closer !!!

... And here we are, Andrei slowly approaching the master ....

- The clock has risen - look what is there ...

- Your young man has broken the mechanism, it needs to be completely replaced ...

- Skok?

- 600 rubles!

- Garbage, let's do it, money is not an issue.

- I understand everything, young man, but this is pointless, the cost of your watch is 500 rubles at the most!!! Maybe it would be better to just buy new ones?

The master never received an answer to his question ... Andrei's voice returned to normal ... his hunched back returned to its place ... and the fingers surprisingly began to straighten into their natural position ....

Mother-in-law ssska ... - he muttered angrily to himself and with uncertain steps, shuffling along the dirty floor, moved towards the exit ...

Many who are not an ardent fan of watches, but are only going to buy their first, or, in extreme cases, the second model, are puzzled by questions: what is the best watch to buy and where is it better to buy a watch.

Where to buy a good watch is, of course, a secondary issue. First you need to define for yourself the best firms hours. There can be no unequivocal answer here, it all depends on what you mean by the concept of " top brands hours” and what you expect from the watches you are going to buy. Let's say someone looks at a Casio watch and exclaims, "What a good watch!", while another person has a different opinion about which wrist watch is better. Of course, there are ratings like "The Best Watches in the World", "Best Watches of the Year", "Best Watches of 2012" or "Top 10 Watches", but even these cannot be called completely objective. In them you will most likely find the most complex and original watches, which will cost accordingly. But finding a good inexpensive watch is a completely different matter, and it is quite real!

If you want to buy a quartz watch , and are puzzled by the question: “Which quartz watch is better?”, determine for yourself what is more important to you - famous name brand, Swiss quality, functionality or interesting design. This does not mean that one excludes the other. You just need to determine which characteristic to put in the foreground.

If we choose best women's watches , then here, most likely, we will talk about the most fashionable watches - that is, about design! Then pay attention to the brands: DKNY, Michael Kors, Nina Ricci, Guess, Armani, etc. - simply put, look among fashion brands.

However, if a woman is a fan classical style and strictness, probably, Tissot, Frederique Constant, Alfex or Roamer watches are more suitable for her - Swiss brands.

If you want to buy a watch as a gift for a woman, be sure to look at the gold watch. No matter what anyone says, giving a gold watch to a woman is a good omen for sure! And believe me, for her the best watch in the world will be the watch you gave her.

If we are talking about men's watches , that here, most likely, either functionality, or a Swiss brand or model exclusivity will come to the fore. Everything will depend on a particular person, his interests, his profession and social circle. For lovers the latest technologies and computer technology the best quartz watches are probably Casio or Seiko. When we are looking for the best Japanese watches, we definitely remember these brands. The Casio brand is often referred to when choosing the best digital watches.

If we are talking about what is the best swiss watch , this is a moot point. After all, when we say “Swiss watches”, we initially mean the best watches, the highest quality. And we will make a choice based on the price, style of execution and individual "handwriting" of each brand. Of the most popular Swiss brands, it is worth noting: Tissot, Roamer, Louis Erard, Maurice Lacroix, Candino, Raymond Weil, Aerowatch, TechnoMarine, Michel Herbellin.

At Candino, Roamer and Tissot, you can find great inexpensive watches. Aerowatch, Michel Herbellin and TechnoMarine have sports models. And Louis Erard, Maurice Lacroix and Raymond Weil have a lot of chic, and even exclusive, copies.

By the way, speaking about the best watches and listing Swiss brands, it is time to mention mechanical watches. After all, many believe that the best watch store is the one that sells mechanical watches. But how to choose a good mechanical watch? Which watch brand is better? Experts say that best mechanical watch must be Swiss and cost no less than 30,000 rubles. Because in watches costing from 30,000 and above there is a movement of the highest quality category. Although you can buy a good mechanical watch for 10,000, but we are talking about the best watches!

If you still can't decide which watch brand is better, visit the watch forums. You can create a topic like "Best watch brand" and see what people say. Or ask a watch store employee which watch brand is better in his opinion. I think this will help you figure out your preferences.

If earlier watches were a necessity, now they have become a stylish accessory. A good, well-chosen watch will complement the image and show others your attention to detail. How to choose the right men's watch?

I want to say right away that I will not be tied to specific manufacturers and models. Today I will write about the style of watches and their appropriateness in one way or another. Why will there be no specifics regarding the models? Because you can find stylish watches in different price ranges. For myself, I see these ranges as follows:

  • from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles.
  • from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.
  • from 30,000 to 70,000 rubles.
  • from 70 000 rub. to infinity.

What watch you are willing to afford is a personal matter.

How to choose a men's watch?

To choose the right watch you need to answer yourself a few questions.

The main forms of men's watches

The most common and beloved shape is the circle.

In second place are rectangular models.

The next option is a square clock.

The last relatively common form is the barrel.

For some, this is not enough and they choose a watch of the original form. Such watches are available in limited editions or in author's collections.

And about the style of men's watches ...

Classic watch

Simple and elegant, round, less often oval, watches on a leather strap are suitable for everyday wear. They match with many styles of clothing. It's easier to say who they don't fit. Such watches should not be worn with sportswear, military, biker, rocker, hippie or eco-style.

The straps of these watches are brown and black.

A classic watch may be water-resistant, but this property will affect the movement of the watch, not its strap. The skin does not like water. Gradually, the strap will wear out and will need to be changed.

The wear of the strap is especially noticeable if it is stitched with white threads. Threads quickly lose their original color if the watch is worn frequently.

Watches on a metal belt and watches in a sporty style

The description of these models can be combined. Both those and other models are quite massive and courageous.

This watch is heavier than the classic model, which makes it uncomfortable for some men to wear.

The straps of such watches can be metal, rubber, woven and leather. The last two options are treated with a moisture-repellent composition.

These models have clearer and larger numbers on the dial so that they can be seen in all weather and other conditions.

The most wear-resistant belt is rubber.

These watches can be of any color.

This watch is suitable for many activities, from traveling on a yacht to working in the office. They can be combined with different styles clothes. The only caveat is that a watch with a rubber strap is only suitable for a sporty or nautical style.

For discreet styles (business, casual, multi-layered, etc.), a watch with a leather or metal belt is suitable.

Watches in these styles are good for their versatility. They can be equipped with a chronograph, chronometer, tachymeter and other bells and whistles. Which few people know how to use.

status watch

These are expensive watches that can be worn at social events, negotiations, business meetings, etc. This is a watch that will represent you, emphasizing your style.

Most often they look like classic watches, but they are made in a more interesting way.

The main rule in creating an image using such watches is the general style.

They must match the suit, shoes and accessories.

And to approach not only in color, shade of metal and style, but also in price.

You can not wear expensive watches and cheap suits or shoes.

designer watches

Any watch models made non-standard. Suitable for those who like to be bright and original.

Choose what you like and will look good on you. I wish you happy updates. If you are planning a purchase, then pay attention to this

Choice of watches. How to choose? Which ones to choose? Information and helpful tips.

1) Male or Female?

In this matter, you, of course, will figure it out yourself!

It should only be clarified that both in clothes and in watches there is a unisex style.

The choice of wristwatches these days allows satisfying a variety of tastes and desires, therefore, in the range of men's watches there are a large number of models that look perfect on a woman's wrist. And for male lovers of glamor in the light of the latest fashion trends models are produced with precious stones and rhinestones. The main thing is to follow the size of the model you have chosen, women's watches are much smaller than men's watches.

2) Mechanics or Quartz?

The choice of watches should be stopped on the type of clockwork. The main differences between the two types of mechanism are a combination of prestige, complexity, beauty and precision. In mechanics, connoisseurs appreciate the "live" mechanism, the work of a master, the age-old traditions of watchmaking. Quartz watches choose dynamic modern people who value precision and unpretentiousness. Mechanical watches more expensive than quartz, you pay for the labor of a person who prepares the final product and carries out not only the final adjustment and finishing, but also the assembly of finer parts. Mechanical watches require care, obligatory visits to technical service every few years, lubrication of rubbing parts, replacement of gaskets and other measures to maintain the accuracy of timekeeping and ensure that the declared characteristics are maintained. Mechanical watches need to be wound every few days. Quartz, much more accurate than mechanical ones, do not require winding, but you will not get the opportunity to admire the mechanism. If you're buying your first watch, it's best to buy a cheap quartz watch to determine the design, case size, band size, and case shape. If you like the watch and the passion for it does not cool down, you should start only from your own feelings and look for your favorite mechanical model or high-level quartz watch.

3) Style selection

In order not to understand the intricacies of the variety of styles, shapes and colors, it makes sense to stick to simple rule: we choose the watch for the clothes that we most often wear.

It is best to find a watch that will be equally good with both casual and formal things. There are many such universal models on the market today, from different manufacturers. If you lead an active and varied lifestyle, and the budget allows you to buy only one watch, you should not focus on pure classics and pronounced sports watches, they may look out of place in certain life situations.

If you know for sure that you will wear your watch only during sports training or only during official meetings, the choice is much easier. Then you can choose a sports model that is optimally suited for your sport and has all the necessary characteristics (water resistance, shock resistance, the ability to control time by segments) or a classic one that reflects your attitude to time and business style.

4) On the strap or on the bracelet?

First, convenience. You will wear your watch all day without taking it off. Hence, the first and most important task is to check how comfortable the strap sits on the hand. The watch should sit freely on the wrist, but not dangle. During the day, the arm can expand, which will bring discomfort if the strap is fastened tightly.

Secondly, the strap material should not cause an allergic reaction. Choose natural or hypoallergenic materials.

The bracelet should be able to remove or add links. The clasp of the bracelet must be reliable, it must not arbitrarily open from contact with clothing or the body.

And of course, when choosing watches, we simply have to pay tribute to fashion and style.

5) Brand. Important or not?

In Russia, some brands are promoted and known, while in the countries of America and Europe they are completely different. The older the brand, the higher its fame, the richer the history, and therefore the higher the cost. If your social status obliges you to wear clothes and accessories of specific companies and manufacturers, then this is an important point. Otherwise, first of all think about the convenience, reliability, accuracy and beauty of the chosen watch. Choose a company that specializes in the production of watches, and not a fashion brand that has expanded its range of products with accessories and watches as well. For such "fashion watches" you will pay for the label, watches with similar characteristics from companies specializing in the manufacture of watches will cost less.

6) Choice of watches. Form matters

Classic options: round, rectangular and square.

The size of the watch case should match the width of your wrist. If the lugs of the watch look out for the brush, then you should not buy such a model. You should not take a very small watch. If you have a wide wrist, choose a large, massive watch, if you have a narrow one, you should buy a more elegant model.

7) Perception of the dial

The dial should be very easy to read. Hands, indexes, dial should be contrasting. You should see the time on the clock in the first moment, and not look for the arrows. A good addition will be the backlight, it will make your watch useful in the dark. If your wallet allows, it is better to choose a model with sapphire crystal and anti-reflective coating. Which guarantees you increased scratch resistance and reduces light reflection accordingly. The dial should not be overloaded with complications in the form of various sensors, sub-dials and indicators.

8) Complications

Manufacturers are trying to make watches more and more complex by adding complications and functions to the movement and dial. You need to decide which complications will be useful and will not create unnecessary problems with visibility. Also, do not forget that complications add value to your watch. The most popular and useful features are: water resistance, date indicator, day of the week indicator, power reserve indicator, chronograph. Electronic watches will offer you such additional complications as: altimeter, barometer, compass, angler's chart, yacht timer, pedometer, heart rate monitor, notebook. High-level mechanical watches will offer very complex, but essentially not very useful features that are more aesthetic beauty than useful: repeater, tourbillon, skeleton, jacquemarts, moon calendar, world time, second time zone. Choose the complications that will benefit you.

The above recommendations are important, but not true in last resort. Trust your intuition, a watch is a thing that will be with you all the time, so it should be close and understandable to you. Listen to yourself, if this is a watch that suits you perfectly, you should feel nothing but comfort, and this will be the best choice.

I hope the article will help you make the easiest choice of watches.

See you soon!


    Choice of watches. How to choose? Which ones to choose? Information and helpful tips. 1) Male or Female? In this matter, you, of course, will figure it out yourself! It should only be clarified that both in clothes and in watches there is a unisex style. The choice of watches these days allows you to satisfy a variety of tastes and desires, so …

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