origin of the name Julia. The meaning of the name Julia

Design and interior 29.06.2020
Design and interior

Undoubtedly, names have a certain influence on our destiny and character. Therefore, many are wondering: what is the meaning and origin of my name? We will help you with this, so in this article we will tell you what the name Julia means.

There are two options for its occurrence. First - the name Julia came from Greek and is translated into Russian as “wavy”, “curly”, and also “fluffy”. According to the second - this name has a Latin beginning, and Julia in translation means "July".

In the Scandinavian countries, the name Julia was given to girls who were born in December, since the name itself is consonant with the name of the Christmas holiday in their languages. But regardless of which language it takes its origin from - Greek or Latin - this female name remains one of the most common. And gradually gaining more and more popularity.

It is very feminine and soft, like the character of its owner. But the meaning of the name Julia "curly" still leaves its mark on the girl. Of course, this does not apply to her hair, the connection with this concept is rather associative, because curly-haired people often have a rather complex character, so it is not easy for parents to cope with a daughter named Yulia.

A related form of this name is Uliana, Juliana, Juliana. The last two have the following diminutive derivative: Liana, Yana. In other countries, this name sounds like this: Julia, Juliet, Julia. In Russian, girls are called diminutively Julia, and affectionately Yulechka, Yulenka, but the full name is Yulia.

According to the church Orthodox calendar saints with this name are venerated twice a year: May 31 and July 29. As you know, at baptism it is customary to give a child either a different name, or in a church interpretation. So, girls with the name Julia at baptism are most often given the name Julia.

Character traits

Julia is very mobile and sociable. Girls with this name have a very emotional and rather spoiled character. Energy simply bubbles up from her, and everyone around her is charged with this frenzied energy. But at the same time, this is a rather purposeful person, she will definitely achieve her goal. The main thing is to help her find this goal.

Studying at school is very easy, Julia masters the material well, and in absolutely all subjects. The mood of the child is changeable: she just ran and laughed, and now she is sitting sad and offended. In this state, it is better not to touch it, it will quickly move away on its own.

Women with the name Yulia are successful in their work and easily climb the career ladder. The main goal of their life is happy marriage, preferably in combination with your favorite work. Any profession can be - Yulia will find herself everywhere, often combining the most difficult professional tasks with the duties of a housewife and wife.

He is very attached to people and is having a hard time with betrayal and betrayal, so he carefully chooses friends and a partner. Her character is restrained, does not like moralizing and is very obligatory, therefore she requires the same from others.

Almost all Julias are slim and athletic, have excellent taste and style. This causes envy in women and interest in men. They try to rotate in aristocratic circles, preferring communication with successful people, because they don’t want to be mediocre and people of such a plan are avoided.

Julia has pride and self-esteem, fulfills her obligations fully and responsibly. Because of this, people often consider her character to be stubborn. The meaning of the name Julia endows its owner with secrecy, she will not show her emotions even to close people.

This speaks of the incredible strength of her character, which will manifest itself in the right situation. Another of his traits is capriciousness. If she has failed, she will not admit her mistake in this, but will begin to look for the guilty among those around her.

In men, he appreciates the strength of character, but will not tolerate pressure. At the same time, he will not be next to a weak person. Therefore, he chooses a partner for a long time and scrupulously. However, having found him, he falls in love strongly and for a long time. And with a loved one, Yulia's fate will be as follows:

  • The husband will love her and listen to her.
  • The house will be full of guests and relatives.
  • Family life become bright and interesting.

There are practically no problems with Yulia's health. In childhood, more attention should be paid to the throat. There is a threat to get sick with laryngitis or pharyngitis. At an older age, attention should be paid to women's health.

Who will find happiness

And now let's find out with what male names Julia has compatibility.

The union of the names Roman and Julia is considered quite fruitful. They strive and achieve everything by common efforts. Compatibility between them is achieved through mutual trust. In this case, jealousy and suspicions, which can lead to conflicts, are excluded. Neither Roman nor Yulia even allow the thought of such actions.

Achieving their goals, they do not violate the law and generally accepted rules, doing everything only honestly, which earns the respect of others. Roman is a partner with an enviable constancy, so Julia has no reason to suspect him of something. Julia is very vulnerable and tender, she wants to be protected and protected. Therefore, in tandem, Julia and Roman, like two parts of the designer, are ideally suited to each other.

In addition, which is also important, both Yulia and Maxim pay great attention each other in bed, taking care of each other's pleasure. This moment will also exclude the appearance of a third person in their relationship. They both firmly believe that there should be only one person nearby, and when they meet, they will immediately understand that they have found each other. Now Maxim has only Julia, and Julia has only Maxim.

Julia and Dmitry Here the compatibility is also almost perfect. Minus one - the struggle for the palm with emotions and a stormy showdown. But the fact that they do not scold, but amuse themselves is a fact, which, by the way, is covered by many pluses.

Dmitry and Yulia love each other madly, plus everything in their relationship there is friendship, partnership, and common goals. So in the tandem Julia - Dmitry there is a rare unity of souls and a lot of reasons for a strong, long relationship.

Andrew and Julia. Everything here is based on passionate sexual relationships. Each of them has a passionate nature, so frequent clarification of these same relationships cannot be avoided. But you can't build a family on passion alone. Both Julia and Andrey strive for leadership and do not like to lose, but having learned to give in, their couple will gain a future perspective.

Julia and form a pretty good union. These are two interesting, boring and friendly people. Because of her energy, Yulia will not tolerate a soft man next to her, and Sergey is just not like that. But for a strong alliance, they need one goal for two. Author: Natalia Chernikova

Julia is one of the ancient names that is still being chosen for girls. According to one version, the name Julia comes from the ancient Greek name Iulos, meaning "curly", "fluffy", which corresponds to this beautiful female name. According to the Latin version, this is the female version of the male name Julius. According to the third version, it happened in Scandinavia, where it means "born on Christmas".

In the world it is distributed under English name Julia, there are other options: German - Julia, French - Julie, Spanish - Julia, Portuguese - Julia, Italian - Julina, Corsican - Dulia. Provencal - Giulio, Ukrainian - Julia, Czech - Julie, Danish - Julie, Irish - Julie, Greek -.

Affectionate form of the name: Yula, Yulchik, Yulyusya, Yulechka, Yulenka, Julia, Yulchanka, Yulyashka, Yulchonok, Yulchonochek, Yusya, Yuska, Yulyusya.

In Russia, it is common as a female name, men are rarely called this beautiful name.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Julia celebrates the day of the angel twice a year:

  • May 31 - patroness of the Virgin Julia of Ancyra, martyr.
  • June 29 - patroness of the Virgin Julia of Carthage, martyr.


A distinctive feature of Julia is stubbornness, resentment. As a child, it is difficult to argue with her, she will do everything in her own way. Explosive, impulsive, but quickly departs and the first one comes to put up. AT school years Julia softens her character, which helps her easily make friends. As an adult, Julia is surrounded by friends who like her great sense of humor, easygoing and sociable nature.


The fate of Julia largely depends on the time of year of birth.

Winter - A smart, purposeful woman who treats men coldly, uses them only as a sexual object. But, having fallen in love without memory, she is ready to do anything for the sake of her object.

Spring - A creative and comprehensively developed person, always surrounded by friends. Her husband will have to come to terms with the fact that her friends are in a significant place.

Summer - An affectionate and patient woman, attentive to her loved ones. Always stand up for the weak. Adheres to life principles.

Autumn - An uncommunicative and withdrawn woman, makes mistakes in personal relationships, which is why they do not add up for her.

A family

Julia's goal is a happy marriage, so she is selective in men and will not let anyone near her. Yulia weeds out weak-willed sissies at the very beginning of the courtship stage. The future husband will have to try very hard to make Yulia fall in love with himself, but in her person he will receive a reliable wife, a wonderful housewife and a wonderful mother.


Yulia has a sharp mind, she can achieve a lot in her profession, but for the sake of her husband and children, Yulia can sacrifice her career. Due to the developed logic, she is well versed in trade, banking, and can become a famous actress. The best option for her individual entrepreneurship, the main advantage of which is a free schedule.


Despite a strong and hardy body, Julia is prone to colds. Second weakness- teeth. From childhood, it is almost impossible for Yulia to be dragged to the dentist, which is why in adulthood they often have problems with their teeth.

Horoscope for the name Julia

Aries - Likes to be the center of attention, seeks popularity. Knows how to manipulate people, the character quickly changes from an affectionate cat to an angry lioness. She loves when men give her gifts.

Taurus - Selfish, assertive person who knows how to use other people to achieve their ambitious goals. Always brings his plan to the end. He takes everything from men, giving nothing in return.

Gemini - An eccentric, artistic woman who loves a life full of entertainment. Not a single worthwhile task is completed. Changes men like gloves, not dwelling on any for a long time.

Cancer - A conservative, slightly nervous woman, it is difficult to perceive changes in her usual way of life. Often things are not completed due to slowness. It is popular with men.

Leo - Very beautiful, able to achieve success in the intended business. Easily earns the respect of others. Always surrounded by fans, but only a man with an iron character can tame her.

Virgo - Wise, responsible for her actions, able to stand firmly on her feet, financially secure. Often exalts himself above all people. It is difficult for men to achieve it because of the high demands placed on them.

Libra - Calm, soft in character, loving freedom, a woman. Any person easily disposes to interesting and easy communication. Often this kindness is just a mask of a tough woman.

Scorpio - An unfriendly, intractable nature with which only a strong man can get along. She goes to the intended goal “over the corpses”, sparing no one, which is why she has no friends. She is afraid not only at home, but also at work, despite her uncompromising attitude, she does justice.

Sagittarius - Independent, going forward without looking back. She is loved at home and at work, despite her straightforwardness. In love, she is open, not demanding anything in return.

Capricorn - Hardworking, unsociable nature, not letting friends into his personal life. Before making a decision, it will take a long time to weigh the pros and cons. Almost never makes mistakes in choosing a profession and life partner.

Aquarius - Does not let anyone into his inner world prone to depression. People around her do not like her for her straightforwardness. Only a patient, caring, loving person can become her husband.

Pisces - Endowed with great imagination, not without intuition, which helps her make the right choice in life. Routine work tries to avoid. Get along only with a balanced man.

The origin of the name Julia has three main versions. According to the first, it has ancient Greek roots and comes from Iulos - “curly”, “fluffy”. According to the second, this name has a Latin meaning - "from genus Yuliev”,“ July ”, female version from Julius. The third version is the Scandinavian version, where it means "born on Christmas". And indeed, not so long ago, girls born in December were often called Julia.

It is currently a well-known and popular Eastern European female name. In other countries of the world, it is no less common - Julia, Julia, Julie, Juliet.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Ruler Planet: Sun
  • Talisman Stone: Amber
  • Yellow color
  • Wood: oak
  • plant: sunflower
  • Animal: dragonfly
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character traits

FROM early years the owner of this beautiful name shows his character. Julia is touchy, whiny, capricious and stubborn. He is not shy about teasing other kids, directly pointing out their shortcomings. Arguing with her is useless and even dangerous, because in anger she can beat anyone. However, even such childish aggression quickly subsides, and she again becomes a kind and vulnerable girl.

Julia is always sociable, enjoys new acquaintances, which she easily makes. But this trait sometimes plays against her due to excessive gullibility. It is better for parents to be aware of who their daughter is friends with and communicates with. Being an incredible inventor, she often becomes the ringleader in various children's pranks. Moreover, developed imagination and mind allow her to easily get out of the water dry in all situations.

With age, a born rebel becomes more calm. Julia is still popular among friends and classmates. True, sometimes there are outbursts of emotions when she can be rude for no reason and seriously offend someone. Thinking, Julia realizes her mistakes and she herself will come to ask for forgiveness.

She has Amazonian blood in her blood. She loves adventure and adventure and rarely listens to other people's opinions. Any beliefs are useless: if she has something in mind, she will do everything in her own way. But her friends adore her and never get bored with her. Julia is a real volcano in which energy boils, and she just needs to break out.

Interests and hobbies

The bearer of this name is fond of reading books, and the subject of the works has great importance. Julia gives preference to fantasy, mysticism, that is, everything unusual. He likes to read historical novels, presenting himself either as a countess or as a princess. Other hobbies are everything related to the house - from interior decor to cooking (by the way, also fantastic and unusual).

Profession and business

The owner of the name Julia, as a rule, has a sharp mind, deep intellect and excellent memory, which allows her to show herself remarkably in any field of activity. She is well versed in trading, bank management and other commercial endeavors. She makes a good manager, producer and even an actress. It will not be superfluous to introduce the girl to sports from an early age. In the future, she may appear in figure skating or sports dancing.


In general, Julia is in good health. She is a hardy and tireless girl. worth in childhood Special attention focus on diseases of the upper respiratory tract vulnerable spot otherwise, in adulthood, ailments can become chronic. You should also take care of the condition of the child's teeth - the girl will go to any tricks, just not to get into the chair to the dentist.

In adulthood, problems with the heart, pancreas and swelling of the legs may disturb.

Sex and love

The name Julia and love are almost synonymous. From an early age, she has many admirers, because among her friends the stronger sex prevails. However, this does not infect her with star disease: the attitude of others is taken for granted and with dignity. But it is worth meeting on the way to the only one, as sensuality and passion spread this external calmness in an instant.

Family and marriage

Usually, Julia's family life develops as well as possible. Next to her is only a worthy gentleman, surrounding her with care and love. But he also has a hard time: a man who decides to connect his fate with the representative of this name should critically assess his own merits. Her character is such that she will never tolerate rudeness. But she is even more disgusted by the weak-willed sissy. A woman like Julia needs to match.

In everyday life, she is an ideal housewife, a caring wife and mother. Guests are amazed by both the excellent cuisine and the tastefully decorated interior of the home, as well as the atmosphere of warmth, comfort and goodwill.

There is a real mystery in the meaning of the name Julia (Julia). It intertwined male origin and bright female energy. This fact makes Julia a bright and extraordinary personality. According to some sources, the value female name Julia began from the noble family of Yuliev, which denotes his aristocratic origin. AT Ancient Rome this name was given to all women from the Yula Askania clan.

Julia is a real hurricane of emotions and feelings. Even if we consider that one of the meanings of the name is “fluffy”, it definitely does not apply to character. You can't really call her shy. Forced rest causes her apathy, irritation or even depression. She recklessly gets involved in adventures again and again, despite the danger.

Such a controversial personality and fate is difficult to describe with a single meaning of the name Julia. A conditional division of all representatives of the name Julia by months of birth will help to better describe the character and personality traits.

  • "Winter" know how to keep their feelings to themselves. Their passion is revealed suddenly and unexpectedly, even for those closest to them. To people who do not know her for long, Yulia will seem like a real "English queen" - neat, restrained, punctual, disciplined and collected. In relationships, she is a real diplomat, keeps her word and does not let her partners down. He prefers to keep his fears and experiences to himself.
  • "Spring" love to create and create more than anything else. In the creative process, they are able to express their emotions, bright character and talent. She is a sensitive person, therefore she reacts painfully to falsehood in a relationship. She is rather a bohemian person with many friends and good acquaintances.
  • "Summer" have an inexhaustible supply of patience and philanthropy. They are real fighting girlfriends and faithful wives. Once having met people, they constantly maintain relationships, help with advice and money. She never interferes in other people's affairs, but does not tolerate lies and reticence.
  • "Autumn" Julia in the meaning of the name, character and fate combine cold calculation and friendliness. She has many admirers, but few are honored with her favor. She chooses a partner and a husband, as good car- pragmatic and balanced. Feelings do not participate in this choice.

Women with the name Julia (Julia) have a well-developed intuition, which means only one thing - she can't be fooled. She is not conflicted, but she never gets involved in a tedious showdown. She prefers to step back and stay with her opinion. Even if Yulia continues to communicate with an unpleasant person, this will take place exclusively within the framework of a business conversation.

She is stingy, there is absolutely no extravagance in the meaning of the name. Even if the financial situation allows, Yulia will never buy expensive cars or haute couture outfits. She prefers everything reliable, high-quality and durable.

Julia knows how to save money.

In the meaning of the name, many note the beauty of sound and melody. The word consists of a large number of vowels, which gives it tenderness and femininity. The declension of the name Julia in cases is carried out according to the basic rules for declension of nouns.

Parents who are thinking about a beautiful and sonorous name for their daughter are advised to take an interest in the origin and.


As a child, Julia is prone to throat diseases.. The simplest colds cause coughing fits. So take care of your throat.

The secrecy of character leads to the fact that the emotions accumulated over the years can provoke a sharp change in character and lifestyle. Any shock can be the reason for this. Therefore, you need to save your nerves.

Additionally, it is worth paying attention to the endocrine system.

Marriage and family

Julia's heart is hard to win. But if this happened, she is ready to follow her beloved even to the ends of the world. The choice of a partner is not affected by his status, income level or noble origin. The girl is ready to love selflessly and disinterestedly. But if the marriage nevertheless happened according to the calculation, the man is unlikely to wait for warm feelings from his wife. All Yulia's strength was spent on winning the chosen one, which means that after the wedding march, you can relax and enjoy the acquired benefits. Julia will not change, but she will not play love either.

If nature has not awarded the girl with a bright appearance, she compensates for this with charm and sincere care. But more often Julia lures men and guys like a magnet. And this manifests itself from a very young age. AT early years she is not averse to having several novels at the same time, but this rather amuses her. It's not her fault that the guys are competing with each other, trying to win her favor.

The chosen one must be ready for the pedantry of his girlfriend. But how could it be otherwise, because since childhood, Julia most of all appreciated accuracy in all matters. Her notebooks have always been a model of spelling, which means that family budget She is careful and systematic. Also, the partner should not have bad habits.

She does not forgive cheating on anyone.. In the family, a woman does not strive for dominance, but she does not recognize excessive control either. Rather, she chooses the role of an adviser and a "grey eminence" - the unspoken leader of her small kingdom.

In sexual relations, Julia rarely takes the initiative. True, when she sets herself the goal of winning an interesting man, she will stop at nothing. If a man suits her temperament, a woman is ready to become a tireless and inventive partner for her chosen one.

She selflessly loves her children, but rarely shows her feelings. From the outside, it looks like her goal is to raise children and educate them. But it's not. Julia dearly loves children, spoils them, but understands that discipline and a good education will make them successful.

Career and hobbies

In choosing a profession, Julia does not adhere to special rules.. She responsibly treats any work, whether it is the position of a nurse or a creative director.

Composure and a clear understanding of the goal helps her achieve the heights in her career, but only if she herself wants it.

Her sociable nature helps her in her career and makes Yulia an excellent employee. She takes a responsible approach to business, but prefers not to stay at the workplace for a minute. She does not like gossip and showdown, so she is often considered the "black sheep" in the team. If you add her attractiveness to the opposite sex, then the number of reasons for hostility increases significantly.

H and in leadership work, she often plays a double game. Maintains friendly relations with colleagues, but punishes even the slightest mistake. She does not admit her own mistakes, and with a clear conscience she shifts responsibility to others. But she rarely chooses leadership positions, yet she prefers family and life to her career. Yes, Julia is not conceited, she will gladly entrust the extraction of money to her husband, and she herself will devote everything free time my real passion is reading books. In addition to reading, she is fond of sports, is active and healthy lifestyle life.

Julia has a developed intuition, which helps her to engage in own business. With the same success, she can develop her own brand as an actress, politician, lawyer or psychologist. Duty is above all for her, as for women with.

Famous name bearers

The religious meaning and origin of the name comes from the ancient legend of Julia of Carthage, which, in fact, can be considered the first famous bearer of the name.

According to legend, the robbers crucified the girl and saw how her soul turns into an angel. There are many martyrs among the representatives of this name.

  • The poetess Yulia Drunina (1924-1991) was able to easily and accurately describe the love experiences and horrors of wartime. The stocks of her poems were close to every person. The military childhood helped her realize the value of femininity and tenderness, which the poetess constantly described in her works. Drunina's lyrics are a beautiful love song.

Yulia Drunina (famous Soviet poetess).

  • Yulia Vsevolodovna Lermontova (1846-1919) is one of the first female chemists with a scientific degree. She was from the family to which the poet Mikhail Lermontov belonged. Lermontova devoted a lot of work to the distillation of oil, thanks to which, in fact, today we have the opportunity to drive a car.
  • Julia Roberts is an Oscar-winning Hollywood actress and just a beautiful woman. Many people know her for her roles in love melodramas, but she is also actively involved in producing. Roberts owns a film company and is actively involved in charity work.

Julia Roberts (Oscar-winning American actress and producer).

  • Julia Vysotskaya is an actress, blogger, culinary specialist and writer. She became not just the wife of director Andrei Konchalovsky, but also a well-known media personality. Vysotskaya hosts programs about cooking, shares recipes on the site and runs a restaurant. In addition, Vysotskaya plays in the theater and acts in films.

Yulia Vysotskaya (famous Russian TV presenter, blogger, actress).

name day

Perhaps you have relatives and acquaintances with the name Julia? Share in the comments whether it corresponds to the characteristic, and how it affects fate.

The meaning of the name Julia: this name for a girl in Greek means “curly”, and in Latin the meaning of the name Julia is “July”, “from the Julius family”.

Origin of the name Julia: latin.

Diminutive form of the name: Julia, Julia, Yulenka, Yulyusya, Lusya.

What does the name Julia mean? Julia quickly loses interest in any activity, and therefore often changes professions. This girl avoids responsible work. She does not have many friends, but she can trust them completely Yulia Her marriage is usually happy, especially if her partner sincerely loves her.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Julia celebrates name days twice a year:

  • May 31 (18) - St. Martyr Julia, among other virgin martyrs, after being tortured for the faith of Christ, was drowned in the lake. The bodies of the virgins taken from there were buried by St. Theodotus, and then burned by the pagans.
  • July 29 (16) - St. Martyr Julia the Virgin, in captivity among the pagans for the faith of Christ, was crucified after suffering (V century).

Signs: On Yulia's day, the birds think - they stop singing.


  • Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • Color - bright yellow
  • Auspicious tree - oak
  • Cherished plant - sunflower
  • The patron of the name is a dragonfly
  • Talisman stone - amber

Characteristics of the name Julia

Positive features: The meaning of the name Julia from the point of view of psychology. Julia is gifted with a unique sense of humor and a sharp mind. The name Julia gives observation. She is resourceful. A girl with this name is able to show such resourcefulness that she will always “get out of the water dry.”

Negative Traits: Julia is prone to risk, adventures, speculation, to making hasty decisions, to intemperance and irritability. The name Julia brings inner tension. The main danger for Yulia is unwanted acquaintances, because of which she can get into trouble before she feels something is wrong.

The character of the name Julia: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Julia? Julia is wise and obscure outwardly, but her character is capricious. She is very passionate about everything fantastic and supernatural. She is quite good-natured, prone to charity, willingly shares with others. He is very good at blaming anyone but himself for his problems. Julia has no sense of responsibility. It is built for obedience and with good influence can succeed. Her being, overflowing with fantasies, needs a strong will.

A child with this name is a touchy and vulnerable girl. The girl's mood often changes, cheerful and noisy, she suddenly becomes lethargic and lethargic for no apparent reason. In this state, it is best to leave the girl alone, time will pass, and Julia will be the same again. It is difficult to argue with her, she stands her ground to the end, reluctantly admits her mistakes. A girl from childhood is surrounded by worship and takes it for granted. She is a secretive, silent and indecisive girl. Parents need to encourage her to be active.

Julia does not feel any special desire to study, she does it out of necessity. She has a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but she is not very inquisitive. However, she is passionate about everything fantastic and supernatural, loves various horoscopes and fortune-telling. Julia reads a lot, mostly novels.

The young owner of the name is beautiful, with a good athletic figure, always fashionably dressed, very feminine. Both men and women immediately feel this mystery of hers, the former fall in love, the latter envy. For Yulia herself, this brings little happiness, or it can be too fleeting.

Julia and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Gennady, Eugene, Kim, Lavrenty Martyan, Mina, Peacock, Sazon, Titus is favorable. The name is also combined with Julian. Difficult relationships are likely with Varlaam, Galaktion, Gremislav, Dasius, Innocent, Nile, Polycarp, Prokhor, Robert, Spiridon, Firs.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Julia promise happiness in love? It is difficult for Yulia to settle down even in adulthood. For her, sex is of particular importance. In it she expresses herself, her temper, her whims and amusements; it becomes, as it were, a continuation of a conversation, communication, and therefore means a lot in her life.

Yulechka is restrained, but also sensual, especially when she meets a person she likes very much. A woman named Julia loves sex, but usually does not feel passionate desire and easily achieves satisfaction. She is quite aware of her attractiveness and loves to manipulate men.

Family life is difficult. Household chores do not captivate her, although she knows how to do everything perfectly, but for this she needs a special mood, and not an everyday routine. She has many friends, she is glad to host them. She has aristocratic manners, she is not interested in ordinary holidays, she will always come up with some kind of zest.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Julia has good commercial skills and developed logical thinking, which she can show in banking and trade. A girl named Julia can become a good manager, producer, actress.

The meaning of the name Julia promises ample opportunities in choosing a profession. This girl can be a lawyer, a programmer, a medical professional, an actress, an art critic, an artist, a fashion model, a flight attendant.

The name Yulia is obligatory in her work, she carefully carries out assignments. She does not tolerate moralizing, and she herself does not teach anyone. Equally equal to men and women. She Julia is very hard going through betrayal, dishonest acts, failures, but she restrains her emotions, seems impassive, indifferent. He often blames the other for his problems, he will always find an opportunity to justify himself. She has no sense of responsibility, she is a driven person and, with good influence, can succeed.

Business and career: In general, the stars promise the girl good luck, happiness, financial success and a high position in any field. You can’t just be extravagantly generous with friends and loved ones. woman attaches great value public opinion, has a tendency to "splurge".

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Julia: The meaning of the name Julia from the point of view of medicine. In childhood, he often suffers from pharyngitis, laryngitis, which in adulthood can turn into chronic form. It is undesirable to remove her tonsils in childhood, they help her protect herself from infection. The "December" girl named Julia has an unstable psyche, can throw a tantrum, is difficult to educate, does not always find mutual language with motherYulia

The name Yulechka has problems with her teeth early, but she is very afraid to treat them, she tries in every possible way to avoid visiting the dentist's office. Winter - prone to nervous breakdowns, deep depressions, which can only be treated in a hospital.

The name Julia is very gifted in the field of choreography, she is good at figure skating. Do not miss the opportunity to introduce her to the sport. Elements of psychopathy in the name are genetically transmitted from the mother. Mom needs to seek help from a psychologist who will tell you how to deal with her daughter Julia

Yulia is prone to respiratory diseases, she can get sick with scarlet fever. In adolescence, she can get chickenpox if she did not have it as a child. Julia's secret, who was born in May - "May" - is very stubborn, emotionally reacts to prohibitions in anything. Similar problems arise with the "November" Julia.

A woman named Yulia with a patronymic Dmitrievna, born in February, is very spoiled, capricious and capricious, she does not tolerate objections, she demands the fulfillment of all her desires. Her psyche is unbalanced, and it should be shown to a psychiatrist. It requires a special approach to yourself and professional education.

"Noyabrskaya" - from infancy is located to respiratory diseases. She is mobile and vain, which may indicate a weak nervous system. The girl grows very restless, capricious. She often suffers from angina. She has a generally weak immune system. Therefore, she needs a strict regimen, and in the summer vacation by the sea.

The name Julia comes from a male, so you should not give it to a girl. She will have a complex character, she will always do everything in her own way, not listening to anyone. Julia will be power-hungry and stubborn. There will be no relationship with the mother.

The fate of Julia in history

What does the name Julia mean for female fate?

  1. Yulia Borisova is a brilliant Russian Soviet actress, possessing extraordinary beauty and rare, bizarre talent. Her whole life is devoted to the Moscow theater. Vakhtangov, where she was the leading actress. Leading roles in the performances "Princess Turandot", "Irkutsk History", "Warsaw Melody", "Ambassador Soviet Union"and many others performed by Yulia Borisova became a legend of the theater. Yulia Borisova acted in films a lot.
  2. Julia V. Drunina (1924-1991) is a well-known Russian poetess, whose poems, poems and prose are well known to many readers. Permeated with tenderness and warmth, pain and dignity, her works were created over creative way only half a century long. November 20, 1991 Julia Drunina tragically passed away.
  3. Yulia Lermontova - (1847 - 1919) chemist, the first woman - a doctor of chemistry.
  4. Julia the Elder - (39 BC - 14 AD) daughter of the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.
  5. Yulia Samoilova - (1803 - 1875) nee - Palen; Russian aristocrat, friend of K.P. Bryullov.
  6. Julia Lennon - (1914 - 1958) mother of John Lennon, who dedicated the famous song "Julia" to her.
  7. Yulia Borisova - theater and film actress (b.1925).
  8. Yulia Voznesenskaya - (born 1940) writer, poetess, author of the books Notes from the Sleeve, Women's Camp in the USSR, etc.
  9. Julia Nyberg (Nyberg) - (1784 - 1854) Swedish poetess.
  10. Yulia Daneshvar - (1912 - 1948) Turkmen painter and graphic artist.
  11. Yulia Menshova - (born 1969) Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter.
  12. Yulia Timoshenko - (born 1960) surname at birth - Grigyan, then changed to the surname of Telegin's mother; state and political figure of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007 - 2010).
  13. Julia Roberts - (born 1967) American actress, winner of the Oscar for Best Actress (in the film "Erin Brockovich", 2000), one of the highest paid actresses in the world, films with the participation of which brought in more than two billion dollars. On April 29, 2010, for the twelfth time, she topped the list of "the most beautiful people on the planet" according to People magazine.
  14. Julia Ormond - (born 1965) British theater, film and television actress, winner of the Emmy television award in 2010) Julie Andrews ((born 1935) English film actress and singer.
  15. Julia Frank - (born 1970) German writer. Daughter of director Jürgen Sämish and actress Anna Katharina Frank, granddaughter of sculptor Ingeborg Hunzinger, great-great-granddaughter of artist Philipp Frank]. Winner of the German Book Prize (2007), shortlisted for the annual award of the British newspaper "The Independent" for best work foreign prose - the novel "Noon" (2007; translated into English - "The Blind Side of the Heart", 2010).
  16. Julia Goerges is a German tennis player.

Julia in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On the English language translated as Julia (Julia), on German: Julia (Julia), on French: Juliette (Juliet) and Julie (Julie).

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