Beautiful names: what to name a child? The most beautiful and rare names for girls.

Technique and Internet 17.10.2019
Technique and Internet

Girls, I am writing to the forum for advice, because I no longer know what and how to think over (I apologize in advance for the many letters))). The child will be 8 years old in May, he is finishing the first grade at a lyceum school. He was born with hypoxia, was pumped out for a day in intensive care, as a result: he went late (1.5 years), spoke late (in some words, at 4-4.5 years). I was afraid that he would not be accepted into a regular school at all, but in the 0th grade his speech leveled off, he learned to read, count within ten, etc. what preschoolers usually know how to do (thanks to neurologists, psychologists and a talented tutor). Now to the point:
Finished the third quarter and has 3 "triples" and 3 "fours". Mathematics and English - with a bang, the rest is not very good. But I do not focus on this, I am confused by the attitude of his teacher. Middle-aged (45-50), as they say "of the old school", very strict, demanding and tough. My child (rather secretive) never complained about her, but I heard enough complaints from her in the first half of the year: "he sleeps all the time, does not listen, yawns, is not active, does not answer, peas against the wall, etc." . All this is said in such a tone (maybe I'm exaggerating) as if he is the last fool in the class (which has 32 children). The load at school is heavy: in addition to general subjects, homework is set to a heap (for example, solve 1 page a day from Nefedova’s “3000 examples in mathematics” and keep reader's diary: read the story and draw a picture for it (5 pieces per week)). In order to improve my studies, I enrolled my son for additional education. classes with a tutor who teaches lessons with him every day for 2 hours and cooks for another 1 hour in separate subjects. The son opened up, cheered up, made new friends, every day he rushes to this tutor as if it were a holiday. As a result, after a month of classes: the last two math tests I wrote "excellent", with the rest of the subjects it was also not bad - from "deuce" to "four". Only his Russian language is unimportant, but remembering how he could not hold a pen and connect two words literally a year ago, I am generally happy with what I have. But when I asked his teacher how his studies were progressing, I heard that he was copying the tests (yeah, he wrote off two controls in a row), and in general, "things are still there." In short, as he was a fool, he remained.
I was brought up in a system where the teacher and his word is the law, and the authority of the teacher is unshakable. Maybe I just got lucky with my teachers. But the peremptory nature of my son's teacher confuses me. I do not confess to anyone, but it seems to me that my son is not comfortable with her, buying up at least an encouragement. If a person is constantly spread rot, then every desire can be beaten off.
And the atmosphere in the classroom is somehow unhealthy: all the competitors, all climb on each other's heads (in the first grade!), all the children are nervous, some kind of aggressive. For six months at school, the son did not find friends for himself, but at the tutor (she teaches in private training center) made friends with everyone on the first day. Yes, and it seems to me that the attitude of the teacher was reflected in the attitude of individual children in the class: all year a classmate finds fault with his son, last week he kicked him, and the teacher told me: your son provoked him himself (as it turned out later, he offered to play catch-up, so he he caught up with his son and kicked him in the legs).
Now I’m thinking: is it worth transferring my son to a regular school, not a lyceum? Or is it the same everywhere? Or maybe I screwed myself up and over-dramatized everything?
I will make a reservation right away, I never asked the teacher for a special attitude towards my son, but before the start of the school year I honestly warned that there were minor problems with speech. Yes, and the teacher at first glance is not a monster, maybe she has such a method and it would be worse if she didn’t demand anything from him at all? I really want to hear your opinion (I’m divorced from my son’s father, my mother throws up her hands and says that if I translate it, I’ll teach you how to run away from problems. In general, it hurts ....

Then you need to take the choice of the name of your child with all seriousness, following the recommendations of astrologers.

Character of a girl born in 2016

According to experts in this field, the name in combination with the eastern and zodiac horoscope can smooth out negative character traits, and, on the contrary, strengthen positive ones. But how to understand what will be the child in the future? Astrologers conditionally divided everyone into four groups depending on the time of year in which the child was born.

winter names

Girls born at this time of the year often have a firm, unshakable and harsh character. Sometimes it is these traits that create problems in relationships with other people. However, this character also has positive sides. Such girls achieve their goal and differ from other children in their perseverance and perseverance. Nevertheless, a girl sometimes needs both tenderness and the ability to care, to show gentleness and calmness. Therefore, in order to balance the character of a winter girl, it is better to choose names such as Anastasia, Valentina, Vasilisa, Xenia or Anna.

spring names

Spring children are usually very mobile, mischievous and smiling. This helps them always find mutual language with peers. But since, in addition to activity, they have naivety and gullibility, many can take advantage of this. Also, such girls do not have sufficient assertiveness to achieve any goal. Therefore, in this case, it is better to choose a name that will add purposefulness, the ability to understand people and calmness to their character. Alina, Angelina, Victoria, Daria are suitable for spring girls. These names, according to astrologers, will reveal all the positive qualities of the child, and on the contrary, they will smooth out the negative ones, thereby helping the child to find harmony with himself and the world around him.

summer names

Girls, born in summer possess such qualities as mobility, activity, combined with purposefulness. At the same time, the highlight of such girls is also the fact that they are prone to romanticism, dreaminess, and sensitivity. At school, they always succeed, and at work they make an excellent career. However, the problem is that, due to their emotionality and impressionability, they are subject to other people's influence. In order for summer children to be able to show resistance to the manipulations of people around them, astrologers recommend giving them the following names: Nelly, Christina, Maria, Irina, Olga.

autumn names

Such girls are very accurate, pedantic and responsible. Any goal and task will be achieved, so autumn girls usually have a good career, while not at the expense of the family, as they are not conflict, economic and affectionate. All this is combined with prudence, love for animals, kindness and calmness. Since such children tend to close in their world, to indecision and stagnation, it is desirable to add a little emotionality and dreaminess to their character. In this case excellent choice there will be such names as Alice, Elena, Sophia, Vera.

Choosing a name for a girl in Leap Year 2016

Leap year- a rather ambiguous period - some astrologers say that children born this year will be unhappy and unlucky, while others, on the contrary, say that these are special children. However, as for 2016, many agree that the Monkey will protect such children and protect them from all sorts of adversity. Therefore, in order to choose a suitable name for a girl, you can be guided by general criteria, and not be afraid that the name can negatively affect the fate of the child.

So, we decided to highlight a few basic principles that a girl's name should comply with in 2016:

  • consonance with the surname and patronymic. The monkey loves harmony and beauty, so the name and surname should be consonant and melodic. For example, if your surname is too long, then it is better to choose a short name, and vice versa.
  • meaning of the name. Unfortunately, many parents today do not pay attention to the meaning of the name, but are chasing fashion trends. But in vain. The name should reveal in the child his strengths. Therefore, before naming a girl, carefully study the meaning of the name.
  • time. Today, more and more parents are trying to choose extraordinary and unusual names. However, in this matter you need to be very careful so that in the future the girl does not have to endure the ridicule of her peers.
  • no need to name a child after someone. According to astrologers, this can attract both the character and fate of this person. But why should your child copy someone else's life, if you can build your own story.

The nature of a child born in the year of the Monkey

You can already guess that such girls will be quite mobile and active. All this is combined with good mental faculties and numerous skills and abilities. Such children cannot sit still and want to learn as much as possible about the world and people. They are extremely curious and inquisitive. In childhood, they will torment their parents with numerous: "Why?", "Why?", "What is it?" and so on. And already adult girls will amaze with their versatility, as they will succeed both at work and in the family.

Yet such hyperactivity sometimes plays bad joke with children who were born in the year of the Monkey. Sometimes, somewhere you need to show patience and calmness. Since the Monkeys are reckless and adventurers by nature, they can end up losing a lot or being left with nothing. Therefore, parents need to consider these qualities when choosing a name for girls born in the year of the Monkey.

Name selection by month

January 2016

Anastasia, Irina, Maria, Nina, Aglaya, Polina, Evgenia, Tatiana, Claudia, Vasilisa, Ulyana, Julia, Angela, Elizabeth, Alice, Antonina.

February 2016

Rimma, Anastasia, Ekaterina, Inna, Maria, Evdokia, Karina, Anna, Zoya, Svetlana, Martha, Christina (Christina), Xenia, Valentina, Olga, Veronica.

March 2016

Marianna, Ulyana, Marina, Christina, Evdokia, Anastasia, Anna, Margarita, Antonina, Elizabeth, Irina, Vasilisa, Galina, Kira, Valentina, Nika.

April 2016

Daria, Miroslava, Alla, Larisa, Maria, Polina, Alexandra, Irina, Tatyana, Anna, Anastasia, Eva, Nika, Julia, Svetlana, Stanislava, Sofia.

May 2016

Alexandra, Irma, Valentina, Violetta, Elizabeth, Valeria, Maria, Glafira, Tamara, Zoya, Pelageya, Irina, Taisiya, Christina, Faina, Julia, Susanna, Victoria, Evdokia, Efrosinya.

June 2016

Elena, Angela, Alena, Anastasia, Nelly, Ilona, ​​Sophia, Ulyana, Emma, ​​Claudia, Diana, Valeria, Maria, Kira, Martha, Marianna, Antonina, Anna, Christina.

July 2016

Inna, Ulyana, Irina, Zhanna, Angelina, Martha, Anna, Yulia, Elena, Olga, Maria, Valentina, Yulia, Alevtina, Marina, Margarita, Rimma.

August 2016

Maria, Evgenia, Svetlana, Karina, Milena, Alina, Christina, Raisa, Anna, Anfisa, Valentina, Arina, Nonna, Elena, Ulyana.

September 2016

Natalia, Anna, Elizabeth, Raisa, Anfisa, Lyudmila, Vera, Hope, Love, Sophia.

October 2016

Irina, Arina, Marianna, Zinaida, Thekla, Taisiya, Sophia, Anna, Veronica, Zlata.

November 2016

Anna, Anfisa, Elizabeth, Elina, Anastasia, Karina, Elena, Ilona, ​​Alena, Renata, Maria, Inessa, Nelly, Ulyana, Efrosinya, Natalia.

December 2016

Augusta, Polina, Ekaterina, Ada, Barbara, Margarita, Ulyana, Tamara, Anfisa, Albina, Anna, Alice, Angelina, Victoria, Marina, Zoya, Olga.

How to name a girl? As soon as future parents find out the gender of the unborn baby, this question begins to worry them no less than other important things. What should be considered when choosing a name for a child? What female names attract good luck and happiness? What names for girls are popular in 2016?

How to choose a name for a girl: 4 important points

Even if you are already leaning towards one option, a couple of tips will never be superfluous.

Consonance with patronymic

When choosing a name for a baby, always remember that a cute little girl will someday become an adult woman, and she will be addressed by her first name and patronymic. To make this combination harmonious, follow the rule: the simpler the middle name, the simpler the name should be. Elvira, Angelica or Nicole with a patronymic Fedorovna or Vasilievna sounds, to put it mildly, strange.

Pay attention also to the sequence of letters and sounds when pronouncing the name and patronymic. For example, Anna Gennadievna is somewhat difficult to pronounce due to the repeated double "n".

Name after someone

Naming a child in honor of someone, we convey to him a piece of the fate of this person, moreover, both its good side and not so much. Be careful with such decisions - in this way you can inadvertently "program" the life of your baby, without knowing it yourself.

Moreover, one should not consciously choose the names of martyrs, heroines or women who lived a short life. This does not mean that such names should be avoided altogether. Of course not. If you just like the name Jeanne and associate it with French elegance, you are welcome. But if your decision is based on admiration for a famous historical figure, look for another option.

Meaning of the name

Any word carries a certain energy charge. The name contains important information that can affect a person's life. Ask what the name you like means.

Abbreviated options

Before finally settling on any name, try to pronounce its various options, paying attention Special attention abbreviated and diminutive forms. Some names that sound euphonious in the full version sound very funny when abbreviated. If for an adult this is not a problem, then for a child it can cause ridicule and offensive nicknames from peers.

How to choose a name for a girl by date of birth

The personal horoscope of the child will give more accurate information about his character, but in general, you can also take into account general recommendations when choosing a name for a girl.

Girls born in winter

They have a solid, strong and purposeful character. They can be a bit harsh and even conflicting, so for such babies it is better to choose “soft” names, without roaring “r” and hard “t” and “d”.

Girls born in spring

Active fidgets who often lack patience and perseverance. "Strong", "assertive" names can "reason" pranksters.

girls born in summer

Name for summer girls can be almost anything of your choice. Summer children are energetic, inquisitive, often have leadership inclinations.

Girls born in autumn

Pedantic and disciplined. To soften the straightforwardness of the character a little, you can give the child an exquisite "fantasy" name.

Names for girls 2016: the most fashionable trends

So, the turn has come to consider the most fashionable names for girls. Current trends:


The tendency to give children names that sound the same both in Russian and abroad is only getting stronger. Demographers attribute this fashion to the increasing mobility of people and the desire of many families to move to live abroad or send their child to study in another country.

Hence the growing popularity of names such as Anna, Maria, Elena, Kristina, Catherine, Irina, Natalia, which easily turn into Ann, Marie, Helen, Christine, Kate, Irene, Natalie.


Alexandra and Evgeniya– two more trends gaining momentum. It is generally accepted that female names with male energy brings misfortune to their owner. Like, the masculine principle, present in the name, repels men, does not allow to create strong family, be realized as a woman.

In fact, there are a lot good examples happy and successful women with that name. It all depends on what meaning you put in this name, choosing it for your baby. If you just like how noble and unusual Evgeniya sounds, don't be afraid of anything. But if you dreamed of a boy, and because of this you call your daughter male name it might hurt her.

Short names

Polysyllabic names like Anastasia are gradually losing ground. More and more parents call their children short names.

Among female names are becoming more and more popular Eve, Mila, Kira, Yana. And Veronica, which was very common a couple of years ago, is gradually transforming into Vera.

Names of the beginning of the 20th century

The list of fashionable names for girls continues with retro names.

Pauline, Isabel (Bella), Zoya, Adele, Laura, Sofia, Nina, Emma, Juno, Rimma, Zlata, Yesenia- after the craze for Nastya and Dashami, the names common at the beginning of the 20th century experience a surge in popularity.

Made up names

Another trend worth noting is the names for girls of their own composition. Parents often change the letter in a popular name in an effort to give their child a unique name. This may be done for the sake of greater euphony, or may have other reasons. Karina, for example, can be named after parents: mother Marina and father Nikolai. It is enough to replace the first letter in the mother's name with K, and the name for the baby is ready.

The process of choosing a name for a baby among our ancestors was minimized, since the newborn was called according to the "Saints" - a church book where all the saints whose names are honored in Orthodox Church. At the same time, it was believed that a child named after them would live happily and for a very long time.

Name for a girl 2016

For those parents who want to continue these traditions, we recall which names for girls by months for 2016 will be the most relevant:

  1. January: Ulyana, Eva, Tatyana, Emilia, Anastasia;
  2. February: Inessa, Maria, Evgenia, Anna, Inna, Xenia;
  3. March: Kira, Nika, Anastasia, Maria, Marianna, Anna;
  4. April: Irina, Daria, Alexandra, Victoria, Louise, Sabina;
  5. May: Elizabeth, Julia, Maria, Alexandra, Taisia, Valeria, Carolina, Christina, Anastasia;
  6. June: Maria, Elena, Anna, Valeria, Ulyana, Sofia;
  7. July: Inna, Margarita, Julia, Elena, Marina, Olga, Rimma, Maria, Emma;
  8. August: Christina, Anna, Ulyana, Maria, Daria, Irina, Ksenia;
  9. September: Natalia, Sofia, Elizabeth, Anna, Adeline, Victoria, Maria, Vasilisa, Anna;
  10. October: Irina, Sofia, Veronika, Anna, Taisiya, Maria, Vera, Anna, Alina, Zlata, Viola;
  11. November: Anna, Elizabeth, Anastasia, Ulyana, Maria, Cleopatra;
  12. December: Catherine, Elizabeth, Anna, Elena, Maria, Karina, Victoria, Anna.

The names of the girls for the months for 2016 by patronymic according to the “Saints”, keep in mind that it is not necessary to call the baby the name of the saint on the day of veneration of which she was born, if you don’t like any of the names or if only male saints are venerated on this day. You can choose the option that suits you best by looking a little ahead - a day or several days. Also, you should not name your daughter in honor of the great martyr, so that her life would not be difficult and full of hardships.

New names for girls in 2016

For the most part, the names of girls in 2016 echo the popular names of the past, 2015. So the names Maria, Sofia, Eva, Alina, Anna, Lisa, Daria, Christina, Polina remain relevant. Anastasia, Nika, Xenia, Yulia, Veronika, Darina and Angelina will also move to 2016.

For those parents who want to name the baby in an unusual way, we recommend that you consider new names for girls in 2016 with old roots (Milena (Milana), Lada, Zlata, Lyubava) or foreign origin(Helen, Agnes, Ilona, ​​Violetta, Louise, Camilla, Aurora).

The list of popular names for girls will be replenished with such once very popular options as Alexandra, Valeria, Evgenia, Vlada, Natalya, Elena.

Popular names girls of the year 2016

When choosing how to name your future smart and beautiful woman, consider two more very important nuances. Firstly, the name should be consonant and harmonious with the patronymic and surname that your daughter will bear. Secondly, if you name the baby in honor of one of the specific women (relatives, acquaintances or very famous ones) - do not risk the fate of the child if this woman cannot be called happy and successful.

Our name is the symbol that accompanies us all our lives. It’s not for nothing that people attach special importance to the choice of a name. The name is a kind of identifier that distinguishes us from the crowd. And it's not a secret for anyone that there is even a concept of fashion for names, and like any fashion, it is very capricious and changeable. As a rule, the name is popular for a certain period of time, then gives way to other names. This periodic change of popular names is due to main function name - to be a means of distinguishing people. Therefore, the existence of some reserve of names is always necessary, from which more "fresh" names are scooped. This reserve can be traditional, inactive names or names of other peoples. To make it a little easier to choose a name, we publish our name popularity rating based on statistical data collected on the site.


  • place / name
  • Anastasia (ανάσταση) "resurrecting, returning to life"
  • Anna (أنا) "I"
  • Thea 1. Greek (θεά) "goddess". 2. a short form of the name Theon ("Divine Intelligence") Thea - the ruler of the Hellenistic state of the Seleucids, the queen of Syria, the daughter of the Egyptian king Ptolemy VI Philometor and queen Cleopatra II.
  • 4 iris Iris, Iridos (in ancient mythology, the name of the goddess of the rainbow, the messenger of the gods)
  • 5 Maria Desirable, sad
  • 7 And I 1. Turkic "lunar" is formed from Ai. 2. Hindi (अया) "chaste". 3. Hebrew name (איה) "falcon, hawk, kite". 4. Arabic name (آية) "wonder-sign" or from (آية) "verse". The name of the smallest part of the Qur'an. 5. Japanese (彩) "color" or (綾) "style, design". 6. Kazakh (aya) "air, atmosphere, climate". 7. See Aya. Forms - Aya, Ay, Ay.
  • 8 Elizabeth (אלישבע&lrm-,) "God is my oath- honoring God- God is perfection- oath of God- daughter of God"
  • 9 Theon Georgian (თეონა) from Greek "Divine understanding".
  • 10 Aina 1. Turkic "mirror" in the meaning: "clean, bright". 2. Arabic name (عيناء) "big-eyed". 3. Finnish (Aina) "always, at all times, forever - fast". 4. Japanese name 愛 "love" + 菜 "green". 5. derived from the Turkic Ai "moon, lunar".
  • 11 Catherine Caterer "supplying products"
  • 12 Daria "Gifted, gift of God"
  • 13 Aisha Arabic name (عائش) "lively, energetic" or "woman". The English form is Aisha. Aisha (Aisha) (613-678) - the most beloved and young wife of the Prophet Muhammad, daughter of Caliph Abu Bakr. She accompanied her father during the Muslim migration to Ethiopia in 615. In 622, she was given in marriage to Muhammad in Medina. Aisha received the informal status of her husband's beloved wife. After the death of Muhammad, she remained a widow and never remarried. After the assassination of the caliph, Uthmana refused to recognize Ali's claims to the post of caliph and raised the soldiers to revolt, led by her relatives Talha and az-Zubair. The rebels first captured Kufa, and then moved to Basra, where in 656 the Battle of the Camels took place, in which the supporters of Aisha were defeated. Aisha herself was taken in custody to Mecca, where she later died.

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