Recommendations for the design of the reader's diary. What it is

Technique and Internet 25.06.2021
Technique and Internet

Literature lessons at school are among the most interesting and exciting. Many modern children enjoy reading epics and fairy tales, express their opinion about the plot and characters, and are not afraid to ask questions. But often this is not enough to get an excellent mark in this subject. We offer you to get acquainted with several recommendations that will help you figure out how to design a reader's diary.

What it is

A reader's diary for a student is a thick notebook in which students write out quotes from the work being studied, retell its plot. The benefits of such work are undeniable: if you need to prepare for a test or writing an essay, you don’t need to reread the text, just open your diary and refresh events or characters in your memory.

Design Secrets

How to arrange a reader's diary so that it is convenient to use?

  • First of all, you need to make pagination and content - this will help you quickly find the work you need.
  • It is obligatory to indicate the sections - "Oral folk art", "Literature of the 18th century", "Literature of the 19th century", etc. The names of these sections should be written in large print, block capital letters and colored pens can be used. To make the diary look neat, you need to use the same color for headings of the same level.
  • Within each major section, there are subsections. So, "Literature of the 19th century" will necessarily include parts of "Pushkin's Creativity", "Lermontov's Poetry", "Gogol" and so on, depending on the school curriculum. The name of the subsection must also be highlighted in color, underlined.

As a rule, at school, teachers do not put forward clear requirements for how to arrange a reader's diary, because this is primarily a hint for the student. Therefore, you can freely express your imagination.

Form Features

A very convenient form is a table that includes the following columns:

  • Full name of the author;
  • title of the work;
  • main characters;
  • place and time of action;
  • key events or quotes.

It is very important to make columns of different widths in the table. The last one should be the widest.

How to design a reader's diary without a table? You can write in solid text, emphasizing or highlighting with color the titles of works, authors and main ideas. Some students who have a rich imagination come up with schemes that reflect the relationship between the characters of a literary work and the events that happened to them. Work on such a presentation of the material will take some time, but remembering the text later will not be difficult.

Content specifics

How to arrange a reader's diary so that it is easy to prepare for writing an essay? First of all, when retelling, it is imperative to indicate the pages of a book or textbook where this or that event is discussed. This will allow you to quickly find the necessary place in the text and quote.

An obligatory part of the diary is quotations from the work, which help characterize the hero, understand the author's intention, the idea of ​​the text. They can be abbreviated if necessary, marking the place of reduction with an ellipsis. It would be useful to indicate the genre and year of writing the text, these data can be used in the introduction to the essay. Be sure to write down difficult-to-pronounce names of characters, especially from ancient or foreign literature. This will save a lot of time, because you don’t have to look for them in the book.

Younger students can decorate their notebooks with illustrations and pictures.


Consider how to design the cover of a reader's diary. There are several ways:

  • The easiest is to buy a suitable notebook, on which the “Reader's Diary” will be written, you just need to indicate your full name and class.
  • You can buy an ordinary notebook with a one-color cover and show your imagination: stick an illustration from your favorite work on it, write a few quotes you like, write the words “Reader's Diary” in beautiful letters (for example, in the Old Slavonic style). Then the notebook will become a real treasure for any student.
  • With the help of ordinary braid, you can make a bookmark: a braid is taken, the length of which is about 7 cm longer than the notebook, one end of it is carefully glued on adhesive tape in the upper left corner of the back cover, and the rest is laid on the required page. The cover can also be pasted over with a braid.

We looked at how to beautifully design a reader's diary so that it will please its owner for many years. You should not throw away such notebooks, because in preparation for the final and entrance exams in literature, you will need to recall previously studied texts. And diary owners won't have to go to the library.

The meaning of the reader's diary is that a person can remember when and what books he read, what is their plot. For a child, this can be a kind of cheat sheet: for example, having come to school after the summer holidays at extracurricular reading lessons, a child can use a diary to remember which books he read, who are the characters in the book, and what is the essence of the plot.

In the primary grades, the reading diary helps to train the child's memory, teaches you to analyze the work, understand it, find the main thing and express your thoughts, but it also has a controlling function: both parents and teachers need to check how often and how much the child reads: only thanks to constant exercises in reading, the child will learn to read quickly and, therefore, will be able to fully study in high school.

There are no clear requirements on how to maintain and design a reader's diary - this is decided by each teacher, taking into account the characteristics of the class or a particular child. In elementary school, the reader's diary uses a minimum of columns; in high school, the teacher may require a more accurate description of each book read.

Diary Design Templates

Many adults do not pay due attention to the format and appearance of the reader's diary, and children do not feel like filling them out. But let's think: what are the motives for reading in a child? Why does he read (especially children under 6th grade)? Why is he filling out a diary? It is unlikely that at this age he does it consciously, most likely, he was simply “forced”. But we must remember that it may be simply interesting for children to work in a large and beautiful notebook, fill in tables, etc. Therefore, we propose to pay special attention to the design of the reader's diary and offer several templates.

Types of reader diaries

Depending on the goal pursued by the teacher, there are several types of diaries:

  • a diary report on the number of pages read to oneself or aloud, marks of parents who read with the child. There may be the following columns: number, title of the work and full name of the author, number of pages read, type of reading (out loud and to oneself), signature of the parents. Used in elementary grades.
  • diary-report of books read. Only book titles, authors' names, reading dates (June 2014, August 2014, etc.) are taken into account. There may also be "marginal notes", that is, brief remarks about the book.
  • diary cheat sheet with a mini-analysis of works. Let's talk about it in more detail.

What should be in the reader's diary and how to fill it out?

  • Full name of the author of the work
  • Title of the work
  • Number of pages
  • Genre of the work (poem, novel, story, etc.)
  • In what year was the piece written? How famous is this year in history? What was the situation in the country where the author lived?
  • Main heroes. You can simply indicate their names, but you can also give a brief description: age, connections with other characters (elder brother, father, friend, etc.), appearance, hobbies, habits, you can give page numbers on which the author gives a description hero. Do you want to be like a hero? Why?
  • The plot is what the book is about.
  • Review of the book.
  • List of key episodes in the book with page numbers.
  • The era in which the action takes place, or specific years. Who then was in power? In what country or city does the action take place?

High school students may also provide additional information:

  • List of critical literature by work or author.
  • Extracts of favorite phrases, expressions.
  • Brief biography of the writer.

In addition to the usual information, you need to give the child the opportunity to draw in the reader's diary, do crosswords, puzzles, puzzles, also write a letter to the author of the book or characters, and so on.

Reading is an important discipline in teaching a first grader. But kids still have insufficiently developed memory and they quickly forget about what they read. Thanks to keeping a reader's diary, the child will always be able to return to the work and quickly find any information about the book.

Keeping a reading diary for grade 1 helps the child improve his reading technique.

In addition, keeping a reading diary has a positive effect on the development of the child. Thanks to this baby:

  • love reading faster
  • expand your horizons;
  • learn to talk about what they read;
  • increase reading speed.

In addition, keeping a reading diary improves the creative abilities of the baby. After all, he needs to independently figure out how to beautifully arrange this “cheat sheet”.

How to write a reading diary

For a diary, it is advisable to take a common notebook in a cage, because a thin one will quickly lose its attractive appearance and a first grader will not have the desire to fill it out. In addition, it can quickly get lost. Together with the child, decorate the cover beautifully, on which indicate the name and surname of the student. If desired, you can decorate the binding with pictures or drawings.

On the first pages, create a kind of memo on which indicate what literature you need to read.

A template for a ready-made reader's diary can be taken from the teacher. But in most cases, teachers recommend making out a notebook at their discretion. As a rule, a reader's diary for first graders consists of the following columns:

  • Title of the work.
  • Author.
  • Genre. Here you need to indicate what exactly the baby read: a fairy tale, a story, a story, a verse, etc.
  • Illustration. The child can draw a small picture for the work himself. If the kid has problems with drawing, then print ready-made illustrations.
  • A small review. In this column, the baby should state a summary of the work. In addition, the child is encouraged to leave a review about what they read.

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Cl. leader Demina V.O. How to make a Reader's Diary

Improving reading technique is one of the main tasks of teaching younger students.

Keeping a reader's diary will allow you to: 1) love the book and the process of reading; 2) improve the quality of reading; 3) broaden the horizons of the reader; 4) develop his creative abilities; 5) to teach the child to draw conclusions from what he read, to help the child better remember and understand the work.

The main goal of keeping a Reader's Diary is not to burden the child and parents with additional work, but to teach them to draw conclusions and develop the culture of the reader.

How to design a "Reader's diary" On the title page you need to write: "Reader's diary", your first and last name, class (you can design the cover at your discretion).

In your notebook, indicate: the date of reading the title of the work the author the main characters my impressions of the read “About what?” Here, with the help of parents, the child writes down the main idea of ​​the text in 1-2 sentences.

When writing information about a book you have read, you can follow the pattern given in the table. Date Title of the work Author Names and main characters My impressions of what I read 30.01. 2015 "Unknown Flower" Andrey Platonovich Platonov (real name Klimentov) was born on September 1, 1899 in Yamskaya Sloboda, a suburb of Voronezh. 1.Dasha 2.Unknown flower This is the story of a little flower who wanted to live. I felt very sad when I read that the unknown flower had died. The fairy tale teaches us not to be afraid of difficulties, but to do everything to "not live sadly."

Here are some questions to help: Describe the character's appearance. Name the traits of his character. What are his favorite activities? Who are his friends? What are they? Would you like to be like this hero? How? Is there anything you don't like about it? Why? Which passage from the book did you like the most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent?





Memo “LEARN TO READ CORRECTLY” Make sure that your eyes move along the line. Try not to go back to reading the read word if you understand it. When reading, pay attention to every word. Try to understand what you are reading. Read daily: aloud, to yourself..


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Reader's diary

Reader's diary

Instructions for keeping a reading diary will help both you and your parents to see the level of development of the child ...

The role of the "Reader's Diary" in the life of a primary school student

After one mom asked at our last parent-teacher meeting if we could just read books and have parents write lists, I wondered if they understood all the benefits in this way ...

Many parents, when faced with their child's homework for the first time, ask themselves: "How to properly arrange a reading diary?". They were not at the lesson, but they themselves did not go through this. And the children themselves often cannot understand and explain what needs to be done. Fortunately, the Wise Litrecon helps readers in understanding the latest trends in education.

A child needs a reading diary not only to get a good mark at school. It is called from the bowels of the imagination in order to develop thinking and memory in children, as well as the ability to correctly express their thoughts. The student, knowing that it will be necessary to write down everything in a diary, reads the texts more carefully. He tries to remember the key moments of the plot, he reads some lines several times. Reproducing a very brief content of the work on paper, the student better understands the book itself. Literary development will be very useful to him at the OGE, USE and other exams. Even if he is a born engineer or mathematician, he will still have to go through these tests and demonstrate knowledge of novels, stories and novels.

In addition, if you need to prepare for a test, it is easier to remember the material by going over your notes. Therefore, it is better to start writing reading diaries in childhood, because this skill will definitely come in handy in high school.

How to lead?

Of course, it is better to allocate a separate notebook or notebook for the reader's diary. Each teacher has their own approaches and criteria for completing this task. But you can create a list of the main points:

  1. Full name of the author of the work
  2. Title of the work
  3. Year of publication of the work
  4. Genre of the work
  5. Short story (major events from the book)
  6. Review (your opinion about what you read, the main idea of ​​the work, morality and conclusion)

The older the child becomes, the more information his reader's diary contains. To these points, you can add the history of creation, some interesting facts, the era and the direction corresponding to it. But do not rewrite the entire textbook on literature, otherwise the student will quickly lose the incentive to do this routine work. And his main task is not to train the skill of writing, but to reflect on what he has read and form his position, setting out theses on paper.

Of course, you always want to know how the reader's diary is kept in advanced educational institutions? The answer is unexpected: with pleasure. The teacher turns this process into a creative exercise that allows the child to speak out and express individuality. Rarely do kids ask their opinion about an object or phenomenon, they do not have independence in thinking. This format can and should correct this, make the student think for himself and not be afraid to express these thoughts.

Here are some tips from experienced teachers who answered our question on how to fill out a reading diary correctly and efficiently:

  1. Unleash a child's fantasy. Let them draw their illustrations, circle the words in colored frames, write a review with a purple pen. So he will love his job and begin to be creative in completing the task.
  2. Use new technologies. For example, ask the child to find the best quote in the text and post it on a social network. His illustrations and photos of the diary itself can be posted on Instagram. You also need to organize an open lesson with presentations about the favorite books of schoolchildren.
  3. Introduce a competitive element into training. In the classroom, one could even arrange a competition for the best statements from the book and reward the student for the phrase that reveals the main idea of ​​the author. This will help to find a common language with the younger generation and involve them in the intellectual game. Both a schoolchild and a parent can come up with such an initiative, because teachers often meet halfway between their pupils and the parent committee.
  4. Show the practical and social significance of work. The best reader's diaries can form the basis of a school wall newspaper, and beautiful illustrations can decorate the classroom.

You can encourage children for diligence in studying the subject at home, helping and guiding the young talent. For example, Santa Claus can be left not cookies with milk, but a reader's diary for verification, so that he draws a conclusion about the success and creativity of the recipient of gifts.

Main part

The basis of any reader's diary is the shortest content of the book and a review about it. We will analyze these parts in more detail in order to succeed in independently completing this task.


The student must reproduce from memory or outline the plot of the work in the course of reading. These are the main events from the book, arranged in chronological order. The volume of retelling for each class is individual: from 100-150 to 600-700 words. Only the teacher will say more precisely, because the views of teachers on this matter vary.

The composition of the brief content is free, because there is no fixed and approved structure, but it is important to be able to drive the flight of fancy into a certain logically determined pattern. So, it is important to dilute the enumeration of events with quotes, but not get carried away with them. You also need to ensure that all the actions and necessary details are mentioned in the work, otherwise such a reader's diary will not help, but will only confuse the student.


This is a very important part that needs to be creative. After reading the literary texts together, the parent needs to ask the first grader a few questions, and then form a single review. Starting from grades 2-3, the student, with the help of relatives, must write down his own judgments according to the already studied plan. Such exercises will help the student in the future to easily write essays and presentations, retell what he has read, and also express his judgments about any subject competently and confidently.

The main components of the recall:

  1. The basic idea;
  2. My opinion/impression;
  3. Favorite hero (episode, moment);
  4. Moral (what the book teaches).

Here is a small list of questions on which you can write a review:

  1. What is the main idea of ​​the work?
  2. What character do you remember? Describe his character traits.
  3. What did you like about the work and what didn't you like?
  4. What moment do you remember?
  5. What actions of the characters made you think about something? About what?
  6. What did you understand for yourself by reading the work?
  7. Would you recommend it to others?
  8. Would you read it again? Why?

Design example

Below are examples for students from elementary and middle schools (grades 1-6). But, based on the above recommendations, you can write reader diaries to your taste, since there is no rigid framework for writing.

1 class

  1. Title: "Flower-seven-flower"
  2. Publication year: 1940
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. Zhenya girl
  2. old lady
  3. Lame boy Vitya

Plot. The girl Zhenya went for bagels. On the way home, the dog ate her bagels. She got upset. The old woman saw that the girl was crying, and gave her a seven-flower flower. He was magical and granted wishes. Zhenya thought that she wanted to return home with bagels, and the wish was immediately fulfilled. The heroine spent the second petal when she broke her mother's favorite vase. The boys were playing at the North Pole outside. She also wanted to play, but she was not accepted into the game. Then, having made a wish, she found herself at the real North Pole. Zhenya got very cold and spent the fourth petal to return to the yard. The boys did not believe her that she was at the North Pole, and she moved on. She saw different toys in girls, and wanted all the toys to belong only to her. As they fell from all sides, Zhenya was frightened, and plucked a petal to stop it. The heroine punished herself that she would be smarter in the future. I thought for a long time what to make for the last petal. I met a lame boy Vitya. She felt sorry for him, and she plucked the last petal. And at that very moment Vitya jumped off the bench, and they were playing tag. And they had a lot of fun.

Review. This fairy tale taught me that you should always think before you do something. So, Zhenya thought of all the toys, and nothing good came of it. Another heroine taught me that you can not be selfish. I remember the moment when Zhenya helped Vita. Only kindness gives us real pleasure!

I really liked this tale. She is very funny and interesting, but most importantly very instructive! I would recommend this book to other children as well. She teaches kindness, compassion and responsiveness.

Grade 2

  1. Title: "Puss in Boots"
  2. Time of writing: XVII century
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. Puss in Boots
  2. Miller's youngest son (Marquis of Carabas)
  3. King
  4. Princess
  5. Cannibal (could turn into anyone)

Plot. Once upon a time there was a miller who had 3 sons. After his death, they divided the inheritance among themselves. The eldest got the mill, the middle one got the donkey, and the youngest got the cat. The youngest was upset, as he was awarded a miserable inheritance. But the Cat pretended not to hear anything, asked for a sack and boots, and told him not to grieve. The cat caught a rabbit in the forest and presented it to the king on behalf of the Marquis of Carabas (as he called his master). The king liked the gift and accepted it. So, the Cat caught prey for 2 or 3 months and wore it to the king. The Marquis of Carabas began to please not only the ruler, but also the princess. Once, the Cat staged a fake fall into the river of his master so that he would have a decent outfit. The king, passing by, saw the marquis drowning and ordered the servants to help him and give him rich clothes. The princess and the miller's son fell in love at first sight. The king invited him to ride together in a carriage. The cat ran ahead and forced the peasants to say that these were the lands of the Marquis of Carabas. So he ran to the castle of the Cannibal. The cat outwitted him (the ogre turned into a mouse). The carriage drove up to the beautiful castle. The king was surprised by the wealth of the Marquis of Carabas. Then the king agreed to the wedding of his daughter with a rich man. They played a wedding, and the Cat became an important gentleman.

Review. It seems to me that the main idea of ​​the tale is that a friend is much more important than any wealth. After all, the Cat for the sake of the Marquis of Carabas was ready for anything. I remember the cat for how cleverly he came up with the idea of ​​catching a rabbit and partridges. He also wore boots! I also remember the Cannibal and his funny transformations into a lion, and then into a mouse.

This story taught me a lot. For example, never give up. Even from the most difficult situations, you can find a way out. I also think that this work helped me to take a different look at things that previously seemed useless. I want to read "Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault, because it seems to me that she, too, can teach me a lot. But before that, I advise you to read the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" not only to children, but also to their parents.

3rd grade

  1. Title: "The Ugly Duckling"
  2. Year of writing: 1843
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. ugly duck
  2. mother duck
  3. old duck
  4. Old lady, cat and chicken
  5. Peasant

Plot. One summer day, ducklings hatched in the thickets of burdock. They threw off the shells all but one. The mother duck had to continue hatching the egg. When the duckling hatched, she was very surprised, because he was not at all like the others. The whole poultry yard mocked him: both chickens and ducks. At first, mother protected him from all attacks, but then she turned away from the duckling. The poor thing could not stand it and ran behind the fence. I found myself in a swamp where wild ducks swam. Perhaps he would have made friends with them, but the hunters came and opened fire. The duckling was very frightened and ran away. I came across a hut in which an old woman, a chicken and a cat lived. The chicken and the cat reproached him in every possible way. And the duckling is gone. Autumn came, and one day the duckling saw beautiful birds in the sky. They were swans. He immediately fell in love with them, but did not understand why. Soon winter came, and a farmer found the poor frozen duckling. He brought it into the house to warm it up. The children wanted to play with him, but the duckling got scared and made a mess. He quickly ran out, rushed into the bushes and lay in the snow for a long time.

Finally, spring has come. One day the duckling saw a flock of swans again. This time he was not afraid and approached them. They, to his surprise, received him well. The duckling looked at his reflection in the water and realized that he was just as young and beautiful as a swan. Now he has become part of the pack and is truly happy.

Review. The main idea of ​​the work is that you cannot judge someone by their appearance. This is extremely stupid. I felt sorry for the poor duckling, because he had been through so much. Even his mother turned away from him. And all this was due to the fact that he is not like the others. The book teaches that one must respect even those who do not like, because any neglect hurts the soul. The behavior of others showed how not to behave, because they offended the duckling with their behavior.

It seems to me that the most memorable moment is when the duckling realizes that he is in fact not a duckling at all, but a beautiful swan. Because of this ending, The Ugly Duckling is one of my favorite Hans Andersen books. I think that if this tale was so instructive, then it is worth reading all the others.

4th grade

  1. Title: "Scarlet Flower"
  2. Publication year: 1858
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. Furry Beast (aka Prince)
  2. Beauty is the youngest daughter
  3. Her father (merchant)

Plot. Once a merchant went to trade in overseas countries. But before that, he asked his 3 daughters what they want as a gift. The eldest asked her father for a golden wreath, the middle one asked for a mirror in which the reflection never grows old, and the youngest, the most beloved of daughters, asked for the most beautiful scarlet flower in the world. The merchant set off. Bought gifts for the eldest and middle daughter, and headed home. On the way, robbers attacked him, and he fled into a dense forest. Lost, he came across a beautiful palace. The merchant dined, spent the night in an unusual castle (the table itself served goodies, music played), and in the morning he decided to take a walk in the garden. He saw a flower of extraordinary beauty and plucked it. At the same moment, a terrible beast appeared, which threatened him with death for what he had done. In a panic, the merchant began to talk about his daughters. Hearing this, the furry beast demanded that either the father or one of his daughters live with him forever. He gave him a ring (he will put it on and end up anywhere) and ordered him to return home in order to say goodbye to his family or bring one of the beauties to the palace.

The eldest and middle daughters received gifts and did not want to go to certain death. And the youngest daughter, for the sake of her father, packed her things and went to the beast. The merchant's daughter lived in the palace like a queen. The beast fed and watered, and dressed in rich outfits, and entertained the beauty. She thanked him for his concern. At first, only fiery messages appeared from him on the wall, then she heard the voice of the beast, and then the girl prayed that she wanted to see him.

Beauty quickly gets used to his ugly appearance, and soon they spend all the time together. One day she has a dream that her father is ill. She began to pray to the beast to let her go home. Finally, she punishes the monster that she must return exactly in 3 days, otherwise it will die of boredom.

Everyone rejoices at her arrival home. The father immediately felt better when he saw that his daughter was living well. The sisters began to envy her and moved all the clocks so that she would be late. But in her heart she felt that she had to run back. Returning to the castle, she sees how the beast lies, hugging a scarlet flower, screaming that she loves him, and faints. Waking up, she saw a handsome prince, who, as it turned out, is the same beast. He tells the beauty about witchcraft (the monster could return to its true appearance as a prince only when the girl fell in love with him), and they play a wedding.

Review. The most important thing in a person is his soul. This is the main idea of ​​the book. Appearance is not as important as kindness and love. I was sincerely sorry for the beast when the youngest daughter was late to see him because of the intrigues of envious sisters. They did wrong, because the monster could die! So the story taught me that jealousy has terrible consequences.

I remember the moment at which the beast showed itself to the beauty, and she was not afraid and did not run away from him home. All the characters taught me something. For example, the youngest daughter - that you need to see the inner beauty, it is more important than the outer one, the father - that for the sake of a loved one you can do anything, the older and middle sisters - how to behave is definitely not worth it. Now I really want to watch the cartoon "The Scarlet Flower". I think he is also very interesting.

5th grade

  1. Title: "Humpbacked Horse"
  2. Year of publication: 1834
  3. Genre: fairy tale

Main characters:

  1. The Little Humpbacked Horse
  2. Ivan (the youngest of the sons, a fool)
  3. Danilo (the eldest of the sons, was considered the smartest)
  4. Gavrilo (the middle of the sons, "and so and so")
  5. Tsar Maiden

Plot. In one village there lived a peasant with three sons. The eldest son is Danilo, the middle son is Gavrilo, and the youngest is Ivan. They lived off the wheat they sold in the capital. One day they discover that someone is trampling their crops. That's why they decided to watch at night. The senior and middle did not want to stand in the cold. The younger one, on the contrary, noticed a mare with a golden mane at midnight and jumped on her. She asked to be released in exchange for three horses: Ivan could sell two, and the third would become a good friend for him. Ivan agreed, and the mare gave birth to 3 promised horses. The brothers noticed the horses and stole them to sell. Ivan saw and immediately catches up with them, sitting on the Little Humpbacked Horse. They justify themselves: supposedly they have no money, and the hero agrees to sell the horses.

Having stopped for the night, Ivan notices a light in the distance. It turned out to be the feather of the Firebird. The Little Humpbacked Horse advises him not to take him, but the hero does not listen. During the day, the king himself became interested in horses. Having bought them (the brothers get good money, they live quietly), they get out and return to Ivan. Then the ruler appoints him head of the royal stables.

One day, the royal sleeping boyar (Ivan took his place) notices how he cleans and feeds the horses with the feather of the Firebird and informs the king. He orders Ivan to bring the Firebird. Ivan desperately asks for help from the Little Humpbacked Horse. The hunchback advised to take wine and millet from the king, and they set off on a long journey. In the forest, Ivan manages to lure the Firebird. Upon arrival, the king rewards Ivan with the position of stirrup. But the sleeping bag again lies to the king that the young man can also get the Tsar Maiden. By the cunning of the Humpbacked Ivan, Ivan managed to steal the beauty. The king offers to marry tomorrow, but the princess refuses, because she needs her ring from the bottom of the ocean and the blessing of her mother - the Moon and her brother - the Sun. Ivan went again.

Approaching the ocean, the heroes met an unfortunate whale with a whole village on its back. The month was delighted with the news from his daughter, but said that she was worthy of a young husband. On the way back, Ivan and the Humpbacked Horse help the whale. The tsar-maiden offers the tsar to look younger: to go through 3 cauldrons. The ruler ordered the hero himself to experience it, Horse helped him, and he overcame all 3 boilers. And the king followed in the very first cauldron and boiled. And the Tsar Maiden and Ivan played the wedding, and they lived happily ever after.

Review. It is better to have a good friend than to have a lot of wealth - this is the main idea of ​​the book. The Humpbacked Horse is an example of a true friend who will help you get out of any trouble. A friend like that is worth its weight in gold! I managed to fall in love with the Little Humpbacked Horse not only for his responsiveness, but also for his ingenuity. I was very surprised by his cunning. Such a fairy tale teaches the reader not only to feel, but also to think. Now I want to prove myself by helping my parents and friends.

After reading, I thought about my friends and whether they are as faithful and kind as the Little Humpbacked Horse, or not? Of course, I will advise them to read this tale, and I myself would not mind reading it again, so as not to forget this instructive story.

6th grade

  1. Title: "Bezhin Meadow"
  2. Year of publication: 1852
  3. Genre: one of the stories in the collection "Notes of a Hunter"

Main characters:

  1. Hunter (Dianka dog with him)
  2. Ilyusha (works at a paper mill, fearful, superstitious, 12 years old)
  3. Pavlusha (curious, brave, 12 years old)
  4. Kostya (coward, kind, 10 years old)
  5. Fedya (handsome, the oldest, 14 years old)
  6. Vanya (the youngest of the guys, 7 years old)

Plot. One day in July, the narrator went hunting for black grouse. When it was time to return home, he got lost and accidentally came across a familiar area - Bezhin Meadow. He saw two fires, five children and horses grazing nearby. The hunter said that he had lost his way and asked to spend the night. He quietly lay down behind a bush and pretended to be asleep, while he himself listened to the stories that the boys told.

Ilyusha was the first narrator. He knew many stories, so he told more than others. First, he told about how a brownie wound up at his paper mill, then about a talking lamb on the grave of a drowned man. He also told about the late master, who was looking for a gap-grass and complained that the earth was pressing on him. The next was the story of the dead passing along the church road on their parents' Sabbath. The guys were also surprised by the unusual Trishka, which comes during a solar eclipse.

Following the story about Trishka continued Pavlusha. He cheered up the guys. But Kostya told a not at all funny story about a carpenter and a mermaid. Then a terrible one - about a boy who drowned because of a water boy. I remembered the drowning woman and Fedya. With the boys was also Vanya, the youngest in the company, who almost all the time dozed off. In the morning everyone fell asleep, the narrator went away. Therefore, the hunter found out that Pavel died after these gatherings - he fell from his horse.

Review."Bezhin Meadow" - so Turgenev called one of the stories by the name of the area. What does this story teach? It seems to me that from the very beginning of the story, the author shows us how important it is to be able to help people. When the guys allowed the hunter to spend the night at their fires, they showed a good attitude towards the master, although the peasants lived hard, and it was the landlords who were largely to blame. This is an example of the indifference of children who do not harbor anger towards adults. Also, after reading this story, you notice the good even in ordinary things, trying not to pay attention to minor troubles.

The main idea of ​​the book is that you cannot escape fate. Peasant children believed that the meeting with magic was written in the family. But the author knew that something else was written for them: to share the hard fate of their parents. Children from childhood are doomed to cheap and unhealthy work, they have no choice. Their childhood is colored by closeness to nature, but later life will lose these iridescent colors as well. It is symbolic that Pasha, a smart and independent boy, will die in his prime, falling from a horse.

Of all the boys' stories, I remember most of all the story of the brownie at the paper mill. All the stories of the guys are really unusual. I wonder if all sorts of such mermaids and water ones exist, or is it just a fiction? I think these creatures live a full life in our fantasies.


Start exercising with your child now, and you will certainly see a good result. The reader's diary is not only interesting, but also very instructive for future smart people and smart girls. We hope that the material from the Wise Litrekon was useful to you.

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