How was the fate of the youngest mothers in Russia? 14 year old girl gave birth.

Technique and Internet 18.08.2019
Technique and Internet

In Russia, it is believed that the ideal time to have a baby is 25-27 years old. In the West, this figure is 32 years. The debate about when is "early" and when is "late" will be ongoing. Not so long ago, the story of a 12-year-old schoolgirl once again thundered throughout Russia, who, and her mother, did not notice that her daughter was pregnant. Alas, such an example is not the first. We remembered the stories of other Russian girls who gave birth, being children themselves.

Valya Isaeva - gave birth at 11 years old

Valya is still the youngest Russian mother. When she gave birth to a baby in 2005, her story thundered throughout the country. The girl became pregnant from an 18-year-old Tajik guest worker. Khabib Patakhonov by that time had lived and worked in Moscow for three years. He was 7 years older than the girl. They met because the guy rented an apartment with Valya's grandmother.

Valya's grandmother and guardian did not know about the relationship between her tenant and her granddaughter until the last moment. It turned out that Khabib lived in Moscow for fake documents. According to her, Antonina Alexandrovna did not understand how a little granddaughter and a sexually mature young man periodically ended up in the same bed. The couple said that when it came to intimacy, they could not even imagine that everything would end in pregnancy. Apparently, the young man completely forgot where children come from.

The scandalous story turned into a real series, in which guardianship, the Federal Migration Service, and the police took part. The couple managed to convince everyone that they loved each other very much, but the court did not believe in great love and found the resident of Tajikistan guilty under article 134 of the Russian Criminal Code (“Prostitution of a minor”). He was sentenced to three years probation.

The birth of a child was not easy: Valya did not want to go to the preservation. Doctors and grandmother persuaded her to go under the supervision of specialists, otherwise the baby might simply not have been born. The girl had a caesarean section, as the contractions began ahead of time. Amina was born 50 centimeters tall and weighing 2900 grams. Valya did not want to part with her child and his father. The grandmother of the young mother became the guardian of the newborn.

The Isaev family lived in a three-room apartment owned by their grandmother. The girl graduated from 9 classes and went to college. As soon as the girl turned 18, Valya officially married Khabib. In January 2013, she gave birth to her second child - the boy was named Amir. Valya worked as a cashier, and her husband worked as a storekeeper in a furniture warehouse.

True, not everything went well. The young husband regularly raised his hand to his wife and was caught cheating. Although skeptics believe that these stories could simply be fabricated: stories from Vali's life were well paid. In September 2017, the couple announced that they were divorcing. Valya herself spoke about this on the air “Let them talk” and stated that she already has another.

Lyuba Bessudnova, 14 years old

The childhood of a schoolgirl from Saratov region Lyuba Bessudnova ended in 2013. An exemplary student at the age of 14 gave birth to a son. It turned out that the father of the child was the 24-year-old math teacher Lyuba, and he was married.

The teacher for a long time denied his involvement in the girl's pregnancy, so a DNA test was done, which confirmed paternity. But even after that, the man did not admit his guilt. An end to this story was put by the court, which found the teacher guilty and sentenced to 4 years in a colony-settlement. The grandmother, Lyuba's mother, took up the upbringing of the baby. The girl continued her studies at school.

Alexandra Gladkovskaya, 15 years old

Sasha Gladkovskaya gave birth at the age of 15. Her story was rather sad. Unlike many other heroines, the girl did not find support from relatives. Upon learning of her daughter's pregnancy, Sasha's 35-year-old mother began talking about an abortion.

“I was ready to do anything, pay any money to have an abortion,” recalls Alexandra's mother Maria.

The schoolgirl refused an abortion, not suspecting what turn awaits this story after the birth of the baby. As soon as the child was born, the life of a schoolgirl and her mother turned into a series of constant scandals. The girl kept the identity of her father a secret, and she had completely different views on upbringing.

Two years later, the young grandmother said that she was dissatisfied with the way her daughter was raising the boy, put Sasha out of the apartment and began to seek to deprive the girl of parental rights in order to take the baby for herself. The family later reconciled.

Veronika Ivanova, 12 years old

Veronika Ivanova became a mother in 2009 when she was in the 6th grade. The girl was then only 12 years old. It is surprising that she managed to hide her position from her parents and teachers:

“Veronica has always been a chubby child, so we didn’t pay attention to her stomach, thinking that she just got better,” the principal of the girl’s school told reporters.

Parents learned that their child was pregnant only shortly before the birth. Veronica complained that her stomach hurt badly. Arriving doctors stated that the girl would soon give birth. While the schoolgirl was in the hospital, the police were looking for the hapless father. It turned out to be a 19-year-old acquaintance of the girl, Valery, who was repeatedly tried for drug trafficking.

“All my girlfriends envied me that I had such an adult gentleman,” Veronica recalled.

Valery came for her by car, drove around the city, bought gifts. But their meetings did not end innocently. Soon the girl realized that she was pregnant, but did not tell anyone. The court sentenced the guy to 8 years for seducing a minor. The child was raised by her grandmother, and the girl studied at night school. Soon she had a new boyfriend:

“I love my daughter and am happy that I have her. You'll see, everything will be fine with me, ”Veronika Ivanova said in an interview two years after the birth of the child.

Anastasia Knyazkova, 14 years old

In 2015 in Nizhny Novgorod region 14-year-old girl Anastasia Knyazkova became a mother. The girl's parents did not allow the scandal to go beyond their family, so they practically did not give interviews. Anastasia is surrounded by the support and love of her loved ones.

Guardianship is issued to the girl's parents, and she herself goes to school. Anastasia's mother says she is happy that a grandson has appeared in the family. She is convinced that they will be able to raise worthy person. By the way, the girl's mother is 29 years old, which makes her the youngest grandmother in our country. At one time, she also gave birth to a daughter at the age of 15, so she understands her daughter.

A schoolgirl from Yekaterinburg, 14-year-old Maria N. (name changed), moved to the Tyumen region, where she entered into a legal marriage with the 21-year-old father of her baby - with her paternal brother, the correspondent of the site found out. The newlyweds deliberately left for the neighboring region: it is there that, according to the law, teenagers can marry from the age of 14 under certain circumstances. In the Sverdlovsk region, young people have such an opportunity only from the age of 16. Maria N.'s brother received the status of the child's guardian.

The story of a young family began on June 6, 2017, when residents of one of the houses on Pavel Shamanov Street turned to the police with a message that screams and children's crying were heard from a neighboring apartment. Police officers and the PDN commission promptly arrived at a rented apartment where a 13-year-old (at that time) student of school No. 102 Maria lived with a baby, who, as it soon turned out, turned out to be her son. The boy was immediately removed and taken to the hospital.

For several weeks, Maria tried to get meetings with the child and take him home. The young mother was refused due to the fact that, due to her age, she could not be his guardian. Soon the police found out that Maria's mother had died two years ago, and her father did not live with the girl. The schoolgirl was forced to wander around the apartments of relatives and friends. During numerous interviews, the girl categorically refused to admit who the father of the child was. Later, she began to tell the police the name of Maxim Listov, saying that she allegedly had sexual intercourse with him by mutual consent, as a result of which she became pregnant.

However, during the investigation, this information was not confirmed. Maxim Listov turned out to be a fake invented by a girl to hide the truth. According to a site source familiar with the investigation, the girl nevertheless admitted that the father of the child is her brother Ivan (they have a common father), who was 20 years old at the time of their relationship.

In order to return to the family a newborn boy, seized by the guardianship authorities, in July 2017, Mary's stepmother issued guardianship over him. Ivan, at first, did not really want to become a father: when the child was born and the story surfaced, the young man hurried to retreat from Yekaterinburg outside the city, where he lived with his grandmother for some time.

Only after the police and investigators intervened in the case, the newly-made father began to communicate again with his son's mother. Earlier, investigators opened a criminal case under part 3 of article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Sexual intercourse committed with a person who has reached the age of twelve, but has not reached the age of fourteen”). The child's father faces 3 to 10 years in prison. According to the site, the investigation is still ongoing, but it is possible that after the wedding, the young man will receive a suspended sentence.

Disputes about childbearing age in society will probably never subside. But they mainly concern the upper age limit, after which the risks and threats to life increase for both the baby and the mother.

What about the bottom border? What should she be? 20, 18… maybe 16? We don't set limits. Just introducing you to the youngest moms who gave birth between the ages of 5 and 14!

Line Medina, Peru

She gave birth at the age of 5.

The girl's parents began to worry about her big belly. When they went to the doctor, it turned out that Lina was seven months pregnant. In 1939, she gave birth to a baby weighing 2.7 kg by cesarean.

The circumstances under which Lina became pregnant are not known. The only defendant was her father, who was imprisoned but soon released due to lack of evidence.

Hilda Trujillo, Peru

She gave birth at the age of 9.

Ilda's mother brought her to the doctor, who determined that the girl was pregnant. Later it turned out that the girl was raped by her cousin, who was soon imprisoned. In 1957, Ilda gave birth to a girl weighing 2.7 kg.

Valya Isaeva, Moscow

She gave birth at 11 years old.

An 11-year-old third-grader became pregnant from an 18-year-old Uzbek, Khabib Patakhonov, who rented an apartment with Valya's grandmother.

After the girl became pregnant, she and Khabib lived in civil marriage, and as soon as she turned 18, the couple got married. Today they have three children.

Lyuba Bessudnova

She gave birth at the age of 14.

In 2003, the girl gave birth to a boy from her math teacher. Moreover, the 24-year-old man, being married, denied his paternity.

After genetic confirmation of paternity, the teacher was sentenced to 4 years. The mother of the girl took up the upbringing of the baby.

Liza Pantueva, USSR

She gave birth at 6 years old.

Lisa became pregnant from her grandfather, who looked after the girl during the departure of her parents. Lisa did not have a cesarean due to health problems, and as a result, the child was stillborn.

After that, because of the shame, the family moved to another city, moreover, grandfather - with them.

Disputes about childbearing age in society will probably never subside. But they mainly concern the upper age limit, after which the risks and threats to life increase for both the baby and the mother. What about the bottom border? What should she be? 20, 18… maybe 16? We don't set limits. Just introducing you to the youngest moms who gave birth between the ages of 5 and 14!

Line Medina, Peru

She gave birth at the age of 5.

The girl's parents began to worry about her big belly. When they went to the doctor, it turned out that Lina was seven months pregnant. In 1939, she gave birth to a baby weighing 2.7 kg by cesarean. The circumstances under which Lina became pregnant are not known. The only defendant was her father, who was imprisoned but soon released due to lack of evidence.

Hilda Trujillo, Peru

She gave birth at the age of 9.

Ilda's mother brought her to the doctor, who determined that the girl was pregnant. Later it turned out that the girl was raped by her cousin, who was soon imprisoned. In 1957, Ilda gave birth to a girl weighing 2.7 kg.

Valya Isaeva, Moscow

She gave birth at 11 years old.

An 11-year-old third-grader became pregnant from an 18-year-old Uzbek, Khabib Patakhonov, who rented an apartment with Valya's grandmother. After the girl became pregnant, she and Habib lived in a civil marriage, and as soon as she turned 18, the couple got married. Today they have three children.

Disputes about when it is time for a girl to have children are constantly going on in society. Someone is sure that the optimal age is 25-30 years, and then it's too late, someone argues that with the possibilities of modern medicine, age is no longer so important. For those who firmly believe that it is better not to delay this matter and the sooner the better, here are a few examples of the fact that sometimes it is still better not to rush. The youngest mothers in history were between 5 and 14 years old! And among them are several Russian girls.

Valya Isaeva, Moscow

Valya gave birth at the age of 11. The story of this girl thundered throughout the country. Still: the very young Valya became pregnant from a Tajik guest worker. The country first learned about the pregnant third-grader Valya Isaeva in May 2005. At first they wrote that the father of her unborn child was 14 years old and that, they say, Valya and her chosen one were just like Romeo and Juliet. Later it turned out that in fact the guy was already 18 and he was seven years older than Vali, who was still playing with dolls. Khabib Patakhonov, an Uzbek from Tajikistan, had been living and working in Moscow for three years. He baked pita bread, and rented an apartment from Valya's grandmother. But how did he end up in bed with a schoolgirl?

Later it turned out that the beloved Muscovite lives in the capital on forged documents. The grandmother of the already pregnant Valya, she is also the guardian (father died, and mother abandoned her daughter in infancy), says that she did not know about the close relationship until the last, besides, she believed that the young man was a resident of Astrakhan. Moreover, for Antonina Alexandrovna, according to her, it was not clear how a little granddaughter and a sexually mature young man periodically found themselves in the same bed. The lovers themselves said that when it came to intimacy, they could not even imagine that everything would end in pregnancy.

The story turned into a real series with the participation of guardianship authorities, the Federal Migration Service, the police ... As a result, Patakhonov and his little mother convinced everyone that they were serious and out of love. In 2005, Vali Isaeva and Khabib Patakhonov had a baby. The girl was named Amina. After the incident, the court found the Tajik resident guilty under Article 134 of the Russian Criminal Code (“Prostitution of a Minor”). The court sentenced him to three years in prison, albeit conditionally. Valya did not want to part with her child and his father. The grandmother of the young mother became the guardian of the newborn.

And during pregnancy, Valya did not want to go to the preservation, but the doctors and grandmother persuaded her to go under the supervision of specialists, otherwise the baby might simply not have been born. To avoid the risk of childbirth, the doctors decided to perform a caesarean section for Vale. Contractions in a minor Muscovite began three weeks ahead of schedule. 11-year-old girl began to prepare for surgery. Amina was born 50 centimeters tall and weighing 2900 grams. Later, doctors admitted that the newly-made mother, along with the baby, escaped from the hospital.

Now the Isaev family still lives in the same small-sized "three rubles" in Kapotnya. Valentina raised her daughter and continued to study at school. At the age of 14, Valya received a passport, which, she admits, she constantly hid from her little daughter. Amina was so nimble that she constantly tried to tear off a photo of her mother from the document. The girl also tried to get to her mother's school diary.

Valya, as soon as she turned 18, officially married Khabib. In January 2013, she gave birth to her second child - the boy was named Amir. A few years ago, the girl worked as a cashier in " Children's world". Her 27-year-old husband worked as a storekeeper in a furniture warehouse. Kapotninskaya school No. 473, where Valya studied, is a three-minute walk from the Isaevs' house. Vali Amin's daughter is now studying there. The girl herself after the 9th grade went to college.

However, according to acquaintances of the young family, in family life not everything went well. They say that the Tajik "husband" regularly raised his hand to his underage sweetheart and that he is still a womanizer, not shy, flirting with girls on social networks. And in 2015, Valya even ran away from home, allegedly because of her husband's beatings. In addition, the young dad did not work, but lived on the pension of Valya's grandmother and children's money. On the other hand, they say that the publicity of the story helped the family earn money - funds poured in through the PR of a minor mother. Allegedly, the journalists of the yellow press paid extra to the girl and her family for juicy stories and pictures from their lives. One way or another, the truth will remain only within the apartment of the already popular couple. And Valya's grandmother assures that even if the young husband beat her granddaughter, it was all before her pregnancy. Now Vali and Khabib already have three children.

Lyuba Bessudnova, Saratov Region

The childhood of Lyuba Bessudnova, a schoolgirl from the Saratov region, ended in 2013. At the age of 14, an exemplary student high school became a mother - gave birth to a boy. To everyone's surprise, it turned out that Lyuba gave birth to a 24-year-old math teacher from her married man. The teacher did not plan to become a father, so for a long time he denied his involvement in the birth of the baby. The girl by that time had two sexual partners, and had to do a DNA test to find out who the father of the child was.

However, genetic examination showed the opposite. But even after that, the man did not agree to acknowledge paternity. The bickering between the young mother and the teacher, confident in his innocence, ended in court. Six months after the birth of the child, the teacher was sentenced to 4 years in a strict regime colony. The upbringing of the baby was taken up by his grandmother - Lyuba's mother. The girl continues her studies at school.

Liza Pantueva, USSR

Ukrainian girl Lisa became pregnant and gave birth to her grandfather, who looked after the girl during the departure of her parents. Lisa did not have a cesarean due to health problems, and as a result, the child was stillborn. After that, the family moved to another city because of shame, and grandfather - with them.

Newsreel footage from 1934, depicting a six-year-old woman in labor, Lisa, is kept by Professor Valentin Ivanovich Grishchenko, head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Kharkov Medical University. His father, Ivan Ivanovich Grishchenko, was one of the doctors who gave birth to little Lisa. For a long time film was available only to a narrow circle of specialists.

Lisa's parents, of course, did not suspect anything. They brought the girl to the clinic when, for reasons they did not understand, the child's belly began to grow. But the doctors determined the cause quickly. Upon examination, they immediately noticed that the girl had hair under her arms and in the groin area too early, her breasts took shape and enlarged. Lisa had precocious puberty. What caused this is unknown. And although the girl had not yet had her period, the eggs were formed.

In her behavior, the baby was no different from her peers, she was an ordinary child. At first, the parents did not fit in their heads how and from whom their six-year-old Liza could become pregnant, because the girl walks in the courtyard of the house with the same kids as herself. Couldn't eight-year-old neighbor Borka or nine-year-old Sashka be the father of the child? At home, a tearful mother began to ask her daughter if one of the adults “hugged her tightly”. Liza didn’t remember anything like that, but admitted that her grandfather loves to “squeeze” her ... Mom asked Lisa for a long time if it hurt her when grandfather ... “sleep” next to her. The girl answered that her grandfather did not offend her and said that THIS would be such a game for them.

Surprisingly, the little girl carried a completely healthy daughter, fifty centimeters tall and weighing three kilograms! In general, the pregnancy proceeded normally, although the young mother in all anthropometric parameters was far from corresponding to an adult woman. Little Lisa had to endure terrible moments. During childbirth, almost no painkillers were used, but the girl held on and everything would have ended well, but the umbilical cord fell off the young woman in labor.

After being discharged from the hospital, Lisa and her parents left for Far East. After some time, a letter arrived at the clinic. Lisa's mother wrote that her daughter went to school, studies well ... Recently, Moscow journalists, to whom Professor Grishchenko showed the tape, tried to find Lisa, who should now be 80 years old, or one of her relatives in Khabarovsk or Vladivostok. Unfortunately, they didn't succeed.

True, witnesses were found who allegedly knew this Ukrainian family, who arrived in Vladivostok before the war. People especially well remembered the colorful personality of Liza's grandfather. If you believe this information, then the daughter and son-in-law did not leave the old man, but took him with them. How he managed to justify himself to his daughter and son-in-law for seducing his granddaughter remains a mystery. According to another information, in the forty-second year the girl became pregnant again and died in childbirth. Whether grandfather was involved in this is unknown ...

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