Alisa female names. The meaning of the name Alice for a girl, character and fate, the origin of the female name

Design and interior 16.12.2020
Design and interior

According to one version, the name Alice is a diminutive form of the ancient German name Adelaide, which means "noble" in translation. According to another version, the name Alice comes from the Hebrew name Elisha, translated as "God is salvation." Which of the versions is genuine, historians still do not know.

The name became popular in France and England in the 12th century, but the name Alice became most widespread throughout the world after the publication of Lewis Carroll's fairy tale Alice in Wonderland. The name has not lost its popularity even today - young parents are happy to call their daughters that way.

History knows many outstanding women who forever glorified the noble name of Alice. Among them are actresses Alisa Freindlich and Alisa Grebenshchikova, Opera singer Alisa Kolosova, Russian figure skater Alisa Agafonova, American fashion model Alisa Silverstone, Russian artist Alisa Yoffe and many others.

Name days and patron saints

In the Orthodox calendar, the name Alice does not exist. When using foreign or unusual names, another consonant name is taken, and newborn girls are baptized with it. For the name Alice, the most natural analogue would be the name Alexander.

But the Roman Catholic Church canonized several saints with the name Alice. If the family adheres to the Catholic religion, then Alice can celebrate her name day on December 16 and 29, January 9 and 22, June 15.

Name characteristic

The name Alice was worn by many historical figures in the person of European monarchs, so royal manners will certainly appear in the character of its owner. From early childhood, Alice will strive to be in the spotlight, and she does it very well. She has a bright personality, natural grace and self-esteem.

Only at first glance, Alice's character seems easy and careless, in fact, she has enviable willpower and perseverance, helping her achieve a lot in life. Alice's perseverance and integrity sometimes borders on stubbornness, she is resolute and never regrets what she has done. She has a masculine character, remarkable willpower and high intelligence.

Alice does not like to flaunt her emotions, she tries to keep them under control. She has an enviable calmness, she can get out of the most delicate situation with dignity. Although her moral principles are not firm, she can easily change them to please her "Wishlist".

Alice is quite tight-fisted, prefers to spend money only on the right things. She is principled and painfully honest, she will never covet someone else's, but she will not miss her own. A woman is reasonable, pragmatic and clean, strict with herself, but not with others. She is sympathetic to other people's weaknesses and shortcomings, not vindictive and not touchy.

Many bearers of the name Alice are distinguished by a penchant for fantasies and dreaminess, they will always be attracted to everything new and unusual, and routine and obligatory affairs will cause boredom and rejection. Alice loves everything beautiful, non-standard, highly appreciates comfort and luxury.

In general, Alice has a rather accommodating character, although there is still a share of cunning in her. She knows how to make friends with both men and women, she has many acquaintances who are attracted by her wit, tact and friendliness. A woman named Alice has practically no flaws, she walks through life with optimism, and most often she is lucky in everything.

Recipe for the occasion::


Little Alice is a charming and accommodating girl, everyone's favorite. Outwardly, she looks like a dad, with whom she will maintain a trusting relationship for life. He prefers to be friends with boys, although he can find mutual language She is easy with anyone. Energetic and sociable, she has the ability to attract people to her.

Alice is a little lazy, reluctantly helping her mother around the house, indifferent to sports, olympiads and other competitions. The girl studies averagely, homework is a burden for her. But he is actively interested in acting, drawing, weaving and other types of art. Alice has a good taste since childhood, which does not prevent her from experimenting with her appearance and wardrobe.

In adolescence, Alice will strive for attention, she always tries to be in the center of events. She has many friends and girlfriends, she is capable of empathy and sincere joy in other people's successes.


Alice has been in good health since childhood, but treats him carelessly. In the future, she may expect problems in gynecology, insomnia as a result of overwork, and nervous breakdowns are possible.

At caring attitude to her health, Alice has every chance to remain active until old age, surprising others with her energy and clear mind.


Alice belongs to the type of women who help her man to reveal his capabilities without infringing on his pride. She knows how to inspire, inspire, give strength and confidence, create a feeling of psychological comfort.

The sexuality of a woman is pronounced, so she needs a temperamental partner, able to satisfy her physically. Alice loves to have sex, he occupies a huge place in her life. She will most likely, without regret, break off relations with a man with whom she cannot experience complete sensory satisfaction.

The intimate life of a woman is full of variety and vivid emotions, monotonous family life may be difficult for her. She will remain faithful to her partner only if she is truly in love with him.

A woman pays great attention to the appearance of her chosen one - he must be handsome and well-groomed, without a physical defect. Alice is a great connoisseur of everything beautiful, including male beauty, so often, being tempted by a beautiful shell, she fails in her personal life.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Alice is an amorous nature, but cunning, and usually does not lose her head. She will try to marry a wealthy man, able to provide her with a comfortable and carefree life. Happiness in family life is not easy for her, as she subconsciously chooses a man with a difficult character as her husband.

Alice will make a wonderful wife and mistress, she will not strive for leadership, but will try to be on an equal footing with her man. A woman will always highly value her independence, and will not live with a man who will not suit her in some way. However, the ability to find compromises and the ability to smooth out conflicts help Alice make her marriage successful.

Alice treats children strictly, without unnecessary fanaticism. Usually one child is born in a family, most often a son.

Most successful marriage possible with men named Andrey, Alexey, Oleg, Vladimir, Stepan, Sergey, Fedor and Philip. Relationships with Gennady, Igor, Valentin, Konstantin, Boris, Maxim and Ruslan should be avoided.

Business and career

Ambitious Alice is not alien to career aspirations, especially since she greatly appreciates and respects money, strives for material independence with all her might. She has a masculine leadership style, so the boss will turn out to be strict and demanding from her. She can make an excellent performer, diligent and scrupulous.

Entrepreneurial acumen, pragmatism, prudence and the ability to get along with people will help her succeed in business. She has a tenacious mind, she knows how to correctly assess the situation and quickly make the right decisions.

But Alice is best suited for creative professions, such as an art critic, teacher, actress, announcer, psychologist, fashion designer or architect. If a woman likes the chosen profession, she can fully devote herself to it, devote most of her time.

Alice should not be engaged in routine, monotonous work, where she will not have the opportunity to realize her creative potential. But in any case, Alice will always enjoy the respect of her colleagues, conflicts in the team also do not threaten her.

Talismans for Alice

  • The ruling planet is Saturn.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Aquarius and Capricorn. Alice is recommended to call girls born under these zodiac signs.
  • The most successful time of the year is summer, the most successful day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors - orange, yellow, purple.
  • Totem plant - heather and elm. Heather has always been considered a symbol of solitude, loneliness and sacrifice. Elm is a symbol of dignity, reliability, nobility and openness. In Christian tradition, the elm is also considered a symbol of longevity and health.
  • The spirit animal is a cat. This animal symbolizes royalty, and our ancestors believed that the cat is able to drive out evil spirits. At the same time, cats can personify witchcraft and evil.
  • Talisman stone - tourmaline and rock crystal. Tourmaline promotes creativity, attracts inspiration and gives confidence in own forces. This stone has always been considered a talisman of creative natures. Rock crystal is able to attract women into life new love, joy, luck and location. It can relieve insomnia, obsessive fears and bad dreams.


Aries- a hardworking, disciplined, purposeful person who knows how to “correctly” present himself in society. Her motto is to be the first in everything, the desire to stand out is inherent in her nature. Alice-Aries dresses brightly, brightly paints - and all this in order to be noticed, to catch admiring glances. This bright woman is unlikely to agree to the role of a housewife, but if this happens, she can turn into a domestic tyrant. By nature, Alice-Aries is quick-tempered and irritable, therefore conflicts are not uncommon in her family, she always tries to leave the last word behind you. Compromises are not easy for her, but in her character there is absolutely no deceit, hypocrisy and meanness. Due to its straightforwardness, Alice-Aries can accidentally offend a person, but she will never do it intentionally. Wisdom comes to this woman only with age, she learns to be more restrained and more tolerant. But nobility, selflessness and generosity will remain with her forever.

Taurus- a stubborn, calm and self-possessed woman, distinguished by her remarkable intelligence and intuition. She is cunning, neat and seductive, she always keeps her feelings under strict control, no one ever knows what is on her mind. The biggest joy in the life of Alice-Taurus is her home and family, she was born to become a happy mother and wife. A career in her life is not at all the main thing, but if she wants to succeed in the profession, she will be helped by a strong will, incredible patience and excellent self-control. Money can become an incentive for her - it is in her nature to acquire and accumulate, her motto is "everything in the family." Alice-Taurus knows how to manage money wisely, but at the same time she is not indifferent to luxury goods. As a wife and mistress, this woman is magnificent, she, like no one else, knows how to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house for all family members, she will never compete with a man, she will readily give him the place of the head of the family. But her husband should know that Alice-Taurus is pathologically jealous, and will not tolerate even a hint of rivalry.

Twins- a many-sided, versatile and intelligent personality, in whose eyes the spark never goes out. Sometimes she seems frivolous, but in reality she is not. Alice-Gemini lives today, wants to be happy right here and now, but you can’t deny her quickness of mind and intuition. Today she can bathe in luxury, and tomorrow she will be penniless. She parted with her past and bad memories without regret, easily parted with people and also easily makes new acquaintances. It seems to her that she is special and deserves the best, so it often takes her almost her whole life to find her place in the sun. Her professional activity must necessarily be associated with communication, or business trips, or it must be a creative profession. The routine disgusts this woman, she is one hundred percent creative person, with all the ensuing consequences. Stability is not her element, so Alice-Gemini will most likely marry more than once. If a man dreams of a quiet family life and an ideal mistress of the house, then it is better for him not to connect his life with such a bright personality as Alice-Gemini.

Crayfish- a soft, sensual and vulnerable person, touchy and very insecure. Mine inner world she does not even reveal to close people, since the main feature of her character is suspiciousness. She worries about something all the time, any criticism against her, even fair, can drive a woman into a deep depression. Another character trait of Alice-Cancer is the love of nostalgia - she always regrets missed opportunities, unsuccessful love, past childhood. A sense of security is extremely important for Alice-Cancer, she wants to be sure of tomorrow, although he lives mostly in the past. Work and career do not occupy the main place in a woman's life; her family is much more important for her. As a hostess, she is not stingy, but very thrifty, she always has a certain amount in reserve. In the house of Alice-Cancer, order will always reign, the table is set Tasty dinner, but she will always need a personal space where she can indulge in melancholy and reflect. This woman needs a strong partner who is ready to take responsibility for her future.

a lion- an ambitious and ambitious woman, an excellent organizer and leader. This is always a bright personality, noble and devoted, who loves compliments and admiration, but does not perceive criticism at all. She is very concerned about her own reputation, she, like no one else, needs care, love and understanding. Alice-Leo gravitates towards an aristocratic society, a luxurious and idle lifestyle, loves concerts and parties. Alice-Leo's career ambitions are very great, she overcomes difficulties by any means in order to achieve financial independence. This woman was born to lead, as she is an excellent manipulator, knows how to lead people and is not afraid of responsibility. As a life partner, Alice-Lioness needs a strong partner whom she can be proud of, otherwise a woman can completely suppress her weak-willed husband. Despite the fact that Alice the Lioness loves to flirt and flirt, she will not stoop to betrayal, but she will never forgive her husband's infidelity.

Virgo- a comprehensively developed personality, smart and erudite, but often lonely. She has a critical attitude towards life, she is observant, practical and programmed for stability in everything. However, all these business qualities surprisingly harmonize with vulnerability and romance, sensuality and tenderness. Alice-Virgo is equally demanding of herself and others, constantly striving for the ideal, does not tolerate vulgarity and vulgarity. Work is important for a woman, but not of paramount importance, although by nature she is a workaholic, focused on results. She can never be found idle, she is always busy with something. One can only dream of such a conscientious worker, so Alice-Virgo has every chance to take leadership positions. A woman is able to give herself to her chosen one with her whole body and soul, put him on a pedestal, never give rise to jealousy. Everything in the house will rest on her, she is a classic Nekrasov woman who "stops a galloping horse, enters a burning hut." Alice-Virgo is programmed for well-being, but her husband must keep in mind that, despite her conservatism, she will not be afraid to break off relations if she becomes uncomfortable in marriage.

Scales- a smart, tactful and delicate woman who lacks a little self-confidence. She is friendly and even with everyone, tries with all her might to avoid conflicts, is always polite and friendly. Due to her ability to bring harmony to everything she touches, she can prove herself well as an adviser, mediator or mentor. But Alice-Libra will always try to stay away from a situation in which she will feel uncomfortable, or if a responsible decision needs to be made. A woman gravitates towards luxury and comfort, therefore she is very interested in her financial independence. But she is not made for heavy physical work, as well as for a leadership position. If such an opportunity presents itself, she will gladly become a housewife, and the solution of financial problems will shift to her husband. Alice-Libra will always strive for long-term relationships and creation strong family, but she tends to idealize men and embellish their real qualities, so she is often unhappy in marriage. A woman will not strive for leadership in marriage, the interests of her husband will always come first for her.

Scorpion- outwardly calm and balanced woman, inside which passions and emotions boil. She is a person of extremes - she loves and hates equally strongly, for her there are no halftones. Alice-Scorpio is focused on action and results, her outlook on life is pragmatic. Difficulties cannot break this strong woman on the contrary, they only temper it. Alice-Scorpio has a natural financial sense, she is incredibly smart and hardworking. Career is an important part of her life, for her sake she can sacrifice family happiness. She is not afraid of anything, she always fulfills her duties the best way, in any team quickly becomes an indisputable authority and leader. The main driving force for this bright woman is vanity. In family life, Alice-Scorpio is not only a devoted wife, but also an excellent friend. However, it will never be easy with her, since peace and quiet are not her element. A woman, like no other, needs love and support, then she is able to move mountains for the sake of a loved one.

Sagittarius- a sociable, energetic, cheerful woman who is hard to miss in any society. She is completely free from any prejudice, all her actions are dictated by the dictates of the soul, there is not a drop of pretense in her behavior - she really is what she is. Not everyone likes the sincerity and straightforwardness of Alice-Aquarius, but optimism cannot but attract others. It is difficult to turn such a woman into a submissive housewife who completely subordinates herself to her husband and family, since in the professional field she is able to bypass many men. The only problem for Alice-Sagittarius is that she really does not like to limit her freedom, it is difficult for her to work on a schedule and maintain strict discipline. This woman does not feel the need for a long-term relationship, and even more so in marriage, so she usually gets married late or does not get married at all. Despite the love of freedom, the spouse can completely trust her, although Alice-Sagittarius will surprise him more than once with extravagant actions. Routine housework does not inspire Alice-Sagittarius too much, so you should not expect exploits from her in economic activities.

Capricorn- an attractive woman, aimed at public recognition. She is patient and efficient, and her stamina would be enough for several men. Alice-Capricorn is secretive and withdrawn, prone to pessimism even in the apparent absence of objective reasons. A woman's ambition is deeply hidden, sometimes she even gives the impression of a passive and submissive person, but she always has clear goals that she achieves, no matter what. A career for Alice-Capricorn is extremely important, as it gives great value financial independence. Good job, in the understanding of Alice-Capricorn, should not only be well paid, but also bring a certain social status. In order to become a respected person, a woman will work tirelessly, she strives for power with all her might. But she is not at all alien to simple female happiness, however, as a life partner, she will try to choose a person who shares her ambitious dreams. In family life, Alice-Capricorn will be stingy with emotions, she prefers to express her love with deeds and care.

Aquarius- peace-loving, kind and sympathetic nature, not loving loneliness, quarrels and scandals. In the company of this woman it is impossible to get bored, there are always a lot of people around her. She never looks down on people and expects the same from others. Alice-Aquarius is distinguished by a balanced character and calmness, she is always honest and sincere. But she is completely unsuited to strict discipline and is not ready to obey, which can significantly complicate climbing the career ladder. In addition, she does not strive for financial stability, and if the work captivates her, she can work for a penny. She easily lends money and spends it on charity with pleasure, she will never refuse to help someone in need. As for love relationships, here it is difficult for Alice-Aquarius to find a suitable partner for herself, since she will never agree to limit her freedom. This woman prefers to spend her time on herself and her hobbies, meeting friends, traveling. But freedom for her does not mean permissiveness at all, it is difficult to find a more honest and faithful person.

Fish- a compassionate, naive woman, very impressionable and suspicious. She is an example of femininity and romance, she really needs male care and attention. Even if Alice-Pisces is endowed with a strong character, she still needs a partner who will be her husband and father all rolled into one. This woman knows how to masterfully avoid any troubles and responsibilities, and in the event of a conflict brewing, she prefers to simply retire or remain silent. Surprisingly, Alice-Pisces, with her softness and femininity, knows how to achieve what others achieve through a fierce struggle. She does not like to work and earn money, just as she does not like to save, spend money wisely and plan a budget. Alice-Pisces does not see anything offensive and unfair in the fact that a man will take upon himself the solution of all her problems, including financial ones. For this woman, the traditional type of marriage is best suited, where he is the head of the family and breadwinner, and she is the keeper of the hearth.

Forms of the name Alice

Common name variations: Alice, Alison, Alice, Alix, Alice, Alicia, Ailis, Elish, Eli.
A short form of the name Alice: Alice, Alya, Ala, Aili, Ali, Alka, Lily, Lisette, Alesa, Alessa, Allisia, Alice, Lissy.

Alice name in different languages

Alice name in English- Alice (Ellis).

Alice, short name in English- Ally, Allie, Alli (Ellie), Ali (Eli).

Alice name in Chinese- 猩红 (Sin-hun - a noble image).

Alice name in Japanese- アリサ (Arisa).

Alice name in Latin- Alicia (Alicia).

Alice name in Arabic- أليس (Ali - highly respected).

Alice name in french- Alice (Alice).

origin of the name Alice

The name Alice has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Alice comes from Aalis, a short form of Adelais, which, in turn, is a short form of . The name Adelaide means "noble" (from the German roots "adal" - "noble" and "heid" - "estate"). The name Alice, brought to England by the Normans, changed its sound somewhat and became the name Alice in an English way. In English, the name Alice means "of noble birth", "from a noble class." In Russian, the name Alice most likely came from the English version of Alice.

Character alice

The first thing that catches your eye is that the name Alice is quite pungent. Perhaps even too much. This property of the Russian sounding of the name was noticed a very long time ago and it was not in vain that the image appeared in fairy tales cunning fox Alice. However, this absolutely does not mean that Alice will certainly grow up cunning and sneaky, not at all, because this is only a predisposition, a certain direction, and, as you know, any direction has two directly opposite ends. Rather, the opposite outcome is even more likely, because in this case the hint is too noticeable, and according to the law that action is equal to reaction, Alice can grow up to be a painfully honest and principled person.

Be that as it may, however, another manifestation of the energy of the name is a penchant for wit, which makes Alice a cheerful and sociable person, and at the same time helps to defend herself from someone's attacks. At the same time, Alice's pride is usually developed quite strongly, it is possible that ambitious dreams of a career will somewhat distract her from her personal life, and then it will be quite difficult for her to get married. In addition, most of the bearers of this name have a dreaminess and a penchant for fantasies, which is largely due to the image of Alice, who got straight into Wonderland from the fairy tale by Lewis Carroll. Of course, this tale has been familiar to many since childhood, but not everyone, like Alice, had a good reason to identify themselves with the main character. However, this daydreaming is hardly capable of completely tearing her away from real life, since a sense of humor always helps Alice return from heaven to earth.

Undoubtedly, she is attracted to everything unusual, everyday affairs and worries usually do not arouse enthusiasm in Alice, so you should probably not expect her to go headlong into household chores, but if she is lucky with interesting work, then for her, she may well forget about everything else. Although the economy, as, if not the main, but still part of her life, she will try to maintain at the proper level.

Sexuality: women with this type of character feel a strong attraction and strive to live full life. Their sexuality is all together: delicacy, pleasure, soulful sex, happiness and unhappiness.

Field of work: these women always carry out their plans. The most important thing for them is to choose a profession. Choose a job where you need to order, even if it is associated with risk. If they become interested in art, they will definitely become sculptors or artists. In any case, they manage to wrap others around their fingers.

Sociability: they are incomparable housewives, cook well and know how to entertain guests, skillfully and intelligently use profitable acquaintances to their advantage. With great love they treat the family, but by nature they are still independent.

Additionally: these persons are too strong for a woman character. In such women lies a secret strength and power.

Name days and patron saints of Alice

The name Alice is not mentioned in Orthodox calendars. Among the Catholic saints mentioned are Blessed Alice le Clerc, Saint Adelaide (Alice) - the abbess of the monastery in Willich (960-1015) - and Saint Alice of Schaerbeck (now Belgium). In baptism, Alice receives the name Alexander. The dates indicated are the days of memory of the above Catholic saints. Alice's name day, to a greater extent, corresponds to Adelaide's name day.

Great and famous Alice

  • Alice (the heroine of Lewis Carroll from the fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking-Glass")
  • Alisa Selezneva (the main character of Kir Bulychev's cycle "The Adventures of Alice" and its adaptations)
  • Alisa Freindlich ((born 1934) Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1981), winner of four State Prizes of the Russian Federation (1976, 1996, 2001, 2008). Since 1983, Freindlich has been one of the leading actresses of the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov. Films with the participation of Alisa Freindlich are included in the "golden fund" of Russian cinema. Best known for her paintings: The Straw Hat (1974), Agony (1974), Office Romance (1977), D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers (1978), Stalker (1979), Cruel Romance "(1984) and" One and a half rooms, or Sentimental journey home "(2009). Alisa Freindlikh is the owner of two national theater awards "Golden Mask" (2001, 2006) and two awards of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "Nika" (1994, 2005).)
  • Alicia Alonso ((born 1920) Cuban ballerina and choreographer, creator of the Cuban National Ballet)
  • Alicia Bogo (Spanish film actress)
  • Alisa of Hesse-Darmstadt, Alexandra Feodorovna (Feodorovna), Alisa Feodorovna ((1872 - 1918) nee - Princess Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt; Russian Empress, wife of Nicholas II (since 1894). The fourth daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine Ludwig IV and Duchess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England.)
  • Alisa Koonen ((1889 - 1974) Russian Soviet actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1935), wife of A.Ya. Tairov.)
  • Alice Camplin ((born 1974) Australian athlete in mogul and freestyle, Olympic champion. The first in the history of winter Olympic Games Australian who won the gold medal.)
  • Alice Hoffman (American writer)
  • Alice Faye ((1915 - 1998) American film actress and singer)
  • Eli McGraw ((born 1938) American film actress)
  • Alice Eastwood ((1859 - 1953) Canadian-American botanist)
  • Alison Eastwood ((born 1972) American film actress)
  • Alisa Grebenshchikova ((born 1978) Russian theater and film actress, daughter of Boris Grebenshchikov)
  • Alla (Alisa) Poret ((1902 - 1984) Russian artist, student of K.S. Petrov-Vodkin and P.N. Filonov. Painter, graphic artist, book artist.)
  • Alice Pleasence Liddell (prototype of Alice's character from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass)
  • Alisa Apreleva (Russian-American singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer. Apreleva experiments with many genres: from minimalism, jazz and classical to avant-pop, authentic folklore, musical theater and film scores.)
  • Alisa Bogart ((born 1971) birth name - Alisa Bogacheva; Russian theater and film actress)
  • Alice Brady ((1892 - 1939) American actress who began her career in silent films, and later continued in sound)
  • Alice Sebold ((born 1963) American writer, bestselling author of The Lovely Bones)
  • Alice Cullen (heroine of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series of novels)
  • Alicia (Elisha) Silverstone ((born 1976) American fashion model and film actress)
  • Alix Dudel ((born 1956) German pop singer and actress)
  • Alice Dona (French pop singer and composer)
  • Alice Dreossi ((1882 - 1967) Italian artist)
  • Alice Romagnoli ((born 1984) Italian basketball player)
  • Alice Braga ((born 1983) Brazilian film actress, fashion model)
  • Alicia (Alicia, Alicia) Rosolskaya ((born 1985) Polish tennis player)
  • Saint Alice ((1225 - 1250) saint of the Roman Catholic Church, revered as the patroness of the blind and paralyzed)
  • Princess Alice of Bourbon-Parma ((1849 - 1935) the youngest daughter of Charles III, Duke of Parma and Princess Louise Maria Teresa of France, the eldest daughter of Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry and Princess Caroline Ferdinand Louise of Bourbon-Sicily. Alice, thus, was the great-granddaughter of the King of France Charles X.)
  • Alice of Antioch, also Galis or Adelisia ((c.1110 - until 1161) wife of Bohemond II, Prince of Antioch. Alice's parents were Baldwin II of Jerusalem and Morphia of Melitene.)
  • Alice (Adel) Champagne and Jerusalem ((1195/1196 - 1246) wife of King Hugo I of Cyprus, in 1243-1246 she was regent of Jerusalem under the young Conrad IV. She was the daughter of Isabella of Jerusalem and Henry II of Champagne, King of Jerusalem.)
  • Alice (Alice Maud Mary), Grand Duchess of Hesse and the Rhine ((1843 - 1878) Princess of Great Britain, daughter of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Prince Consort Albert; mother-in-law of Nicholas II (mother of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna))
  • Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone ((1883 - 1981) birth name - Alice Mary Victoria Augusta Pauline; member of the British royal family. She was the longest-lived (at that time) member of the royal family and the last grandson of Queen Victoria. Alice became godmother to Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.)
  • Princess Alice of Battenberg, also known as English version surnames - Alice Mountbatten ((1885 - 1969) after marriage - Princess of Greece and Denmark, mother of Prince Philip and mother-in-law of Queen Elizabeth II of England. She remained in Athens during the Second World War, gave shelter to Jewish families, for which her name is engraved on the wall "Righteous of the World" at the Yad Vashem Memorial. After the war, she founded the Orthodox Sisterhood of Martha and Mary.)
  • Alisa Yoffe ((born 1987) Russian artist)
  • Alice Guy-Blaché or Alice Guy ((1873 - 1968) - French director)
  • Alisa Khazanova ((born 1974) married - Bauman; former ballet dancer, choreographer, Russian theater and film actress. Daughter of Gennady Khazanov.)
  • Alice Robert, also Alice Roberts and Alice Roberts ((1906 - 1985) Belgian film actress)
  • Alice Ozi ((1820 - 1893) real name - Julie-Justine Piyuat; French actress and courtesan)
  • Alisa Mon ((born 1964) real name - Svetlana Bezuh; Soviet and Russian pop singer)
  • Alisa Kolosova ((born 1987) Russian opera singer, mezzo-soprano. Soloist of the Opera Company of the Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper).)
  • Alisa Agafonova ((born 1991) is a figure skater who performs in ice dancing and represents Turkey in the international arena paired with Alper Uchar. With him she is the silver medalist of the Winter Universiade 2011. Previously, representing Ukraine paired with Dmitry Dun, she won the junior national championship and was twice selected to the final of the Junior Grand Prix series.)
  • Alisa Drey ((born 1978) Finnish figure skater who performed in singles, currently a coach)
  • Alisa Krylova ((born 1982) Russian model, businesswoman, author of the automotive column in the Rublyovka Magazine, winner of the Mrs.Globe 2011, Mrs. Russia 2010 contests. The face of the French fashion house Hayari Couture Paris and the Russian fur company Evromeh.)
  • Alice Ehlers ((1887 - 1981) German harpsichordist)
  • Alisa Kleybanova ((born 1989) Russian tennis player. Winner of 7 WTA tournaments (2 of them in singles), semi-finalist of 1 Grand Slam tournament in doubles (US Open-2009), winner of 2 junior Grand Slam tournaments in doubles. Ex-3rd racket of the world in the junior ranking.)
  • Alisa Valitskaya ((born 1936) Russian art critic, culturologist, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education)
  • Alisa Tolkacheva ((born 1967) mayor of Tula from March 31, 2010 to March 2, 2011. The first woman mayor in the history of the city)
  • Alicia Marie Sacramon ((born 1987) American gymnast, silver medalist of the 2008 Summer Olympics, multiple world champion in artistic gymnastics. After the 2008 Olympics, she decided to end her sports career, but in 2010 she decided to return to gymnastics.)
  • Alicia Witt ((born 1975) American actress and singer)
  • Alicia Rhett, originally Elisha Rhett ((born 1915) American artist and actress, known for her only film role of India Wilks in Gone with the Wind (1939))
  • Alisha Keys, also Alisha Keys, Alicia Keys, Alicia Keys, Alicia Keys (Keys) ((born 1981) real name - Alicia J. Augello-Cook; pianist, poetess and composer, performing in the styles of rhythm and blues, soul and neo-soul, winner of fourteen Grammy awards)
  • Alicia Coppola ((born 1968) American actress, acting mainly in television series)
  • Alicia de Larrocha, Larrocha y de la Calle ((1923 - 2009) Spanish pianist. She studied music from the age of three with Frank Marshall, gave her first concert at the age of six as part of the large-scale Iberoamerican Exhibition of 1929 in Seville; her first the recording (two short pieces by Fryderyk Chopin) was made when the pianist was 9. De Larrocha has been touring widely since 1947, making her first US tour with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in 1954. Initially, the pianist preferred the Mozart repertoire, however, in the future due to her desire to promote Spanish and Latin American music, the works of such authors as Antonio Soler, Isaac Albeniz and the teacher of her teacher (as well as her mother and aunt) Enrique Granados became associated with her name. Of the four Grammy awards received by Alicia de Larrocha, two were awarded for the performance of solo works by Albéniz (1974, 1988), one for Granados (1991) and only one (1975) for piano e concertos by Ravel and Gabriel Fauré. Alicia de Larrocha's other awards include the Albéniz Medal (2004) and the Prince of Asturias Prize (1994).)
  • Alicia Vikander ((born 1988) Swedish film actress)
  • Dame Alicia Markova ((1910 - 2004) British dancer, member of the Diaghilev Russian Ballet, the first British ballerina to be awarded the title of Prima Ballerina Assoluta)
  • Alice Maud Krige ((born 1954) South African actress, laureate of the Laurence Olivier and Saturn Awards, best known for portraying the images of historically important women of past centuries on the screen)
  • Alice Pike Barney ((1857 - 1931) nee - Alice Pike; American artist)
  • Alice Shalifu ((1908 - 2008) American harpist. In 1931-1974, Shalifu was the first harpist of the Cleveland Orchestra - the first and for a long time the only woman in the group. She recorded the solo harp part in a recording of Claude Debussy's play "Dance Sacred and Dance Worldly", performed by an orchestra led by Pierre Boulez - this album was awarded the Grammy Award (1996). In addition to the Salcedo Summer School, Shalifu taught at the Cleveland Institute of Music and at the Oberlin Conservatory for many decades, until 2000.)
  • Elis Esayas Sipilya ((1876 - 1958) Finnish gymnast, bronze medalist at the 1908 Summer Olympics)
  • Alice Parkison (Australian actress. She made her film debut in 2007 with a role in the TV series All Saints. The first role in a big-budget movie was X-Men Origins: Wolverine.)
  • Alice Ann Munro ((born 1931) birth name Alice Ann Laidlaw; Canadian short story writer, winner of the Booker Prize, three-time winner of the Canadian Governor General's Award for Fiction, and several times a Nobel Prize contender)
  • Alisson Paradis ((born 1983) French actress. Younger sister of Vanessa Paradis and niece of Didier Payne.)
  • Alison Renee Michalka, better known as Eli Michalka ((born 1989) American actress, singer, guitarist and songwriter)
  • Alison Reid ((born 1958) American dancer and actress)
  • Alison Moyet ((born 1961) full name- Genevieve Alison Jane Moye; British vocalist who performed in the 1980s with Vince Clarke in the synthpop band Yazoo)
  • Alyson Lee Hannigan ((born 1974) American actress, best known for her role as Willow Rosenberg in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lily Aldrin in How I Met Your Mother and Michelle Flaherty in American Pie)
  • Alison Uttley ((1884 - 1976) nee - Alice Jane Taylor; English writer, author of many books for children, including a series of fairy tales about Sam the pig, some of which were retold by Irina Rumyantseva and Inga Ballod, and published under the title "About the Little Piglet Pluha "(1975))
  • Alison Elizabeth Margaret Goldfrapp ((born 1966) British singer-songwriter, best known as the vocalist of the British electronic music group Goldfrapp)
  • Alison Krauss ((born 1971) is an American violinist and country music performer who, in the 1990s, gave a second wind to the most conservative direction of this music - the bluegrass style. among which stand out "Oh, where are you, brother?" (Grammy Award for Best Album of the Year) and "Cold Mountain". In October 2007, she released a joint album with Robert Plant (2nd place in the USA). As of 2009, she has 26 Grammy awards to her credit, more than any other woman in history, including awards in such prestigious categories as Album of the Year and Recording of the Year (2009).)
  • Alison Nicole Mosshart ((born 1978) American singer, model, and songwriter, best known as the vocalist for the indie rock band The Kills, as well as the side project The Dead Weather)
  • Elisha Ann Cuthbert ((born 1982) Canadian actress. Known as the former co-host of the Canadian television series for children Popular Mechanics for Kids, as well as the films Mean Girl, Abduction, The Neighbor, House of Wax, "Soul of Silence" and the role of Kim Bauer in the television series "24" (currently co-stars in the sitcom "Happy Ending").

Many modern men and women who have become the parents of a charming girl begin to think - what can you name your daughter? - this is very important, because it should fully reflect the character and personality of a person. It carries a powerful semantic load, which has an extremely deep influence on the entire subsequent fate of man. In the past few years, the name Alice has been very popular - gentle and sweet, ideal for both a baby and an adult woman. What is the meaning of the name Alice?

Alice is a beautiful, old female name that can be found in many peoples of the world. “Alice” is translated from German as “noble”, in Greek “true”, in English “from an aristocratic family”, and in Tatar “beautiful”. It is worth noting the extremely rich, centuries-old history of origin.

To date, there are several versions that reveal the origin of the name Alice. Many researchers are sure that it originates from the ancient German word. Other experts believe that the name Alice is a modified form from the English Elizabeth.

The word gained its popularity around the 12th century, when many British and French girls were called by the name Alice quite often. Throughout its history, the word has experienced several bursts of popularity - for example, in the 19th century in Europe it was one of the most common female names, and after the publication of Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland, worldwide fame awaited him. In Russia, it enjoyed a resounding success in the mid-90s. Today, a rare and consonant name also arouses the admiration of many parents who are thinking about how to name a girl. What does the name Alice mean?

Abbreviated names

The most common variations of the abbreviated name Alice are:

  • Alice.
  • Alice.
  • Alicia.
  • Alisonka.
  • Fox.

It is worth noting that some abbreviated word forms have become so popular that they have become independent female names. For example, today you can meet many girls named Alicia, Alami or Alice.

Alice character

The owners of the name Alice are cute and charming girls, endowed with mercy, kindness and responsiveness. In childhood, little girls named Alice try to learn almost everything possible about the world around them - they are very curious and addicted natures. At the same time, they are very scrupulous and scrupulous regarding any activity, whether it is creativity or cleaning toys.

Such a baby will never have mountains of scattered toys or candy wrappers in the room - only perfect cleanliness. Alice is very sociable, they easily make friends with their peers and never suffer from loneliness. Girls named in this way will never lie for their own benefit - they categorically oppose any lie or injustice. The characteristic of the name Alice claims that the little ones have an excellent sense of humor - they are always happy to arrange funny pranks for their relatives and friends, and their mischievous jokes bring real joy.

As a teenager, the girl, whom her parents gave the name Alice, likes to constantly be in the center of everyone's attention, although communication with several relatives and friends is quite enough for her. true friends. At first glance at Alice, it seems that this girl has a soft, gentle and vulnerable character. But upon closer acquaintance, you can notice the incredible willpower and perseverance that help the Foxes overcome any life obstacles. They are very dreamy, and in relationships with members of the opposite sex, they are looking, first of all, for romance.

An excellent sense of humor and unique charm allow the girl to easily make friends with both guys and girls. Also, girls named Alice are distinguished by sincerity, determination and the presence of a heightened sense of justice. She makes high demands not only on others, but also on herself, trying to constantly improve herself as a person. That is why Alice always achieve their life goals, easily overcoming any difficulties on the way to conquering the set peaks. The secret of the name Alice reveals all the subtleties and features of character and temperament.


Young Alices approach the choice of a career seriously and carefully - for a long time they weigh the positive and negative sides various professions, choosing for themselves best option. Such a girl is usually not guided by the material factor - she will not be able to work in an unloved position solely for the sake of material gain. But if she likes the profession, she can devote herself completely to her career.

Girls named Alice are extremely principled and in most cases have a heightened sense of justice, which can lead to various conflicts with management. Colleagues love and respect Alice for her kindness, responsiveness and great sense of humor. They make excellent, honest and fair leaders who enjoy authority among the team.

Relationships with men

The name Alice leaves its mark on relationships with the opposite sex - such girls are always very popular with men, because they have an unusually femininity and attractiveness. But girls approach the choice of a future life partner demandingly and scrupulously, therefore, most often they leave at a fairly mature age. Girls named Alice dream of a clean and true love, they like to be in the center of male attention and do not forget to flirt with the opposite sex on a regular basis. But Alisochki do not consider flirting to be something serious, but only a way to have a good time and chat with new people.

In men, Alice appreciates strength, masculinity, self-confidence and, of course, loyalty. Only next to such a man can a woman feel like a real Woman - fragile, weak and defenseless.

The interpretation of the name Alice claims that Alice can build strong and reliable marriages with men named Eugene, Sergey, and. You should be careful with Romans, Olegs, Mikhails, as relationships can be quite complex and problematic.

The nature of the name depending on the time of year

The meaning of the name Alice also depends on the time of year when little Alice was born.

  • Winter - Alice, born in the winter months, bright and sensual. They are very emotional and temperamental, for them the most important thing is the voice of the heart, not the mind. At the same time, they live exclusively by their own principles and categorically do not tolerate public opinion.
  • Spring - spring Alice is soft, tender and vulnerable. They do not like to refuse requests to others, which is why they sometimes suffer. The kindness and responsiveness of girls can be regarded by others as indecision and weakness of character.
  • Summer - girls born in the summer and named after this name have a bright personality and temperament. They are cheerful and good-natured, and their impeccable sense of humor leads to a real delight of others. Summer Foxes are stubborn and purposeful, they always try to achieve their goals both in their careers and in their personal lives.
  • Autumn - Alice, who were born in autumn, are extremely kind and positive. They are very generous and sympathetic, always trying to help relatives and friends, if it is in their power. At the same time, they never ask for anything in return - that is why autumn girls have many friends and acquaintances who know that Alice will help them in difficult times. it Full description named after Alice, depending on the season.

Orthodox meaning of the name Alice

It is worth noting that the Orthodox meaning of this name is missing - in the history of Orthodoxy there was not a single saint named Alice. But the mention of such saints is recorded in Catholic scripture. According to the Catholic calendar, the name Alice celebrates name days several times a year:

  • December - 16th and 19th.
  • January - 9th and 22nd.
  • June - 15th.

If the parents decided to baptize little Alice in Orthodox Church, then they can choose any orthodox name to your taste.

When choosing a name for a girl, one should definitely build on not only its symbolic meaning, but also on consonance with a patronymic. Combining Alice with many middle names is considered unfavorable - for example, Grigorievna, Stepanovna, Petrovna, Fedorovna. Be sure to pay close attention to consonance with the patronymic, because the child will have to live his whole life with such a combination.

It is not possible to accurately determine the meaning of the name Alice, the mystery is hidden in the mists of time. The main thing is the name for a bright, strong personality. She always sets high goals for herself and achieves them. Alice has a strong-willed character, she is not devoid of ambition and creative originality. It is safe to say that such a person will certainly achieve happiness in life, achieve recognition and success on the career ladder. The environment will deservedly treat her with respect and love. The family built by Alice will be reliable and strong.

Reliable information about the origin of the name has not reached our days. Today, specialists as a whole identify four directions in the "unraveling" of its meaning.

  1. There is an assumption that the name Alice comes from English female name Alice. In translation, it sounds like a lady of noble birth.
  2. The previous version is supported by another statement that the name has something in common with another - "Aalis", Adelaide. The meaning is the same as in the previous case.
  3. One more line can be traced in unraveling the meaning of the name - “divine”. It is believed that it is a common abbreviation of the English female name Elizabeth. In translation, it sounds like "worshiping God."
  4. Some researchers believe that the origin of the female name Alice comes from "alis", which means "wings" in Latin. This truly angelic option is liked by most parents who choose the name of the heiress.

The meaning of the name for a girl

Oddly enough, the meaning of the name always leaves an imprint on the character of a person. The sound vibrations of the name seem to guide the child, acting on a subconscious level. Therefore, we can say what awaits little Alice in the future.

In childhood, the baby will be sensitive, vulnerable. It will be easy to offend her. Although a little girl will hide her feelings and adults will not always notice her feelings. Therefore, with Alice, you should be more careful, select expressions when communicating. Even intonation is important here.

If you choose the right direction of interaction and communicate affectionately with the baby, then in the future she will reward her relatives with extraordinary kindness, love and responsiveness.

The character and fate of Alice, like any other person, is formed due to upbringing and life circumstances. However, it is possible to identify several of its positive features:

  • truthfulness;
  • heightened sense of justice;
  • positivity and optimism - the belief that everything will turn out great;
  • sociability and desire to help everyone;
  • daydreaming;
  • cheerfulness and a great sense of humour.

However, all these positive properties character can give in to one negative. Alice easily succumbs to other people's influence and does not know how to defend her position. Even when she is confident in herself, she can be easily persuaded, and she will change her mind under the influence of a strong personality. This trait is almost impossible to correct, no matter how parents try to achieve it. The only teacher is life experience. Over the years, Alice will be able to overcome at least partially this shortcoming.

Parents, showing love, can call Alice affectionate names: Alice, Alya, Little Fox, Alice, Alice.

Character and fate associated with the name

Alice is an unspoiled, diligent and diligent girl. Often - the oldest of the children in the family, a caring sister, an assistant for mom and grandmother. She loves household chores, gladly puts the house in order and tinkers in the kitchen. It is very important to praise the girl for her efforts, she expects encouragement from her elders. These qualities, the desire for order and cleanliness, should be developed, they will be useful to her in life.

The girl Alice prefers activity, she is interested in playing sports. Her hobbies are on the verge of extreme - shooting from different kind weapons, climbing, driving a car, motorcycle. However, everything related to hunting animals, she vehemently denies. Because love for our smaller brothers is literally in her blood. And the animals also reciprocate by establishing a telepathic connection with the girl. Alice will be happy to take care of pets and even, becoming an adult, can join a cohort of animal rights activists.

As for the choice of profession, here Alice will remain true to her extreme hobbies. For example, if he chooses to become a doctor, then a surgeon. She will always strive to take care of others, save lives and souls. Her eternal desire for justice can lead to the path of a human rights activist in the person of an employee law enforcement, an employee of the prosecutor's office.

Alice is a creative person, she will be capable of a creative profession. She will have an excellent career in journalism and art specialties: design, fashion.

Her honesty, activity, creativity will be quite to the taste of the authorities. Although it will not be easy for a manager to find a common language with an independent and sharp-tongued female subordinate. She will always behave independently, openly declare her opinion, even when it is wrong. It will be difficult for her to admit it.

Having made a career and standing head and shoulders above her colleagues, Alice will be strict with her subordinates, but fair. Will establish a constructive dialogue with employees and will patronize them when he sees that people are trying to do their job well.

Alice is quite suitable to conduct her own activities. To do this, she has all the business inclinations. She will make an excellent businesswoman, she is able to become an outstanding entrepreneur in her field.

Having grown older, and having met love, the woman Alice will face a difficult decision. Marrying and devoting herself to a family or pursuing a career will not be an easy choice for her. She will be able to combine both if she correctly prioritizes and makes important decisions.

Alice's family is almost perfect. She will choose as her wife only a worthy, impeccable companion who will treat her with understanding. She will be a wonderful mother to her children, will become them best friend in life. With all her love for home comfort, Alice will be a good hostess, hospitable and hospitable, gladly hosting good friends in her house.

In general, Alice excellent health, high immunity. healthy image life is her style. Therefore, she will always be in shape. Inner beauty will enrich her beautiful external appearance. Therefore, even in old age, the refinement of her nature will be admired.

When Alice celebrates her name day

Alice is a Catholic name. In Orthodoxy there are no saints with a similar name.
According to the Catholic calendar, Alice can celebrate name days several times a year:

  • December 16 and 19;
  • January 9 and 22;
  • June 15th.

When baptized, an Orthodox name for a newborn can be chosen by the date of her birth. However, a name close in sound is more suitable - Alexandra or Elizabeth.

The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main priorities in life. Your clothes are always different non-standard and correspond to the "latest trends". However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: "It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead." Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they see off all the same according to the mind, and the flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Alicia name compatibility, manifestation in love

Alicia, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of "friend for all." You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to "attach" your personal relationships to the public ones that already existed at that time. As a result, you can lose the second, without really creating the first. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself to it completely, without setting limits and boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover, while remaining a good friend.


Your idealist nature makes you indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't agree to anything less. We do not intend to scatter over trifles. If there is at least a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, abandoning what is literally under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, to appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if it upsets you, it is only for a short time. What will you not sacrifice for a great cause?

And you donate. Often - without looking. And, as a result, you lose "on the way" a lot of things that could make your life more "earthly".

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes they are simply stunning. But perhaps you should think about the fact that if you had stronger ties with the outside world, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

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