What are the most popular names for girls. Names for girls: choosing rare and beautiful female names

the beauty 06.11.2021
the beauty

Just seeing two stripes on the test. Others cannot decide on a name, even after returning from the hospital. What names for girls are in fashion now? Modern or vintage? Russian or foreign? You can open a list with names in alphabetical order or look through church calendars, which many Orthodox parents are guided by.

How to choose names for girls

When choosing a female name, the following should be taken into account: both parents should like it, combine beautifully with the patronymic and surname, and, preferably, be fashionable and popular. And do not forget that each name has its own meaning. "Letidor" has selected for you a list of the most beautiful and rare names for girls.

church calendar

The tradition of choosing a name for a newborn according to the church calendar (Saints) is again relevant. From more than 1000 female names, we have chosen the most beautiful and rare: Anfisa, Melania, Uliana, Emilia, Juliana, Nonna. However, there are significantly more male names in the Saints than female ones. Therefore, a girl can be named after a male saint if there is a used analogue of the male name in the female version: for example, Appolinarius - Polina.

Beautiful and rare names for girls according to the horoscope

There is an astrological calendar that studies the combination of different names with the signs of the zodiac. Here are the most unusual astrological names:

If your daughter was born under the sign Aries, then, perhaps, the name Alla, Alice, Raisa will “fit” her.

Girls born under the sign Taurus, the following names will do: Angela, Diana, Maya, Monica, Sabina.

For Gemini you can offer beautiful and rare names for girls - Aksinya, Albina, Gloria, Yvette, Clara, Lucien, Taisiya, Eliza.

impressionable Cancers the names of Bogdan, Juliet, Letizia, Lolita, Melania, Simone, Selena will do.

regal Lionesses- Aurora, Adelaide, Ariadne, Bella, Dora, Ilona, ​​Kapitolina, Lada, Laura, Roxana, Emma, ​​Eleanor.

methodical Virgins- Vita, Herta, Constance, Linda, Regina, Stella, Edita.

charming Libra- Veronica, Zlata, Isabella, Love, Milena, Nelly, Pelageya, Snezhana.

unpredictable Scorpions- Zara, Louise, Magdalene, Martha, Seraphim, Taira, Teresa, Elina.

Active Sagittarius- Bertha, Violetta, Jeanne, Isolde, Marianne, Muse, Patricia, Thekla.

Calm Capricorn- Barbara, Kira, Nora, Renata, Eleanor.

freedom-loving Aquarius- Ilona, ​​Aelita, Gloria, Novella, Frida.

Creative Pisces- Adele, Amelia, Eva, Venus, Ninel.

Old Russian names

Many names that we consider native actually appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and for the most part do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rituals and life of the ancient Slavs. These names include: Dobroslav - sane; Fun - mischievous, cheerful; Mstislava - exacting; Snezhana - modest, gentle.

The most popular modern names for girls

According to the statistics of the Office of the Civil Registry Office of the city of Moscow, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alice, Elizabeth, Alexandra, Daria. So if you are looking for beautiful yet rare girl names, skip this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the meaning of the female name. We used to believe that whatever you call a ship, that's how it will sail. For example, if you want your girl to be a winner in life, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is very popular now!

Here are some examples of the meanings of female names.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, calm, having matured, she becomes decisive and stubborn. He will never commit rash acts, knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria in Latin means "strong, strong." She is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed imagination and an excellent figurative memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. He carefully approaches the choice of a professional field in which he will become a real specialist.

Dominica means "lady" in Latin. Girls with this name have intuition, a masculine manner to lead and rule. Dominika is self-confident and able to complete the most overwhelming and difficult task. The most inclined to a leadership position, even if it is associated with risk. Achieves success in painting, architecture, design and clothing modeling.

Rare names for girls

Statistics show that many parents tend to choose a name for their child, which is not particularly popular now. If you hold the same views, then keep in mind that quite recently little Aurora, Lyubava, Leya, Ustinya, Emily, Bozena, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Spring, Malvina, Blanca, Cleopatra have already been born.

Rare female names today sound and are remembered more and more often. Forgotten Slavic variants return from the past, analogues of familiar Russian names are borrowed from abroad.

Of course, sometimes the old names are simply dissonant. But still, they often have a strong feminine energy or bring good luck. Therefore, today we have prepared for you a list of rare, but very successful female names.


This rare and beautiful female name, with its soft sound alone, gives some special beauty to its bearers. Most often, you can see that parents are ready to literally turn the whole world up and throw it at the feet of their daughter, but you need to be more careful. Often, Frets grow very capricious because of this.

By nature, Lada usually turns out to be a maximalist in everything, especially in feelings, which is why it is sometimes difficult to agree with her. This must be taken into account when choosing such an unusual name for a girl. However, Frets are determined and stubborn, which will help them in their career growth. After all, they almost never leave their goals.


Beautiful female name Zlata quite easy to interpret even without the help of dictionaries. It is most likely of Jewish origin, but could have entered the Russian language through Greek. In this name, the root “gold” is easily recognized, of course, reminiscent of gold.

It is not surprising that a woman named Zlata always has her own principles regarding money. She really does not like to borrow, even if she is forced to do so. Also, Zlata is usually quite thrifty, which, of course, will come in handy for her in life. Due to their natural caution, these women turn out to be good housewives.

I must say that in the life of Zlata, the family plays a very important role. A girl with this rather rare name can grow into a homebody. She is intelligent and often wants to look into the future. Usually the name endows them with such qualities as tact and attentiveness to people, but it can also endow them with some secrecy.


Vasilisa- a beautiful name for a girl, which was once very common in Russia. It is of Greek origin, and it can be translated into Russian as “royal”. It is also a female version of the male name Vasily. Sometimes it is shortened to Vasya or another option is used, Vasilena.

Girls with this name most often turn out to be very virtuous and sometimes consider their own and other people's problems with the same zeal and desire to help their neighbor. They are charming and good-looking, they know how to be there in time when it comes to difficult life situations.

Usually, the inability to recognize their weaknesses and excessive stubbornness are attributed to the shortcomings of these women. However, women with the rare name Vasilisa are quite soft in communication, which makes them very pleasant.

Sofia (Sofia)

Sofia or Sofia is considered a Russian Orthodox name, which means "wisdom" and everything connected with it. This name is also mentioned in Greece and has the following diminutive forms: Sonya, Sofa, Sofyushka, Sonechka, Sofka, Fiya, Fifi.

In Russia, this name was considered so strong that initially only the highest classes could receive it, and it was used only in an aristocratic society. In the future, the fashion passed to the nobility. The popularity of such a beautiful and unusual name was constantly growing, and soon girls from any class began to be called the name Sophia.

Women with the beautiful name Sophia have a deep inner world that helps them cope with any problem and supports them in difficult times. They bring light, goodness and love into the world, and this is what attracts others to them and charges them with positive. Such women are always open to communication and ready to lend their shoulder. Despite their strong inner core, they are very gentle and passionate natures.

Sophia's temperament in her personal life plays a major role. She is an excellent hostess and a wonderful wife and mother. Despite the fact that such women dream of becoming the head of the family, they are always pleased when there is a strong man nearby who is able to take full responsibility. Only with such a husband Sophia feel like behind a stone wall and with great pleasure begin to create home comfort.


Name Angelina while it is quite rare, although it is present in the holy calendar. It literally means "messenger". By origin, it is of Greek-Latin origin and has a lot of forms and variations in different languages ​​of the world. The name Angelina can be shortened to a short form Lina, but do not forget that this option is also independent.

Often, girls with the unusual name Angelina inherit the character of their mother and grow up to be very stubborn, which can be seen from childhood. Therefore, Angelina shows a desire to command. This girl rarely makes concessions. She also wants to achieve everything herself and does not expect help from anyone.

Sometimes Angelina is not very active and may not be at all interested in what is happening at school or even university. But she loves to work on her own. We can say that she has somewhat masculine traits of character, and it is difficult to find a common language with her. But Angelina is always an interesting and pleasant person.


Diana- This is a Catholic and rather unusual female name for our country. On a global scale, it is more familiar, because the spread of Catholicism greatly affected its popularity. Translated from Latin, Diana is translated as "related to God." The same name was given to the Roman goddess, which means that this name is marked by the patronage of higher powers.

Diana is a very kind, bright and pleasant person. If you ask Diana about whether she is happy, then 100 percent of the time she will answer you “yes”.

For a girl, this rare name in our country means success in relationships with boys, which she retains throughout her life. Diana may look ordinary, but after meeting them, no man will remain indifferent to them. They are kind, they know how to joke and understand any person, for which they are very loved in any company.


According to the most popular version, name Arina is an obsolete form of the name Irina. Historians believe that earlier in Russia Irin was called that way, after which the name was transformed by replacing the first letter. Now this seemingly unusual female name is back again, gaining popularity.

Arina is always interested in something, and very strongly. This unusual female name gives its owner good self-control, endurance and resistance to stress. Arinas always know what to say, when to remain silent and when to fight back. Despite strong character traits, Arinas are incredibly attractive to men. This one rare feminine bestows on those who wear it the gift of easy interaction with the male sex.

Arina often falls in love, but not only with men, but also with her work. A girl with that name always brings the work she has started to the end, without retreating at the sight of problems. That is why Arina is successful and loves her work, which quite often is also her favorite hobby.


Many have heard of the Western name Emily, which, according to many scientists, is almost synonymous with Emilia. In Russia, this name sounded like Emilia- it was a female form Omeliana. One way or another, but now this form is forgotten. Translated from Greek, Emilios means "kind" or "affectionate."

Since childhood, Emilia loves challenging tasks and everything that is attractive on the outside. She appreciates beauty in people, but not only external, but also internal. This is an unusual name for a girl living in our country, as it is incredibly rare. This has its advantages, which all female representatives dream of - individuality, beauty and charm.

When Emilia grows up, her life flows along the channel, which the girl herself determines for herself. She is not always well versed in people, but she feels them well, so Emilia is happy in marriage.


Anita very often confused with Anna, although there is absolutely no connection between these two names in terms of origin. Anita- This is a rare female name that appeared presumably in Spain, although it goes back to Germanic old roots. It means "beautiful", "graceful", "gentle", "sweet".

Anita's character is complex and incomprehensible to most people. As a poet, Anita has few friends as a child. If you ask a friend or friend of Anita about why they are friends with her, you will not hear an intelligible answer. This is a mystery man, not only for others, but also for himself.

In adulthood, this beautiful and rare female name gives girls and women many advantages over other representatives of the weaker sex, namely: charm, the ability to see what others cannot see, an irresistible craving for beauty. Anita loves not so much life itself as the beauty of its details.


First name Taisia common both among the Slavic peoples and in the west. It is a Catholic and Christian name that is of Greek origin. In translation, it means "fertile". This is a very beautiful and unusual female name, but it is often heard. In Eastern Europe it is very popular, but in Russia it is rarely given to girls.

Taisia ​​is impulsive and very secretive. Perhaps these are the only qualities that can give her problems in life. Otherwise, she has all the makings of a strong leader, as well as a self-sufficient and strong personality. Her analytical mind tells her that it is impossible to rush to get married, and strong intuition does not argue with this. That is why she has children and ties the knot quite late.

This is a man of contrasts, because such strong ladies always have many friends and many enemies. A very important role in this is played by her character, which is very difficult to call simple. Taisia ​​is secretive and patient, but sometimes her life's problems make her explode like an atomic bomb. In this case, it is better to run without looking back.


Kira's name has several versions of origin. Many argue that this word came to us from Greece and is derived from the name Kyros, which was assigned to men. It has a strong meaning and is associated with words such as: "lord", "lord", "lord". Others argue that this name came to us from Persia and means "sun", "rays of light" and "carrying heat." The name Cyrus is given an abbreviated name from such names as: Kirill, Kyriakia, Shakira, Kirra.

With age, Kira will have to face injustice, which will only temper her character and instill in her restraint and secrecy of nature. However, thanks to such lessons of Fate, directness and determination appear in women with the beautiful name Kira, which helps them move towards their ideals directly, destroying all obstacles in their path. Such women do an excellent job with leadership positions and are able to combine charm and intelligence.

At home, women with such a rare name as Kira become excellent housewives. They always have warmth and comfort, and the doors are always open for relatives and close friends. Such women become faithful wives who are able to support their husbands in difficult times and inspire them to exploits. Her choice will fall on an attractive man who can be relied upon. And if Kira does not tolerate competition in her career, then in marriage she is ready to accept a supporting role. This feature of Kira will create a strong union based on mutual love, respect and understanding.


Yesenia's name unusual in that it has completely opposite meanings in different cultures. According to one version, this is a derivative of the word "autumn" and so the girls who were born in the autumn months were called. According to another legend, girls born in the spring were called "spring". It was this word that was later transformed into Yesenia. There are also several more opinions on where such a rare name came from. Some argue that this name became popular after the appearance of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, while others argue that this is a derivative of the Arabic male name Hassan, which means “beautiful” in translation, or from “foreigner” from Greek.

Enya, by her nature, grows up to be a very kind and loving girl. She treats animals well and loves everything beautiful. Over the years, Yesenia learns to hide her soft nature and quite easily achieves her goals. Such women make wonderful leaders and mentors. They are fair and very smart. Such women immediately stand out from the crowd with their relentless zeal to get what they want. If Yesenia is carried away by some business, she will definitely bring it to the end.

This independent nature of women affects Yesi's family life. These women marry only after they are able to provide for themselves. They value their freedom, but they won’t allow you to get on your neck either. That is why Yesenia mostly has late unions. However, this does not have any negative consequences.

Milana (Milena)

This name has many consonant names, such as Milena. However, they have completely different meanings. It is believed that the name Milan originally derived from the word "mil", like other similar names. However, they cannot be called diminutives and it cannot be considered that this is the same name. It is important to understand that Miloslava, Militsa, Milonia, Milena are not forms of each other. But if you want to affectionately call Milan, then the following names are suitable for this: Milanka, Mila, Lana, Milunka.

Adult Milan always does what she says. In her character there is a masculine disposition, which, in spite of everything, does not deprive her of femininity, but only emphasizes it. Such a rare name rewards its owner with excellent intuition, endurance and a craving for everything mystical. Although Milana prefers loneliness to a noisy company, her interests never make her feel abandoned and useless. Such women feel people well and always know when they need to be alone with their thoughts.

A name is something given to us by our parents. This is what we give to our children. ...

An increasing number of parents choose a name for their baby, based on the month in which he was born. This is due to the tradition of naming children according to the calendar, a collection of Orthodox names dedicated to the memory of various saints. Our ancestors believed that in this way the baby acquires a heavenly patron who protects him from any evil. Choosing a name for your girl and don't know what to choose? Take a look at our list of names by month. Also from our article you will learn how the month of birth of the baby will affect her character.

Names of those born in January

Girls who were born in January are calm and reasonable from early childhood. Your daughter will never be capricious over trifles, throw tantrums because you did not buy her a new doll. But at the same time, you will need to be prepared for the fact that she will be quite stubborn, and this inner strength in her must be respected. The name for her should be solid enough: Aglaya, Tatyana, Nina.

Full list of names of girls born in January

Anthony, Antonina, Anastasia, Eva, Claudia, Xenia, Agafia, Hortense, Domna, Domnica, Melania, Ulyana, Eugenia, Julia, Tatiana, Melania, Appolinaria, Maria, Susanna, Emilia, Leonidia, Leonilla, Felicity, Amma, Nina, Agrafena, Elena, Irina, Aglaida, Aglaya, Anisia, Eugene, Theodora, Polina, Marionilla, Vasilisa, Theophila, Agnia, Theodosia.

Feminine names of those born in February

Babies born in February are often called indigo children, as they demonstrate unusual abilities from an early age. The February girl will be very smart and creative, her life will have many hobbies and hobbies in which her parents should support her. She will have a refined appearance and refined, albeit somewhat non-standard taste. Non-standard names will suit her: Emilia, Melania, Leonilla.

February birthdays

Julia, Ulyana, Iovilla, Anastasia, Theodotia, Claudia, Maria, Anfisa, Evgenia, Agrippina (Agrafena), Antonina, Faust, Theophilus, Barbara, Domna, Augusta, Vasilisa, Anisia, Emilia, Evdokia, Nina, Apollinaria, Melania, Dominica , Nina, Tatyana, Arsenia, Leonilla.

Women's names born in the month of March

Girls who were born in March have a sensitive and kind character, they are more tender than spring itself. In childhood, they can be shy and hold on to their mother's skirt for a long time. They have a wild imagination, which parents should not be afraid of. But so that such a girl does not become too closed, she must be given to various sections and circles, for example, to dance. The tenderness of her character should be felt in the name: Ulyana, Marina, Anastasia.

Complete list of names

Daria, Anna, Anastasia, Olga, Praskovya, Irina, Marina, Elizabeth, Kira, Matrona, Mstislava, Alexandra, Evdokia, Barbara, Martha, Maria (Mariamna), Nadezhda, Antonina, Evdotya, Xenia, Nunnehia, Ekaterina, Vasilisa, Galina , Natalia, Theodora, Nika, Christina, Julianna, Ulyana.

Women's names born in April

Parents need to be prepared for the strong masculine energy of their daughter. She may prefer cars to dolls, climbing trees with boys is more interesting for her than gatherings with girls. Try not to suppress, but to direct her stormy energy into a peaceful direction, offer her interesting hobbies, etc. In adolescence, her femininity will wake up and she can become very popular among her peers. Suitable names for April girls: Alexandra, Irina, Nika.

April names for girls

Maria, Sofia, Matrena, Fotina (Svetlana), Claudia, Theodora, Calisa, Akilina, Praskovya, Julianna, Ulyana, Alexandra, Theodosia, Anatolia, Alla, Platonida, Anna, Larisa, Barbara, Euphemia, Vassa, Lydia, Martha, Agapia , Anastasia, Evdokia, Vasilisa, Afanasia, Galina, Nika, Irina, Alexandra, Gaafa.

Names for a daughter born in May

These girls seem to be already born as little women: affectionate, a little flirtatious, adoring all sorts of feminine things like jewelry and cosmetics. The May girl pleases her parents, she is obedient and diligent. Her relationships with peers are developing smoothly, the only thing is that she may be afraid to repulse hooligans and sneaks that are in almost any team. The name of such a girl should be melodic: Julia, Susanna, Claudia.

Full list of names in May

Matrena, Nina, Anna, Irina, Tamara, Alexandra, Taisia, Elizabeth, Glyceria, Maria, Zoya, Julianna, Ulyana, Muse, Anastasia, Glyceria, Mavra, Glafira, Nina, Evpraksia, Isidora, Theodora, Theodosia, Pelageya, Christina, Tekusa, Claudia, Evdokia, Faina, Julia, Junia, Euphrasia.

Names of those born in June

June girls are very sociable, friendly and charming. Adults are touched by their openness and immediacy. Often they are smart beyond their years, but they may not study so brilliantly due to discipline problems. It is difficult for them to focus on one lesson for a long time, which parents must take into account. In adolescence, they have a lot of fans. Such girls often have regular, refined facial features and a chiseled figure. The name for them should be easy and pleasant: Paul, Pelageya, Elena.

June Birthdays

Maria, Elena, Vera, Paul, Theodora, Thekla, Theodosia, Euphrosyne, Ulyana, Julianna, Valeria (Kaleria), Pelageya, Antonina, Anna, Alexandra, Martha, Susanna, Akilina.

Women's names born in July

If your daughter was born in July, you can be sure that she will become your reliable support. Such girls are very attached to their mother, they help her in every possible way with the housework, they perfectly find a common language with their brothers and sisters, if any. July girls are often fond of traditional women's activities: cooking, embroidery, knitting. Their only drawback is shyness. The name for them should be soft and gentle: Angelina, Julianna, Valentina.

List of names

Inna, Rimma, Uliana, Avdotya, Christina, Efimiya, Evdokia, Ivanna, Julia, Evfrosinya, Angelina, Matrena, Agrippina, Agrafena, Anastasia, Alevtina (Valentina), Arina, Elena, Olga, Alexandra, Tatyana, Maria, Martha, Fedotya , Anna, Vassa, Fedora, Sophia, Varvara, Dora, Feodosia, Elizabeth, Marina, Margarita.

Women's names born in August

In August, girls are born who are destined to be real queens. They shine with a special charm literally from the cradle, in childhood they like to dress up, recite poems to charm others. Their appearance is usually quite bright. When they grow up, they like to brightly paint, dress. They are leaders in the company of peers, they are not deprived of the attention of boys literally from kindergarten. The name of such a girl should be loud, beautiful: Nonna, Daria, Iriada.

List of names

Maria, Praskovya, Sophia, Uliana, Christina, Anfisa, Evdokia, Anna, Anastasia, Evdokia, Euphraksia, Elena, Daria, Iriad, Iroid, Mavra, Nonna, Fedotya, Susanna, Olympiad, Elizabeth, Eve.

Names of those born in September

Girls born in September are calm, diligent and balanced. They surprise adults with their developed mind and serious reasoning. Disciplined, diligent in their studies, knowledge brings them the greatest pleasure. The usual interests of girls from adolescence, cosmetics, boys, they care little, and you should not blame them for this. Their future career and studies are more important to them. Examples of suitable names for such girls: Love, Sofia, Vera.

List of September names

Vassa, Anfisa, Xenia, Martha, Susanna, Rufina, Theodosia, Evsevia, Thekla, Elizabeth, Seraphim, Natalia, Martha, Vasilisa, Maria, Domna, Tatiana, Elena, Raisa, Iraida, Vera, Irina, Arina, Love, Hope, Sofia, Fedotya, Lyudmila, Melitina, Euphemia, Sevastiana, Fyodor, Euphrosyne, Iya, Pulcheria, Anna.

Names for girls born in October

Girls are born in October, real ladies. Refined, neat and elegant, they have excellent manners, good looks and a pleasant voice. In early childhood, October girls are very attached to their mother, but then this smooths out. They easily make new acquaintances, are popular with their peers. Their name should reflect the nobility and softness of their nature: Veronica, Ariadne, Marianne.

Women's names of October birthdays

Irina, Maria, Anna, Veronica, Ariadne, Iraida, Polina, Apollinaria, Maria, Domna, Pelageya, Euphrosyne, Gayana, Zlata, Arina, Thekla, Anania, Khrisya, Sophia, Tatiana, Ustinya, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Evlampia, Afanasia, Hope, Taisia, Praskovya.

Women's names born in the month of November

Children born in November are wayward and stubborn, mindful of themselves. Girls have notes of a masculine character: developed willpower, riskiness, determination. At the same time, they do not lose their femininity, which flourishes in adolescence. They can be quite capricious and irritable, but very devoted to their relatives. Very plastic, dance classes are suitable for them. The name for the November girl should reflect the depth of her feelings: Mary, Cleopatra, Elizabeth.

Women's birthday names in November

Fedotya, Neonilla, Cleopatra, Euphrosyne, Agafya, Evdokia, Pelageya, Anna, Anastasia, Elena, Afanasia, Lukerya, Glykeria, Matryona, Moor, Claudia, Capitolina, Elizabeth, Praskovya, Ulyana, Nina, Stepanida, Olga, Elena, Seraphim.

Women's names born in December

Girls born in December delight their parents with their cheerful and active disposition. They are very mobile, so they certainly need to engage in some kind of physical activity. Little helpers, take care of younger children in the family or at school. They often play the role of a ringleader in the companies of friends. Growing up, they may try to free themselves from parental control early, and this should not be prevented from doing so. The names for December girls should be sonorous: Ekaterina, Zoya, Anfisa.

List of names for girls born in December

Maria, Ekaterina, Tamara, Aza, Cecilia, Praskovya, Anna, Agnia, Vera, Margarita, Thekla, Augusta, Maria, Marina, Tatiana, Anisya, Matrona, Ulyana, Kira, Ekaterina, Anastasia, Barbara, Zoya, Theodosia, Feofania, Sophia, Alexandra, Angelina, Anna, Evdokia, Anfisa.

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Elena Zhabinskaya

Dear future mothers, most likely, you already know the gender of your unborn child and are expecting a little princess.

You know exactly what she will be - beautiful, funny, mischievous, inquisitive and kind, and you want to give her all the best. Therefore, you already know how to choose the right one and which one to buy.

The most important, pleasant and significant thing remains: to sort through all the names for girls and choose the most beautiful and best for your little princess. This is a very responsible choice, because it will leave an imprint on the whole future life and fate of the child.

Will your girl grow up to be a downtrodden quiet, following the lead of someone else's, stronger, opinion, will she be aggressive and ready to repel an invisible attack every second? Or will it develop into a harmonious personality with an even character and a benevolent disposition? You will not believe it, but a lot depends on the name that you give her. That is why it is important to make the right choice and consciously.

Numerous scientists have long noticed that people with the same names have similar character traits.

As one of the explanations, the phenomenon of "music of names" is given. According to him, some names sound melodious, literally caress the ear and evoke positive emotions in the one who pronounces and the one who hears. Others, on the contrary, make you cringe and tense up.

Each name is a set of sounds of one or another pitch and key. All sounds affect different parts of the brain in different ways. Since a person hears what they call him several dozen times a day, this forms a certain psycho-emotional state and certain character traits. There are hard, hard names: Zhanna, Dina, Tamara. They contribute to the formation of a persistent, stubborn, decisive character. There are soft and melodic ones: Svetlana, Natalya, Anna, which will be the prerequisites for the formation of a soft and docile character.

In addition, there is another reasonable explanation for the influence of the name on fate. Hearing the name, we draw conclusions about the nationality of a person (Maria, Olga, Anna, Ekaterina), possible religion (Gulnara, Zulfiya), alleged character traits (calm Elena, fiery Tatyana). Having succumbed to the first impression, we draw some conclusions about a person. And, of course, when thousands of people “endow” someone with certain qualities when they meet, this leaves an imprint on the personality.

An interesting fact: scientists recently conducted a study and found out that girls with attractive romantic names (Angelina, Angelica, Milana) move up the career ladder worse, but are much more successful in the creative environment and show business.

How to choose

When choosing a name for a girl, you can be guided by different theories and principles (we will talk about them below). However, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind.

The name must match the nationality of the child. This is a fairly obvious rule, and usually in a family of Orthodox Christians it would never occur to anyone to name their daughter Khadija, Alfiya or Alsu. In the same way, the presence of a child, for example, with the name Vera, Anna, Olga, in a Tatar or Muslim family immediately creates dissonance.

The name must be combined with the surname and patronymic of the girl. Various combinations of full name the child will have to hear very often. First, the last name and first name at school, then the first name and patronymic in adult life at work. Therefore, say all these combinations several times, so to speak, taste them.

If the surname and patronymic are long, then the name should be chosen shorter. It is convenient to show this by my personal example. When we chose what to name our daughter, we saw that we had just a long surname and patronymic, so we chose a shorter name so as not to fall asleep while you pronounce it in full. It turned out like this: Zhabinskaya Eva Dmitrievna. Both together and separately, the combinations are not long and euphonious. Compare, for example, as if it were Zhabinskaya Ekaterina Dmitrievna, or Zhabinskaya Anastasia Dmitrievna. For me, a very long time.

At the junction of the last name and first name, first name and patronymic, there should not be a pile of consonant letters that make pronunciation difficult. In this case, the child will tense up in advance in anticipation that they can pronounce something incorrectly, which will form uncertainty and tightness. For example, it is more difficult to pronounce Christina Stern than Alice Stern.

It is necessary to try so that the name easily forms a diminutive form, so that communication with the baby can be painted in a different range of emotions.

How not to call a girl

When choosing how to name a girl in 2017, you must always remember that a baby with this name will live: go to kindergarten, school, university, build a career. Therefore, it is inappropriate and stupid to be guided by momentary fashion or emotions in such an important issue.

Do not give unpronounceable, unpronounceable and strange names. For example, Traktorina, Wilhelmina, Gloriosa, Eupraxia, Xanthippus, Mitrodora. The child will feel awkward from birth at every need to name himself, which can develop an inferiority complex and insecurity.

Do not name children after historical events or prominent people. Events go down in history, and politicians are often criticized over time. As a result, a name that seemed meaningful and relevant to you, ten years later, will sound ridiculous, inappropriate and stupid, confusing the child and developing complexes for him. For example, Dazdraperma (Long live the first of May), the Olympics (in honor of the Winter Olympics in Sochi), Crimea (in honor of the annexation of the peninsula), Stalin (in honor of Stalin).

You should not call the baby as well as relatives who died a violent death or tragically. You can believe in mysticism or not, but there are statistics according to which such people more often repeat the fate of unfortunate ancestors.

Recently, there has been a fashion for double names (Anna-Maria, Victoria-Elizabeth). Moms explain this choice something like this: the queen - the royal name (hinting that all the reigning persons always had two names). But firstly, we are still not royal, and secondly, this is not a game of princesses, but a real children's life. I do not see the need to create additional difficulties and awkward situations for the child in communicating with peers.

Names for girls by month according to the church calendar

Our ancestors did not have to puzzle over the appropriate name for the child. It was enough to look into the holy calendar - the church calendar with the names of saints.

It was believed that the saint, on whose day the baby was born, would be his protector and patron, respectively, the baby was called that name.

In our time, although the saints have already played their role, and the choice of the name of the child is at the mercy of the imagination of the parents, sometimes it is still possible, and even necessary, to look into the church calendar.

Who knows, perhaps it is there that you will draw inspiration and, according to the calendar, will find an unusual name for a girl, which, moreover, will carry a secret spiritual meaning, because the guardian angel himself will protect such a baby.

Now church canons are not so strict, and in order to give parents more choice in names, calendars are used by months, not by days. This means that the name of the patron saint can be chosen from a list related to the baby's birth month.

  • Girls born in September can be called the following names of patron saints: Thekla, Martha, Natalia, Maria, Kira, Anfisa, Anna, Elizabeth, Tatiana, Natalia, Xenia, Vasilisa, Sofia, Lyudmila, Vera, Love, Hope, Raisa, Evdokia, Seraphim.
  • In October, patronize: Elizabeth, Zlata, Zinaida, Pelageya, Taisiya, Tatyana, Nadezhda, Veronica, Anna, Alexandra, Maria, Sofia, Iraida, Ariadna, Irina.
  • In November: Anna, Elizabeth, Nina, Alexandra, Claudia, Elena, Anastasia, Maria, Pelageya, Matryona, Olga.
  • In December: Zoya, Vera, Marina, Alexandra, Tatyana, Anna, Anfisa, Barbara, Ekaterina, Julia, Kira, Tamara, Maria, Margarita.
  • In January: Maria, Sofia, Nina, Tatiana, Julia, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Evgenia, Polina, Melania, Maria, Anna, Barbara, Augusta, Claudia.
  • In February: Sofia, Anna, Vera, Svetlana, Irina, Zoya, Maria, Christina, Ekaterina, Pelageya, Xenia, Anastasia, Agnia, Vasilisa, Rimma.
  • In March: Marina, Christina, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Alexandra, Antonina, Nadezhda, Elena, Julia, Olga, Kira, Evgenia, Varvara, Valentina.
  • In April: Galina, Lydia, Svetlana, Maria, Daria, Sofia, Alexandra, Anastasia.
  • In May: Claudia, Julia, Christina, Irina, Pelageya, Zoya, Nina, Ivanna, Tamara, Susanna, Matryona, Alexandra, Glafira, Anna, Taisiya.
  • In June: Pelageya, Anna, Antonina, Martha, Valeria, Maria, Julia, Ulyana, Thekla, Susanna, Vera, Elena, Efrosinya, Nina, Thekla.
  • In July: Marina, Margarita, Alevtina, Valentina, Julia, Maria, Olga, Elena, Evdokia, John, Agrippina, Zoya, Anna, Rimma, Zina.
  • In August: Maria, Sofia, Eva, Daria, Nona, Evdokia, Elizabeth, Elena, Anfisa, Christina, Susanna, Mavra.

Beautiful Russian names

As you know, classic is always in fashion. And names are no exception. Most Russian traditional names are rooted in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. But this only adds to their charm and history.

With such a name, the baby will feel comfortable, and it will most likely go well with her last name and patronymic.

Popular modern names for girls

Sociologists annually analyze which female names are more popular with parents. According to the statistics of recent years, in addition to the classic Russian names that we reviewed above, young parents are attracted to the following.

rare and beautiful

Classical names are beautiful and cozy, but nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with them. And so you want to show everyone that your baby is special. Therefore, I propose to go in search of not only beautiful, but also rare names for girls.

Old Russian

One of the latest fashion trends is to call children old Russian names. I'm wary of this idea, and here's why. As a rule, such names are still used extremely rarely in our time.

Accordingly, they are unusual for a child's ear, and again in this case we are faced with the danger that the baby will be a troublesome crow in the children's team, she will begin to be ashamed of her name, feel awkward when she needs to be called, or when they will turn to her.

There is always such a danger, because we do not know in advance what character and temperament our baby will have. Perhaps someone will not be shy and will be able to stand up for themselves, while someone will close up and refuse to attend school.

Therefore, I do not see the need to give children too rare old Russian names, such as Martha, Thekla, Lukerya, Pelageya, Efrosinya, Agrippina, Aglaya.

There is a theory according to which people born at a certain time of the year have common character traits and inclinations.

Knowing these patterns, you can align and adjust the character of a person in the right direction.

So, for example, cold and harsh weather conditions form a tough, hard and uncompromising character in those born in winter. Therefore, there is a recommendation to try to give such girls soft, gentle and affectionate names, in order to add femininity and kindness in this way. In this case, such names as Elena, Alice, Sophia will be appropriate, and unsuccessful (they will only strengthen, aggravate the character) Kira, Olga, Zhanna.

Spring, on the contrary, contributes to the formation of soft, indecisive personalities. It is difficult for such girls to resist other people's opinions, it is difficult to say a firm no, to stop unpleasant statements or actions. They, on the contrary, need to add hardness. The name Marina, Christina, Dina will do. Natalya, Dashenka, Svetlana will be unsuccessful.

In the summer, emotional, impressionable girls are born, good-natured and often spineless. Their character should be balanced with firm, stable names, for example, Martha, Barbara.

Autumn is the best time for the birth of balanced, whole personalities. They can be given any names without fear.

I also suggest watching a video that has useful tips on the topic.


Muslim names are melodious and melodious, in addition, they always hide some unique quality underneath, which parents strive to endow a little girl at birth.

Much attention is paid to the beauty of a woman, because she should please and delight the gaze of her husband, as well as obedience and humility.

Let's take a look at modern popular, unusual-sounding options and find out what they mean.

  • Jasmina - similar to a jasmine flower;
  • Elvira is a protector;
  • Shakira - who is grateful;
  • Samira - who knows how to listen;
  • Madina - in honor of the city of Medina;
  • Leila - a girl with black hair;
  • Dinara - like gold;
  • Amira is a princess;
  • Alsu is the personification of beauty.


Tatars are a great people with a distinctive history and rich traditions. Needless to say, female names in Tatar culture are beautiful and unusual.

Often parents create their own new name for the baby, comparing it with beautiful flowers, or a unique natural phenomenon. The names are somewhat bolder than in classical Muslim traditions, more attention is paid to beauty, less importance to the need for obedience and humility.

We have selected for you the most popular modern options.


The Kazakh people have an ancient and rich history. Traditional Kazakh names came to us from ancient times. Most often they are composite and represent admiration for the beauty of a young girl, her grace, love of life.

The names are often compared with beautiful flowers, the moon, precious stones, as well as admiration for some qualities of character, as a rule, meekness, helpfulness and humility, which is logical for Muslim peoples.

Let's look at modern beautiful Kazakh names for girls and admire their poetic explanation.

  • Janelle - blessed;
  • Aisulu - beautiful as the moon;
  • Meiram - festive;
  • Saule - like a ray of sunshine;
  • Canipa is a sincere girl;
  • Batima is a wise girl;
  • Aigul - similar to a moon flower;
  • Asiana - a girl from the East;
  • Bibigul - the mistress of the flower meadow;
  • Guldana is an expensive flower.

When choosing a name for the baby, do not forget to prepare all the necessary things for her birth. Advanced mothers know that it is most profitable now to buy everything via the Internet: it saves time, money, and there is much more choice. An excellent trusted store that has everything you need for a newborn -. Be sure to look into it, it once saved me a lot of time and nerves from shopping.

I hope the information was useful to you. I will be happy to read your opinion on choosing a name for my daughter, if necessary, I will prompt and advise, so do not hesitate to leave comments.

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