Julia Savicheva after childbirth. Julia Savicheva revealed the secret of extreme weight loss after childbirth

Family and relationships 21.06.2019
Family and relationships

Yulia Savicheva is a popular singer, pop music performer, a well-known personality in the territory Russian Federation and neighboring states. Currently, close attention is riveted to the creative personality.

In 2017, the first photos of Yulia Savicheva appeared after a long vacation, and she confirmed the information that she had given birth to a child. For a whole year, the media spread rumors that Julia was pregnant and subsequently became a mother.

Incredibly riveted to the life of a young and promising singer great attention. Many news projects, blogs, magazines, starting in 2016, began to publish news that Yulia Savicheva had given birth to a child. The information was obtained from unofficial sources, so it was not possible to obtain confirmation from the singer herself or her friends.

Particular attention was riveted to the Fadeev production center, with which Savicheva collaborates. The staff of the press center did not give any comments on this matter. According to official figures, Yulia Savicheva went on a sabbatical and is resting in Portugal.

In September 2017, fans of the work of Fadeev and Savicheva learned the real truth. Max in social network Instagram published a short video where he admitted that there was really a new addition to the Savicheva family.

Now it is known for sure that Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter, whose photo has not yet been found on the network. In fact, the information was not received from the singer herself, so more details are unknown.

About how Yulia Savicheva named her daughter. Probably it will be known later, since she herself did not give any comments. According to the singer, she is going to combine childcare and her creative career, as she does not want to quit her favorite job. Maxim Fadeev did a lot for the Savichev family. Therefore, it was he who told the fans about the joyful event in the life of Julia. He is probably more happy than her, because he considers the singer his daughter.

Personal life

The history of the appearance of the child must begin in 2009, when it became known about the cohabitation of Savicheva and Arshinov. Together with a famous producer, they met for a long time and carefully concealed their relationship. Of course, this secrecy led to the fact that there were articles about the singer's relationship with other men, which was never true.

In 2014, Savicheva and Arshinov officially signed. It was probably the most spectacular wedding of the year. The organization of the event was carried out at a high level. The red carpet, a lot of celebrities, the best restaurant - it was all there.

Photos from the wedding of Yulia and Alexander Arshinov

Many are interested in the question of who is the father of the daughter of Yulia Savicheva, who was born in 2017, there is no doubt - this is Alexander Arshinov.

In 2016, Yulia Savicheva disappeared from sight. Not a single concert was scheduled, the tour was canceled, even new songs did not appear. The media immediately began to write about the singer's pregnancy, as this was the only thing that could stop her.

There was news that Yulia Savicheva gave birth to Max Fadeev, but this is not true. But everything was kept secret to the last. Max Fadeev talked about Savicheva's sabbatical in Portugal, but it took too long. Therefore, in September 2017, it became known that she had given birth to a daughter.


Julia Savicheva is from the Urals, was born in the city of Kurgan. The date of birth of the singer is also quite interesting - 02/14/1987. Parents were no less creative individuals than their daughter. My father collaborated with Maxim Fadeev, and my mother worked as a teacher in a music class.

Already at the age of five, young and talented Yulia was taken to the Firefly musical group, where she showed incredible returns. In 1994, Savicheva's parents had to move to Moscow, because of the work it was necessary to change the location.

Julia also found a job for herself according to her interests, she was gladly invited to participate in New Year's productions. Already at that time she received little money, but did not forget about the school, Savicheva studied very well.

Cooperation with Linda was a discovery for a young and promising singer. The first work in the clip "Marijuana" opened for Savicheva all the most interesting aspects of creative art.

From the age of 8, cooperation with Linda began, which Julia remembers very often and only with a good word. Working on children's backing vocals, Savicheva showed not bad results, but she could not get a musical education.

"Star Factory-2"

Probably "Star Factory - 2" became the most significant project in the life of Yulia Savicheva, which opened her way to the stage. The future singer easily overcame each qualifying round and became one of the five finalists. Then she didn’t work out a bit, since she didn’t even get into the top three. Talented Julia was immediately invited to cooperate, she had a really incredible talent.

During participation in the show "Star Factory-2"

The songs performed by Yulia Savicheva became hits and were played on almost all radio stations. Separately, the tracks "High", "Ships" and "Sorry for Love" can be noted. After a successful start, the singer was invited as a young talent to the television project "Song of the Year". Max Fadeev, who helped her all the way, had a special influence on her.

Probably by right, Julia is considered the best pupil of the "Star Factory". She easily wins the sympathy of viewers, listeners.

The combination of attractive appearance, melancholy voice delights everyone who hears this sound. A professional approach to the performance of any songs was noted by many experts. But what Savicheva lacks is education.


The international competition "World Best" has opened a new talent to the world - Yulia Savicheva. The girl successfully represented the country at this festival. Then she left the country for Eurovision, where she took 11th place. But despite the small success, they began to talk about it all over the world. A huge number of fans appeared.

The singer on the set of the video "Baby"

Many critics were skeptical about the talent of the young singer, as they believed that she was not worthy to perform at such a high level. Everything was connected with the lack of musical education. For Yulia it didn't really matter, as she understood what to do and knew that all the listeners liked it. Thanks to her desire, it was not possible to break the young singer. In 2004, the first album was released, recorded under the direction of Max Fadeev, its name "Vysoko" personified Savicheva's aspirations.

In 2005, Yulia's voice probably sounded on every TV in the Russian Federation and beyond, as she recorded the soundtrack for the film "Don't Be Born Beautiful." For this work, Savicheva was awarded the Golden Gramophone. In the future, incredible prospects opened up for her, which Julia gladly used. All her songs were popular and in demand among listeners.

Frame from the clip "My Way"

The second album "Magnet" became no less popular than the first. This event took place in 2006. The song "Privet", which was also included in the collection, was in the TOP of the most listened hits on radio stations for almost three months. It was an incredible breakthrough.

In 2006, the third album of the singer goes on sale, then she wins the MTV channel award as one of the best performers of the year. As for the collection of songs, it contained an incredibly large number of popular songs that were in the rotation of radio stations. Her career went uphill and nothing prevented the formation of Yulia Savicheva as a real creative person.

Yulia Savicheva and Dzhigan on the set of the video "There is nothing more to love"

“This is fate” - a clip that appeared in 2007, it was a collaboration with. Fans perceived this creation ambiguously, but still Savicheva's voice was magnificent. In 2008, she became a member of the Star Ice TV project, after Dancing with the Stars. Each individual show gave the singer confidence, she learned something new and improved.

The song "Moscow-Vladivostok" became a hit in 2010. It was a breakthrough in creative career Julia. Fans enthusiastically reacted to her performance. It is worth noting that this was one of the first songs supplemented with elements of electronic music. The combination of such qualities attracted listeners. Articles very often appeared on the network that Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a child from Fadeev. This information is not true.

In 2011, a joint work with Dzhigan appeared, which was called "Let go". This musical creation immediately flooded the expanses of the Internet space. Millions of views in just the first days of the track's release was a great achievement for the performers. As a result, another, no less interesting track was released together with Dzhigan "There is nothing more to love." The work also became popular.

During participation in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

Coming out in 2014 new album called "Personal", which contained a large number of popular hits. In 2015, one of the best and most popular Savicheva's songs called "Forgive" appears. That is, from the very beginning of her career, Julia achieved incredible success and demonstrated all this with particular ease.

In 2016, the singer disappears from the screens, stops releasing new songs, all tours and concerts were suspended.

Fans were shocked by what was happening, as there were no statements or official news. But already in 2017 it became known that Yulia Savicheva had a baby.

This was the highlight of her life for last decade. Now neither the name nor the date of birth of the daughter is known, many are waiting for an official statement from the singer herself. Now everyone knows who was born to Yulia Savicheva - this is a daughter.

“I get a lot of questions about how I keep myself in shape after the birth of my daughter, and you have shown interest in this topic. To be honest, I have simple rules- eat less and eat in a balanced way! But right now, when the holidays are so close, of course, you want everything at once. Therefore, I think these tips will help those who definitely decide to put their forms in order after the holidays ... First of all, the rejection of everything sweet and starchy. This is especially difficult for me, because I really love baking and often bake myself. I found a way out - I pamper my loved ones, but I myself hold on! My main food is chicken, fish, eggs, meat without sauces and butter. Vegetables can be in any form, except for potatoes and beets. Garnish - buckwheat, rice, bulgur, hercules. I eat any fruit except bananas, persimmons and grapes. I allow myself everything from dairy products - here you can arrange a real celebration of the stomach! Among those products whose fat content is not higher than 1.5%.I eat nuts and dried fruits no more than once a week. And the main point is to drink plenty of water! This is the basis proper nutrition"- wrote Savicheva (spelling and punctuation preserved. - Note. ed.).

Yulia Savicheva

Recall that Yulia Savicheva is married to composer Alexander Arshinov. 10 years they lived in civil marriage and only in 2014 they officially formalized their relationship. Julia is reluctant to share with reporters the details of her personal life. There are no joint photos with her husband on her page on the Instagram microblog. Posting a photo of a newborn baby is out of the question.

But the young mother, five days after giving birth, nevertheless shared her joy with the fans and showed little Anna's pen, adding a comment to the photo: “Good morning, my baby! You are very small now, and most likely you do not understand all our joy and pride, but the day will come and you will read this message. You will probably be surprised how many people were waiting for you, how many people congratulated you. How long have we been at this. How much effort and nerves were spent in order to tell you today "with Good morning"! We wish you health and joy. Be happy and loved. Everything else is vanity and superfluous. Welcome to this world! We hope you enjoy it here! There are no words to describe our love and our joy! For Anna A. Your mom and dad. August 2017" (author's spelling and punctuation preserved. - Note. ed.).

Julia Savicheva on whole year disappeared from the radar of society columns. She, along with her husband Alexander Arshinov, left for Portugal, where she spent all this time. After the singer returned to her homeland and most recently became a mother for the first time. And a few days ago she gave candid interview publication "Caravan of stories", in which she explained the reasons for her temporary move to Europe. According to the artist, initially she and her husband went to Portugal to spend a vacation there and take a break from the bustle of Moscow. In addition, Julia wanted to put her health in order - after all, she and her husband could not conceive a child.

Big influence Yulia was provided by her producer Maxim Fadeev, who convinced the artist that she needed to take a break from work and devote time to her family. Now Savicheva is enjoying the joys of motherhood, but at the same time she does not forget about work. After all, three months after giving birth, she had already returned to the usual rhythm of life. And recently, for the first time after the birth of a child, the singer appeared at a social event. Savicheva in the company of Fadeev was seen at the celebration of the birthday of Emin Agalarov.

For the first official release star mom chose a floor-length dress made of flowing fabric with a geometric print. Long hair Yulia was styled in large waves, and the make-up only emphasized the natural beauty of the singer.


On August 15, 2017, the famous Russian singer Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter. During pregnancy, the celebrity rarely went out and almost did not communicate with her fans on social networks, and after giving birth she disappeared from their field of vision altogether. But on October 1, the thirty-year-old singer was active and posted the first photo in such a long time on her personal page on the social network Instagram. Fans were surprised by the changes in the appearance of Yulia Savicheva, but joyfully welcomed her back.

Yulia Savicheva returned to the fans after a long absence

On October 1, 2017, fans of the famous Russian pop singer Yulia Savicheva breathed a sigh of relief - nothing terrible happened to their favorite celebrity and she is already ready for new achievements. Yesterday, Yulia Savicheva published her first photo in several months on her personal page on the social network Instagram.

In the caption to her publication, the domestic singer Yulia Savicheva said that she was very pleased to have such things that do not lose their qualities over time, do not change. The celebrity also told her followers that she was very worried about last year his life, since a lot could change and not in better side. Russian singer pictured with her creative music team. The girl also shared with her fans good news: they have a new program almost ready for presentation. At the end, Yulia Savicheva warmly greeted her subscribers and admitted that she missed him very much.

Fans of Yulia Savicheva in anticipation of her concert tour

Without hiding their sincere joy, the subscribers of the thirty-year-old Russian pop singer Yulia Savicheva on the Instagram social network greeted their favorite with warmth and tenderness in the comments. “Uraaaaa! We are terribly glad to see you”, “Dear Julia! How long have we been waiting for you, a year has passed, but it seems like an eternity. We all understand, respect, love and wait. Welcome back)”, “Hello Julia. Yes, we all really missed it. Haven't heard your beautiful voice in a long time. And of course I want to see you again. At some concert. We are waiting for something new from you. Welcome back! Good luck and success to you in the coming events.

The Russian singer showed subscribers the pen of her newborn daughter

About a month ago, the thirty-year-old famous mother of the national strada published a photo of her newborn daughter Anna on her personal page on the Instagram social network. The woman wrote a very frank and touching appeal to her baby, who will be able to read it when he grows up a little. Julia Savicheva writes that a lot of effort and nerves were spent for the sake of being able to now wish for her baby good morning. happy mom wished her little girl Anna good health, happiness Great love and joy

Caring fans of the famous performer responded to such a warm appeal and joined in the congratulations as little girl and young parents. Julia and Alexander! I am happy to congratulate you on the most long-awaited and wonderful event in your family - the birth of your daughter! Let her grow up healthy and happy, and please you with her successes and achievements. And I wish you wisdom, patience and understanding in raising a small miracle.

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