Sobchak "leaked" the details of the birth of Kudryavtseva. Lera Kudryavtseva, Nika Belotserkovskaya and other celebrities stood up for the star mother Ksenia Sobchak Ksenia Sobchak insulted Lera Kudryavtseva

Health 30.08.2019

The ex-presidential candidate held a music award ceremony on the eve of the MUZ-TV channel. For the ninth time, Ksenia performed in this role. Only her friend Lera Kudryavtseva “surpassed” her. Her experience is ten ceremonies.

This year, Lera was unable to take a place again with Dmitry Nagiyev and the reason for this was her interesting position. However, Sobchak did not play silent and willingly discussed the absent Kudryavtseva with journalists.

It turned out that the popular opinion that Ksyusha and Lera are at enmity with each other is not true. On the contrary, Sobchak wants to give his colleague some of Plato's little things. To emphasize the close relationship with the host of the "Secret for a Million" program, Maxim Vitorgan's wife even "leaked" the details of Kudryavtseva's birth. It turns out that Lera is already worried about how to quickly come to the forum after giving birth, so Ksyusha is ready to recommend a good swimming instructor to her. He will help Lera to regain her former harmony in the near future.

Sobchak also commented on her quarrels with Kudryavtseva. It turned out that skirmishes among girls happen only so that the audience does not lose interest in the show. As soon as the cameras turn off and the spotlights go out, the girls turn into friends who communicate with each other in a polite and friendly way.

Kudryavtseva explained her refusal to conduct the ceremony by pregnancy. In August-September, replenishment awaits her, and the 47-year-old telediva decided to take care of herself. “These are such loads,” Lera assures. Despite the fact that the host is almost 50 years old, she bears the baby without any problems. Showman Andrey Malakhov was the first to tell her pleasant secret to the public. He also told that the big age difference between Leroy and her 31-year-old husband, hockey player Igor Makarov, only benefits future parents. In addition, Kudryavtsev will soon become a grandmother, and almost simultaneously with the birth of a child. The wife of her son Jean is preparing to give birth in the next three months.

Ksenia Sobchak - not only star wife and mother, TV presenter and businesswoman, but also a socio-political activist, a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation in the upcoming 2018 elections.

The election race also implies political debates, which is why the other day in one of the television studios, the wife of Maxim Vitorgan ended up with the famous politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who during the discussions behaved extremely incorrectly, shouting numerous insults at the star mother and calling on the presenter Vladimir Solovyov to kick her out of studios. Ksenia Sobchak adequately endured all the attacks against her, saving face, and then posted a fragment of the debate on her personal blog.

“I am under the vivid impression of the TV broadcast with Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. I even had to sprinkle a little cold water on my grandfather to stop the attack, otherwise the poor fellow just went into foul language. It must have looked sad from the outside.” she wrote.

Numerous fans supported the star mother: Where is the president looking? Our children, the younger generation, are looking at this horror, obscenities, inadequate conversations, why is all this being shown on the air? ”,“ Ksenia, you are a person with wonderful endurance and patience! why is it better than “House-2”, “Such behavior towards a woman should not be justified by anything or anyone”, “Shame on the country. Just a nightmare!"

Many domestic stars also stood up for Ksenia Sobchak. "Impossible. The only thing that saved yesterday's debate was the endurance and amazing wisdom of Ksenia Anatolyevna ... The first thing that came to mind after watching was a scene from Pulp Fiction: "Bring out the freak!" Ksyusha you are wise, persistent, the strongest. We are immensely proud of you! You won yesterday, you will win tomorrow!- Nika Belotserkovskaya wrote on her personal blog.

Supported Ksenia Sobchak and Lera Kudryavtseva: “Listen, what was that? Of course, I follow the elections and, of course, I follow Ksenia Sobchak as my colleague... Guys, but this is beyond good and evil! Sobchak can be treated differently, but rudeness in debates, wild insults against women - this is too much! Watching and hearing this is disgusting and ashamed of our candidates!”

Vladimir Volfovich - stop! This is not funny and this is unacceptable! Disgrace! Men - where is your dignity? It is unacceptable to think that you can talk to a woman like a second-class person! Horror!

Ksenia Borodina did not stand aside either. “It seems to me that no matter how much you disagree with the beliefs of another person, it is not permissible to insult him. And especially, insult a woman! Much can be said about equal rights in modern world, but, in my opinion, if you are a man, it is your duty to be at least educated and responsible for your words. I am extremely outraged by this situation, how this is still possible, and even at the level of a “presidential candidate”. In this situation, of course, I support the other side of the conflict. In general, women can be very strong and persistent. You don't even know how much, she wrote on her personal blog


The next filming of the final episodes of the New Star Factory project took place in one of the pavilions in the Moscow region. By tradition, the host Ksenia Sobchak shone with her oratorical talents, and the stars of show business, together with the "manufacturers", amazed with musical talents. managed to visit the shooting and learn some interesting details from the life of the artists.

So, among those who sang with the "manufacturers" was a rare guest of secular parties, Stas Mikhailov. Seeing the performer, Ksenia Anatolyevna could not resist commenting.

“Stas again came to us buttoned up. Elegant as a piano. I have nothing to joke about, I have to talk seriously. Do you have many duets with beautiful girls. Your wife is your great protector, I know: God forbid someone on Facebook writes some nasty things about Stas Mikhailov - he immediately answers. Well done! She is not jealous that you are with such beautiful women performing on stage?" - the blonde turned to one of the most closed representatives of show business.

“No, you know, we already saw each other at that age, when people meet in order to complement each other, and not avoid each other. We are very good together, ”Mikhailov admitted.

The filming of the program was not without interesting confessions from Sobchak herself. So, the blonde had to unwittingly work as an extras foreman, because during her recording the audience continued to take their seats. However, Sobchak could not shout at one of the producers of the show. “They say there will be another“ Factory ”, and Lera Kudryavtseva is breathing in her back,” Sobchak said about her worries.

On June 9, the Olimpiysky sports complex will host another Muz-TV music awards ceremony. Ksenia Sobchak, Dmitry Nagiev, Lera Kudryavtseva and Maxim Galkin were named the hosts of the grandiose show. A month and a half is left before the ceremony, but already now Sobchak has rather puzzled the organizers with her rider. Ksenia's demands turned out to be much higher than her colleagues, claims.


The journalists got a Sobchak rider, which indicated such items as "A separate equipped children's room with an area of ​​at least 30 sq.m, adjacent to Ksenia's dressing room", expensive dishes from one of the best restaurants in the capital, and even the requirement for dishes of a certain color.

According to the publication, the intricate rider Ksenia Sobchak, whose arrangement at the concert venue, will cost the organizers about 250 thousand rubles. The TV channel commented on the requirements of the TV presenter. According to an unnamed source, they want to discuss a significant reduction in her rider with Sobchak.

“We are really discussing with Sobchak its conditions and requirements on the site, but we have no right to disclose the details of the negotiations, this is official information,” the press service of the TV channel said.

Publication from Ksenia Sobchak (@xenia_sobchak) Mar 31 2017 at 11:38 PDT

Note that if the parties are able to agree, then Sobchak will appear at the ceremony as a host for the seventh time. And her partner Maxim Galkin is only in the fifth. “It’s a pity that I’m“ older ”Galkin only in terms of the number of appearances on the stage, but I would like everything else,” Ksenia admitted at a breakfast on the occasion of this event. “He has a good name - Maxim, for which I love him. We have a good tandem, where jokes sound, mostly, of course, mine. But sometimes Maxim himself shines."

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