What is the name of Tim Burton's wife. Star kids style: Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter kids

Family and relationships 19.06.2020
Family and relationships
0 October 30, 2019, 10:01 am

The 53-year-old became the heroine of the December issue of the British Harper's Bazaar. The actress took part in a photo shoot for the magazine, in which she appeared in bright retro looks, and also talked with the editors of the publication.

In an interview, the star not only spoke about the work on the new season of the series "Crown" (The Crown), but also touched on the topic of her personal life. So, Helena remembered how her life changed after Tim Burton, with whom she lived for 13 years.

As soon as you break up, you start talking about the relationship you left. However, there comes a point when you get tired of this sorrow and finally start to move on. Now I am absolutely happy with other people. It was an unexpected and magical turn in my life

shared her thoughts Bonham Carter, who is now happy with 32-year-old writer and teacher of contemporary art and literature Ray Doug Holmboe.

In an interview, Helena Bonham Carter also talked about her attitude towards inevitable aging. The actress admitted that she does not worry about her age, and also admitted that after 50 years her life has only become brighter and more fulfilling:

When I was only 50 years old, I was worried that now my life and career will decline. But everything turned out to be exactly the opposite. I don't think I've ever been happier or more content than I am now. We are in the heyday of television, so actors have a lot of choice and a lot of work. It's scary to think that in my youth you were considered old after 30 years,

Carter said.

Helena Bonham Carter also admitted that her interests are not limited to acting - according to the star, she has many different hobbies in addition to her main profession. The actress also spoke out for the feminist movement. Helena admitted that modern women very lucky because they are "allowed to do everything".

Photo harpersbazaar.com

There are hardly two halves in Hollywood more suited to each other than Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter. The union of two bright and eccentric personalities has become extremely strong and happy.

Unrecognized genius

Tim Burton was born in sunny California, a small quiet town of Burbank near Los Angeles. For the future king of Gothic fantasies, it is difficult to think of a more unsuitable place. He tried his best to ignore bright colors environment: from joint games with classmates, he went for a walk alone in the cemetery or sat in the twilight of the cinema, eagerly absorbing the events of the next fantastic movie about monsters.

This was the whole of Tim - a depressive state was familiar to him and even necessary. In school drawing classes, he sincerely did not understand why draw an ordinary ripe apple, when you can depict a spoiled fruit with a grinning worm, and this still life would have looked much more entertaining.

Peers were frightened by the strange inclinations of young Tim, a thin disheveled teenager was not popular among girls. The only one who appreciated the gloomy, but original drawings Burton, turned out to be one of his school teachers.

Thanks to his support, the young man won a grant to enter the California Institute of the Arts, founded by Walt Disney. It was unthinkable for Tim to pay for classes in this institution himself, although from the age of 14 he learned to support himself - he left home and settled in a cramped room in his grandmother's house, pledging to honestly pay rent to the old woman.

After graduation, Burton, whom the rest of the students considered clearly out of this world, made them boil with envy. This eccentric realized the bright dream of all ambitious graduates - to get into the Disney animation team. Of course, even the studio did not at first see through the depths of Tim's depressive and gloomy mood. He was an incredibly talented artist, but directed his skills in the wrong direction, which was needed by the company's bosses.

Instead of beautiful animals with naive, wide-open eyes, he painted crippled freaks with a sad look. The studio sounded the alarm and removed Tim from the main work, but after Burton's persistent attempts to create his own unique paintings, after a couple of years, they nevertheless entrusted him to make a film about the cheerful life-saver Pee-wee. An unusual director's choice for such a perky movie, the film was nevertheless a resounding success. Offers to shoot blockbusters rained down, the first sign, or rather, a bat, was "Batman".

fairy princess

Popularity did not bring satisfaction to Tim. On the contrary, his sadness became incomparably deeper, and thoughts of suicide visited him more and more often. The audience was delighted with his creations, but the critics did not stop saying that the world had never seen a worse director. It was then that he met the artist Lena Gieseke, who was close to him in spirit. The girl moved into his house and began to take care of him in a way that no one had done before. Tim decided that this was fate, and invited her to marry. However, soon the presence of his wife began to tire the director, family life turned out to be unspeakably boring for Burton. He divorced Lena and set off to learn all the delights bachelor life, for the first time feeling attractive to women. The eccentric unrecognized genius turned out to be an excellent bait for jaded secular divas.

A meeting with a young, unknown model Lisa Marie turned into a 10-year romance. Both were sure that their relationship would sooner or later lead to marriage, they even got engaged. Life with Lisa was convenient and comfortable for Tim, he didn’t need anything else. Of course, in his imagination he drew for himself the image of his ideal woman and muse, but he did not even think that there was a girl in the world who would fit into him.

With Lisa Mary, 1997

When he met her on the set of Planet of the Apes, he could hardly believe his eyes. The rebellious aristocrat Helena Bonham Carter was the living embodiment of a princess from a gloomy gothic fairy tale, created as if especially for him, Tim. In addition, as it should be in fairy tales, a serious obstacle appeared in the way of lovers - Lisa tried with all her might to prevent Tim and Helena from living happily ever after. She sued her civil husband demanding to pay her $ 5.4 million, a kind of alimony after living together for years.

Helena was nothing like Lisa. She didn't look like anyone at all. A beautiful rebel with a shock of unruly hair grew up in a family of hereditary aristocrats, her great-grandfather, Lord Asquith, was the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and her grandmother was a baroness. Helena was prepared for high society: she studied at Westminster School in London, spoke fluent French, her father, a banker, had connections in politics and show business, but to "tread" her way in adult girl decided on my own.

With Helena Bonham Carter at the London premiere of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2007

Helena was already rather tired of the same type of roles of young ladies in a crinoline, but before her famous role of an informal woman in “ fight club' was still far away. Just at this time, she meets the actor and director Kenneth Bran. He was engaged in the selection of an actress for the film adaptation of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". Bonham Carter, who appeared at the audition in a short silk skirt, woolen stockings and a hat with a giant feather, impressed him not only with her exact hit in the role. After meeting at the casting, the actors began dating.

Helena Bonham Carter and Kenneth Branagh in Flight Theory, 1998

Almost family life

The relationship with Brana became the longest in Helena's life. She has never been consistent, but all attempts to get away from Kenneth ended in a scandal on his part. The final break came after Helena's meeting with Tim. Kenneth had to let her go because it was hard not to admit that Burton was the perfect match for her.

Having become the lover, muse and favorite actress of the "worst director", Helena suddenly realized that she had settled down. Somewhere her craving for new adventures on the side disappeared, she wanted to have a family and children. And Tim began to look happier and contented. True, the family of such an eccentric couple turned out to be no less unusual. They did not officially register their relationship and settle in the same house.

Tim bought a mansion next to Helena's, after the birth of their first child, the wall between the houses was destroyed. As the actress herself says in an interview, "to the right - my half - the realm of boudoir in the style of Provence, to the left - half of Tim - a country of horrors." Living side by side, they decided to keep each other's bright personality. Helena does not touch the cute and touching monsters and devils of Burton, and he does not disturb the aristocratic interiors of her house.

Talented British actress with a non-standard appearance − Helena Bonham Carter(49) - celebrates his birthday today. Perhaps, she owes her sparkling talent and charisma to her noble origin. Helena is the great granddaughter of former British Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith. cousin Baroness Jane Bonham Carter, as well as a distant relative Kate Middleton(34). Helena also knows French very well, and her mother is a professional psychologist, she often helped her daughter to better understand her characters. Let's remember the brilliant roles of Helena together, which have gone down in history forever!

Helena Bonham Carter started out with roles in classic British films, playing pretty English ladies. Her debut was the picture "Room with a view"(1985), then she acted in films "Lady Jane" (1986), "Howards End Manor"(1992) and many others.

"Frankenstein Mary Shelley"(1994) was the film where Helena first showed her "dark" side as Elizabeth - a girl in love with Victor Frankenstein, to whom she is the half-sister.

In a Woody Allen film "Great Aphrodite"(1995) Helena first tried herself in the ironic comedy genre. For Woody, the picture, in general, is a passing one, but for Bonham Carter it was the first appearance on the world screen.

Legendary film director David Fincher (52)"Fight club"(1999) brought Helena a resounding success, as well as other actors who starred in this picture. The actress performed the role of Marla so effectively that we can not imagine anyone else in her place. This is truly the brightest role in Helena's career.

Helena was not afraid to experiment, so in 2001 she agreed to a role in the film "Planet of the Apes". Behind the thick make-up it is difficult to recognize her, but Helena's style of play cannot be confused with anyone. It is noteworthy that the director of the picture was Tim Burton(56), with whom Helena spent the next 13 years of her life and to whom she bore a son Billy(11) and daughter Nell (7).

Animated film by Tim Burton "Corpse Bride"(2005) Helena voiced a dead bride who accidentally married a living guy, whom he voiced Johnny Depp(51). Over the years, the trinity of Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp have been inseparable. Johnny even became godfather the son of an actress.

"Harry Potter" brought together the entire stellar cast of British actors, including Helena. In film "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"(2007) she first appeared as Bellatrix Lestrange.

Another collaboration between Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena gave us a great musical "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"(2007), where Helena showed off her vocal abilities.

"Enid"(2009) - the life story of a British children's book writer, portrayed by Helena.

In the next Tim Burton film "Alice in Wonderland"(2010) Helena was not afraid to mutilate herself and turn into a terrible big-headed Red Queen.

Extraordinary Drama "Toast"(2010), in which Helena co-starred, tells the truth about the life of a famous British chef Nigel Slater(57).

It is not surprising that for the role of the noble wife of the king in the film "The King Speaks"(2010) chose Helena.

"Gloomy shadows"(2012) was another film where Helena skillfully played the role of a gloomy psychologist.

Large-scale painting-musical "Les Misérables"(2012), set during the French Revolution, brought together the entire star cast of Hollywood. Helena brilliantly played the greedy and dishonorable owner of the tavern.

in the picture "Cinderella" (2015) Helena played an unusual role for herself - a fairy godmother.

Thirteen-year union of American director Tim Burton and English actress Helena Bonham Carter ended with a "friendly parting". "They remain friends and will jointly fulfill their parental responsibilities towards their two children" - this statement, made by the actress's press agent on the eve of Christmas, pretty much dumbfounded the Hollywood party, and the incident has already been called a Christmas nightmare.

Fans of the most eccentric couple in the world of American show business are grieving not only about the breakup of another family, but also about the fact that they, apparently, will forever have to forget about the brilliant creative union of Tim and Helena. Burton shot his civil wife in seven films, and it was no coincidence that she was called his muse. But it seems that the relationship in their strange family kingdom has cracked for a long time. Helena last played in Burton's Dark Shadows in 2012. At the same time, the actress, with her peculiar humor, doubted their further cooperation: “Tima seems to be sick of me on the set.” And the director himself admitted that he no longer wants to shoot Helena, that he needs “new blood”. For inspiration. But unexpectedly, studio bosses intervened in the seemingly family history. They told Tim to keep shooting his wife and not fool them. Business is business - because it was largely thanks to the participation of Bonham Carter that Burton's previous projects earned so much money! The director's self-esteem was seriously damaged, and this did not improve the climate in the family.

Johnny Depp, the godfather of Tim and Helena's children, starred in nine Burton films. Depp with Bonham Carter in Burton's Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. 2007 Photo: wenn/all over press

And now, in October 2013, photographers spot Burton with some unknown blonde. This photo was all over the tabloids. True, Helena immediately rushed to Tim's defense. Her representative published a statement by the actress, where she categorically denies the fact of her husband's infidelity. Like, they were at that party together, and in parting, Tim gave a friendly kiss and hugged one of the ladies present there. But as you know, there is no smoke without fire. For the next year, the couple did not appear anywhere together. Only recently, friends found Helena and Tim at a party at the house of the current Prime Minister of Great Britain, where they are traditionally invited by his wife Samantha Cameron. Hide your Bad mood and sadness, even for such a beautiful actress, was difficult ... Why did Helena endure for so long and only on Christmas Eve decided to voice the gap? In all likelihood, the reason is as old as the world: the actress hoped to the last that Tim would come to his senses and with her help - without scenes and screams - he would be able to overcome the crisis of men of a certain age, namely those over fifty. But, alas, the hopes were not justified. Too bad, because Helena Bonham Carter's path to happiness is in family life did not at all resemble a carpet strewn with rose petals ...

Until the age of 30, Helena did not think about her personal life at all. Moreover, she was born into an aristocratic family of a wealthy London banker. Her genealogical tree has more than one English peer (and above this title only persons royal family) and a Spanish baron (on the mother's side). Her great-grandfather Herbert Henry Asquith was at one time Prime Minister of Great Britain. And the cousin of the father, Lady Violet Bonham Carter, was known as a close friend of Churchill. It so happened that the mother of the future actress fell out of reality for some time, simply speaking, she had a clouding of her mind. But she managed to recover, and this miracle prompted her to become a very successful psychotherapist. True, in the process of mastering the intricacies of such a delicate profession, Elena often used her daughter as a guinea pig. When Helena was 13 years old, her beloved father was paralyzed after an unsuccessful operation, and the girl, along with her brothers and sisters, helped her mother cope with the misfortune. There was no need to look after him - a solid bank account allowed him to hire a dozen nurses. But this brilliant erudite and love of life, who found himself in a wheelchair, needed moral support and communication very much. At the school where Carter studied, her friends were completely carried away by the theater. And Helena, for whom the lessons of maternal psychoanalysis were not in vain, realized that the theater would help her cope with the oppressive atmosphere of misfortune that settled in their house. "Replacement" - that's how it is called in the language of professionals. The mother had nothing to say. The father was very upset, because he dreamed that his daughter would go to Cambridge without any problems. And instead, Helena began to get roles in the movies. And at the age of 18, she played one of her many queens for the first time in the film Lady Jane. The replacement was a success - the young actress played many historical, "corset" roles, playing the roles of heroines of the Edwardian and Victorian eras. Once she said: “Now I just have to remove a couple of my ribs so that the corset fits even better.” But Hollywood came to the rescue in the person of Brad Pitt. He personally persuaded her to star in David Fincher's "Fight Club" - and Helena did an excellent job of playing a drug addict and tearing Marla. The audience was struck by the explicit love scenes with Pitt, and the film became a cult classic.

Celebrity biographies


25.08.14 16:35

It seems that his work was greatly influenced by childhood fears, impressions and images born in the fantasies of a small native of Burbank.

Biography of Tim Burton

Children's impressions

The world of the shop owned by the mother of the future director Jean Burton seemed surprising to the boy. The shop sold trinkets in the form of cats and with images of these mustachioed-striped ones. The Burtons' house was not far from the cemetery - was that where he spied the scenes for his macabre tapes? But the fact that in the fantasy "Edward Scissorhands" Burbank is displayed (as Tim once imagined him), that's for sure.

Even childish Tima was strange: instead of windows, there were only narrow openings, like loopholes in a watchtower. This boy felt very uncomfortable at home. Difficult relationships with parents will be reflected in the movie "Charlie and chocolate Factory(Stern dentist father instilled fear in baby Willy Wonka).

The teenager experienced a special thrill in the stuffy darkness of cinemas - he adored horror films and science fiction. He himself tried to shoot - so far only cartoons in which the main characters were portrayed by miniature dolls.

"Under the Wing" of the Disney Studios

In 1976, Tim becomes a student. At the California Institute of the Arts, learning the basics of craftsmanship, Burton surprises teachers by providing them with finished short films instead of written works.

A huge success for any beginner would be an internship at the legendary Disney studio - that's where Tim got a job in 1979. A designer and later an animator, he wanted more independence and later called working in the studio like being in the army. However, Burton had a hand in several Disney projects. These are the animated "Lord of the Rings", "The Fox and the Dog", "The Black Cauldron", "The Throne". In parallel, he also works “for himself”, shoots a funny avant-garde short film “Luau - Hawaiian Party”, cartoons “Vincent” and “Frankenweenie”.

The world of feature films was opened to Burton by the invitation of the actor Paul Reubens. He invited Tim to shoot the comedy Pee-wee's Big Adventure. The music for the film was written by Danny Elfman, with whom Burton continues to collaborate to this day.

Free swimming and own style

In 1987, the director began filming Beetlejuice, which was followed by a successful "comedy noir" by Batman and its sequel. Huge audience interest and, as a result, good box office receipts allowed the director to continue to work in his own way, without following the lead of the producers.

He writes scripts for many of his films himself, but the Nightmare Before Christmas, based on Burton's poem, was directed by another director, Henry Selick (the author himself was very busy at that time). But the atmosphere that reigns in this cartoon is somewhat reminiscent of the later "Corpse Bride", so it is often believed that it was Burton who directed the "Nightmare".

In the film "Edward Scissorhands" for the first time, Johnny Depp worked with Burton, since then the actor has been involved in almost all the director's projects.

Tim Burton's personal life

Seductive Lisa

Burton's first serious passion was his colleague in Frankenweenie and other first projects, Julie Hickson.

And in 1989, the director registered his only official marriage so far. His wife was a native of Berlin, photographer Lena Geiske. Together they did not last long, although the divorce was issued only in 1993.

Further in the life of a genius came the period of the model and artist Lisa Mary Smith. They met at a New Year's party on the eve of 1992 and very soon began to live together. Burton filmed his beloved in the biopic-drama "Ed Wood", she appeared in the comedy "Mars Attacks" (Lisa is the same big-headed alien, sexy girl who made her way into the White House).

They got engaged and were a couple until 2001 - until another muse replaced one. Several projects of that period are considered brilliant - for example, "Sleepy Hollow", and some remained unrealized (for example, it was not possible to film the sequel to "Beetlejuice" and film "Wii" with Lisa Marie as Pannochka).

Charming aristocrat

In the remake of the "Planet of the Apes", which was put by Burton, the British played (by origin - a real aristocrat) Helena Bonham Carter. It was she who put a fat end to the relationship between Tim and Lisa. The director admits to his passion in treason and already in October 2001, he becomes engaged to Helena.

The ex-bride falls into a long depression - she did not expect such treachery from her lover. With a big scandal, Smith sued Burton for $ 5.4 million (he paid this money for several years), but still remained dissatisfied with the results of the process: after all, according to Lisa Marie, he promised to provide her financially until his death.

The final move to London, the birth of their first child - Billy will give impetus to the filming of the amazing drama "Big Fish". It differs from other works of the master. But then he returned to his infernal experiments - in particular, in the Oscar-nominated cartoon Corpse Bride.

His common-law wife, like Depp, the director with enviable persistence provides work. And Helena, 4 years after the birth of a son very similar to her father, gave him also a daughter, Nell, but, alas, at the end of 2014, the media learned that one of the strongest couples in Hollywood broke up.

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