Application of drawings on the body of the car. Original do-it-yourself airbrushing: decorating the body of your car

Auto 28.07.2018

Airbrushing itself is a technique for applying a powder or liquid dye determined by spraying. This process is carried out using compressed air. This process is carried out on the hood of the vehicle, on its doors, as well as over the entire surface of its body. In this article, such a process as airbrushing on a white car will be described in as much detail as possible.

White car features

The former color of the car always looks very solemn. It should be understood at the same time that a car of this color is very easily soiled, which must be taken into account in the process of creating a sketch. It is not necessary to allow a persistent effect of pollution, since any color applied to a white background will appear an order of magnitude darker.

The consumer is offered a varied palette of white car paint. For this reason, even if it turns out to find out all the exact indicators of the paint, its index, it is far from always possible to obtain and select the required shade. All this suggests that all painting processes that are carried out with a white vehicle must be performed as competently and accurately as possible.

Particularly advantageous on a white car look at the airbrush, which looks like a photograph. Against this background, various monochrome drawings made in blue or gray and some cheerful, bright images will look most advantageous.

Required tools and materials

To apply airbrushing, the master will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Airbrush, that is, a spray gun or spray paint composition;
  • Compressor for supplying air to the airbrush;
  • Special hose for high-quality connection of the compressor and the airbrush itself. It is worth paying attention that its length should be equal to 3-5 mm, and the ability to withstand a pressure of 2-3 bar is also important;
  • Special quick-releases and connectors that are designed to secure the hose to the equipment used;
  • It is recommended to purchase a special respirator equipped with filters. They are designed to effectively protect against various vapors.

Do not neglect the acquisition of this device, since the efficiency and well-being of a person directly depends on its qualities.

  • Tools such as screwdrivers, ratchets and heads will be required to dismantle the car body;
  • If you prepare equipment such as infrared drying, you can significantly speed up the drying process. applied airbrush. This is required to prevent such a process as dust settling on the pattern. It is known that polishing will have to be done to eliminate this problem;
  • You will need to dissolve, preferably under numbers 646, as well as a special varnish for finishing;
  • If there is no experience in drawing a picture, it is necessary to prepare special stencils or patterns, perhaps some special geometric figures. All this, if necessary, can be done on your own.

Preparatory work

In the process of certain preparatory work, the following processes will be required:

  1. Prepare a modern grinder, which will be required for matting and leveling the surface of the car.
  2. It is necessary to remove the dust after the grinding has been carried out. For this purpose, a special blow gun is suitable.
  3. Through the use of special pastes that are used in the polishing process, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the working area. In addition, special polishing wipes and sanding sheets will be required here.

Do not forget to carefully cover those parts of the car that will not be painted. You can use for this purpose, a special masking tape and directly the covering material itself, which can be paper or newspapers.

Features of choosing the first airbrush

To apply high-quality airbrushing, you will need to carefully select the device itself. It is better to purchase a dual-action airbrush, which will effectively control such two important processes as air supply, as well as paint flow. by the most the best option will purchase a device which is equipped with an internal mixer.

When choosing an airbrush, you may encounter certain problems. It is worth knowing that such devices differ in the method of supplying the paint composition. There are two main types:

  1. With a balloon located on the side. This design is characterized by a certain instability, and in the process of work, the hand is strongly pulled to the side.
  2. With a balloon, which is located below. The device provides an opportunity to change the vessels filled with beauty, but at the same time use a more powerful compressor.
  3. If the airbrush has a balloon located on top, the paint is supplied by gravity.

You should not save on this equipment and purchase it from unknown Chinese manufacturers. Such devices quickly fail, moreover, it is simply impossible to purchase spare parts for them.

Options for possible applied airbrushing

On a white car, you can apply the most different types and categories of airbrushing. The choice of a particular type directly depends on personal preferences and the skills present.

The most common on this moment are the following image options:

  • Vinyl or classic, which is applied with an airbrush. Thus, you can apply any pattern you like, from the most stylish images, which are able to visually change the overall geometry of the body to real paintings;
  • Luminous airbrush, which tends to glow in the dark;
  • Tapography, that is, the use of special vinyl stickers on vehicle.

For those who do not have any experience in drawing, this option will be the most optimal. Such a film perfectly masks coating defects, and is also able to protect against the appearance of new ones. If necessary, such a film can be quickly removed without damaging the coating, which is very important and advantageous for a white car.

  • Special volume airbrushing or 3D airbrushing is popular. This is a complete imitation of reality. Some reinforce it by adding certain volumetric details, which can be made of high-quality fiberglass.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the scope for a flight of fancy in the implementation of this process is quite wide. You can apply just such a pattern, which most favorably emphasizes the individuality of the car owner.


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Many have seen beautiful drawings on cars. And, of course, the thought came to many, but how will their car look with
such pictures? And not everyone knows that such art is called airbrushing. Such drawings are made by the so-called
airbrush, with which dyes (liquid or in powder form) are applied to the desired surface. it
maybe, for example, a spray can of paint. Pictures taken in this way are very realistic, as
as if it were a real photograph.

Here, look at the photo, admire:

The most popular are drawings depicting a dragon.

Such "photos" will perfectly decorate almost any car. Although, of course, such an option, as they say, is not for everybody. After all, on
taste and color ... - you understand.

But in order for the airbrush photo to be a hit, you need to try to find a skilled professional in this matter. After all, creativity is creativity. Such art made by a highly skilled pro, and
mood will lift, and auto decorate and highlight.

How much does airbrushing cost for a car?

Prices, of course, can be very different, it already depends on the person who will do it.

The work of a real master can cost you about 10,000 r - and this is only for one detail (wing, bumper). Prices for airbrushing on the hood
fluctuate around 15,000 r. The color for the entire car can cost about 150,000 rubles.

Where is it better to order airbrushing in Moscow?

The first impression of the technical center, where the owner plans to order automotive airbrushing, can already be made by telephone conversation, based on the attitude towards the client, the degree of awareness in this subject. If you are ready to agree on everything in absentia, this should seem at least strange: a good artist discusses the details of the upcoming work face-to-face. If the prices for airbrushing on cars are low, then this should also alert you - it is possible that such a service saves on materials or neglects technology. As a result, the picture can quickly fade or peel off. Professionals cover images on cars with a special scratch-resistant varnish, and it is very expensive, which also affects the final cost.

Conclusions about the qualifications of an airbrush artist can be drawn from his previous works: a self-respecting master has a portfolio. It is ideal to view creations in nature, but this is not always possible for obvious reasons. The number of completed works is also a kind of evidence of professionalism. Pay attention to the complexity of the image, the drawing of details, the transitions of tones. The concepts of "warranty" and "post-warranty service" are also applicable to the drawings on the body. If something happened to the coverage during the warranty period, it will be restored free of charge. Many artists also repair chips on their "canvas", sometimes for free. If the drawings are damaged as a result of an accident, their restoration is quite expensive.
That is why in the technical center involved in airbrushing on machines, they may offer to insure the image. For those who drive not very carefully or often leave the car in open parking lots, insurance will definitely not be superfluous.

Let's embellish reality.

One of the most popular ways to distinguish your car from the crowd is to apply an original drawing to the body (or part of it - airbrushing on the hood). Airbrushing can be considered a good anti-theft tool.

The art of applying airbrushing to car parts originated not so long ago and got its name from a special tool that performs the whole process. It allows you to change the thickness of the lines from 20 mm to 1 mm.

The process of giving the car an individual decoration, begins with the choice of a picture for airbrushing, the place of application and directly calculating the cost of the work performed. An important factor is the professionalism and experience of the specialist to whom you entrusted this process. First, he must sketch the image, superimposing it with the help of special programs on the image of the car in the computer. Thus, a visual layout of the work is created.

Submit your application
It should be taken into account that the cost of work may vary, directly depending on the specific shape of the car hood, since it is necessary to take into account all the joints of parts and small third-party elements in order for the picture to be complete and not have a torn look. The price also depends on the nature of the application, the detailing of the elements of the image, because if you want to see every small detail of your drawing, you should be aware that the cost of such work will be higher. To protect the printed image from abrasion, mechanical and physical influences environment, special varnishes are used that reliably protect the image from various kinds of damage, except for emergency situations, of course.

If the integrity of the picture is broken over time, then do not be discouraged, because it is always possible to restore it by contacting the master who applied it, or if it is impossible, to any other specialist.

Do you have a question about the price of airbrushing, concerning giving the car an individual character? Our specialists are always ready to answer all the questions that arise and provide advice tailored to the individual needs of each client.

Remember that you can also insure your "masterpiece" against any trouble.

By the way, airbrushing can be insured.

"Why is it worth painting?"

Airbrushing is perhaps the most creative work of those that are performed in technical centers. Leonid VOROBYOV gives a couple of tips: who exactly can be entrusted with painting your car? Driving an exclusive car is probably the dream of every car owner. It is clear that not everyone can afford a rarity or a supercar. You can go the other way - for example, make an exclusive from an ordinary production car. As an option - decorate the body with a pattern.

Finding a technical center that can do the job is not a problem today. However, it is far from a fact that you will like the work of the artist. After all, this is not a banal body repair that requires only good painting skills, but the creation of an almost work of art. How to insure yourself against possible disappointment?

If there are no preferences, you can find a technical center or tuning studio via the Internet. At the same time, take an interest in reviews about the organization you like. A serious service should have a gallery of completed works on the site or, in extreme cases, at the acceptance - this is a kind of exhibition of achievements that allows you to demonstrate both their quality and quantity. However, the final decision should be made only at a full-time acquaintance. Assess how much full complex specialists are ready to offer services, whether they are friendly and ready for dialogue.

Get it ready?

Ideas for drawings can be found in the same galleries finished works. If you really want something original, you will be offered to develop a project from scratch. This service in Moscow will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. As a rule, “at the exit” the customer receives several possible sketches on a given topic, superimposed using a computer on a photo of the car. After the approval of one of them, you can proceed directly to drawing the picture. Of course, it will be somewhat different from the computer version, just as the concept differs from the production car that appeared on its basis. Be ready to control the process - at least you should carefully examine the drawing before varnishing the details. Then it's not too late to make adjustments.

The qualifications of an artist are judged by his work.
In our case, the work belongs to the technical center -
the more and the more complex they are, the higher
the probability that the result of body painting
your car will not disappoint you. Usually
finished projects are posted on the site, or
you can see the printed version of the photos at the reception
Submit your application

Repair more expensive

The cost of airbrushing varies greatly depending on the complexity of the drawing and, of course, the status of the artist performing it. On average, about 15 thousand rubles will have to be paid for painting one part. (although some well-known studios charge 30 thousand rubles or more). They can make a small markup if the surface of the parts is badly damaged: for example, there are dents, multiple chips paintwork...

But it is not enough to apply an image - one must also be able to save it. In this regard, we can only advise you to be careful on the roads, do not wipe dirty surfaces with a pattern with a dry cloth, do not park close to other cars ... Some decide to install parking sensors - this is clearly cheaper than even a banal bumper color.

It is believed that airbrushing is also good remedy from theft.
Selling a stolen painted car is not so easy,
and it's hard to go unnoticed
If, nevertheless, the body part is damaged, contact the same center where the work was performed. Firstly, most likely, patterns remained from it, according to which it will be easier to restore the image. Secondly, if the artist has not changed in the service, your car will go directly to the author of the work - of course, he will be able to recreate the fragment as close to the original as possible.

But keep in mind that repairing a part can cost even more than its original painting. They say that the complexity of the work in this case is higher.

There are other options

There are several other ways to give the car body a little personality. One of them is pasting with decorative films. This type of tuning continues to gain momentum, as it has a number of advantages. Printing on the film and applying it to the body is not so expensive, besides, when selling, you can always return the car to its original appearance. It is the original, because under the film the paintwork is perfectly preserved - it is not covered with a network of scratches and small chips. However, the drawing made with paints, of course, looks much more advantageous.

Do not forget about another type of body painting - the so-called autotatu. Its essence is as follows: a robot resembling a huge inkjet printer performs work on a computer sketch. It can only print on vertical (or nearly vertical) surfaces. But the main charm is not even in the method of application, but in special colors. The pattern applied by them can be ... washed off with any solvent. This again gives a win when selling a car - it's not a guarantee that the buyer will like your art.

Applying an auto tattoo takes a minimum of time, besides, it is much cheaper (from 3,500 rubles per item, including consumables). However, the quality of the "printed" picture is still inferior handmade. You can find out more precisely how much airbrushing on a car costs from our specialists.

Expert advice

Body painting is not a job worth saving on. It is foolish to order a painting to a graduate of an art school and hope to receive a world masterpiece. A professional, on the other hand, always knows his own worth and simply will not undertake to work “for cheap”.

The only way to reduce the bill for airbrushing without sacrificing quality is not to create a layout from scratch, but to use the existing blanks from previous orders. Do not be afraid that you will see a double car on the road: only elements of the image can be similar, but not the whole image.

Pay attention to the portfolio of the technical center that you have chosen, read reviews about it on the Internet. If the service has been engaged in airbrushing for more than a year, information about it should be enough.

Feel free to actively participate in the process. In order for the result to fully satisfy you, you must set the task for the artist as clearly as possible, express to him all the wishes for detailing and possible nuances. Not all of us have a good imagination and creative vision. Therefore, be sure to listen to the opinion of a specialist. Sometimes, in general, a good drawing does not look very advantageous on a particular car or details allocated for painting - it is advisable to correct it. It happens that the colors of the picture do not harmonize with the main body color.

technical center director
"AutoTOTEMM on

Each person tries to show his individuality, and some show it on their cars. Agree, it's great when your car is radically different from others with its bright appearance. For their self-expression, people not only tune their cars, but also resort to artistic painting, namely airbrushing.

What is airbrushing

Airbrushing is one of the spectacular and creative techniques visual arts, in which liquid paint is applied by pneumatic spraying using an airbrush (in fact, the same spray gun).

How to measure and increase engine compression and what is needed for this - find out

See our material for information on where it is located and when you have to turn it off.

The cost of airbrushing in specialized salons and what affects the price

The very procedure of working with an airbrush is a rather time-consuming and complex process, and each order is purely individual, includes many actions and procedures, so the price will fully correspond to the work performed. Therefore, when contacting professionals, you need to prepare for high financial costs when painting a car.

The price of airbrushing on a car consists of:

  • car surface preparation
  • sinks;
  • assembly and disassembly;
  • cleaning and polishing;
  • surface area;
  • special paints for airbrushing;
  • the number of all colors used;
  • complexity, size and detail of the drawing;
  • the degree of masking of defects or other elements on the car.

In specialized salons (one might even say "studio"), the price of airbrushing is very different. Depending on the quality of materials, the complexity of the work, the skill of the artist and the fame of the workshop, the price can start from 3.5 thousand for one part and 120 thousand for the whole car, reaching 20 thousand for a part and several hundred for the whole car. To this we must add the development of a special design project (starts within 3-10 thousand).

What is needed for independent airbrushing

It is quite possible to make airbrushing on a car with your own hands, albeit not so easy. In addition to the fact that the motorist needs to choose a quality tool, paint and prepare the desired sketch, it is important to have artistic skills to apply this type of drawing.

If you have such skills, then you can simplify your task by using stencils. They can be ordered or found in the salon.

To perform airbrushing, you need the following list of tools:

  • airbrush;
  • paints;
  • connecting hoses;
  • reducer;
  • measuring containers;
  • car enamel;
  • tablet (will help fill your hand before painting a car);
  • compressor;
  • pressure regulator.

The modern market has to purchase all of the above in specialized stores. One of the main tools is the compressor, as it is responsible for the power and size of the applied paint. Airbrush, the same brush with which you bring the desired drawing to life. Do not save and buy the cheapest airbrush. Otherwise, when working with it, you may encounter splashes, paint leakage and other unpleasant incidents.

Before you start airbrushing on a car, you should first learn how to draw simple lines, shapes, monochrome drawings with an airbrush in order to understand the principle of airbrush operation.

There are training courses on airbrush drawing, where they will tell and show all the necessary basics of working with an airbrush. Such experience in the future will help to create more complex and heterogeneous drawings.

In this video you will learn how to prepare the airbrush for work:

The process of self-performing airbrushing on a car

  1. Determination of the desired sketch.

To begin with, the theme and color scheme of your future sketch should be selected. A thumbnail is created from the selected picture, and its creation takes a significant amount of time. To create it, completely different graphic editors are used. Upon completion of work with the sketch, we print the stencil.

  1. Surface preparation (main part).

The sketch is ready, now the surface is being prepared for airbrushing. This is important so that the paint does not peel off the car in the future. How well the surface of the car is prepared before painting is equal to the service life of the applied airbrush. Therefore, this process should not be neglected.

For example, if there is a desire to make the surface of the car matte, use scotch brite and abrasive paper. Mini-scratches are created on the surface, for which the paint clings during application.

  1. Correct and high-quality drawing on the car.

When the surface is ready, we proceed to apply the selected sketch. The printed drawing is applied to the surface, the accuracy of printing and measurements is checked. The background is cut out around the image, after which the finished drawing on the surface is fixed with masking tape.

The entire stencil is outlined along the contour with an airbrush. In order for the contour to be barely noticeable, liquid paint is used. In the future, it is painted over completely. After the entire outline is outlined, you can begin to make the background of the sketch. Thick paint is used to paint around the outline. Next, the dark and light areas are transferred to the surface. With a dark surface, you need to transfer the light areas of the white paint sketch, while the dark areas will remain the background color. used dark paint with a light background. We cut out dark places in the picture and attach a stencil to the tablet. The cut-out areas in the stencil are blown with liquid diluted paint. After the work done, we unfasten the stencil and see if all the places of the stencil are printed on the surface.

The work with the full stencil is over, we begin to work out the small details of the image. It is necessary to carefully and thoroughly blow the surface. After performing all the above actions, you should get a fuzzy copy of the selected pattern. And now you can start directly drawing a sketch. Be sure to add volume to the picture. This is done by painting light areas with white paint, and dark colors remain the background color. Now the drawing can be colored, each time adding new colors to the drawing.

Upon completion of work with the drawing, the car is varnished.

Airbrush Care

Airbrush does not require special care. You just need to observe the following measures:

  • prevent solvents, oils and other caustic liquids from entering the image;
  • do not move any objects on the surface;
  • do not wipe the surface with rags, they can leave defects in the form of scratches.

Legislative aspects

In the rules traffic Airbrushing refers to the multi-color painting of a vehicle. And there are only two requirements:

  • Copies or close resemblance to the identification symbols and coloring of departmental vehicles are not allowed;
  • There should be a mark in the vehicle passport that it contains an airbrush drawing.

If the drawing was damaged in a traffic accident

Airbrushing can be included in the CASCO policy. Then the insurance company fully assumes all the costs associated with restoring the pattern and repairing the car, but the policy will cost much more. If airbrushing was not included in the policy, then its restoration is paid for by its own funds.

And finally - a video on how to do airbrushing on a car yourself:


Any car owner dreams that his car was exclusive. Airbrushing - great way make the car. You should not save on this service, because this is a very laborious and complex process, and the drawing will remain on the car for for a long time. Express your wishes to the artist clearly and in detail if you are going to do airbrushing in the salon, and also listen to the opinion of a specialist.

car for modern man- this is not only a means of transportation, but also an attribute with which you can emphasize your individuality. Spoilers, body kits, low landing and cool airbrushing are the main means that allow car owners to demonstrate to others the uniqueness of their own style. Speaking about airbrushing, I would like to note that it is not separate view visual arts. Airbrushing is a technique of applying an image to a metal, plastic, glass or wood surface, which involves mixing paints, in which any selected pattern will look quite realistic.

Drawings for airbrushing

Drawings for airbrushing on a car can be of various topics. According to the statistics, motorists choose the following airbrush pictures:

Subject Description
24 % Animal world Airbrushing with a large image of wolves and felines on the hood of a car is in great demand. On the body part, flocks of birds, wolves, owls on tree branches and other birds and animals are often depicted.
20 % Vegetable world Drawing images of landscapes, flowers, insects.
18 % fantasy Airbrushing, which immediately catches the eye. Japanese cartoon characters drawn in the style of "Anime" or "Mango" against the background of unearthly structures, aliens or other thematic drawings. Such airbrushing allows you to give free rein own fantasy and create the so-called car of the future.
17 % Tongues of flame, ornaments These images are mainly akin to lovers of fast and extreme driving. The flames are associated with street racers or cars from computer games Need series For Speed. Handsomely. Brightly. And most importantly, very effective.
8 % portraits A small part of those who want to stand out from the crowd put portraits of celebrities on their own cars: actors, singers and people who have made any contribution to history.
7 % Cities and countries Theme for lovers of long trips. All possible sights or maps of countries are the main drawings that adorn the bodies of 7 percent of those surveyed.
6 % creative pictures Cool and bright drawings for airbrushing are chosen by the owners of creative thinking and a good sense of humor. Cartoon characters: hedgehog in the fog, Winnie the Pooh, the wolf from "Well, you wait!" will delight the eyes of others both in summer and in winter time of the year. On the streets of big cities you can find a car with a body painted in the color of a leopard or tiger skin.

Pros and cons of airbrushing on a car

Before you give your car to the workshop, you need to think about whether it is worth subjecting it to such experiments. Let's figure it out.

So, the advantages of airbrushing on a car:

  1. The main and main advantage of creative body images on a car is additional protection against theft. Well, who dares to steal a car, which, say, depicts a hedgehog or an elephant? Nobody! While stealing the usual stock car it will be much easier.
  2. A car with a bright pattern on the hood or body will be noticeable during a snowstorm and in fog, which means it will reduce the risk of an accident due to poor visibility.
  3. Airbrush drawing hides minor damage paintwork - old scratches, defects in industrial painting, paint chips at the places of straightening body elements after accidents.
  4. Of course, your airbrush drawing will make your car more visible on city streets and emphasize your individual style.

Everything would be great if airbrushing did not have a number of significant drawbacks. Therefore, let's move on to discussing the cons of body drawings:

  1. Airbrushing - expensive pleasure, so only well-to-do car owners can afford it. The high cost is due to the difficulty of applying a realistic image.
  2. We all know that it is almost impossible to completely protect yourself on the road. And even if in the same fog, where it’s hard not to notice you, there was someone who was distracted from the road and damaged your vehicle, it will be difficult to restore the drawing. First, you will have to straighten/staple/buy new body parts. Secondly, they will have to be airbrushed again - and this is again a waste. Thirdly, if you decide to save on one more drawing, then there is only one way out: repaint the car.
  3. Touching on the topic of repainting a car, we moved to the main disadvantage. All cars become obsolete and our preferences change over time: what will happen when you want to change your “iron friend” for a new one? It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to find a buyer who is interested in a car with the same airbrush pattern. Whether it's an obsolete hedgehog in the fog or an ordinary hedgehog with wildlife- it will not attract, but on the contrary, it will remove the potential buyer from the choice.

What drawing will be applied on the hood of your car or what pictures will decorate its body, of course, is up to you. However, any selected pattern will look realistic on your car if it is applied by an experienced car dealership employee.

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