How to wash red hair dye. How to wash off dark and black paint? How soap helps

the beauty 05.02.2018
the beauty

Every woman wants to be irresistible and in her aspiration does not stop only at the qualities bestowed by nature. Cosmetics, a well-chosen hairstyle and hair color can work wonders. That is why women boldly go for experiments. And if unsuccessful makeup is easy enough to wash off, with a hair color that did not live up to expectations, things are somewhat more complicated. And yet, there is a way out.

If, after coloring, the color or shade of the hair is categorically not satisfied, it can also be washed off. For this, there are special chemicals, salon procedures and proven folk remedies. We offer you 7 proven ways to wash off hair dye at home.

1. Oil

The most effective and gentle remedy for restoring the original hair color or shade is oil. For this purpose, any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, castor, burdock) is suitable, butter, margarine and even pork fat. Recipes for how to wash hair dye with oil are quite simple.

It is necessary to take 1 cup of any vegetable oil and add 20-30 g of solid fat (butter, lard, margarine) to it. Heat the mixture until solid fats dissolve, but not more than the temperature that will be comfortable for the scalp. The mask is evenly applied to the hair, wrapped in cellophane and a warm terry towel and left on the hair for at least 2-3 hours. You can make such a mask at night. How longer blend remains on the hair, the better the effect. The mask is washed off with shampoo for oily hair. To completely remove the fat, the hair will have to be lathered several times.

Here are a few more recipes for how to wash hair dye with oil:
  • sunflower, olive and castor oil mixed in equal amounts
  • 3-4 salt spoons of castor oil mixed with 3 egg yolks
  • only olive oil

Oil helps not only to wash off the paint from the hair. It nourishes and protects the hair. After applying the mask, the hair becomes shiny, silky and obedient.

2. Kefir

The next effective ingredient is kefir. The action of kefir is similar to the action of special acid washes for hair. Contained in fermented milk products acid destroys the chemical compounds that make up the dye, which are then washed out.

To wash off the paint with kefir, you need to take a liter of kefir or yogurt of maximum fat content, apply it to your hair, wrap it up and leave it for 1-1.5 hours. Then wash off with shampoo. After some time, the procedure can be repeated. Hair is lightened by 0.5-1 tone. To enhance the effect, try adding half a glass of vegetable oil to kefir, or 2 tablespoons of soda, or 50 g of vodka.

3. Soda

Owners of oily hair can use another proven tool - soda. How to wash off hair dye with soda is understandable without descriptions. To do this, you need to take soda, about a glass, and dilute it with warm, but not hot water to the state of gruel. Apply the resulting slurry to the hair along the entire length with a brush or comb with frequent teeth. Wrap in polyethylene and a towel. Withstand up to 40 minutes, but not more than an hour. Rinse thoroughly under running water and finally with shampoo.

You can prepare a strong soda solution (5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), moisten your hair with it and leave it for the same time as in the previous version.

Soda dries the scalp and hair, so this method is not recommended if the hair is dry and the skin is prone to dandruff.

4. Soap

simple and effective way- laundry or tar soap. How to wash off hair dye with laundry soap is not difficult to guess on your own. The hair is thoroughly lathered and left in this state for up to 30 minutes. Then they are thoroughly washed. Soap has a strong drying effect, so after applying this method, it is advisable to apply a balm or a moisturizing mask to your hair. It is better for owners of dry hair to abandon this method altogether so as not to harm the hair and scalp.

5. Honey

You can wash off the paint from dry, thin, weak hair with honey. Honey on wet hair acts like hydrogen peroxide, but more delicately, gives the hair a slight golden hue. Before applying honey, it is advisable to wash your hair and rinse with a weak soda solution (1-2 teaspoons per liter of water). Honey is evenly distributed through the hair and left for 8-10 hours, preferably overnight. It is not necessary to wrap your head strongly. This method will not only return the hair to its previous color, but also improve their condition.

6. Lemon

The lightening abilities of lemon are known to everyone. It is enough to remember how tea brightens when a lemon slice is added to it. You can also wash hair dye with lemon. To do this, rinse your hair with lemon water after each wash. To do this, the juice of 1 lemon is diluted in 1 liter of water. The color will even out slightly, by 0.5-1 tone, but with regular use you can achieve a whiter tangible result.

7. Mayonnaise

And the list is completed by a product that combines the best of the above products - mayonnaise. The composition of mayonnaise includes vegetable oil, egg yolks, acid, and therefore mayonnaise has a complex effect on hair. The most convenient thing is that the mayonnaise is completely ready to use. You just need to get it out of the refrigerator ahead of time to warm up. To wash off the paint from the hair with mayonnaise, apply it thickly on the curls, insulate the mask and leave for 3 hours. Wash off with shampoo for oily hair. After a mayonnaise mask, the hair not only brightens, but also noticeably changes, becomes silky, supple and unusually shiny.

Whatever method you prefer, it should be remembered that one single procedure will not be enough to return the hair to its original color. In order to wash off the dye from the hair at home, it will take several days, or even weeks. Still, it's better than nothing. Before you despair or pass judgment on your hair, it's worth a try. The result can be very pleasing, but in any case it does not hurt.

Many women have a desire to experiment all the time, and this also applies to periodic changes in hair color.

Changing the shade is not as easy as changing clothes or makeup. How to wash off hair dye at home, especially when it comes to dark colors, because getting rid of them is quite problematic.

However, it is possible. If you need to wash off an unsuccessful hair color or just want to change it to some other one, then both home and professional remedies can come to the rescue.

Many are afraid to use aggressive chemical substances, and not in vain, because the result of their use can be very deplorable.

Therefore, you can try to prepare homemade masks that destroy the dye pigment.

Washing off the color in this way will not work quickly, but it is completely safe.

Plus, the natural components of the masks allow you to further improve the curls, give them an attractive appearance.

  • Kefir wash. A liter of kefir must be poured into a container, add a large spoonful of any vegetable oil and table salt there, mix well. Then apply to dry strands, warm your head and hold for an hour. Wash off with warm water.
  • Wash with mayonnaise. A simple but effective recipe. It is only necessary to mix 200 g of mayonnaise and vegetable oil in the amount of 3 soup spoons. Apply the composition evenly on the strands, insulate them, wash off after three hours.
  • Oil wash. The most effective of the home methods is the use of various vegetable oils. It does not suit greasy strands, but for everyone else, it can be a real salvation. Oil can be chosen taking into account what result you would like to see as an additional one. For example, olive oil saturates curls with vitamins and strengthens them, almond and flaxseed oil restore, coconut and sea buckthorn oil activate growth, as well as castor or burdock oil, which additionally add shine and prevent hair loss. To prepare such a wash, you need to mix 200 ml of the selected oil with 20-30 grams of margarine (it can be replaced with pork fat). The mixture is heated in a water bath, then with a brush it is distributed through the hair. The head needs to be insulated, held for at least half an hour, but for a greater effect it is better to leave it overnight. You need to rinse with shampoo, washing the strands several times with plenty of water.
  • Wash with lemon juice. You will need to grate one apple, squeeze the juice from one lemon and combine it with apple gruel. Add two teaspoons of honey and a large spoonful of any of the base oils to the composition. Apply for 1.5 hours. Wash off with water in the usual way.
  • Using honey to remove paint. honey in pure form makes it possible to eliminate unwanted tone. It is necessary to abundantly soak the strands with a liquid product, insulate your head with high quality and go to bed. Wash in the morning with shampoo. You need to repeat the procedure regularly, at least for a week. During this time, the dye should be clearly washed off.
  • Wash with water. For such a recipe, you need to pour 10-20 tablespoons of soda (depending on the length of the hair), slightly cooled with warm water in the amount of 200 ml. Moisten a cotton pad in this liquid, treat one strand with it, then repeat the application. soda solution for the rest of the hair. Twist the strands into a tourniquet and leave them for 40 minutes. It is strictly impossible to exceed this time, because the soda can make the hair too hard.
  • Castor oil and yolk. You need to beat a tablespoon of castor oil and one egg yolk, then rub the mixture alternately into the strands. Hold for 2-3 hours and rinse with cool water.
  • Wash with aspirin. It is especially indicated if you need to get rid of the unpleasant greenish tint of the strands. Several aspirin tablets are crushed and poured with warm water. The mixture should be soaked in the hair, hold for a couple of hours and rinse.
  • Lemon rinse to eliminate color. Will need to connect clean water and lemon juice. A liter of water is enough juice from one fruit. Use the resulting liquid to rinse your hair every time you wash it.

Hair color reflects the nature of nature, it's hard to argue with that. allows you to create a soft, gentle, romantic image. But how to achieve this shade?

An overview of Concept hair cosmetics is presented.

If you want to change the look, but do not want to radically change the color of your hair, try dyeing shatush. The link describes the main techniques and photos of the results.

How to wash off black color?

The most problematic color in terms of washing off is black. For those who want to get rid of it, a beauty salon offering a decapitation service can help.

It is designed just to eliminate the unwanted tone of the strands. The master must examine the hair, and then determine which decapitation is suitable - superficial or deep.

For the first procedure, special washes are used, which, having no oxidants in the composition, do not spoil the hair and scalp.

If surface decapitation is powerless, it remains to resort to a deep version of the procedure. A bleaching wash with oxidizing agents in the composition is used for it, therefore the technique is not so safe for hair.

One visit to the salon will not allow you to get the desired tone. Decapitation brightens by about three shades, but the hair becomes faded, acquires a rusty tone. And before the next procedure you need to wait about two weeks. After the first wash, you can paint the curls, but you should use only natural paint with no or minimal chemistry, and no one gives a guarantee that the color will turn out as desired.

If a deep wash was done, the strands should be looked after especially carefully. The specialist who performed the procedure can recommend suitable masks, purchased or made at home.

In the case of black, the masks listed earlier are unlikely to work. Only tar or laundry soap can help to cope with it. They need to either replace the shampoo, or use in conjunction with it.

Black hair wash

In the second case, you should first wash your hair in the usual way, then lather the soap to make a foam, apply it to the strands, rub it well along the length and into the scalp, leave for 3-5 minutes. Then remove the soap from the curls with water. Along with the foam, the paint will also begin to wash off. It is worth resorting to such a procedure 2-3 times a week. At first, the hair may become ugly and sticky, but this will pass with time.

Soap can dry out the strands, especially if they are already prone to dryness. Therefore, you can alternate its use with one of the washing masks, for example, oil or kefir.

Professional cosmetics for removing paints

Modern manufacturers offer a number of tools that make it possible to get rid of unwanted hair color.

They are used in hairdressing salons and salons for decapitation.

At home, the use of such cosmetics is also acceptable, but you must definitely work with gloves, ventilate the room with high quality and close the bottles well after you finish working with them.

After mixing, you must immediately apply the composition to the strands so that it does not lose effectiveness.

Usually, the composition of such products includes all kinds of caring components, which allows not only to wash off the color, but also to prevent the destruction of the hair structure.

The following professional washes are popular:

  • COLOR OFF from Estel. An emulsion with which you can work with resistant paints. The program includes three bottles of 120 ml - a catalyst, a reducing agent and a neutralizer. The manufacturer promises to carefully and safely remove the color pigment of the paint, while maintaining the hair's own natural pigment. Contains no ammonia or bleaching ingredients. If you need to remove black or dark brown dye, apply the product at least 2-3 times. As a rule, one wash takes about an hour. After 40 minutes, the strands are ready for a new stain. Basically, the tool receives positive reviews, but still it is more intended for salon than for home use.
  • Wash Brelil Professional. Color elimination system from an Italian manufacturer in a higher price category. Efficiency is also considered higher. Using a wash once, allows you to get rid of two or more layers of cosmetic shade. The system includes two 125 ml tubes. Depending on the length and type of curls, the package is enough for 4-10 uses. The procedure time is about 20-30 minutes.
  • Efassor by L'Oreal. The well-known manufacturer L'Oreal also offers a composition to eliminate color. It is sold in the form of a box of powder, packaged in sachets. The difference between this wash is that it contains a brightening component, respectively, the color of the strands becomes lighter. For deep decapitation, you will also need an oxidant in the form of a cream from the same manufacturer.

All washes are quite strong and difficult to use means. They are safe for hair, but only if they are handled correctly. In view of this, it is better not to take risks and go to the salon, entrusting the decapitation procedure to a qualified master. If you still decide to use the wash at home, you should definitely follow the instructions and exercise double caution.

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Hair dye can fail. No matter how much you want to instantly return the natural shade, it is difficult to do. It is risky to bleach hair - it is better to use decapitation. The service, as a rule, is provided in the salon by professional masters, but you can solve the problem yourself at home. Natural ingredients will get rid of low-quality paint. Washing hair at home will help you save a lot.

How hair wash works

Pickling is a special procedure that is designed to extract pigment dyes from the hair shaft. The action of the wash is directly opposite to the process that occurs during painting. To achieve the result, you need to wash your hair several times. They will become lighter with each treatment. The principle of operation of the flush is that:

  • the chemicals of the agent penetrate the strand, break the connection between them and the paint;
  • then the constituent ingredients block the released pigment substances, "getting" them out of the structure.

Wash types

There are three types of decapitation:

  1. Natural wash does not contain chemical additives. Its action is slower, but the application will not harm the hair. The advantage of washing is to strengthen the strands. The natural procedure for washing off the paint is ideal for self-use at home.
  2. The acid procedure does not contain perhydrols or ammonia. The use of this type of substance will not harm the hair. The tool helps to wash off large volumes of paint and is used when accurate color correction is needed. Plus acid decapitation - the procedure removes artificial pigment, while not spoiling the natural hair color. The downside is the bad smell.
  3. A bleaching wash can lead to a noticeable effect. The procedure is able to get rid of the paint even when the hair has an uneven tone. On average, this decapitation in one use brightens the strands by four tones. The components of the wash are harmful, so it is better to entrust the task to a professional.

How to wash hair dye

An unsuccessful staining process is an unforeseen situation. The ladies are looking different means to get rid of paint residue faster. Not every woman has the opportunity to visit a beauty salon for a series of treatments. Many are looking for how to make a hair wash at home. There are several options for gentle or quick pickling for straight strands and curls.

By professional means

Now in many salons and on the market there is a huge assortment of various products. The most popular are:

  • Color-off from Farmen. According to the instructions, this product contains fruit acids. You can use Color-off to wash off black paint.
  • Estel color off. This is a professional inexpensive product used to restore natural color. The drug from Estel does not contain peroxide and ammonia. Helps lighten curls up to 3 tones.
  • Kapous Decoxo allows you to carefully, safely remove artificial pigment. The drug is used for partial color correction or after unsuccessful highlighting. Capus Decoxo is able to delicately wash off the cosmetic shade.


The most gentle and effective natural remedy for restoring hair color is oil. Any oil is suitable for the washing procedure: olive, burdock and even butter. For example, you can take 3 yolks, grind them with 4 tbsp. l. castor oil. With massage movements, you need to apply the mixture on the hair along the entire length. Next, rub the composition into the scalp, wrap with a towel. Rinse off the oil composition after 2 hours using a mild shampoo. The oil, in addition to perfectly washing off the paint, protects and nourishes the hair.

Folk remedies

There are many verified folk recipes how to do a hair wash at home. The most popular is the kefir mask. For a valuable composition, the ingredients will be required:

  • liter of kefir;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soda;
  • shampoo.

Application method:

  • We take kefir of maximum fat content.
  • To enhance the effect, add soda to it.
  • Apply the mixture along the entire length of the hair, wrap the strands in a towel and leave them for 2 hours.
  • Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Another well-known and oldest method of washing is considered a recipe with honey. Ingredients:

  • a glass of honey;
  • 2 tsp soda;
  • liter of water;
  • shampoo.

Application method:

  • Before applying honey, the strands must be washed. After that, it is worth rinsing your hair with a weak soda solution (2 tsp of soda per liter of water).
  • Next, evenly distribute the honey through the hair.
  • We leave it for a period of 2-3 to 10 hours (for example, overnight).
  • It is not necessary to wrap your head tightly.
  • Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Video: Flushing at home

Very often, after dyeing their hair, women remain dissatisfied with the color that turned out after dyeing. Women love to experiment with their beauty to become more attractive.

In the case of an unsuccessfully selected makeup, you can simply wash it off, but with colored strands, the situation is more complicated. For these purposes, you can use special chemical components, procedures in the cabin, or folk remedies.

Hair oil - a universal remedy

The number one remedy for removing hair dye is oil. This substance nourishes the roots, stimulates the hair follicles to grow, that is, in general, oil masks are useful for the scalp. And for washing off the paint, any set of simple oils is suitable: vegetable, castor or olive.

Is it possible to wash off hair dye with oil if it natural origin: henna, basma, etc.? Not only possible, but also necessary for those who strive for natural lightening of curls.

After a mask with oil for some time, it is advisable to wash your hair with shampoo with protein.

What kind of oil can be used?

Since oil masks are not suitable for all women equally, you need to carefully mix the substances for the base:

  • vegetable, castor, burdock - oils that perfectly wash off the paint from the hair, if they are mixed in equal proportions according to Art. spoons of each;
  • 3 egg yolks combined with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of castor oil;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil.

Recipes using oils

Washing hair dye with oil is very effective and has become popular among the people with a few simple recipes.

  1. Take a glass of any oily product and melt 30 g of pork fat in it. If there is no fat, use margarine. The mask should be warm, but not hot, so as not to burn the skin. Apply the consistency with a brush, evenly distributing along the length of the strands. Warm your head with a plastic cap and hold for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. The second recipe is interesting because it mixes three types of oils into one. In composition and fat content, it resembles burdock. For the best effect, add a little oily hand moisturizer to the oil solution. Try heating the mask with a hair dryer, but not on a hot setting. Just like the previous one, the mask is left for half an hour, but the second mask with three oils washes out the paint much easier, brightens the curls and nourishes them. If desired, it can be repeated 12 hours after the first procedure.
  3. For owners of light curls, castor oil is perfect. Castor oil is known for its medicinal properties, often used in medicines, for cosmetic purposes to strengthen the skin, nails and hair. The castor-oil mask perfectly washes away the unwanted dark shade and returns the natural light brown color. For the mask, take three yolks and mix them with four tablespoons of oil. Apply to hair, rub well into the roots of the head. After that, warm your head with a towel. Do not use a hair dryer to warm up, because the yolks can curl on the hair and give an undesirable result.
  4. Sunflower oil and fatty kefir blend very well and brighten. Kefir or curdled milk should be about a liter, and only a tablespoon of oil. It is best to add an oil product to warmed kefir. Rub the mixture very carefully into the roots and distribute along the length. Insulate your head very tightly, firstly, so as not to feel discomfort when the kefir cools down, and secondly, so that the liquid does not leak from under the cap and does not stain your clothes. Keep the mask for about an hour, because the duration of the dairy product on the hair is longer than the oil. Rinse off very thoroughly too, do not leave anything on the curls. To get rid of the unwanted smell of lactic kefir, it is recommended to rinse your head with a decoction of chamomile, vinegar or lemon water.

Do not rush to run to the salon to the beautician if you are faced with the problem of an unwanted shade on your hair. Naturally, salon procedures involve the application of a special chemical composition, which will help restore the natural shade in one go. But as a result of such a procedure, the hair can weaken, lose its former appearance, fall out, break.

And the advantage of home masks is that they not only remove paint, but also strengthen and restore hair, and this is simply necessary after dyeing.

No one is immune from mistakes in the home "beauty industry". This is especially true for various experiments with hair. Trying to change the image, style, image, women paint in different colors in search of their only, ideally suited and the best. Often all this ends in bitter disappointment: the color is not the same as a result, and the curls have faded after repeated staining. It would be necessary to return to the previous appearance and at the same time strengthen the roots, soothe the irritated scalp and bring life to the exhausted strands. But how to do that? All this will become possible once you learn how to wash the dye out of your hair and at the same time provide them with additional full-fledged care. This can be done either in a hairdressing salon (effective, but expensive and aggressive), or at home (not as effective, but inexpensive and harmless).
Decapitation at the hairdresser will cost a lot, moreover, it can greatly harm your hair, making it brittle and lifeless.

Decapitation at the barbershop

The elimination of unwanted hair color is called decapitation, and this procedure can be ordered at any hairdresser. A special solution is applied to the head, and after rinsing with water after a certain period of time, the color can be changed by 3-5 tones. It is clear that such a powerful effect is due to the chemical components of the wash, which penetrate deep into the structure of each hair, thereby violating their integrity and health. Therefore, often after this, funds are prescribed for additional care for curls. Decapitation can be done in different ways:

  • bleaching (deep): lightening hair by 4-5 tones, used in cases where it is necessary to wash off black hair dye quickly and guaranteed;
  • acidic (surface) is produced by solutions without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, changes color by 2-3 tones;
  • natural (home): weak but safe rinsing, providing a color change of only 1 tone, but ideally caring for the strands.

Experienced hairdressers advise starting with a superficial, gentle effect. If there are no desired results, you can wash off the paint using deep decapitation. If you don't trust the chemicals in your hair products, try fixing bad results at home with regular products.

If you want to keep your curls healthy, it is better to use homemade washes that do not destroy the hair structure.

Washing paint at home

To wash off the paint from the hair at home, you need certain skills and accuracy. Knowledge women's secrets beauty will help get rid of unwanted color - albeit not quickly, but with regular use safely and reliably.

  1. Find a recipe that suits your hair type and color. There are products that perfectly wash off dark paint, and there are those that will only be useful for fair-haired people. So carefully study the composition and purpose of each recipe.
  2. Prepare the product exactly according to the recipe.
  3. If water is indicated there, it is better not to use tap water: the best option would be filtered, mineral or settled.
  4. If the mask with oil ideal option will become castor, burdock or olive.
  5. Apply it to a dry, dirty head without touching the skin or rubbing into the roots. Distribute evenly over the entire length of the strands.
  6. Put on a shower cap. Wrap your head in a towel.
  7. You need to keep it on your head for exactly an hour.
  8. Wash off with warm water and shampoo. You need to rinse off until the water from the hair flows clean and clear.
  9. Dry your hair naturally without using a hair dryer.
  10. Since the desired effect from a home wash cannot be quickly obtained, because it is only 1-2 tones, a second procedure will be required. You can eliminate the paint in this way 1-2 times a week until you get the result you want.
  11. After such a procedure, it is not recommended to dye your hair again for 3-4 days.

In fact, it is possible to wash off the dye that you do not like from your hair, but this will require patience from you. Do not hope that after the first procedure, the curls will acquire exactly the color that you dream of. This must be done carefully, regularly, methodically, gradually - this is the only way you will achieve the effect you need. If you are sure that you can do this homework without decapitation from a professional, choose a recipe.

You can wash off an unsuccessful color from your hair at home, but it will take time and patience.


Far from all substances are capable of penetrating deep into the hair and starting to break down the alien pigment of the paint there. Therefore, the range of products for the preparation of home wash is significantly limited. Evaluate the current state of your hair and decide how exactly you will get rid of unwanted color - laundry soap, baking soda or start using your favorite kefir.

  • pure kefir

Warm home-made kefir to a warm state in a water bath, without adding anything to it. It can be replaced with curdled milk. It will help to perfectly wash light or red paint.

  • Kefir + eggs

Mix kefir (100 ml) with two raw eggs, add vodka (50 ml), lemon juice and shampoo for oily hair (two tablespoons each).

  • Laundry soap

Wash your hair with laundry soap. True, such a wash does not need to be kept on the hair for an hour. Just lather it up and wash it off after five minutes. In this way, it is better not to use the owners of dry hair, as the soap dries a lot and can lead to thinning of the hair shafts. Therefore, professionals strongly recommend that after such a wash, it is imperative to use a conditioner or conditioner.

  • Baking soda

You can wash off the paint with ordinary baking soda: dilute 5 tablespoons in warm water (liter), wet your hair with a solution, keep for 20 minutes. Procedures with soda are contraindicated for those who have various injuries on their heads: wounds, injuries, stitches, etc. Dry strands are also afraid of the somewhat aggressive action of soda, so it is better to first test the wash on the skin behind the auricle or moisten a separate strand with the solution.

  • Oil

You can easily wash off the paint with oil: burdock, castor, olive. It is better not to mix them: use one of them. Before use, they must be brought to a warm state in a water bath. After such procedures, the hair becomes thick, voluminous and very shiny.

  • Mayonnaise

Treat the strands with mayonnaise along the entire length. It turns out an excellent wash, which is ideal for any type of hair: dry moisturizes, and oily helps get rid of greasy shine.

Now you know how you can wash off unwanted dye from your hair on your own - quickly and costly or slowly and inexpensively. Consider also the composition of the funds with which you are going to do this. The chemical solution washes off faster, but often causes irreparable damage to the strands. Home masks for the most part both lighten and care for curls. In any case, the choice is yours.

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