How to cure a cold in a day - useful tips. How to cure a cold in a day - useful tips.

Pregnancy and children 18.09.2018
Pregnancy and children

This question arises immediately when a person is ill. How to overcome the disease quickly?

How can a cold be cured in a day?

As practice shows, one day is not so little, and it is, in principle, possible to recover from a cold in one day. However, you need to capture the very moment initial stage diseases, when the symptoms are just beginning to appear, the temperature seems to be normal, there is no cough, there is a slight runny nose. This is the day that should be devoted to intensive healing if you do not want to allow the disease to progress.

The second place is industrial accidents, but we are not a trauma hospital, this is a pathology that we do not cut very often. Most cases in adults are degenerative pathologies. Probably half of the pathology of an adult, which we resolve after a month, recurs with patients. When does the patient come to you? When does he feel that he cannot, or at the first sign?

Usually at the first sign. We are talking about statistics and the effectiveness of medicine. The longer this goes on, the more difficult it is. A more complex solution and a more uncertain result. Is always. Unfortunately, such a patient came because he had something in his back. Or because they couldn't turn. Things are completely insignificant. We don't have solutions because he hit something in the back.

First, you need to keep your feet warm. You can make a hot foot bath with mustard.

The second option, one of the most useful in order to cure a cold in one day, is to fill woolen socks with dry mustard, put them on your feet and go to bed in them.

There are also reflexogenic zones on the palms - if you have just come from a frost and are very for a long time If you can’t get warm, just hold your hands in very warm water, you will notice that you begin to warm up.

We won't get to the point where they come and stay in the hospital for the operation. Or we can still send them home with conservative treatment. These, unfortunately, include fractures, especially in women over 70 years of age. There is a lot of talk about having a spine. Of course, we mean something else. Not the column you are processing.

Do you feel like a surgeon outside the hospital? Who are you outside the hospital door? Harder with the vast majority of things. You can access the article at any time, on any device, from your website or from mobile application. Recommendations from a doctor. . Inner ankles occur when the ligaments that connect the legs and feet are stretched or broken. Inversion injury, the most common cause of an ankle sprain, occurs when the ankle twists outward and the soles of the foot are brought in.

Your body also strives to get rid of a cold as soon as possible, so the immune system begins to actively fight the disease. And you, in turn, can help her with this. Interferon is produced by the body thanks to vitamin C. Interferon is a protein that protects cells from the virus. In addition to citrus fruits, vitamin C is found in blackcurrants and rose hips. A very tasty decoction is brewed from wild rose to cure a cold. Blackcurrant jam is also incredibly tasty.

This results in stretching or tearing of the ligaments outside of the calf. In the area of ​​the upper ankle sprain, a smaller type of ankle sprain, the upper and outer ligaments are also twisted, which increases the severity of the sprain and the healing time. When an erection is affected, the ankle rotates inward and the sole of the foot outward, cracking the ligaments on the inside of the joint.

Injury injuries range from simple stretch marks or minor twists to severe twisting of the ligaments. Most of the time, walking is not possible because the ankle can move outward and there is intense pain, although the initial pain may drop immediately. Usually, pain is immediately felt on the side where the sprain occurred. Most of the time, the ankle begins to swell straight out, and echocardiography may also occur. The infected area is usually sensitive to palpation. In slight stretching, swelling improves within a few days.

Add to menu dairy products, their value should in no case be underestimated and it is desirable that they are always present in your diet, this will allow you to get sick less. It is important to monitor the quality of these products.

Do not forget that there is still a whole night ahead. When treating a cold, it is very important good vacation and healthy sound sleep. After all, this allows the body to save energy and send them to fight the cold.

The severity of the symptoms depends on how badly the affected ligament is broken. With more severe sprains, the inability to walk occurs, and even the inability to put weight on the foot and ankle is unstable. First of all, there is extreme pain that improves within an hour. Many people feel or hear at the moment of perversion the sensation of a snap or snap. If the sprain does not heal properly, the ankle joint will be susceptible to new injury. It also occurs in juveniles, such as lowering the slope or walking on a paved surface.

It is necessary for the whole day to arrange for yourself a real and complete rest.

To treat a cold during the day, it is important to monitor the “temperature” of the legs all the time, that is, keep them warm. For these purposes, foot baths with the addition of mustard or a mustard "warmer" for the night, which are warm socks with dry mustard covered in them, or children's mustard plasters purchased at a pharmacy, are perfect.

Some blame the pain and swelling that persists. It is advisable to seek immediate medical attention if the lower limb is at an abnormal angle. It is recommended to see a doctor for an ankle sprain if: - There is a snap through the spine. - Moderate or severe pain, severe swelling and echinosis. - there is an inability to walk or weight on the affected side, or if the ankle or lower limb feels unsteady. - there is numbness and tingling that remain after the defeat. If swelling and echinosis lasts more than 2 weeks, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

To quickly fight a cold, the body needs interferon, which is essentially vitamin C, which is contained not only in vitamin complexes, but also in currants, citrus fruits and rose hips.

One of the most famous and effective tips for quick treatment colds - combine a teaspoon of pepper with a glass of vodka. The effect is usually felt immediately. This happens due to the fact that pepper dilates blood vessels. Vodka only serves as a “taste softener” and adds “extra” heat.

If the pain is mild and it is possible to put weight on the leg, follow the treatment or home treatment recommendations. Initial treatment and recovery procedures ensure proper treatment. If treatment recommendations are not followed, the ankle may remain soft and unstable.

Evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment of an ankle sprain is performed by: - emergency doctor - therapist, family medicine doctor, general practitioner. - orthopedic doctor - doctor of sports medicine. For treatment after stretching, it is recommended: - an orthopedic doctor.

The specialist doctor will do this to find out how the ankle sprained and ask about the appearance of the primary lesion. An objective examination of the ankle, foot, sole, and even the knee will then be done to see if there are other associated injuries. The patient will be asked to move the leg up and down and even take a few steps if possible. The physician must mobilize the ankle and foot to ensure that the ligaments are not damaged. If the stretch is light, there is no need to do this.

You can try to quickly recover from a cold without folk remedies, by going to the nearest pharmacy. Almost all modern facilities from colds contain a shock dose of paracetamol and vitamin C¸, which are necessary for complete relief from the common cold.

Limit contact with family members. Because if one of them has a weakened immune system, then he can catch colds from you and then the so-called “chain reaction” awaits everyone.

If the sprain is more severe, a radiological examination should be performed to see if the ligament has been torn or the bone broken, which may occur at the same time as the sprain. A radiological examination will be performed on the child, especially due to possible damage to the growing bones and normal growth interruption.

These compression phases do not provide protection, so a protective cast is required, especially if weight is to be supported in the injured leg. Do not use a compressor that is too compact. The bandage will loosen if it is too tight. Signs that occur when the dressing is too tight are numbness, tingling, severe pain, coldness, or swelling in the area under the dressing. - raising the ankle above the level of the heart for 2-3 hours a day, if swelling and bruising can be reduced. Most ankle sprains heal themselves with proper healing and recovery exercises.

To treat a cold during the day, you need to slightly ventilate the room in which you are, so that there is always clean fresh air without any bacteria.

And, of course, the most effective remedy against colds - prevention before illness. These are frequent walks in the fresh air, airing the apartment, vitamin complexes, proper nutrition rich in vitamins and minerals. All this will certainly help you enjoy every day without a cold.

Surgery is usually done for broken ligaments if they or only one of them is completely broken, or if the ankle remains unstable after recovery exercises. Surgical treatment and fractures of associated bones are considered. Ambulatory treatment.

Restorative ankle exercises can be done at home to ensure proper healing and prevent chronic pain and instability. If the ankle does not perform rehabilitation exercises, the ankle may remain weak and unstable. Nearly 25% of people with an ankle sprain have pain and joint loss in the long term.

Do not forget that it is always necessary to strengthen your immunity by leading healthy lifestyle life.

More ways to cure a cold in one day

What to do to make a cold go away when there is no way to let yourself get sick, you don’t need a sick leave? or you really do not like to get sick and stay at home. Then this article can help you. Our goal is to return the body to a healthy state as quickly as possible.

Almost 48 hours after an injury, some experts recommend cold, warm, alternating baths to reduce swelling and inflammation. To perform these alternative baths, stick your ankle in a container of frozen water for 30 seconds. This is done consecutively for 5 minutes, so that the first and last dive is in cold water. Ideally, these alternative baths are done 3 times a day.

Alternative baths can be done within 2 weeks, and if swelling and echinosis persist for that long, check with your doctor. In cases of sprained minor ankles, rehabilitation exercises begin immediately after the injury in parallel with walking exercises. With more severe and painful sprains, it is possible that walking cannot be performed, although wagons and a protector can support weight in the foot, as with other guards and ankle support. If the pain is severe, we recommend wearing crutches under medical supervision.

How to cure a sore throat with a cold in a day?

With a "tickle" in the throat, the pain will help relieve rinsing with solutions. Disinfectants, to choose from, weak solutions per glass of water:

one teaspoon of 0.1% solution of Rivanol or hydrogen peroxide;

h. a spoonful of boric acid.

Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, rinse a day, several times. With a runny nose, use this recipe, up to 4 times a day, instill the solution in the nose. From the leaves of white cabbage, a compress will help stop the onset of a sore throat. We cover the throat, tie a scarf or a warm scarf on top. Every 2 hours, change the leaves.

As a general rule, if the pain is benign, try walking and supporting the weight in the leg with wagons or cast protection, as these physical actions speed up the healing process. Ankle takes an average of 6 weeks to heal, but in some cases they can take up to 4 months depending on their severity. A protective cast, elastic support, or other ankle support must be worn to protect the ligaments. After an ankle has been treated, using an ankle support helps prevent a new injury.

The stretching exercise can be resumed normally and especially before a workout that prevents a new lesion. Rehabilitation exercises vary depending on the preferences of the physiotherapist. Several types of exercises will be described in the following lines.

How to cure a runny nose with a cold in a day?

Emergency remedy: twice a day, during the day and at bedtime, wash your nostrils with soap, the viruses will all die.

To cure a cold in a day, instill a solution of 3 tablespoons of finely chopped onion in 50 ml of warm water in the nose with a solution. Add half a teaspoon of honey or sugar to the jar, leave for 30 minutes.

Ankle exercises. These exercises will begin immediately after the injury by applying ice to the ankle. Repeat these sets of exercises 10 to 30 times a day. Each set is completed within 3-5 minutes. - the letters of the alphabet are executed with the fingers by moving the ankle and ankle. - Place the soles of your feet on the floor while sitting on a chair. With slow movements, they move from one side to the other, while the sole of the foot is kept on the floor.

You can do to move your toes using a towel. It is positioned on the floor with the toes while the heel is firmly on the floor by pulling it on your body and then removing it in the same way. Ankle stretching exercises.

Take a 10-minute warm mustard bath at night for your feet. Rub with warm cream and put on warm socks.

If the body temperature is above 37 degrees, hot baths are prohibited - the load on the heart increases.

To be cured in one day, drink more. Warm tea with honey and rose hips will help in recovery.

Eat more vitamin C. Rich in this vitamin - kiwi, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines.

The stretching exercise requires a towel - if you can't stand it, this will be done in a seat holding your right knees and the towel clinging to your soles. Pull the towel slowly and gently and hold yourself for 15 seconds until the muscles are stretched. With a moderate to severe ankle sprain, it may initially be too painful to pull your toes enough to feel the stretch. This will be done with care and pain control.

A little pain is normal, but it doesn't need to become moderate or severe. The Achilles tendon sections will then be part of your daily flexibility exercises. Then stretch the back muscles of the calf. If possible, these exercises are done in orthostatic position with the face on the wall and hands on the shoulders attached to the wall. Place the injured leg behind the healthy one, stand on top. Keep your heels on the floor and the back of your lower limbs in the correct position. Slowly bend your knee in front until you feel a stretch in your calf muscles.

Well, cold inhalations can help. You can do it with onions, garlic or horseradish. Grind, fall asleep in a jar, close tightly for 30 minutes. Then we inhale up to 6 times through the nose and mouth, holding the exhalation for a few seconds.

The same steps will be repeated. Muscle strengthening. Once you can bring weight to your leg without pain or swelling, you will begin muscle strengthening exercises. These exercises should be performed within 3-5 seconds. It will start with the foot resting on the floor against a wall, object, or furniture. Once comfort is built up in this position, it attempts to attach a rubber outsole to create resistance. In the same standing position, the legs will come to the floor. Push the injured leg onto the other leg.

The heel of the other leg will then be positioned over the affected leg. They will click on each other. Exercises for control and balance. When the state can stand without pain, it will begin exercises of balance and control. One way to do this is to place only the affected leg while keeping the arms raised sideways with open eyes. When possible within 60 seconds, other exercises will be started.

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- This is one of the most common, and at the same time unpleasant diseases that almost every person on our planet has been ill with. Very often, a cold happens “at the wrong time”, and a runny nose, sore throat and cough take us by surprise. In most cases, a cold is treated for about a week. But, sometimes, you just need to clean up a lot faster.

Can a cold be cured in one day?

Not always and not everyone has time to get sick. Often, the disease catches, as mentioned above, at the most inopportune moment, especially on the eve of some important event. That is why many people are interested in the question, is it possible to cure a cold that has just begun in one day? It is immediately worth noting that one day means a day, that is, 24 hours, and not 15 or 18.

Of course, it is simply unrealistic to completely get rid of all symptoms in one day, despite the fact that there are many drugs on the drug market that say on the label that they act instantly. But if you start to carry out a series of actions in time, you can significantly improve your general condition, and make sure that all the obvious symptoms of a cold recede.

First of all, you need to remember that on this day you need to take time off from work, study, etc., in order to fully devote the day to yourself and your body. If this cannot be done, then you will have to make every effort in the evening, and go through, so to speak, an accelerated course.

The easiest way to get rid of the symptoms of a cold, and alleviate the condition of those who have strong immunity and practically healthy body. Many may ask, how could a person with strong immunity get sick?! But, everything happens in life, and at least once every six months, but every person catches a cold.

The main difference between a cold and, for example, is that the symptoms are radically different, although the runny nose and cough are the same. But with a cold, there is practically no body aches and a high temperature rise. That is why, a cold, and not the flu, parainfluenza, bronchitis, etc., can be cured in a day, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations!

Basic steps during the treatment of a cold

The very first step to a speedy recovery is to stay at home for a day. If you have a normal relationship with your superiors, or if there is an opportunity not to go to school, use it, then you will definitely not regret it. This is necessary for two reasons:

  • Firstly, on the first day of a cold, a person’s health is so bad that even with the most positive attitude, it is unlikely that he will be able to work at 100 percent.
  • Secondly, it is not necessary to endanger others and infect them with the virus. And although there is an opinion that it is not contagious, this is the biggest mistake. Contagious, and how. Especially in the first days of exacerbation

After the issues with the day off are settled, you can start treatment, which will be quite intensive, because you need to complete the weekly program in just a day.
So, you need to do a few things:

  • Dress warmly and ventilate the room well. It is desirable at this moment is in another room. You need to do this in order to get rid of viruses, as well as saturate the air with oxygen.
  • After the room is well ventilated, all vents, windows and doors must be tightly closed. From now on, no cold air must not enter the room. In addition, on the first day it is often chilly, and therefore warmth is a must.
  • You need to wear the warmest clothes that are in the house (of course, you should not walk in a down jacket or a fur coat, I mean just a warm sweater), and even better wrap yourself in a woolen blanket
  • If wearing a sweater does not give the desired effect, and the main goal is to sweat well, then you need to wear a sweater and warm socks, since it is the legs that should be warm
  • It is recommended to put mustard patches in socks, as mustard dilates blood vessels well.
  • If there is no mustard in the house, then you need to boil the kettle, take a basin and pour hot water into it. First you need to dilute it so as not to burn yourself, and then gradually add boiling water. This way you can keep your feet warm. In addition, this procedure is very helpful if you are caught in the rain or just very cold.
  • After steaming, you need to put on very warm socks, or rather several at once, in order to keep warm for as long as possible.
  • After this procedure, it is best to go to bed. As you know, sleep is the best medicine. During sleep, the body recovers and fights infection even more strongly, and on the first day it always gets sleepy. Therefore, you do not need to be heroic and do household chores, you need to go to bed, since the body requires it.
  • If your temperature has risen, but not higher than 38, then in no case should it be knocked down, since it is at this temperature that the body fights infection. And knocking down the temperature will do more harm than good.

The most important goal on the first day of a cold is to sweat well. Many will ask why this is so important. The answer is simple. During any infectious disease or a simple cold, the body is filled with toxins that poison it. And in order to alleviate the condition, it is necessary to remove them from the body as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to drink a lot, as well as sweat well.


Nutrition plays a huge role in a speedy recovery. It is on this day that it is better to eat only healthy food, rich in vitamins and minerals.
In order to help the body fight infection, you must:

  • Completely exclude from the diet on this day all dairy and sour-milk products that contribute to the formation excess mucus, and there's plenty of it
  • Despite the fact that it is necessary to exclude dairy products that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to consume products containing probiotics. This must be done because the speedy recovery time will depend on how normally the intestines function. You can replace dairy products with juices, sauerkraut etc.
  • Boil chicken broth to which you can add some vegetables. Long ago, scientists proved that chicken broth plays an important role in the recovery process, as it alleviates symptoms, especially reduces nasal congestion, and also helps to reduce the concentration of mucus in the throat.
  • If you like coffee, you will have to go without drinking it for several days. Instead, it is better to drink herbal teas, green tea, as they contribute to the resorption of harmful mucus, thereby speeding up the recovery time.
  • It is necessary to eat foods that contain vitamin C. Usually, it is a lemon, and the recommended dose will be 3 lemons, grapes, which, in addition to vitamin C, also contain many other vitamins, rose hips. As for the wild rose, then each person chooses for himself. If you have dry rose hips at home, it is best to make tea from them, it tastes very good, and besides, without preservatives. If this house is not available, then rosehip syrup is suitable, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • You need to eat a lot of meat, which contains protein
  • For those who like spicy food, chili peppers can be added to the food, which has the qualities of an excellent antioxidant. In addition, after eating such pepper, the nasal passages are easily cleared of accumulated mucus.

Proper nutrition during a cold will help the body fight infection better, and also make up for the lack of all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

How to get rid of a cold in one day

- this is the most unpleasant thing that can happen during a cold. And if a sore throat does not cause much discomfort, then a constantly stuffy nose provokes headache, and also greatly reduces mood, since it is difficult for a person to breathe normally and one has to constantly use vasoconstrictors.

So, if you notice that you have a runny nose, you start sneezing, or you feel an unpleasant itch, then you need to start taking certain actions to avoid nasal congestion.

First let's talk about folk remedies. So, for example, our grandmothers also buried Kalanchoe in their noses. The effect is certainly interesting. After Kalanchoe was instilled into the nasal passages, the person began to sneeze vigorously. And most importantly, it helped.

Another proven folk way is onions. Of course, it does not need to be eaten in kilograms. You need to take one onion, peel it and cut it in half. Then take the halves and breathe over them for about 10-15 minutes.

Sometimes they do it differently. They try to squeeze the juice out of the onion, and then moisten a cotton swab with the juice and insert it into the nasal passage. Onions have very good bactericidal properties, and if used early, they can get rid of a runny nose in one day. The main thing is not to overdo it. Despite many positive properties, onion juice can burn the mucous membrane, therefore, in no case should onion juice be instilled into the nose.

The next effective remedy for a cold is oil. It is necessary to take any oil (sunflower, olive, etc.), warm it up a little and drop a drop into each nostril.

Separately, we need to talk about medicines that will help get rid of a runny nose in one day. Of course, they should be used only after prior consultation with a specialist. So, to help in the treatment of the common cold can:

  1. Isofra. It is a topical antibiotic that must be instilled into the nose six times a day. With strict observance of the rules of application, the very next day there will either be no runny nose at all, or there will be a slight nasal congestion
  2. Grippferon. These drops are made from interferon, which improves the body's resistance to invading bacteria. Grippferon can be used even in children and women
  3. IRS-19. It is an immunomodulatory drug that increases the body's resistance. Its main disadvantage is its high cost.
  4. Protargol. Usually, protargol is prescribed on the third or fourth day after the runny nose has begun. But some doctors recommend dripping it into the nose from the first day, since silver ions have excellent disinfectant properties and can get rid of a runny nose in one day.

Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of a runny nose in one day, but you can achieve such a result that congestion will disappear and the nose will breathe.
The main thing to remember is that all of the above methods can only be used for those people who have no other problems with. If you have any serious diseases, it is better to consult a specialist and do not self-medicate!

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