How to choose a high-quality and reliable thermos. Which company's thermos is better to buy? Customer reviews.

Technique and Internet 18.02.2018
Technique and Internet

What could be better than a cup of steaming drink during a winter walk? And really, why not have a tea party in the winter in the forest? Do not rush to be surprised - to implement this idea, you only need tea leaves, boiling water and a thermos. And indeed, we are talking about a piece of kitchen utensils that will come in handy in any home. What with a glass flask and on what grounds should they be chosen when buying?

What is a thermos for?

Many people have a need to keep food and drinks warm for a long time. A thermos is vital for fishermen, hunters, people working on the street all year round. It will also come in handy for those who spend a lot of time on the road. Thermoses with a glass flask can be used at home. It is believed that they are best for brewing herbs and. What is especially convenient, you can find stylish and convenient thermos coffee pots on sale that are ideal for use in the kitchen every day.

Advantages of a glass flask

Today on sale you can find a large assortment of thermoses from various manufacturers, differing in size and design. But still one of critical issues when buying: "Which flask to choose - metal or glass?" It is worth noting that the use of modern technologies in the production of products of this category makes it possible to smooth out the differences between these two materials as much as possible. And yet, thermoses with a glass flask have one undeniable advantage- hygiene. They are easy to wash, while the remains of drinks and food are easily removed. Even with prolonged storage, such dishes will not acquire an unpleasant odor (which is sometimes the case with metal flasks). Remember: it is the glass thermos that is the best solution for baby food and drinks, due to its excellent hygienic characteristics.

Disadvantages of a glass bulb

Until recently, thermoses with an inner glass insert were considered very fragile. In order to break (and irrevocably spoil) such a piece of utensil, it was enough to forget and stir the tea with a metal spoon. Today, much has changed, thermoses with a glass flask are made using new technologies with preliminary hardening of the most fragile structural element. Accidentally breaking such a product is now not so easy. But still, metal thermoses are considered the most durable, but even they are not recommended to be thrown and subjected to other mechanical influences.

For food or drinks?

If you come to the store and ask the seller to show you thermoses, you will definitely be asked about what exactly you plan to store in such dishes. Of course, food and liquids. Meanwhile, all thermoses really differ in those intended for food and drinks. The main feature of each category is the diameter of the neck. Accordingly, thermoses with a fairly wide opening are offered for food, they are also called universal (of course, if you pour tea inside, it will also keep its temperature). For drinks, thermoses with a narrow neck are intended, it is difficult to pour even first courses into such dishes. What option to choose? Focus on your own needs. For example, a thermos for food with a glass flask can be used from time to time for coffee. But do not forget that the larger the diameter of the lid, the higher the likelihood that the internal temperature will be maintained for a long time. For those who travel a lot and often use thermal dishes, it is most convenient to have several thermoses of various sizes and types on hand.

How to choose the best glass flask thermos?

The main criteria that should be followed when choosing thermal dishes are the volume and diameter of the neck (for food or drinks). But how to choose a really high-quality thermos that will delight you with its warmth for a long time? Give preference to well-known brands. When buying, carefully inspect the thermos - there should be no noticeable damage either on the outer case or on the inner flask. When you inspect the product, be sure to check that there is no foreign smell inside. If you bought with a glass flask, be sure to test it right away at home. Fill completely with boiling water, close and feel the outer case. Outside, the thermos should remain cold - if it warms up, this is a sign of a factory defect. In this case, you should contact the store and exchange the product.

A glass flask thermos is cheaper, lighter, and more hygienic than most metal flask flasks. In this case, of course, the glass bulb is more fragile.

And now in more detail:

More than 100 years have passed since its invention, when in 1881 the Scottish physicist and chemist Sir James Dewar made a glass flask with evacuated air between the walls.

The current glass flask thermoses have simply become more beautiful, with a convenient body that protects against shock.

But they are still effective in maintaining temperature and purity of taste and aroma!

Advantages of thermoses with a glass flask:

How to choose a thermos with a glass flask?

  • What will you use the thermos for?
    FOR FOOD - thermoses with a wide neck are suitable,
    FOR DRINKS - then with a narrow neck.
    There are, of course, models that can be called universal - they have a wide enough neck for eating and convenient for pouring drinks.
  • Price
    Thermoses with glass flask for sale over favorable prices and the difference with their "metal competitors" is very big - 3-6 times cheaper! Just compare prices: thermoses with glass flasks and metal
  • Purposes of use:
    • For long trips and for more than 3 people - take 2-3 liters. This, believe me, will not be much!
    • For small outings: suitable for 1-2 liters.
    • For use at home and in the office - thermoses-jugs or thermoses with a pump are suitable

Questions and rules for using thermoses with a glass flask:

  1. Glass is fragile.
    In most cases, the body of the thermos will withstand both tapping and transportation. But the handling of such a thermos, of course, should be more careful than with metal ones.
  2. Carefully!
    Bringing an empty thermos from the cold do not fill it immediately with hot water, the glass may crack from such a difference. Let the flask come to room temperature and after that you can fill with your favorite drink!
  3. Advice:
    if you want the drinks in the thermos to stay hot longer, at first, before pouring, for example, hot tea into a thermos, pour plain boiling water into the thermos (about 1/3 or half of the total capacity of the thermos) and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Then drain the boiling water and fill the already heated thermos flask with tea. So the tea will not lose its temperature y.

German magazine Alpine awarded the Tatonka H&C Stuff thermos as the best price/quality ratio. With a small weight of 540 g, the thermos has a wide neck of 50 mm. Also a thermos Tatonka successfully passed the “crash test”: after falling from one and a half meters in an empty and filled state, no dents appeared on the thermos, and the tightness was not affected. Magazine Alpine recommends thermoses Tatonka as the best not only in terms of price / quality ratio, but also as an indispensable and proven thing in any trip.

In order to choose a thermos that will last a long time, you need to pay attention to the following points.

The body and inner flask of a thermos made of metal will not only last longer than plastic / glass, but also better withstand accidental shocks and retain their integrity.

In addition, the inner flask made of stainless steel retains heat better and longer than glass. A thermos with a metal case keeps heat for 10-12 hours, unlike plastic, which keeps a hot temperature for no longer than 6 hours.

But thermoses with a metal flask have their drawbacks. You should not brew herbs and strong teas with special additives in them: the taste of such a drink can be absorbed into the walls of the flask and it will be very difficult to get rid of them.

Please note that larger flasks hold temperature better than smaller flasks with wider necks. Tatonka offers thermoses with a volume of 0.35, 0.45, 0.7, , 1.2 and 1.5 liters for any purpose.

The main technology used in the thermos is vacuum. To achieve it, you need a good vacuum lid that can create absolute tightness and maintain the temperature inside the thermos.

Some thermoses have a pump that allows you to quickly pour out the liquid from the thermos. Unfortunately, any addition to the design of the thermos negatively affects its sealing, as a result of which the heat escapes faster. That's why Tatonka thermoses are equipped with simple screw caps, which allow better retention of heat and guarantee the tightness of the container.

On a quality product, the manufacturer indicates the operating time of the thermos, usually in the form of pictograms. However, labeling approaches vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, when buying a thermos, you should ask what the initial temperature of the water is, and what it will be after the specified time (preferably with intermediate points at 4, 6, 8 or 12 hours). Pay attention to the smell from the thermos! If there is a strong unpleasant smell, then the thermos is made of base materials. Tatonka thermoses are made of stainless steel and are therefore odorless and safe to use.

You can check the quality of the flask by pouring boiling water and after 10 minutes assessing the temperature of the body. The case must remain cold.

Enjoy your favorite hot and cold drinks anytime, anywhere with thermoses Tatonka!

If you travel often or take your lunch to work with you, a thermos will definitely come in handy. Which company is better to buy? We will try to answer this question in this article.

Any thermos consists of two flasks that are inserted one into the other, and a vacuum is created between them. The contents in this device cool down in stages: first there is a slow decrease in temperature to 70 degrees, then a quick decrease to 50. When deciding which thermos is better, you need to take into account a number of signs of a quality device.

  1. Volume- the degree of heat preservation depends on it: the larger the thermos, the longer it will retain heat.
  2. Neck diameter. It should be as narrow as possible - so the product in the appliance will stay hot longer.
  3. Vacuum. If the case outside heats up too quickly, most likely the thermos is defective.
  4. Flask for a thermos. Most often it is glass, it should fit snugly against the body and be firmly attached. Any movement of the flask will cause the thermos to break over time.

Main types

Modern thermos manufacturers offer a wide range of products that will allow you to nourish your body with hot tea even in cold weather. We offer you an overview of the most popular models, which, when tested, were carefully checked in various tests.

When determining which thermos company is better, you should pay attention to different points. So, some models are equipped with a screw cap, and some have a button or key for supplying or blocking water. The most popular among buyers are the following thermoses.


There are a huge number of manufacturers producing thermoses today. Classic patterns are offered under the well-known brand "Arktika", which have been popular with buyers for a very long time. A characteristic glass thermos of this brand has a narrow neck, so the heat is stored inside the container for as long as possible. Stainless steel, which contains nickel and chromium, is used to create the inner flask and outer casing. The 101 series offers models with different capacities, while the 101A series has an additional handy carrying case. Thermos classic design with a narrow neck is the cheapest - it costs a little less than 900 rubles.

The model of the "Arctic" with a wide throat is quite interesting. It is universal in use, has a rubber filling, so people who lead an active lifestyle will like it. Special spraying is good because even in cold weather protect your hands from the cold. Such a model will cost you almost 1900 rubles.

The product portfolio of the Arktika brand includes different kinds thermoses, including the original form. For example, the robust 105 series stainless steel model has modern design, and due to its narrow neck, heat loss is reduced. Coating with a colorless varnish protects the thermos from fingerprints and freezing of the skin to its surface. The cost of the model is a little less than 1000 r.


Numerous tests have shown that the products of this brand really deserve attention, and the buyers themselves say a lot of good words about it. If you have not yet decided which thermos company is better, pay attention to the devices from the Thermos line. Distinctive features of this brand include:

  • high strength of the glass mold due to the use of an increased amount of boron in the material;
  • good level of tightness;
  • long-term preservation of the temperature of drinks in different modes - cold and hot;
  • two cups included;
  • the cork is equipped with a valve, thanks to which it is convenient to pour drinks and prevent them from spilling;
  • side stoppers ensure the stability of the thermos in a horizontal position.

Thermos JMW500RSTRI6

The brand line includes various devices - for drinks and food. One of the most popular models is Thermos JMW500RSTRI6. The thermos, the price of which is about 2200 rubles, is made in the form of a mug and is compact in size, as it is designed for a volume of half a liter. The distinctive features of the device include a wide mouth, the ability to use with one hand, which is convenient, for example, if you are riding a bicycle. The spring-loaded cover is fixed with a special device in the open position.

Thermos FDH-2005 MTB

Among the expensive models can be noted Thermos 2.0 L FDH-2005 MTB Vacuum Inculated Bottle, designed for food storage. His distinguishing feature- Vacuum insulation, thanks to which the temperature is kept at a certain level for a long time. The wide mouth makes it equally convenient to store both the first and second dishes, and the process of caring for the product is easier. The presence of a plug-valve, in which there is a hole for liquid and a spout, makes it possible to use the model for storing drinks. The price for this thermos is quite high - it reaches almost 5000 rubles.


According to customer reviews, Tatonka brand products are one of the best in terms of price and quality. Among the positive aspects of choosing just such models, they note a wide neck and compact dimensions, reliability and long-term heat retention. These characteristics are achieved by the fact that the thermos is made of metal, and to create the inner flask is used. Due to the metal case, the thermos retains heat for quite a long time.

Tatonka Hot&Cold

Tatonka Hot&Cold Stuff 1.0#4160 is a wide thermos made of stainless steel, which is distinguished by reliability, wear resistance of the coating, ease of use and the possibility of using it for storage different products- drinks and meals. The lid can act as a glass that keeps the temperature inside for a long time and stays cold outside. The advantages of the model buyers include the elegance of design, the use of high quality materials.

The Hot & Cold series includes models designed for different volumes of food storage - from one liter and more. Thermos Hot&Cold Stuff 1,5L is ideal for use big family. In addition to sufficient volume, the model pleases with a wide neck, which is easy and simple to care for. The lid is screwed down, so the risk of heat loss is reduced. Between the thermos and the lid is an additional plastic cup.


The products of this brand offer containers for drinks and food of different sizes. So, the Stanley thermos for tea is made of materials that, with their strength, are resistant to wear, and this indicates a high service life of the products. The main advantages of thermoses of this American brand include the following.

  1. Low thermal conductivity. There is no air between the thermos vessels, so the intensity of heat transfer is reduced, and drinks remain hot for a very long time.
  2. Resistance of internal surfaces to corrosion. Stanley thermoses are made from stainless steel, which fully meets the requirements of standards and regulations in terms of environmental safety.
  3. Versatility and flexibility of use: products can be used for storing drinks and solid food.
  4. Convenience. Each Stanley thermos is smartly designed with a wide bottom for stability and a wide mouth to fit any food.


Universal food thermoses of this brand are ideal for storing various products, which is ensured by the thoughtful shape of the cork. The wide mouth is convenient for laying solid food. All Biostal models are divided into three series - "Sport", "Auto" and "Classic", each of which has its own characteristics. So, in the models "Sport" and "Auto" the emphasis is on covering the cases with a wear-resistant transparent varnish, so that nothing freezes to it. A convenient plastic handle, a glass flask for a thermos, the use of high-quality materials guarantee that the product will last a long time and reliably. Models of the "Auto" series come in bright cases, they are conveniently placed, so the risk of tipping over is reduced. Depending on the volume and series, the cost of models starts from 420 rubles in the simplest version.


If you are looking for original gift to their friends or relatives, users offer to evaluate the products of a manufacturer such as "Expedition". She draws attention original design- the surface of the thermoses is painted in the color of camouflage, which will appeal to hunters or fishermen. The second point is that it is packaged in a plastic case, which is equipped with a handle and a belt, which makes it easy to carry.

Modern manufacturers of thermoses pay attention to the compactness and ease of use of their products. The Expedition brand also attracts with its unusual design. For example, the Naturalist thermos is a vacuum model made of metal with a high-strength plastic handle. Even more interesting is the model of a thermos in a camera, which has a volume of 0.5 liters. The flask in it is made of food-grade stainless steel, and the outside of the product is covered with safe and reliable plastic.


Which one to buy? It all depends on the purpose for which you need it, how much food you plan to store in it and in what conditions to operate it. Choosing budget models Pay attention to what materials they are made from. Dear models are more perfect, but it is not always advisable to buy them, for example, for a hiking or fishing trip.

A familiar and quite affordable thing that is in almost every home. But today, manufacturers have expanded the range of designs, offering the layman the right to choose between universal thermoses with a glass flask, models, or homemade ones with a spout. Alfi products are presented in the catalog in various configurations, which often makes it difficult for the client to choose. Consider thermoses with a glass flask as one of the most popular types of products in this series.

Pros and range of thermoses with a flask made of eco-friendly material

A thermos with a glass inner vessel differs from metal and composite modifications in a number of ways:

  1. Environmental friendliness and complete safety of the material allows you to store hot and cold liquids, eliminating the possibility of release of toxic elements or dyes.
  2. The flasks are firmly fixed inside the body, creating complete tightness between the walls by means of a vacuum cushion. This design keeps the temperature of the products up to 2 days.
  3. In these models, only a narrow neck is provided for mobile products and wide pom-poms in the presence. But both options are designed only for storing drinks.

Thermoses with alfi glass flask can be selected in several configurations:

  1. A compact vessel with a tight lid is a convenient thing for work, walks and trips to nature.
  2. Models - a choice for country use or at home. By means of compressed air, liquid is supplied to the nozzle even in the absence of an electrical connection. Such a thermos with a glass flask can be mechanical and electrical, which affects the configuration of the model and the sealing system.
  3. A carafe with an alfi glass flask is more appropriate for storing cold drinks, which is important for country holidays, the summer season and work in a stuffy office. Depending on the type of sealing (vacuum, press, insulation), the time until the liquid is completely heated / cooled is 12-24 hours.

The variety of thermoses with glass flasks gives the right to make a choice in terms of volume and classification of models - compact up to 1 liter, large volumes up to 3 liters, for home use or outdoor activities. Each container model with a glass sealed flask has a quality certificate and a manufacturer's warranty. Applications are accepted on the website and by phone at any working time.

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