Which humidifier to buy for home: top best models. The Best Budget Humidifiers - What You Need to Know About Them Humidifier for a 20 sqm room

the beauty 03.05.2021
the beauty

Clean moist air is good for health. It is hardly possible to argue with this statement. However, today's realities are such that not everyone can afford such a luxury. In modern homes, offices, and even more industrial premises, the air is very far from ideal. Humidifiers help to correct this situation. Unfortunately, such a device is not familiar to every modern person. To convince the reader of the need to purchase such a unit and its positive effect on the body, we have analyzed for you the 12 best ultrasonic humidifiers of 2019. In this we were helped by the reviews of those who have already appreciated such an acquisition. I would like to believe that our rating will help you and the best humidifier will take its rightful place in your home.

The principle of operation of the ultrasonic humidifier

There are different designs of humidifiers. But we will focus on ultrasound. Such air humidifiers are considered the most modern and are most popular with consumers. Let's take a closer look at their design and find out the best qualities of such devices.

The principle of operation of an ultrasonic air purifier is based on the use of a high-frequency generator. As a result of its action with water, cold vapor is formed. Microparticles of the liquid fall on the atomizer. This is a special membrane with a very high vibration frequency. Now the fan comes into play. It drives air masses through a cloud of water vapor, thereby moisturizing and purifying it. Also, the design provides a filter that purifies the water, preventing the spread of dirt and dust.

The best models are additionally equipped with a hygrometer. This device is able to determine the level of humidity in the room, and the automation will turn off the device so as not to exceed the set values.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, we tried to include the most popular models in our rating, but even they have some drawbacks. As you know, ideal things do not exist. Therefore, it is better to immediately identify the pros and cons of ultrasonic technology for air humidification.


  • very quiet, almost silent operation;
  • the ability to automatically adjust the level of humidity in the room;
  • wide range of setting values;
  • auto-off in the absence of liquid;
  • absolute safety for all living things;
  • purification of water from possible impurities;
  • when used correctly, it does not leave a white coating on walls and furniture;
  • moisture intensity;
  • economy.

Negative points:

  • requires a little more thorough care than other similar devices;
  • the need for periodic replacement of filtration cartridges or the use of additionally purified water;
  • slightly higher cost;
  • the ability to cover a relatively small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

What to look for when buying

Since the choice of climate control equipment on store shelves is very large, it is worth immediately determining the parameters that you should focus on when buying:

  • Humidified space. Calculating it is quite simple. You need to multiply the floor area by the height of the ceilings.
  • Device performance. To obtain the desired effect, it is worth choosing a unit that is capable of passing the volume of air you need through itself at least twice an hour.
  • Water tank. You should not purchase a device with a tank capacity of less than four liters. In this case, you will often have to add water, which is quite inconvenient.
  • Automation. An absolute plus will be the ability to program the humidifier, remote humidification, an auto-shutoff system in the absence of water.
  • Noise level. It is unlikely that you will like a device that interferes with your sleep with its buzzing and hissing. This item is especially important if you are choosing a humidifier for a child's room.
  • Filtration system. Before buying a device, it is better to immediately clarify which filters are installed in it, how often they need to be changed and how much they cost. Otherwise, this information may come as a real surprise to you.

There are also nice, but by no means mandatory additions:

  • Ionization. It is believed that this function contributes to better hydration.
  • Aromatization of the air. The presence of such a function will allow you to use the humidifier as a kind of aroma lamp. This can be useful in the autumn-winter period, when the risk of colds increases.
  • Water illumination. This humidifier is good to use in children's bedrooms as a night light. The main thing is that the light should not be very bright or it can be turned off if necessary.

According to sanitary standards, in order to maintain the health and performance of a person, the humidity in the room where he is constantly located should not exceed 60%, and ideally range from 30 to 45%. For our climatic zone, the problem of insufficient humidity is mainly relevant, especially in winter, when radiators heat the air around the clock, mercilessly drying it. This can provoke a number of diseases, reduce immunity. The solution to the problem is an ultrasonic humidifier. This small, almost silent device is designed to make the humidity in the room, whether it be an apartment or a house, optimal. But how to choose a humidifier if you are an absolute beginner in this business? If you read the review to the end, you will definitely learn about the additional features of humidifiers and which manufacturers offer the best options in terms of price / quality ratio.

TOP 6 budget ultrasonic humidifiers

Before proceeding with the review of the best ultrasonic humidifiers, I propose to understand the principle of operation of this device. The basis of the device is an ultrasonic membrane. It emits ultrasonic waves inaudible to the human ear and the water poured into the bowl of the device, falling on it, is crushed into microdroplets, which, under the influence of air currents, are directed into the room. Heaped humidifiers can maintain a given range of humidity, purify water from impurities, and have a number of additional functions that we will discuss later. In the meantime, I propose to deal with the cheapest models and answer the question of how effective humidifiers are, costing up to 3 thousand rubles?

The Chinese manufacturer of climatic household appliances offers the most budgetary ultrasonic humidifier LH-11. Its price is symbolic - only 1,200 rubles. Dimensions 185x395x185 mm. Made of plastic in the form of a cylinder with a slight narrowing at the top. Service area - 25m2. It is possible to adjust the intensity of evaporation. To do this, a mechanical rotary lever is provided in the lower part. The volume of the water tank is 3.5 liters. This is enough for 10-12 hours of work. If there is no water, the device will turn off automatically.

  • Price;
  • Compactness;
  • Automatic shutdown in the absence of water;
  • Ease of controls;
  • Profitability. Power 25 W;
  • Build quality;
  • Unreliable. Judging by user reviews, it often fails;
  • When disconnected from the mains, settled water flows from under the cover of the sprayer;
  • The water tank is filled inconveniently from the bottom.
  • When the water level drops, the humidification process worsens.

For beginners, the Leberg LH-11 is a good option. Easy to manage, has a fairly large water tank, undemanding to its quality. At the same time, there are no built-in filters, the water still needs to be at least defended. Dirty water can cause white deposits on furniture and even damage the device. To justify this model, I will say that most budget devices do not purify water before supplying steam to the room. If you are looking for a device with this option, then the most affordable will be Ballu UHB-310.

Royal Clima Sanremo (RUH-S380/3.0M)

Another budget option comes from China. More expensive than the Leberg LH-11 is only 600 rubles. Designed for areas up to 40m2. The volume of the bowl is 3 liters. Battery life of 8-10 hours is a good indicator for budget models. Mechanical control. Among the advantages, in comparison with the Leberg LH-11, one should highlight the possibility of air aromatization, the presence of a compartment for aromatic oils and the ability to change the direction of steam using a lid. The package includes 5 carbon filters. This is the most primitive way to purify water for such devices. They are placed directly in the humidifier tank or in water, which is preliminarily defended. The quality of such cleaning, as for me, is doubtful, but for a budget device, this is already progress.

  • Price;
  • Large area of ​​humidification;
  • Cover regulating the direction of steam;
  • Ease of controls;
  • Too bright LED - power indicator;
  • Inconvenient bay of water;
  • The declared area of ​​​​the room for humidification does not correspond to reality. On an area over 25 m2, a sharp drop in the efficiency of humidification is felt.
  • Sometimes there is an excessive level of noise (gurgling);
  • Short power cable.

Royal Clima Sanremo (RUH-S380/3.0M), at least more reliable than Leberg LH-11. I came across just a few reviews complaining about the imminent failure of the device. In addition, there is a function of aromatization and carbon filters in the package. Therefore, I consider the price of 1,800 rubles justified, despite a number of shortcomings.

Turkish humidifier for 2,000 rubles. The build quality is better than Chinese competitors. The design is also more remarkable, using a combination of white and turquoise. The volume of the water tank is 4 liters. Claimed water consumption is 300 ml/h. A full tank is enough for 12-14 hours. There is a tray for aroma oils. Mechanical control. You can adjust the steam power and its direction. If there is not enough water to continue working, it will notify you by changing the color of the indicator light (from blue to red) and turn off automatically.

  • reliability;
  • design;
  • 4 l tank;
  • Aromatization;
  • Large water inlet;
  • Bright backlight;
  • Noisy;

In fact, nothing unattractive device. The number of units with marriage is also quite large, as evidenced by user reviews. I cannot recommend Sinbo SAH 6111 only because of the volume of the bowl and design, you can save money and buy Royal Clima Sanremo.

Humidifier from the Russian company Rusklimat. The price of 2,200 rubles may seem high at first, but keep in mind that this is one of the few budget humidifiers equipped with a filter for pre-softening the water. This prolongs the life of the device, saves the user from the problems of white plaque on furniture and the need for water purification. Mechanical control. Tank volume 3 liters (10 hours of operation). There is a container for aroma oils. The recommended humidification area is up to 40 m2. In practice, the device, like all previous ones, cannot cope with such a volume of work. The optimal area remains up to 25 m2. The design of the device deserves attention. Its body is made of high quality white plastic. In shape, it resembles a 5-liter eggplant with a cut top. There is no backlight that cuts the eyes. The work indicator is small and not bright, it will not interfere at night.

  • design;
  • Stability thanks to rubberized legs;
  • not a bright indicator of work;
  • Easy to remove reservoir
  • Filter for water purification;
  • Works quietly.
  • Short power cable;
  • at maximum power, after prolonged operation, a puddle forms around the device;
  • Filter cost.

Ballu UHB-310 can be recommended for small rooms with a noticeably reduced level of humidity. If the humidity in the room is on the verge, then the device may overdo it (you should be careful about adjusting the power of work). A big plus is the presence of a water filter. The device is clearly worth the money and surpasses all previous representatives of the rating in quality.

A Chinese-made device worth 2,500 rubles, designed specifically for children's rooms, combining the functions of a humidifier and a night light. Small humidification area (up to 18 m2). Design in the shape of a toy. Water consumption 150 ml/h. The volume of the bowl is 1.2 liters (8 hours of continuous operation). There is a shutdown function when there is no water in the tank. Regarding the silent operation declared by the manufacturer, there are nuances. The device sometimes gurgles. This is unlikely to interfere with deep children's sleep.

  • design;
  • Compactness;
  • The backlight can be turned on and off (optional);
  • quality build materials.
  • small volume of the tank;
  • inconvenient to wash the water tank;
  • short power cable;

This humidifier stands apart from the rest, because it is intended for children. It would be incorrect to compare it with the previous ones. Let me just say that children like this way of providing a healthy microclimate, and most parents using the device speak flatteringly about it. Based on this, I will recommend it for a children's room, adjusted for the fact that it has worthy competitors, for example, Royal Clima Murrrzio (RUH-MR200/1.5M).

Royal Clima Murrrzio (RUH-MR200/1.5M)

Another example of a humidifier for a children's room is made in the form of a cat of different colors - from white with brown and black spots to completely black. The price is 2,900 rubles. The volume of the tank is 1.5 liters. Water consumption 200 ml/hour. Time of continuous work - 8 hours. The service area is up to 20 m2, but the optimal indicator is 15 m2. Mechanical control. There is a tray for aroma oils.

  • design;
  • Compactness;
  • high-quality assembly materials;
  • Possibility of aromatization of air.
  • small volume of the tank;
  • It is inconvenient to wash the water tank;
  • The work indicator is bright and does not turn off;
  • Claimed service area is overstated;
  • no water filter.

The main advantage of Royal Clima Murrrzio (RUH-MR200/1.5M) over CS Medica KIDS CS-19h is the presence of a tray for aroma oils. How important this is is up to you. I think that overpaying 400 rubles in this case is unreasonable. On the other hand, an important detail in this case is the design of the device. Since it is intended for children, I advise you to choose by listening to their opinion. With their immediate task, both devices cope equally well.

TOP 5 ultrasonic humidifiers in the mainstream segment

Humidifier of domestic production, which in combination can serve as a night light. Lighting color can be selected from 7 proposed options. Futuristic design, in the form of a drop directed upwards. The upper part is made of translucent matte plastic. This model looks more expensive than it costs. Its price is only 3200 rubles. At the same time, there is a built-in water purification filter, a container for aromatic oils. Management is made by two touch keys. The first regulates the power of work (3 modes in total). The second turns on the backlight and changes its color. A bowl with a volume of 4 liters is enough for 10-12 hours of continuous effective work in a room up to 35 m2.

  • design;
  • price;
  • backlight;
  • Ease of operation;
  • Water purification filter.
  • short power cable;
  • Touch buttons are not always reliable;
  • It is inconvenient to pour water into the tank;
  • Difficult to clean tank.

Among humidifiers in the middle price segment, this model is far from the best. I would advise you to take a closer look at the Leberg LH-803. But if we compare it with state employees, then with a relatively small difference in price (up to 1000 rubles), I would recommend not saving. After all, for only 3,200 rubles you get both a high-quality humidifier and a lamp.

The design of this device resembles a small microwave oven. Its dimensions are 26x34x19 cm. Additional options include: air ozonation, off timer. It is possible to turn off the device after 1,3,4,6 and 10 hours of operation. It will also turn off if all the water has evaporated. The volume of the bowl for water is 3 liters. Consumption - 300 ml / hour. Time of continuous work till 10 o'clock. The effective humidification area is up to 30 m2. Water, before being fed directly to the ultrasonic membrane. passes through the filter. The control of the device is simple, carried out using mechanical buttons or a remote control. The current price is 3,300 rubles.

  • Advanced functionality (ozonation);
  • sleep timer;
  • Filter for water purification;
  • controllable with a remote control.
  • bad design;
  • fragile tank material;
  • It is difficult to find consumables (water purification cartridge).

The most budget humidifier with ozonation function. In real life, without special equipment, it is unrealistic to evaluate the benefits of this function; here we rely solely on the conscience of the manufacturer. But the ability to control using the remote control and the shutdown timer is already interesting and worth an overpayment of several hundred rubles. At the same time, the downside is the design and assembly materials of the device. As a result, I still prefer the Ballu UHB-190, or the more expensive Leberg LH-803.

This humidifier significantly surpasses all previous ones in terms of functionality. It can ionize air, preheat steam, and also determines the parameters of the microclimate of the room (temperature, humidity) and displays these indicators on the display. The humidifier has a built-in hygrostat. Theoretically, it is able to maintain the air humidity set by the user, that is, turn off when the set parameter is reached and turn on when it deviates downward. Personally, I am skeptical about this possibility. The technique does not have the ability to measure the humidity in the entire room, it repels only from the microclimate indicator next to it, and the humidity near the humidifier will always be higher. Therefore, I recommend, using this function, to set the required humidity indicator above the norm that you want to achieve in the room. By the way, the maximum humidity that this device can provide is 80%, well, this is according to the manufacturer.

Leberg LH-803 is good from a safety standpoint, it has a water purification filter and an air pre-filter. Both filters need maintenance and periodic replacement.

Main parameters. Service area up to 40 m2. The volume of the tank is 5 liters. Water consumption 400 ml/h (up to 15 hours of continuous operation). Adjustment of intensity of evaporation (3 operating modes). Aromatization. Steam heating. Ionization. Off timer (1-10 hours). Night mode (turns off all touchpad LEDs and display). Management - 7 touch buttons and an electronic display.

Design. The device is quite large 283x404x213 mm, it weighs almost 3 kg. Made of plastic in black and silver colors in the shape of a parallelepiped with slightly rounded corners. Price 3 600 rubles

  • Advanced functionality;
  • Bidirectional nozzles;
  • Filter for water purification;
  • Air filter;
  • Large tank;
  • Convenient mouth for the gulf of water;
  • Electronic display;
  • convenient touch control;
  • design.
  • Short wire;
  • Power consumption 105 W;
  • Touch buttons do not always respond;
  • The hygrostat is useless because the device cannot estimate the humidity in the room. The indicators of air humidity measurements with a regular hygrometer differ from the readings of a humidifier, even near it, not to mention the average humidity in the room.

Despite the shortcomings, I consider the Leberg LH-803 a worthy humidifier and clearly worth the overpayment of 300 rubles compared to the AIC SPS-840. Moreover, I consider the Leberg LH-803 to be optimal in terms of price / quality ratio, not only in the middle price segment, but in principle.

Made of black and silver plastic, it is very similar in shape to the Leberg LH-803, in fact, as well as in functionality. Service area - up to 45 m2. The volume of the tank is 5 liters. Water consumption - 450 ml / h (working time 12-15 hours). Functions of ionization, aromatization and warm steam are available. 10 hours off timer. Automatic shutdown when all the water evaporates or the tank is disconnected from the housing. Night mode. The hygrostat of the device is placed on the cord, this makes the measurement of humidity more accurate, although, as in the case of the Leberg LH-803, it does not correspond to the actual humidity in the room. Implemented tank lighting. Operation with 6 touch buttons and electronic display, or with a remote control. There is a ceramic filter for water purification. The price is 3,900 rubles.

  • Design;
  • Functional;
  • Large tank;
  • convenient touch control;
  • Tank illumination;
  • Remote control.
  • You can see the sediment on the black plastic of the tank;
  • The ceramic filter does not fulfill its function;
  • White plaque on furniture when using untreated water;
  • Night mode only works at maximum power;
  • The automatic shutdown function when all the water has evaporated does not work; The machine continues to cycle on and off until the user takes some action;
  • Power consumption 110 W.
  • The humidistat is useless.

For its price, the Polaris PUH 0605Di has many significant drawbacks, so I recommend the Leberg LH-803. I would not recommend more expensive humidifiers. After reading the rating to the end, you will understand why.

Humidifier from a Chinese electronics manufacturer, made of white plastic in the shape of a cylinder. It costs 6,700 rubles. The price is justified by the features of the device - water purification with a UV lamp, micron, which improves the atomization of the liquid, filling the liquid from above without the need to remove the tank. The light indicator inside it indicates a small amount of remaining water, changing color from yellow to red. The volume of 5 liters is enough for 15-18 hours of work. Service area 25m2. Mechanical control.

  • Design;
  • Ease of controls;
  • Convenient inlet of water;
  • Water purification by UV rays;
  • Low power consumption - 25W.
  • Price;
  • Short power cord;
  • Chinese fork;
  • Lack of additional functionality;

I do not recommend paying 6,700 rubles just for water purification with a UV lamp. The most budgetary devices, for example, Royal Clima Sanremo (RUH-S380 / 3.0M), do just as well with the humidification function. At the same time, its cost is almost 4 times less. Even humidifiers with advanced functionality are almost half the price.

TOP 4 premium ultrasonic humidifiers

The model is too similar to the Leberg LH-803. The only difference is the location of the touch buttons and the screen at the top, and the ability to control the remote control. Well, the plastic itself looks more expensive. In terms of functionality, there are also no differences - a bidirectional nozzle, ionization, aromatization, humidification, including warm steam, a built-in hygrometer, a water purification filter, night mode, an off timer. The volume of the tank is 5 liters, the operating time is up to 15 hours. At the same time, Leberg LH-803 costs 2.5 times cheaper. The only advantage that I can note is the absence of user complaints about marriage or a quick failure of REDMOND RHF-3316

  • Advanced functionality;
  • Bidirectional nozzle;
  • Filter for water purification;
  • Electronic display;
  • convenient touch control;
  • Quiet operation
  • design.
  • Price;
  • Power consumption 105 W;
  • The humidistat is useless.

Reliability is the only thing that justifies the cost of 8,800 rubles for REDMOND RHF-3316. If you are tight with finances, purchase the Leberg LH-803, you will not lose in functionality for sure.

Electrolux EHU-3710D/3715D

The popular Swiss brand Electrolux offers a humidifier with a unique Bio-Cop steam sterilization system and Relax Therapy lighting technology. At the same time, the technical characteristics and functionality of the device correspond to the devices of the middle price segment. Bio-Cop - complex water purification, by pasteurization at a temperature of 60 degrees, filtration, UV lamp treatment. The water tank is made of antibacterial plastic. Relax Therapy - dynamically changing colors (blue, green white) illumination of the upper part of the device. Whether it really relaxes is a moot point. Another advantage I would like to highlight the original design of the device. It is offered in two colors - white and black. The upper part is made of silvery plastic with transparent inserts, through which the Relax Therapy is actually illuminated. Management is carried out using touch buttons or remote control. The price is 9,000 rubles.

  • Steam sterilization Bio-Cop;
  • Design;
  • Remote control;
  • Quiet operation.
  • Power consumption 105W;
  • The hygrostat does not work correctly;
  • Complex control, many modes, no notation in Russian.

The Electrolux EHU-3710D / 3715D hardly deserves the cost of 9,000 rubles. The mysterious technology of steam cleaning, which is unrealistic to test in practice, the dubious illumination of the Relax Therapy is all that distinguishes it from the representatives of the middle price segment. When compared with REDMOND RHF-3316, the advantages, with a minimal difference in price, are obvious.

The Xiaomi CJJSQ01ZM Humidifier is often referred to as smart and antibacterial. Among the features is the ability to control from a Xiaomi smartphone. It also serves as an indicator of the operation of the device. On the application screen, you can see the operating mode, the current humidity parameter in the room (not the fact that it is accurate). Also, the smartphone will notify you about the end of the water in the humidifier or any emergency situation with it, although the alerts will have to be read in Chinese. If you do not have a smartphone of this brand, then you can control the humidifier with one mechanical button, choosing one of three operating modes. This humidifier is called antibacterial due to the treatment of water with a UV lamp, pre-filtration and antibacterial coating of the body. The cost of such a humidifier is almost 10,000 rubles.

  • Deep water purification
  • Ability to control from a smartphone
  • Quiet operation.
  • Design in the form of a small white tank made of high-quality plastic
  • Tank volume 3.5 liters;
  • Price.

Like Electrolux EHU-3710D/3715D, Xiaomi CJJSQ01ZM offers water purification technology, the effectiveness of which is unrealistic to confirm to a simple user. In addition, it is even deprived of the functions of ionization, aromatization and steam heating. Therefore, if you really choose from these two devices, I recommend the first.

The only humidifier in the premium segment worthy of attention. Combines two devices at once, can work as a fan. It has an increased working capacity due to the oval atomizer (patented Air Multiplier technology). Fine tuning - 10 modes of airflow speeds. Evaporates water purified by UV rays. The climate control sensor surprisingly accurately determines the temperature and humidity of the air and selects the evaporation power in automatic mode. The design is futuristic, reminiscent of a UFO - a white base, a transparent water tank and an oval atomizer on top. Unfortunately there are no additional features. Management is made by means of one mechanical button on the case and the DU panel. By the way, the developers also worked on it so that it would not get lost, it was equipped with a magnet for easy storage on the device. The price of Dyson AM10 is 37,000 rubles.

  • Futuristic design;
  • Fast and effective and uniform hydration;
  • Water purification by UV rays;
  • The built-in climate control system quite accurately determines the temperature and humidity in the room;
  • Bullet remote control;
  • Fine tuning;
  • It can work in fan mode.
  • No additional functionality;
  • Price.
  • It requires only water previously purified from mechanical impurities, otherwise deposits appear in the tank, nozzles become clogged.

Dyson AM10 is an interesting spacecraft that is really the best in terms of efficiency and uniformity of moisture, that is, it performs the main function better than others. If you need a high-quality humidifier, you don't need additional functionality and have the necessary amount, then the Dyson AM10 is a good choice. If the price of this device seems unjustified to you, I strongly recommend that you pay attention to devices in the middle price range. Buying an ultrasonic humidifier is the case when saving or overpaying is not worth it, the best choice would be the golden mean. In the middle price segment, there are devices that are optimal in terms of price / quality ratio.


Human health and general well-being is highly dependent on the environment. In our time, you should pay attention to the microclimate of the room in which we are most of the time. And directly, on air humidity. This indicator affects not only a person, but also plants, animals, furniture. The skin, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract need sufficient moisture, otherwise the likelihood of respiratory diseases increases and the level of immunity decreases. This is especially true for children.

How to artificially improve air quality in city apartments, poorly ventilated homes and children's rooms? To do this, there is a special device - a humidifier. To date, a wide range of such equipment is presented on the market. For the convenience of choosing the best humidifier, we have compiled a rating of budget and high-quality models. The main criteria and indicators by which the selection was made:

  • the popularity of the humidifier;
  • opinion of market experts;
  • reviews of real buyers;
  • correspondence of the cost to the overall quality of the product.

The installation of such equipment is mandatory in regions with a temperate climate (pronounced winter) with frequently operating heating or cooling devices.

The best inexpensive ultrasonic humidifiers: budget up to 4,000 rubles.

Ultrasonic humidifiers are the most popular devices among buyers. They are silent, compact, consume a minimum of electricity and are relatively inexpensive. They are often placed in the children's room, as they are safe and do not interfere with the child's sleep. Consider three of the most inexpensive and popular ultrasonic humidifiers.

How to choose an ultrasonic humidifier

3 Royal Clima Como (RUH-C300/2.5M)

Modern technologies at an affordable price
Country: China
Average price: 2,250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

For a low price, you get a 4 in 1 device with a modern Italian design. Royal Clima Como (RUH-C300/2.5M) is not only an effective humidifier, but also a fragrance, ionizer and night lamp. The pre-used water is saturated with ions and then sprayed into the room, enriching the air and purifying it. Thanks to the function of the night lamp, the humidifier is convenient to use in the children's room, it creates a soft, soothing light. With the help of aromatization, your apartment can be filled with pleasant soothing, tonic and healing aromas.

The water tank in the device is designed for 2.5 liters and when working at full capacity, this volume is enough for 7 hours. When the liquid runs out, the humidifier will automatically turn off and the red light will turn on. Royal Clima Como works especially well in small rooms up to 20 square meters. m.

2 Ballu UHB-205

Large service area with high efficiency
Country: China
Average price: 3,115 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.0

Ballu UHB-205 has earned a high place in the ranking due to the effective humidification of even large rooms (up to 40 m2 in size). There is a timer on the device, it is able to work for 10 hours and use liquid from a 3.5 liter tank. You can set the humidity level that the device will maintain automatically. The sound from it is very low, almost nothing is heard, even if the unit is next to the bed. Cold steam enters the apartment from the spout, which greatly increases the humidity in the immediate vicinity of the appliance (even things become a little wet).

The water tank is located on the top of the device and is easy to remove and wash. At the bottom there are filters and a fan where clean water enters. However, users say that the humidifier is made of thin plastic that can be broken even by hand. The display is very bright, the light prevents some from falling asleep. The minimum humidity is 55% and cannot be set below this level.

Which type of humidifier is better: ultrasonic, traditional or steam? Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of each type of humidifier:

humidifier type




Affordable price

High security

Forms steam without impurities (due to filters)

Manufacturability, automatic control of the humidity level in the room

Compact dimensions

Low noise

Low power consumption (best performance)

Rich choice (assortment)

Uneven distribution of steam in the room

The need for regular filter replacement


Natural hydration

Simple control

Silent operation

No chance of waterlogging


Economy (low power consumption)

High price

Fixed costs (you have to change paper cassettes every 2-3 months)

Small assortment in stores


high power

Quickly raises the humidity in the room

Efficient air purification

Scale does not form (not demanding on water quality)

No replacement filters required

Increased noise

Relatively high cost

Small assortment


The best functionality in the budget segment
Country: Japan
Average price: 3,290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.0

Of the budget models of humidifiers, SUPRA HDS-205 occupies a leading position due to its excellent functionality and good performance. This model has a relatively large serviced area with low water consumption and electricity consumption. The humidifier pleases with its appearance, bright display, backlight, timer and electronic control.

It has convenient features, including: air humidity sensor, direction adjustment (allows you to change the degree of steam supply), low water level indicator and ceramic filter. There is even a cleaning brush included. It should be noted and the function of ozonation, which helps to maintain the level of ozone in the room. It destroys most organic compounds in the air and provides a disinfectant effect. SUPRA HDS-205 is one of the best selling humidifiers in 2016-2017.

Video review

The best ultrasonic humidifiers in the middle segment: budget up to 7000 rubles.

Budget models do not always contain a wide range of functions and meet all quality requirements, but few people want to pay a high price. We have compiled a rating of high-quality humidifiers, but at an affordable cost.


15 hours of operation without refueling
Country: China
Average price: 6,690 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.0

A worthy place in the list of the best was taken by Redmond RHF-3303, which is able to work almost all day without interruption. The company has installed a unique Crystal Clear filtration system that purifies water from impurities (rust, salts, lime, harmful bacteria). The device with an ionizer softens the air and improves the microclimate in the house. Users in the reviews say that in a few hours of operation, the ultrasonic unit raises the humidity from 20% to 40%. Thanks to the auto-off function, you can set the desired level and forget about the device for the next few days.

It is convenient to control the cleaner using the remote control, the display is large enough, the symbols can be seen from afar. The capacity of the tank is 6 liters, in the summer this is enough for a week. The device has a winning design that does not irritate the eyes, does not contrast with the interior and does not attract too much attention. However, some are bothered by the noise and slight gurgling. It is not recommended to put it next to the bed and turn it on at night.

2 Boneco U201A

The best antibacterial protection
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 6 860 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.0

The Boneco U201 humidifier has a built-in cartridge with a special resin that effectively kills germs. With regular use, it will last 4 months, especially if you pour in high-quality water. The cleaner it is, the less often you need to change consumables. The humidifier is designed for rooms up to 47 m2. It handles smaller rooms quickly and efficiently, raising the values ​​to user-set values.

The tank is designed for 3.6 liters of water, it is enough for 10 hours of continuous operation. The display has a backlight, not very bright, but sufficient for comfortable reading of the symbols. It can be turned off at any time. The device is relatively inexpensive for such a number of necessary functions; in reviews, buyers talk about the good quality of materials. However, the humidifier can be heard at night, it gurgles and squelches. It is not very comfortable to be in silence with him, and the noise level is comparable to the operation of a laptop or refrigerator.

1 Electrolux EHU-1020D

High quality functional humidifier
Country: Sweden
Average price: 6,750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.0

Wide functionality, build quality and materials, low power consumption - all this puts the Electrolux EHU-1020D in first place in our ranking of the best humidifiers. It has the criteria listed above, except for the aromatization function. It should also be noted the presence of a pre-filter. It rids the air of dust, animal hair and also protects the device itself; after contamination, it is enough to rinse it under running water. The humidifier has a convenient shape with a flat bottom, which allows you to put it in the sink without holding it in your hands when taking the liquid.

This model is equipped with a car adapter, that is, it can work from the car's cigarette lighter. Of the other nice "goodies" it is worth noting the presence of a display for displaying service information, a timer and a case backlight.

The only drawback that can be observed in the technical characteristics of the Electrolux EHU-1020D is a small serviced area, only 30 sq. m. For comparison, its closest competitors from our rating work on premises of 45 and 47 sq. m. m.

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Best Traditional Humidifiers (Natural Hydration)

Traditional humidifiers have the most primitive design. The principle of their operation is the passage of an air stream through a wet filter - a paper cassette (some of them have antibacterial impregnation). It is saturated with water from the tank and due to the fan, wet particles evaporate into the external environment. The process occurs without heating, which is why this method is otherwise called “cold” or natural moisturizing. The evaporation rate in such devices depends on the level of dryness of the room. The lower the humidity, the faster the process. For this reason, humidifiers with natural evaporation are recommended to be placed near a heat source (radiators, near a window in summer).

The main advantages of traditional humidifiers are silent and safe operation. But the disadvantages include the need for regular replacement of paper filters - every 2 months, subject to daily use.

3 Fanline VE400

Budget drug with high efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 8,198 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The most budgetary air washer in the TOP-3 is the domestically produced device Fanline VE400. The main advantage is the price, although in many respects the drug is not inferior to more expensive competitors. It is equipped with an ionizing electrode that releases negative ions into the air. They bring the atmosphere of the room closer to the natural one, which, as scientists have proven, has a positive effect on human health. For washing the air, a special disinfectant "Dezavid-Bas" with strong bactericidal properties is used.

Positive user reviews prove the effectiveness of the humidifier. They note the freshness of the air, the absence of odors. The drug does not leave marks on furniture, practically does not make noise, has a capacious tank of 8 liters. The manufacturer allows adding aromatic oils, sea salt to it. The domestic assembly showed itself equally well with different water quality.

2 Philips AC 4080

Better performance and functionality
Country: Netherlands (made in China)
Average price: 25,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The most complete representative of the rating of natural humidifiers is the Philips AC 4080 model. In terms of cleaning level, not one rating humidifier can match the device. Philips AC 4080 has a multi-level filtration system consisting of 4 cartridges: pre-filter, HEPA filter, carbon and humidifier.

The first stage is responsible for the retention of large molecules and impurities, the second and third hold all the smallest particles and unpleasant odors (including tobacco smoke). And the humidification function is responsible for sterilization and humidity.

Philips AC 4080 boasts the best performance in the ranking. The device purifies 210 cubic meters of air per hour and is able to work on a once filled tank up to 8 hours.

1 Boneco W2055DR

Quietest job ever. Popular Traditional Humidifier
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 24,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The quietest humidifier in our ranking is the popular Boneco W2055DR. In the night mode, the device emits no more than 25 dB - this is quieter than the ticking of the clock on your wall. In the TOP-3 of the best traditional humidifiers (air-washers) it is the only one equipped with a display and an aromatization function that fills the room with pleasant and healing smells. Boneco W2055DR is the best in terms of the size of the serviced area, which is 50 sq. m.

The device uses the 4th generation plastic disc system, the latest patented technology from Plaston. Each of them consists of small honeycombs that easily hold water droplets, which allows you to increase the performance of the humidifier. Also, new discs have become even better at eliminating dust, hair particles, animal hair and other harmful impurities. The Boneco W2055DR boasts an Ionic Silver Stick that removes over 650 types of pathogens from the water.

According to numerous positive user reviews, one can judge the simple use of the device, effective purification and humidification of the air, compactness and silent operation. But buyers attribute the overpriced price and the gurgling of water that the device emits during night work to minor drawbacks.

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Best steam humidifiers (hot steam humidification)

Steam humidifiers are considered the best in terms of power. The principle of their work is the evaporation of water under the action of electrodes immersed in water. When a current is passed through the electrodes, the liquid begins to boil and evaporate. If traditional humidifiers are classified as "cold" type, then steam can be classified as "hot".

The main advantage of such devices is high efficiency, rapid improvement of the microclimate and removal of harmful bacteria. But the disadvantages include low security. Hot steam can easily burn you, so it is recommended to install the devices in places inaccessible to children.

3 Stadler Form Fred F-005EH

Quietest humidifier. Great design
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 9 341 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Stadler Form Fred F-005EH surpasses many other humidifiers in noise level - only 26 dB (very quiet whisper). Every day, the user must fill the tank with water, this is enough for 8-10 hours of continuous operation. The device will automatically turn off when there is no liquid. The model is very stable, even accidentally tripping over the humidifier, it will not roll over. Inside there are filters for cleaning and softening water, but the manufacturer recommends pouring distilled liquid. The device consumes 360 ml/hour.

Buyers in the reviews note that it is easy to pour water into the tank, it does not splash on the surface. White plaque does not appear on the walls and clothes, even if the liquid contains salts. During the night, the unit raises the humidity level from 25% to 55%. However, for some it is a little hot to be near him, after all, the steam is hot. It is not recommended to put it in the children's room, the child can be scalded.

2 Beurer LB 50

Popular steam humidifier
Country: Germany
Average price: 6700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The most popular steam humidifier in the ranking is the Beurer LB 50. The device is in great demand due to its extremely affordable price. The Beurer LB 50 costs almost three times less than its rating competitor, the humidifier from Boneco. The device is controlled only mechanically, using conventional rotary controls. But at the same time it is completed with a demineralizing cartridge and aromatization function. In terms of performance, the Beurer LB 50 can leave behind many expensive units, as it is able to effectively humidify up to 50 square meters. m.

Unlike many steam devices that are famous for their high noise, this model turned out to be surprisingly quiet. Other clear advantages in user reviews include a simple design, high-quality assembly, high performance and a humane price tag.

1 Boneco S450

Service area 60 sq. m.
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 16,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The most expensive, but also the most complete steam humidifier in the ranking is the Boneco S450. This is a powerful device that can serve up to 60 sq. m., equipped with a hygrostat, timer, display and demineralizing cartridge. The anti-limestone disc that the Boneco S450 is equipped with helps to reduce the level of scale in the humidifier, which makes it easier to maintain the device.

According to user reviews, the main advantages of the Boneco S450 are fast and high-quality work, a capacious water tank, a nice design and no consumables. But among the obvious shortcomings, excessive noise and an inflated price tag are noted.

Best Premium Humidifiers

Finally, we got to the highest level of humidifiers - premium. Models from this category are made using different technologies and differ greatly from each other in technical terms, but common features can be clearly seen - high efficiency, manufacturability, reliability and innovation. The cost of representatives is sometimes simply dumbfounded, but the health of the household, provided by the optimal microclimate, justifies it.

3 Daikin MCK75JVM-K

Perfect air purification (photocatalytic and electrostatic filter)
Country: Japan
Average price: 49,900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Opens the category unsightly from the outside, but thought out inside the device. The model not only moisturizes the air, but also softens it. And, very effectively. Photocatalytic and electrostatic filters are used, providing almost 100% purification. In automatic mode, the unit can detect dust, smoke and other pollutants in the air and turn on a more intensive method of operation.

The humidifier works great. The recommended figure of 60% is gaining very quickly. There is an air ionization function, which is especially appreciated by allergy sufferers. Separately, it is worth talking about the service. Yes, the humidifier comes with 6 spare filters, each of which is enough for a year, but the user will have to noticeably tinker with cleaning the device itself.

2 Boneco H680

The quietest and most efficient air washer
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 59,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

And again, we have before us not just a humidifier, but a combined device. The dimensions are relatively small, given the volume of the 10 liter water tank. Thanks to this, you will have to add fluid infrequently, and the low level indicator will remind you to do it on time. Appearance, judging by the reviews, is very popular with customers - neat and stylish. There is also a beautiful information panel. The H680 is controlled by the remote control.

There are three operating modes: automatic, night and children. It is also possible to turn on separately the functions of cleaning or moisturizing. Air quality is ensured by three filters at once: HEPA filter, water and carbon. There is also an aromatization function - just pour a special oil and enjoy a fresh, pleasantly smelling room. Separately, it is worth noting the noise level - only 25 dB - the device can be safely placed even in a children's room.

1 Dyson AM10

best ultrasonic humidifier
Country: UK (manufactured in Malaysia)
Average price: 38,900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Dyson appliances have always caused a lot of talk. Why? disappears immediately after looking at the leader of the rating. The design is very futuristic, the materials are pleasant to the touch. The device simply does not want to be hidden in a far corner. At the same time, the appearance is also practical - the tank is transparent, and therefore the water level in it is immediately visible. Yes, and the droplets on the walls look beautiful.

In technical terms, everything is fine. Yes, Dyson, unlike previous participants, cannot purify the air, but with a direct function - humidification - it does a great job. In automatic mode, the AM10 automatically selects the optimal intensity of work depending on the temperature and the condition of the surrounding air. For control, a convenient remote control is used, which is elegantly attached to the body of the device using magnets - you won’t lose it. AM10 can also work without air humidification, acting as a simple fan.

Separately, it is worth noting the process of servicing the device. It… is missing. There is no need to change filters, because there are none at all. There are no special requirements even for liquids - the built-in UV lamp will disinfect ordinary tap water.

How to choose a humidifier?

  • Type of humidifiers. They are divided into steam, traditional and ultrasonic. Ultrasonic models are considered the most high-tech and affordable, so there are much more of them on the market.
  • Service area. Each humidifier has a service area indicated in the specifications. As a rule, from 10 to 30 sq. m. This figure indicates what space the device can effectively moisten. This indicator depends on the power. The higher it is, the larger the area the device can serve.

    Ultraviolet lamp. A very useful feature that allows you to neutralize pathogenic bacteria present in the air (using ultraviolet radiation). Indispensable for allergy sufferers and people prone to frequent diseases of the respiratory system.

  • Ionization function. Thanks to it, the air is saturated with negatively charged ions, which attach to dust particles and settle on the floor. There is air purification.
  • Water consumption and tank volume devices - the larger it is, the less often you have to refuel the humidifier.
  • Availability humidity sensor air or hygrostat. The device immediately turns off when the required indicator is reached, and when the level drops, it turns on the evaporator again.

Air humidifiers are indispensable devices, especially when the heating season begins, and radiator batteries begin to literally dry out the microclimate of houses and apartments. To date, many companies are engaged in the release of these devices, from first-tier brands to small firms that have only recently entered the market. One way or another, the choice is quite large, and it is easy to get lost in it. To eliminate long searches, the top 10 best models of 2018 for improving the microclimate in the house will be presented below. But first, let's figure out what is the difference between a humidifier and other units similar in purpose.

Today, the climate technology market has a lot of modern gadgets that work on the optimal parameters of air purity and humidity. And if a humidifier is familiar to almost everyone, then not everyone knows what an air washer or an ionizer is. To understand what better copes with the microclimate, you need to know the purpose of these devices.

Air washing

So, an air washer has expanded functionality compared to a humidifier: in addition to the usual spraying of moisture, it will have the ability to sanitation of the surrounding area, which is achieved by various methods.

The humidifier is suitable for use in normal conditions, while the sink is designed to solve some specific tasks. For example, additional air purification is necessary for anyone who suffers from seasonal allergies. Often resort to the use of air washers and asthmatics, whose health directly depends on a healthy microclimate in the room. A conventional humidifier binds dust particles, causing them to settle on the surface more intensively, but, nevertheless, cannot guarantee the purity of the oxygen inhaled. Therefore, for people those with asthma or allergies, not worth the choice - air washer or humidifier. The first option is definitely better.


An air ionizer and a humidifier have more differences - these devices have different tasks. The ionizer charges the air passing through the electrical voltage with negatively charged ions. The beneficial effect of the use of ionizers has been repeatedly confirmed by many independent studies. The functions of the compared devices are practically not connected in any way, both perform their highly specialized tasks for the sake of a common goal - the creation of a favorable microclimate in the room.

air purifier

If a humidifier is a highly specialized device, then an air purifier is a complex multifunctional device. Most often, the air purifier has a humidification function, being a complex all-in-one device. The main task of an air space purifier is to work with particles of dirt and dust flying in the air. Being drawn into a special hole, all the dust settles on the filters. As a rule, an air purifier is endowed with several filters: a primary filter, a wet filter, and a fine filter to trap the finest dust. In addition to moisturizing and cleaning, the purifier can also have built-in ionizer combining the functions of three devices.

The disadvantage of these devices is that they are expensive and require constant maintenance with filter replacement.

It is best to choose a device for personal use, based on needs. If the main task is air ionization, then a specialized device is suitable for this. When the range of tasks is somewhat wider, you can consider an air purifier. And if you only need increase in humidity, it is obvious that a quality humidifier will do the best job. So, let's look at the best models of humidifiers in 2017.

The rating of air humidifiers is opened by a model from the domestic brand "Ballu". This company is known to the buyer for high-quality heating equipment. The device is sold at a price of 2999 rubles. Its distinguishing feature is unique design, making references to the famous cartoon character, developed under license from the Disney Corporation. The device is perfect for a child, because in addition to an attractive appearance, it has everything you need for high-quality air humidification in a nursery.

The maximum power level is 18 W, while the device is able to serve up to 20 sq.m. area. The principle of ultrasonic humidification, so the water consumption remains relatively small. The volume of the liquid tank is only 1.5 liters. The maximum fluid flow per hour is 180 ml. You can control the direction of humidification, adjusting it as needed, regardless of how the device body is installed, which is very convenient. The intensity of evaporation with the help of a cooler that blows out fine dust can also be adjusted.

On the front side of the device there is a sensor that signals a low level of liquid in the tank, and the case itself is equipped with a convenient backlight.

A wonderful device that is sold in several colors. The price of the device makes it attractive for a home with a nursery. One of the best models of 2018 on the market, which is primarily aimed at a children's target audience.

  • affordable price;
  • high reliability;
  • tightness of the body at the joints;
  • low water consumption;
  • attractive appearance, several colors;
  • weighs little;
  • You can then adjust the moisture and its intensity;
  • there is an indicator.
  • a small number of settings;
  • meager equipment;
  • short power cord.

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In ninth place is a model with good reviews, released by Boneko. The manufacturer entered the mass market of humidifiers back in 2015, and since then has gained considerable popularity among a large number of users. The cost of the device is 7900 rubles. The main indicators of the device are as follows: ultrasonic air humidification, the maximum power is 130W, suitable for a room of 60 sq.m. The liquid reservoir has a volume of as much as 6.5 liters. The maximum water flow is 550 ml per hour. The model is equipped with a humidistat, as well as demineralizing cartridge.

There is a pre-heating of water and the ability to adjust the direction in which humidification will be carried out.

The installation is provided only on the floor, the power comes from a 220 V network. In the "warm steam" mode, the water consumption will be increased, and in the standard mode it will be no more than 400 grams per hour. Reliable device for medium sized rooms. The cost of the device allows it to be attributed to the middle class with a balanced list of built-in features. A high degree of reliability, increased tightness at the joints and necks allow for long-term and trouble-free operation. The device will be of interest to anyone who wants to buy a humidifier that has all the features within its main tasks. An excellent choice for a wide range of consumers.

  • thoughtful design;
  • interesting case design;
  • excellent level of tightness;
  • strong plastic, which does not form scale;
  • water heating before grinding;
  • high performance;
  • large liquid tank;
  • two modes of water consumption;
  • large serviced area;
  • low power consumption.
  • price;
  • there is no additional cartridge included;
  • the cost of consumables is quite high.

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The rating of the best continues with the ultrasonic humidifier from Neoclima. The company specializes in the production of cooling systems and heating equipment. The lines of the presented devices include all the variety of prices, from the most affordable to the top all-in-one models. In this case, we are talking about a specialized apparatus that has only one function - air humidification. The model itself is inexpensive, the price tag for it is within 1390 rubles. The maximum power level of the device is only 30 W, but this is quite enough for the operation of the ultrasonic motor. The humidifier is able to serve a room up to 20 sq.m in size.

Given the silent operation and the small amount of wetted area, the device is best suited for a child's room.

The device is able to work up to 9 hours without topping up the liquid. The volume of the water tank is only 2.6 liters, so the dimensions of the humidifier remain very compact, easy to carry and transport. The maximum moisture consumption is 280 ml/h. Included in delivery is demineralizing cartridge. The intensity of evaporation, as well as the speed of rotation of the cooler, can be controlled using the appropriate adjustments. The device works from a conventional 220 V network. A wonderful humidifier, suitable for small rooms, children's rooms or bedrooms. Affordable price, strong case of small size and a well-known brand make the Neoclima model an interesting option for purchase.

  • different color solutions;
  • low electricity consumption;
  • strong body;
  • trusted brand;
  • tank tightness;
  • strong fixation on the floor;
  • long work without topping up.
  • equipment;
  • few adjustments;
  • small service area.

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Seventh place is occupied by one of the best ultrasonic humidifiers on the Yandex.market from the Polaris brand. Due to its high performance, the device is perfect for both home and apartment. Renowned pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky recommends that the children's room always have a fixed level of humidity, which can be easily achieved using the proposed model. Its cost is 2390 rubles. This is the best ultrasonic humidifier in terms of economy: the maximum power consumption is only 23 watts.

The serviced area does not exceed 40 sq.m. The device can work almost a day without topping up the liquid (21 hours). The volume of the water tank is only 5.5. liters. This duration is achieved due to low moisture consumption, 350 ml/h. The model is equipped with a reliable hygrostat and comes with an ionizer. On the front there is a department for controlling the device. The panel has a thermometer and a timer with up to 8 hour increments. Bright electronic display reads great in the dark. In addition to the buttons, there is an indicator of the remaining amount of water on the case. Reliable and functional model, a good offer at a balanced and fair price from a well-known manufacturer.

  • high degree of reliability;
  • wide functionality;
  • profitability;
  • high performance;
  • perfect for a child's room;
  • convenient management;
  • timer;
  • built-in ionizer.
  • no remote control;
  • only one sensor available;
  • short power cord.

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The 2018 rating continues the traditional humidifier from the famous Kovai brand. Despite the rather high cost of the device (21,990 rubles), the demand for it is quite high. This is primarily due to natural way of working- this is the main distinguishing feature from ultrasonic and steam analogues. The power of the device is only 56 watts. The volume of the water tank is 4.5 liters. An accurate hygrostat is built into the model, which gives out true information. There is also a built-in pre-filter and ionizer. A pleasant surprise was the presence flavor functions.

Given the wide range of possibilities, this model can be positioned as an air purifier and humidifier in one device.

The instrument panel has a convenient timer with 1, 2, 4 and 8 hour increments. The declared noise level at maximum load is only 45 dB. The weight of the device is 6.3 kg. A wonderful model that can be used as a cleaner, humidifier and ionizer. An excellent example of an all-in-one device. Someone may be scared away by the high cost, but the device is definitely worth the money. Given that traditional humidifiers have greater performance and functionality than their counterparts, we can safely recommend the device to anyone for whom this function is primarily important.

  • multifunctionality;
  • performance;
  • low noise level;
  • strong and reliable case;
  • well-known manufacturer
  • convenient timer;
  • easy operation;
  • built-in fragrance.
  • high price;
  • device weight;
  • expensive consumables.

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In fifth place is humidifier air purifier. The Panasonic brand is known to many domestic users for a wide range of manufactured household appliances. The model in question is sold at a price of 22,990 rubles in two colors, black and white. The main function of the device is cleaning, but there is also a built-in humidifier. Power is 43 watts. Served area no more than 40 sq.m. Fluid consumption does not exceed 0.5 liters at maximum load. The device has a pre-filter and an air ionizer. On the control unit there is an adjustment of the fan speed and moisture evaporation.

The maximum noise level, according to the assurances of the developers, is 51 dB at peak load. If the device is running at minimum load, then the noise level does not exceed 18 dB, which makes it one of the quietest in today's rating.

The device weighs quite a lot, 8.3 kg, but it compact dimensions make it much easier to carry the device. A solid, reliable device that fully justifies its price. Honored participant of today's top 10. A rare case when the price tag fully justifies the content. Excellent assembly and classic case shapes will not leave indifferent everyone who primarily relies on quality and reliability. High performance and energy efficiency make the model from Panasonic attractive and interesting as a candidate for purchase.

  • high degree of reliability;
  • the ability to choose colors;
  • low noise level;
  • low fluid intake;
  • compact dimensions;
  • functional ionizer;
  • low level of electricity consumption.
  • rather high price;
  • meager equipment;
  • expensive filter to replace.

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On the fourth line is a steam humidifier from the manufacturer Bauer. The device can be attributed to the middle price segment, its cost does not exceed 6400 rubles. The maximum power of the device is 380 watts. The serviced area does not exceed 50 sq.m. The volume of the water tank is five liters, and the maximum flow rate is 350 ml/h. The kit also comes with a demineralizing cartridge. In addition to the basic functions, it is possible to sprinkling of aromatic oils, which significantly expands the functionality of the device.

The device is powered by a conventional 220 V network. The control unit is mechanical. The indicator of a small amount of water is placed on the front of the device. Pleases with the small weight of the model - only 2.8 kg. The dimensions are very compact, which makes it easy to carry the humidifier from room to room. Considering steam principle of operation, it can be argued that the device is able to purify the air in the room. This property allows us to recommend this model for use in a children's room, where, in addition to humidification, it may often be necessary to clean the air from dust.

  • steam humidification;
  • light;
  • low moisture consumption;
  • convenient control of the device;
  • sealed tank for liquid;
  • high performance;
  • strong body;
  • nice design.
  • short power cord;
  • expensive replacement cartridge;
  • short cord, you need to use a carrier.

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The top three is opened by an ultrasonic air humidifier from Timberk. The company entered the Russian market long enough to acquire an impressive army of fans. The best humidifiers in today's ranking have qualities that make them stand out from the countless models on the market. First of all, this affordable price, which already includes an impressive technological potential. The cost of this device is only 3310 rubles. The model is available in two colors, classic white and unusual green. The maximum working power is 38 W, and the served area of ​​the room should not exceed 30 sq.m. The water tank has a volume of 3300 ml. The highest moisture consumption is at the level of 280 ml/h.

The direction in which humidification will occur can be adjusted, as well as the speed of rotation of the cooler, and the intensity with which evaporation occurs.

The device has built-in flavor, which significantly expands its functionality. The control unit of the device is mechanical. On the front side there is a liquid level sensor that turns on when there is not enough water in the tank. Dimensions are quite compact, so the device is easy to carry from one room to another. The weight of the model is only 2 kg. Given the low cost of the device and an impressive range of features, we can safely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a simple, but at the same time functional humidifier. Perfect for a wide range of buyers.

  • well-known and proven manufacturer;
  • high degree of reliability;
  • long service life;
  • strong body;
  • modern and bright design;
  • a light weight;
  • compact dimensions;
  • built-in room aromatization option;
  • perfect for use in a child's room.
  • small volume of the liquid tank;
  • short power cord;
  • there is no filtering function.

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The second place in today's rating belongs to the device from the highly specialized manufacturer "Stadler Form Fred". This is a mid-range steam appliance that stands out unusual design. In appearance, the device resembles a flying saucer, which, no doubt, will appeal to children. Quiet, almost silent operation will be another plus in favor of using the model in a nursery. The cost of the humidifier is 8670 rubles. For the specified cost, the user receives a rather impressive list of benefits. Peak power consumption is no more than 300 watts. The serviced premises should not exceed the size of 50 sq.m.

In terms of the duration of operation, the device is an absolute champion - as much as 30 hours at minimum load. The liquid reservoir has a volume of 3.6 liters and an average flow rate of 360 ml/h. The humidifier is equipped with an extremely precise hygrostat. The kit also includes a demineralizing cartridge, which is enough for a long period of use. Adjustment is possible in two directions, the intensity of the cooler and the evaporation of moisture. Installation only on a flat horizontal surface, without the possibility of mounting on the wall. An ordinary 220 V socket serves as a power source. The proposed model will perfectly cope with the problem dry air in the nursery. The device is suitable for a wide range of customers.

  • wide functionality;
  • high reliability;
  • strong body;
  • sealed water compartment;
  • good performance;
  • long service life from bay to bay (at minimum power up to 30 hours);
  • bright and unusual design;
  • the hygrostat is outside.
  • high price;
  • Few adjustment options
  • meager delivery.

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The best humidifier of today's rating is a device from domestic brand"Atmos". The manufacturer is expanding its presence in the climate technology market from year to year, making a worthy competitor to well-known Western firms. The device of the average price level, sold in retail at an average price of 4050 rubles. It is one of the most economical devices in its class, with a maximum power consumption of only 25 watts. The serviced area should not be more than 35 sq.m. The water tank has a volume of 4.2 liters, the flow rate does not exceed 250 ml per hour. The control unit is equipped with a bright, well-readable display in the dark and a convenient timer with several settings. The liquid level indicator is located on the front side.

For operation at night, the case is illuminated, so the model can also be used as a night lamp.

A wonderful device that can fit into almost any interior of a nursery, bedroom or small living room. Bright, remarkable design attracts attention, making a lasting impression. Recommended for use in a child's room.

  • there is a case backlight;
  • domestic manufacturer;
  • good assembly;
  • tightness of the liquid tank;
  • silent operation;
  • low power consumption;
  • bright design.
  • short power cord;
  • few settings;
  • not informative timer.

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The air humidifier is a specific highly specialized device, so it is essential to know exactly where to place the device in order to maximize all its capabilities. First of all, it is worth remembering that you can not install a working humidifier next to a heater(oil, convector type, etc.). Such a neighborhood can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of a short circuit of the device due to moisture that has fallen on it.

A humidifier is best placed in a room between a bed (or other furniture) and a dehumidifier. This will minimize the negative impact of the heater.

Important: in no case should you install a humidifier near a door or doorway, because in this case there is a high probability of overturning a working device, forgetting about its location.

Due to low performance factor not recommended put the device on the window. Otherwise, the main thing is to follow the recommendations above. The maximum performance of any type of humidifier is guaranteed if it intercepts and neutralizes the effect of the heater, acting as a humidifying "shield" between the heat source and the owner.

As can be seen from the rating, ultrasonic and steam humidifiers are the most common. At the heart of the work steam humidifier is the principle of heating water to a state of evaporation. The moisture obtained in this way is ejected through the nozzle, being under pressure. When water is heated, it is purified and the steam is purified. Humidifiers of this type will be more relevant for a child's room or in a room where you want to keep the air not only humidified, but also cleaner. The disadvantage of such devices is too rapid consumption of moisture, which occurs due to heating.

ultrasonic humidifier differs from the steam principle of operation. Unlike the latter, the release of fine dust through the nozzle occurs due to the crushing of water droplets using an ultrasonic wave. Heating inside the device is not carried out, so the steam almost always remains at room temperature. The downside is the lack of any purification or filtration, only moisturizing.

Which humidifier to choose, steam or ultrasonic, depends on the needs: both do their job well, but each in its own area. Where minimal cleaning is required, steam will be preferred.

Highly Recommended change regularly (do not top up, namely change) water in the device tank , as well as rinse it from limescale, mucus on the walls, and disinfect. Otherwise, there is a possibility of infection with the legionella bacterium that lives and breeds in warm stagnant water. The infection enters the human body by inhaling water vapor, so you do not need to wait for deadly germs to settle in your humidifier, it is better to follow simple maintenance requirements.

The relative humidity of the air must not exceed recommended, excessive "wetness" creates comfortable conditions for the existence of dust mites and contributes to the appearance of mold. It is clear that this is unfavorable not only for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, but for all people and things.

The instrument must be operated at a temperature not exceeding 23 degrees otherwise, instead of healthy, humid and cool air, the owners risk getting suffocating tropics.

Careless handling of steam models can lead to burns or, for example, dampness of the wallpaper on the walls.

A slight hum may disturb the baby's sleep. From my own experience, I can say that even if the baby has not heard such a noise since birth, addiction passes quickly.

Conclusion: in order to get continuous benefit without harm, you must carefully read the instructions and follow its few rules..

What are humidifiers?

The devices we consider are: steam, ultrasonic and cold steam.

A separate line are the so-called air wash . According to the type of evaporation, they are cold, but the role of a paper filter is played by a drum of many plates rotating in a container. Devices of this type pass room air through the water and, in addition to moisturizing, collect dust, lint and other flying particles, hence the name. Their design is very simple, not without reason among the people such sinks are called "a bucket with a motor." Pretty big, needs some space to fit.

Choosing a humidifier for a child's room - my selection criteria

The main selection criterion, of course, is the type of humidifier, I spoke about them above. You can also add that there are humidifiers with an additional function of air purification using a HEPA filter or carbon. There are models with ionization or aromatization. The former charge the air of the room with negative ions, while the latter have a "nest" for essential oils.

Deciding on the type , we calculate the area of ​​the serviced premises, it is by this parameter that further selection takes place. From my own experience I will say that when buying a device for 60 sq.m, one cannot hope that the air in the entire apartment with such an area will become sufficiently humid. As a rule, a tangible result is noticeable only in the room where the humidifier is installed, so it is more efficient to buy two small ones.
Noise level . It is clear that I would like to be quieter. The quietest are ultrasonic models.

Tank volume . Associated with the area served, the smaller the capacity, the more often you will have to top up the water.

Consumed electricity . The most expensive are steam, the most economical are air and cold steam washes. Costs increase if the device is with an electronic control type.

Built-in hygrometer . Not needed, since its readings, in the immediate vicinity of the source of moisture, will not be correct. It is better to buy a separate one and hang it over the child's bed.

Additional options:

  • Timer - turns the device on and off.
  • Filter indicator - indicates the need for replacement.
  • Operation indicator - indicates that the humidifier is working, displays the mode (there are several of them).
  • Water level regulator - shows how much water is left in the tank, and turns off the device if it runs out.

Top 10 Great Humidifiers at an Affordable Price

Since ultrasonic humidifiers are the safest, most productive and silent, they were mainly included in the review.

I liked these:

Ballu UHB-255 E Hello Kitty

In the form of Kitty, which will greatly approve of the daughter. For a room less than 20 sq.m., with a timer, the maximum operating time is 8 hours. There is a water softener cartridge.

Price ok. 4000 rub.

Designed for an area of ​​60 sq.m. has many different electronic bells and whistles and special modes: warm steam, Baby, SPA, night, automatic. 10-12 hours of operation without topping up water. Stylish appearance.

Vitek VT-1761 BK

On 40 sq.m., with built-in ionizer and antibacterial filter.

About 3000 rub.

Boneco U201A Blue

A device from a Swiss company - a recognized professional in the market of air purifiers and humidifiers. Ultrasonic, area up to 47 sq.m, with fragrance, ionizing silver rod, water softener cartridge. I really liked it externally: the blue body and the backlight of the water.

Polaris PUH 2650

Ultrasonic, 24 sq.m. With cute flowers "on the facade", it can work up to 12 hours, the strength of moisture is adjustable.

Price ok. 3000 rub.

Scarlett SC-985

For 30 sq.m. A beautiful multi-colored backlight (replacing a night light), takes up little space, is silent, and for a very small 2000 rubles.


The same ultrasound, at 40 sq.m. Color white with gold, up to 13 hours of operation, self-regulation of moisture, ionizer.

Price approx. 4000 rub.

Redmond RHF-3302

Humidifier with mechanical control. Beautiful black and white case with a pattern. Designed for a small space.

Price ok. 2500 rub.

Another type looks quite large (dimensions 26x28x31cm) and is not very attractive, but it “washes” the air in the room, which is very noticeable when changing the water in the tank, dust, hair and other troubles float there. For 20 sq.m.


Steam, 20 sq.m. Softens, disinfects and warms water. Korean assembly.

Price ok. 10000 rub.

We, after much thought and hesitation, after a fight with a strangling amphibian (colloquially a toad), opted for an air washer. Until they were disappointed, she fulfills her tasks, but a little expensive, of course. Most of my friends who use ultrasonic humidifiers also do not complain. So the choice is yours. Easy breathing!

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