Modern dhow curtain design. Choosing curtains for a children's room - the main criteria

Design and interior 09.11.2018
Design and interior

Every day, starting from the very first moments of life, the child, step by step, overcomes the difficult, but fascinating path of development and knowledge of the world. Kindergarten is a place for the creative development of the child, as well as his first experience of communication and conflict resolution. The child studies absolutely all objects and details with interest, finding something new and unknown in them. And even curtains are no exception. For children, such a simple element as curtains turns into a fun, educational, developing and educational game. Therefore, the brighter and more colorful they are, the better.

Another rule kindergarten is a daily walk on the field in any weather, unless the parents ask the child to leave. But at the same time, not all children go together - the groups change. As a result, there are more children in the room during most of the day, so there is no usual noise for kindergartens. “There is a forest ten minutes away from us, so we often go there.” This is a great relief for parents who do not have time to go out to wildlife. On the other hand, we often allow children to choose where they would like to be - on the playground or in the forest.

So what kind of curtains should you choose to create a fabulous and magical world for children in kindergarten?

Primary requirements

Mainly, whatever beautiful curtains, they should be, first of all, safe for children. Children spend most of their time in this room, therefore, the material from which the curtains are made must be environmentally friendly, not affecting the health of children.

The goal is for girls and boys to play together. We really liked it, so we decided to imitate it for ourselves. Of course, these benches are no longer modern school but kids love to play there. We don't study here - the kids just play school. We also have a kiosk that mimics a store. Children are invited to buy, choose things, get their prices and thus gain knowledge about the economics of the economy, says the teacher.

When asked about how to deal with children when they start to fight or otherwise show aggression, she stressed that the Child Abduction Act applies here. This means that the child cannot even rotate. Of course, if a child behaves aggressively, we must use violence and distract him. Then we will talk to him so that he can understand what he did wrong. After that, we discuss this situation in the whole group. It is a very effective educational tool. Children do very often communicate through aggression, but we cannot lose patience by yelling at them.

Children at this age are very active, and they come to kindergarten with felt-tip pens and pencils. So be prepared for new patterns to appear on your curtains. Based on this, we can conclude that the curtains should be easy to wash without losing their appearance.

For our example, we must show that there is another way to communicate. We must show, by our example, what is right and what is wrong. By the way, it often helps when the loud voice of the child's name is spoken in a group. In a group, hear that your name is strong. We also have a stop sign - raised on the palm of your chest while driving. They all already know this mark, - the specialist explained.

According to the interlocutor, kindergarten children, each according to their age, are introduced to gender identity. Initially this is done through darts, then through other toys and things. Even though we expect slightly different things from society and boys, we also want to implement the principles of gender equality. While we have some traditional toys for girls or boys, we try to arrange them in a way that they are not excluded. Our goal is for boys and girls to play together.

The cornices must be well secured, as children can pull on the curtains or even hang on them. The fastening must withstand heavy loads.

Color palette

Kindergarten should be filled with exclusively positive colors. Bright, sunny, cheerful curtains that delight children are well suited. dark colors create a gloomy atmosphere in the kindergarten and have a bad effect on the psychological state of the child.

In addition, traditionally male and female activities were involved in the "shop". True, the staff in these institutions is exclusively feminine. It turns out that in this area Sweden has the same problems as we do. The interlocutor expressed regret due to the fact that the profession of a teacher of preschool education is not prestigious, the salary is lower than that of a teacher, although training takes place in the same years. Finding a good employee is sometimes a challenge. 10 years ago, sad stories of pedophilia were heard, but now parents have no such fears.

Photos of Teppan Kindergarten. For this purpose, from the funds European Union 20 million euros will be allocated. Euro. According to the architects, the total reconstruction of each kindergarten may require about 2 million. Euro. The Ministry of Education and Science presented recommendations for the modernization of kindergartens.

Colors that have a beneficial effect on children:

  • shades of blue and blue;
  • bright yellow;
  • gold;
  • Orange;
  • pink;
  • white.

By using these colors, you will make kindergarten a colorful and fun place for kids. Children will be happy to be in this room, rejoicing and playing.

The Minister of Education and Science, Audrone Pitrnenienė, says that most kindergartens were built several decades ago and do not meet modern requirements, so they need to be modernized. Recent research shows that young children learn best by actively learning, playing, socializing and doing so, requiring mobile spaces so that children can survive both as individuals and as a group.

It is not yet clear which kindergartens will be reconstructed. The proposals will be submitted to the city councils, which must decide for themselves. The recommendations were prepared by the Ministry at the Education Supply Center in cooperation with the Department of Interior Design of the Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts.

Curtains can be not only plain, they can also be combined from multi-colored fabrics.

The choice of color also depends on the age of the kids. In a group for the smallest, it is better to choose plain curtains with primitive drawings of animals, the sun and flowers. And in a group for older children, you can already introduce a color palette so that the kids begin to study color and its gradations.

Educational institutions were very clearly limited. After that, five kindergartens were selected, which is the largest in Lithuania. Each of them was assigned a group of architects who analyzed the architectural solutions of kindergartens, got acquainted with the practice of Denmark, Estonia, Norway, Germany and other countries in modernizing or building new kindergartens, and analyzed modern preschool and preschool educational programs.

Along with architects, children, parents, and educators worked in creative workshops. The seminars were organized in several stages. The first children gave the designers a tour where they could tell what they liked and what they didn't like. At the second stage, the little ones were divided into several groups. They read a fairy tale, and they had to tell what images they depicted. After that, they had to create collages, which the architects turned into projects.

Pattern selection

Patterns and drawings can be very diverse. In choosing, start from the age characteristics and fantasies of children.

Children simply adore the heroes of various cartoons. The image of your favorite cartoon character on the curtains will greatly please the child. It can be pirates, cars, fairies, princes and princesses, mermaids and much more. The photo shows various options.

The main problem is closed space

The third person interacted with the parents and explained what to do to improve working conditions. Architect Gilma Teodora Gylyte said that the main problem- closed and unused space. For example, the Hall of Fame is always locked because, as usual, it is an event space. Therefore, we get kindergartens that do not have a common space, - said the project participant.

We offer seats that can be obtained at one entrance to one large room. This space can be easily transformed into smaller ones using curtains or partitions, the architect continued. In addition, according to her, the current areas where children are grouped are boring.

Cartoon drawings are well combined with plain curtains, and you can stick a sticker with a character on the gang.

You can also pick up a developing pattern for curtains in kindergarten. It can be letters, numbers, geometric elements and various animals and plants (see photo). Faced with them every day, the child will begin to learn and memorize the forms.

Without changing the spaces of the group, it is a very non-existent space,” the architect said. The second kindergarten - a kindergarten - began to work in the city of Pakruojis. Since the new building was spacious and bright, it was called "The Sun". At that time, 30 people worked in the kindergarten, of which 11 were teachers.

It is also here that the teacher Virgilija Adomaviciene and the nanny Genujaite Maslauskienė started their working career, they are still working in Sauluta! Jankauskienė and Zina Radevich, who are still in charge for more than 30 years. Ten years later, a major renovation of the nursery was carried out - for him there were even 5 thousand. rubles! The yearbook says that many new curtains, carpet groups and corridors were bought, with tasteful wooden stands, banners, radio elements and "program colors bought for 100 rubles." In all groups, children could admire the fish aquariums, puppet corners, cinematographers, etc. - toys then bought at a time for 700 rubles!

Material selection

The material of the curtains depends on the room in which they will be located. Cheerful curtains, decorated with various ties, ribbons of different lengths, pockets, bright stickers and applications, are well suited to playrooms.

Historical photographs show that there are no beautiful, bright events in the kindergarten, warm relations. The search included visits to many kindergartens in Lithuania, the study of foreign literature and the formation own ideas. Finally, the program of teachers of the Klaipeda City Kindergarten "Šaltinelis" and the Pedagogy Department of the University of Klaipeda are fascinated by the model "Development of the Child's Personality in a Preschool Institution". This time there were only two kindergartens in Lithuania, proving with great difficulty that they want to work differently and are focused on the freedom of the child and the right to choose.

In the dance hall, as well as in the assembly hall, festive options for curtains are needed, possibly made of velvet, decorated with fringe and variously shaped folds. When choosing curtains, it should be remembered that many different events are held in kindergarten, and curtains should be universal and externally suitable for any holiday.

The bedroom should have a material that does not transmit light, made in light colors.

Krubi was equipped with 6 halls - art, sports, mental activity, nature, fairy tales and performances and music. In five groups of children of different ages, these rooms were chosen every day in accordance with wishes. This model was new, but gave children and teachers new inspirations, ideas and intentions, and freedom of action strengthened their personal human qualities. It was a novelty in Lithuania, so very often we received guests from all over Lithuania and country kindergartens.

We share our rich experience in various events, seminars, conferences. As a basis for this program, we started with a proven experience, i.e. children's educational activities and a games room. During the economic crisis, one of the two kindergartens operating under this model - Klaipeda prenatal "Šaltinelis" - did not stand, so we were left alone in Lithuania, having and specifically defending a unique program - "I like it!". Every time we evaluate the success of this program.

Fabrics that are well suited for kindergarten:

  • silk;
  • chintz;
  • veil;
  • semi-organza.

A bandeau with voluminous stickers or applications can serve as a decorative element. And also children will be happy with pendants and ties for curtains in the form of animals, flowers or butterflies. Small details will develop concentration and children's imagination.

According to the teachers working in the program "I love me", there were organized various forms modern education, methods have been collected, materials have been collected for the implementation of the content of the program, and the child's education has become more diverse, focused on raising the child "here and now", i.e. Spontaneous activity of children is encouraged. We are proud that every time we come up with new ideas for summer camps, creative projects and events, we are the initiators of the city "Days without a car", we can be simple and friendly with the school, various associations and other kindergartens, we analyze our work, we know our program throughout the republic, He obliges, but at the same time encourages not bother.

Thus, we can conclude that in choosing curtains for a kindergarten, it is necessary to build on the age of the children in the group and on the purpose of the room in which the curtains will hang. Look at the photo for different variations.

Choose light curtains bright colors made from natural fabrics with fascinating patterns. By combining colors, patterns and materials, you can create really fun and memorable nursery curtains. They will give children a great mood and pleasant impressions. And maybe even the curtains will be the beginning fairy tale for kids.

Oak Adamka Santarve, the teachers also planted an oak. Today he majestically reigns in the yard - as a symbol of the longevity of the nursery. This summer the sun shone at the kindergarten school in Prusal when window windows for children have been completed. Kindergarten staff estimated that even 76 larger or smaller windows were changed in total. The funds were allocated by the municipality of the Plungi district, the Regila company, which won the competition, was working.

The Prussia Kindergarten School has been in existence for the fourth decade and the first windows have never been changed. The wind was thirsty, in the cold season there were only 14 degrees left in the children's groups and classes; Winding on one side, the curtains just fly in groups. We are used to the natural ventilation of the premises, so now it is even strange when you need to use new windows and air out the rooms before going to bed and the children. And our parents have already begun to organize finer kindergartens, because our groups are much warmer!, - said the director of the nursery, Laimute Tracumene.

Curtains for preschoolers should be beautiful, safe, practical, and caring for them should not be too burdensome.

Stylish curtains for kindergarten decorate the room, protect from bright sunlight during daytime sleep, they develop artistic taste and a child, thus carrying out the aesthetic education of a small person.

The design of curtains for kindergarten should be modern, have an attractive appearance, match the age of the child:

In the nursery group, you can use curtains with the image fairytale heroes, various little animals and birds;

In the younger and middle group, the attention of children will be attracted by bright color accents, a combination of bright colors;

In the senior and preparatory group quiet curtains required colors which contributes to the success preparatory classes for school.

Can you imagine a group room in a kindergarten without beautiful and interesting curtains on the windows?

We also consider these interior elements indispensable in creating a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in children's rooms.

Fabrics for kindergarten curtains carry not only a decorative load, being not just a decoration of the room, but protect it from bright sunlight during daytime sleep.

Texture, color, drawings most directly affect the development of a child's taste, form the spatial aesthetic education of babies.

The task of a designer who creates curtains for kindergartens is to develop modern, attractive window compositions that are interesting for children.

Curtains for kindergarten to different groups

When applying, the age category of the children should be taken into account. For example, in a nursery group, images of animals, birds, cartoon characters for the smallest viewers will be relevant on the curtains.

In the younger and middle groups, it is desirable to focus on bright colors and the diversity of the colors that exist in nature.

This is exactly the age when children get acquainted with colors and shades. In groups of the senior and preparatory age categories, on the contrary, a calm, neutral environment is preferable.

Children receive the first knowledge and nothing should distract their attention in the process of preparing for school.

Special attention should be paid to curtains for common room. On the one hand, they should not have too bright colors, and on the other hand, they should arouse interest and positive emotions in children.

Do not give in to patterns and stereotypes. Adults need to remember that the "consumers" of these products are kids, so textile parts can have extraordinary, truly "childish" solutions. Don't be afraid to experiment with colors and patterns.

Absolutely appropriate finish in the form of:


various ribbons;



pockets, etc.

How to sew curtains for kindergarten

When creating a curtain composition for a common room, you need to adhere to only one single law - the combination of all interior elements must be harmonious.

Generally speaking, the textile design of groups of preschool educational institutions should be captivating and attention-grabbing.

This, of course, will have a positive effect on the development of imagination and learning to concentrate. Curtains in the bedroom should help create a "sleepy" atmosphere.

An excellent solution in this regard would be roller blinds combined with curtains.

We offer curtains for kindergartens inexpensively, and of the highest quality:

from natural fibers - flax or cotton;

from artificial components - hypoallergenic.

We definitely do not recommend using heavy fabrics in such compositions that require massive reinforced cornices. Cute trinkets will add a special zest to the textile model. For example, clips in the shape of the sun or cartoon characters will “revive” the composition, make it more playful and interesting.

Our designers are ready to offer ready-made developments and adapt them to specific needs or create compositions completely on an individual order.

Curtains for the children's room
The design of rooms for girls and boys has its own nuances: young women of fashion prefer complex styles - bows, unusual hooks, flounces and ruffles - all this will be quite appropriate in the bedroom of a young lady.

A completely different matter is the design of the window in the boy's bedroom. Most often, the main criterion for creating curtains for a boy's children's room is the convenience and practicality of use.

And so that the curtains of a simple cut do not seem boring, drawings reflecting the sphere of interests of the child will be quite appropriate: cars, cartoon characters, ships or planes.

It is best if the curtains in the children's room are made from natural fabrics such as silk, cotton and linen. It is important not only the external design of the curtains, but also how the material from which they are made is environmentally friendly and easy to care for.

The baby needs daytime rest, so the curtains should be tightly closed, providing a pleasant semi-dark environment for a restful sleep. Roller blinds or roman blinds will do the job well. If necessary, they will tightly close the window, and when you need to open them, they easily rise up, opening the way for the sun's rays.

Usually, curtains with a cheerful, bright ornament are used in the design of children's rooms. These are the heroes of favorite fairy tales, flowers, toys and butterflies. The choice of fabric for curtains with children's drawings is very wide and is not limited by anything, except for the imagination and preference of parents and children.

When choosing thick curtains and light airy curtains, you need to take into account that their patterns blend harmoniously. Plain light curtains look good.
According to psychologists, green, blue, yellow are best suited for children's rooms. pink colors. Dark and massive curtains are not so pleasing to the child.

When designing a children's room, you need to take into account the wishes of your baby, creating a fairy-tale world for him. A child spends a lot of time in his room, so it is so necessary that the environment around him be kind and comfortable.

Curtains for the children's room

Curtains for the children's room, selected with taste and thought out to the smallest detail, will help the child to tune in a positive way, give a good mood. When choosing curtains for a children's room, you need to carefully consider the fabrics - environmental friendliness, ease of maintenance and operation, lightness, a pattern that is in harmony with the design of the room are important here.

The design of rooms for girls and boys has its own nuances: as a rule, girls prefer complex styles, bows, unusual ties, magnets, frills and ruffles, all this will be quite appropriate in the bedroom of a young fashionista. The textile design of a boy's room is quite another matter.

Here, most often the main criterion is convenience and practicality. And so that the curtains of a simple cut do not seem boring, drawings reflecting the field of activity and interests of the child will be appropriate: cars, sports, cartoon characters, ships or planes.

How to choose curtains for a nursery

It is best if the curtains in the children's room are made from natural fabrics such as cotton, silk and linen. It is important not only beautiful decoration curtains, but also how much the material from which they are made is environmentally friendly and easy to care for.

Daytime rest is important for the child, so the curtains should be tightly closed, providing a pleasant environment for good night. Roman blinds or roller blinds work well for this task. If necessary, they will tightly close the window, and when you need to open them, they easily rise up, opening the way for the sun's rays.

Usually in the design of children's rooms they use curtains with a cheerful, bright ornament. These are the heroes of favorite fairy tales, flowers, toys, butterflies. In the case when the wallpaper or furniture is already bright, it is better to choose fabrics for curtains in soothing colors.

When choosing thick curtains and light tulle, you need to take into account that their patterns are in harmony. Curtains with a pattern with plain airy tulles look good.

According to psychologists, green, blue, yellow, pink colors are best suited for children's rooms. Dark and massive curtains will not please the child.

    When designing a children's room, you need to take into account the wishes of your baby, creating a fairy-tale world for him. Since the child spends a lot of time in his room, it is very important that the environment around him be kind and comfortable.

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  • Contacts
  • Internet shop
  • Ballet choreographic machines single-row, double-row, mobile for home, studios, schools.
  • Our services for tailoring curtains of any complexity and textile interior design.
  • Services for hanging all types of curtains and installation of all types of cornices.
  • Fabric medical partitions for physiotherapy booths and offices.
  • Stage tailoring for budgetary organizations, schools, kindergartens, rural houses of culture, institutions, etc. Ready stage clothes for them.
  • Theatrical curtains. Stage curtains. Clothing for the stage.
  • Tailoring of curtains for various rooms.
  • Black cabinet. Stage clothes
  • Tailoring of lambrequins. Lambrequins are soft, hard, combined.
  • Curtains for restaurants. cafe. Restaurant and hotel textiles. Curtains for restaurants and hotels, hotels, guest houses.
  • Interior fabric drapery. Walls and ceilings.
  • Curtains for clinics, polyclinics, hospitals, medical centers, sanatoriums, health institutions, etc. Antibacterial curtains. Curtains for physiotherapy cabins, massage rooms. spa salons.
  • Curtains and tulle for kindergartens and rooms
  • Curtains for bedroom
  • Curtains for museums
  • Drapery textiles
  • Curtains for registry offices and wedding palaces.
  • Curtains for terraces, for gazebos, on the veranda, for cottages. Outdoor curtains.
  • Curtains for offices of chiefs, offices, rest rooms.
  • Curtains for budget organizations
  • Curtains for the living room
  • Curtains and curtains for the kitchen.
  • Curtains for bathrooms and toilets.
  • Curtains for administrative and public premises. Curtains for libraries.
  • Curtains on the arch and bay windows.
  • Curtains and textiles for sanatoriums, hotels, rest houses, boarding houses, camp sites, hotels.
  • Curtains and lamps in the billiard room.
  • Curtains for conference rooms.
  • Curtains for the windows of the flight of stairs and march.
  • Curtains for home theaters and cinemas
  • Pool curtains

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