Pink animals. Pink animals of the planet

Recipes 23.07.2019

No, this story is not about blondes. It's just assumed that only blondes like pink. So I decided to dispel this myth

Some inhabitants of our planet prefer pink in their color.

And if the pink gorilla and

pink Panther

belong to the realm of fiction, then the rest of the pink animals are quite real! Some of them camouflage among pink flowers and corals or scare away predators, others feed on pink food and even emit pink sweat, and others acquire this color due to lack of wool or genetic anomalies.

Bald wakari

In the upper reaches of the Amazon - between the rivers Japura, Ulyaga and Andes - in a rich ecosystem on Earth, in the crowns of the tropical forest lives a small monkey with a sad, almost human face. This monkey, Wakari red or bald, is one of the rarest and most restless and fussy primates on the planet. It is difficult to confuse him with another monkey. Naked, always as if worried, Uakari's face resembles a human. It can change its color from light pink to crimson. The intensity of the color of the head and face depends on the mood or phase of sexual activity. If the animal is embarrassed by something, then its face and forehead turn very red.

Pink Seriatopora (Seriatopora hystrix)

A very popular type of coral among amateurs, which is distinguished by a large number of characteristic branches: they grow towards each other and often grow together. For this pink coral has received the nickname "bird's nest".

Anemone (Actiniaria)

Anemones - the so-called "sea chrysanthemums" - is an animal without a calcareous skeleton. However, they are not afraid of predator attacks, because they produce so much poison that they can easily paralyze prey or an aggressor. The pink anemone, which lives off the coast of Europe and Africa, is one of the most dangerous, but this does not bother the clown fish. These fish cover their body with special mucus, so they are the only ones who can live in close proximity to sea anemones.

Moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita)

Or Aurelia eared, living in the warm sea waters of the temperate and tropical zones. The translucent pink dome of her body gives the impression of a defenseless sissy - but no matter how! The jellyfish paralyzes its prey (small animals) with the help of thin, barely noticeable tentacles.

Starfish (Asteroidea)

If you are not a underwater photographer, it is not at all easy to see a starfish in all the splendor of its colors - washed ashore by a wave, it quickly turns pale.

Gastropod (Margarites groenlandicus)

This snail is one of 90,000 species that represent the gastropod class. A small pink "house" of this mollusk can be found at shallow depths (from 3 to 50 meters).

ampoule pink

Ampoules or, as they are also called, apple snails not only decorate the aquarium space, but also keep it clean, do not allow plants to rot and form plaque on glass and decorations. In addition, these mollusks are unpretentious in food, and it is quite simple to keep them. The shells of such snails can be different colors, pink apple snails look especially unusual in an aquarium.

Spider-walker (Thomisus spp.)

Or a "spider-crab" - what else to call a creature that moves sideways? This species of spider spends most of its time on variegated flowers, waiting for prey. The first two pairs of legs are noticeably longer and serve as the main weapon of attack for the pink hunter.

Pink Chilean tarantula spider (Grammostola rosea)

The Chilean pink tarantula (Phrixotrichus spatulata) is a relatively non-venomous and non-aggressive spider. It is sometimes placed in the genus Grammostola. The taxonomy of tarantulas is quite chaotic, and it changes with a new review: the same species can hide under different synonyms. A resident of the high deserts of Chile and Southern Peru, is one of the medium-sized tarantulas and is considered the most popular in the modern pet trade. Lives up to 12 years in captivity.

Pink cicadas (Phromnia rosea)

You look from the side - either a flowering tree, or exotic mushrooms settled on a damp tree bark. However, it is worth clapping your hands - and the "flowers" will spin in the air in search of a safer corner. This "still life" is nothing more than a collection of adult individuals of the Madagascar cicadas, who have masterfully mastered the art of mimicry!

Pink Dragon Centipede (Desmoxytes purpurosea)

But this insect is a prime example of the fact that pink can serve as a warning color. This centipede is indeed quite poisonous. She is able to shoot at the offender with spikes stuffed with cyanide.

Pig hawk hawk (Deilephila elpenor)

This strange name was given to a pink-winged butterfly that lives in Siberia, Europe, Asia and northern Africa. It can be seen at dusk on the flowers of rhododendron, honeysuckle, willow-herb.

Pink dragonfly (Odonata)

This fashionable "flip-tail" was photographed in Malaysia. The eyes of a pink dragonfly see in the infrared range, significantly helping her to hunt various midges.

Pink Grasshopper (Euconocephalus thunbergi)

The glamorous cricket was discovered back in 1887, but it was not easy to catch and properly study it - pink genes are found in only one individual out of 500 ordinary green grasshoppers Euconocephalus thunbergi. Today, such a color is considered an anomaly, and it is unlikely that it helps the pink insect hide in the grass.

Orchid mantis (lat. Hymenopus coronatus)

These skilled camouflage specialists live in Thailand and Malaysia, spending time on orchid or papaya flowers while waiting for pollinating insects to prey.

Lobster fairy (Lauriea siagiani)

This beautiful, but fragile and shy creature is also called the "anomura crab" or "pink crouching lobster", although it is not related to the latter. Lobster fairies live among the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Strawberry Crab (Neoliomera pubescens)

A motley handsome man was discovered quite recently - in 2009, off the coast of southern Taiwan. The 5-centimeter crab, on top of everything else, is covered with white spots - they didn’t call it “sea fly agaric” for nothing!

Pink Amphipod (Amphipoda)

Amphipods (different-legged, amphipods) are one of the orders of higher crayfish. Most of them prefer aquatic environment, however, this pink amphipod lives among damp forest floor and mosses in New Guinea.

Sailing sea ruff (Taenianotus triacanthus)

This ray-finned predatory fish is also called “leaf fish” or “scorpion fish”. She is mainly interested in crustaceans and small fish.

Pink and glowing angels

At the international exhibition Taiwan International Aquarium Expo 2012 in Taipei (Taiwan), visitors were presented with a wonderful result of the latest genetic experiments - pink and glow-in-the-dark angelfish. An artificially created new species of angelfish glows with a pleasant pink light on its own, due to implanted bioluminescence (an ability based on chemical processes in which the released energy is released in the form of light).

Pink frog fish (lat. Antennariidae)

These fish received their "amphibious" name back in the 19th century. due to unusual way movement underwater. They cannot swim like normal fish, but use modified pectoral fins to move like jumping frogs. Be that as it may, these clown fish are excellent camouflage - they can acquire any color, including pink. Everything will depend on the color of the surrounding area.

Pink maize snake (lat. Pantherophis guttatus rosacea)

Found in the very south of the Florida peninsula in pine forests on depleted soils among deadwood, as well as on rocky slopes of hills and mountain canyons, in rock crevices and caves. Pink is a natural color variation. This subspecies of the maize snake is characterized by a significant reduction in black pigment both on the top and on the belly, which makes the color look less contrasting and more uniform. The background of the back is pinkish-orange. The spots are sharp, without rims, dark brown or red.

blind snake

According to studies of the genes of a new species of snake, it is believed that blind snakes have lived on the island of Madagascar since the time when it was not an island. As a result of the study, it turned out that they see a little, i.e. they are not completely blind. Their habitat covers most of the planet. Blind snakes grow up to 30 cm in length, look like worms and live in minks underground on all continents except Antarctica. Interesting fact- unlike worms, blind snakes have a backbone and small scales.

hot pink snake

The snake Liophidium pattoni grows up to 40 cm in length. It feeds on small rodents and lizards. Thanks to the bright pink markings on her back, she is considered the most colorful snake on the island of Madagascar, it is very unusual. An interesting fact - Liophidium pattoni was first seen in 2010 in national park Masoala in the northeastern part of the island of Madagascar.

Pink iguana (Iguanidae Rosada)

For the first time, these unusual reptiles were discovered in 1986 in the vicinity of Wolf Volcano on Isabella Island (Galapagos Islands). At first, the find was mistaken for an albino, but a blood test confirmed that the researchers had a completely independent species of iguanas.


Neotenic larva of some species of ambystomes, amphibians from the ambystomidae family (Ambystomidae) of the caudate order (Caudata). The peculiarity of the axolotl is that it reaches puberty and becomes capable of reproduction without turning into an adult form, without undergoing metamorphosis. The name "Axolotl" itself comes from the Aztecs, the most common translation from their language means "God of destruction and death." There is also such a meaning as "Playing in the water." Axolotls are very delicate creatures and can be hurt very easily! Although these animals are predators, they do not show aggression towards each other. However, it is not advised to keep them starving, as there are known cases of biting each other's limbs. However, if this happens, then axolotls have regeneration. The foot or fin will grow, but the holy of holies of the axolotl - the gills will no longer grow so beautiful, but will be in the form of a disheveled bush.


Florida. Near the city of Nokomis, a miracle PINK CROCODILE has appeared!

Inca cockatoo (Lophocroa leadbeateri)

You can hear another name for this large parrot - "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo". These colorful birds are found in Central and Southwest Australia, where they are known as big eaters: their menu includes capers, passionflower, mango, papaya, melon tree fruits, nuts, roots, grass seeds, flowers and insects.

Gala cockatoo (Eolophus roseicapillus)

This parrot is an aboriginal from Australia, who was incredibly happy about the arrival of Europeans on the continent. Fields of grain crops appeared on the site of forests, and the creation of artificial watering places was the last important condition, which allowed pink cockatoos to noticeably replenish their noisy ranks.

Pink flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

But what about without the legendary feathered one? We know that the plumage of these birds is naturally white, but it turns pink due to a special diet of reddish crustaceans. In zoos, flamingos are also fed with carrots, from which birds can extract additional beta-carotene. Being pale for a flamingo is like not having a lush mane for a lion: the opposite sex always chooses bright pink partners.

pink seagull

The body length is about 35 cm. The back and top of the wings are gray-gray, the head, chest and abdomen are pink, there is a narrow black collar on the neck. The beak is black, the legs are red. Breeds in the tundra and forest-tundra along the shores of lakes. It feeds on insects, small mollusks, during the period of nomadism - fish and crustaceans. Previously, in the famine years, the Eskimos shot pink gulls for food. At the beginning of the 20th century, when American sailors, whalers and hunters of sea animals often visited Chukotka, the local population hunted these exotic birds to make stuffed souvenirs. Then one copy of a miniature, unusually colored seagull cost up to $ 200. Today, the extraction of this species is completely prohibited. Scientists are specifying the largest nesting sites of the pink gull in order to introduce a protected regime there in the future.

Pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri)

This pigeon, distributed only on the island of Mauritius (in historical times also lived on the island of Reunion), as well as the small island of Egret, where it was relocated to preserve the species, got its name from the dull pink color of the feathers on the head, shoulders and stomach. The wings are dark brown, the tail is wide, red-brown in color. The unfeathered part of the beak and legs is dark red, the tip of the beak is lighter. The eyes are dark brown, surrounded by a ring of red skin. Natural habitats are mountain evergreen forests, preserved in very small quantities. In such forests, pigeons prefer densely overgrown areas with a lot of greenery and vines.

Rose Starling (Sturnus roseus)

The closest relative of the common starling, widespread in Central Asia and South-East Europe. These birds got their name because of the pastel Pink colour the plumage of their chest and back, which stand out clearly against the background of the main, mostly black color. The traditional habitats of pink starlings are steppe, semi-desert and desert plains, with the obligatory presence of rock formations, steep banks of water bodies, sheer walls of buildings, where these birds prefer to build their nests. As food, pink starlings prefer to eat various insects, and especially locusts, which they catch in their permanent habitats.

California Condor (California Condor)

The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is a member of the American vulture family and the largest North American land bird. The condor lives in northern Arizona, in southern Utah (including areas adjacent to the Grand Canyon, and national park Zion - Zion National Park), in the coastal mountains of central and southern California, as well as in the north of Baja California. Although fossils of other members of the genus Gymnogyps have been found, the California condor is the only surviving member of the genus. The neck of the female California condor contains many patches of various shades of pink.

Spoonbill Pink (Ajaia ajaia)

The beautiful feathers of a bird that lives in Cuba, in South and Central America, have become the reason for the persecution of the graceful feathered one - therefore, even today, the population of roseate spoonbills is small.

Pink Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)

Males and females of this large waterfowl, listed in the Red Book of Russia, do not differ in color, but young animals can be easily recognized by their modest white plumage ( front view birds acquire in the third year of life).

Pink hippos (Leucistic hippos)

Proven fact: all hippos sweat is pink, which helps animals protect their skin from ultraviolet radiation. However, among them there is especially “pink”, although rare view Leucistic hippos, which lacks brown pigment in the skin.

By the way, the most famous pink hippopotamus lives in Russia, in the Kaliningrad "Mega Circus" Evgeny Tereshchenko. Until the age of three, he was an ordinary gray-brown hippo, but then he suddenly turned pink. According to veterinarians, the reason for such a sharp change in color was heredity. It turns out that Svetik's great-grandfather, or Svyatoslav (that's the name of the hippopotamus), was also pink.

Pink African Elephants

Pink elephants are not a drunken hallucination at all. Albino elephants, although quite rare, are still found in nature. In the photo: a pink baby elephant was spotted in Botswana, in the Okavango Delta.

Pink Asian Elephants

Pink elephants that live in one of the Burmese zoos cause a surge of emotions among visitors. The elephant and her cub love to take a bath and are overjoyed when they are poured with water. Usually their skin is reddish brown, but turns light pink when wet. Their hair and claws are the same color. Despite their unusual appearance, the rare breed of pink elephant is officially considered a variant of the white elephant, and is not a separate species or albino.

By the way, the phrase "to see pink elephants" with the light hand of Jack London went for a walk in relation to "experienced" alcoholics, whose type: "... is well known to everyone: this stupid, stupid creature, always in a dope, walks with legs wide apart, as if a sailor in pitching, often wallowing in ditches, and when he is lashed out, he sees blue mice and pink elephants. This is the same bastard who provides humorists with inexhaustible material for caricatures.

For those who want to see the pink elephant without traveling to Burma, I will give a cocktail recipe " Pink Elephant":
In a shaker with ice, mix 30 ml of orange juice, 60 ml of Canadian whiskey or vodka and 30 ml of Grenadine, Galiano and Creme de Noyo liqueurs. Shake for 5 minutes, then carefully pour into a glass. The cocktail is usually served chilled. Be sure to decorate the glass: you can use a slice of lemon, cinnamon or whipped cream, especially sweet lovers will like it.
The color of the cocktail depends on the amount of liqueur and orange juice, so you can always make a drink to your taste and color.
The creator of this rather popular cocktail at European parties, Peter Morrison, explained the name as follows: "after the third glass of this drink, you can observe" pink elephants "because it contains a large amount of alcohol."

Minipigs (Sus scrofa domesticus)

Funny pygmy pigs are not inferior to the intellectual abilities of cats or dogs, so they have become popular pets all over the world. Celebrities are also partial to piglets - for example, George Clooney or Arnold Schwarzenegger.

here's a mini pig...
Pink champagne foxes

Foxes of this color were first bred on a Canadian farm, a hundred years ago, where they are kept as pets. Pink champagne foxes are bred by crossing red foxes, albinos, gray foxes and some other species. It took about 30 years to stabilize the color gene and achieve its perfection. But they are so rare that today there are only two such individuals in the world: one lives in Ontario, and the other is Miko (pictured).

Bottlenose Dolphin or Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

The world's only bottle-nosed pink dolphin was discovered in Louisiana in Calcassue Lake. The unusual animal was captured by the captain of the boat, Eric Rue. A sailor who was able to see the animal very close notes that the dolphin has a reddish tint to the eyes and an unusual stunning pink color of the skin, but it is quite socialized and swims in a flock of four other dolphins, as well as accompanied by its mother, who does not leave him for a single moment. step.

Amazonian river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis)

Unlike albino bottlenose dolphins, ini are grayish-pink in color due to natural skin pigment. The eyes of river dolphins are also unusual - yellow, which protects them from sunlight. By the way, the inhabitants of the Amazon jungle believe that male dolphins can turn into slender young men. Such werewolves take part in the dances on the shore, which the Indians arrange during their many festivities. Dancing, the boys choose the prettiest girls. If after some time it is discovered that one of them is pregnant, the Indians believe that the dolphin is the culprit. Fortunately, the customs of the Amazonian Indians are not at all harsh, and the girl will not be punished, but a prosperous family life. Parents love "dolphin children" just like other kids. The Indians say: "All children are ours."

Pink armadillo (lat. Chlamyphorus truncatus)

It is also called the frilled armadillo or the Argentine shield-bearer. Not much is known about this animal. This small animal (it grows up to 12-15 centimeters in length and weighs no more than 90 grams) got its name due to the pink color of the shell. Unlike other types of armadillos, in which the body is covered with a ossified bone shell, in the pink armadillo it is covered with soft white wool. A similar fur edge is observed on the abdomen.

Canadian Sphynx (naked cat)

Due to the lack of hair, these cats have to maintain more high temperature bodies - 38-38.5 ° C, so they seem hot to the touch. These "kote" are not at all against water procedures and are considered completely hypoallergenic.

pink kitten

But the pink color of this animal is most likely the result of a chemical reaction than the tricks of nature. In England, in the county of Cornwall, on the territory of a concrete factory, workers accidentally discovered 4 homeless kittens, who also turned out to be orphans. From hunger and weakness, they could hardly move. The kittens were sent almost immediately to special organization titled "Cat Protection". But the most interesting thing is that these kittens turned out to be pink. Veterinarians assume that they accidentally smeared in the coloring pigment, which is widely used in the factory. All the kittens were washed and returned to their natural color, except for one. It turned out to be a girl whose light-colored fur soaked up the paint so much that it was impossible to wash it off. She just became a couple of tones lighter. For this she was called the Pink Panther.

Pink donkey from the Chelyabinsk zoo

It's not a joke. Some smart people really decided to paint a defenseless animal pink. Moreover, they summed up the ideological basis for this.

Quote from the website of the Chelyabinsk Zoo (spelling and punctuation, respectively, zoo):

“The gray life of the donkey did not suit him. Slavik, that is the name of the donkey, dreamed of becoming a favorite of the inhabitants of the city, he especially wanted to be liked by the children, he wanted everyone to stroke him, smiled at him and the lenses of cinema and television cameras were directed at him. Then he decided: I will become pink and let everyone looking at me see what a beautiful, kind and cheerful world it is. And Slavik decided to become a magical, pink donkey from the planet 3D.

One could smile at the deliberate foolishness with which this text was created, reminiscent of the manner of other adults lisping with small children, as if imitating them. Why, by the way, the children themselves are terribly puzzled, and even frightened. However, it is worth remembering that the donkey is one of the most, so to speak, mythologically rich animals. AT different time, in various cultures, it appears either as a symbol of wisdom and nobility, or as the ultimate stupidity and even lust. Consequently, the very image of the new Chelyabinsk donkey requires careful study in terms of the meanings it emits.

Let's start with color. Pink, as a rule, symbolizes youth and femininity, tenderness and innocence. If pink becomes saturated, it begins to signal infantilism and frivolity. The Chinese consider pink to be the exclusive prerogative of little girls, hinting at their rudimentary femininity and potential for love. Finally, in the modern vulgar consciousness, pink is also the color of homosexuality in women (by analogy with blue, in the male half of humanity).

Consequently, the authors of the idea voluntarily or involuntarily tried to change Slavik's gender identity. If you put a pink donkey from Chelyabinsk in line with other relevant symbols that have stuck to our worthy city, then it becomes completely bad. Ivan Dulin, the main Chelyabinsk citizen of domestic television, is known to be "the world's only non-traditional sexual orientation miller", which reinforces vague suspicions of deliberate gender manipulation.

Characteristic in this regard are the comments, according to which the aforementioned donkey "dreamed of becoming a favorite of the inhabitants of the city, so that everyone stroked him, smiled at him, and the lenses of film and television cameras were directed at him." Obviously, the main category of people who dream of the same thing are representatives of show business. To hell with her, with her orientation - this is a mockery: it’s clear which of the donkeys, for example, is a singer.

Another large group of comrades who constantly demand attention and love are politicians. Since the pink donkey will now forever remain Chelyabinsk, the allusion to the current local political process, and even on the eve of the inauguration, seems completely insulting to me ...

From the same TV, the notorious “red shorts” crawled into our consciousness, replacing the pioneer tie for a young Chelyabinsk citizen of the 21st century.

Now it's up to the little things: put pink Slavik in red shorts and call him something nice name, like Miroslav, which means "beloved". And then go to the Legislative Assembly of the region with a proposal to replace it with a hateful camel on the emblem of the South Urals ...

In general, this radiant idea is good for everyone. There are, however, two concerns. First. What if the children see that the pink donkey is pooping. If an ordinary gray donkey did this, then there would be no questions - all gray donkeys sin. A similar behavior of a magical donkey can cause serious psychological trauma to a child ...

Second. And what if some rival zoo paints some crocodile Gena in a more current color “silver metallic”. And they will say that, for example, he is an Avatar. Goodbye glory Slavik!

There is only one conclusion: we want to remain PR leaders - it's time to show people in the Chelyabinsk zoo. I can even guess who...

Aivar Valeev

pink sheep

However, there are cases of mass artificial coloring of animals in pink, moreover, for practical purposes. These wonderful sheep are colored in this way in order to prevent cases of theft of livestock.


But among reptiles, pink color is quite rare. In the animal world, only 2 species of reptiles with a pink tint are known. These are the pink corn snake and the pink iguana.

Pink animals. Part 3. Photo by an assistant Gabriele Gentile's

10. Pink iguana

These unique animals were discovered not so long ago - in 1986 in the Galapagos Islands, in particular, in the vicinity of Wolf Volcano on Isabella Island.

Initially, scientists thought that they had come across several specimens of common marine iguanas that had a problem with pigmentation. But everything turned out to be completely different. Thanks to DNA analysis, it was proved that pink iguanas are an independent species that separated from the rest even before the appearance of the Galapagos western islands, which includes the modern habitat of these animals - Isabella Island. It happened about 5.7 million years ago. Everything is clear, if not for one BUT. The island itself was formed no more than 1 million years ago. Scientists explain this discrepancy by the fact that, perhaps, that part of the volcanoes that is now under water was once on the surface a long time ago. And the ancestors of pink iguanas could settle on their slopes and evolve into a separate species.

pink iguana

On the this moment the exact population size of these animals is still unknown. Scientists managed to detect and study only 36 specimens of these reptiles. Outwardly, they are slightly different from their closest relatives. Pink iguanas can reach a length of 1.8 meters and have a slightly different ridge shape on their backs.

11. Pink maize snake (lat. Pantherophis guttatus rosacea)

It is found in the very south of the Florida peninsula. It occurs in pine forests on depleted soils among deadwood, as well as on rocky slopes of hills and mountain canyons, in rock crevices and caves. In nature, it is mainly nocturnal, spending the day in shelters. It climbs well, but prefers to hunt on the surface of the earth.

The main prey is small mammals. A medium-sized, slender and relatively thin snake, usually reaches a length of 1.2 - 1.5 meters.

pink corn snake

Pink is a natural color variation. This subspecies of the maize snake is characterized by a significant reduction in black pigment both on the top and on the belly, which makes the color look less contrasting and more uniform. The background of the back is pinkish-orange. The spots are sharp, without rims, dark brown or red.

Now let's talk about pink birds. And the first thing that comes to mind is a pink flamingo.

12. Pink flamingo (lat. Phoenicopterus roseus)

The natural color of these flamingos is white, not pink. They acquire their unusual shade with food - shrimp, small crustaceans and plants, which contain a large amount of betacarotene. With improper nutrition, these birds turn pale and lose their unique color. Often this happens when kept in captivity, since not every zoo is able to provide this bird with a special diet with a high level of betacarotene.

Pink flamingo

The pink color in these birds serves to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Therefore, pale individuals, in particular males, are much less likely to have a life mate than their pinker counterparts.

We have already managed to talk about pink insects, marine life, birds, reptiles and even some mammals. But these are not all animals that can boast such an unusual coloration for the animal world. Let's continue our review and look at a few more mammals.

13. Pink hippos

I will say right away that this is not an independent species, but only the vagaries of nature. Pink hippos are found, but very rarely. This is most common in the Leucistic hippos species, which often lacks brown pigment in the skin.

pink hippo

However, the partial presence of pink for hippos is not new. Most of them are gray-brown in color, but in hot weather they can take on a slight pink tint. This is due to the unusual color of their sweat.

Believe it or not, the most famous pink hippopotamus lives here in Russia, in one of the Kaliningrad zoos. This is a boy, but his name is Svetik, or Svyatoslav. Until the age of three, Svetik was an ordinary gray-brown hippo, but then he suddenly turned pink. According to veterinarians, the reason for such a sharp change in color was heredity. It turns out that Svetik's great-grandfather was also pink.

Behemoth Svetik

Now, at the age of 4, this hippo weighs 600 kilograms. According to zoologists, by the age of 10, these hippos reach a weight of up to 3.5 tons.

14. Pink armadillo (lat. Chlamyphorus truncatus)

It is also called the frilled armadillo or the Argentine shield-bearer. It lives on the territory of western Argentina, where it inhabits dry meadows and flat sandy areas overgrown with cacti and thorny bushes. Not much is known about this animal.

Pink or frilled armadillo

This small animal (it grows up to 12-15 centimeters in length and weighs no more than 90 grams) got its name due to the pink color of the shell. Unlike other types of armadillos, in which the body is covered with a ossified bone shell, in the pink armadillo it is covered with soft white wool. A similar fur edge is observed on the abdomen. The eyes are small, the auricles are practically absent.

Photo by Laurence Meslin

He lives in loose soil, where he finds his livelihood. The basis of its diet is adult insects and their larvae: ants, their larvae, worms, caterpillars, snails, as well as plant roots.

The main activity is shown at night, during the day it sits in its hole. Juveniles have a soft shell. It hardens only in adulthood. These are leisurely animals, so they easily become prey for predators, especially their cubs. In this case, adults are saved by the shell, and even then not always. If necessary, it is able to completely dig into the ground in a few seconds.

15. Pink kitten

But the pink color of this animal is most likely the result of a chemical reaction than the tricks of nature. In England, in the county of Cornwall, on the territory of a concrete factory, workers accidentally discovered 4 homeless kittens, who also turned out to be orphans. From hunger and weakness, they could hardly move. The kittens were almost immediately sent to a special organization called “Cat Protection”.

pink kitten

But the most interesting thing is that these kittens turned out to be pink. Veterinarians assume that they accidentally smeared in the coloring pigment, which is widely used in the factory. All the kittens were washed and returned to their natural color, except for one. It turned out to be a girl whose light-colored fur soaked up the paint so much that it was impossible to wash it off. She just became a couple of tones lighter. For this she was called the Pink Panther.

Blue sky, white snow, green grass, blue sea and….. pink animals. Yes, the fantasy of nature knows no bounds. The reasons for the appearance of such a "glamorous" color in animals can be very diverse. For some, this color serves as an ideal disguise, for others, on the contrary, it allows you to scare away predators, and for others, such a color can be the result of a gene defect. Now let's see what's what.

Any animal can have a pink color, be it an insect, a marine life or a mammal. Let's start with insects.

1. Pink grasshopper (lat. Tettigoniidae)

There may be several reasons for the appearance of such an unusual color in insects. First, for disguise. Many pink insects are easily mistaken for the flowers of a plant. Secondly, pink coloring makes it easy to hide among plants or flowers of a similar color. Therefore, this coloration is not characteristic of predatory insects.

But the bright pink color already wears completely opposite meaning. It can signal that a poisonous animal is in front of you. Therefore, for most predators, pink is a warning color.
Well, the third option, which just fits the hero of this paragraph, is a gene failure regarding pigmentation. Pink grasshoppers are a prime example of this phenomenon. It is quite rare. For the first time such an insect was discovered in 1887.

And in Japan, in general, one woman accidentally discovered in her garden three grasshoppers of different colors - green, white and pink. As it turned out a little later, they were all of the same species - Euconocephalus thunbergi. FROM in green everything is clear, this is normal, but the white and pink grasshoppers are an anomaly.

2. Pink or orchid praying mantis (lat. Hymenopus coronatus)

The next hero is the orchid praying mantis (lat. Hymenopus coronatus). Really, handsome? It lives in Thailand and Malaysia. Their unusual color is an excellent camouflage option, as they live on pink flowers of orchids, papaya, etc. It is not only such a delicate color that allows him to become more invisible, but also a special body shape that makes him look like flower petals.

Their color may change. The main color is white, some of the insects retain it throughout their lives. Others change their color depending on the color of the orchid flower they live on. This phenomenon is most common in young praying mantises.
The main diet is insects, but they can also prey on animals that are larger than them, for example, on small lizards.

Because of its attractive appearance and unpretentiousness in content, the orchid praying mantis is in demand among lovers of exotic insects.

3. Pink cicada (lat. Phromnia rosea)

Here is another master of disguise - the cicada Phromnia rosea. She really applies her pink coloring to 100%. Here, look at this image.

At first glance, it may seem that the branch is strewn with delicate pink buds that are about to bloom. No matter how! If you get closer, it becomes clear that these are not flowers at all, but real living creatures - hundreds of pink insects. If they are disturbed, they will take off and land in a safer place, and again turn into beautiful "flowers".

4. Pink Dragon Centipede Desmoxytes purpurosea

But this insect is a prime example of the fact that pink can serve as a warning color. This centipede is indeed quite poisonous. She is able to shoot at the offender with spikes stuffed with cyanide.

It got its name due to the fact that it really is somewhat reminiscent of such a fabulous creature. This type of insect was discovered not so recently - in 2007, in the Mekong Delta (Southeast Asia).

But not only insects can be pink, but also underwater inhabitants like starfish, frogfish, lobsters and even dolphins!

5. Pink starfish (lat. Asteroidea)

The color scheme of these invertebrate type echinoderms is the most diverse. Including it can contain all shades of pink and purple. It looks beautiful, especially when there are not single instances of pink starfish but entire colonies. It is believed that species living among coral reefs have the brightest and most beautiful coloration.

Most often, the dorsal side is brighter than the ventral. And if a star loses its usual water environment for a long time, then it quickly loses its bright color and turns pale.
Most types of starfish, with the exception of the crown of thorns (lat. Acanthaster planci), do not pose any danger to humans.

6. Pink fish frogs (lat. Antennariidae)

Here is how a famous naturalist of the 19th century spoke about these animals - "... they are the most ridiculous ... the most vile kind of fish, as their everyday name implies ... they have as much in common with frogs and toads as with fish."

Not the most pleasant comparison. But nothing can be done if this is true. These fish got their "amphibious" name because of the unusual way of moving under water. They cannot swim like normal fish. Their movement is more like jumping. They move along the bottom with the help of modified pectoral fins.
Yes and appearance they don't really have a gift. Some of the species on the forehead have a special flexible long outgrowth with a bait at the end (their close relatives, anglerfish, have similar adaptations). With its help, the fish attracts small fish to itself. When she swims close enough, the fish in the blink of an eye opens its huge mouth and swallows the unlucky fish.

In addition, they are excellent camouflage. These clown fish can acquire any color, including pink. Everything will depend on the color of the surrounding area.

7. Pink crouching lobster (lat. Lauriea siagiani)

Pink crouching lobster (lat. Lauriea siagiani), lobster fairy or anomura crab - all these names refer to the same animal - a very fragile, delicate and beautiful creature.

Despite their names, the relationship between this creature and lobsters is very distant. Its closest relatives are hermit crabs and porcelain crabs.
Their appearance is great. A small 1.5 cm body is densely decorated with the most bright colors- various shades of pink, violet-purple, yellow, etc. Compared with the body, their fragile transparent legs become almost invisible.

They live in coral or rocky reefs in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans, finding a safe haven among the porous body of the giant sponge Xestospongia muta.

8. Pink or Amazonian dolphin (lat. Inia geoffrensis)

These are river dolphins. They live in the dark and dangerous waters of the Amazon, next to voracious piranhas, which they are not at all afraid of. Amazonian dolphins themselves are not averse to eating piranhas, and they do it very quickly.

At first glance, it seems that these dolphins are actually colored pink, but this is only partly true. Their main color is light gray, as is the case with many ocean dolphins. It changes with age. Juveniles are greyish with a white belly, but as they mature they begin to take on a pinkish or pale blue hue. This is the result of the natural pigmentation of the skin.

River dolphins have well-developed eyesight, but in muddy water it is of little use. Therefore, in hunting, they rely on hearing, touch and echolocation. Amazonian dolphins are very voracious. They can eat up to 12 kilograms of fish per day.
Inii are very curious and playful, but they are difficult to train. They, like their sea brethren, care for their wounded relatives.

9. Pink crab

Anyone can envy its bright pink coloring. No wonder it has another funny name - strawberry crab. A funny picture is completed by white spots scattered all over the body. Well, just the "fly agaric" of the underwater world.

For the first time, people learned about this animal only in 2009. The new kind was found off the coast of southern Taiwan. It was originally mistaken for Neoliomera pubescens because they are very similar in appearance. But it turned out that these crabs differ in the width and shape of the shell. Adult individuals of the found species grow up to 5 centimeters wide.

These crabs are omnivores, but they prefer small seaweeds that grow on rocks.

But among reptiles, pink color is quite rare. In the animal world, only 2 species of reptiles with a pink tint are known. These are the pink corn snake and the pink iguana.

10. Pink iguana

These unique animals were discovered not so long ago - in 1986 in the Galapagos Islands, in particular, in the vicinity of Wolf Volcano on Isabella Island.
Initially, scientists thought that they had come across several specimens of common marine iguanas that had a problem with pigmentation. But everything turned out to be completely different. Thanks to DNA analysis, it was proved that pink iguanas are an independent species that separated from the rest even before the appearance of the Galapagos western islands, which includes the modern habitat of these animals - Isabella Island. It happened about 5.7 million years ago. Everything is clear, if not for one BUT. The island itself was formed no more than 1 million years ago. Scientists explain this discrepancy by the fact that, perhaps, that part of the volcanoes that is now under water was once on the surface a long time ago. And the ancestors of pink iguanas could settle on their slopes and evolve into a separate species.

At the moment, the exact population size of these animals is still unknown. Scientists managed to detect and study only 36 specimens of these reptiles. Outwardly, they are slightly different from their closest relatives. Pink iguanas can reach a length of 1.8 meters and have a slightly different ridge shape on their backs.

11. Pink maize snake (lat. Pantherophis guttatus rosacea)

It is found in the very south of the Florida peninsula. It occurs in pine forests on depleted soils among deadwood, as well as on rocky slopes of hills and mountain canyons, in rock crevices and caves. In nature, it is mainly nocturnal, spending the day in shelters. It climbs well, but prefers to hunt on the surface of the earth.
The main prey is small mammals. A medium-sized, slender and relatively thin snake, usually reaches a length of 1.2 - 1.5 meters.

Pink is a natural color variation. This subspecies of the maize snake is characterized by a significant reduction in black pigment both on the top and on the belly, which makes the color look less contrasting and more uniform. The background of the back is pinkish-orange. The spots are sharp, without rims, dark brown or red.
Now let's talk about pink birds. And the first thing that comes to mind is a pink flamingo.

12. Pink flamingo (lat. Phoenicopterus roseus)

The natural color of these flamingos is white, not pink. They acquire their unusual shade with food - shrimp, small crustaceans and plants, which contain a large amount of betacarotene. With improper nutrition, these birds turn pale and lose their unique color. Often this happens when kept in captivity, since not every zoo is able to provide this bird with a special diet with a high level of betacarotene.

The pink color in these birds serves to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Therefore, pale individuals, in particular males, are much less likely to have a life mate than their pinker counterparts.
We have already managed to talk about pink insects, marine life, birds, reptiles and even some mammals. But these are not all animals that can boast such an unusual coloration for the animal world. Let's continue our review and look at a few more mammals.

13. Pink hippos

I will say right away that this is not an independent species, but only the vagaries of nature. Pink hippos are found, but very rarely. This is most common in the Leucistic hippos species, which often lacks brown pigment in the skin.

However, the partial presence of pink for hippos is not new. Most of them are gray-brown in color, but in hot weather they can take on a slight pink tint. This is due to the unusual color of their sweat.

Believe it or not, the most famous pink hippopotamus lives here in Russia, in one of the Kaliningrad zoos. This is a boy, but his name is Svetik, or Svyatoslav. Until the age of three, Svetik was an ordinary gray-brown hippo, but then he suddenly turned pink. According to veterinarians, the reason for such a sharp change in color was heredity. It turns out that Svetik's great-grandfather was also pink.

Behemoth Svetik

Now, at the age of 4, this hippo weighs 600 kilograms. According to zoologists, by the age of 10, these hippos reach a weight of up to 3.5 tons.

14. Pink armadillo (lat. Chlamyphorus truncatus)

It is also called the frilled armadillo or the Argentine shield-bearer. It lives on the territory of western Argentina, where it inhabits dry meadows and flat sandy areas overgrown with cacti and thorny bushes. Not much is known about this animal.

This small animal (it grows up to 12-15 centimeters in length and weighs no more than 90 grams) got its name due to the pink color of the shell. Unlike other types of armadillos, in which the body is covered with a ossified bone shell, in the pink armadillo it is covered with soft white wool. A similar fur edge is observed on the abdomen. The eyes are small, the auricles are practically absent.

He lives in loose soil, where he finds his livelihood. The basis of its diet is adult insects and their larvae: ants, their larvae, worms, caterpillars, snails, as well as plant roots.
The main activity is shown at night, during the day it sits in its hole. Juveniles have a soft shell. It hardens only in adulthood. These are leisurely animals, so they easily become prey for predators, especially their cubs. In this case, adults are saved by the shell, and even then not always. If necessary, it is able to completely dig into the ground in a few seconds.

15. Pink kitten

But the pink color of this animal is most likely the result of a chemical reaction than the tricks of nature. In England, in the county of Cornwall, on the territory of a concrete factory, workers accidentally discovered 4 homeless kittens, who also turned out to be orphans. From hunger and weakness, they could hardly move. The kittens were almost immediately sent to a special organization called “Cat Protection”.

But the most interesting thing is that these kittens turned out to be pink. Veterinarians assume that they accidentally smeared in the coloring pigment, which is widely used in the factory. All the kittens were washed and returned to their natural color, except for one. It turned out to be a girl whose light-colored fur soaked up the paint so much that it was impossible to wash it off. She just became a couple of tones lighter. For this she was called the Pink Panther.

Pink is the color of chewing gum, Valentine's Day cards, and Barbies. This color is also associated with some brands, and among public organizations the pink ribbon, symbolizing the fight against breast cancer, is especially famous. Psychologists believe that pink has a calming effect on the nervous system, which is why in the West it is used in many prisons and hospitals.

Pink color is actually an incorrect concept, and some scientists call it a real mystery. It's not a wavelength or a particle, and pink isn't actually in the visible spectrum (it's not in the rainbow, for example).

It is not so easy to meet the pink color in nature; it is not for nothing that it is more often associated with something artificial or man-made. That is why the natural wonders that are waiting for you in this ranking right now are so amazing.

10. Pink Sand Beach Pink Sand Beach, Bahamas (Bahamas)

This photograph seems to be a scene from a fairy tale or the result of graphic processing. But do not rush to doubt, because this is the real pink sand from the Bahamian Pink Sand Beach. The strip of pink coast stretches for almost 5 kilometers, and it is located on Harbor Island. In the sea, resort guests are immediately awaited by a developed system of reefs that protect the bay from strong waves and at the same time are the reason for the bizarre shade of the beach.

Local coral reefs are home to microscopic single-celled organisms, foraminifera (Foraminifera), and it is their shells that are distinguished by their bright pink or red color. These coral creatures are essential to the ocean ecosystem, feeding reefs, inhabiting the seafloor and dwelling between rocks and underwater caves. Like all living organisms, foraminifers die, and when this happens, their bright bodies wash ashore. Here they mix with sand and other coral fragments. This is how the famous Pink Sand Beach appeared. No magic, no photoshop, just natural processes.

9. Female mantis orchid mantis

Like many other species of insects, females and males of orchid praying mantis from Southwest Asia look very different from each other. The male is small and brown, and the female is very similar to an orchid flower, next to which these insects prefer to live. This camouflage appearance allows the female praying mantis to attract the insects she preys on, while the male manages to remain unnoticed while he is in search of mating contenders.

The result of the evolution of this type of praying mantis looks simply incredible. The female mantis orchid mantis has mastered the art of reincarnation to perfection, and it is almost impossible for an untrained eye to distinguish this insect from a real flower. Their limbs are shaped like flower petals with pink and yellow spots, and the body of the female praying mantis is very similar to an orchid bud, and therefore they are easy to confuse with a real flower. These praying mantises attract insects almost much better than the real plants they camouflage. And all this despite the fact that females do not pretend to be any particular type of orchid, but rather imitate this family of flowers as a whole.

8. San Francisco Salt Ponds

If you've ever flown over San Francisco in a plane, you may have noticed the brightly colored patchwork of ponds in the city's waterfront area. This is not a mirage or paint, but the salt ponds of Cargill Corporation (an American food company), which have now come under the jurisdiction of local authorities and landowners who are restoring the site for non-commercial purposes.

For 150 years, salt mining has been the Gulf's leading industry. Salt mines, which used to occupy over 60 square kilometers, are now part of a project to restore tidal swamps and the ecology of the region. This means that colorful salt ponds will not last forever, and will disappear in the near future.

But how are salt mines connected with such a multi-colored appearance of these artificial reservoirs? It's all about microorganisms, a special kind of algae called Dunaliella (Dunaliella). The high concentration of salt in the water caused an active growth of bright red and coral pink algae. Under conditions of low salinity, algae grow green.

The incredible sheet of pink salt ponds can be seen even from space, and astronauts use them as a reference point during their flights in Earth's orbit.

7. Amazon pink dolphin

Such dolphins cannot be found in the sea, because this is a representative of a rare freshwater species, which in fact there are very few left on our planet. Pink dolphins live in the rivers and lakes of South America, including the largest river continent, the Amazon. Amazonian dolphins, or inii, or Amazonian river dolphins are large animals weighing up to 160 kilograms and growing up to 2.7 meters in length, but they do not have a dorsal fin typical of marine species.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that the Amazonian dolphin feeds on the same fish that local fishermen hunt, the animal is often killed so that it does not interfere with people getting their own food. In addition, with river dolphins associated with many myths. Local legend says that these creatures are quiet, solitary and blind, but scientists have proven that Amazonian dolphins are very sociable, sometimes even aggressive and have excellent vision.

Inias are gray, almost white and pink. The researchers note that the pink color depends on the age of the animal, and adult males are usually proud of the brightest color. There is a theory that the skin of dolphins acquires such a bizarre color due to frequent fights and, in fact, is a kind of scar tissue. Another version says that the Amazonian dolphins have learned to mimic the color of red river sand, common in South America to hide from large river predators.

6 Lake Hillier, Australia

From the plane it may seem that someone poured a whole sea of ​​pink paint into a deep hole. But Australia's Lake Hillier is not really bright pink because of artificial dyes. The reason for this incredible color is the same single-celled algae that grows in the salt ponds of San Francisco. Dunaliella is a sincere lover of salt, and it contains pigments that perfectly absorb sunlight, are responsible for the red and pink color of the microbe, and, as a result, the color of the entire water surface.

In the water of Hillier, scientists have identified a mixture of other algae and bacteria, which also caused the bright color of the reservoir. The discovery of additional microorganisms indicates that there was a tannery in the lake area sometime in the early 20th century. It turns out that Hillier is the result of not only natural processes, but also human intervention.

5. Wine hawk

From caterpillar stage to adult, this type of moth is simply amazing. The caterpillar of the hawk hawk, like the caterpillars of many other species of Lepidoptera, in the process of evolution has decorated itself with spots and patterns resembling snake eyes and body, which sometimes helps it to deceive and scare off potential predators. She even learned to mimic the blinking of a snake's eye with a small anal horn that mimics the blinking of eyes in specific patterns.

If the caterpillar survives to the pupal stage, then one of the most beautiful butterflies on the ground. Unlike most typical moths, which are most often gray or Brown color, wine hawk is proud of its bright pink and olive color. They are often confused with other butterflies, but hawk moths are strictly nocturnal and have thick bodies typical of moths.

4. Pink terraces of Lake Rotomahana

This is a pink wonder of nature, which is not so easy to see, because it has been erased from the face of the Earth. The pink terraces of New Zealand were completely destroyed in 1886 during a strong earthquake and the eruption of the Tarawera volcano, which claimed the lives of 150 local residents. The terraces that went to the bottom were pink and white, and were considered the natural treasure of the island-state. Some even called them the eighth wonder of the world. These sites were unique quartz formations, the largest of their kind on Earth. White levels alternated with pink ones. For what reason there was such a color diversification is still unknown.

After almost 150 years, a cartographic expedition was undertaken in the area of ​​​​Lake Rotomagana to study the bottom of the reservoir. With the help of sonar, scientists discovered a cluster of bottom layers, which could presumably be the same lost pink terraces. To verify their guesses, the experts sent a film crew under the water, which confirmed that Rotomagana still keeps the remains of the famous quartz terraces.

The 1886 earthquake caused enormous damage, but at least 10% of the lost terraces remain, and New Zealand can be glad that its natural wealth not completely lost to the world.

3. Pink grasshopper

Grasshoppers are most commonly associated with the color green, but recent research has confirmed that there is a North American species of long-nosed orthopteran that has pink as its dominant color. For decades, scientists thought pink, yellow, and orange were the result of genetic mutations caused by recessive genes. Experts believed that grasshoppers of these colors are similar to albino people, who have practically no melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin, hair and iris.

However, for the past 10 years, researchers at the Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium in New Orleans have had a chance to closely observe pink grasshoppers, and they have come to the conclusion that this has always been the case. The analyzes showed that it is the green pigment that is recessive, and the pink color is the dominant feature of this insect. This means that if you cross a green and pink grasshopper, their offspring will be exactly pink, and this is normal.

The rarity of pink grasshoppers is explained by the fact that these insects most often take on this color unnecessarily, because they usually prefer green grasses. If you are lucky enough to see a pink grasshopper in the wild, you can consider it a real success.

2. Senegalese lake Retba (Retba)

The white-sand beaches and pink water of Lake Retba look very deceptive, because in fact this is not the best place for beach holiday. This Senegalese lake is so salty that it even rivals the famous dead sea, and its bright shores are actually not sand, but real salt. The people call the reservoir Lac Rose (Pink Lake), and it is this shade that it takes on during the dry season. During the year, the lake changes its color depending on the concentration of salt in it.

The salt-loving unicellular algae Dunaliella, already known to us, again appear as the source of the pink color. A mixture of algae, minerals and the hot sun can color the Retba lake water even bloody.

Retba is a real gold mine for salt miners who spend all their days here earning a living. To protect their skin from constant contact with salt, salt collectors are smeared with shea butter.

1. Okinawa Gardens

There is no better place to enjoy the view of the pink cherry blossoms than the gardens of Okinawa in Japan. This city is the first of the year to see cherry blossoms and cherry trees, which open their flower buds from mid-February, while in other parts of the country this occurs in April and May.

In Japan, sakura is treated with special reverence. During their flowering season locals crowds flock to Japanese gardens to engage in "hanami," which literally translates to "look at the flowers."

But why do the Japanese revere and cultivate sakura so much? The short-term flowering of this plant very clearly demonstrates the Japanese cultural heritage and philosophy that respects the transience of natural beauty. Cherry blossoms also symbolize a new beginning and coincide with the start of the Japanese school year and fiscal calendar (April 1).

Animals in pink

Oh-oh-oh, it turns out that there are representatives of the animal world on our planet who adore the glamorous pink color! What are they - pink elephants, and what determines the color of flamingos? ..

pink dolphin

The official name for pink dolphins is Chinese white dolphin/in Latin, Sousa chinensis. They are born black. By adolescence, the color changes to gray with pink spots. Adult dolphins are white. Pale pink color does not depend on the presence of pink pigment, but on blood vessels.

Pink Elephant

The notorious pink elephants, about which children's songs are sung and cartoons are made, are actually just albinos. Only unlike most other "discolored" animals, they are not white, but slightly pinkish. In Asia, such elephants are held in high esteem.

pink snake

This cute pink snake is a non-venomous and completely harmless corn snake. Its natural color is bright orange with black stripes that surround red spots. For the peacefulness of the snake, breeders were very fond of and at the present time they were able to obtain and consolidate many color variations, which are called morphs.

Pink flamingo

Perhaps the most famous carrier of pink is the flamingo. Birds get their pink plumage from food. The diet of flamingos is high in carotenoids, which they obtain from seafood and algae. That is why, falling into captivity, pink flamingos often lose their beautiful pink plumage. But in some zoos, in order to maintain sufficient carotenoid levels in birds, they feed them with carrots. The brightness of the flamingo color depends on the amount of carotenoids in the body of the bird. Some species have a rich scarlet color.

pink cockatoo

A unique pink parrot is an Inca cockatoo, an inhabitant of western and southern parts Australia. These are very graceful, and extraordinarily beautiful birds. Their wings are white and their belly, breast, neck and cheeks are pinkish red.

pink actinidia

The sea anemone, sometimes considered a plant and informally referred to as the "sea chrysanthemum", is actually an animal that does not have a calcareous skeleton. The bright color of the sea anemone attracts prey, and then it releases a huge amount of poison, which, by the way, is a good defense against aggressors. The pink anemone lives off the coast of Europe and Africa.

pink jellyfish

The pink jellyfish lives in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea - large individuals can reach 70 cm in diameter. The burns of these jellyfish are very painful for humans.

pink praying mantis

Orchid praying mantis, got its name because of the unusual coloring that makes it look like an orchid flower. It lives in the tropical forests of India and Indonesia.

rose spoonbill

Because of its beautiful feathers, a hundred years ago, the pink spoonbill was threatened with extinction. The feathers of this bird were used by fashion designers for their creations and were paid three times as much as gold. Today the population is from 100 thousand to 250 thousand birds. In the US, the bird is under protection.

pink spider

The pink sidewalk spider or crab spider gets its name from its ability to move sideways. Flower-dwelling sidewalker species are usually quite brightly colored. Sidewalkers do not weave webs, their weapons are modified front legs.

pink cicada

You look from the side - the tree is strewn with bright "flowers". But it is worth clapping your hands - and the "flowers" flutter into the air in search of a quieter corner.

Sea sailing ruff

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