Unusual rain. The most incredible rains (10 facts) Atmospheric precipitation interesting facts

Auto 15.06.2019

Rain is a common occurrence for people, so there is nothing surprising in this. Rain, thunderstorm, downpour, hail ... Sometimes all this is in the order of things. But today we want to tell you about the most unusual rains in the world, at the sight of which your jaw will simply “fall off”.

1. Rain of money. Sounds cool, but there wasn't much to be excited about. Shortly before the Great Patriotic War it rained in Meshchery old coins 16th century. But for an ordinary citizen of that time, they were unnecessary, since nothing could be bought on them in a store. This is explained by the fact that during severe weather heavy rain washed the treasure from under the Earth, and strong hurricane wind raised that money.

2. Rain of fish. This kind of thing happened more than once. In England in 1918 there was a rain of fish fry, in the USA in 1892 there was a general rain of eels. And in Indian settlements, a rain of fish is generally not such a rare occurrence.

3. In France (and in Spain too) it rained from. That's lucky. In a country where frog legs are a delicacy, the rain brought these amphibians. And not so long ago exactly the same situation happened in Japan. Hordes of tadpoles and frogs also fell from the sky.

4. But frogs are nothing. Here in the USA in 1877 ... alligators rained down on one of the farms! Here is such a gift from heaven awaiting the inhabitants of this farm.

5. Bloody rain. These precipitations at one time frightened a huge number of residents of Sri Lanka. This rain went on for 1.5 months and the inhabitants saw an unkind sign in the bloody rain. But scientists conducted research and found that the rain turns red due to spores of local lichen species. Sometimes such rains occur due to increased acidity, red dust or microorganisms.

6. Rain of worms. Although not dangerous, it is definitely disgusting. In 2011, such an incident occurred on the territory of a school in Scotland. The earthworms were supposed to have been brought here by the wind, but on that day the weather was very still and clear. An explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found. Maybe it's someone's prank.

7. We have already talked about fish rain above, but this species deserves a separate item. In Honduras every year at about the same time (May-June), a black cloud hangs over the sky from which sardines literally spill out. The locals are very fond of this time and are happy to collect all the fish for themselves. They even sang this rain in their folklore.

8. In one of the provinces of Argentina in 2007, they rained down from the sky, and not as small as we are used to seeing, but arthropods 10 cm in size. Not the most pleasant sight.

9. Rain of jellyfish. Such rains are not such a rare occurrence and, as a rule, such rains occur tens or even hundreds of kilometers from the coast. Such precipitation was recorded in Japan, the USA, China and even in Russia.

10. In Sweden in 2011 it rained several hundred dead birds (crows and jackdaws). In the same year, a similar rain fell in the USA, but only their dead thrushes, and the number of birds was no longer in the hundreds, but in the thousands.

It is assumed that the main reason for such rains of animals is a combination of various showers, tornadoes and winds, which can carry fauna hundreds of kilometers from their last location. Again, this has not been confirmed. And even there are many scientists who refute this theory.

A selection of the most unusual recent rains that have been publicized in the media and have real witnesses. If you also met with unusual precipitation, tell us about them in the comments.

1. Earthworms

In 2011, a fall in earthworms was reported in Scotland. They fell from the sky onto the stadium of one of the schools, where a physical education class was just taking place. Teacher David Crichton was forced to interrupt the lesson and send the children to shelter. Then the teacher and students collected worms for a long time to show them to colleagues and scientists: in total, he found 120 worms within a radius of 92 m. the phenomenon was never found.
In 2007, Eleanor Beal, a police officer from Jennings, USA, also claimed that a ball of swarming worms fell from the sky.

7. Colored rain

AT Indian state Kerala experienced a blood red rain in 2001. He poured for two months. The inhabitants were frightened and saw a bad sign in the colored rain. Scientists were quick to reassure the population: laboratory tests showed that the rain turned red due to spores of a local lichen. In 2012, bloody rain also fell on Sri Lanka. Scientists note that red rain also occurs in areas of high acidity or due to dust storms.
Colored precipitation is rare, but not an unprecedented phenomenon. In February of this year, Saratov region orange snow fell: it turned out that the cyclone that came from North Africa brought sand particles from the desert with it. In 2006, pink snow fell in Colorado, eyewitnesses claim that it smelled like watermelon.

8. Sardines and shrimp

The fish shower in Honduras occurs every year at about the same time: from May to July. And approximately in the same place: not far from the city of Yoro. Sardines fall from the sky, which are happily harvested locals. According to eyewitnesses, the phenomenon begins at five or six in the evening: a black cloud hangs over the earth, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, puddles are filled with fish.
This phenomenon was described in Honduran folklore: "Where the fish rain will pass like a heavenly miracle," is sung in an old song. The fact of fish rains was confirmed by Christian missionaries at the beginning of the 18th century and by the scientist Alexander von Humboldt. Residents consider the sardine rain a miracle that the Spanish Catholic missionary José Manuel Subiran begged for them in the middle of the 19th century. Scientists have their own explanation: strong winds and tornadoes bring fish from the Atlantic Ocean. Since 1998, Yoro has hosted an annual Fish Rain Festival.

Isolated cases of precipitation from seafood occur in other parts of the world. In May 2014, there was a fish rain in Sri Lanka: residents collected 50 kg of catch, two years earlier, a shower of shrimp fell here. Australians, Greeks, British, and peasants from the south of Ethiopia reported about fish rains: they were horrified when, during field work, “the skies opened up” and half-dead, convulsing fish rained down from there.

Umbrella won't help with rain like this! It was not at all in vain that in one famous cartoon it was stated that there are not only mushroom rains, but also carrot ones, for example. Life experience suggests that they can be both acidic and radioactive. But this is not the strangest thing that Mother Nature can puzzle us with. There are plenty of examples of this both in history and today.

1 The most desired rain

People brought up by modern civilization will surely count the rain of money. In February 1957, real banknotes in denominations of 1000 francs rained down on the French city of Bourges. The townspeople sincerely rejoiced at the unusual bad weather.


In July 1940, residents of the village of Meshchery, Gorky Region, had a chance to see the golden rain. Gold and silver coins from the time of Ivan the Terrible were waking up from heaven.

3 One pence rain

In 1957, only two halfpence coins fell from the sky on a resident of the English County of Durham.

4 It's not just money that falls from the sky

In 1934, heaven gifted the American town of East Pachog with a police uniform.

5 A completely unexpected surprise was presented by the elements to the Italian city of Naples

In 1958, a German shell from the Second World War fell on one of its streets.

6 In 1804, wheat rain "fell" on the south of Spain

Peasants harvested wheat with shovels. Later it turned out that the element brought grain from the destroyed warehouses in northern Africa.

7 In 2002, nature gave the inhabitants of the Greek city of Korona several hundred large fish

It is believed that a powerful whirlwind "gathered" the fish in the sea, 15 kilometers from the city and safely delivered to the address.

8 Often, tornadoes pick up many small jellyfish in the oceans and throw them hundreds of kilometers inland

Jellyfish have fallen in Beijing, Tokyo, Texas.

9 In 1754, to one of the villages of Bavaria from thunder cloud showered live crayfish

Many Bavarians received tangible injuries.

10 Perhaps the most tragicomic case occurred in 1990 in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

A Japanese fishing boat was sunk by a cow that fell from the sky. The surviving fishermen unanimously claimed that several cows had fallen into the sea.

Nature loves to joke and surprise. But cows falling from the sky are overkill!

People different countries at all times, unusual rains were reported: colored water poured from the sky, or some unexpected objects or even animals fell at all. Such stories could be considered legends, someone's fantasy or a joke, but similar messages continue to do so to this day. Scientists have long found a reasonable explanation for these strange phenomena. It is believed that a powerful stream of wind lifts and carries animals from their usual environment, transfers them over long distances.

Silver and gold

Everyone dreams of money rain, and it really does happen sometimes. June 17, 1940 in Nizhny Novgorod region near the village of Meshchera, silver and gold coins of the 16th-17th centuries rained down from the sky - about 1000 pieces in total. It turned out that during a thunderstorm, a treasure with coins was washed away, a surging hurricane lifted them into the air and, to the amazement and joy of local residents, threw them into the Meshcher area.


In 2005, in Serbia, in the village of Kadja Dzhanovik, frogs rained down from the sky. “Thousands of frogs fell on us along with the rain,” said then a local resident Alexander Sayrik. His neighbors testified of a huge gray cloud and wondered if the reptiles could have fallen out of some kind of exploding plane. Ecologist Slavits Ignatovich found a simple explanation: “A strong whirlwind pulled the frogs near a lake or other body of water somewhere far away and brought them here, where they fell during the rain. This is a rare but well-known phenomenon.” In 2009, a frog shower was reported in Japan in several cities in Ishikawa Prefecture. In 2010, frog rain fell in the city of Rakoczifalva in Croatia.

fruit hail

In 2011, residents of the English city of Coventry complained about the apple rain - hundreds of fruits fell from the sky. “It was so unexpected and incomprehensible that everyone just froze,” said one of the eyewitnesses of the events. Fortunately, no one was hurt, although many cars were badly beaten. Meteorologists blamed hurricane-force winds. Some Britons also saw carrots and cabbages among the apples.

colored rains

In the Indian state of Kerala in 2001 there was a blood-red rain. He poured for two months. The inhabitants were frightened and saw a bad sign in the colored rain. Scientists were quick to reassure the population: laboratory tests showed that the rain turned red due to spores of a local lichen. In 2012, bloody rain also fell on Sri Lanka. Scientists note that red rain also occurs in areas of high acidity or due to dust storms. Colored precipitation is rare, but not an unprecedented phenomenon. In February of this year, orange snow fell in the Saratov region: it turned out that a cyclone that came from North Africa brought sand particles from the desert with it. In 2006, pink snow fell in Colorado, eyewitnesses claim that it smelled like watermelon.

Thrushes and jackdaws

Birds falling dead from the sky are, of course, less surprising than Marine life, but it all depends on the scale of such "rain". In Arkansas at new year's eve as of 2011, thousands of blackbirds have fallen from the sky. There were especially many of them in the city of Bib. Ornithologists who examined the corpses of birds in laboratories diagnosed bodily injuries in thrushes - they died on impact, but not on the ground, but as if colliding with some objects. Scientists came to the conclusion that New Year's firecrackers and fireworks were to blame. Another version was also expressed: that the birds got into thundercloud and lost their way, and since they have poor eyesight, they began to run into houses, trees and fell, dying from their injuries. A few days later, a rain of dead jackdaws, crows and magpies hit the Swedish city of Falköping - residents then found 10,000 dead birds.


In 2011, a fall in earthworms was reported in Scotland. They fell from the sky onto the stadium of one of the schools, where a physical education class was just taking place. Teacher David Crichton was forced to interrupt the lesson and send the children to shelter. Then the teacher and students collected worms for a long time to show them to colleagues and scientists: in total, he found 120 worms within a radius of 92 m. the phenomenon was never found. In 2007, Eleanor Beal, a police officer from Jennings, USA, also claimed that a ball of swarming worms fell from the sky.

Sardines and shrimp

The fish shower in Honduras occurs every year at about the same time: from May to July. And approximately in the same place: not far from the city of Yoro. Sardines fall from the sky, which are collected with pleasure by the locals. According to eyewitnesses, the phenomenon begins at five or six in the evening: a black cloud hangs over the earth, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, puddles are filled with fish. in an old song.

The fact of fish rains was confirmed by Christian missionaries at the beginning of the 18th century and by the scientist Alexander von Humboldt. Residents consider the sardine rain a miracle that the Spanish Catholic missionary José Manuel Subiran begged for them in the middle of the 19th century. Scientists have their own explanation: strong winds and tornadoes bring fish from the Atlantic Ocean.

Yoro has hosted an annual Fish Rain Festival since 1998. Sporadic cases of seafood rain have also occurred in other parts of the world. In May 2014, there was a fish rain in Sri Lanka: residents collected 50 kg of catch, two years earlier, a shower of shrimp fell here. Australians, Greeks, British, and peasants from the south of Ethiopia reported about fish rains: they were horrified when, during field work, “the skies opened up” and half-dead, convulsing fish rained down from there.

It rained spiders in Australia

Millions of little spiders flying from the sky made the people of Goulburn think about the end of the world.

Eyewitnesses to the rain of spiders that took place in the city of Goulburn in New South Wales were the first to report an unusual atmospheric phenomenon in in social networks. “The whole area and my house were covered with small black spiders, I looked at the sun and saw many strands of cobwebs going a couple of hundred meters into the sky,” said local resident Ian Watson, who was one of the first to report the event on the city’s community page in Internet.Soon there were scientists who explained that spider rain is not a sign of an impending apocalypse, but a natural a natural phenomenon. According to the Australian Museum naturalist Martin Robinson, spiders use the method of "ballooning" in the process of migration. These animals weave a web on the tops of trees, then they, along with the net, are picked up by the wind and thrown over long distances. According to the scientist, spiders can "hover" up to 3 km above the ground.

“They can travel many kilometers, which is their ability to explain the fact that spiders are found on every continent. They regularly appear even in Antarctica, but die right there, - said Robinson. “In this phenomenon, one can also find the answer to the question of why spiders are usually the first land animals on new islands that have arisen as a result of volcanic activity.”

Fallout from space

Tornadoes, tornadoes and hurricanes bring people a lot of surprises: golf balls, nails, rubber galoshes, marble balls, etc. But there are times when the wind is not to blame. Meteorites, aircraft debris, remnants of space debris are falling from the sky ... Since the fall of the first satellite in 1957, more than 20,000 objects from outer space have fallen to Earth: on average, about 400 such debris fall a year. Last case occurred in the suburbs of Chita in April of this year: a mysterious object fell from the sky and exploded, frightening eyewitnesses. After checking, it turned out that it was a military apparatus, and not a UFO at all, as the locals thought.

What, besides the usual rain, snow and hail, fell from the sky in the 21st century.

People from different countries at all times reported unusual rains: colored water poured from the sky or some unexpected objects or even animals fell at all. Such stories could be considered legends, someone's fantasy or a joke, but such reports continue to come in today. For example, to which there are many confirmations on the Internet. Scientists have long found a reasonable explanation for these strange phenomena. It is believed that a powerful stream of wind lifts and carries animals from their usual environment, transfers them over long distances.

We will talk about the ten most unusual rains of modern times, which have been publicized in the media and have witnesses.

Silver and gold

Everyone dreams of money rain, and it really does happen sometimes. On June 17, 1940, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, near the village of Meshchera, silver and gold coins of the 16th-17th centuries fell from the sky - about 1000 pieces in total. It turned out that during a thunderstorm, a treasure with coins was washed away, a surging hurricane lifted them into the air and, to the amazement and joy of local residents, threw them into the Meshcher area.


In 2005, in Serbia, in the village of Kadja Dzhanovik, frogs rained down from the sky. “Thousands of frogs fell on us along with the rain,” said then a local resident Alexander Sayrik. His neighbors testified of a huge gray cloud and wondered if the reptiles could have fallen out of some kind of exploding plane. Ecologist Slavits Ignatovich found a simple explanation: “A strong whirlwind pulled the frogs near a lake or other body of water somewhere far away and brought them here, where they fell during the rain. This is a rare but well-known phenomenon.” In 2009, a frog shower was reported in Japan in several cities in Ishikawa Prefecture. In 2010, frog rain fell in the city of Rakoczifalva in Croatia.

fruit hail

In 2011, residents of the English city of Coventry complained about the apple rain - hundreds of fruits fell from the sky. “It was so unexpected and incomprehensible that everyone just froze,” said one of the eyewitnesses of the events. Fortunately, no one was hurt, although many cars were badly beaten. Meteorologists blamed hurricane-force winds. Some Britons also saw carrots and cabbages among the apples.

colored rains

In the Indian state of Kerala in 2001 there was a blood-red rain. He poured for two months. The inhabitants were frightened and saw a bad sign in the colored rain. Scientists were quick to reassure the population: laboratory tests showed that the rain turned red due to spores of a local lichen. In 2012, bloody rain also fell on Sri Lanka. Scientists note that red rain also occurs in areas of high acidity or due to dust storms.

Colored precipitation is a rare, but not an unprecedented phenomenon. In February of this year, orange snow fell in the Saratov region: it turned out that a cyclone that came from North Africa brought sand particles from the desert with it. In 2006, pink snow fell in Colorado, eyewitnesses claim that it smelled like watermelon.

Thrushes and jackdaws

Birds falling dead from the sky are, of course, less surprising than marine life, but it all depends on the scale of such “rain”. In Arkansas, on New Year's Eve 2011, thousands of blackbirds fell from the sky. There were especially many of them in the city of Bib. Ornithologists who examined the corpses of birds in laboratories diagnosed bodily injuries in thrushes - they died from a blow, but not on the ground, but as if colliding with some objects.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that New Year's firecrackers and fireworks are to blame for everything. Another version was also expressed: that the birds fell into a thundercloud and lost their way, and since they have poor eyesight, they began to run into houses, trees and fell, dying from their injuries. A few days later, a rain of dead jackdaws, crows and magpies hit the Swedish city of Falköping - residents then found 10,000 dead birds.


In 2011, a fall in earthworms was reported in Scotland. They fell from the sky onto the stadium of one of the schools, where a physical education class was just taking place. Teacher David Crichton was forced to interrupt the lesson and send the children to shelter. Then the teacher and students collected worms for a long time to show them to colleagues and scientists: in total, he found 120 worms within a radius of 92 m. the phenomenon was never found.

In 2007, Eleanor Beal, a police officer from Jennings, USA, also claimed that a ball of swarming worms fell from the sky.

Sardines and shrimp

The fish shower in Honduras occurs every year at about the same time: from May to July. And approximately in the same place: not far from the city of Yoro. Sardines fall from the sky, which are collected with pleasure by the locals. According to eyewitnesses, the phenomenon begins at five or six in the evening: a black cloud hangs over the earth, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, puddles are filled with fish.

This phenomenon was described in Honduran folklore: “Where the fish rain will pass like a heavenly miracle,” is sung in an old song. The fact of fish rains was confirmed by Christian missionaries at the beginning of the 18th century and by the scientist Alexander von Humboldt. Residents consider the sardine rain a miracle that the Spanish Catholic missionary José Manuel Subiran begged for them in the middle of the 19th century. Scientists have their own explanation: strong winds and tornadoes bring fish from the Atlantic Ocean. Since 1998, Yoro has hosted an annual Fish Rain Festival.

Isolated cases of precipitation from seafood occur in other parts of the world. In May 2014, there was a fish rain in Sri Lanka: residents collected 50 kg of catch, two years earlier, a shower of shrimp fell here. Australians, Greeks, British, and peasants from the south of Ethiopia reported about fish rains: they were horrified when, during field work, “the skies opened up” and half-dead, convulsing fish rained down from there.

Fallout from space

Tornadoes, tornadoes and hurricanes bring people a lot of surprises: golf balls, nails, rubber galoshes, marble balls, etc. But there are times when the wind is not to blame. Meteorites, aircraft debris, remnants of space debris are falling from the sky ... Since the fall of the first satellite in 1957, more than 20,000 objects from outer space have fallen to Earth: on average, about 400 such debris fall a year. The latest incident occurred in a suburb of Chita in April this year: a mysterious object fell from the sky and exploded, frightening eyewitnesses. After checking, it turned out that it was a military apparatus, and not a UFO at all, as the locals thought.

If you also met with unusual precipitation, tell us about them in the comments.

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