Organization and holding of special events (event PR). Event event Technology of organization of event events

Interesting 26.07.2019

Topic 11. Organization of presentations. Technology for exhibitions and fairs.

Control questions and practical tasks

1. Special events for JI.

2. Planning and conducting presentations.

3. Comparative analysis holding exhibitions and fairs.

4. The main types of work required to prepare for special events.

5. Provision of an exhibition event.

6. Ordering exhibition space.

7. Exhibition stand design.

8. Exhibition materials and publications

10. Organization of workshops and meetings.

11. Organization of visits: VIP visits, overseas VIPs, visits by members of the royal family.

Special Events

Modern PR theory considers special events as an important tool for a public relations specialist, since, being effective tool communication with target groups, they provide publicity and attention to a wide audience.

A special event is a carefully planned action that takes place as part of an overall communication program and, as a rule, is one of its "key" stages. It is at the time of the special event that the maximum filling of the information field around the object is possible.

A PR specialist is able to turn a special event into a significant event for the target audience, giving it an emotional coloring. In turn, understanding the importance of the planned event by the public will contribute to the growth of its interest. Thus, the indicated value of the event, disrupting the usual course of life, will bring the necessary popularity, attracting the attention of the media.

Very often, a special event is "tied" to special corporate dates and events. this makes it possible to double its efficiency, in addition, there is a wide field for creative activity. For example, when launching a new product, a company may hold a series of presentations not only for the primary target audience, but also for suppliers, wholesalers, local governments, etc. And by applying a creative approach, for example, by giving a product to a famous person, the company lays the foundations for a positive image not only of its product, but also of the organization itself.

The organization of a special event is not only aimed at attracting the attention of the public and the media. More important goals are:

° creation, maintenance and development of a positive image of the company or its product,

° interaction with target social groups (including maintenance of internal corporate relations),

° receiving feedback, which allows for an analysis of the effectiveness of activities and strategies,

° demonstration of the level of development of the company, the scale of its activities,

° creation of an additional source of information about the company.

Organization of a special event

The preparation of a special event is entirely the responsibility of a public relations specialist. Basically, work on organizing a special event is carried out in three areas:

° creative part,

° administrative part,

° working with the media.

The organization of a special event is always a time-consuming and painstaking process that requires constant monitoring and great attention to the little things. In order to avoid possible labor and whine and meet the deadline, as a rule, preparations begin for a special event three months before it starts.

Creative part. Most of creative work falls on a public relations specialist when developing the concept of the event, which indicates the goals, objectives, content and expected effect of the event. In addition, at the first stage of preparation, the program and scenario of the event, participants and their roles are carefully prescribed.

Administrative part. The most time-consuming stage of preparing a special event. As a rule, the functions of a public relations specialist are reduced to monitoring the process and agreeing on the timing of the preparation of individual elements of the event. The PR-specialist distributes tasks to specialized agencies and monitors their completion by the deadline.

His responsibilities also include determining the location of the event, the time and duration of the event. In addition, the public relations specialist must:

° control the preparation and design of the selected premises (installation of lighting, production and installation of decorations, availability of a wardrobe, toilet, smoking room, signs, etc.). It is useful to draw up a layout of the premises in order to determine the most advantageous places for various purposes - stage, scenery, buffet, press table, video cameras, places for musicians, banners, etc.,

° check the installation and operation of the necessary equipment, such as sound equipment, projector, etc.,

° make a list of invited guests and track the timely production and distribution (two to three weeks) of invitations,

° determine in advance the areas of responsibility of the employees who will take part in the event, for example, those responsible for welcoming guests, working with the press, working with invited participants, operating equipment, cleanliness of the premises, responsible for operational issues. If the presence of foreign guests and participants of the event is expected, it is necessary to ensure the presence of competent interpreters at the event,

° control the production of printing and souvenir products necessary for the event.

Working with the media. The presence of media representatives at a special event also requires careful preparatory work. A public relations specialist can build media work in three stages:

1. Drawing up a database of media representatives who need to be invited to the event. Drawing up an announcing press release, its distribution and preliminary phone calls to the formed database in order to clarify interest in the subject of the event.

2. Invitation and accreditation of media representatives to a special event.

3. Work on joint preparation and control over the release of materials.

A public relations specialist needs to provide the media with all possible assistance in their work, as this will contribute to the formation of a positive image of the company and the appearance of materials where it will be presented in a favorable light. That is why, when organizing a special event, it is necessary to pay due attention to the preparation of accompanying materials for the press. Drawing up a press kit, which will present detailed materials about the company, will enable the PR specialist to establish trusting relationships with the press. The press kit will also become the main source of information for media representatives, since it will contain comprehensive information about the event and journalists will not have to waste time looking for it. Accordingly, when compiling a press kit, a PR specialist has the opportunity to put into the materials the main messages that he would like to see in future publications.

When holding a special event, it is necessary to allocate a special place where the press could have access to the prepared information (for example, a press center, a separate room, a table, etc.). It is important to create all conditions for the work of media representatives - to provide journalists with telephone, fax, computer, etc. The presence of such a press center will allow a public relations specialist to control all work with representatives. Mass media: from a mark in the accreditation sheet to receiving a press kit and other documents, printing and souvenir products. If media representatives are interested, interviews with company employees can be arranged in the press center or additional meetings can be arranged for more complete coverage of the topic.

Subsequent work with media representatives is reduced to clarifying the timing of the release of materials, press clipping and providing the missing information. It is also important to work with those journalists who were accredited, but for some reason could not attend. It is possible that these media representatives are still interested in the theme of the special event and would like to receive materials on its results. Accordingly, the preparation of such material falls on a public relations specialist.

The presence of a famous person can significantly increase the effectiveness of a special event. However, before choosing the most suitable figure for this, it is necessary to analyze the goals of the event, the intended atmosphere of its holding and the audience. If the choice is made correctly, then the event will be talked about for a long time even after it ends. In addition, there is an opportunity to increase the number of publications, as the circle of interested in media coverage will expand significantly. With the invited "star" it is also necessary to carry out preparatory work together to work out the script, determine the form of clothing, write a speech, and find out some other details of her participation in the event. During a special event, one of the company's employees should be near the "star" in order to provide the required assistance in the work, if necessary.

Public relations specialists quite often resort to organizing special events. This is due not only to the desire to attract public attention, but also to the fact that the company has an important and well-controlled means of disseminating information. Among the special events, the most popular among PR technologists are:

° round tables and seminars,

° exhibitions, expositions,

° presentations,

° opening ceremony,

° receptions,

° open days.

A firm can take a number of steps to encourage channels of personal influence to work in its favor. It can: 1) identify powerful individuals and influential organizations and focus additional efforts on processing them; 2) create opinion leaders by supplying certain individuals with goods on preferential terms; 3) work purposefully with local influencers such as disc jockeys, leaders of various training courses and women's organizations; 4) use influencers in testimonial ads; and 5) create ads with great “talk value”.

Channels of non-personal communication

These are means of disseminating information that convey an appeal in the absence of personal contact and feedback. These include means of mass and selective influence, a specific atmosphere, events of an eventful nature. Means of mass and selective influence

include print advertising media (newspapers, direct mail magazines), electronic advertising media (radio, television) and illustrative advertising media (boards, signs, posters). Mass media target large, undifferentiated audiences, while selective media target specialized audiences (see analysis of Pizza Inn's comprehensive communications program). Specific atmosphere

This is a specially created environment that contributes to the emergence or strengthening of the buyer's predisposition to purchase or use the product. Thus, law firms and banks are designed to instill a sense of confidence and other representations that may be valuable from the point of view of clients. Event events

These are events designed to convey specific messages to target audiences. In order to produce one or another communication effect on the audience, the organization departments public opinion organize press conferences, grand opening ceremonies, launch ceremonies, etc.

To ensure effective communication, firms hire advertising agencies to create effective ads, sales promotion specialists to develop incentive programs, and public opinion specialists to shape the image of the organization. Firms train their sales staff to be friendly and knowledgeable. Maintain communication with its intermediaries, consumers and various contact audiences. Intermediaries maintain communication with their consumers and various contact audiences. Consumers engage in verbal communication in the form of word of mouth and rumors with each other and other contact audiences. And at the same time, each group maintains communication feedback with all the others.

Each organization has its own specific communication techniques, such as sales presentations, point-of-sale displays, souvenir advertising, special exhibitions, fairs, demonstrations, catalogs, trade literature, promotional press kits, posters, competitions, bonuses, coupons and credit cards. At the same time, the concept of communication goes far beyond all these means and techniques. The external design of the product, its price, the shape and color of the packaging, the manners and clothes of the seller - all this says something to the buyer. To achieve the greatest communication effect, the firm needs to carefully coordinate its entire communication complex.


The article is devoted to the actual topic - the study of event tourism and, in particular, its type as exhibitions. A study of the role of exhibitions as event tourism in the life of a modern city is given. Event tourism is becoming an increasingly popular form of urban tourism. Sports events should be noted as event tourism events, incl. Olympics, Universiades, World Championships; city ​​festivals and carnivals; business and scientific forums and congresses. Exhibitions occupy a special place in event tourism. There are many classifications of exhibitions - by subject, by territorial coverage, by time of holding, by frequency, etc. Exhibitions, especially international ones, have a long history and currently remain relevant for the socio-economic development of the city. Exhibitions as events of event tourism help to attract tourists, investors to the city and, accordingly, provide the city with a tourist brand, involvement in the international economy, job creation, construction of modern exhibition complexes, infrastructure development, knowledge spillover and socio-economic development.

socio-economic development

event tourism


2. Khusntdinova S. R. The most important factors in the development of urban tourism // Economic Bulletin of the Republic of Tatarstan. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 23-30.

3. Linar Yakupov is looking for a "smart city" billion dollars // Business Online: business electronic newspaper of Tatarstan [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (accessed 15.03.2012).

4. Project "Visiting Santa Claus" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (accessed 25.03.2012).

5. Facts and figures // Official site of the World Tourism Organization UNWTO [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (accessed 15.03.2012).

6. Official website of BIT (Borsa internazionale del turismo) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (accessed 04/18/2012).

7. Official website of FITUR (Feria Internacional de Turismo) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (accessed 04/18/2012).

8. Official website of ITB (Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (accessed 04/18/2012).

9. Global Exhibition Industry Statistics 2011 // Official website of the World Association of the Exhibition Industry [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (accessed 20.04.2012).

10. What will you achieve at EIBTM? Official site of the exhibition EIBTM [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (accessed 04/15/2012).

The last decades have been marked by two independent, seemingly very interesting trends - the growing importance of cities in the socio-economic development of the world and the growth of the tourism industry. Tourism is an activity that involves in its sphere of influence the widest range services ranging from accommodation and transport to entertainment, and information technologies. Moreover, the type of activity is dynamically developing, so, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2011 the number of tourist arrivals increased by more than 4% and amounted to 980 million, in 2012 an increase of 3-4% is also predicted.

Undoubtedly, tourism and its components belong to the service economy or post-industrial sectors, and, as you know, world economy and its avant-garde, represented by large and large cities, is moving to this stage of development. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern cities seek to develop the tourism sector. At the same time, cities compete with each other as for investors who are ready to invest in the development of the city, incl. its tourist infrastructure, and for the tourists themselves, striving to create competitive tourist advantages that distinguish the city from other tourist destinations. In this regard, the issue of urban tourism, its essence and forms is becoming very relevant both from the point of view of setting strategic goals for the development of the city, and from the point of view of involving and distributing the necessary resources to create a tourist infrastructure, which naturally only a few will be enough to create all types of urban tourism. tourism.

The specificity of urban tourism lies in the fact that it includes several segments that intersect, complement and influence each other: cognitive (visiting museums, objects of historical and cultural heritage); business or business tourism; "weekend" in the city; cultural and sports events; shopping; visiting friends and family; visiting religious sites. In cities that develop tourism, one or more segments can be represented. The priority of choosing a particular segment depends on the goals that the city sets for itself, as well as on the opportunities - many factors that together attract the flow of tourists.

Promotion of any product, incl. tourist, to the market, especially the international one, is impossible without the implementation of a complex of marketing communications. Despite the relative novelty of the whole complex of marketing strategies, for our economy, we can note the already established, "traditional" marketing communications, such as advertising, public relations (PR), product sales and personal selling. The younger ones should include workshops (English workshop) - professional meetings, seminars, a small circle of people interested in a detailed, in-depth discussion of a particular problem.

Each business structure, to one degree or another, uses these marketing communications both to promote their product or service, and to promote their brand. The exhibitions are unique in that on one territorial site in limited time all of these marketing communications are used, which undoubtedly gives a synergistic effect and allows you to get more returns than using each of the communications separately. Exhibitions are events that attract really interested people - from industry professionals to ordinary people who can become a consumer of exhibition goods and services in the future.

Exhibitions can be ranked among the areas of event tourism, which has been actively developing in recent decades, not only in the world, but also in our country. Event tourism is a type of tourism, the purpose of which is to visit event events. Events can be organized for a wide variety of purposes, financed from various sources - private and public, targeted at a variety of target consumer groups and held regularly or only once. In all cases, such events combine such characteristics as mass character, entertainment, and attraction of tourists.

According to the significance and level of territorial coverage, event tourism can be classified as follows: international; National; regional; local. According to the purpose of the event, events can be divided into the following main groups: sports events - Olympics, Universiades, World Championships in football, tennis, etc.; international exhibitions; business congresses, scientific conferences; cultural events (festivals, concerts); city ​​events.

The term "city events" can be combined events held in the open areas of the city and involving citizens and attracting tourists. City events can be local in nature, for example, City Day. Moreover, the same Day of the city of the regional capital may already have a regional scale, because. attracts visitors from all over the region. City events such as the carnival in Rio de Janeiro or Venice have a pronounced international significance, attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world.

It should be noted that event tourism is unique view tourism, since it is inexhaustible in content, practically any territory, any city, using the creative potential of residents and stakeholders; which can be the authorities, businessmen, stakeholders of the urban community, can organize an event-based event of one or another level of coverage and make this event the starting point for tourism development. So, an example is the city of Veliky Ustyug, which uses a wonderful event New Year. Thanks to the project "Veliky Ustyug - Homeland of Father Frost" the tourist flow increased from 3 thousand people in 2006 to 165 thousand in 2007.

From the point of view of international event tourism, the most attractive events can be called sports competitions, such as Olympic Games or World Championships. Preparing and staging such events requires considerable effort and investment, but it also allows the city to take high step as a tourist destination. The most striking successful examples are European cities - Barcelona and Turin. The history of both cities is amazing and similar in that their "recent" history associated with the development of tourism has the Olympic Games as a base event or starting point.

International exhibitions are events of event tourism, no less significant than sports ones. A separate area of ​​activity has been formed for organizing, accompanying, holding various kinds of exhibitions, congresses, incentive tours - MICE. The name MICE (MICE) comes from the capital letters of the English terms - Meetings (meetings), Incentives (incentive events), Congress (congresses), Exhibitions & Events (exhibitions and events).

Interest in exhibitions last years intensifies. This is evidenced by the following figures: according to the World Association of the Exhibition Industry, 5 countries of the world - the USA, China, Germany, Italy and France account for 59% of the global closed exhibition space. Moreover, over 5 years from 2006 to 2011, the area of ​​indoor exhibition spaces (minimum 5,000 sq.m) grew in all 15 countries - leaders in terms of indoor exhibition space (USA, China, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, UK, Canada, Russia, Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey and Mexico); but China led the way with 48% growth, followed by Turkey (25%) and Russia third (17%).

Taking into account the increasing scale of globalization, the strengthening of the role of international contacts in the activities of business structures of various levels and profiles of activity, the development of our own travel program (travel (English) - travel), i.e. a program dedicated to the travel of employees for business purposes, including tasks, dates, travel budget, becomes an urgent need, and visiting exhibitions, perhaps, can be put in the first place of such a program.

When choosing an exhibition, prospective exhibitors should start by looking for answers to three basic questions:

  • location of the exhibition;
  • transport accessibility;
  • level of infrastructure development.

It is important to note that the priority is precisely the sequence of questions that is indicated - the most important question: "Where?". The venue of the exhibition is the city and participation in the exhibition, includes working and free time, which means that this is a cultural program at the sites of the city and just walks. In an effort to succeed in competition, cities can provide similar conditions for transport or information security, that is, for the second and third of these issues, but what really distinguishes cities from each other is their environment, which includes open spaces - streets, squares, parks. ; architectural appearance; cafes and restaurants; theaters and concert venues, other places of recreation and, of course, historical and cultural heritage - museums, architectural and other monuments, art galleries, places associated with outstanding scientists, writers, artists, politicians. All this makes the city unique. good mood and the desire to return, which is an undoubted competitive advantage and allows you to attract guests, including for participation in exhibitions. For example, the organizers of one of the largest tourism exhibitions EIBTM (The Global Meetings & Events Exhibition - Exhibition of global meetings and events) in Barcelona, ​​among such traditional advertising answers to the question ("what will the participants achieve by visiting the exhibition?"), as "the discovery of new destinations, products and services; development of their professional knowledge; the latest industry trends; establishing contacts, etc., they highlight - "visit Barcelona - an exciting city, one of the world's main centers of business meetings and events" .

A special place among the exhibitions is occupied by exhibitions dedicated to tourism. They bring together both industry professionals - businessmen and representatives of ministries and departments involved in the development of tourism of a particular destination, as well as consumers who want to learn more about travel and recreation opportunities. Examples of leading European tourism exhibitions already held in 2012 and their general characteristics are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Leading international tourism exhibitions in Europe

Exhibition name; venue - city, country; official site

Main statistical characteristics, according to the official website of the exhibition

FITUR (Feria Internacional de Turismo); Madrid, Spain;

In 2012, the exhibition confirmed the trend towards the recovery of the industry after the global financial crisis - 9506 exhibiting companies from 167 countries, 119322 professional participants and 91555 ordinary visitors met at the exhibition to "transform leisure into business, and business into development" .

BIT (Borsa internazionale del turismo); Milan, Italy;

In 2012, 2,287 exhibitors represented more than 5,000 travel companies from 130 countries and 100,000 visitors from 130 countries. The exhibition occupied 6 pavilions with an area of ​​100 thousand square meters.

ITB (Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin);

Berlin, Germany;

In 2012, the exhibition was visited by more than 113 thousand professional visitors (about 40% - foreign), 10644 exhibitors representing 187 countries. 59127 residents of Berlin and Brandenburg visited the exhibition during the weekend in order to learn about new tourist offers.

As can be seen from the table, each of these exhibitions is a significant event that attracts thousands of visitors, respectively, and cities as a venue for exhibitions receive a significant influx of tourists, including business ones. Modern exhibitions, just like their historical predecessors, strive to attract as many interested visitors as possible and use all kinds of means for this, including the advantages of the destination where they take place. Obviously, the preferences of visitors from different parts of the world will be given, first of all, to attractive cities. At the same time, cities are trying to use all their potential and create attractive, unique offers to attract major exhibitions. After all, holding a major exhibition allows the city, namely, its business and community, to achieve several goals:

  • create jobs for holding and servicing the exhibition event;
  • develop modern look business - MICE-industry;
  • construct and then lease the area to the organizers;
  • create and develop the appropriate infrastructure;
  • contribute to the "overflow of knowledge" and thereby raise the territory of the city to a qualitatively new level development, keep abreast of current trends in various business areas;
  • to acquaint guests of the exhibition with the city, thereby promoting the brand of the city as a tourist destination and a center attractive for investment.

Holding exhibitions has an impact on the city, its appearance, the number of tourists not only during the exhibition itself, but also has long-term consequences. Suffice it to recall one of the most striking symbols of Paris - the Eiffel Tower. It is well known that the tower was created for the opening of the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889 as an arch on the way to the pavilions of the exhibition and, moreover, it was planned to be demolished 20 years later, but for more than 100 years it has been a symbol of the country's capital and attracts millions of tourists annually.

Exhibitions continue to act as an important factor in the development of the city, shaping its territory and appearance even in the post-industrial era. The experience of such world-recognized leading cities in exhibition business as Milan, Barcelona, ​​Hannover is also used in our country. So, it is planned that by 2020 a Smart City will appear near Kazan - Smart City, one of the most important goals of creating which, judging by the plans, is to hold events of the MICE industry - exhibitions and congresses.

Thus, one of the promising areas of economic development is tourism, incl. its types, as event tourism. Modern cities seeking to develop the tourism sector should, after analyzing the existing advantages and resources, formulate strategic goals and concentrate on the type of urban tourism for the development of which there are competitive advantages. One of the most promising types of urban event tourism is exhibitions of various sizes, attracting both professionals and ordinary visitors; thereby creating jobs for holding and servicing the exhibition, stimulating the construction of modern exhibition complexes and infrastructure; contributing to the "overflow of knowledge" and the promotion of the brand of the city as a tourist destination.


  • Rodionova Irina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Science in Geography, Professor, Department of Regional Economics and Geography, Faculty of Economics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow.
  • Rubtsov Vladimir Anatolyevich, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism of the Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan.

Bibliographic link

Khusnutdinova S.R. EXHIBITIONS AS EVENT TOURISM EVENTS AND THEIR ROLE IN SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2012. - No. 3.;
URL: (date of access: 07/25/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


At the moment, in Russia every year more and more special events are developing and gaining momentum, events that the company holds in order to form a positive image of the organization. The festival, as a type of event marketing, is an event, the purpose of which is to present objects and phenomena organized in the spirit of the holiday. This is a bright event, the organization of which is complex and multifaceted. In our work, we would like to develop a project for the organization of the annual festival of colors, which will be held in the summer of 2014, taking into account the growing scale of the festival.

The object of the research is the organization of the annual festival of colors "Royal Festival of Colors".

The subject of the research is the study and improvement of the process of organizing the "Royal Festival of Colors"

aim term paper is to study the features of the organization of special events and the use of organization technologies to improve the conduct of the "Royal Festival of Colors"

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were defined:

to study the concept and goals of organizing special events

study the features of planning and conducting special events in risk conditions

conduct a description of the "Royal Festival of Colors"; situational analysis.

to develop an organizational chart of the production department for the "Festival of Colors".

The theoretical basis of the study was textbooks, scientific papers, Internet resources on the topic - "marketing", "Public relations" and "special events". The problem of these topics was studied by such domestic and foreign scientists as Belskikh I.E., Kotler F., Berezin V.M., Solovyov, B.A. and others.

1. Theoretical foundations for organizing special events

1.1 The concept and goals of organizing special events

festival royal planning

Special events (special events) - events aimed at promoting brands, services and companies with the help of bright events that can not only be remembered, but in some cases become. events include city holidays, concerts and festivals, product presentations and ceremonies openings, exhibitions and fairs, receptions and receptions, private entertainment events, charity events, conferences and seminars, etc. Special events are events held by the company in order to form a positive image of the organization, and most importantly - to attract public attention to the company itself, its activities and products. Any product must be sold. Therefore, special events, like other promotions, are held in order to push the client to the expected step. Events are one of the most important components of indirect advertising. The preparation, organization and holding of special events in Russia is called "event marketing" (Event Marketing).

Special events are a whole system of goals:

· Formation of the reputation of the Company and its First Persons;

· Attracting public attention to the Company and its activities;

· Establishing connections with different audiences.

· Attract potential customers and partners;

· Present new products of the Company;

· Highlight milestones in the history of the Company;

· Create an information occasion;

· Establish interaction with the media;

· Create additional motivation for your employees and partners;

· Demonstrate the social responsibility of the Company;

· Getting income.

The differentiation of event marketing activities is presented in (Appendix 1)

Special PR-events are designed to solve two problems: ensuring the constant presence of the company in the information field, as well as attracting the attention of journalists and the target audience to the company (its products).

Certain PR events are chosen by PR specialists depending on the specifics of the target audience or the product itself, the scale of the campaign, the budget, etc. Often, special PR campaigns become part of another large-scale campaign and are aimed at solving narrower tasks.

If it is necessary to reach the target audience within the city or region, preference is given to events such as festivals, holidays, competitions, special days, weeks, etc. In order to stimulate the interest of the audience in such events, a large number of prizes are offered.

In order to attract public attention, television talk shows are often used to discuss topical issues, in which authoritative experts, opinion leaders, and analysts take part. To increase the effectiveness of such events, it is useful to link the discussion of a socially significant problem with the appearance on the market of products that can solve this problem.

To attract the attention of specialists and experts, such special PR events are held as scientific forums, business conferences and seminars, round tables, congresses, etc.

Presentations are very popular among special PR promotions. Depending on their subject, this type of activity is divided into the following types:

1.presentation of a product or service is extremely in demand due to the constant high competition in the market for goods and services. For the same reason, it needs constant improvement of PR technologies and techniques, especially when we are talking on the promotion of consumer goods.

2.presentation of the commercial structure. It is necessary in the following cases:

o the newly created company is presented to a wide audience for the first time;

o the company develops new markets in which it does not have sufficient weight or a stable business reputation;

o the company is reorganized (for example, by merging several firms), as a result of which, as a rule, it receives a new name.

3.personnel presentation - a type of presentations that is not very common in Russia due to the insufficiently serious attitude of Russian business to personnel policy company and corporate image. In the West, the presentation by the company of a new highly qualified manager just works to improve the corporate image.

4.presentation of the city - gradually developed in connection with the integration of Russia into global community and its entry into the struggle for major economic or image projects (Olympic Games, World Youth Games, Formula 1 car racing, European Football Championship, etc.).

.presentation of the region - designed to demonstrate the high economic and cultural potential of the region, thereby attracting investors. It is held at major industrial, agricultural and other exhibitions.

.presentation of the country - has not only economic but also political significance. Can be carried out on large international exhibitions category EXPO organized International Bureau exhibitions and fairs.

Depending on the target audience, presentations are divided into theatrical and spectacular (thea presentations) and salon (beau monde presentations).

Thea presentations are designed to promote mass production, they are often accompanied by various entertainment events (concerts, show programs, etc.).

Beau monde presentations are used to promote a rare or unique product for a limited target audience (exclusive clothing collections, exclusive real estate, unique investment projects, etc.).

The company's participation in exhibitions and fairs is an extremely important PR event. Such an event requires careful preparation, but also brings good results if carried out competently. Exhibitions and fairs, being complex events, can include a wide variety of special PR promotions: press conferences or briefings, seminars or master classes for specialists, promotions, tastings, distribution of souvenirs and promotional materials, etc.

1.2 Features of planning and holding special events at risk

Planning and hosting a special event is complex and complex. Too many components have to be reduced to a common denominator, too many tasks have to be solved.

In many cases, the result is worth the effort we put in. However, all of them can be nullified by force majeure, staff errors, flaws at the stage of preparing handouts and presentations, and many others. There are many risks associated with the organization of special events, and it is about them that we will discuss now.


People are always a source of risks, potential dangers for the project. Moreover, even if we are dealing with exceptional professionals, it is still not worth calming down. Moreover, sometimes the result depends on our personnel to a much greater extent than on all other elements of the project (equipment, materials, etc.), because the weapon does not shoot by itself - a person always pulls the trigger. It's the same with our event service: everything - presentations, performances, lunch breaks, show program and much more - is managed by people.

Venue for holding

There are not as many project risks here as it might seem. Basically, all problems appear if you have not paid due attention to the issues of site selection. Consequently, many hazards can be eliminated only by spending a little more time at this stage.

Western event-specialists recommend analyzing the situation in detail when choosing a venue: if the number of potential dangers that we may encounter in the process is too large, then it is better to look for another venue.


Risks for our event-projects associated with speaking persons, in general, are quite similar to risks associated with personnel, but have their own specifics.

Let's imagine a certain scientific seminar, where the audience has several hundred people. A young and very promising specialist comes out to speak, who simply works wonders in the laboratory. However, facing such a large (for him, of course) audience, he simply does not know how to behave. And as a result, his performance turns out to be “crumpled” at best, and a failure at worst. Such overlays can be prevented:

firstly, by selecting for participation in the project people who already had experience public speaking;

secondly, with the help of rehearsals, which are often neglected, but they can really neutralize the negative effect that we can get from the performance of an inexperienced person (and there are times when one cannot do without a particular person);

The next point to take care of is the status and fame (positive or negative) of the speaker.

Any organizing company wants to get the most eminent and authoritative people to their event, sometimes not really caring about the consequences. For example, among the speakers there may be a person, albeit with a big name, but with a seriously tarnished reputation within the industry. Or for speeches, we can invite two industry experts (or show business stars) who have been at enmity with each other for a long time. These moments need to be monitored and excluded.


Any company organizing this or that special event tries to involve as much as possible the latest technologies to make the most positive impression on your audience.

Moreover, this approach cannot be called erroneous or wrong at all, but, making a choice in favor of some kind of innovation, it should be understood that as a consequence, we get additional risks.

Firstly, among the staff there may not be a person who is able to fully work with the technology and equipment used. This danger is easily eliminated by hiring an external specialist.

Secondly, the conditions of the chosen venue for holding a special event may not correspond technical requirements exotic equipment that is planned to be used.

Thirdly, the desire to surprise the audience can outweigh common sense, and in this case, we will get a special event overloaded with technological innovations (whose budget still does not match the tasks set), half of which the audience simply will not understand.

The next moment is all sorts of little things.

For example, the projector remote control suddenly runs out of batteries, there are no spares, and the speaker has to switch slides with the help of an assistant called from the audience.

Or another option: at the most crucial moment, it turns out that the office has forgotten the cord that connects the DVD player to the TV.

At first glance, these risks may not seem so critical, but such overlays harm the prestige and status of the event very much.

And finally, the most non-obvious risk in this category (non-obvious - because it is rarely thought about in advance) is associated with rented equipment. Any equipment is subject to accidental damage (spilled coffee, fatal fall due to careless handling, etc.), and if at our event the rented equipment was damaged for non-objective reasons, then we will, accordingly, incur additional costs.

Summing up, it is worth adding that during the planning and holding of special events, there is no way to get away from risks, you need to work with them. In this case, it may be useful to consult or cooperate with a company that specializes in special events, because professionals have long known all the risks and, more importantly, they know in advance the solutions to many typical problems.

In order to host an event, serious preparation is required. In order for the event to be successful, even more time and effort will be required. To realize the possibilities of a special event as a PR campaign, the event must be a real event.

Drawing up an event plan requires special knowledge and clear understanding how to make it really successful. Therefore, for the organization of special events, including the festival, professionals are usually involved - event companies that specialize in holding events at the request of the customer company, taking into account all the wishes of it and, of course, the expectations of its customers.

The festival (festivus, lat. - cheerful, festive) has become a separate area of ​​marketing activity. As a type of event marketing, it is an event, the purpose of which is to present objects and phenomena organized in the spirit of the holiday and according to a certain scenario (Appendix 2). Features of this event:

festive form (the concept of a holiday is at the heart of the festival);

ritual nature (pre-set rules for the festival);

competitiveness (presence of competitions, demonstrations, shows).

The festival is easily integrated into various IMC programs (IMC - Integrated Marketing Communications). Often it is combined with other means of marketing communication - presentations (if it is necessary to test the company's new products), PR events (to obtain publicity).

There is a well-established algorithm of actions when drawing up a plan for a special event. First, the purpose of the special event must be clearly defined. It must be agreed with all stakeholders, bring to the attention of all organizers and participants in the preparation of the event. Each of them must clearly know to whom, why and for what all this is necessary.

When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to develop a concept and paint a scenario for the event. Special event is special because it is special, i.e. the concept of the event should be different from the concepts of the event ov already held to promote similar products. The scenario should include not only all the thoughtful and foreseen situations, but also take into account possible deviations from the plan, the wrong course of events. In order to reduce the risk of disruption of any component of the event, it is better to have a backup plan that takes into account all possible changes in the program in order to maintain control over the situation.

Based on the budget of the event, a venue is selected for the concept and scenario. Like everything else, the location, size and possibilities of the site are calculated taking into account the funds allocated for the event, the number and expectations of the invitees, the specifics of the event program a. Under the concept, the design of the site is also being developed, entertainment for guests is selected, and a catering company is involved.

Just writing a script is too easy. You need to choose the technical means necessary to implement the scenario. And for the acquisition of these funds, you need to calculate the budget in detail. A special event is an expensive pleasure, but with the right organization it pays for itself: it either brings the company income from sales growth, or raises its image by changing the perception of it in better side. The choice and acquisition of technical means cannot be postponed “for later”. As soon as it was approved in the scenario of the event to arrange this or that show, it is necessary to immediately provide everything so that this show becomes possible. If the press release of the event promises a laser performance to the guest, then this performance must be shown, otherwise the guest will be disappointed. Moreover, he will tell his friends and acquaintances about his disappointment, which will definitely not have the best effect on the company's image. It is believed that one dissatisfaction of one customer provokes the dissatisfaction of five potential customers, so the role of "word of mouth" should not be underestimated.

Having provided the technical base of the event but, it is necessary to find contractors, make sure the quality of their work, conclude an agreement with them. Without such a formal component, the event can simply fail. Moreover, the representative of the customer company must constantly monitor the progress of work and control the situation.

When a site is selected, all technical questions resolved, details worked out, guests invited, and the media notified, the event itself is coming. Naturally, having completed the organization work, the team involved in bringing the idea of ​​the event to life also wants to relax. However, the course of the event, and control over what is happening, is no less important than the organization process. Responsible event manager and should always be ready to solve problems that arise during the event. Even with the most responsible approach and very good organization of a special event, small problems cannot be avoided. The manager's goal is not only to "make things go smoothly" but also to "smooth corners," if there are any.

Therefore, the rest time for the organizers comes when the last guest leaves the site. By the way, guests leave such events with gifts, which are also thought out and ordered from gift products companies. At the same time, if the gift is purely souvenir, then it should be interesting and beautiful, so that the guest will put it on the shelf as a reminder in the future. Even better if the gift is practical.

Thus, believing the words of Mikhail Goroshin, “Organizing an event is a difficult job. In our country, it is still rarely associated with business, but this is work that requires coordination of actions, competent setting of tasks, and meeting deadlines.”

2. Organization of special events on the example of a specific festival

.1 Characteristics of the "Royal Festival of Colors"; situational analysis

The first festival of colors in St. Petersburg was held on July 28, 2012 at the Metrostroy stadium. The organizer of the festival is the company CSN-PRO. The founder of the company is Anatoly Koptev.

CSN-PRO, in addition to the annual "Festival of Colors", holds events: "Soap City" - a festival of soap bubbles (16,000 people), Loy Kratong - the launch of sky lanterns (the project had a population of 12,000 people, but is currently closed due to the law, prohibiting the launch of sky lanterns). He also has projects on the Vkontakte social network: the page of the Mir Detstva company (more than 58,000 subscribers), his own group Peter Online - festivals, exhibitions, events (more than 107,000 subscribers), his own group Interesting Events in St. Petersburg "(more than 440,000 subscribers).

The long-term goal of CSN-PRO is to organize events that make it possible to sincerely rejoice without alcohol and other harmful substances. human body. Creation and promotion of a new culture of recreation, allowing to develop health: both physical and spiritual. Strengthening a healthy positive community, and bringing together people with similar interests to us.

Goals of CSN-PRO:

Creation and development of technology for organizing events for a new culture of recreation;

Recruitment and training of personnel;

Creation of sources of income;

Information support events;

Preparation of technical base;

Creation of a security service;

Creation and maintenance of a cycle of annual events related to each other.

Organizational policy:

) at the events there should not be alcohol or other substances harmful to the body, neither in the informational nor in the physical form. Smoking is allowed in a designated area;

) at all events there must be a children's area, from which adult materials cannot be seen;

) there should be food (traditional and vegetarian cuisine) and drinking points at the events;

) there must be sanitary facilities at the events;

) there should be honey at events. help;

- there must be a security service at the events;

) high-quality sound should be present at events (at rehearsals, if possible);

) each event must be with a paid entrance;

) everyone involved in the preparation of the event, whether it be a volunteer, organizer or technical worker, before proceeding to work, must pass an exam for their position. Exceptions may be in emergency situations, when the first person who comes to hand can become an employee. This person, before transgressing to work, must listen to a brief instruction, and pass a practical task;

) At events there should be an information desk (at rehearsals if possible);

) During the preparation for the event, the team is prohibited from consuming alcohol and other narcotic substances. For each violation -20% of wages. The possibility of restoration is determined by the head of the department or any of the higher authorities;

) 30 days before the event, dismissal of employees is possible only by common decision team or department in which the employee works;

) Not to come to a general meeting or to a meeting at which it is ordered to be, to retire, to take a day off for any reason is possible only with the permission of all members of the team along the line and management. For violation of this rule -20% of the salary or removal from business without the possibility of recovery;

) First of all, it is necessary to fulfill their functions. And only then help the one who asks for help;

) Each meeting is an occasion to brag about plans and successes in work. Prepare plans and reports for meetings.

Valuable final product (VCF) - customers are satisfied with the result of our work, do not experience inconvenience and perceive the company as a permanent partner.

In 2014, the "Royal Festival of Colors" will be held on July 19, and is designed for 10,000 people. For comparison, the same festival in 2012 gathered 5,000 people, in 2013, as mentioned above, - 6,000 people. The format of the festival is Open Air. The target audience- young people from 16 to 30 years old, creative, active youth.

The partners are - Nevskaya Palitra Artistic Paints Plant, Consulate General of India. Negotiations are being held with sponsors for the festival in 2014.

In 2013, a competitor appeared before the festival, taking the concept of the previous year's CSN-PRO event. The only thing that changed in the competitor's concept was that the paint was paid, but the entrance was free. The name was the same, but the festival was held a month earlier - in June. Nevertheless, the "Festival of Colors" CSN-PRO gathered 6,000 people - more than in 2012, due to ticket promotions, its prepared audience, high-quality organization of the event and active PR.

Today, two "Festivals of Colors" are held in St. Petersburg - the first "Royal Festival of Colors", the founder is the CSN-PRO company, the founder of the company is Anatoly Koptev, the second is the "Musical Festival of Colors", the founder of which is Artem Sergeev.

2.2 Structure of the organization of the "Festival of Colors" 2014

The first festival, in 2012, was held without division of duties between the organizing team. In 2013, the division of duties in the team was present, but one person could be responsible for several activities. This year the organization chart of the company was created. The scheme consists of 7 departments - administration, personnel and communications department, distribution department, finance and accounting department, production department, quality and qualification department and development department. A leader is assigned to each department. The executive director is Anatoly Koptev.

The department responsible for organizing festivals and events, including the Royal Festival of Colors, is the production department. We have developed a structure that will allow us to share responsibilities between employees for the upcoming festival (Appendix 3).

The development of the structure took place in two stages: collecting information about employees and drawing up a diagram.

In total, CSN-PRO has 10 employees. There are also volunteers, but they are not included in the organization scheme of the event. The team of organizers of the "Royal Festival of Colors" consists of 8 people. Another 5 are being trained in the PR project planning section and
Section of formation of wholesale orders. This divisional organizational chart lists employees who are already in the firm and are responsible for certain activities. We believe that this scheme structures the organization of the "Royal Festival of Colors" and with its help the organization of the festival will correspond to the scale of the event.

As we learned earlier, in organizing an event, one of the important points, in addition to holding, is preparation. In the organizing board, this is the program development section of the event. Using the example of an artist manager, we also developed a project that allows an employee to structure their activities according to their duties (Appendix 4).


The purpose of this course project was to study the organization of special events and apply the knowledge gained using the example of a company organizing chart. To do this, it was necessary to analyze the concept and goals of organizing special events and the features of planning and conducting special events in risk conditions. These tasks have been successfully completed.

So, special events (special events) - events aimed at promoting brands, services and companies with the help of bright events that can not only be remembered, but in some cases become them. The festival (festivus, lat. - cheerful, festive) has become a separate area of ​​marketing activity. As a type of event marketing, it is an event, the purpose of which is to present objects and phenomena organized in the spirit of the holiday and according to a certain scenario. There is a well-established algorithm of actions when drawing up a plan for a special event. First, the purpose of the special event must be clearly defined. It must be agreed with all interested parties, brought to the attention of all organizers and participants in the preparation of the event. Each of them must clearly know the purpose, responsibilities and end result.

The development of the production department of CSN-PRO, the organizing scheme, took place in two stages: collecting information about employees and drawing up a scheme responsible for a particular activity. With this scheme, the organization of the festival will be more structured, and each employee will be responsible for their activities, which will contribute to a better event.

List of used literature

1. Armstrong G., Wong W., Kotler F., Saunders J. Fundamentals of Marketing, 5th European edition: Translated from English. - M.: LLC "ID Williams", 2012. - 752 p.

2. Belskikh I.E. Theory and practice of corporate public relations: Tutorial/ Branch of GOU VPO "MPEI (TU)" in Volzhsky. - Volgograd: VolGU Publishing House, 2009. - 160 p.

Berezin V.M. Essence and reality of mass communication. Monograph. - M.: Publishing House of RUDN University, 2010.

John D., Shultz M. Marketing of professional services. How to sell without selling - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012. - 368 p.

Kotler F., Keller K.P. Marketing management. 13th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 816 p.

O. M. Osobenkov, V. A. Taran Ekonomika Rossii: Management i marketing. Volume 2. Marketing - M .: "Typography "News", 2010. - 922 p.

Project management. Handbook for professionals / under. ed. Tsvetkova A., Shapiro V.-M.: Omega-l, 2013. - 1280 p.

Solovyov, B.A. Marketing: textbook. / B.A. Solovyov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014. - 383 p.

Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.P. Public relations. Theory and practice. - M.: Delo, 2011. - 421 p.

11.Charles Bladen, James Kennell, Emma Abson, Nick Wilde. Events Management: An Introduction. - M.:, 2012. - 472 p.

Donald Getz. Event Studies, Second Edition: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned Events (Events Management). - M.:, 2012. - 460 p.

Glen Bowdin. events management. - M.: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011. - 776 p.

Guy Masterman. Strategic Sports Event Management. - M.: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014. - 376 p.

15.Event - management. Professional organization of successful events. M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 288 p.

16. Johnny Allen, William O "Toole, Robert Harris, Ian McDonnell. Festival and Special Event Management. - M .: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, 2013. - 608 p.

Ian Yeoman. Festival and Event Management. - M.:, 2010. - 448 p.

Thomas Felberbauer. Wirtschaftsspionage und SIEM-Systeme: Wirtschaftsspionage unter der Lupe von Security Information Event Management Systemen (German Edition). - M.:, 2010. - 140 p.

Vineet Gera. Event Management and Planning: A complete guide to plan and execute the event. - M.:, 2012. - 252 p.


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Technology - a set of means, methods, forms, carried out in a certain way and in a certain sequence, in order to achieve a specific goal.

Event-creative activities are directly dedicated to any event. Consider the technology of preparing and holding events of an event-creative nature. A distinctive side of any event is the development of the effect of the visitor's involvement in the company's business. The main goal of an event-creative event is to form a leisure tradition.

The event has the following characteristics:

No hard link to calendar holidays

Has a three-tier structure

Acts as a milestone in the preparation of the next action

Let us consider the three-level structure of an event of an event-creative nature. Broadly speaking, there are three main stages:

1) Preparatory pre-event stage. The main goal is to prepare for the
events and attract as many visitors as possible to participate in it.

Tasks of the pre-event stage:

* identification of leisure interests and needs of the population. Leisure interests are identified using social methods: questionnaires, interviews. Questions should be designed for any category of the population.

* attraction of guaranteed participants of the event. Guaranteed participants - people who will definitely participate in the event.

Guaranteed members can be:

Institutions, organizers

Similar institutions (those that match With content of the event. For example, Academy and College of Culture)


At the event, it is necessary to provide an image component. For example, if Tarasov is invited, then television is provided.

* Development of a primary plan for the event. It consists of technical training(determining the date and time of the event, taking into account transport and unforeseen circumstances, inviting guaranteed participants) and a meaningful cut (scenario development, determining micro-event situations)

* Development of the economic basis of the event.

All expenses are divided into two types: non-applicable - determined in advance and included in the budget in the form of staff salaries, equipment and registration costs, transportation costs; possible - those that may arise during the event, it is difficult to foresee them in advance. When developing the event, a sponsorship package is provided - a set of documents defining the main expenses covered by sponsorship investments. ""Information advertising support for the course of the event. All information during the preparation of the event is divided into three main types: strategic (issued about a month before the start of the event, contains general data - time, venue); tactical (issued in 12-14 days, the subject of the event is determined, incentives are mentioned); operational (before the event)

* Correction of the primary plan and creation of services in support of initiatives.

Adjustment is carried out using the analysis of the work done - personal data, response to

event of guaranteed participants.

Under The creation of initiative support services refers to the activities of one or more

organizers, aimed at providing assistance (consulting, material, technical,


*Orientation of participants in time and space

2) Event stage. The main goal is to hold an event, to activate visitors.
Tasks of the event stage:

* activation of visitors, stimulation of participants

* information support of the course of the event

* creating micro-event situations

3) post-event stage. The main goal is to analyze the main mistakes, evaluate the work of personnel.
The result of a successful event should be the formation of leisure traditions:
the post-event stage should again pass into the preparatory stage.

Having considered the technology of holding events of an event-creative nature, we can safely say that mastering this type of technology is mandatory for a specialist manager of the socio-cultural sphere of the highest qualification. Example: camp anniversary.

Ticket number 9question number 1

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