Mantises. Orchid mantis (hymenopus coronatus) Praying mantis which order

Helpful Hints 29.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) July 13th, 2013

Orchid mantis (lat. Hymenopus coronatus). The Malaysian flower or orchid mantis is a very rare insect! The color of these praying mantises comes in a variety of colors: from pink to yellow to white. This allows the praying mantis in nature to hide in orchid flowers.

Habitat: These insects live in wet tropical forests northeast India, Thailand, Sumatra, Malaysia and Borneo. In nature, they can be found among the foliage of trees, in flowers, and especially on orchids, among which praying mantises live and hunt.

The size: The body size of females is about 6 cm, males up to 3 cm. Sex can also be determined by the abdomen - males have 8 segments of the abdomen, females - 6.

Description: Coloration of adults is usually white or pink, sometimes with green tint, and the larvae that have just hatched from the eggs are red-black in color and look like ants. Adults (especially males) can fly well. The life expectancy of females is about 11 months, males 5-6 months.

Character: Females of this species often show aggression towards their relatives, so they should be kept separately. Males, with a sufficient amount of food, can be kept in groups. Up to 4-5 molting nymphs can live together, then the females should be transplanted and kept separately.

Content: For the maintenance of one adult female, a vertical terrarium is required, approximately 20x20x30 cm in size, with good ventilation. At the bottom should be poured about 2-3 cm of the substrate. As it can be used peat, vermiculite or coconut substrate. Inside, the terrarium should be decorated with various branches, snags or plants that will serve as a hiding place for the praying mantis and a hunting place. A drinking bowl with constantly clean and fresh water should always be in the terrarium. For lighting, you can use a fluorescent lamp, which can also perform a heating function. Keep out of the terrarium sun rays. The temperature during the day must be maintained at 25-30°C, and at night within 20°C. Humidity should be maintained at a high level - approximately 75-90%. Once every 1-2 days, the substrate must be lightly sprayed, but not waterlogged, because. as a result, fungi and mites dangerous for the praying mantis can develop in the terrarium.

Feed: The main food of praying mantises is insects of a suitable size. It is advisable to give them insects no larger than half the size of their own body.

breeding: Males of this species reach sexual maturity much earlier than females, so their growth should be slowed down before breeding. To do this, males should be kept at a low temperature (20-25°C) and rarely fed. Females, on the contrary, should be kept under elevated temperature and feed frequently. Before mating, the female should be well fed, because. often females devour their partners during mating. With successful mating, the first ootheca may be delayed after one week. In total, the female can lay up to 6 ootheca. At temperatures around 30°C and high humidity, nymphs appear in 1-2 months. Their number is usually from 50 to 100. Sexual maturity in males occurs after 5 molts, in females after 7.

Why are praying mantises called praying mantises? We know that they love to fold their front paws as if they are praying to God and also - that they are great at pretending to be all sorts of sticks and leaves. Moreover, in this art of mimicry, they reached the highest, almost unattainable heights.

Praying mantises eat pollinating insects, which is why they occupied this particular niche of mimicry - they pretend that they are thirsty for pollination and grab everyone who flies to this color call: bees, butterflies, dragonflies, flies.

But these insects do not close the circle of their appetite! Praying mantises are so strong, and their jaws are so powerful, that they can attack even lizards with great success, including those that are much larger than their size.

Also, orchid praying mantises may well have a snack with small pieces of bananas or other sweet fruits rich in potassium.

In rare cases, the female praying mantis may well dine with the male, but this happens in the most extreme cases, when the female is very hungry. But wise nature also took this into account - more males are born than females and their maturation period is shorter than that of females.

Orchid mantises are kept at home. This does not present great difficulties, you just need to know their diet, methods of keeping and remember this type of praying mantis, the main thing is that during periods of molting they need very high humidity.

If the praying mantis for a long time keep surrounded by flowers of the same color, then with each next molt they will acquire a color more and more similar to the color of these particular flowers.

They have such a paw structure that it is extremely difficult for them to get rid of the old “skin” if it does not get wet from moisture.

Praying mantises are bold insects and fight to protect their lives - they can bite or pinch painfully.

AT wild nature they have many enemies. These are big lizards, geckos, the bats, rodents such as shrews, toads, birds and even large spiders.

Today, more and more often you can meet people who keep praying mantises at home. There is a belief that if a praying mantis lives in the house, it is fortunate: peace and prosperity will reign in the family. These creatures do not smell, do not make unnecessary sounds, do not require a lot of space, time, attention. But before you get it as a pet interesting insect, it will not hurt you to learn about the features of keeping a praying mantis, a suitable habitat for it, feeding, and the intricacies of care.

Where to buy a praying mantis and how much does it cost?

You can find praying mantis in some pet stores or look for ads for the sale of these wonderful insects on the Internet.

The price of a praying mantis, first of all, depends on the species. So, the common praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) can be purchased for 500-1000 rubles, the orchid praying mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) - for 3000 rubles, the spiked flower praying mantis (Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii) - for 1500-4000 rubles. by the most expensive view, perhaps, is the "devil's flower" praying mantis (Idolomantis diabolica) - 11-12 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that it is better for beginners to pay attention to species that are easy to maintain. So, for example, (Sphodromantis centralis) is easy to maintain and the most popular among beginners.

How to choose a praying mantis?

It is best to acquire praying mantis larvae (nymphs). When you take an adult praying mantis into your home, you cannot know its age. It is possible that the insect will quickly die without giving offspring. Unfortunately, the age of praying mantises is short-lived - only 5-9 months, rarely, with proper maintenance and care, 1 year. Adults live only about two months. Males usually die first - after the breeding season, they lose their desire to hunt, they become exhausted and lethargic.

When choosing a nymph, give preference to active ones. Examine the limbs for damage. The abdomen should look full.

By what sign can you determine that the praying mantis is an adult?

Adults have wings, while nymphs do not. However, there are also completely wingless mantis species, such as the ground mantis (Geomantis larvoides).

How to take a praying mantis in your hands?

For humans, praying mantises do not pose a danger, but, like any creature if threatened, they either flee or try to defend themselves. Therefore, when you inspect an insect, take it in your hands without making sudden movements, otherwise the praying mantis can run briskly and fall. Adult praying mantises are able to protect themselves from injury when falling - they spread their wings, thereby reducing the speed of the fall. But for a young nymph, the fall usually ends with a rupture of the abdomen. If the praying mantis assumes a threatening posture, it is better not to touch it: the prickly spikes on the front legs can scratch you.

To take an insect in order to examine it, you need to correctly. Movements should be slow and smooth. The hand is carefully brought from the back and the fingers are slipped under the legs of the insect so that it is completely in the palm of your hand. It is impossible to press and squeeze the praying mantis.

In general, it is not worth taking a praying mantis into the hands without special need. It is better to substitute your palm and let the insect climb onto it by itself (you can push it a little).

Where to put the praying mantis?

The most “economical” housing for a praying mantis is a specially equipped plastic container, in which it is also necessary to create a “home environment” - place twigs, put soil on the bottom. The height of the container should be 2-3 times the length of the insect.

If you plan to breed praying mantises, then you will need several terrariums or containers, since most types of mantises cannot be kept in groups.

Keep in mind that praying mantises are thermophilic: for a comfortable existence, most species need a temperature of +23 - +25 ° C, and Some tropical species need +28 - +30 ° C. To heat the terrarium, you can use an ordinary incandescent lamp, which also serves as a light source . Terrarium heating pads are also suitable for heating. However, do not forget that too heat detrimental to praying mantises. A small thermometer, which is attached to the glass, will help to control the temperature.

Is it possible to keep a praying mantis without a terrarium, right in the room?

Some species can live without a terrarium. For example, females Hierodula, Sphodromantis, Mantis. They can be placed on houseplants. The main thing is not to forget to feed your predator in time, then he will not leave his familiar place. And remember: the temperature in the room must be suitable for this type of praying mantis.

What to feed the praying mantis?

Think in advance if you can provide. This rather gluttonous and capricious predator feeds only on insects, moreover, it is alive and mobile, and nothing else. You will have to buy cockroaches and other food insects in a pet store or breed them yourself. Another option is in warm time year to catch grasshoppers, moths, etc. in the forest, garden or park.

Why does the praying mantis refuse to feed?

The praying mantis loses its appetite before molting - this is normal. After the end of the molt, he, too, may starve for some time. The praying mantis may refuse food even if the proposed insect is too large for him.

Does the praying mantis bite?

Praying mantises are not poisonous and do not pose any danger to humans. In very rare cases, a large praying mantis may mistake your fingers for prey, grab them and bite.

How to determine the sex of a praying mantis?

It is easy to determine the sex of an adult praying mantis: on the inside of the abdomen, the female has 6 lobes, and the male has 8. Another sign by which you can distinguish the male from the female praying mantis is the presence of feathery antennae in the male. In addition, the female praying mantis tends to be larger and fatter than the male. Determining the sex of juveniles can be difficult.

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According to the latest trends in taxonomy, praying mantises are a suborder of the cockroach-like order, but I will not climb into these jungles. I will tell you only what you may need when shooting these amazing creatures. Praying mantises are one of the most photogenic insects, mainly due to the mobile head and large eyes. In total, 4 species of praying mantis can be found on the territory of the Volgograd region: the common mantis (Mantis religiosa), the spotted mantis (Iris polystictica), the short-winged bolivaria (Bolivaria brachyptera) and the pinnate empusa (Empusa pennicornis). On the territory of the Astrakhan region, in addition to these, there is at least one more species, but I have not had time to get to it yet.

Praying mantises are very temperamental insects, although they sometimes look apathetic. In the photo, a female common praying mantis demonstrates a protective stance.

I will start the review with the most common species - the common praying mantis. These insects have already climbed far to the north and are found even in the Moscow region.

Praying mantises are insects with incomplete transformation, which means that in their development they bypass the pupal stage. That. imago (adult stage insect) appears after the last instar larvae molt. Insect larvae with incomplete metamorphosis are called nymphs. Nymphs, as a rule, are similar to adults in everything, except for one thing - nymphs do not have wings.

In the photo, a nymph of one of the last ages is cleaning her hunting tool.

It is worth noting that the front pair of limbs of the praying mantis is a formidable weapon.

The praying mantis is able to cope with prey comparable in size. For example, with a female green grasshopper.

Or a male gray grasshopper. The color of praying mantises can vary greatly, there are praying mantises of green, brown, straw color.

Sexual dimorphism in common praying mantis well expressed. All previous photos show females.

Here is a photo of a male. Males differ from females in a more slender build, long antennae, and smaller size. Males are much more shy than females, and if females hardly fly, but rely on camouflage, then males flutter relatively often when you try to get close to them. Well, the main difference between the sexes is a different number of abdominal segments - sternites. Males have seven, females have one less - six.
The photo shows the classic position of the praying mantis in nature. As a rule, praying mantises lie in wait for their victims, hanging upside down among the plants.

Well, the most known fact from the life of mantises - the female eats the male after mating. I managed to observe mating only once, at that time the male managed to fade :)

This photo clearly shows the differences between the sexes.

To be continued. In the following review, the spotted-winged (flower) praying mantis (Iris polystictica).

1. These fascinating insects are formidable predators. The angelic pose of the praying mantis is deceptive. If a bee or fly happens to land within reach, the praying mantis will grab the unfortunate insect with lightning speed. Sharp spikes line the predatory front legs of the praying mantis, allowing him to firmly grasp the prey. Some praying mantises catch and eat lizards, frogs, and even birds. Who said there are no mistakes in the food chain?! Praying mantises are carnivorous insects with a very impressive appetite.

2. The praying mantis has prominent front legs that are bent and fastened together at an angle, as if in a position of prayer. big group these insects are called prayer mantises. Mantis - a genus of praying mantis - praying mantids. The word mantis (from the Greek mantikos) means soothsayer or prophet. These insects really look mysterious, especially when their front legs are entwined, as if in prayer.

3. They have triangular heads, worn on a long neck, elongated chest. Mantids can turn their heads 180 degrees. No other insect can do this.

4. Yes, the praying mantis has five eyes! Do you think two eyes would be enough? But not for the praying mantis! These species of insects have a five-eyed configuration. Apart from two big eyes, there are three small eyes located in the middle of the head. They use these eyes to detect light, to observe movement, and for deep vision.

I had no idea that praying mantises could be so colorful! Orchid mantis

5. Praying mantises have one ear located on their stomach.
Five eyes and one ear? Mantis are crazy! The auditory organ of the praying mantis is located in the middle of their abdomen, between the last set of legs. Their ear is not like ours - it hears only loud high-pitched sounds, the rest of the sounds are perceived as vibrations.

6. Not all praying mantises have an ear, but only those that, as a rule, do not fly. Mantis species that lose their wings and move around by walking can be easy prey for bats! At night, bats feed on any flying insect. In order not to be eaten, the praying mantis suddenly falls to the ground.

7. When praying mantises are born, they go through three stages of development: eggs, nymph and adult. In spring they appear as nymphs. Nymphs look a lot like miniature versions of their parents. The lifespan of a praying mantis is less than one year.

8. There is a praying mantis that looks like an orchid.
This is not just a pink and white insect, but a rather amazing flower-like praying mantis. A species of praying mantis that looks like an orchid is called Orchid mantis with Latin name Hymenopus coronatus. Seeing is believing

9. Praying mantis doesn't shy away from danger.
The insect is not that big. But in order to avoid the threat, they, while remaining in place, will try to look bigger: raise their wings, stand up, stretch as high as possible. May sway from left to right to appear more intimidating. It works? Actually, yes! Animals that are not particularly interested in eating them consider the praying mantis a slightly suspicious prey. Are they poisonous? In addition, some types of praying mantis have very bright colors.

Praying mantis and baby crocodile - meeting

10. A female praying mantis can have up to 1,000 babies.
After mating, she will produce eggs called ootheca. Each can contain 200 eggs. In total, she can produce 6 of them! Not every species of praying mantis is as productive, some species produce significantly fewer eggs. However, a female praying mantis doesn't need to mate more than once to produce many babies—one drunken mistake can have long-term consequences.

11. Mantis will attack prey that is much larger than them. Most praying mantis species are not easily intimidated, they will go all the way. An amazing feat, considering that the praying mantis has no venom at all. He just needs to hold his prey and start eating it. It is much easier for spiders, as they quickly paralyze their prey with poison. There have been reports of mantis catching hummingbirds, mice, huge spiders, and other equally sized praying mantises. Asian mantises, Chinese mantises, African mantises and Budwit mantises are capable of this tactic. The thinner varieties rely more on camouflage and less on bold attack while hunting. Ghostly mantises take great risks when attacking.

12. Most praying mantises live in the tropics. The approximately 2,000 species of mantids described to date are nearly all found in the tropics. Most often, praying mantises are exotic species. Mantises (Mantodea) represent more than 2400 species in about 430 genera in 15 families. The most big family praying mantis - Mantidae ("mantids"). Mantis are distributed throughout the world in temperate and tropical habitats.

Photographer Igor Sivanouiks /Two beautiful praying mantises

13. Mantids are closely related to cockroaches and termites. Praying mantises, termites and cockroaches are believed to come from a common ancestor. Entomologists group these insects in the superorder Dictyoptera due to their close evolutionary relationship.

14. Mantid eggs overwinter in cool conditions. The female praying mantis lays her eggs on a branch or stem in autumn and then protects them with a styro-like substance she secretes from her body. This forms a protective egg case in which her offspring will develop over the winter. Mantid eggs are easy to spot in winter when leaves fall from shrubs and trees. But if you bring a mantle outeca into your warm home, you'll soon find several hundred small praying mantises.

15. Female mantises sometimes eat their boyfriends. Yes, it's true, in 30% of cases, mantiza women actually kill their sexual partners. In some cases, they decapitate the poor guy even before he ends his relationship. As it turns out, the Mantid male becomes an even better lover when his brain, which controls inhibition, separates from the abdominal ganglion, which controls the actual act of copulation. Most of the cases of sexual killing of mantises occur, scientists believe, not at all because the man is a bad fuck, but because the partner needs protein from the male body, which will later help the eggs develop.

16. Mantids are relatively young, in terms of evolutionary time. The earliest fossil mantids date from Cretaceous Period, between 146-66 million years.

17. Masters of disguise. Usually green or brown, they camouflage well on the plants they live among. Praying mantis lie in ambush and patiently hunt down their prey. Butterflies, crickets, grasshoppers and other insects are usually their unfortunate recipients.

Borror and DeLonge "Introduction to the Study of Insects", 7th edition, Charles A. Thringhorn and Norman F. Johnson
Insects: them natural history and Diversity, Stephen A. Marshall
Encyclopedia of Insects, 2nd Edition, edited by Vincent H. Resch and Ring T. Carde
Evolution of Insects by David Grimaldi and Michael S. Engel
Experienced Praying Mantises: Hidden in Mere Sight, by Roberta Bret, Smithsonian Zoo Newsletter, September-October 1997
The Death of Order: A Comprehensive Molecular Phylogenetic Study Confirms Termites Are Eusocial Cockroaches, Dagan Inoard, George Beccaloni and Paul Eggleton. Biol. Lett. June 22, 2007, vol. 3 no. 3 331-335

in Malaysia and Indonesia

The size: the female can reach 7-8 cm, the male is much smaller, about 3-4 cm, which is one of the most significant differences in terms of sexual dimorphism.

Humidity: 80-90% (need high humidity especially at the nymphal stage)

General information:
The main color of the praying mantis is pure white, alternating with various shades from pink to purple depending on the color of the orchids they live on. Therefore, it is also known as the orchid mantis, it perfectly imitates the shape and color of these flowers, so as to be unnoticed by other insects that the mantis preys on if they land on orchids or fly around such as butterflies, flies, bees, dragonflies, etc.

This is a really aggressive praying mantis, he can prey on objects up to 2 times his body size, especially nymphs. It is advisable not to feed the praying mantis crickets, because. they have strong jaws and each bite can lead to infection and death. In view of their aggressive behavior with their fellows, it is best not to keep them together, especially after L3 age.


This is not an easy mantis to keep, it is recommended for keeping by experienced terrarium keepers. In a terrarium with a praying mantis, humidity should be maintained at about 90%, especially for nymphs. early ages, temperature 25-30 degrees during the day, and 20 at night. You also need to pay attention to the decor of the terrarium, the terrarium should have plastic or real orchid, or other large White flower. Another aspect of proper management is the need to keep males at a lower temperature and less food, because. they grow and mature much faster than females and may die before the female is ready to copulate.

Mantises are very aggressive, so they will eat almost anything that moves.

L1: Drosophila
L2: Drosophila
L3: Flies
L4: Flies
L5: Flies, crickets (not recommended) moths
L6: Flies and other insects
Subadult will eat any food, preferably flying.
Adult eat any food, especially females, preferably flying.

Breeding these praying mantises is quite difficult due to the faster maturation of males. Females are ready for mating during the week, at which time the males take off, sit on the females and copulate. Females generally do not eat males, they are too small and agile, but due to rapid maturation, they may die before or after mating. A fertilized female can lay up to 4-5 ootheca, from 40 to 70 nymphs of red and black color can appear from each, resembling toxic insects living in those places, which allows them to avoid predators.

When the time of molting approaches, the nymphs, as a rule, refuse to eat, at this time it is necessary to ensure maximum humidity in the container. After molting, praying mantises should be fed the next day.

After the females and males have shed their last moult and become adults, the female will be ready to mate in 2 weeks, unlike the male, which will be ready in a week. When the male and female are ready to mate, place the female in a container with the male and leave them alone. Before you place the female with the male, the female must be well fed so that she does not eat the male before mating and continue to feed them all the time coexistence. If you see that the female and the male have not started mating, then the female is not ready yet, put the female away and try again in a few days. You can try to put the male on the back of the female, but this is complicated by the fact that the males are small and elusive.

After mating, the female needs several days or weeks to lay her eggs in special bags called ootheca. Ootheca are usually whitish in color and have a size of about 3-5 cm. For the normal development of eggs, a temperature of about 30 degrees and high humidity (80-90%) is required in 5-6 weeks, about 100 nymphs will be born. After one mating, the female can lay 2-3 ootheca, it is possible that the next edema will be more prolific.


Newborn nymphs are born red and black, after molting L2 larvae take on characteristic white colors and after the next molt pink. It is advisable to separate them by gender, i.e. males with males, females with females. This step will make it possible to synchronize maturation times in individual containers.

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