Color combination white beige. Soft beige-yellow colors in the interior - a new design trend in Europe

Design and interior 24.11.2018
Design and interior

The women's site "Beautiful and Successful" continues to talk about how to correctly and harmoniously combine colors in clothes and accessories, creating various images (we already wrote, for example, about and.

And today we will talk about another "complex" color that has a lot of different shades, but, nevertheless, is one of the basic colors in any wardrobe - beige. What to wear with beige and how to choose the right shade - read on!

All shades of beige

"Standard" for beige colour considered to be the natural color of the skin of a European. But some of us are darker, some are paler, some have a blush - so the beige color can vary!

And in order to figure out what other names for beige are used and what kind of color nuance each of these definitions denotes, the site "Beautiful and Successful" offers a small "educational program"!

  • "Nude". Actually, beige in its most classic form, without a bias towards warm or cold tones, is quite light. Goes with everyone, goes with all colors!
  • Cream. Beige with a slight pink tint. You should not combine it with yellow, orange, brick colors.
  • Ecru. Very light beige with a yellowish tint. Be careful when combining it with white - in this combination, it can look dull, dirty.
  • Wheat, light honey. Brownish-yellowish beige of a rather saturated tone. Good with warm shades of green, with blue, purple, white, burgundy ...
  • "Coffee with milk". Cold pale brown. Combines with any cold color.

  • Grey-beige. It can appear as warm gray or cold beige, depending on the combination.
  • Dull gold. Sometimes there are such fabrics - beige with a golden sheen (most often - taffeta, silk, satin). Either keep the whole ensemble in this muted gold scale, or complement it with rich dark colors - “vinberry”, lilac, aquamarine, cobalt ...
  • Greenish beige. It occurs both warm (with a mustard bias) and cold (with the addition of olive green). Combinations - the whole gamut of green, brick, dark gray ... A categorical "no" - to wear such a beige with pink, yellow, blue, raspberry.

All these shades can be colder, warmer, lighter, darker - they say that the human eye distinguishes about a hundred shades of beige!

What to wear with beige?

Beige will be combined with absolutely any color and shade!

We offer the most successful combinations:

  • Soft, warm, feminine. The base is warm beige. Wear it with peach, apricot, pink, gold, pale lilac, terracotta, baby blue…
  • Universal. Beige + olive green, dark green, brick, chestnut, gray, white, black, purple, dirty lilac, mustard ...
  • Bright, bold. Nude or gray-beige color can be complemented with very bright, even "neon" colors: yellow, orange, salad, azure, purple, fuchsia, scarlet.

Does it happen that beige is not to the face?

It happens! The most common complaints about the beige color are: it turns pale, worsens the complexion, plump ...

However, any of these "symptoms" only means that it is worth choosing the right shade of beige and a good color combination in the overall ensemble!

As a general rule, the “perfect” beige for you will be the shade that is closest to your skin tone. You can wear this beige in any combination with those colors that suit your color type.

As for paleness: if you are really not “blood with milk” and your natural skin tone is light, “porcelain”, then cold tones of beige will not work: beige-gray, “coffee with milk”, and also very light ecru.

But shades will be good in which a slight hint of pinkish, peach, apricot is visible - for example, cream or nude. Again, the combination is important - you can wear a suit of the “wrong” beige color, but wear it with a juicy peach, orange or purple blouse.

A skirt or trousers, as well as a bag, shoes, accessories will not affect the complexion in any way ...

Accusations that this color is fat fall down on beige as often as on others. light colors- white, pink, lemon, etc. In general, this is true - if you choose the wrong, inappropriate style of a thing, then the fullness will be more noticeable than in the case of black or other dark colors. You need to solve the problem here not by abandoning beige, but by choosing the right silhouette and cut!

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If you are cold and uncomfortable in a room decorated in cool shades, colors are your choice.beige and yellow colorss, fresh, cheerful, warm and goes well with many other colors.

The soft beige-yellow color is reminiscent of the gentle rays of the sun in early autumn. It is quite a saturated color, but at the same time it is light enough to act as a background neutral shade. Interior designer Jennifer Ott finds this color very upbeat and perfect for renovating a home this coming year. Let's see how beige-yellow shades work in real-life residential interiors.

As we can see, this cozy shade perfect for a bedroom, for example. It has just the right amount of saturation, so that while noticeable, it remains soft and soothing. Also in the backgroundof this color, contrasting dark interior elements look fantastic in< a href =" http :// stopmakler . com / articles / dramatichnie - ottenki - v - inter - ere - trend - sezona -218. html "> dramatic shadesa > - for example, high back headboard in this photo.

The kitchen, decorated in beige and yellow, also looks very advantageous. In general, almost any shade of yellow looks great in kitchens, but it is beige-yellow is especially liked by European designers, as it does not belong to pastel colors and does not look “diluted”. Perfectly enliven the interior of this kitchen, small blotches of bright orange color, emphasizing the soft calmness of the shade of falling leaves.

For an elegant design of the living room, you can use the color of a falling oak leaf. in combination with white and other light neutral colors.

You can also add bolder contrasting spots of other hues - like the peacock blue that the table and cushions in this living room are done in. The shade of falling leaves, due to its lightness, can be used as a neutral background in almost any color scheme.

Designer Jennifer Ott is a big fan of colorful ceilings. She thinks it's a beige yellow tint autumn leaves great for painting the ceiling, especially in the bedroom. It's nice to wake up in a room decorated in such warm colors that seem to glow from the inside - especially if it's rainy and gloomy outside.

To refresh and decorate any room, you can mix the color of a falling oak leaf in its interior. with yellowish green hues. The shades presented in this illustration will work great both as a wall color and as accents in the design of a room.

And if you want our warm beige-yellow color to take center stage, decorate the space of the room in combination with cool neutrals, such as interpretations of gray. These cool silvery colors can be "played" on those elements of the room from which you want to divert attention, and decorate those places that should catch your eye in the color of a falling oak leaf.

Dark beige color very fond of many fashionistas, and designers, especially in clothes. After all, this warm shade can simultaneously be the main color in the image, as well as a neutral base. Besides, dark tone beige suits any type of appearance. And by combining it with different color palettes in clothes, you can demonstrate the most incredible qualities. Today we will just pay attention to the combination of colors with dark beige.

The combination of dark beige in clothes

In order to correctly combine wardrobe items, it is necessary to take into account the style, style, and color. After all, very often the problem of unsuccessful combinations lies in shades that are inappropriate for each other. And, despite the fact that a bright style and incongruous combinations are in fashion, everything needs to know the measure and limit. Today we have we are talking about a dark shade of beige. This color is not picky, but it also has its own rules and framework. Let's see what the dark beige color is combined with?

Combination with classic colors. Restrained business style dark beige color will perfectly complement the range with black or white. This combination is perfect for those who have a too strict dress code, but want to dilute gloomy office looks.

Beige and yellow-lemon gamma. By itself, beige is not very suitable for rich yellow palettes. But it is the dark shade of a neutral color that blends beautifully with the sunny range. But in such an image, accents should be taken into account. If, in addition to yellow and dark beige, there is another color, then it must be smoothed out as much as possible or to hide attention on it.

Dark beige with bold style. Dark beige color can also complement and vivid images. But not all shades are suitable for a warm neutral tone. Deep blue, terracotta, dark red colors are best combined with it. Too saturated and catchy shades are best excluded from the ensemble with a dark brown color in clothes.

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