How to create a beige color from paints. Obtaining beige color when mixing paints

Design and interior 23.02.2019
Design and interior

The renewal of nature in the spring, the first sprouts, the hope for rebirth are associated with us in green. It is one of the most upbeat and soothing tones in color scheme. How to get a green color, mixing paints of different shades to achieve maximum expressiveness in painting, interior decor?

To get green, you need to mix blue and yellow. It is this combination that gives the color of the grass, that is classic tone. But any color has many shades that differ in saturation, depth, intensity. The range of green flowers is very diverse and has more than 15 basic shades - from pale green to turquoise.

pale green

In order to get soft pastel pale greens, a little blue plus white is added to the yellow. This is the tone of peace and tranquility. Therefore, it is often used to design medical specialized institutions.


When mixing green with the addition of yellow to obtain olive colors, paints of different intensities and saturations are used. A lighter shade gives a mixture of less saturated green.

Olive is one of the most noble tones. It is often used by interior designers and couturiers. It harmonizes perfectly with a wide range other colors.

bottle green

bottle green- these are mixed yellow and blue, taken as a basis yellow. This is a shade that requires a balanced attitude. More often it is used for accents and contrasts. Pairs well with light colors.


If you take green, add yellow and a little black to it, you can get coniferous colors. This is a shade of your favorite holiday - the New Year. Like the bottle, it is used in combination with pastel shades of light colors to create a harmonious contrast.

fern green color

To get the color of fern green, you need to mix the colors: green, black and white. The basis is white paint. This is a transitional shade from light tones to deep dark. The tolerance of this shade makes it possible to widely use it in various fields: advertising, interior design, fashion industry.

forest greenery

It is possible to make a color like forest green by adding black to green. The resulting shade is a symbol of revived nature. It refreshes and energizes the space where it is used. The forest green color is recommended for children's rooms, as it stimulates creativity. It is also used to combat depression.

On the video: how to get different shades of green.

light green

Using yellow with the addition of white and green colors, a light green tone is born. The resulting color is characterized by off-scale optimism. That is why it is often used in children's rooms and clothing. Light green is an expressive bright light tone.

Fashion designers most often use this particular shade in individual details of clothing to “refresh” the outfit or give it an element of exoticism.


The combination of brown, red and green paints gives a marsh color or khaki . This is the color military uniform but not because he is overly aggressive. It is ideal for camouflage, and is also practical. It is also quite popular in the fashion industry, especially in the military style. The special depth of this shade is used in interior design when you need to create an atmosphere of stable peace.

dark green

How to get dark green, what colors to use? To obtain these colors, black and brown paints are added to green. These tones are somewhat oppressive, therefore they are used as contrasts and accents.

Most of all, as psychologists say, children love the color green. This is not surprising, because on an intuitive level, they choose shades that they associate with growth, development and harmony in nature. This is a “permissive”, motivating color. It is no coincidence that we cross the street on a green light signal.

How to get a bright shade (1 video)

All shades of green (38 photos)

Brown color and its shades, although not too bright, are quite popular due to their use in the design of residential premises, in the colors of furniture, when drawing paintings. Therefore, the question of how to get brown when mixing paints will interest everyone.

Color mixing rules

Coloring and getting a certain color from others is a science based on the color wheel. There are only 3 primary colors: yellow, blue and red. The rest can be made by mixing them together and are called secondary (purple, orange and green). Therefore, before answering questions about how to get paint Brown color, what primary or other colors will be needed, you need to understand the rules for mixing colors.

Basic laws of mixing:

1. One color in a circle is a symbiosis of tones opposite to it relative to the center, the resulting additional tone is called achromatic. There are also complementary colors. For example, red is opposite to green, yellow is opposite to blue.

2. When paints that are adjacent in a circle are mixed, new ones appear. So, to get orange, combine red with yellow, green paint is obtained by mixing yellow with blue.

3. When the same shades are combined, similar mixtures can be obtained.

Color mixing methods

To get brown, there are several methods. You can mix either building paints (acrylic, oil), or those intended for painting and drawing (watercolor, oil, gouache, etc.). It is important to take clean and classic tones.

Let's see how to get brown when mixing paint:

  • Classic method- mix together green paint with red.
  • Use of three colors- combine yellow and blue with red in equal proportions (as you know, yellow and blue together give a green color scheme).
  • Intermediate option- combine blue with orange color or gray with orange.
  • Complex combination- yellow and purple, purple can be used instead of purple, i.e. yellow and orange with purple - this option is less popular, it is difficult to control the resulting paint and its nuances.
  • Additional method- mix green and purple with an orange tone of gouache.

It is worth noting that to obtain brown, both dark and dark colors can be used when mixing. bright hues primary or secondary colors.

On the video: obtaining brown of different saturation.

Dark brown tones

How to get dark brown? This issue is solved simply: you need to add black paint to ordinary brown, but do the addition drop by drop so as not to spoil it, each time thoroughly mixing the mass made.

Other possible dark shades:

  • Mustard - made by combining red, yellow and black with the addition of a drop of green.
  • Chocolate - from a combination of blue and orange, slightly clarified with white. The result will be a shade of milk chocolate.
  • Marsala - mix red with brown (its shade is taken darker, almost chocolate).
  • Brown - made by adding a little red to brown paint.
  • Chestnut - can be obtained by dropping a little red into a dark brown.

Light brown tones

The addition of white color will help to make the brown color lighter. There are other popular light shades. For example, a brown tone with copper, gray or honey nuances, coffee and milk - these shades can be used if white paint is added in various proportions.

The addition of yellow makes the color ocher, and tobacco is obtained by mixing 4 colors: yellow, green, red and white.

Use of natural raw materials

Since ancient times, the question of how to create a brown color was solved with the help of plant components: beet juice, onion peel, sorrel, blackberries or blueberries. Now hardly anyone wants to dye their sweater or other clothes by squeezing out natural juices. It is easier to buy ready-made chemical dye. However, this information may be useful.

One of the well-known methods is staining with natural coffee. How to do this for a blouse is described below:

  1. First you need to brew coffee (2 liters of water are needed for 100 g of ground coffee).
  2. Cool the coffee broth and strain through 3-4 layers of gauze.
  3. Place the resulting solution in a bowl and heat over a fire to 80ºС.
  4. Put the blouse for coloring into the hot solution made and bring to a boil.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes, constantly stirring the contents, which is necessary for uniform staining.
  6. The fabric or thing is removed from the basin, the water should be allowed to drain.
  7. It is better to dry the blouse in a straightened form on a coat hanger.

When deciding how to get the original shades of brown, it is better to learn how to find the correct and balanced ratios of mixed primary colors. There are a large number of options for light or dark brown, and the desired shade can only be obtained by experimenting with primary and secondary colors. Now you know the nuances of getting brown from what colors, what colors are used for this.

The beige shade is neutral and allows you to focus on design elements or architecture. It can also be used as a base for the rest of the background. But not many people know how to get a beige color at home. If the desired shade is not on sale, it is quite easy to create it on your own by mixing paints.

What do you need to mix

Before you mix the tones, you need to prepare the entire toolkit. You will need:

Color creation

First you need to determine what shade you want to get in the end. Although beige is a neutral color, it has warm and cold tones.

Carefully review the products in the store, and if there is no the right solution, buy everything you need to create beige paint. You will need white acrylic paint and golden ocher with a ratio of about 60% and 30%, a small amount of red or brown paint is also added to soften it. When a small amount of green dye is added, a colder tone is obtained.

After mixing, paint a small area of ​​the surface. If the resulting shade does not fit, you can slightly change the proportions of the components.

After obtaining the desired tone, you should not immediately start painting the surface. There is a possibility that after drying the solution will change tone, and the result will not be as expected. It is better to paint a small area in an inconspicuous place or experiment on a pre-prepared surface.

To diversify the design of the room, you need to make the beige color scheme the main background. Its simplicity will set off design solutions and switch guests' attention to the rest of the decor in the house.

On the video: beautiful combinations with brown and beige.

Beige color from gouache

For many novice artists, when working with gouache, the problem of obtaining the desired shade is extremely relevant. To get a beige color, you need to take brown and add white in small portions until the desired shade is created. When mixing, you can add a small amount of yellow, this will increase the brightness of the color. You can do the same with watercolors.

Beige can also be obtained with watercolors by mixing yellow, pink and white. Add paint in small quantities so as not to overdo it, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

All of the above methods are quite simple to perform and do not require a lot of knowledge, skills or experience. The desired color can be created by various methods, but with any of them you need to act carefully and take your time.

Color mixing features (1 video)

Beige color in the interior (26 photos)

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