Concave nose. What does the shape of your nose say about you? The back is wide and high

Career and finance 24.08.2019
Career and finance

You subconsciously knew all this yourself, didn't you? ??‍♀

Another "mirror of the soul".

How many times have you looked at a person's face and understood what to expect from him? Chances are you've done it, and more than once, writes Meaww.

This does not mean that you judge a person only by appearance - it means that your subconscious mind draws certain conclusions from previous experiences with different types of people.

But it works the other way too - some of your own external features reveal a lot about a person.

And now we will talk about nose shape.

1. Nubian nose.

The nose is straight, the tip pointing down like a branch loaded with fruit. It is known that people with such a nose are quite curious and expressive.

They tend to be optimistic and are extremely interested in learning new things. Their humility sets them apart from the rest, and the way they express themselves is truly impressive.

2. Greek nose.

The name of this nose comes from ancient Greek sculptures. Narrow, characteristically straight and pointed nose. People with such a nose are intelligent and extremely pragmatic.

Loyalty is another feature that defines these people, but another quality that is inherent in them is the ability to keep secrets.

They would rather die than come across as untrustworthy or gossip. Moreover, they will never open up to those who have not earned their trust.

3. Crochet nose.

Like a bird's beak, the nose curves down from the base of the nasal bone to the tip. People with this nose are stubborn, thoughtful and deep.

They passionately defend their views and are not afraid to take risks. But the quality that really sets them apart is selflessness.

Their creative thinking and wisdom makes them unique diplomats.

4. Curved nose.

A curved nose differs from a crochet nose in that it is noticeably pointed at the tip. People with this nose make great managers. They know how to manage, are organized, and it is worth taking an example from such people.

They value their careers very much, but they also care about family and friends. The only thing they hate is betrayal.

5. Nose button.

Short and graceful, this is one of the most common types of nose. But people with this nose are very different!

Being decisive, strong-willed and spontaneous, they usually participate in various events. They are efficient and make the most of their time.

Their decisions are usually based on feelings, but over time they learn to understand what goals to pursue and which ones to let go. The result is that they often get what they want.

6. Straight nose.

Wide nostrils with a rounded tip and straighter than the rest. People with this nose are known to be in control of their emotions.

They are great empaths. Such people are extremely patient and calm, and do not give in to provocations.

The only time they can lose their temper is when the situation threatens their loved ones. In this case, they will throw out all the fire of hell on the offenders.

7. Concave nose.

A small hump on the nose with the tip slightly outward. People with such a nose are the most sensitive and kind.

They are very susceptible, including to pain, but they never put their emotions on public display.

These people carry even the most heavy burden, and yet will be the first if anyone needs help. Altruism is their hallmark.

8. Crooked nose.

The nasal septum stands out and the tip is rounded. Contrary to what the name suggests, people with a crooked nose are known to be among the simplest of all.

They are good listeners and observers, so they understand more than anyone else. Such people are therefore excellent friends and partners, as they usually think carefully and carefully before forming an opinion.

P.S. Did you recognize yourself in the description?

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It would seem, what can tell the shape of the nose? However, she is able to tell a lot about the nature of the individual and her abilities. So claims, based on his research, a scientist from Israel Abraham Tamir. Its results scientific works shares with its readers Е

What are the noses: basic shapes

Straight nose

This nose shape is very common in Asia. It is almost perfectly straight and somewhat flat. The tip of such a nose is rounded, and the nostrils are quite wide. Owners of a straight nose are endowed with a steel character. At the same time, such people are incredibly temperamental and sensual.

Keep in mind that due to the explosiveness of the character, anger in a straight-nosed person is easy to arouse.

Crooked nose

The definition is certainly not the most flattering. Unlike the character of people whom nature has endowed with a part of the face of a similar shape. They are very loving and compassionate. The back of a crooked nose is curved, and the tip is rounded. Also, a feature of the character of the "crooked" is the maximum focus on what they are doing. Still such people know how to listen, these are wonderful friends and companions.

crochet nose

It is worth noting that for many, the hooked nose resembles a bird's beak. However, one should not confuse the crochet nose with the previous nose shape. Moreover, the characters of people with a crooked and hooked nose differ.

The nature of individuals with a hooked nose is such that they are always ready to improve themselves and everything around, to create something new and non-standard. These are a kind of ascetics, they zealously stand up for their own principles, and they cannot be stopped by the risk of losing everything: achieving their goals is much more important for them.

concave nose

This shape of the nose - with a small tubercle on it - is not so common, and therefore it can be somewhat difficult to immediately distinguish it from others. People with a similar nose are very generous and are distinguished by their willingness to solve other people's problems. These are very sensitive, and therefore easily touchy individuals.

Greek nose

Surely everyone is familiar with the concept of "Greek profile". And creates his nose with the same name. The nose of the "Greek" is distinguished by its narrowness, straightness and outstanding length.

The name of this shape of the nose was obtained as a result of observations of the sculptures of the ancient world. Those who have a similar nose shape do not really like to be objects of attention, most often they are pragmatic. The "Greeks" do not like to talk about their feelings, so they give the impression of uncommunicative people.

At the same time, such individuals are distinguished by loyalty to loved ones. Three-point non-surgical rhinoplasty: technique and results.

Nose button

This is a small but graceful part of the face. This form is very common.

Owners of the "button" nose are impulsive in making decisions, which is often not liked by others.

Such people have a strong-willed character, and they are used to backing up their words with deeds. They almost always get what they want.

Nubian nose

A distinctive feature of such a nose is the length. Its back is almost straight, and the tip "looks" down. "Nubians" are often great optimists, but you can't refuse them curiosity either.

They are always ready to help those in need and try to create the most comfortable conditions for others. Such people almost immediately endear themselves, evoke sympathy, and any problems that arise are “beware” of their determination and perseverance.

Nose arched

Such a nose is similar to a hooked one, but the only difference from the second one is in a more pronounced pointed tip. People with this part of the face are great organizers. They are distinguished by responsibility, honesty in the business they serve, and always achieve their goals.

Thanks to our information, now, having looked at a person’s face and assessing what shape of the nose is given to him by nature, you can in absentia, without even exchanging a few words, find out the nature of this person.

Often such express information is very useful.

That's what "written on the face" means...

It's no secret that our body can tell a lot about inner world. Now it turned out that you can learn about a person even by his nose!

Israeli scientist Avraham Tamir of the David Ben-Gurion University of the Negev conducted an interesting study, the results of which were published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.
It turns out that eight main shapes of noses can be distinguished, and depending on this, you can find out the main traits of a person’s character.

Nubian nose

A long nose with a downward pointing tip is called a Nubian. The owners of this nose shape are usually friendly and sociable. They are inquisitive and always strive to learn something new.

Greek nose

The Greek name is a straight narrow nose, which can be seen on antique statues. The owners of such a nose are mostly practical people. Loyalty is their main character trait. True, it is not so easy to win the favor of such a person - they are very critical in choosing friends. But for the sake of their loved ones, they are ready for anything.

Hooked nose

A curved nose, resembling a bird's beak in shape, indicates a person's great creative potential. People with this shape of the nose are inventive and talented, and besides, they are devoted to their favorite work to the point of fanaticism.

Nose arched

If the nose is not only curved, but also has a pointed tip, this indicates a person's extraordinary organizational abilities. Such people are very honest and responsible, you can always rely on them in difficult times.

Button nose

Owners of a small upturned nose are famous for their eccentricity. They like to act spontaneously, and in life they often rely on chance. In addition, the owners of button noses do not like unnecessary talk and immediately move from words to action.

Straight nose

A straight nose with a rounded tip speaks of the strong character of its owner. Such people are very bright personalities. They are passionate and temperamental. They are easy to piss off, but just as quickly they forget about all the troubles and forgive the offenders.

Aquiline nose

A little concave nose with a pronounced hump on the bridge of the nose indicates the generosity of a person. Such people are very sensitive. In conversation with them, you should be careful, because they are easy to offend.

Crooked nose

Although a crooked nose is considered unattractive, its owners are the sweetest people. They are kind and responsive. They are also excellent listeners, always ready to delve into the problem and help with practical advice.

Strange but true! The nose can tell a lot about character, according to research by Israeli scientist Abraham Tamir of Ben-Gurion University. The results of his scientific work were published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.

There are a lot of shapes around the nose, but here are eight main ones:

Nubian nose

The Nubian nose is distinguished by its length. The back of such a nose is almost straight, and the tip is directed downwards. The owners of this form are often curious and very optimistic. "Nubians" try very hard to help others, to create ideal conditions for those around them. People with a Nubian nose are attractive to many, they will always find a solution to any problem.

Greek nose

This name appeared as a result of observation of Greek antique sculptures. The Greek nose is very narrow, long and straight. "Greeks" do not always like to be in the spotlight. They are very practical and loyal to their loved ones. It is very difficult for such people to talk about their feelings, which is why they seem rather withdrawn.

hook nose

Many compare this nose shape with a bird's beak. Its back is curved, and the tip is directed downwards. Such people are very creative, very selfless. They are passionately willing to defend their principles, risking everything to achieve their own goals.

Nose arched

Such a nose is very similar to a hook nose, but its tip is even more pointed. People with such a nose are brilliant organizers. They are always honest and responsible in their work, they always achieve the necessary goals.


This nose is very small and graceful. Its form is the most common. The owners of such a nose are very spontaneous in their decisions, which sometimes do not please others. These people have a very strong character, they immediately move from conversations to deeds. They almost always get what they want.

Straight nose

This nose is very common in Asia. Its shape is almost perfectly straight, slightly flat. The tip is rounded, and the nostrils are wide enough. These people have a very strong character. They are very passionate and temperamental. It is very easy to provoke the anger of people with a straight nose.

concave nose

This nose has a small tubercle on the back. This form is not very common, it is quite difficult to distinguish it immediately from others. People with such a nose are distinguished by generosity, a desire to solve the problems of others. The owners of this form are very sensitive, they are easy to offend or offend.

It turns out that the human nose can tell a lot about its owner. This issue was thoroughly studied by the Israeli scientist Avraham Talmira. His research was published in a specialized journal on craniocerebral surgery. They reviewed in detail existing species shape of the human nose. Of these, eight fundamental ones can be distinguished:

How to identify a person by his nose shape? First, look at the pictures and determine what shape your nose is.

1. Large nose (Nubian)

Stands out for its size. The back of the nose is almost without bends, ending with a lowered tip. People of Nubian noses are big optimists. We are ready to lend a helping hand if needed. Friendly, pleasant in communication, they can find a way out of almost any situation.


The shape of the nose got its name because of the similarity with the forms of Greek sculptures. A person with such a profile does not like to be in the spotlight. He is by nature closed, so it is difficult for him to openly express his feelings. However, such people can be very devoted friends.

3.Nose in the form of a beak (hooked)

Its shape resembles the beak of a bird. The curved line of the nose, ending with a downward tip. Their owners are endowed with an enviable dedication. They are willing to sacrifice a lot in their lives if they really desire something.

4. Arch

It is a hooked nose, with a pronounced pointed tip. Its carriers have an honest and open character. Excellent leaders, they achieve their goals.

5. Nose with potatoes (button)

Small, neat nose. Its form is considered the most common. Their owners tend to make sudden decisions, thereby confusing those around them. Endowed with a strong character. They do not like to talk for a long time, immediately getting to the point.


This species is often found in Asian countries. Almost perfect line with wide sinuses. Such a person is endowed with an angry disposition. It is relatively easy to take him out.

7. Nose tubercle (concave)

On the back of such noses there is a small tubercle. They are endowed with people who are sensitive, vulnerable, who are easily offended. They have a generous soul, ready to help everyone and everything, solving other people's problems.


Despite the unattractive appearance, a person with such a nose is very patient, soft and loving. These make the most faithful friends and life partners. If they start doing something, then they go headlong into work.

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