Lesson in the preparatory group "my wonderful nose". Summary of the lesson “The nose in a person’s life Think and indicate who with the help of the nose

Helpful Hints 06.07.2019
Helpful Hints

Whose nose is better? - Vitaly Bianchi's story about birds. The main character of the Tonkonos Flycatcher, who complained about his difficult life. It all ended with the fact that the main character got to dinner with the Hook-nosed Hawk. The work is included in the list of literature for reading after grade 2 under the program "Perspective". We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the text of the story by listening to it or reading the text with pictures. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the filling option reader's diary on this work.

Listen to the story "Whose nose is better?"

Click on the "Play" button and you can listen to Vitaliy Bianchi's story "Whose nose is better?".

Read the text of the story "Whose nose is better?"

Mukholov-Tonkonos sat on a branch and looked around.

As soon as a fly or a butterfly flies by, he immediately chases after it, catches it and swallows it.

Then again he sits on a branch and again waits, looks out. He saw a grosbeak nearby and began to complain to him about his bitter life.

“It’s very tiring for me,” he says, “to get food for myself. You work and work all day long, you don’t know any rest, you don’t know peace, but you still live from hand to mouth. Think for yourself: how many midges you need to catch in order to be full. And I can’t peck at grains: my nose is too thin.

Yes, your nose is no good! Dubonos said. - Is it my business! I bite their cherry pit like a shell. You sit still and peck at the berries. Here's a nose for you.

Dubonos pecks at a bone

Klest-Krestos heard him and said:

- You, Dubonos, have a very simple nose, like Sparrow's, only thicker. Look at my intricate nose! I shell seeds from cones for them all year round. Like this.

Klest deftly pryed the scale of a fir cone with a crooked nose and took out a seed.

- That's right, - said Mukholov, - your nose is cleverly arranged!

“You don’t understand anything in your noses!” croaked Bekas-Long-nosed from the swamp.

good nose should be straight and long, so that it would be convenient for them to get the boogers out of the mud. Look at my nose!

The birds looked down, and there a nose sticking out of the reeds was long, like a pencil, and thin, like a match.

“Ah,” said Mukholov, “I wish I had such a nose!”

Two Sandpipers - Shilonos and Curlew

Mukholov looked and saw two wonderful noses in front of him: one looks up, the other looks down, and both are thin as a needle.

“My nose looks up for that,” said Shilonos, “so that they can hook any small living creatures in the water.

- And my nose looks down for that, - said Curlew-Serponos, - so that they can drag worms and insects from the grass.

"Well," said Mukholov, "you can't think of anything better than your noses!"

- Yes, you, apparently, did not see real noses! Shrokonos grunted from the puddle. Look what real noses are: wow!

All the birds burst out laughing, right in the nose of Shirokonos!

- Well, a shovel!

- But it’s convenient for them to alkalize water! said Shirokonos irritably, and hastily tumbled his head into the puddle again.

- Pay attention to my nose! - the modest, gray-haired Goat-Kozodoy-Setnonos whispered from the tree. - I have it tiny, but it serves me both as a net and a throat. Midges, mosquitoes, butterflies in droves fall into my mesh-throat when I fly above the ground at night.

— How is that? Mukholov was surprised.

That's how! - said the Kozodoy-Setkonos, but as the pharynx gaped, - all the birds shied away from him.

- Here's a lucky one! Mukholov said. - I grab one midge at a time, and he catches them in hundreds at once!

“Yes,” the birds agreed, “you won’t get lost with such a mouth!”

- Hey you little one! the Sack Pelican called from the lake.

- They caught a midge and are happy. And there is no way to reserve something for yourself. I'll catch a fish - and put it in my bag, catch it again - and put it back again.

The fat Pelican raised his nose, and under his nose was a bag full of fish.

- That's the nose! - exclaimed Mukholov, - a whole pantry! You can't think of anything more convenient!

“You must not have seen my nose yet,” said the Woodpecker. - Here, enjoy!

- And what about admiring him? Mukholov asked. - The most ordinary nose: straight, not very long, without a net and without a bag. It takes a long time to get food for lunch with such a nose, but don’t even think about stocks.

“You can’t just think about food all the time,” said the Dolbonos Woodpecker. - We, forest workers, need to have a tool with us for carpentry and joinery work. We not only get food for ourselves, but also hollow out a tree: we arrange a dwelling, both for ourselves and for other birds. Here is my chisel!

- Miracles! Mukholov said. “I've seen so many noses today, but I can't decide which one is better. Here's what, brothers: you all get close. I will look at you and choose the best nose.

Dubonos, Krestonos, Dolgonos, Shilonos, Shirokonos, Setkonos, Meshkonos and Dolbonos lined up in front of Flycatcher-Tonkonos.

But then a gray Hook-Hawk fell from above, grabbed Mukholov and took him to dinner.

And the rest of the birds frightened scattered in different directions.

So it remains to be seen whose nose is better.

Reader's diary

The main character Mukholov-Tonkonos, having met a grosbeak, began to complain about his difficult life. He began to brag about what a wonderful nose he had. Then other birds picked him up and each said that hers was the best. It all ended with the fact that the main character got to dinner with the Hook-nosed Hawk, and did not determine whose nose is better.

the main idea

The main thing in the story is not just to show the beauty and diversity of nature, to reveal the secrets of the way of life of birds, but to show people that you need to be able to enjoy what you have and not be forever dissatisfied.

main characters

  • Two Sandpipers - Shilonos and Curlew

Who does the nose help?

  • all year round the seeds from the cones are husked - Klest-Krestonos
  • catches a fish and puts it in a bag - Pelican-Meshkonos
  • makes a home for himself and other birds - Woodpecker
  • picks up small living creatures - Shilonos
  • bites the bones, pecks the berries - Dubonos
  • catches mosquitoes and butterflies in the throat-net - Kozodoy-Setnonos
  • Gets boogers out of mud - Bekas-Long-nosed

Using the project method in working with children suggests the following algorithm:

  • a child and an adult identify and pose a problem that needs to be resolved;
  • proposes possible solutions and tests these possible solutions based on the data;
  • draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the audit;
  • applies findings to new data;
  • makes generalizations and expands, systematizes knowledge about the world around.

Thus, when children form a system of knowledge about the world around us by means of the project method, we develop children's abilities for search activities, teach them to define tasks based on the problem posed, plan the stages of their actions, choose material and method of action, and the ability to argue their choice.

Target: Systematization of knowledge about the nose as an important organ.


  • To give knowledge about your body - about the functions of the nose; structural features; nose shape; nose meaning.
  • Develop an interest in your own health.
  • Creation of motivation for the formation, preservation and promotion of health.
  • Consolidation of knowledge of life safety rules; nose care routine.
  • Raising a culture of health in children.
  • Development of the ability to work in a team.
  • The development of memory, thinking.
  • The development of evidence-based speech.

Dictionary: polysemy of the word nose, snub-nosed, aquiline, straight, nose, nose, nose.

Conduct form– binary lesson, work with subgroups.

Used technologies: projective, health-saving (development of breathing, development of auditory attention, physical minutes, relaxation), gaming, IOS.

Receptions: conversation-reasoning, artistic word (poetry, riddles, phraseological units), heuristic method, observations, didactic exercises, experimentation, riddles, game technique, memorizing a poem using a mnemonic table.

Visibility: didactic games “Where is whose nose?”, “Who is which nose?”, Pictures depicting objects, mnemonic table, pictures depicting a nose, fairytale heroes, animals, birds, vehicles, shoes, dishes, people, tables with hygiene and safety rules, self-massage scheme.

Material: whatman paper, pencils, glue, brushes, bottles with various smells, Pinocchio doll, mirrors, Neboleyka doll, cards with the name of the smell, chips, names of laboratories, handkerchiefs.

Preliminary work: reading the story of V. Bianchi “Whose nose is better”, D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like”, lesson “Air and its properties”, drawing up a model of three questions on the topic.


1. Organizing moment

- Pinocchio came to visit us today. Are you happy when guests come?
- Let's rejoice like this (claps at the expense of 1-3-1)
- Tell guests about yourself

Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
We guys are not bad
We love to smile
exchange a joke

Pinocchio wants to give you a riddle.

On the face of all the mountain
She is two-dimensional.
What is this mountain?

And why is it needed? (If they find it difficult - on the OSN board - swap the letters)
2 3 1

2. Conversation-reasoning "Why do we need a nose?"

Pinocchio: And why do we only need them, these noses? Some suffering with them. Then you fall off the hill and break your nose. Then he sneezes. They even came up with a special handkerchief for him - a handkerchief. We can also breathe through our mouths. So?

Educator: Yes, not so. Our nose is no less important than other organs. And it is advisable to breathe through the nose, not the mouth. Why?
What can the nose tell?
How and where can you find out about it?
Imagine that you are scientists. Scientists work in laboratories. We also have laboratories. The “scientists” are faced with the task of learning about noses, then telling us about them. In the "Why Why" lab, you will read about noses. In the Skazochnaya laboratory you will find out what noses are. In the laboratory of "Experiments" you will learn about the importance of the nose. And in the Health laboratory, learn to take care of your noses.

3. Distribution into groups (by chips)

"Scientists" take the chip and go to your laboratories. Pinocchio joins the guys.

4. Work in laboratories

1. Laboratory "Why"

Nose riddle

a) Didactic game"Where is whose nose?" The ambiguity of the nose. (The nose of a ship, an animal, a bird has a nose - a beak, an airplane, a teapot nose, a nose at a boot, a person’s nose)
who has a nose? What objects have noses Who needs it and why?

b) Where did such expressions come from?
- Nose swarm the earth, but find it.
- Keep your nose to the wind.
- I can smell it with my nose: there will be trouble.
(All of the above expressions indicate similarities with animal behavior.)

in) What does the person in the picture smell like?
(confectioner, doctor, carpenter, fireman, fisherman, hairdresser)
- Why did you decide so?
- What does a slacker smell like? (nothing)

c) Prepare a presentation drawings of noses(The nose of a ship, an animal, a bird has a nose - a beak, a teapot nose, a nose at a boot, a person’s nose)

2. Laboratory "Fabulous"

a) Didactic game "Who has a nose?"(Fairy tale characters - Baba Yaga - an aquiline nose. Carlson has potatoes, Pinocchio has a long one, Cheburashka has a short one with a button, a clown has a round one, a princess has a snub-nosed one, a pencil has a sharp one, etc.)
- Who else has a snub-nosed one? Little Red Riding Hood, Baby, Malvina
- Who has potatoes - at Barmaley,
Who has an aquiline nose?

b) When do they say so?

Sticking your nose in is not your business.
- lead by the nose
- Stay with the nose.
- The nose has not grown.
- Nose hung.
- Keep your nose up.
- Wipe your nose.

in) Remarkable noses in fairy tales and myths

Pinocchio's nose is long, thin, reflects the curious nature of his master, who was very fond of sticking his nose into everything (A. Tolstoy. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio").
Pinocchio's nose grew if the owner spoke a lie.
Dwarf Nose before meeting with the witch was a normal boy. But, having laughed at the old woman's nose, he himself became the owner of an ugly nose (V. Gauf. Dwarf Nose).
- About which of the heroes can you say - Curious nose, was he led by the nose? (Pinocchio).
The nose is not mature - (Baby)
Nose hung - (Pierrot)
What have you learned about noses?
They are different shapes: snub-nosed, long short, aquiline potatoes.

G) Presentation preparation- drawings of the shape of the nose, to characterize

3 Experimental laboratory

a) Reading the passage "How to find the path"

The children went to visit their grandfather, a forester. Went and got lost. They began to turn to different animals, asking for directions. The squirrel advised them to jump from one tree to another. And the hare answered - “There is nothing easier. At first it will smell like mushrooms. Then - hare cabbage. Then it will smell like a fox hole. Jump this scent left or right. When he is behind, ride straight ahead without turning anywhere.
- What do you think, will the guys be able to find their grandfather's house according to this description?
Why can't they?

b) Associating a smell with an object

What smells are familiar to you? (Children remember)
Smells can be dangerous, poisonous, poisonous. Therefore, you can not smell unknown objects. When checking the smells in the bottle, you need to direct the smell to your nose with your hand, and not bring the bottle to your nose.
Determine by smell and correlate with pictures (onion, garlic, rose, cake, chocolate, needles, lemon, orange)
And how could we enjoy the wonderful smell of flowers, if not for our wonderful nose.
- Why did I put the bottles with the smell of onions, garlic and pine needles nearby? (These smells are healthy - they kill germs)
Does the smell of cigarettes help?
The smell of smoke, gas, cigarettes is harmful.

in) Experience "The value of the nose for speech"

Close your nose and say the word "nose". What happens to sounds. (change, become indistinct)
- If the nose is blocked, can we recognize the smells?
What have you learned about the nose? The nose can talk (sounds change, different smells can be recognized with the help of the nose)

G) Prepare a presentation Arrange the vials according to the pictures.

4. Laboratory "Health"

a) Examining the nose

Once in the nose, the air passes through two corridors, the walls of which are covered with hairs. You can see them yourself if you look at your nose in the mirror, the hairs act as guards. They do not let dust particles in their noses. Further, the air passes through the labyrinth, (You can show a drawing - a nose in a section.) The walls of the labyrinth are covered with a sticky liquid - mucus.
Microbes stick to it, which, together with the air, try to get into our body.
In addition, passing through the labyrinths, the air warms up. So it enters the lungs already warm and cleared of germs.
When there is a lot of mucus with adhering microbes, we sneeze: A-ap-chi! Inos is cleared.

b) Neboleyka's story about a runny nose

Runny nose

Most often, a cold begins with a runny nose. The nose is the first to enter the battle with germs. First of all, it begins to produce as much mucus as possible. With its help, the nose tries to delay the invasion of microbes, to prevent them from entering the throat and lungs. When there is a lot of mucus, the nose tries to get rid of it. How? And like this: A-ap-chi! But when sneezing, it is necessary to cover your nose with a handkerchief, otherwise we can infect everyone who is nearby with our microbes.

How to deal with a runny nose

Remember: what does your mother do when you have a runny nose?
First, you need to dress warmly. And most importantly, keep your feet warm. What's with the legs? And here's what. Even the ancient Greeks noticed a connection between the condition of the legs and the common cold. I got my feet wet - I got a runny nose. Therefore, take a bowl of hot (but not scalded) water, you can add dry mustard, dip your feet into it and sit, warm up. Then dry your feet dry and put on warm woolen socks as soon as possible. Don't forget hot drinks. Suitable tea with honey, raspberries, other medicinal herbs. Can I have a drink warm milk. Most importantly, more heat!

Prevention of the common cold

Even the ancient Greeks said: "Keep your head in the cold, the stomach in hunger, AND THE FEET WARM." Make sure your feet are always warm and dry. Wet feet - go home immediately, change shoes. Experienced tourists and travelers always carry spare socks and shoes with them. And they will never set off until they dry the damp couple by the fire...
You can turn your nose up. To do this, rinse it twice a day with salted water (half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water at room temperature).
Garlic tincture can be instilled into the nose (finely chopped garlic clove is poured into a glass of water and infused for 1-2 hours.

Hygiene and safety rules

You can not pick your nose with your finger, and even more so with a sharp object.
Do not put foreign objects in your nose.
with a runny nose, you can not blow your nose hard, and also draw in mucus e yourself. This can lead to middle ear disease.
You can not use someone else's handkerchief. The handkerchief should be personal for each family member,

5. Physical Minute

Pinocchio smiled
One - bent down, two - bent down
Raised hands to the sides
Apparently the key was not found.
To get us the key
You need to get on your toes.
We got up - inhale through the nose.
Lowered - exhale through your mouth.

6. Presentation of the work of "scientists" (each laboratory)


  • - Airplanes, ships, animals have noses, birds have a beak, a teapot has a nose, shoes have a person.
  • an airplane needs a nose to fly, a steamboat to cut through a wave, animals to find food by smell, a bird to peck food, a kettle to pour boiling water, shoes for toes, a person to determine the smell.


  • Noses come in different shapes - snub-nosed, straight, long, humpbacked, potato.
  • They say about the curious - they stick their nose into other people's business. About kids - the nose is not mature. About the sad - hung his nose.


1. The nose can talk - a poem according to the table

my wonderful nose(E. Moshkovskaya)

I do not know anything.
And suddenly my nose speaks.
That somewhere and someone
Something is on fire!
I do not know anything.
This nose reported:
Someone bought oranges
And wow, he put it there!
I do not know anything.
I'm in a daze.
The nose says: "Let's take a walk!
I beg you very much."
Walk with him and play.
He speaks to me.
He says, "You know
Smells like spring already!

2. Be the first to report dangerous odors - smoke and gas, etc.
3. The nose is needed to make sounds.


1. The nose must be protected because it has a septum, and if it is broken, twisted, you will breathe badly and get sick
2. Temper
3. Take care of your nose
4. Follow the rules

7. Summary of the lesson

- So we told the guests and Pinocchio about a wonderful nose. And now our nose will help us find the surprise. There are various smells in the bottles, we need to identify the smell and find a way to surprise. 1. onion 2. needles 3. lemon 4 perfume
Determine the smell - go to the table with the corresponding inscription.
Determine the next smell (everyone smells of mint) - go to the table (if they don’t know - by elimination - this is the smell of chocolate - no, this is the smell of orange - no. So this is the smell of what? - mint).
Surprise - tea with mint. We smell, we taste.
- It's a medicinal herb.
What other medicinal herbs do you know?
- Where can I find out about them?
We will talk about this in the next lesson.
Neboleyka doll gives handkerchiefs.

The organ of smell is called the beginning of the respiratory tract - the nose. The nose has a septum that divides it into two, almost equal parts. The entrance to the nasal cavity is called the nasal opening. The choanae are located at the junction of the nasal cavity with the pharynx.

The nose is the protruding part of the face. Bones and cartilage form the walls of the nasal cavity. Connective tissue is located on the front outer part and the tip of the nose. The nasal septum also includes some cartilage and bones.

The two parts of the nasal cavity expand downward and narrow. Three turbinates are observed in each of the two parts. Babies often also have a fourth shell, which disappears as they grow older. The nose has a complex system of channels, passages and cavities.

The sense of smell of a person and not only

A person can distinguish a huge number of odors. However, the sense of smell of animals is much better developed. For example, compared to a human, there are a hundred million times more olfactory cells. Some insects also have a very keen sense of smell. For example, butterflies smell at a distance of a kilometer.

The action of the olfactory organ

In fact, the nose is much more responsible for breathing than it is for smelling. The superior nasal concha has an area of ​​the olfactory part of the mucous membrane of about 250 millimeters square. The mucous membrane of the nose, which is responsible for the olfactory process, has a yellowish pink color. On the olfactory mucous membrane there are ciliated epithelium - special cells with cilia. It is these cells that help a person to distinguish smells.

In addition, the olfactory organ performs a number of other functions - physical and immune defense organism. The sense of smell protects human body from poison and gases. This function is very important for people with certain professions - cooks, perfumers, winemakers. And also the nose is directly involved in the formation of sounds.

The olfactory cells are connected to the fibers of the olfactory nerve. They capture the aromas of substances and transmit signals to the human brain. There, odors are already beginning to be recognized and classified. The brain recognizes very intense odors even in small quantities and in a short period of time. The sense of smell can be affected by factors such as air humidity. The type of odorous substance also plays an important role. The smells are best distinguished by taking a deep breath.

Taste and smell are closely related. This proves, for example, that when a person has a runny nose, and he begins to distinguish smells worse, food begins to seem tasteless. Without the sensation of odors, the digestive function is not stimulated. Also, the taste of food is affected not only by the smell, but also by its temperature.

Often, many people do not even think about the fact that they tend to feel certain smells in their own way. After all, it also happens that some fragrance seems pleasant to one person, while another may not like it at all! And it's not just about passions. Of course, people are different, and everyone can have their own taste. But nevertheless, people perceive various aromas in their own way.

The human is much weaker than many, and yet it is rather sharp. Humans can recognize thousands of different smells and hues, and some are even able to smell scents in infinitesimal amounts. Characteristically, the sense of smell can be a contradictory sense. It is influenced by various external factors: air circulation, the presence of various other odors, and so on.

So what is the sense of smell? This is the ability to sense and recognize odors (even those that can be dispersed in the air or dissolved in water). Our function of smelling lies in two small scent-detecting regions. They are made up of approximately five million yellowish cells located high up in the nasal passages. The human nose is actually the main one responsible for recognizing odors. So, taste buds can only distinguish four types of taste - sweet, sour, bitter and salty - all other tastes are detected by smell.

What gives a person the sense of smell? Feeling the pleasant smells emanating from favorite products, feeling the wonderful aroma of flowers, a person can fully enjoy life. The sense of smell is also a kind of warning system, taking care of safety. For example, a gas leak, spoiled food or fire can bring trouble, but the sense of smell prevents this to a certain extent. Any loss of smell can negatively affect the quality of life. As is often the case, as people age, their sense of smell diminishes. This may be due to the fact that the olfactory fibers, which are located in the olfactory nerve, atrophy. It is noteworthy that the owners of the most acute sense of smell are babies. However, after a year of life, this figure decreases by almost 50%.

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Smell is one of the properties of a substance. In the air, odors spread by diffusion. The human sense of smell is used to determine the presence of odorous substances in the air.


The olfactory organ in the walls of the upper part of the nasal cavity. Olfactory includes the mucous membrane that covers upper part nasal septum and superior turbinate. The epithelium covering areas of the mucosa contains neurosensory and supporting epithelial cells. They are located on the basement membrane.

On the thickening of each olfactory (neurosensory) cell there are 10-12 mobile olfactory cilia. There are about 6 million olfactory cells in total (30 thousand cells per square millimeter). In their basal part, they pass into narrow, tortuous axons.

Olfactory, located in the loose olfactory connective tissue, secrete a secret that moisturizes the integumentary epithelium. This secret washes the cilia of sensitive olfactory cells and dissolves odorous substances perceived in this form by the receptor membrane proteins of the cilia.

When interacting with a substance of a certain composition, the olfactory cell sends nerve impulses to the brain. The center of smell is located in the cerebral cortex, in the zone of the parahippocampal gyrus. Irritation of neurosensory cells can only be caused by volatile or water- or fat-soluble substances.

A person can perceive smells only when inhaling. If you bring a smelling object to your nose and hold your breath, you will not smell it. And in order to feel the smell as best as possible, you need to take a few short sharp breaths: the air vortices created in this way carry the smell well to the olfactory organ.

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Substances that have a smell, as a rule, are able to "settle" on objects and be absorbed. This explains why clothing can often be tainted with smells of smoke, perfume, cooked food, etc. A person's sense of smell helps to determine the quality of the air he breathes and protect himself from various harmful impurities.

The human body carries out a lot of processes that are important for life. Breathing is one such process. Several organs take part in its implementation, including the nose.

What organs are involved in respiration

The respiratory organs include several parts of the body. Begins airway from the nasal cavity and external nose, and then the process continues to be carried out by the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. All of these organs, except the lungs, are airways. It is through these pathways that air enters the lungs. The lung parenchyma together with the lungs form the respiratory part, which exchanges gases between air and blood.

The structure of the external nose

The external nose has the shape of a trihedral pyramid. Paired nasal bones make up its bony part. Along the midline of the nose, these bones join to form the bridge of the nose. The frontal processes of the upper jaw are located laterally from the nose. These processes become the lateral surfaces of the external nose. At the bottom of the nose, the bones form pear-shaped holes. At the edges of the holes, cartilaginous formations can be observed: the upper rib of the quadrangular cartilage and the paired, lateral, accessory and alar cartilages. The nasal process of the frontal bone forms the bridge of the nose. Each formation is covered with a layer of skin. It can be said that the nose consists of two nostrils, the wings of the nose, the nasal septum and the lower edge of the piriform opening.

nasal cavity

The skin covers not only the outer part of the nose, but also its insides. Exactly inner part the nose is called the nasal cavity. It is divided into two halves by a partition. At the bottom of the cavity are the horizontal processes of the upper jaw and palatine bone. In addition, these processes are the basis of the hard palate.

Respiratory area of ​​the nose

The respiratory region of the nose is a mucous membrane. This membrane continues in the paranasal sinuses. The mucous membrane is covered with cavernous cavernous tissue and mucous glands. The mucous glands are usually located in the lower part of the turbinates. If the cavernous bodies are filled with blood, then the thickness of the mucous membrane can reach up to 4-5 millimeters. The sink can swell quite strongly. Sometimes it even completely closes the nasal passage. The ciliated epithelium is located on the nasal mucosa. Among its cells are secretory cells that resemble glasses in their shape.

Congenital anomalies of respiratory development

Nasal deformity is quite rare. These include a complete or partial developmental disorder, excess growth of parts of the nose, and incorrect positioning of the parts of the nose. In the world, there were such defects of the nose as split nose, double nose, fistulas or cysts of the nose, malformations of the turbinates and other disorders.

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Nose (and sense of smell) is necessary for animals primarily to smell. And the world of smells for animals is of particular importance. Winds and currents bring them good or bad tidings, and stones and bushes, labeled with the scents of other animals, say, "Welcome!" or “Do not violate the border!”.

In most living beings, the nose is indeed, first of all, the organ of smell. It looks different in different animals. Looking at some, you have no doubt where exactly their nose is located, while in others it will not be found immediately. For example, in octopuses, the “nose” is located on the tentacles, and in starfish- at the ends of the beams.

So who has the most sensitive "nose"? The group of champions, of course, will include male moths. Experiments have shown that if they are let out of the window of a moving train on different points way, then males can smell pheromones - chemicals emitted by females, at a distance of up to 11 kilometers!

Sharks can smell blood dissolved in water at a concentration of 1:100 million! And remember salmon. The nose leads him to the stream from which he once emerged and went to the open sea. Every spring, millions of Pacific salmon return to their waters to spawn. American specialists according to the migration of fish, it was established that the aroma of the native river was imprinted in salmon fry from the moment of birth. Scientists set up a simple experiment, during which it turned out that if the fish stop their noses, they lose the ability to return to their homeland. Smell plays a huge role in the lives of many animals. Here is an example of how beavers mark their territory. From the bottom of the reservoir they rake mud with their paws and pile it up on the shore near their dam, hut or in feeding places. The animals then mark these piles with the secretion of their glands, which serves as a warning: “No entry! The territory is occupied! If a beaver accidentally wanders into this area, he will definitely “read” the ad. Once an American ethologist made such mud heaps with his own hands, then sprinkled them with secretions from a beaver from another colony. The alien smell greatly excited the animals, and they immediately raked the heaps and dragged new ones, marking them with their smell.

Many animals have glands that secrete a special secret. In foxes, they are located under the tail, in water voles - on the sides, in pigs - on the knees, and reindeer they mark their way during migrations with secretions from the glands located between their fingers.

Almost all animals have noses that help them find food. Biologists from the University of California studied the power of smell in various kinds seabirds with an external tubular nose above the beak. When a swab soaked in the juice of finely chopped fish was lowered into the water with the help of a long pole, the fulmars and petrels could smell food for more than three kilometers. Other scientists have investigated the sense of smell of albatrosses. It turned out that the birds flew directly to the smell of the bait, from a distance of more than thirty kilometers.

The nose of animals is not only an olfactory apparatus. For example, an elephant uses its trunk as a crowbar, crushing rather thick trees, or as a breathing tube when swimming under water, and when drinking - like a hose. With it, he also makes trumpet sounds. A member of the desert, the oryx, or oryx, can withstand the heat partly because of its nose. The blood circulating through the humidified nasal cavity of the animal is cooled by the evaporation of moisture. This blood then travels to the base of the brain to help keep that area a few degrees cooler than the body temperature.

In another desert dweller, the camel, when exhaling, the channels inside the nose absorb water vapor and thus keep it moist. Moisture-preserving noses are also found in kangaroo rats. They are able to retain up to 88% of the moisture coming from breathing. And what wonderful noses hippos have! When immersed in water, thick-skinned hermetically “close up” their nostrils.

The nose plays a very important role in the life of moles. It is on his sensitivity that they rely, traveling through their passages underground, looking for food. The original nose of the star-nosed mole is a pink proboscis ending in 22 petal-like tentacles. In some species of insectivores, bats noses are even more amazing. They have fleshy growths that resemble leaves, spears, and even the trident of Neptune. It is likely that these nasal protrusions in bats help them focus their sound impulses, so that they can easily avoid obstacles and determine the path to prey. Approaching the victim, the bat emits up to 200 high-frequency sound impulses per second with its nose!

Dolphins also make sounds with their noses. They so deftly “see” with the help of the nose that they are used by specialists navy to detect underwater mines.

In some parts of the United States, vultures are attracted to detect gas leaks in gas pipelines. To do this, a substance with the smell of rotten meat is added to the composition of natural gas. Noticing vultures circling over the gas pipeline, public utilities workers carefully examine this place.

Researchers at the Center for Chemical Sensitivity in Philadelphia found that many birds do not like the taste and smell of one of the substances found in grapes and used in the manufacture of carbonated drinks. After treating the baseball courts with this substance, the geese that interfered with the players stopped landing on them, since these birds do not eat grass that smells like grapes.

And one more observation. When a group of wild ducks spring period plugged their nostrils, the males stopped showing interest in the females. Obviously, female ducks secrete some chemical substances that attract males with their scent.

Compared to many animals, the human nose has little sensitivity. But smells play a big role in human life. Here, perhaps, is one of the most original examples of the impact on a person through his sense of smell. The famous automobile manufacturer Rolls-Royce included in its advertising brochures for the latest model of the car a strip of paper impregnated with ... the smell of high-quality leather - the alluring smell of leather - in the hope of influencing the wallets of advertising readers.

As you can see, not only most animals, but also a person simply cannot do without a nose.

The information was prepared by O. Sutormina. http://zoobusiness.kiev.ua

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