What are the tiebacks for curtains. How to sew beautiful potholders for curtains?

Design and interior 07.03.2018
Design and interior

Curtains in the room play an important role. Even the most ordinary and modest room will be transformed if it is decorated with curtains. Curtain holders are used as an additional decor. They come in different sizes, types, made of fabric or the most unusual materials. Let's consider a few ideas and try to create original pickups on our own.

What are grips for?

We have already spoken about the decorative function. But, pickups are necessary for other purposes. With their help, you can adjust the lighting in the room. At night, they are easily removed so that the light from the street does not interfere with sleep. During the day, you can completely open the curtains or grab them with tiebacks, adjusting the amount sunlight in the room.

It is important to understand that the wrong position of the clamps can ruin appearance premises. For a room in classical style discreet clips are enough, one piece for each curtain. Experiment with the height yourself. The main thing to understand is that after fixing the clamp, you should get beautiful and neat folds. The denser the curtains, the more massive the tiebacks need to be selected.

Types of tacks for curtains - expanding horizons

The most common pickups are products made of fabric. Stripes can be made of any thickness and decorated with additional details. Fasten the textile clamp on a hook or Velcro. If you sew it yourself, then make each side of a different matter. One in tone with the curtains, and the second in a contrasting color. Thus, you can set the mood in the room.

You can also play with a combination of different materials. For delicate tulle, prepare strips of coarse burlap. Such a decision will add extravagance to the room. You can dilute the classic tack with the help of beads, sequins, organza, beads.

In addition to the textile version, there are such types of tacks for curtains:

  1. Pickup toy. Great option for a child's room. Choose suitable soft toys and sew them onto a strip of fabric. Then think about the clasp. It turns out the original pickup. By the way, this option is also suitable for the kitchen, if you make a cook toy.
  2. Kitchen appliances. Ladles, skimmers, spoons and even forks are used. They just need to be bent into desired position, after which it can be used as a clamp. If there is a cup left from the service, then simply cut out the bottom and pass the curtain through the porcelain product. It turns out an interesting and free option for the kitchen or dining room.
  3. On magnets. On the shelves you can find ready-made products. Their design is the simplest, and the cost is low. If desired, they can be decorated independently, with flowers, beads, buttons. Tiebacks on magnets allow you to drape the curtains in any position.

  1. Hairpins. They have a strong mount. Suitable for tape curtains and curtains made of thick fabrics. When choosing them, pay attention to the design. Such a clamp looks like a decoration that visually makes the curtain long and flowing.
  2. Tacks from improvised materials. Anything can be used, and making such clamps is easy. For example, no special work is required to create a product if you use an ordinary door handle or a lock from an old bag. If you want an exquisite tack, take unnecessary beads, ribbon or braid as a basis. For smooth curtains, without a wave, tacks made from twisted cords are suitable.

When choosing a product, do not be discouraged if you do not find the right shade, design or size. With the help of additional details, you can decorate the most ordinary pickup.

We make tacks for curtains with our own hands

To make the simplest clip, you will need rope, twine, white acrylic paint and large shells. First you need to measure the length of the pickups. Then cut off the desired piece of rope and fold it in half. Its ends must be tied with twine. It remains to lightly paint the product with white acrylic paint and glue the shells. This option is suitable for a room decorated in a marine style.

Consider how to make do-it-yourself curtain holders from unnecessary things, for example, an old disk. We also need satin ribbons, glue and a sushi stick, which will serve as a fixative. First you need to cut out the middle of the disk. Its diameter is determined depending on the massiveness of the curtains. Then the prepared part is wrapped with a satin ribbon and fixed with glue. It remains only to decorate the clip with flowers, beads and buttons.

Textile ties are very popular. To do it, you need to follow these steps:

  1. First you need to make a piece of fabric. For heavy and long curtains, the width of the tiebacks should be from 7 to 10 cm. Add 2–3 cm to this indicator for allowances. Let's take a strip of 10 cm as a basis.
  2. At the prepared product, you need to bend 1 cm on each side, then iron it. Next, apply from the wrong side curtain tape. It also needs to be tucked 1 cm, and then sewn to the tack.
  3. It remains to pull the curtain tape and form beautiful folds. The laces must be tied so that the clip does not unravel. To fix it, you can sew on buttons or a zipper.

Now the original curtain ties will decorate your room. There is no desire to make them yourself, get them in the store. With their help, you can make a narrow curtain more lush, a too bright room slightly muffled, or give a dark room brightness.

How to place grips correctly?

Most often they are placed on the same level with the windowsill. But, at the same time, the length of the curtains should also be taken into account. If they are short and barely reach the window sill, then divide its height into 3 parts. Position the clamp by reading the first part from the bottom. For example, the length of the curtain is 90 cm, which means that you mark 30 cm from the window sill and hang the tack.

When decorating curtains that reach the floor, you can hang products at any height. The main thing is not to forget that tacks can visually enlarge or reduce the window. Need to make the opening wider? Place the clip below the middle of the curtain. Would you like to extend the window? Hang the grip higher.

Tacks for curtains: photo examples for different rooms

It is difficult to immediately imagine whether the selected clips will look. We offer a gallery of images with original solutions, where curtain holders are located. Photo examples will help you make the right choice.

The extravagant combination of red and black is perfectly emphasized by a simple tack. Several ropes are connected in an elegant composition. This performance makes the room look like a theater stage.

Here you can see how classic ruffles fit with a children's room. Red braid complements the room and dilutes the beige shades that prevail in the interior.

Another option for a child's or teen's room. The magnet clips are great in color and easy to open. The child will be able to independently adjust the level of lighting in the room.

Provence style consists of details. Walls and furniture are selected in light colors, the rest of the character of the room is formed with the help of decorative elements. The tie in the form of a metal bow fits perfectly into the overall composition, combined with a candlestick and flower pots.

Tacks in the shape of a bow can be made independently from textiles. Pay attention to how well the colors of the matter are chosen. The combination of squares and dots is a win-win.

This type of clip forms excellent pleats in the upper half of the curtain. The lower part of the curtain is laid out in such a way that it is visible back side. The cornice, curtains and tie-back are made in the same color scheme. The result is a coherent and light image that dilutes dark furniture.

Get inspired and create your own elegant and beautiful room with a simple accessory.

Curtains and curtains are considered a very important component of the interior of a house or apartment. They not only perform the function of a daylight regulator, but also are the decor of the apartment. The cozy atmosphere in the house depends on how the curtains look. But a beautiful fabric or pattern on it is not always effective. If you add some accessories to the curtains, the room will come to life and change. One of these accessories are potholders for curtains. You can make tacks for curtains with your own hands, spending a little Money, time and showing maximum imagination.

What do potholders for curtains look like?

Potholders are bundles, strips of fabric that fix the curtains, that is, they collect them and fix them on the wall. With the help of their hostesses, they do not weigh the entire curtain or curtain, but only remove it a little to the side. The result is beautiful, ordered folds on the fabric, and not a closed window: light enters the room without obstruction. Potholders for curtains can be bought, but they cannot be said to be cheap, so many women make them with their own hands.

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Tacks made according to Japanese technology

Using Japanese technique, you can make not only intricate hairpins, brooches, accessories that decorate ladies' handbags and jewelry boxes, but also very beautiful and original curtain holders. Here's what you need for future potholders:

  • small pieces of material (2 types: width 5-6 cm) with a color similar to colors curtains (you can choose a color 2-3 tones darker) from which the petals will be made;
  • DVDs - 2 pcs.;
  • adhesive base for fabric (colorless);
  • silk ribbon (width no more than 2 cm);
  • beads of different sizes and colors;
  • wooden Chinese sticks for hair.

For blanks you will need 40 petals. Making them is quite simple: a square of fabric (7x7) is folded into a triangle, then again you need to fold it diagonally in the same way. The result is a small triangle. The second square of fabric needs to be folded only once and the resulting square number 2 is inserted between the folds of the first small triangle. The visible parts of fabric No. 2 must be folded over. You should get a triangle that has many layers. It needs to be bent once in half and cut off the edges evenly. This technique is very similar to the one children use to make snowflakes. The resulting figure must be melted with a lighter and the future petal should be shaped with a flame. It is desirable to make the petals similar to each other.

Unnecessary DVDs will be needed for the potholder base. From them with a hot knife you need to cut inner part. You should get a ring about 5 cm wide. A silk ribbon is needed to form the ring of the future tack. The ring is carefully wrapped around it, the ends are fixed with an adhesive. To make the grip more durable, it is better to apply glue to the ring and only then wrap it with tape.

In the future, decorations from previously made petals are formed on the basis of the ring of the tack for curtains. At the bottom, using fabric glue, you need to make three large flower, decorate the rest (upper area of ​​the tack) with petals. The final stage is the decoration of petals and flowers with beads or rhinestones. As a curtain fixer, you can use Chinese hair sticks.

You can make such a decorative element as a curtain holder using improvised means. Any woman in her arsenal will have beautiful buttons, beads, beads from old beads.

All these elements can be used as potholder decoration. As a basis, you can take strips of fabric, plaits, decorative ropes, ribbons, chains and belts.

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Original pendants for curtains

In order to make such pendants, you must:

  • a tourniquet corresponding to the color of the fabric (1.5 m is enough);
  • beads of different colors and sizes;
  • wire of small diameter (3 mm), no more than 4 m long.

The wire is needed in order to string beads on it. You need to start with large beads, gradually moving to small ones. Each bead must be fixed, that is, wrapped with wire. Next, divide the central part of the bundle and thread one of the edges of the wire into it, thus proceeding with its entire length, indenting about 1 cm. As a result, it is necessary to connect both edges of the wire to each other and fix them. The protruding ends of the wire can simply be cut. The tack for curtains is attached with a nail, which must be nailed into the wall at the level where the tack will be located.

Such tacks for curtains are very refined and concise. You can fix them with any curtain, the main thing is to combine colors.

Curtains in pastel colors can be shaded with bright tacks.

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Curtain holders in the children's room

Any mother wants to diversify the children's room and make it a fairy-tale land. In order not to constantly pull the curtains and curtains, pushing them apart in the morning and moving them in the evening, you can make original children's tacks on the curtains with your own hands from improvised things (unnecessary and abandoned toys). The appearance of a forgotten toy as a tie-back for curtains will delight the child and serve as a practical decor for the children's window. With all this, making such potholders for curtains with your own hands is not at all difficult and even much easier than for an adult bedroom.

For the first method of making children's tacks for curtains, you will need:

  • two identical old soft toys (you can take toys that are similar to each other, for example, two bears);
  • flagella of small diameter (1-1.5 cm);
  • 2 buttons big size.

It should be noted right away that the flagella will be needed in a length corresponding to the volume of the curtains being assembled. But they will fold 2 times so that you can make a buttonhole. If the diameter of the wrapped curtain is, for example, 15 cm, then, accordingly, the flagella are needed 35 cm long (it is better to take it with a margin). Sew on the free edges of the flagellum on one foot of the toy (you can also use a beautiful ribbon that matches the color), on the second foot - a button. Do the same with the other toy. The result is original potholders-toys. But they will not be fixed on the wall, that is, they will be removable.

The second method allows you to make no less cute potholders for curtains in the nursery. To do this, you need two toys with long legs. In this case, you still need a regular Velcro. Depending on the size of the paws of the toy, you need to cut out squares of adhesive tape and sew them to the toy. The girth of the curtain will occur with the paws of the toy and be fixed with Velcro.

The clip for curtains looks beautiful and unusual - a machine, especially in a children's room. It is not difficult to make such a grip.


  • image of the car (it is better to choose bright and colorful);
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • wood varnish;
  • brush;
  • canes with a diameter of 5 mm, a length of 5 cm more than the length of the image (for fixing the curtains).

The picture must be cut along the contour, then cut out “car side doors” inside the image, stick the picture on thick cardboard and cover with wood varnish. After the varnish has dried, a simple and beautiful potholder can be used to fix the curtains.

Having dreamed up, you can make no less bright and beautiful tacks for curtains for your daughter's bedroom. All girls have hairpins, elastic bands with bizarre faces and beautiful flowers. But hairpins do not always hold on for a long time, flowers and figures come off. Under no circumstances should they be thrown away. They will always come in handy, for example, in order to make a beautiful pot holder for curtains for a children's bedroom. But for this method you will need a sewing machine and materials such as:

  • piece of fabric (width - 10 cm, length - in accordance with the thickness of the covered curtain);
  • glue for the material;
  • various "children's" decorations.

Cut out a crescent moon from the fabric. You should get 4 cuts. Sew 2 of them together so that the stitched seams from the wrong side are not visible. The result is 2 crescents. Along the edges, you need to make 2 loops on each crescent, with which the potholder will be attached to the hook on the wall. Glue flowers, beads, rhinestones, unnecessary muzzles that have fallen off the hairpins onto the fabric. Let the glue dry. Hooks can be purchased at any store that sells curtain and garnish fittings.

For the kitchen, you can make a potholder for curtains - a cup. In this case, you will need the help of your husband, because you need to cut out its bottom. You can do this with a glass cutter. Sand the sharp edges of the cut bottom with sandpaper so as not to damage the curtain material. kitchen curtains usually not large in diameter, so they will completely pass through the cut bottom. The cup is attached to the wall hook by the handle.


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Tacks for curtains can be made in the form of clips and hairpins. They are designed to hold the fabric in the required position, to give the curtains a decorative effect. Making do-it-yourself curtain holders is not so difficult, the materials are usually the simplest. It is important to determine from the very beginning which clip is suitable for a particular curtain, what materials are best for this. The rest of the work is extremely simple, it takes a minimum of time. Many tacks are made in the form of wide ribbons that can be decorated with beads, embroidery, key rings, as in Fig. 1.

A chiffon flower curtain holder will add romance and airiness to the interior.

Benefits of using clamps

Draperies for window openings can be real works of art. They not only protect from bright light, street noise and dust, but also give the interior completeness, attractiveness, sophistication. Properly selected curtains can completely transform even the most boring interior..

Among the advantages that distinguish such tacks, one can note:

Various materials are used to create grips. Most often these are ribbons and cords. With your own hands, you can create beautiful and unusual designs. Children can also be involved in the manufacture of tacks, who will be happy to make unusual bows and flowers from fabric. You can experiment with beads and ribbons.

Types of tiebacks for curtains

Almost every housewife can make curtain holders. All of them differ in size, shape, purpose, materials of manufacture. Usually there are simple cords and ribbons that gracefully gather the fabric, making way for natural daylight. At night, the ribbons or cords are untied and the curtain closes the window opening. But it is not at all necessary to use boring ribbons, it is appropriate to decorate them with your own hands, giving the tack already completely different features. The width of the tapes can be different, instead of them you can use beautiful braid, weaving from threads and even stones, as in Fig. 2.

For smooth curtains, it is best to use beautiful twisted cords, which are decorated at the ends with tassels, large pendants in the form of glass beads.

Figure 2. A light garter with stones will look great in an Art Nouveau or fusion interior.

AT this case you can use beautiful tacks in the form of beads strung on a fishing line. For curtains made of denser fabrics that have patterns, it is best to use hairpins and ribbons that are in harmony with the pattern on the fabrics. It is necessary to select tacks more carefully, as an abundance of jewelry will spoil the impression. When choosing a hairpin, you need to consider whether there are scallops, wavy trim, lace, print. In this case, fabric flowers are no longer suitable, as they will distract attention.

Another interesting accessory is buckles. The curtain in this case is attached to a large and beautiful brooch at any height. These clips are designed for decorative purposes, they are attached at different heights, creating folds and draperies of the desired shape and size.

Tapes are also used; cardboard is usually sewn into them. How to sew tacks of this type? It is necessary to take a piece of fabric, fold it in half, and then sew along the wrong side, except for one corner. The fabric is turned inside out, a strip of cardboard is inserted inside. Such a grip is obtained in the form of a crescent. It is hard, perfectly holds the necessary shape, collecting curtains into beautiful and large folds.

How to choose the right size and position the clamp?

It is necessary to immediately calculate at what height the tacks will be located. Too high or too low tacks can spoil the whole impression of drapery. To maximize the effect, you must first fasten the clip or tape at different heights and see how best they will look, hold fabrics, create graceful folds. In this case, the size and shape of the clip itself, the length of the curtain, the type and height of the window sill are taken into account.

A curtain holder will look good if you fix it at the level of the windowsill.

by the most the best option for placement is 2/3 of the length from the top of the curtain, if the fabric hooks are attached from about 10-15 cm from the edge. When the curtain is made to the full height of the wall, then the clamps are placed about 1 m from the floor, but not less, so that the effect is correct. Drapery is carried out depending on the pattern, pattern, fabric density, visual effect. The clips can be used to completely fold back the fabric or leave the curtains half open. That is why it is necessary to position the clamps so that, if necessary, they can easily change their position, provide ease of use, and a beautiful appearance.

For light curtains, it is best to use thin ribbons, decorative cords, small hairpins, large beads are allowed. For thick curtains, you can take massive tacks, bows, artificial flowers, large buttons, irregularly shaped beads.

Tieback for curtains from CD and tape

To make tiebacks for curtains with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials. For a nice and simple tie-back brooch, you can use an old CD and ribbon in the color that best suits the curtain. You need to prepare the following materials:

  • CD-ROM (if you need to make tiebacks for 2 halves of the curtain, then you need to take 2 disks);
  • wide satin ribbons that match the color of the curtain fabric;
  • ribbons for flowers or ready-made flowers, you can take a few beautiful and large glass beads, buttons, pendants;
  • fabric glue;
  • threads, scissors, needles (to cut a circle from a disk, you can take a ready-made template or compass);
  • a thin wooden stick that will serve as a clamp.

It is necessary to make such a sticking from the base, i.e. from the disk. First, you need to cut the core out of it, leaving a circle of the required thickness. The inner diameter is easy to calculate - it all depends on the density of the curtain. If it is large, then the internal space should be sufficient to secure the fabric. But the ring should not be made too thin, such a hairpin will not be strong. The optimal value is 3 cm. Next, you need to decorate the circle with a ribbon. The cloth is carefully wrapped around the ring, the beginning of the tape can be sewn. If there is glue, then gluing is also allowed. A clip is also made, which is tightly wrapped with tape.

After the base is ready, you need to start decorating the future clip. You can collect roses from a piece of fabric. If there is no such experience, then it is better to buy ready-made flowers and sew them to the ring. You can sew on beads, buttons, but you should not overload the composition too much, since the clip will turn out to be not very strong, it will not hold the curtain fabric well. For heavy curtains, it is better to use a wooden or metal ring, since the disk may simply not withstand the load.

Tacks for curtains are used quite often. They serve to keep parts of the curtain ajar in the required position, to give the curtain an unusually attractive appearance, elegance. It is not very difficult to make such tacks with your own hands, usually ordinary objects are used for this.

  • What are grips?
  • Preparation for work
  • The sewing process
  • toy product
  • Products from old disks
  • What can be used to make a grab?

How to sew potholders for curtains? Curtains belong to the things decorating any interior. An empty window without curtains does not cause a feeling of comfort and warmth in the house. They perfectly play the role of lighting control in the room. To make the curtains practical and beautiful, it is not enough just to choose the fabric you like.

Aspiring housewives are looking for ways to use different curtain accessories to spice up or transform the look of a room. One of the many methods is to use curtain holders. You can buy them. And if there is a desire, then it is possible to be creative, sew it yourself or make them from other available means.

What are grips?

This word means a strip of fabric, which fixes part of the curtain to the wall. This is done so that the curtains are not completely open. Such accessories not only look beautiful, but also allow you to make the window ajar. In this case, the light will be able to freely enter the room. You need to fix the tacks at the level with the windowsill, but other options are possible.

Modern tools allow you to make potholders from various fabrics, sometimes they use toys, beads or other improvised means. If you have imagination, then you can experiment and make practical, unusual harnesses. When making them, it is important to consider that tacks should not exist on their own. They should be in harmony with the fabric of the curtains or overlap with other home furnishings.

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Preparation for work

Sewing potholders at home is easy. This will require a sewing machine, additional funds, a little imagination and step-by-step instruction. Before you begin, make the appropriate preparations.

Materials and tools:

  • the cloth;
  • interlining;
  • buttons;
  • buttons;
  • ruler;
  • iron;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • metal bracket;
  • dowels.

When buying fabric, consider its color, density, patterns. The main thing is that the made potholders look beautiful on the curtains. It is not necessary to make them from the fabric of the same color as the curtains. To sew tacks, the material must be chosen dense, a little hard, which will keep its shape well. Don't choose fabric that stretches. The product from it will not have a look and will not hold the curtains.

If there are patterns, make sure that they are symmetrical when sewing.

There are many options for how to sew potholders.

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The sewing process

Then proceed directly to work. Draw a rectangle on white cardstock or paper. Dimensions may vary depending on the size of the window and curtains. But sizes of 35x10 cm are usually offered. Now make a pattern.

Fold the material in half and attach it to the pattern so that its long part converges with the fold line. Outline the rectangle. Mark 0.5 cm for each side to make allowances. Reinforce thin fabric with interlining.

Now take the prepared part, fold it in half on the wrong side and iron it on the fold line. Allowances need to be bent and also ironed. In this case, the pattern makes the job easier. Proceed to the next step: fold the fabric right side in and sew, while leaving one section open. Turn the product inside out and sew the hole.

Now sew a loop of material or tape. They can be made by cutting through the fabric. Sew on a button. Mark the place where the fastening will be, carefully cut a hole to fit the size of the button with a blade. The hole needs to be patched.

You can fix the tacks with the help of special hooks. Sew them on the wrong side and attach the pickup to the wall, on which you first install the metal bracket, dowels. Fasteners can be located at different heights (optional). But usually they are attached just below the level of the windowsill.

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toy product

Materials and tools:

  • toys;
  • magnets;
  • twists;
  • rings;
  • tapes;
  • brushes;
  • buboes.

Potholders made from toys look unusual. This option is suitable for curtains in the children's room. Such a model will delight children and attract attention with individuality.

When choosing a toy, keep in mind that it should have long handles so that when attached to the curtain, it seems that the toy is hugging it. Insert the magnets into the paws and connect them. If this is not possible, then sew the paws together. After that, fix the toy to the wall with a ring and a hook.

You can use another version of the tack with a toy. To do this, prepare the tape. Fix the toy in the middle, add buboes, tassels. Attach the model to the wall. Pick up two identical toys. This will make it look prettier.

Tacks for curtains can be made without sewing. Sometimes they are made from ropes, ready-made ribbons, rings, beads. You can decorate with flowers. It is enough to sew magnets into the finished tapes, and the potholders are ready. For a change, hang dried flowers or fragrant herbs placed in an organza.

Curtains have always been considered an integral part of the interior. These textiles can be decorated with various decorative elements. In order to regulate the illumination of the room, various tacks are used. In addition, such products are able to change the appearance of drapery by creating folds on the canvas.

Hook for curtains as one of the types of holders

The most common curtain holder these days is the hook. Due to its simple design, it is very easy to use and does not fail. A hook is chosen taking into account the features of the interior and the color palette in which the room is designed.

Holders for metal and plastic. Experts recommend giving preference to the first, because they are more durable. However, if you are looking for a budget pickup, then a plastic hook is fine for you.

There are 3 ways to attach the hook:

  1. Level with window sill. This option is great if you want to fill the room with sunlight.
  2. Above window sill. Such a mount will successfully fit into the interior if you have a narrow window opening.
  3. Below window sill. This mount allows you to achieve a visual narrowing window opening. Attaching the hook below the window sill is recommended if you use thick curtains.

We make tiebacks for curtains with our own hands

You can make an extraordinary pickup with your own hands, if you have the necessary materials and a little imagination. To work, you will need wire, a hook, decorative items (you can use buttons or fabric flowers), scissors, glue, pliers, a needle, thread, metal rings, brushes and wire cutters.

The easiest option is to pick up with pendants. It is suitable if your curtains are made of thin materials, such as linen, cotton or organza.

The procedure for manufacturing a pickup with pendants is as follows:

  • Using scissors, cut about 40 or 50 cm of wire.
  • Then fold the wire in half, and string beads or other decorative materials on it.
  • Twist the resulting workpiece into several turns.
  • After that, hang one large decorative element on each tip of the pickup.
  • Do a couple of twists.
  • Unwind the tourniquet a little, thread one end of the workpiece and twist it with the other end.
  • Twist the ends of the wire, and thread them through the cord, and then cut.
  • At the ends of the cord, make loops that you will put on the hook.

If you want to make a tissue pickup, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Fold the wrong side and right side of the fabric, and sew the workpiece around the entire perimeter. Be sure to leave a small section of fabric unsewn.
  2. Turn the tie inside out and sew up the previously left area.
  3. Bend the fabric from each edge to a distance that will be equal to the thickness of the ring.
  4. After that, thread the ring, and sew the allowance with plain threads and a needle.
  5. Put the resulting product on the curtain.

Holders for curtains from improvised materials

In order to acquire an unusual tack for curtains, you do not have to attend some kind of master class, because you can make the item from improvised materials. For example, a holder made of a soft toy will perfectly fit into a children's room. For example, you can take a small teddy bear, tie its paws around a drapery, and sew them together.

If you are looking for an unusual tack for, ordinary cutlery will help you get out of the situation. Take an unnecessary spoon or fork, and simply twist the device in the right direction.

If you have thick curtains in your room, then you can purchase a special magnetic holder. A variety of configurations and sizes of products will help you choose the right tack without difficulty. Magnetic is distinguished by its durability and beauty.

You can also make a holder from:

  • Ceramics. The original pickup can be obtained from an ordinary cup. To do this, cut its bottom with a special tool, and fix the curtain with the resulting product.
  • The corner part of the adapter for pipes.
  • Hook for clothes.

Tiebacks for curtains: pattern and manufacturing features

There are a large number of pattern options for sewing pickups. Everything will depend on your individual preferences. It is desirable that the pattern be the same color as the curtains.

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