Beautiful pendants. Room decoration options. What can such a curtain be made of?

Design and interior 18.03.2018
Design and interior

We are used to decorating our windows in a standard way, using blinds or fabric curtains. But there is another option that we often forget about - hanging curtains.

In our houses and apartments there are a lot of rooms where family members are located. Sometimes there is not enough space to feel alone, and then we begin to zone the room, clearly dividing it into two halves. Sometimes it looks appropriate, and sometimes it does not harmonize with the general style. in a great way zoning space without unnecessary investment and lengthy repairs is the purchase of a hanging curtain, the photo of which you see below.

Use cases

This type of curtains will perfectly fit into any room, giving it a special flavor.

  1. Decoration of doorways. Now many people refuse interior doors, believing that they clutter up the space, separate family members from each other, although the initial task of the house is to unite. By hanging light pendants in the doorway, you will not burden the space and at the same time remind you that this is your room. Often these curtains are used to decorate the veranda in the country or at the entrance to the living room.
  2. Windows decorated with this type of curtains look completely different. They let in more light, do not darken the room, and at sunrise or sunset they sparkle with beads, creating fancy patterns on the floor and walls.
  3. Cafes and restaurants that use hanging curtains on their doorways get more positive feedback from visitors. This new, trendy and completely simple solution helps to attract customers.
  4. To create a romantic atmosphere, these curtains are perfect! In addition to bewitching reflections, they emit a pleasant ringing, which, in combination with the evening atmosphere and candles, brings a completely new feeling.

What type of interior is suitable?

These curtains will fit into any room, giving it an elegant look.

lovers bright colors and colors, as well as unusual solutions, curtains made of threads and beads are suitable. You can also use braid and braiding techniques. So the curtains will look original and especially attractive.

In a more austere interior, you can hang pendants made of black and white threads or beads strung on a fishing line. You can even create a kind of installation - a piano or a Japanese symbol.

For a marine style and a minimalist style, curtains made from a simple rope along the height of the opening are suitable. At the ends of the rope, you can make knots resembling a marine knot or tassels using multi-colored beads, glass beads and other decorative elements.

These curtains will also fit perfectly into the country style, for which simplicity and naturalness, proximity to lightness and natural beauty are the main features.

Materials for manufacturing

To make do-it-yourself hanging curtains, they use beads, beads and wood, but you can also use non-standard materials in the form of old CDs, metal chains and even paper clips. Curtains made from such materials will fit perfectly into the room of a teenager who does not accept anything old and classic, or into a room with a high-tech style.

Where are the materials sold?

Materials can be ordered in the online store, you can purchase them yourself, while choosing them in such a way that they blend harmoniously with the overall composition of the curtains and with the style of the room.

We advise you to pay attention to rope curtains, they are somewhat similar to each other, but have a number distinctive features which you will learn about by reading the article. Perhaps this option suits you better.

How to make?

You can make homemade hanging curtains by connecting your children and husband to work. This exciting activity will captivate all family members and allow you to show your imagination.

  1. Making the bar on which the curtains are attached, but before that you need to decide where they will be placed - in the doorway or on the window.
  2. Attach the rail to self-tapping screws or bolts, but you can also use double-sided tape or sticky tape.
  3. Decorate the rail with adhesive paper, paint or varnish.
  4. Instead of a rail, you can also use a plinth.
  5. Prepare material for fastening decorative elements - threads, fishing line. Best of all, fishing line, because the effect of soaring in the air is enhanced.
  6. On the fishing line, put on beads of different sizes in turn, but at the same time remember their location if you want to achieve a symmetrical pattern. Don't forget to leave some line to hang from the rail.
  7. Stringing beads on a fishing line is only this way: after each bead, make a knot. This is necessary to prevent the beads from falling out or twisting.
  8. It is best to assemble the curtain on a rail. To do this, first skip the fishing line, and then start stringing each part, so you will better see if the parts are symmetrical or not.


  • Nice aesthetic look
  • Possibility of self-manufacturing and creating an individual style
  • Pleasant sound when curtains open
  • The feeling of lightness and simplicity attracts and fills the room with the spirit of freedom.
  • The room is filled not only with pleasant sounds, but also with pleasant colors, as the curtains gleam and create beautiful patterns.

If you decide to make repairs, then you no longer have to wonder which curtains are best to hang and how to make hanging curtains. These curtains will be a wonderful decoration for any room.

Often, during the repair or rearrangement of furniture, the owners of the home decide to abandon the door leaf. Of course, you can leave the opening in the form in which it is, but still the best way out of the situation is to attach such things to the door. With your own hands, hangings on the door can be made from improvised materials without investing Money. How to make such a decorative element will be discussed in this article.

MK for the production of filament curtains from beads

The easiest and least time-consuming way to create decoration for a doorway.

You will need:

1) Beads different kind and size;

2) Thick thread or fishing line;

3) Braid;

4) Needle;

5) Scissors;

6) Double-sided tape;

7) Wooden plank.

Manufacturing steps:

1) We prepare the mount for the future thread screen. To do this, take a small wooden plank and drill holes in it equal to the diameter of the selected thread. We fix the necessary fasteners, with the help of which the product will then be held on the doorway.

2) Then we cut dense threads along the height of the doorway. And we begin to plant the prepared beads in a chaotic manner. Or according to a pre-selected pattern.

3) We close the bottom of the pendants with a knot or special rivets so that the beads do not slip and the decoration does not bloom. We pass the upper part into the holes drilled in the wooden plank, also securely fixing it.

It remains only to attach the thread screen to the doorway and admire the updated view of the room.

Plastic bottle curtains

An unexpected way to reuse plastic bottles found by designer Michelle Brand, for which she was once awarded a huge number of awards from environmental communities. Who would have thought that from the usual containers that are usually thrown away, you can make a stylish and original decor element.

There are two ways to make pendants from plastic bottles. The first involves the use of bottoms, the second - the main part of the containers. Let's consider both.

You will need:

1) Small plastic bottles;

3) Scissors;

5) Strong fishing line or thick thread.

Method one. Step-by-step instruction:

1) From all the bottles we cut off the lower part with a knife. We trim the edges with scissors, forming the outlines of a flower.

2) Then heat the sand in a frying pan. And immerse the workpiece in the heated mixture for a couple of seconds. This is necessary so that the sharp cut edges of the bottom are slightly singed. In a similar way we do required amount plastic blanks-flowers.

3) Now let's start creating the pendants. There are several options here. You can simplify the task by threading the fishing line through the middle of each part, thereby obtaining separate decorated threads. The second way is to create a solid canvas, which is obtained by threading threads through several holes in each of the flowers. The joints of the parts can also be additionally decorated with beads or beads.

This is the end result of such beauty!

Method two. Step-by-step instruction:

1) The main parts of the bottles are cut into rings, the edges of which are then melted a little with the help of sand heated in a pan.

2) Then the elements are cut and connected to each other, intertwining by analogy with paper garlands that each of us did in childhood. The incisions are fastened again with a stapler or tape.

The result is garland pendants, as in the photo.

Master class on making paper pendants

Another interesting way how to make hangings on the door. A similar decor will look like threads with beads, which have already been discussed above. However, in this case, the elements will be made of paper, or better, from old glossy magazines.

You will need:

1) Glossy magazines;

2) Ruler;

3) Pencil;

4) Scissors;

7) Needle.

Manufacturing steps:

1) From the magazine we tear out a double page located in the middle. We unfold it, put it on a flat surface and cut out the necessary details from it, having previously applied the markup.

2) With the help of a ruler on one side of the magazine page, we set aside segments equal to 3 - 4 cm. From the opposite end, we make markings of 1.5 - 2 cm (half the length of the future bead). We connect the obtained points with lines.

3) Cut out the details, getting long pointed triangles.

4) Now let's start making beads. To do this, we begin to tightly fold the workpiece, starting from the base. A small hole should remain inside the resulting tube, through which the needle will pass freely. Glue the sharp tip to the part so that the bead does not unwind. Similarly, we form the required number of elements.

5) We decorate the pendants. We string beads in turn on a needle with a thread or fishing line inserted into it, which can also be alternated with multi-colored beads to make the finished product look even brighter.

6) To add shine, the resulting pendants can be coated with a colorless varnish. It remains only to attach the threads to a wooden plank and hang over the doorway.

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In this article, we will look at what you can make hangings on the door with your own hands, without specialized equipment and complex expensive tools.
Almost all of the options presented can be easily made at home or in a small workshop.

What are pendants?

Hangers or door curtains are used in doorways instead of interior doors.
They are designed for zoning the interior in rooms where the installation of a conventional wooden door is not very convenient.

The main task of the hangings is to close the doorway, but at the same time not to impede the passage of adults, children and pets through it.

Is it worth it to make curtains on the door with your own hands?

Hangers on the door are sold in many stores that sell interior items.
Mostly wood products are on sale - they are beautiful, comfortable and have a very affordable cost.

Therefore, making pendants with your own hands is worth it only if you just love to make or want something original, different from store counterparts.

How to make pendants with your own hands

1. From wine corks.

Holes are punched in the plugs with an awl or drilled, after which a thick reinforced thread is threaded through them.
So that the corks do not attach closely to each other, you can make knots on the thread.
You can also just put beads between the corks.

The problem with this method is that it is quite difficult to find such a large number of traffic jams.
And buying them is expensive even in China (the approximate price is $15-17 for 100 pieces).

But if you still have access to wine corks, then go for it.
You can also look at others, which are quite possible to do with your own hands.

2. From optical discs (CD, DVD).

Optical discs (many call them CDs, but this is not entirely true, since this term is only suitable for CDs) make cool do-it-yourself curtains for doors.
They look cool and are fairly easy to make.

Finding the right number of disks is also not a problem, since now every computer owner has a lot of them, and they are no longer used, since they are obsolete, giving way to flash drives (buy cool flash drives self made you can on our website -).

To make pendants on the door, you need to drill disks on both sides and pass a thread through these holes.
Before drilling, you need to draw a line that runs through the very center of the disc and measure the same distance from the edge.
If you start drilling by eye, you will not achieve symmetry and it will turn out very ugly.

You can also connect discs with ordinary paper clips.
This option is simpler, but with a nylon thread it will turn out neater and prettier.

3. From paper clips.

One of the most simple ways make hangings on the door with your own hands.
It is only necessary to connect paper clips with each other to get many long strips.
You can attach the strips directly to the door frame, but it is better to a separate bar, which is already installed in upper part doorway.

If you put colored cambric or pieces of thick paper on paper clips, it will turn out even more interesting.
See the video below for how to do this.

4. From buttons.

For the manufacture of curtains on the door, you can use buttons of various sizes and colors.
They are worn on a thick fishing line or a thin but strong thread.

This option looks original, but strongly for an amateur.
But it is very easy to manufacture and has a low cost (buttons are inexpensive, fishing line too).

5. From shells.

For pendants, both large and small shells are suitable.
Both of them can be collected in large numbers on beaches remote from civilization, especially on the Sea of ​​Azov.
But buying shells is no longer entirely profitable, since in resorts their price is usually indecently high.

You can attach shells both on a fishing line and on a thick reinforced thread.

By combining the size and shape of shells, as well as their number, you can achieve completely different appearance curtains.
In our opinion, products from a large number small shells.

In the case when the door is inappropriate for a certain interior, hanging curtains in the doorway can be an excellent solution. Despite the fact that such solutions were used many years ago, today they do not lose their popularity. In addition, you can make them with your own hands, which makes them even more valuable.

Homemade pendants - original decoration doorway

Functions of curtains on the doorway

A hanging screen is a great option for. This method of decoration carries not only an aesthetic load, but is also useful in other aspects. The so-called hangings on doorways perform the following functions:

  • They are a decor and effectively complement the interior, frame the opening and give it a complete look.
  • They create a light barrier that allows you to partially limit the room from neighboring rooms.
  • They create a cozy atmosphere in the house.
  • They mask minor construction defects in this area.
  • Zoning space if we are talking about the shared space.
  • Can be used as an alternative to a door or simply to frame an opening.

A huge plus is that hanging curtains take up a minimum of space, for their installation it is not necessary to build additional structures and purchase expensive fittings, besides, their price is much lower than the cost of ordinary doors. If desired, they can generally be made by hand.

Curtains in the doorway perform a decorative function and complement the interior

Making a cornice

In order to make pendants on the doorway with your own hands, you will need a cornice and filling material. For a cornice, you can take a simple wooden plank or tube. If necessary, decorate it to match the walls, pendants or the interior as a whole. You can take the old window cornice or buy a new one that suits you in size.

Please note that the length of the curtain rod should be slightly larger than the width of the opening, the curtain should completely cover this space, going a little on the walls. Add to this all the area for installing fasteners and plugs, and you will get the length you need.

Options for cornices for curtains on the door

You can install the cornice on nails or on special fasteners - brackets, which usually come with purchased models, for example, window ones. The main condition is reliability, otherwise you risk injuring yourself or other family members. As for fixing threads on it, you can use a groove system, small hooks for curtains, nails or special devices for this. Note that the elements should not cling to each other.

In order to fill the opening space, you can use a wide variety of materials, the best option I can be:

  • beads;
  • threads;
  • broken CDs;
  • wooden plates;
  • shells and pebbles;
  • hollow branches;
  • coins.

A variety of options for decorating curtains for the door


The most popular option for doorway hangings is the use of beads. Such curtains will look quite aesthetically pleasing, and making them will not be difficult. In order to create a unique product, you can display some pattern or drawing on the screen using elements of different colors. Think over this option in advance and draw a diagram to facilitate the work.

In order to make pendants, you will need several thousand beads, depending on their size and the design of the curtain. You can string beads on a fishing line or a strong decorative thread, you can combine both materials and create a light and unobtrusive composition. The position of each fragment is fixed by knots. If the material is light enough, you can do without knots and fasten only at the edges.

Beads are the most popular material for making curtains on the door.

It is more convenient to hang ready-made elements on the cornice after its installation. Great for beads fit way fastening in a groove or through pre-drilled holes.

With the same success, other similar materials can be used instead of beads. For a marine interior, an excellent option would be the use of shells, small pebbles and other seafood. However, at the same time, the task is complicated by the fact that in order to string them, it will be necessary to drill many small holes, so the use of ready-made materials remains the preferred option.

Threads and textiles

A simpler screen can also be made for the door, for example, if textiles are used for this purpose. You can buy fabric for curtains and make light curtains on the door out of them with your own hands, the mesh is especially good in this regard. If you don’t like such pendants, try making a classic version of strong thick threads.

The work has a minimum level of complexity. In order to make such a product, you will need a cornice and several skeins of threads. It is best to knit them in small bunches. If you want to get an even cascade, then be patient, because you will have to process each thread separately. Make sure they are the same length. In some cases, you can try to fix the threads on the cornice with glue. And to hide the joints, use a decorative overlay.

The easiest option is to create a curtain from threads

To prevent the ends of the threads from unraveling, you can burn them or put a bead on the end, the latter option will allow you to create an additional load that will straighten the threads. The same option is also suitable for fixing them on the eaves.

Another option using threads is macramé knitting. Such curtains will look unsurpassed, but it will take a lot of time to create them. In addition, you need to have sufficient skills in this technique. Another method is crocheting. The screen for the door can be made from separate knitted elements. This will also take a lot of time, and the final product will look very heavy.

Wood planks and other plant materials

A great option for creating a do-it-yourself door curtain is to use wooden dice. Individual elements must contain holes through which wire or metal rings will pass, connecting the fragments to each other. Additionally, you can use wooden beads. Bamboo tubes or strong straws will also work. You can try weaving from a thin vine.

For curtains made of wooden dies, it is better to use elements from light breeds.

So that such a curtain is not too heavy, you need to use well-dried elements from light rocks. It is advisable to pre-treat them with an antiseptic and open them with varnish.

Whichever option you choose, you will in any case get a great product that will become a worthy decoration for your home.

Decorating the window openings of private houses and apartments with ordinary fabric curtains or drapes has become a common thing for us. For some, this option of decorating their beloved home may seem uninteresting and banal, it is for such lovers of originality in the interior that we can offer such a non-standard decor option as hanging curtains. This not ordinary design can effectively decorate and focus on the decoration of the window, and give the interior of the room an incredible lightness and ease.

Room decoration options

This style of curtains will look great in any room, giving it a special touch. Of the many ways, I would like to draw attention to some of the most common:

  • The first style is a variant of decorating doorways. Today, many prefer to abandon interior doors, the argument is very simple - in some cases they can clutter up the space, and despite the initial function of the association, they serve more to separate family members from each other. Therefore, if you hang hanging curtains in the doorway, the possibility of making the space heavier is excluded, but at the same time, the line of demarcation of your own room is preserved. It is not uncommon to use such curtains to decorate the entrance to the living room or decorate the veranda in country house or in the country;

The photo shows a way to decorate the door arch with curtains with hangings.

  • The second option is window decoration. Windows decorated with such an element of curtain design look different, with this design option they are able to let in more light and heat, they never darken the room unnecessarily, and at sunrise and sunset they gleam with beads and when the rays of light are broken, they create bizarre patterns on the walls and ceiling of the room;

The photo shows a window decoration option.

  • The third way of application is to combine in the interior for cafes and restaurants. Hanging curtains look great on the doorways of such establishments and receive positive feedback from their visitors;

Photo of a cafe that is decorated with filament curtains

  • The fourth option can be considered the creation of a romantic atmosphere, for the formation of which such a style of curtains is more than appropriate. Given that curtains with pendants emit a bewitching ringing and pleasant reflections, evening time and candles will be a wonderful addition, that's all that is needed for a romantic mood.

In the photo you can see the wonderful reflections of light on the curtains of beads

How to make curtains with pendants with your own hands?

As materials, you can use both ordinary jewelry: beads, beads, decorative elements made of wood, and use quite original means: old CDs, paper clips and all kinds of metal chains. In order to find the necessary materials, you can use the World Wide Web and order all the items in online stores, or purchase them yourself. When choosing such decor elements, it is worth considering the color and general interior of the room, in which curtains will be placed, which you can do yourself.

You can make this type of curtains either on your own, but it will be even more interesting to lure the whole family to create decorations of this style and thereby bring even more ideas for homemade curtains.

Consider now the stages of designing curtains:

  1. First you need to make a cornice with your own hands, a bar on which future curtain threads will be attached. When creating, you can use a plinth. But before that, you need to choose the placement option - it will be a door or window opening;
  2. Next, you should attach the rail to the bolts or nails, you can also use double-sided tape or adhesive tape;
  3. Now decorate the bar itself, you can use sticky multi-colored paper, nail polish or paint for this purpose;
  4. Prepare the material on which the decorative elements will be fixed - fishing line or thread. The use of a fishing line will be optimal, it is more reliable than threads or ropes, the bases are not rubbed with beads and, thanks to transparency, the effect of floating jewelry in space is visually created;
  5. Then thread beads onto the base, main feature here is that after each strung element, a knot should be made. This prevents them from falling out or twisting. At this stage, it is necessary to leave the free end of the fishing line for attaching the thread to the bar;
  6. It is better to assemble the curtain with your own hands directly on the rail, so first fix the fishing line and only after that proceed with the formation and stringing of decorative elements. With this method, you can immediately see the symmetry and correct location of each bead.

So, now we can confidently conclude that the process of making this type of curtain with your own hands is a simple matter. When some skill is acquired, the curtain will definitely turn out the way you intended, and will favorably emphasize the interior and bring lightness and individuality to it.

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