A magical fairy tale about the sea for children. Who lives at the bottom of the ocean? fairy tale for children

Pregnancy and children 13.08.2019
Pregnancy and children

Orientation: Difficulties in communicating with peers. Feelings of inferiority. Loneliness. Uncertainty. Feeling like a "white crow".

Key phrase: “I am not like everyone else. No one is friends with me!

In the distant Blue-blue country, behind the blue-blue mountains lay the blue-blue Sea. It was the most beautiful sea in the world. Everyone who saw it thought that they were in a fairy tale - it fascinated so much with its unusual deep blue color. Even the most evil and heartless person began to feel something pounding in his chest and tears welled up in his eyes when he looked into the clear blue waters of the Sea. People left the sea with an unusually light heart, with good mood, and most importantly - with the desire to do something good and useful to someone. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Blue-blue country were very proud and loved their wonderful Sea.
The sea was not only very beautiful, but also very hospitable. Millions of creatures lived in it, very different and unusual. Here were bizarre sea ​​stars, lying in thought on the branches of corals, and funny seahorses, and business crabs, always busy with some serious thoughts of their own, and cheerful sea ​​urchins, and many, many other inhabitants of the depths. All of them were very happy in this blue sea, because it was their home.
But most of all, the sea was loved by fish, of which there were a great many. No one but them knew the sea so well. Fish rushed all day long across the endless expanses of the sea, admiring the beauties of the bottom and discovering more and more interesting places. Only at night they calmed down and fell asleep: someone buried themselves in fine clean sand, someone swam into cold sea caves, someone hid in colored algae or corals. And sea ​​life seemed to freeze ... But as soon as the first Sun rays made their way through the thickness of the water, everything came to life again and seemed so happy and carefree ...
But there lived in this sea one little Rybka, who did not feel so happy. She considered herself the most inconspicuous and ugly among the fish. She had no iridescent tail, no fishnet fins, even her scales, unlike the scales of her multi-colored girlfriends, were the usual gray color.
This little fish suffered greatly from loneliness, because no one was friends with her, she was never invited to play and talked to her very little. In general, everyone always behaved as if it simply did not exist. And she so wanted to join a flock of cheerful girlfriends, play hide and seek with them, swim a race or just travel along the seabed ... But she was never called. Her friends just ignored her. And because of her shyness, she was afraid to approach and speak herself. It seemed to her that since she was so ugly, she would definitely be driven away. Can you imagine how lonely and hard it was for a small, small Rybka in such a huge, huge sea?
And then one day she became so sad and dreary that she suddenly stopped distinguishing colors. She stopped seeing the beauty that surrounded her. Nothing pleased her, nothing interested her. This magnificent blue-blue Sea began to seem to her an ordinary large gray puddle in which the same gray and pale schools of fish live and swim. And the last thing in the world she wanted to talk to them ..:
And this Rybka decided to sail away to where she would not see any of this again. She swam for a very long time and saw a cave. Diving inside, Rybka found herself in complete darkness, but for some reason she did not feel any better from this and she cried out of despair.
Suddenly she heard someone's gentle voice.
- Why are you crying? - he asked.
“Because I’m lonely,” Rybka answered.
- Why are you lonely?
“Because no one wants to play with me, and also because I can’t look at such a gray, ugly Sea. Better not to see him at all.
- Gray ugly Sea? the voice asked. “Which sea are you talking about?” There are no ugly seas, and our Sea is generally the most beautiful in the world. At least that's how it seems to me.
Then our Rybka suddenly thought, what recent times this is the first creature that willingly talks to her. She immediately stopped crying.
“Then why are you sitting in this cave?” Rybka asked.
Because sometimes you just want to be alone. But there's no way I'm staying here forever. Life is too interesting and beautiful to hide from it. Did you say no one plays with you? Why? the voice asked.
“Because I am gray and ugly and no one notices me,” Rybka answered.
- But this is not true. In fact, you are just charming and very interesting with you!
- How do you know? Rybka was surprised.
“I don’t know, but that’s exactly how you seem to me.” Let's be friends with you? a voice suddenly asked.
Rybka was taken aback by surprise - no one had ever said such words to her.
- Come on ... And who are you? she asked.
“I am a little fish just like you.
- Are you happy?
“Yes, very much,” answered the little fish. “Let's swim out of the cave.”
“Come on,” Rybka agreed.
When they emerged from the cave, they finally saw each other.
A new acquaintance of our fish turned out to be a gray catfish, but for some reason he seemed very nice to her. It would never have occurred to her to call him ordinary and uninteresting. She looked at him curiously.
Why did you say you were ugly? - in turn, Somik was surprised. - Look!
He swam to some glass piece at the bottom. Our fish looked there and ... did not believe his eyes. From there, a wonderful, very elegant fish with unusual silvery scales looked at her.
“Is it…is it me?” Rybka couldn't believe it.
- Of course you. You just didn't notice it before, didn't want to notice it. Nature does not create anything gray and ugly. The main thing is to want to see this beauty and then you will definitely see it, - answered Somik.
Our Rybka smiled happily, looked around and ... froze: the Sea suddenly flared up again with all the colors of the rainbow. It shone and sparkled. So beautiful small fish never seen him before.
Thank you, thank you, Somik! she exclaimed. “Listen, let's go for a walk?! I can show you a lot of interesting things that you definitely haven't seen yet!
- Of course, let's go! Somik happily agreed. And they swam away from the dark cave. And there were no happier creatures in the whole vast blue-blue Sea than these two little fish.


What did little Rybka suffer from? Do you understand her? Tell me how she felt?

Why didn't Rybka see her beauty and the beauty of the world around her?

Why did Rybka say “thank you” to the catfish? How did catfish help her?

About a month ago I finished work on a fairy tale for the summer issue of our magazine "My mother - Vasilisa". But the summer-sea theme did not let go, I wanted to write something else for the blog. wanted fairy tale, but it turned out again with a philosophical bias. It's just that when a fairy tale is being written, I can no longer argue with it. I follow her, and often everything turns out differently than she intended. I hope you enjoy the story. The illustration was drawn by my Sonechka.

I wish you all good and happy holidays! By the way, we created the summer issue of the magazine, the subscription to which ends on the last day of June, thinking about mothers who will play with their children on vacation, on the seashore.

The Tale of the Starfish and the Two Wishes

“Ah, what a pity that I live in the sea and not in the sky!” she thought. “I wish I could be one of the wish-granting stars!”

The girl sighed again, got up and walked over to the water. She kicked off her sandals and walked across the water. And suddenly…. There in the sand something flashed in the light of the moon! Yes, it's a small orange-gold star! The girl picked it up.

Did you fall from the sky or sailed from sea ​​depths? the girl asked, looking at the star.

The star didn't answer.

I will pretend as if you fell from the sky and make a wish,” the girl said and closed her eyes.

After half a minute, the girl opened her eyes and said to the star:

“I wished that I would learn to breathe underwater like a fish, and I would be able to go down to the seabed, to see how its inhabitants live there.

The girl carefully lowered the starfish to the bottom and went on to walk along the shore.

"Oh, oh, oh," said the star. - What to do? Now I have to grant the girl's wish. She's relying on me.

The star thought for a moment, and then suddenly realized what she had to do. She waited for a suitable wave and clung to it. The wave carried the star into the depths of the sea. Well, there the little star waited for the sea current she needed, which brought her just to the palace of the Sea King.

The Sea King always had a lot of things to do. The bottom of the sea is huge, it is not so easy to keep track of everything, to put things in order. In addition, he was a very strict ruler, and many fish and Marine life they were afraid of him, bypassed the palace. And there was no question of coming to the reception of the Sea King ourselves.

Who am I? Just a small starfish, he will not pay attention to me, - the starlet became agitated, but then gathered herself: - No, no, I cannot doubt it. After all, the girl believes in me.

A few minutes later, the starfish found itself in a huge hall, in the center of which the Sea King himself sat on the throne. Councilors, ministers and other courtiers crowded around him. The Sea King decided matters of maritime national importance. Of course, he didn't notice the little starfish. Yes, she did not expect, so she gathered all her strength and said as loudly as possible:

- Sea King! I have something very important for you!

The king broke off his conversation with the skat minister and looked around, not understanding who was talking to him.

"I'm down here, near your throne," said the little starfish.

Finally, the King noticed her!

“What do you want, fearless little girl?” - he asked. “Something very important must have happened if you came to the palace and interrupted me from my work.”

“Very, very important,” the starfish nodded and told the Sea King about the stars,

“And now the girl hopes that I will fulfill her desire, but I will never do this without your help,” she finished.

"Well, you're right," the king nodded, stroking his beard. "It's really important, and I'll help you." Especially since it won't take me long. Yes, and it will be useful for me to take a walk, for a long time I did not get out of the palace.

Meanwhile, the girl was still walking along the shore, admiring the stars. Suddenly the sea frothed, the waves parted, and the Sea King himself appeared in front of her, in a crown and with a trident in his hand. The girl froze in place in amazement.

“I heard rumors that someone here made a wish to learn how to breathe underwater!” said the Sea King in his thunderous voice. - Is it so?

The girl nodded.

- I will fulfill your desire, but not forever, but only for an hour. Is that enough for you?

— Oh yes, of course enough! - the girl exclaimed delightedly.

“In addition to the ability to breathe underwater, for this hour I will also give you a mermaid tail, such as my daughters have. With it, you can swim easily and freely.

The Sea King waved his trident, and the girl immediately turned into a little mermaid. She was immediately surrounded by the daughters of the King and led to the bottom of the sea. They wanted to show the guest as many wonders of the seabed as possible, and they remembered that they only had an hour.

First, the little mermaids led the girl through the underwater royal palace, then showed her their gardens, where beautiful sea flowers and trees grew, and the paths were lined with colorful shells. True, no one has ever walked along these paths, because almost all the inhabitants of the sea kingdom swam. Well, perhaps, some hermit crab will look there, and even then very rarely.

After that, they all sailed together to the sunken pirate ship, the holds of which are still full of gold and jewelry stolen by pirates. The little mermaids chatted and laughed all the time. They were glad of their guest no less than she herself.

The hour flew by unnoticed. The little mermaids gave the girls a pearl necklace as a farewell gift and escorted them upstairs. They asked her to come ashore in the evenings as often as possible. The sea princesses hoped that their father would give them permission to rise to the surface and talk with his new girlfriend.

The little mermaids sailed away, and the girl walked along the edge of the water into reverse side where she came from, where almost by the sea stood the house of her grandparents. Passing by the place where she found the starfish, she saw that it was lying in its original place. The girl picked up the star, put it in her palm, admired it in the light heavenly stars and said:

- Thanks.

“Thank you,” the little starfish replied, because her wish was fulfilled thanks to the girl - now she, too, has become a wish-fulfilling star.

There are words delicious-tasty. You say such a word - and immediately the saliva will flow. For example, banana. And remember "pineapple", and saliva will flow even more.

There are words soft, fluffy and affectionate. For example, "kitten" and "chicken".

And there are scary ones too. Here is one such word - "barracuda". Say it loud
-BAR-R-SHELL! “And all of a sudden it’s going to be scary.” Even for those who don't know what it is.
And the barracuda is a sea pike, so big, long. Even longer than a sofa or bed. She has big sharp teeth and small predatory eyes.

She lives in the ocean and hunts for everything that comes her way. Her scales are silvery, shimmering blue. Therefore, in clear water, the barracuda is almost invisible. And when he looks out for prey, he freezes. Only her toothy mouth with a protruding lower jaw opens and closes. It's like she's making faces at someone. That's how scary she is!
I once met a barracuda lobster and said:
- Lobster - sea cancer, I'll eat you!

And he didn't answer. Once. Need to be saved. He darted into a deep hole, and only his whiskers stick out from there. Can't get the barracuda lobster.

A nimble fish was hiding behind the corals, the body of which was densely covered with needles.

Found her barracuda and says:
- Fish-hedgehog, I'll eat you!
The fish was frightened, swelled in all directions with fear.
Became round-round, like a ball. It froze in the water, and the thorny needles spread out: do not come near! Not a fish, but some kind of prickly balloon.

Tried to bite a barracuda fish-ball. Where there! Needles are not provided. Sharp, and even poisonous, stick out in all directions. So the barracuda sailed away without salty slurping.
Meanwhile, a shell crawled along the bottom. She carried her heavy shell house on herself.
- Curl shell, I'll eat you!

And the shell hid in its strong, like a stone, house and calmed down. Try to get it out of there!

I saw a barracuda of a floating octopus.
- Octopus-cephalopod, I'll eat you!

As soon as she said, he splashed dark ink right into her eyes. While the barracuda looked around, the octopus was gone.

V. G. Kvashin

At first the sea was empty. Only the Master of the Sea and his wife lived at the bottom. The owner of the sea equipped the whole sea: he would make some kind of strand, then an island, then he would invent a current. And the wife sits and sits. One day the wife says:
- I'm bored. You keep doing something, inventing, but I have nothing to do.
The Master of the Sea thought and decided to make a gift to his wife. Created fish.
- Here's some fish. You will be the owner of the fish. Feed them, take care of them, breed them as you like. Everything will be more fun.

The wife was delighted, she began to fish. Three days later he says:
- You invented the fish. And how will I breed them if they have nothing to eat.
- Indeed, I forgot about it, - the Master of the Sea answers.
I thought and created small crustaceans, crabs, shells, various algae planted on the bottom.
Let the fish feed on it.

The wife was satisfied, she went to breed fish. A little time passed, the wife again asks her husband:
- You made different crustaceans, but what will they eat?
The Master of the Sea thought - and the truth is, the bobble came out. I looked - crustaceans at the bottom are apparently invisible. I decided to immediately feed everyone, came up with whales and seals.
- Let the crustaceans of whales and seals eat when they die and fall to the bottom. These animals are big, enough for all crustaceans!

After some time, the Mistress of the Fishes again came to her husband.
- Why are you unhappy again? - asks the Master of the Sea. - I created fish for you, food for them - I made all kinds of crustaceans, I came up with food for crustaceans - let them eat dead whales. What are you still missing?
“You thought of everything well,” says the wife. - But what will these huge whales and seals eat?
The Master of the Sea thought. Indeed, whales and seals have nothing to eat. It is impossible to create other animals - there is nowhere to settle, and so the sea is already full of all kinds of living creatures. He thought and thought and thought.
- Let whales eat crustaceans, seals - fish, fish - crustaceans, algae and shells, and let different crustaceans eat dead whales, seals and fish. So everyone will be full.
- You're so smart! said the Master of the Fishes. - No wonder you are the Master of the Sea! Now there is food for everyone in the sea.

Autumn is a magical time. Nature is changing so quickly that it seems as if it does not happen by itself, but at the wave of some magic brush, which instantly painted everything around with multi-colored paints. The hedgehog loved autumn. He loved to watch how nature changes, how plants and animals change.

And these changes were not only external. The squirrel, for example, every autumn became more strict with its children, constantly angry with the kids, who still frolicked and walked, as if ahead of them was waiting for eternal summer, but not harsh winter. The hare became very anxious. He was constantly counting supplies, wondering if he would have enough for the winter. He ran all day through the forest, picking up the last mushrooms, berries and apples. For the Hedgehog, autumn was a time of old acquaintances and pleasant memories.
Once the Hedgehog met the Starling. They became friends and since then every autumn Starling flew to his friend on the way to warmer climes, if, of course, the weather allowed. This year the weather was warm, and the Starling stayed with the Hedgehog for the whole day. The hedgehog was happy with the guest, he pulled out the most delicious supplies from the pantry, which he himself loved, and even a specially prepared treat for the guest, began to regale his friend. They sat all day telling each other interesting stories that happened to them in a year. They were so good together that time flew by quite imperceptibly. Evening came.
- It's good here, - said the Starling, sipping tea, - it's warm, cozy.
- Yes, - agreed the Hedgehog, - good. Stay for one more day.
The starling thought.
- No I can not. It's time. Tomorrow the wind will change and it will be much harder to fly. And the way to the sea is already not easy.
- To the sea? - I did not understand the Hedgehog. - And what is it?
- Sea? - The starling thought. - You can't explain it right away. The sea is a lot of water.
- How's the river? There is also a lot of water in the river! - Hedgehog guessed.
- No, - the Starling smiled, - There is more water in the sea. So much so that nothing but water is visible from horizon to horizon. And the sea, it seems to be alive.
- Alive? - the Hedgehog was surprised.
- Yes, it is huge and alive.
- How is it alive?
- How would you explain it? Many creatures live in the sea, and from this it itself seems alive. This is especially noticeable in the morning, at dawn. At first the sea sleeps, its surface is even and smooth. Then the breeze begins to blow - this is the breath of the awakening sea. It has not woken up yet, but its sleep is no longer sound. Here and there, waves begin to run across the surface, sometimes a jellyfish or a bunch of algae will swim by. And here comes the sun. It rises straight out of the sea, big and red. And the sea immediately wakes up, begins to breathe in waves, to seethe with foam. And everything in the sea wakes up: fish begin to dart near the surface, birds scream, giant sea ​​creatures. And it becomes audible how loudly the heart of the sea beats like a sea surf.
The hedgehog sat at the table, leaning on his paw, and dreamily listened to his friend. The bird talked about such unusual things that it all seemed like a fairy tale.
- What color is the sea? - Asked the Hedgehog.
- It is different. When it is angry, it is even black, but most often it is blue-green.
- Green. Eh, - the Hedgehog sighed dreamily, - if only with one eye to look at the sea.
- It's very far from here. You can only fly there. Don't reach. - The Starling remarked a little sadly.
He was suddenly alert.
- It's time for me to fly, the weather is changing.
The hedgehog looked out the window. The sun was setting on the horizon, a light breeze was blowing, the sky was clear and cloudless.
- Sit a little longer, see how good it is outside.
- I would be glad, - the Starling sighed, - but I have to go. As migratory birds, we are very sensitive to weather changes. I feel like there's going to be a storm soon.
- Then fly, of course. The path is not close. – Hedgehog agreed.
He took his friend outside. There the Starling fluttered, made a circle around the spruce and, chirping goodbye, turned south.
The rest of the evening Hedgehog spent as if half asleep. He couldn't get the bird's words out of his head. He really wanted to see the sea. But he knew perfectly well that he would never reach the sea.
So he sat until late in the evening, sighing softly and a little sad.
In the evening Belka ran to him.
- Hi, Hedgehog, - she greeted, - you haven't been seen all day. Didn't you get sick?
- No, - the Hedgehog smiled at her, - I'm healthy.
- Why so sad then?
- Yes, here the Starling flew to me, he told me about the sea. It is very beautiful and big. I would like to see the sea, but it is far away.
Belka just chuckled.
- Found someone to listen to, Starling. He doesn’t sing about anything, everything comes out big and beautiful.
- Yes, yes, - reluctantly agreed the Hedgehog, without being distracted from his thoughts.
- I came in, - Belka thought, - can I borrow a large basket for nuts from you?
- Yes, of course, - the Hedgehog went into the pantry and took out a large basket from there.
- Thank you, - Belka thanked, - you always help me out.
She walked to the door, but stopped at the threshold.
- So what, you say, is the sea?
- Huge, to the horizon. And there are waves. It makes noise, especially at dawn, and many, many different creatures live in it.
The hedgehog spoke quickly and inconsistently and, of course, not as beautifully as the Starling.
The squirrel left, and the Hedgehog began to get ready for bed. In bed, he could not sleep for a long time. He lay and thought about the sea. And then, when he finally dozed off, a soft knock was heard.
The hedgehog was worried. The knock was repeated again. The hedgehog opened his eyes and sat up in bed. Someone knocked softly but persistently.
The hedgehog went to the door.
- Who's there? - He asked.
In response, there was a knock again, and then the Hedgehog realized that they were knocking not on the door, but from the side of the entrance leading to the lower branch of the spruce.
The hedgehog climbed the stairs to the entrance.
- Who's there? - He asked.
- This is us, squirrels, - a familiar voice was heard from behind the door.
The hedgehog opened the door.
- Why are you so late?
- Rather early, soon morning already, answered the squirrels. Mom sent us. Go with us.
- Where? - Surprised Hedgehog.
- Upstairs, let's go. Mom told me not to speak, there will be a surprise.
The hedgehog was surprised, but went after the squirrels. Two squirrels jumped in front of him along the branches, pointing out a safe path. It was easy to walk: ropes were stretched along the branches, and in some places, in the most difficult places, rope ladders were attached, which were not there before.
Where are the stairs from? - Asked the Hedgehog.
- We did this, - the squirrels noticed with pride, - so that it would be easier to climb to the very top.
- To the top!? - The Hedgehog was horrified. “I never got that far.
- Nothing, we prepared the road well. Let's go!
Indeed, they soon passed Belka's hollow and the hollow where supplies were stored. They climbed higher and higher. The further they climbed, the more ladders and transitions made by the squirrels became, so that soon the Hedgehog climbed almost to the very top.
There, at the top, Belka was already waiting for him.
"I'm glad you found the courage to get here," she said, smiling enigmatically, "here, sit back."
The squirrel pointed to a large fork that looked like a comfortable chair. The hedgehog sat down and only now could look around. He was high, very high in the tree. The spruce was taller than other trees, so the Hedgehog saw the forest the way the birds see it.
True, at first it was not very visible, it was still dark. But now the sun began to rise, raising its huge body over the horizon. And the Hedgehog saw a forest, green and endless, to the very horizon. And then the wind blew, cold and gusty. And the waves ran over the tops of the trees. The leaves rustled with displeasure, flew up in whitish armfuls. Several birds first emerged from the forest, but then, frightened by the wind, again dived into the depths. The sun rose higher and the wind got stronger. And the forest roared, began to seethe, throwing up the branches of trees. Clouds were moving in from the horizon.
The hedgehog looked fascinated and suddenly it dawned on him:
- It's the sea! Like a real sea! I did not know that our forest is the same as the sea!
The squirrel just laughed. They stood a little longer, and then the squirrels led the Hedgehog down. He did not want to go down, but the squirrels insisted. The wind picked up and it became dangerous at the top. Even the squirrels decided to stay at the Hedgehog's house for the time being and wait out the beginning storm. And the storm was not long in coming. blew hurricane wind, Rain is coming. But in the Hedgehog's hole it was warm and cozy. The animals sat at the samovar, drank tea with jam and listened to how outside the window, somewhere above, the green forest “sea” was raging.

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