A bedtime story about a clean planet. Read and listen

Design and interior 14.08.2019
Design and interior

Tale of the Earth for older children preschool age

Description. Fairy tale for preschool children. Can be used by educators, parents to educate a humane attitude towards nature.
The vein was beautiful planet Earth. She was buried in the greenery of forests, in the purity of lakes, she was shrouded in clean air. Animals and birds felt good and comfortable on it. People protected her, worshiped her, idolized her.
But one day trouble came to planet Earth - "evil" people who forgot what fresh air, blue water, beautiful forests. They began to build factories, pollute water bodies,

cut down forests,

destroy all living things.

The planet wept bitterly, asking for help.

But the "evil" people did not hear her. They made progress.
The planet took offense at them. She began to send tests to people: disasters, floods, tsunamis.
Mother Earth groans. But people do not hear these groans. They don't want to help her.
She is waiting for good fellows to come and save her. That they will hear her painful moans, pleading calls. But people remained deaf and blind.
And she plunged into darkness.

People came to their senses and began to beg her: "Forgive me." And she ordered them to fulfill three conditions:
1. Clear the Earth of garbage.
And people created special services to clean up rivers and lakes. Special vehicles began to sink to the very bottom of the rivers and collect garbage.
2. Do not destroy forests and animals.
And they came up with specially designated places where they kept rare animals and protected them.
3. Be attentive to the environment.
People accepted her conditions, and Mother Earth blossomed more beautiful than before.


Two months have passed since the cat Bradley Cooper began to explore the expanses of his yard. During this time, he studied all the nooks and crannies, marked the trees, tried the earth, grass and shops with his claws, even conquered several apple and cherry trees. The cat felt nature awakening in him. Previously, his life was domestic and boring. Books, TV, food, owners who interfered with walking and flickered in front of their paws. And at some moments, Bradley even betrayed himself - he allowed himself to be taken and voluntarily sat in the arms of Nikita or his parents. But the more the cat walked on the street, the more he understood - the people with whom he lives are not his owners at all. And he is not their property. He is a free researcher of life, and life is not only a courtyard outside the window. These are also neighboring courtyards, these are the central streets, which, like rivers, connect the whole city with the squares. The cat began to understand that if you walk forward along the street, he would seem to float through the veins and arteries through his body. beautiful city and will be part of it. And the city of Bradley felt like a living organism. It's a pity, but such trips always did not last long. After all, the fairy tale about the planets remained only a fairy tale, and after a few hours of walking along the street, the cat had to return to the concrete box - to his apartment, to people who thought they were his masters.

A Tale of the Planets: How Bradley Cooper Decided to Run Away

One day, in a science magazine, Bradley read about an incredible NASA discovery. Do you know what NASA is? This is an agency located in America. It is engaged in space exploration. The agency has been conducting its work for less than a hundred years, but during this time it has made a lot of useful discoveries. For example, many people at NASA came together to send people far, far away for the first time - for the Moon. Imagine how far the Moon is and how difficult it is to fly there. People always thought it was unrealistic. But the dreamers always knew that we could get to the Moon. And very important smart people for a long time they struggled with the problem of how to tear off a heavy, heavy rocket from the Earth, raise it above the clouds, and then successfully land it on the Moon. And so that all the people in the rocket remained alive. The fairy tale about the planets ceased to be a fairy tale in 1969, when the first astronauts landed on the Moon. They learned a lot about the distant satellite of the Earth. And many scientists still consider this event the most important in the history of mankind.

Now NASA, with the help of a very cool and powerful telescope located on Earth, and a space observatory, have made another discovery. They found new exoplanets. Perhaps these planets also have life and humanity is not alone in space.

Upon learning of this, Bradley was shocked. Fairy Marie flew to him and did not recognize the excited cat. He didn't look like himself. He wagged his tail nervously, pacing from side to side.

"Bradley, what happened to you?"

“I just realized that there are so many beautiful things in the world. Neighboring streets that I haven't been to. Neighboring cities that I have not been to. Neighboring countries where I have not been. Neighbor planets! Understand? Scientists have already discovered new planets, but I have not been to them. And so I want! But I'm sitting here within these walls and I can't help myself. I will forever belong to people who see me only as a toy. A fluffy cat that they can pick up whenever they feel like it.

But they love you very much. Does their love mean nothing to you? People took you as a little kitten, simply because they loved you very much, they took care of you, they buy delicious food especially for you, pour you homemade milk. They bathe you and comb you, take care of you.

“But did I ask for this care? I want to the stars. I want new discoveries. The fairy tale about the planets fascinates me, and not all this food and milk.

Saying this, Bradley ran out the balcony door into the street. The fairy flew after him, but in the courtyard she could not see where the cat was. Marie realized that she did not have time to look for a friend. After all, she needs to fly for work - to return good to children who have shared good with others.

Evening came. Nikita returned from school, his parents came home from work. A magazine was opened in the room, where, as it were, a fairy tale about the planets was published, which was fascinating and interesting to read. But no one noticed the magazine, because the loss of Bradley was quickly discovered. adults saw open door balcony.

“It’s my fault,” Nikita’s mother almost cried. I wanted fresh air in the room. I didn't even think about Bradley.

- It's my fault. I bought him the wrong food yesterday. He was offended by us, - said Nikita's dad jokingly. But no one appreciated his joke. After all, everyone really loved the cat and were very worried about his disappearance.

What difference does it make who is to blame? Let's go look for our cat! - Nikita said and was the first to rush to put on his sneakers.

Meanwhile, the cat understood that the fairy tale about the planets fascinated him, but reality is not always a fairy tale. After walking around the city for three hours, he got hungry. Feeling a craving for nature, Bradley decided to reveal the predator in himself.

“Now I’ll catch a mouse,” the cat said confidently. But there were no mice around. The cat tried to catch the sparrow, but he felt sorry for the birds. Yes, and it was not easy to catch them. The sparrows flew away quickly.

Now I'm going to the basement. There are definitely mice there, - confidence returned to the cat again. He jumped into the basement of a house, but it was so dusty, dark and scary that after a couple of seconds Bradley jumped back. Life didn't prepare me for this.
The cat walked around the city and languished from hunger. He was already ready to go to the trash can and look for the remains of the sausage there. But all of a sudden he felt pride. He's not a stray cat that will scour the trash cans. And Bradley suddenly missed his owners. Still, Marie was right. They loved him. Always fed. And they were looking for food that would be perfect for him. With turkey, with tuna, with salmon.

It was already quite dark outside. Around began to appear scary creaturesevil people, dogs, cats. Suddenly, even a rat ran by. And no hunting instinct. Only disgust settled in the cat's heart.

Fairy, please! Send me home quickly!

Marie waved her wand and the cat was near her house.

- Lucky you. The strength of my wand was given by the good heart of Nikita, who really wanted you to be found soon. Think twice next time about running away from such caring people.

Bradley the cat realized that a fairy tale about planets can not always come true and give a lot of vivid impressions. To get to the planets, it’s not enough just to run away from home.
Before running home, the cat said goodbye to the fairy:

Thanks, Marie. And know that I will still get to new exoplanets! But my path will not pass through an escape from people who love me, but through knowledge. I will also help NASA explore new planets with my mind and courage, as well as my interest in new knowledge!

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Maria Goryacheva

The sun was shining so bright that little Seryozha, running out of the house, closed his eyes and sneezed loudly.

BUT! Someone is playing with me, the boy guessed. - I'll find him now.

Said, but did not find it, although I looked everywhere. The boy was upset and even whimpered softly.

No need to whimper! - Seryozha heard. -It's me, Sun, with you

I'm talking.

I want introduce you to the solar system, look and remember:

First I'll draw myself (Sun) . That's right. And now my whole family.

Stars? - asked Seryozha.

No! No stars, except for himself sun in the solar system I'm going to draw no.

Around sun big and small balls are spinning. There are nine of them in total, and they are called planets. closer to Sun planet Mercury, followed by Venus, and the third is your Earth, your globe.

With these words Sun drew not only Mercury, Venus and the Earth, but also the paths along which these planets rush around the sun. Astronomers call such circular paths orbits. planets.

That's what it is solar system? - asked Seryozha.

Well, what are you," exclaimed Sun. I'm for you said that only one planet nine. I will now draw a small Mars, huge planet Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and then the tiny and farthest from Sun Pluto. Like this. Wow, even tired.

And now, Seryozha, take a piece of paper and try to draw yourself solar system about which I tell you told.

A long time ago, a star and nine planets appeared on the outskirts of one of the galaxies.
The star called itself the Sun, and the planets called themselves Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The sun was a hot-tempered, wayward, but kind star. It, neither thinking nor guessing, settled down in the center of the ring of meteorites, leaving the planets all the space around it.
Four small planets wanted life to appear on them, so it was decided that they would take their places near the sun, and the rest, not longing for life on themselves, but worried about their beauty, for the ring of meteorites.
- I, - said Mercury, thinking by no means always correctly, - I believe that life will arise only in warmth, so I will be the first after the sun, especially since we are great friends with him. - With these words, the smallest planet took the chosen place and immediately began to heat up, but confident in the correctness of her decision, she did not change it.
Mars was next to speak, believing that it would be best if he took
fourth place after the Sun so as not to damage yourself with the heat of a scorching star and allow life to appear. Alas, if you chase two hares, you will not catch one.
- And I, - spoke, eternally raging, dazzlingly beautiful and proud Venus -
I think I need to get as close to the sun as possible. Warmth and my beauty will definitely create the conditions for a prosperous life. - And Venus took a place next to Mercury, becoming the second planet near the Sun. But what kind of life (her own or the one that could arise) she spoke about remains a mystery.
Modest, kind, not noticing its beauty, the Earth, sincerely wished for the emergence of life. It didn't matter where she got up, she believed that life would appear on it anywhere near the Sun. Therefore, without saying a word, she took the third place near the star.
It was easier for the other five planets. They chose their seats according to their size.
The fifth was taken by the giant Jupiter, the sixth by Saturn, proud of his multi-colored rings, the seventh by Uranus, the eighth by Neptune, and the ninth by the taciturn little Pluto.
When each of the planets fell into place, the star declared that it would rotate on its axis in order to see the world and advised others to do the same. The planets thought and agreed with the luminary.
However, the planets had a question that was voiced by Mars: “What is this? If we always stand in one line like this, then some will get more heat, others less, and some will not get it at all! How to make sure that there is enough light for everyone?
They thought the planets thought, and after several hours of reflection, they decided to move around the Sun, each in its own way, and this path was called an orbit.
So the planets lived together with the star for a long time until the tourists arrive
so-called satellites. They were struck by the friendship between the planets and the star, between the planets themselves.
The companions made friends with everyone, so much so that they decided to stay here forever. Each with their own new friend. The Moon satellite began to live near the Earth, revolving around it, amazed by its beauty and kindness. Phobos and Deimos are around Mars. Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, admiring the size of Jupiter, remained to live next to him. Titan, Rhea, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Pandora and Janus decided to settle near Saturn. Oberon, Titania, Miranda, Ariel, Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet and Portia are with Uranus. Triton and Nereid - with Neptune. Charon is as silent as his friend, with Pluto.
Together with the satellites, the planets and the Sun became even more fun. And they lived happily ever after until they decided to call their system Solar, in honor of the star that gives them warmth.
After a few million years, life appeared on Earth, but not on Mercury, Mars and Venus. These planets were upset, but still did not lose hope that someday life would arise on them.
This is how the planets have lived up to the present, and perhaps they will live for millions of years.

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