The most beautiful body of a woman. The most beautiful female figure in the world

Fashion & Style 06.03.2018
Fashion & Style

A beautiful woman is happy woman. This is the one whose eyes shine, a smile blooms on her lips, her gait is light, even flying. How not to pay attention to this? But alas, often we ourselves deliberately hide our beauty in a dark box when we stoop, hunch over, stick out our stomachs, being sincerely sure that there is nothing to admire us. The cherished female dream was and remains beautiful figure, but is there a recognized ideal of beauty?

The existence of a standard

At all times there have been their style icons, beautiful ladies, princesses and beauties. But most often it was on the pedestal of splendor that they were lifted up by human rumor. For example, in the fairy tale about Aladdin, Princess Budur is considered the most beautiful girl in the country, and therefore low-ranking men are forbidden to see her. When meeting, they are required to lower their eyes. Aladdin dared to see the princess and was struck by her beauty. Or maybe he just internally sought to justify the aura of mystery? After all, in fact, Budur could be just a pretty girl of 16 years old, who are full on the streets. But Budur is a princess, her magnificence was recognized powers of the world of this, and Aladdin simply preferred not to argue with anyone, but to win the desired woman by everyone. It turns out that the history was made by the NLP technique, and not at all by Budur's languishing eyes and the most beautiful female figure of Baghdad.

beauty criteria

But even if you cannot find a single ideal of beauty, there are a number of criteria by which a woman can be classified as harmoniously developed and proportional. In particular, girls with a beautiful figure enjoy the love of the opposite sex. Long gone are the days when a woman has to be thin to be liked. Now men are not shy about their tastes and tenderly hug their chosen ones, even if they have short hair, small breasts, full hips, or, say, osteochondrosis. Girls with a beautiful figure are girls who are in harmony with themselves; can dissolve into themselves and submit themselves to right light. Small breasts will be ideal if they only emphasize the impression of general fragility and tenderness, while a large one can become a vulgar accent.

Natural or not?

We often take movie and music stars as our standard of beauty. But we forget that their images are created with the help of a whole army of stylists, makeup artists, cosmetologists and illuminators. And behind the scenes, they are the same tired women, washing off makeup in the dressing room and pulling off tight bodysuits. Sometimes they also have cellulite and other troubles. The desire to imitate your favorite singer is the will of everyone, but the most beautiful female figure for you will not always evoke the same emotions in other people. Natural beauty often wins a decisive victory, but why is this so? In natural beauty there are roughnesses, irregularities, some negligence of the creator, which allows you to verify the originality of the ideal. That slight swelling of the lips that kisses cause cannot be achieved surgically, and the soft roundness of the chest is always more pleasant than perfectly even hemispheres created with silicone. Even the sharp contrast between slim waist and big breasted raises doubts about naturalness. But the wavy bend of a harmonious and athletic figure pleases the eye.

The points

A beautiful figure is toned skin and the absence of excess fat. It is not necessary to bring yourself to exhaustion, but the folds hanging on the sides are unlikely to please anyone. The most beautiful figure is moderately appetizing, but at the same time slim and neat. To prevent sagging skin, you need to do yoga or jogging. The sauna also helps a lot. The most beautiful figure is unthinkable without enough clean water in the diet and a large amount of green tea. Femininity is killed by folds at the waist and fat bumps on the back. This is often referred to as male-pattern obesity. And there is some truth in this, since the figure begins to resemble a man's. You need to deal with such a problem with sports and massage courses. The easiest way is to again lean on daily runs, but complicate them with a warm-up, exercises on the legs and shoulders.

If you do not focus on weight

Beautiful female figures cannot be imagined without spectacular legs. Men capriciously want to see ladies in stilettos and stockings, not thinking about the fact that wearing all this is tiring and sometimes uncomfortable. But if you omit all the difficulties, then not everyone can boast of the beauty of the legs. Due to heavy weights, veins pop out on the legs, calves swell with age, bumps appear on the feet. And if you add cellulite and other joys of a sedentary lifestyle here, then even sexy stockings will not save the picture. You can normalize the situation a little if you give your legs a daily rest. Coming home from work, rest for at least an hour, and your legs should be higher than your head. To do this, put a pillow under them, and spread your feet with a fat cream, simultaneously making a light massage. Our legs are very fond of the sauna (but in moderation), swimming and massage. In the nearest pharmacy, purchase vacuum massage jars and stretch your legs for several minutes every evening.

Plan a leg workout. Let it be short for starters - 10 squats, 10 lunges on each leg. Just complete the exercises. Then you are provided with a beautiful figure. Photos of such legs often adorn tabloid pages.

So that the figure does not flabby

Often our self-esteem suffers because of the rude but fair remarks of strangers. After all, relatives and friends feel sorry for us, they prefer to ignore shortcomings or affectionately beat them in a conversation with us. With strangers, this trick will not work. When they meet, former classmates open their mouths in fear, confuse them with someone, or even pass by, because they don’t recognize you. And then they say that the woman is flabby, dried up, or, even better, "loosened". All these terms indicate that this lady cannot be called sexy and attractive. She admits it herself. appearance and does not want to fight with such a point of view. It turns out that beautiful female figures require good posture! Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders - and you will immediately feel how strange you walked before. The stomach will have to be pulled in, the hump on the back will disappear, the chest will become higher and more seductive. If you can’t walk straight for a long time, you will have to buy a corset or a special bandage. After a couple of weeks, the shoulders will take on a new position, and a beautiful figure will begin to attract attention again.

Pleasant first impression

In the end, not everything depends on weight. There are a lot of attractive plump women who have a bunch of fans and feel great in big company. But there are also many skinny girls who are clumsy and awkward.

A beautiful figure is not only good proportions, but also tireless work on yourself and your image. At the first meeting, men pay attention to women's legs. They like a graceful ankle, but not unnecessarily thin. Affection is caused by rounded kneecaps, dimples on the knees, embossed calf muscles. True, the latter should not be outlined too clearly. Further attention is drawn to the hips. It is good when they are rounded and sloping, without "lugs" on the outside. If women are in a dress or skirt, then an even tan and pedicure are welcome.

home treatments

At home, you can determine the perfection of your legs if you put them together. Count the presence of gaps. If there are 4 of them, then you have nowhere to strive, you just have to maintain the beauty of the legs. If the legs are plump, then you can correct them with the help of sports. Try to walk a lot on foot, master the horizontal bars and improve your stretching. A beautiful figure does not come for free. And you will have to work on yourself in order to maintain the achieved result.

controversy about female beauty have always been going on in the world - and will go on as long as people are interested in life itself. The ideal standards of their time are largely determined by the society itself. The pre-war time dictates the same conditions: more magnificent girls who are able to cope with the difficulties come into fashion. The period of calm is characterized by the exaltation of harmony and flexibility, which the fashion industry raises to an unattainable absolute. Only a very few can remain outside the rules of this game.

Such girls, as a rule, become real legends of their time. Marilyn Monroe, for example, reigned supreme in the minds and hearts of the men of the whole continent, Dita Von Teese shone on the stage, and Sophia Loren received the attention of even the highest church ranks. For this material, we have selected the most beautiful and brightest owners perfect figures- and, most likely, you will agree with our decision completely.

Brigitte Bardot

And another icon that won the hearts of millions of people around the world. For ten whole years, in the post-war 50s and roaring 60s, Brigitte remained the main sex symbol of Europe - apparently in order to create some kind of counterbalance to the murderous beauty of Marilyn Monroe, who at the same time reigned supreme in North America.

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren has become the only winner of all the major awards of the world's major film festivals. Her collection of aphorisms was reprinted in several languages: Sophie, like the other participants in our chart, was distinguished by an extremely sharp mind. In describing the appearance of this beauty, one can cite the statement of the Archbishop of Genoa (sic!) - he joked that although the Vatican in principle does not approve of human cloning, he could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

Marilyn Monroe

About the death of the first beauty of the world (and the title is well deserved) gossip almost more than about her life. Bright appearance, multiplied by a sharp mind and a lively character, made Marilyn a real queen of any male society. The girlish figure, as if woven by the standards of that time, still remains an unattainable ideal for many beauties.

Dita Von Teese

Almost no one knows the name of Heather Rene Sweet - but Dita von Teese is known to everyone. The girl chose a voiced pseudonym almost at random, having drawn a surname from the phone book so that the Playboy editors had something to sign her candid photos. Dita brought up her sophisticated beauty with severe discipline and training, as a result, rightfully won a place among the most beautiful women last century.

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek became the first Mexican actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress. The exotic appearance of the girl attracted the audience, critics praised her talent with might and main, and the directors used the beauty of Salma with caution - she easily pulled all the attention from the filming and the plot to herself. Woody Harrelson stated that when the gods decided to bring down a replica of their divine splendor, they named her Salma Hayek - and hell, we absolutely agree with that.


Beyoncé made her first steps on the stage in the company of charming girlfriends: Destiny's Child was considered one of the best R&B groups of that time. Solo career the girl went even better - a few years ago, Forbes placed her name on the second line of the top 100 most influential celebrities in the world. To the delight of millions of fans, Beyoncé prefers to perform in rather revealing outfits - and, believe me, there really is something to see.

Jennifer Lopez

One of the first significant singers of the beginning of the 2000s, one of the first beauties of the generation, the owner of a strong character and a huge fortune: Jennifer Lopez's flattering epithets can be wasted for hours without being afraid to sin against even a word. harsh reality. External data and undoubted talent allowed the girl to climb to the very top of the starry Olympus - it seems to us that only her figure would be enough for this.

Nicki Minaj

The very first album of the talented performer blew up the American charts: Pink Friday headed the famous Billboard for nine whole weeks, which many more experienced musicians could not achieve. Only after people appreciated her work, Nikki decided to show herself to the society - and the society was amazed. The figure of the girl is perfect for the requirements modern world: even the wax statue of the singer, stored in Madame Tussauds, had to be protected from fans.

Scarlett Johansson

The tender age of Scarlett passed on the stage, smoothly transforming into Hollywood scenery. A good upbringing gave the girl the opportunity to shine not only with her body, but also with her mind: in addition to filming blockbusters, Scarlett records quite successful discs and even participates in political life countries. However, for most men, her magnificent figure will always remain in the foreground.

Kim Kardashian

Gorgeous Kim made herself - this applies to her popularity, and to the girl's absolutely gorgeous figure. Contrary to popular belief, Kim is distinguished not only by her beauty, but also by her extraordinary mind: skillful work with famous brands, the launch of several popular products, and even a mobile game brought a lot of money to the Kardashian family.

It is very difficult to find a woman completely satisfied with her figure. Usually, they themselves come up with various complexes for themselves, with which they then try to fight. And it turns out in most cases in vain! As polls among men have shown, few of them like very thin female models. So what does the most beautiful female figure in the world look like? And is there one?

The most beautiful figures of girls

Most men call a figure with bulges beautiful. Psychologists have found an explanation for this in the fact that this is how men subconsciously choose a partner with good health and the ability to reproduce offspring. Therefore, it is not surprising that the hourglass figure is considered the most attractive.

In the wake of the "hourglass" are miniature girls of short stature. They attract men with their sophistication and touchingness. On a subconscious level, you want to protect them.

But the well-known parameters 90-60-90 were only in 3rd place among men's preferences. Of course, such a figure is harmonious. Such girls slim figure, slightly protruding hips and medium chest.

Changing standards of beauty

If you delve into the history of the last century, you can see how changeable are the standards of beauty. Remember how all women aspired to be like the favorite of men - Marilyn Monroe. And her proportions were 92-60-86. And this is with a height of only 158 cm.

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