Beautiful figure of an Uzbek. The most beautiful Uzbek women

Tourism and rest 10.07.2019
Tourism and rest

We offer a look at the Top of the most beautiful famous Uzbek women, which was compiled on the basis of a vote by netizens that lasted 4 months.

28. Singer Iroda Nosirova

27. Svetlana (Oydin) Norbaeva (born in 1944 in Tashkent) - theater and film actress, People's Artist Uzbek SSR. Svetlana Norbaeva is the mother of the famous director and producer Dzhanik Faiziev.

26. Uzbek actress Rano Chodieva

25. Uzbek singer Diera

24. Uzbek singer and actress Sevinch Muminova

23. Singer Laylo Galiyeva

22. Matlyuba Alimova (born August 12, 1954) - Soviet and Russian actress, known for the films "Little Tragedies" (1979), "Gypsy" (1979), "Vasily Buslaev" (1982), "The Tale of the Star Boy" (1983), "The Return of Budulai" (1985). Matlyuba Alimova is an Uzbek by her father.

21. Uzbek singer Munisa Rizaeva

20. Uzbek actress Asal Chodieva

18. Tamara Shakirova (November 26, 1955 - February 22, 2012) - actress, Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR. Tamara Shakirova (by her husband - Ganieva) is the mother of the modern Uzbek singer Raykhon Ganieva, who is also represented in this rating.

17. Uzbek singer Zamzama

16. Muborak Zhamolkhonova (Ashurboeva) (born August 5, 1986) - actress and singer, member of the Shakhrizoda group.

14. Actress Parisoda Shermatova

13. Model Farid

12. Zilola Nuralieva (born December 24, 1986) is a model working in China and Japan under the pseudonym "Lola". Height - 179 centimeters, figure parameters: 84-61-90.

10. Lola Yuldasheva (born September 4, 1985), better known as "Lola", is an Uzbek singer and actress.

5. Zarina Nizomiddinova - Uzbek actress.

4. Kamilla Mukhlisova (born September 26, 1984 in Tashkent) - actress, model. Height - 163 centimeters, figure parameters: 83-57-84.

3. Irina Sharipova (born February 7, 1992) - Miss Tatarstan-2010, first vice-miss of the Russia-2010 contest, representative of Russia at international competition Beauty "Miss World 2010". Irina Sharipova's height is 178 centimeters, figure parameters: 83-60-87. Irina Sharipova is Uzbek on her father's side, and on her mother's side, Irina has Uzbek, Tatar, Russian and Ukrainian roots.

2. Zilola Musayeva (born July 28, 1979), better known under the pseudonym "Shahzoda", is an Uzbek singer and actress.

1. Raykhon Ganiyeva (born September 16, 1978) is an Uzbek actress and singer. Rayhon - daughter famous actress Tamara Shakirova.

This is a village where people live only in summer, mostly shepherds.

There is a lot of scrap metal in Kazakhstan, old cars rust everywhere.

Despite the fact that the owner agreed to kindly receive us at his house, his wife forbade us to film and drove us out of the yard.

The turkeys were also taciturn.

The first half of the road is just great. The asphalt is even, there are no holes, good markings and signs are everywhere. Sometimes the road is covered with sand.

The railroad runs parallel to the highway.

Towards the end, the road began to deteriorate.

We were frightened by Kazakh traffic cops, they said that they would torture us with requisitions. In fact, they are very nice guys, they allowed me to photograph them, they asked about the car.

When we stopped for a halt, a turtle came to us. There was nothing to treat her except black caviar. The turtle did not like the caviar.

And this is the family of a wealthy camel breeder. One camel costs from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.

These are such cute camels running across the steppe.

Camel is not only valuable fur, but also healthy milk!

They also scream very loudly in their pens.

Soon the road completely deteriorated, the last kilometers are dust, pits and stuck trucks.


And this is what Kazakh cemeteries look like.

We drove into the village.

Children greet the participants of the run "Gennady"!

In Kazakhstan, people are not very friendly to photographers. A local fashionista wanted to throw a rock at me.

And here is the long-awaited border. Pay attention to the road. Shooting here is strictly prohibited. To speed up the passage, the Kazakh border guard asked for $50. For this money, the car was not inspected, they were allowed to film, all the formalities took no more than 40 minutes.

Shooting with a hidden camera. There is no asphalt anywhere. The screening point is full of dirt.

The first asphalt appears already among the Uzbeks. The Uzbek border was also passed quickly. Here it is necessary to declare all equipment and cash, otherwise problems may arise. First of all, the border guard checked the contents of my camera's memory cards for unwanted pictures of the border.

After crossing the border, money changers immediately run up to the car. For 1 ruble here they give 75 soums. The largest banknote is 1000 soums. After exchanging 5,000 rubles, I needed a separate bag for money.

After the border, a stern Uzbek traffic cop was waiting for us. He was supposed to charge us an environmental tax. Having learned that the Suzuki SX4 would not harm the ecology of Uzbekistan, he did not take the money. And also Russian cars There is no compulsory insurance required.

We drank tea at a local cafe.

There was a problem with gasoline in Uzbekistan. 95 here no one has ever seen, usually only diesel or poor quality 80th. If you search well, you can find 91 at 30 rubles per liter. They say the situation will change closer to Samarkand.

After the border there is a straight road through the steppe of average quality, sometimes there are holes. There is not a single building for hundreds of kilometers. We wanted to stay overnight in the city of Kungrad, 100 km from Nukus. The only hotel was empty and smelled of unwashed guests. The owner said that you can try to rent an apartment, but "you won't like it there, people are driven there like sheep." We didn't believe. Poorly speaking Russian women took us to see the apartment. There were about twenty pairs of shoes in the hallway of the two-room hut. The entire floor was covered with sleeping people, the apartment smelled bad. The owner asked for 100 rubles from the nose for the night. We ran away.

28. Singer Iroda Nosirova

27. Svetlana (Oydin) Norbaeva (born in 1944 in Tashkent) - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR. Svetlana Norbaeva is the mother of the famous director and producer Dzhanik Faiziev.

26. Uzbek actress Rano Chodieva

25. Uzbek singer Diera

24. Uzbek singer and actress Sevinch Muminova

23. Singer Laylo Galiyeva

22. Matlyuba Alimova (born August 12, 1954) - Soviet and Russian actress, known for the films "Little Tragedies" (1979), "Gypsy" (1979), "Vasily Buslaev" (1982), "The Tale of the Star Boy" ( 1983), "Return of Budulay" (1985). Matlyuba Alimova is an Uzbek by her father.

21. Uzbek singer Munisa Rizaeva

20. Uzbek actress Asal Chodieva

18. Tamara Shakirova (November 26, 1955 - February 22, 2012) - actress, Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR. Tamara Shakirova (by her husband - Ganieva) is the mother of the modern Uzbek singer Raykhon Ganieva, who is also represented in this rating.

17. Uzbek singer Zamzama

16. Muborak Zhamolkhonova (Ashurboeva) (born August 5, 1986) - actress and singer, member of the Shakhrizoda group.

14. Actress Parisoda Shermatova

13. Model Farid

12. Zilola Nuralieva (born December 24, 1986) is a model working in China and Japan under the pseudonym "Lola". Height - 179 centimeters, figure parameters: 84-61-90.

10. Lola Yuldasheva (born September 4, 1985), better known as "Lola", is an Uzbek singer and actress.

5. Zarina Nizomiddinova - Uzbek actress.

4. Kamilla Mukhlisova (born September 26, 1984 in Tashkent) - actress, model. Height - 163 centimeters, figure parameters: 83-57-84.

3. Irina Sharipova (born February 7, 1992) - "Miss Tatarstan-2010", first vice-miss of the contest "Russia-2010", representative of Russia at the international beauty contest "Miss World-2010". Irina Sharipova's height is 178 centimeters, figure parameters: 83-60-87. Irina Sharipova is Uzbek on her father's side, and on her mother's side, Irina has Uzbek, Tatar, Russian and Ukrainian roots.

2. Zilola Musayeva (born July 28, 1979), better known under the pseudonym "Shahzoda", is an Uzbek singer and actress.

1. Raykhon Ganiyeva (born September 16, 1978) is an Uzbek actress and singer. Raikhon is the daughter of the famous actress Tamara Shakirova.

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks. People all over the world are happy to share the brightest events and impressions of their lives with others. Celebrity accounts are especially popular. Instagram allows numerous fans of stars to follow the lives of their idols in real time. We have compiled the Top 10 Instagram accounts of Uzbek pop stars.

10th place - Jahongir Poziljonov

Number of subscribers: 136 443
Number of publications: 48

The top ten is opened by Jahongir Poziljonov. Despite the small number of publications, this account is very popular among fans. Actor, director, singer, screenwriter Jahongir Poziljonov also shares his everyday life with subscribers. family photos, announcements of upcoming premieres, behind the scenes and much more are available to numerous followers.

9th place - Ulugbek Rakhmatullaev

Subscribers: 149 348
Publications: 1 662

The popular singer Ulugbek Rakhmatullaev takes 9th place in our list. This account has a lot of videos. The artist shares with fans photos of working moments, frames from photo shoots and filming clips, pictures from concerts, travel friendly meetings and so on. In addition, premieres and concerts are regularly announced here, both their own and colleagues in the shop.

8th place - Munisa Rizaeva

Subscribers: 151 401
Publications: 2 724

Munisa Rizaeva is famous not only for her powerful voice, incendiary sincere performances, but also for her lively character. The singer's page reflects the artist's emotionality: bright shots, juicy shots, extravagant outfits and much more. In addition, Munisa Rizayeva's Instagram is distinguished by a large number of videos. In the videos, Muniz performs at concerts, sings cheerfully with friends, or simply wishes his fans have a good day. The artist uploads photos of rehearsals, concerts, a poster of performances and joint photos with numerous fans. Recently, the singer has acquired another account - @rizaevamunisa, which already has 20,300 subscribers.

7th place - Sevara Nazarkhan

Subscribers: 157 644
Publications: 251

Sevara does not have as many publications as her colleagues, but this does not prevent her from gaining a large number of subscribers. The girl's photographs are laconic and epic, they depict the singer's trips abroad, meetings with famous friends and professional photo shoots.

6th place - Nilyufar Usmanova

Subscribers: 166 081
Publications: 3 044

Here's who is the winner by the number of publications. On average, Nilyufar makes 7 posts a day, telling all subscribers about his colorful life. The girl shares posters of her performances, shots from concerts and photo shoots, as well as the usual girlish selfies.

5th place - Shohrukhkhon

Subscribers: 193 114
Publications: 4 084

Work, cars and beautiful costumes - these are the three milestones of Shahrukhkhon's page. The singer sticks classical style in clothes, which is repeatedly emphasized in publications. Fans here will find photos from concerts, promotional videos, pictures on the background of a car, funny shots and motivators.

4th place - Manzura

Subscribers: 199 058
Publications: 1 919

Manzura's page is full of various pictures. The singer shares with her fans literally everything that happens in her life: bright meetings with colleagues, trips abroad, new clothes and small pleasant things and, of course, the joys of motherhood. Here is the singer in the image of a diva, a couple of scrolls - and we already have a rock star in front of us, scrolling through a few more frames, we will find Manzura in the role of Barbie, caring mother, or even get to her for training.

3rd place - Lola

Subscribers: 202 373
Publications: 1 413

Opens the top three Lola. Instagram Lola, perhaps, can be called the most stylish. The singer is not afraid to share funny and comical pictures. The outfits of the artist are of particular admiration. Both in everyday life and during the publication - Lola shines.

2nd place - Rayhon Ganieva

Subscribers: 273 800
Publications: 2362

With a large margin, Rayhon Ganieva goes ahead. Instagram Rayhon talks about rich life singers: concerts, photo shoots, receptions and meetings with famous friends and colleagues, and, of course, the joy of motherhood in the face of two charming twin sons. The artist is fond of photo collages and tries all sorts of filters, uses all the features of her favorite social network.

1st place - Shahzoda

Subscribers: 405 032
Publications: 2 429

The absolute champion in terms of the number of subscribers is the singer Shahzoda. The singer shares with fans the most interesting stories of her life, uploads family photos and videos, as well as photos of her performances and private life. Shahzoda never forgets to lead her beloved social network, without missing a single bright event in your life, in addition, there are many motivating quotes.

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Rayhon Ganieva

Popular Uzbek singer. Born in Tashkent in an artistic family. Father - Otabek Ganiev - a famous film actor, grandson of the film director, the founder of Uzbek cinema Nabi Ganiev. Mother - Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR Tamara Shakirova. Rayhon loved to draw, dance and sing since childhood. Therefore, the parents decided to send her to study at the music and art school for gifted children. And they weren't wrong. While studying in the 9th grade, Raykhon already performed solo parts on the piano with the Big State Symphony Orchestra under the direction of conductor Zahid Khaknazarov. Today she is not only one of the most beautiful women Uzbekistan, but also a popular singer.

Sevinch Muminova

Bright, beautiful singer and actress is from Fergana. She played in the films "Tsunami", "Dance of Men", "Bah Uchun Million" with the first beauties of Uzbekistan: Tutti Yusupov, Zokir Mukhamadzhonov, Alisher Khamraev. Behind her back are both complex dramatic roles and a selection of vocal hits. Sevinch's fans consider her voice to be the most emotional on the national stage.

Ravshana Kurkova

Born in Tashkent in an acting family. However, to be completely honest, along with the Uzbek in the veins of Ravshana, Arab and Tatar blood flows. But this does not prevent fellow countrymen from considering Ravshana theirs and calling her one of the most beautiful Uzbek women in the world. The actress does not consider herself beautiful: “As a child, they called me pretty. In the first grade, when it was necessary to give the first call on the line, I was chosen out of sixty people. I think for long curly hair, big bows and shining eyes. And now ... It’s difficult call herself beautiful. In my opinion, rounded feminine forms are much more attractive than my thinness. Agree, Monica Bellucci looks more seductive than any top model. "

Lola Yuldasheva

The popular singer Lola Yuldasheva in Uzbekistan is better known under the stage name Lola. She is also a songwriter and an actress. The song "Muhabbatim" (my love) brought her the greatest popularity. Lola also sang in Russia under the pseudonym Maya. Lola performs songs in Uzbek and Russian.

Shahzoda Matchanova

Famous Uzbek actress, graduate of the Tashkent state university world economy and diplomacy, faculty international relations. She never took acting lessons, but in three years (with a one-year break) Shahzoda managed to act in 18 films. Acting in the TV series Dorm was her first international experience: “It happens that you come to some directors, they ask you to show the scene. And you can’t open up and don’t even want to. Kamila (the director of the project) stood opposite me and, trying to support, smiled. And such an attitude gives hope and the opportunity to play well. "

Matluba Alimova

Born and raised in Andijan. By nationality - half Uzbek (from the side of the pope). As for the mother, Georgian, Russian, Polish and German blood is mixed in her. Matlyuba graduated from the acting department of VGIK, the course of Alexei Batalov.

The debut of Matlyuba Alimova in the cinema took place immediately after graduating from VGIK. Her first heroine was the passionate Laura in the television series "Little Tragedies", staged by Mikhail Schweitzer based on the works of A.S. Pushkin. And the partner was Vladimir Vysotsky himself.

Irina Sharipova

"Miss Tatarstan 2010", the first "Vice-Miss Russia 2010", Irina represented Russia at the international beauty contest "Miss World 2010". She is Uzbek on her father's side, and on her mother's side, Irina has Uzbek, Tatar, Russian and Ukrainian roots.

Camilla Mukhlisova

Uzbek and Russian actress, fashion model. Born in Tashkent, father is a communications engineer, mother is a teacher. At school, Camilla participated in all theatrical performances. She studied vocals and sang in the school ensemble. She loved to draw very much. In parallel, she was engaged in acrobatics. In the second year of the circus variety school, she transferred to the variety vocal department. Then in her biography there was the Tashkent Theater Institute, where she studied at the pop faculty, after - Moscow, GITIS and the same pop faculty. Camilla starred in such films as "Dream Diary" by Viktor Eroshenko, "Salam Moscow" by Pavel Bardin, "Beekeeper" by Sergei Bystritsky, "Thaw" by Valery Todorovsky, "Donor" by Vladimir Chubrikov, "What Women Dream of" by Elena Zlobina and "Between two lights "Dmitry Bulin.

Muborak Zhamolkhonova

We know little about her. Muborak is an actress and soloist of the Shahrizoda group. But her smile and look are so adorable that we couldn't help but include her in the list.

Zilola Nuralieva

Zilola is a model from Uzbekistan. It has been successfully operating in China and Japan for several years now. At home, she began with filming for glossy magazines.

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