The more difficult, the more interesting. The Harder the More Fun: The Thrill and Deadly Risk of XCOM's Terminator Mode A Tribute to the Original Game

Recipes 07.07.2019

07/27/2018, RIA of the Penza region, Pachelmsky district. I. Shishkova.

On Trade Day, congratulations are received by people of various professions: sellers, managers, cashiers, merchandisers, sales representatives and all those who are associated with the sale of goods or the provision of services.

With the development of market relations, the sphere of trade has become one of the most widespread and in demand: according to Rosstat, about half of the country's small enterprises work in it. Nowadays, there are no problems with acquiring the right product.

The number of stores and a wide range of products give us the opportunity to make purchases in accordance with our requests. But not everyone succeeds in resisting the conditions of fierce competition, growing and developing. The Antonov family has been working in the trade sector for more than twenty years. In all undertakings, Valentin Aleksandrovich had and still has reliable support – his wife Lidia Yuryevna, who herself has a trade education. It was with her that we talked on the eve of the professional holiday. It all started in the distant 90s with a small food tent at the local market. Then the Antonovs bought the Ostrovok store, a store appeared on Gagarinskaya, Aist, Grand, Prestige.

Now the family business has 5 stores offering a wide variety of goods: from food, toys and household goods to household appliances, building materials and furniture. Lidia Yuryevna considers an established team to be an important component of successful trading. She speaks of all her employees with great respect: “It is important that there are honest, decent people who know how to communicate with customers. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the Grand restored after the fire, the sellers returned to their former jobs. Many of them have been working for the Antonovs for more than 10 years, in particular Olga Baryshnikova, Svetlana Kuvakina and others. Tatyana Surovtseva and Yulia Lipilina have been working here since the opening of Prestige. A friendly team is also in Ostrovka, where sellers treat their customers kindly, taking into account their wishes and orders.

A feature of trade in a small village, according to Lidia Yuryevna, is that everyone knows each other. “We try to accommodate our customers, because many goods are expensive, and not everyone can pay right away. You always know to whom you can sell goods in installments, and to whom it is better not to lend.

On the eve of the holiday, Lydia Yuryevna did not want to talk about problems and difficulties. All problems can be dealt with, if there is a desire to work and continue what has been started. Of course, there are difficulties on their way, but life would be boring without them. “The more difficult, the more interesting” is the life principle of the Antonovs.

AT modern world engineering activities are becoming increasingly integrated, complex and innovative. Moreover, today a specialist, having an unlimited information resource and modern computer systems, can quickly solve research, design, engineering, technological and other tasks. However, human talent remains the driving force behind the latest developments. It is engineering thought, based on experience and skills, that gives impetus to the creation of a new product.

The hero of our issue, Yuri Ivanovich Konovalov, is one of the galaxy of such talented engineers. Although he treats his person modestly and does not believe that he is doing something outstanding, he simply honestly performs his professional duties.

“We have been waiting for five years for Yuri Ivanovich to come to our factory,” says CEO"Autom-2" Evgeny Perevozchikov. — A classy specialist, with a thoughtful and responsible approach to business. Has great experience.

Let us explain that Yury Konovalov came to Avtom-2 at the beginning of the 2000s. And before that, after graduating from the Polytechnic Institute, he worked at the Voronezh Excavator Plant for more than twenty years. He came there in 1983 as a young specialist as a technologist, a year later he became the head of the technology bureau in the mechanical assembly shop.

— My specialty — engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools — did not disappoint me, on the contrary, it met my aspirations and aspirations and completely captivated me, — says Yuri Ivanovich about his first steps in the profession. Yes, and it was prestigious to work at a large plant. Although the attitude towards engineering personnel at the plant, to put it mildly, was undeservedly dismissive. We were constantly sent to agricultural work - weeding and harvesting vegetables, then to the arrangement of social facilities: preparing a pioneer camp for the summer season, etc.

After joining Avtom-2, Yuri Ivanovich’s responsibilities narrowed somewhat, but on the other hand, it was possible to fully engage in engineering activities in the truest sense of the word. And the attitude here was different: an engineer is a specialist capable of optimizing technological process and create conditions under which production will be as profitable as possible.

— At first, I carried out technological support, adjustment and adjustment of CNC machines of the turning group, — continues Yuri Konovalov. — Then there were few of them, but it is worth noting that the plant is constantly improving the production process. New advanced technologies are being introduced, and often we have equipment one of the first among the enterprises of the Voronezh region. Gradually, orders grew at the plant, volumes increased, new areas of activity appeared. All this required the expansion and improvement of the existing production base. Optimization of production processes is a complex, but interesting process.

The main activity of Avtom-2 LLC is the production of specialized tools for all types of car repairs. The manufacture of a specialized surgical instrument has become one of the new and priority areas enterprises. Yuri Konovalov is directly involved in the development of design and technological documentation and the production process for manufacturing a new product.

“In terms of functionality, our device is significantly superior to foreign analogues,” says Evgeny Perevozchikov. - It is designed for a wide range of instruments used by surgeons, and allows you to get material from any point inside the human body, practically without violating the integrity of the body. Currently, such manipulations by physicians are carried out through strip operations. Our device makes it possible to quickly and efficiently conduct a study of the body, practically without causing inconvenience to a person already suffering from the disease. And possibly saving his life.

Medical topics are not the only direction in which recent times thoughts are directed at "Autom-2". Here they are actively involved in suspension equipment for agricultural machinery, produce products for the oil and gas industry. And in each order there is something that makes you look for the best ways to work or even a qualitatively new approach to fulfill it. And engineering thought begins to create, which does not have time to rest and a toggle switch to turn it off. She lives continuously until the result appears - intermediate, final, it does not matter. Because she is already on the road again in search of new solutions. So says Yuri Konovalov:

— I chose my specialty well, it suits my mindset and character. I'm interested in doing technical problems and the more complex they are, the more exciting it is for me.

We continue our series of articles dedicated to the best representatives of high difficulty levels in games for the PlayStation. With the recently released War of the Chosen expansion for , we decided to turn to the most unforgiving mode in this game.

In the pantheon of complex games, 2K's XCOM series serves as a rite of passage. It is not easy even at lower difficulty levels. Players who rush into battle without looking at every corner and without planning their actions will lose soldiers fairly quickly. Even the most inexperienced XCOM players know to be careful, be patient, and most importantly, save as often as possible.

However, battle-hardened fighters will think twice before venturing into Terminator mode. But those who prefer to play games at the highest difficulty levels are sure that XCOM should be played in this mode, and understand that those who choose it will need to make every effort.
There are not only faster, stronger and much more dangerous enemies, but only one save. In this case, the data of this save is overwritten after each action performed during the job.

This means that any wrong step can lead to sad consequences. For example, if you move too aggressively through an undiscovered part of the map and hit the environment, then you will not be able to load an old save and replay the episode. You can spend many hours developing characters and choosing the best equipment, and then lose everything in a matter of minutes due to poor planning. And there's nothing to be done about it.

Tribute to the original game

“The core ideas behind Terminator Mode are the cornerstones of the entire XCOM series. This is a game about difficult decisions and their drastic consequences. AT modern games series, you can save before and after each step you take, but really playing XCOM is about making tough decisions and being ready for anything,” notes Garth DeAngelis, XCOM 2 Lead Producer. “When we made XCOM: Enemy Unknown, we wanted to immediately let our audience know that we will not simplify the gameplay, because the series is famous for its complexity. We've added various levels of difficulty and customization to XCOM to make it appealing to a wider range of players, but we've kept the Terminator mode for fans of the original game. This regime is a tribute to the past.”

To say that beating the game in Terminator mode is not easy is to say nothing. In fact, it's so difficult that, according to Garth, less than 5% of the players succeeded. These elite fans have proven that while The Terminator is incredibly difficult, it's still possible to beat the game.

Difficult but fair

Garth says that the developers at Firaxis had a difficult task to make sure that the Terminator mode was not only very difficult, but also fair to the players.

“Terminator changes the functionality of the campaign, so our designers paid Special attention balancing different difficulty settings,” says Garth. – Correctly debugging the “Legend” difficulty level, the highest in XCOM 2, was very difficult, but our designers did a great job with this task. We wanted it to be more “fair” than the highest difficulty level in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The meaning of the "Legend" is to punish the player for the mistakes made. However, if you make the right decisions, both at the tactical and strategic levels of the game, then you will not have problems with the passage.

It also helped that Firaxis testers are some of the best players in XCOM. Garth says that their team regularly played both games at the highest difficulty levels. Testers told the developers if the game seemed too unfair or, conversely, too easy, and their feedback was simply priceless.

“The first tester to complete the game at the Legend level told us a lot of interesting things, writing a detailed report, which, among other things, told what an incredible feeling he had overcoming all the difficulties and winning the game,” recalls Garth.

What can players expect when they venture into XCOM in Terminator mode for the first time?

Tips for those who are going to try the hardest game mode in XCOM

Firstly, you only have one save, so you have only two options - save or exit - and the overall difficulty of the game increases significantly. Resources are more expensive, enemies have better gear, and sometimes you'll be forced to evacuate in the middle of a mission. This may cause some members of the XCOM program to leave the project, but sometimes it's better to take such a hit than to lose a bunch of resources and soldiers as a result of a failed mission.

“The Terminator is XCOM. And without that difficult game finds its true, most demanding form for the player in this mode, Garth notes. - You will have to decide what losses are acceptable, because you will lose soldiers and fail missions. In addition, at the “Legend” level, the passage of the campaign will take you about one and a half times longer, so be prepared for this. On the Legend with the Terminator you can pass the game, but you will have to get the most out of every item and soldier and use every opportunity to get to the end alive. If you complete the game in this mode, then you have truly mastered it.

Of course, players who set out to play XCOM or XCOM 2 in Terminator mode can find a lot of information about him. The community has created many walkthroughs, videos and a constantly updated "wikipedia" from which you can get comprehensive information about various elements games - types of soldiers, special skills, what research to do first and how best to build up the base.

"Don't play on Legend difficulty with Terminator if you're playing XCOM 2 for the first time. Both tactical and strategic parts of the game have changed a lot compared to XCOM: Enemy Unknown," explains Garth. – Even experienced players should reconsider their proven strategies when starting to play the second part. We even recommend choosing the difficulty of "Professional" or "Rookie" for the first playthrough. Play through the campaign a few times to familiarize yourself with the game and understand when and what to expect from it. Being able to prepare ahead of time will help you a lot. Also, don't forget to actively use grenades to smoke enemies out of cover."

So. Terminator mode. How do you rate your chances?

XCOM 2 Lead Producer Garth DeAngelis Talks About Gameplay Tactics in a Mode Less Than 5% of Players Completed

In the pantheon of complex games, 2K's XCOM series serves as a rite of passage. It is not easy even at lower difficulty levels. Players who rush into battle without looking at every corner and without planning their actions will lose soldiers fairly quickly. Even the most inexperienced XCOM players know to be careful, be patient, and most importantly, save as often as possible.

However, battle-hardened fighters will think twice before venturing into Terminator mode. But those who prefer to play games at the highest difficulty levels are sure that XCOM should be played in this mode, and understand that those who choose it will need to make every effort. Not only are there faster, stronger and much more dangerous enemies, but and just one save. In this case, the data of this save is overwritten after each action performed during the job.

This means that any wrong step can lead to sad consequences. For example, if you move too aggressively through an undiscovered part of the map and hit the environment, then you will not be able to load an old save and replay the episode. You can spend many hours developing characters and choosing the best equipment, and then lose everything in a matter of minutes due to poor planning. And there's nothing to be done about it.

Tribute to the original game

“The core ideas behind Terminator Mode are the cornerstones of the entire XCOM series. This is a game about difficult decisions and their drastic consequences. In modern games in the series, you can save before and after every step you take, but really playing XCOM is about making tough decisions and being prepared for anything, notes Garth DeAngelis, XCOM 2 Lead Producer. - When we made XCOM: Enemy Unknown , we wanted to immediately make it clear to our audience that we will not simplify the gameplay, because the series is famous for its complexity. We've added various levels of difficulty and customization to XCOM to make it appealing to a wider range of players, but we've kept the Terminator mode for fans of the original game. This regime is a tribute to the past.”

To say that beating the game in Terminator mode is not easy is to say nothing. In fact, it's so difficult that, according to Garth, less than 5% of the players succeeded. These elite fans have proven that while The Terminator is incredibly difficult, it's still possible to beat the game.

Difficult but fair

Garth says that the developers at Firaxis had a difficult task to make sure that the Terminator mode was not only very difficult, but also fair to the players.

“The Terminator changes the functionality of the campaign, so our designers paid special attention to balancing the various difficulty settings,” says Garth. – Correctly debugging the “Legend” difficulty level, the highest in XCOM 2, was very difficult, but our designers did a great job with this task. We wanted it to be more “fair” than the highest difficulty level in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The meaning of the "Legend" is to punish the player for the mistakes made. However, if you make the right decisions, both at the tactical and strategic levels of the game, then you will not have problems with the passage.

It also helped that Firaxis testers are some of the best players in XCOM. Garth says that their team regularly played both games at the highest difficulty levels. Testers told the developers if the game seemed too unfair or, conversely, too easy, and their feedback was simply priceless.

“The first tester to complete the game at the Legend level told us a lot of interesting things, writing a detailed report, which, among other things, told what an incredible feeling he had overcoming all the difficulties and winning the game,” recalls Garth.

What can players expect when they venture into XCOM in Terminator mode for the first time?

Tips for those who are going to try the hardest game mode in XCOM

Firstly, you only have one save, so you have only two options - save or exit - and the overall difficulty of the game increases significantly. Resources are more expensive, enemies have better gear, and sometimes you'll be forced to evacuate in the middle of a mission. This may cause some members of the XCOM program to leave the project, but sometimes it's better to take such a hit than to lose a bunch of resources and soldiers as a result of a failed mission.

“The Terminator is XCOM. An already complex game takes on its true, most demanding form in this mode,” notes Garth. - You will have to decide what losses are acceptable, because you will lose soldiers and fail missions. In addition, at the “Legend” level, the passage of the campaign will take you about one and a half times longer, so be prepared for this. On the Legend with the Terminator you can pass the game, but you will have to get the most out of every item and soldier and use every opportunity to get to the end alive. If you complete the game in this mode, then you have truly mastered it.

Of course, players who set out to play XCOM or XCOM 2 in Terminator mode can find a lot of information about him. The community has created many walkthroughs, videos, and a constantly updated wikipedia that provides comprehensive information about the various elements of the game - types of soldiers, special skills, what research to do first and how best to build up the base.

"Don't play on Legend difficulty with Terminator if you're playing XCOM 2 for the first time. Both tactical and strategic parts of the game have changed a lot compared to XCOM: Enemy Unknown," explains Garth. – Even experienced players should reconsider their proven strategies when starting to play the second part. We even recommend choosing the difficulty of "Professional" or "Rookie" for the first playthrough. Play through the campaign a few times to familiarize yourself with the game and understand when and what to expect from it. Being able to prepare ahead of time will help you a lot. Also, don't forget to actively use grenades to smoke enemies out of cover."

When it comes to the military, memory in nine cases out of ten helpfully throws us the names of Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Zhukov - commanders whose fates invariably attract the attention of artists, historians and publicists. In fact, the life of those who chose to serve their Fatherland as their fate often resembles a fascinating narrative, even if their biographies did not make it to the book pages.

How "Officers" determined the fate

Sergey Evgenyevich Ilyin, Deputy Managing Director of KBP JSC for interaction with state and regional authorities, served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation for thirty years and three years, who celebrated his birthday yesterday. This figure, by the way, is expectedly associated with the epic about the hero Ilya Muromets. However, in the fate of Sergei Evgenievich himself there were nightingale-robbers, unbearable stones and military service ...

Ilyin was born in Moscow, but did not live there for long. He himself describes the geography of life as follows:

In short, I lived in Germany for ten years, in Mongolia for three years, in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan for five years, in the Far East for five years, now in Tula for the sixth year ...

His father fought in the Great Patriotic War, and at the end of hostilities he became a builder. Sergey Evgenievich remembers him with unfailing love, reverence and pride: he says that he always equals and still wants to be like this honest and decent person.

Before the onset of school age, Ilyina's son lived in Germany, then returned to the Soviet Union.

I remember with great pleasure school years, teachers, - says Sergey Evgenievich. - Yes, it was the Soviet period, but how much good, kind, bright was in it! Wonderful schools that provide an excellent education, pioneer camps, sports sections and clubs, various circles and events. Like most boys, he was fond of football, basketball, volleyball. At that time I was really happy.

In those years, the front-line soldiers were still full of strength and energy and actively participated in the life of the country - they had no time for memories. The boys grew up on films and books about the war - "Volunteers", "The Fate of a Man" and, of course, "Officers". It seems that the words of the hero of the film: “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland” became decisive for young Sergei. Despite the fact that at first the guy dreamed of entering the N. Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School and even attended preparatory courses, in 1975 Ilyin put on the uniform of a cadet of the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR ...

And in 1978, when Ilyin was in his third year, a young girl named Elena came to work at the department of operation of wheeled and tracked vehicles at the school.

She was nineteen at that time, - recalls Sergey Evgenievich. - We met, liked each other, and then fell in love. So on July 21, 1979, I had a graduation, and on July 28 - already a wedding. I arrived at the place of service with my young wife, and she went from cadet to general next to me. We have been together for forty years, my wife is my reliable rear ...

From Berlin to the Caucasus

And Ilyin began to serve in the Group Soviet troops in Germany. His company happened to protect the main war criminals of the Second World War in the Spandau prison, which was located in West Berlin. By that time, only one of the seven prisoners remained alive - Rudolf Hess, the famous ideologist of National Socialism, the Deputy Fuhrer in the NSDAP and the Reich Minister without a portfolio. Boris Polevoy in the book "The Nuremberg Trials" calls the top five Nazi criminals, led by Hitler, the five "Gs". One of them was the Party Hess. His guards were alternately carried by the British, French, Americans and Russians. Ilyin repeatedly saw Hess when he was taken out for a walk.

Five years later, Sergei Evgenievich went to a new destination - to the Transcaucasian Military District. He began serving in Dusheti - in the spurs of the Greater Caucasus Range, south of Tbilisi, was the chief of staff of the training motorized rifle battalion. Then he commanded a training tank battalion in Vaziani. And he finished his service in the Ilyin district in 1988 as the commander of a motorized rifle battalion in Akhalkalaki, on the border with Turkey. Then he entered the Moscow Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze, where he studied for three years.

My release was latest release students of the academy in the Soviet Union, - notes Sergey Evgenievich. historical events in Mother Russia.

Everyone remembers the "dashing nineties" differently. For some, this, of course, is a time of new ideas and global changes, but for the majority, it is a catastrophe that destroyed the usual way of life and replaced life with survival.

In the late eighties and early nineties, we were greatly praised by the United States of America, the countries of Western Europe for the fact that we are following the right democratic path, - recalls the deputy managing director of KBP JSC. - And at that time, our fellow citizens stood in shameful queues for " Bush's legs", with coupons for getting vodka. Then, like a crystal vase, shattered Soviet Union. I am still convinced that in the early 1990s we were losing Russia. A little more - and the great country would have disintegrated into specific principalities.

“Every problem has a name…”

By that time, Sergei Evgenievich's father had died, and his father-in-law was seriously ill. And an officer with higher education there was nothing left but to go "sabbat". He worked as a "bouncer" in a pizzeria, worked for three years at the Havana casino.

I have seen life with different sides, I received a serious lesson, and I honestly do not regret this at all, - Ilyin notes. - In general, I am very grateful to the military school, which tempered me. The charge of health, vivacity, strength of body and spirit, optimism laid in the school helped me in later life. Then I calmly endured certain hardships - for example, if I had to not sleep for three days, work seven days a week, in any weather conditions.

Parallel to survival "under the conditions of a democratic market" was a military biography. In 1991, Sergei Ilyin came to serve in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. According to him, service in the General Staff has become one of the brightest pages in life, albeit associated with great difficulties. In those years, Ilyin left home at six in the morning and did not return before eleven in the evening.

And at the same time, I don’t regret it for a minute,” he says. “I traveled far and wide across Mother Russia, it’s easier to say where I have not been. In the early 2000s, there were still active fighting in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan. I was a participant in these events to one degree or another, I accompanied Sergei Borisovich Ivanov on business trips.

From 2001 to 2006, Ilyin was a general for special assignments with the Minister of Defense, until October 2007 - head of the expert center of the apparatus of the Minister of Defense. Sergei Evgenievich is convinced that every true leader, officer and man must demand honesty, decency, diligence, first of all from himself. It is very important to be able to take responsibility.

I never tire of repeating: every problem has a last name, first name and patronymic, - he believes. - Unfortunately, there are people who like to criticize others, but they are not always ready to take responsibility.

From the Ministry of Defense to the defense industry

After his dismissal from the armed forces, it turned out that the connections, personal acquaintances with many leaders, the administrative and organizational talents of General Ilyin were very necessary for the Arsenyev Aviation Company Progress. And on January 1, 2008, he came there as an adviser to the managing director. Came on new project: the country needed a combat helicopter, the Ka-52.

Then the deputy commander of the Air Force for armaments Oleg Barmin paid special attention to this program.

Release combat helicopter Ka-52 is my first victory, - says Sergey Evgenievich. - When we arrived at Far East, in Arseniev, they saw a dying plant that did not produce products. And when we took the first Ka-52 helicopter into the sky, you won’t believe it, people cried with joy! The biggest success is getting a state defense order for the manufacture of helicopters. Since 2010, the plant has been mass-producing this product for the native Armed Forces. It was a huge win! And even though my merits in it are one millionth, I am proud that I took an active part in this work.

Sergei Ilyin says that it was during this period that his fate was closely intertwined with the fate of Dmitry Vladimirovich Konoplev, with whom he worked for five years in the Far East.

It seems to me that at that time the team of Konoplev was noticed as strong managers, leaders, - he says. Arseniev Aviation Company: production began to gain momentum, we achieved respect, received a state defense order ...

It cannot be said that Ilyin was offered to go completely into the unknown. Working with Minister of Defense Sergei Ivanov, he repeatedly visited Tula, visited the KBP and admired this enterprise. Acquaintance with many Russian defense plants made it possible to conduct for myself the correct comparative analysis and draw an unambiguous conclusion: you have to go! KBP JSC and its production site, Shcheglovsky Val JSC are worthy enterprises with highly qualified personnel, huge potential and rich traditions.

I accepted the offer and agreed to become the Deputy Managing Director of KBP JSC - Chief of Staff from July 1, 2012, - says Sergey Evgenievich. - At that time, the state defense order was only three percent, and so was the turnover. It's hard to believe, but it's true. The result of the work last years speaks for itself, and our weapons take part in the Victory parades on Red Square in Moscow. Yes, working at the famous Tula enterprise is a serious change in my life, it was not easy for me to decide on such a step, sometimes I doubted whether it would work out. Now the state defense order has grown more than tenfold. And the results speak for themselves.

Ilyin never regretted that he made a choice in favor of Tula. He is immensely proud and glad that he was lucky enough to work with Arkady Georgievich Shipunov, who, at the end of his life, accepted Dmitry Konoplev as his successor, and therefore his team.

The main thing is to work fruitfully for the good of the Motherland, so that one would not be ashamed of one's work, - considers the Deputy Managing Director of KBP JSC. - This is what we are doing now at our enterprise. They say that at any age you can radically change your life and feel happy. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and grab your chance. I am not afraid of changes, they often happened in my life. I have a whole life - in an airplane, train, on wheels. Over the past five years, I have traveled more than half a million kilometers in a company car. Wherever fate takes you! And to Ashuluk, and to Kapustin Yar, and to the Sochi region to Krasnaya Polyana ... I confess, I enjoy this kind of work.

By the way, speaking of Sochi, Ilyin does not hide the fact that most of the trips to the Olympic capital of Russia had nothing to do with recreation. On the contrary, it was about ensuring security, including from the air, both in the city itself and in the Krasnaya Polyana area. S. Ilyin responded to the reliability of the means of ensuring this safety - products developed and manufactured by KBP specialists.

We faced a huge problem in preparation for Olympic Games in Sochi, - explained Ilyin. - We arrived in the area of ​​the Olympics for six months, that is, in September 2013. At that time, some respected people in the Armed Forces were skeptical about our technology ... Time has shown that the truth is on our side.

Sergei Evgenievich takes sincere pleasure in solving complex problems. The more difficult the better. It seems that it is extremely important for him to prove his own effectiveness not even to the management, but to himself. He likes to work where it is difficult, where you need to show willpower and character.

When you obviously understand that the task is impossible, but make every effort - yours and the team - and achieve your goal, then success comes, - sums up Sergey Evgenievich.

Ordinary General

The head of the apparatus must be on site from early morning until late at night, in addition, I love working on the move, - Ilyin notes. - I am closer to working on interaction with state and regional authorities, with landfills, enterprises. Hope I can do it. Now I am creating the Enterprise Protocol, I think this is the right decision, because we have a serious team. At least two delegations visit the PCU every week, each of which must be given due attention ...

It seems that Sergey Evgenievich lives and breathes work, not noticing anything that does not directly or indirectly concern KBP JSC.

However, he considers the greatest success in life not at all a career, and even more so - not a general's shoulder straps, but ... his wife Elena. And he claims that the most precious thing for every person is a family.

We love to get together at home, - says Sergey Ilyin. - During the holidays, I devote myself to my family. We adhere to a simple tradition - always and in everything to hold on to each other, to believe and trust, be sure to discuss any problems together. We try to be friends.

Ilyin considers himself a rich man, but explains that it is not about income and property. He has two children, four grandchildren. The eldest son Eugene is now thirty-seven years old, the youngest Victor is twenty-seven. Eugene in Moscow holds the position of senior vice president of Rosbank. Victor, like his father, became a military man, served five years in Omsk as an assistant prosecutor of the garrison, given time he is the prosecutor of the anti-corruption department in Yekaterinburg with the rank of captain.

I have two grandsons and two granddaughters, - Sergei Evgenievich smiles. - Relationships with grandchildren are trusting. Of course, my wife and I try to find time for them and give them more attention to take care, because grandchildren are a great joy. In life, children and grandchildren are the most great wealth for which we live.

Ilyin says that he loves walking in the forest, although he never became an avid fisherman or hunter. He prefers to just walk slowly, most often with his wife. Although he also does not reject outdoor activities, believing that life is full of activities that are much more interesting than sitting in an armchair in front of the TV. He generally does not like to sit, so on his birthday he wished himself strength and health.

In order to work fully and successfully, to feel in demand, to benefit people and the country, to enjoy life, - Sergey Evgenievich explained. - So far, I don’t see myself retired. Currently, I enjoy my work, so I feel happy.

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