"Antey" says goodbye to "Granite". How many "Onyx" and "Caliber" will be on the updated "Irkutsk"? Submarines of the Antey project will receive new weapons - Caliber and Onyx missile systems At short range

Design and interior 19.06.2020
Design and interior

If in an era cold war The USSR and the countries participating in the Warsaw bloc paid more attention to the development ground forces and improvement missile weapons, then the symbol military power US and NATO bloc became aircraft carriers. Carrier strike groups (AUG) were and remain the main strike force of the US Navy, which allowed this country to conduct military operations anywhere in the world.

For the USSR, American AUGs became a real headache. For many reasons (primarily due to lack of funds), the Soviet Union could not oppose America with anything similar, but it needed funds to effectively combat American aircraft carriers. The Soviet military-industrial complex throughout the years of the Cold War sought an asymmetric response to this American threat. Cruise anti-ship missiles, the development of which began in the mid-50s, were especially good for the role of "aircraft carrier killer".

Thanks to decades spent on design developments in this area, today Russia has the best anti-ship missiles in the world, one of which is the P-700 Granit. No other country in the world has anything like this: these anti-ship cruise missiles are significantly superior to their foreign competitors in flight range, warhead mass, speed, and other characteristics.

History of creation

The first cruise missile that was put into service, mass-produced and participated in hostilities, was the German V-1. The Germans used it at the end of the war against Great Britain, but this weapon could no longer change the course of hostilities.

After the end of World War II, German rocket technology fell into the hands of the Allies and became the basis for their own further developments. In the USSR, a talented rocket designer Vladimir Chelomey and his colleagues worked in this direction.

Cruise missiles looked especially promising as a means of combating enemy aircraft carriers. In 1959, the USSR adopted the P-5 anti-ship cruise missile (ASC), created under the leadership of Chelomey, and designed to destroy enemy surface ships, including aircraft carriers. The missile could carry a nuclear charge.

The P-5 had a speed close to the speed of sound, a warhead weighing one ton, and a range of 500 kilometers. Very good performance, even today, but there was one problem: this missile could only be fired from the surface. This deprived the attacking submarine of its main advantage - stealth. It was necessary to look for an alternative solution.

The development of a new missile system began in 1969. Chelomey proposed to create a single complex to arm both submarines and combat surface ships. The new missile was supposed to be able to launch underwater and have a high flight speed and range. The missile system was named "Granite", its development took almost fifteen years.

Flight design tests of the new missile began in 1975, and state tests in 1979. In 1983, the P-700 anti-ship system was put into service.

When developing the P-700 rocket, all experience in the production and use of such weapons was taken into account. The designers have done everything possible options the design of the future missile, its control system, placement and launch from a submarine.

The P-700 was adopted by the submarines of project 949 Granit and 949A Antey, as well as surface ships 1144 Orlan, 1144.2 Orlan and 1143.5 Krechet.

Anti-ship missiles "Granit" are still in service with the Russian Navy, although they are already considered obsolete. Such weapons are installed on Project 949A Antey nuclear submarines (24 anti-ship missiles on each). The flagship of the Northern Fleet, the heavy nuclear cruiser Peter the Great, is armed with twenty Granit cruise missiles, and another 12 are installed on the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov.

P-700 "Granit" has never been used in real combat, experts have different attitudes to the effectiveness of this weapon.


Rocket "Granit" is made according to the normal aerodynamic configuration, it has a cigar shape, an annular air intake is located in front of the rocket.

The P-700 is equipped with high-swept folding wings located in the central part of the fuselage, as well as a cruciform tail (it also unfolds).

The missile is equipped with a cruise turbojet engine KR-21-300, located in its rear. For most of its trajectory, the missile develops a speed of 1.5 times the speed of sound (Mach 1.5), which greatly complicates its detection and destruction. At high altitude, the P-700 can accelerate to Mach 2.5. Especially for the Granit, a ramjet engine was developed that could accelerate the rocket to a speed of Mach 4.

Of particular note is the autonomous control system of this RCC. The computer, which is the basis of the control system, has several information channels, it is able to successfully resist the means electronic warfare.

The P-700 "Granit" missile is located in a special launch container, which is filled with sea water before launch to equalize pressure (this also happens on surface ships). Then, with the help of special solid propellant boosters, the P-700 rises to the surface of the water. In the air, the sustainer engine starts to work, wings and tail stabilizers open.

"Granite" can be equipped various types combat units. It can be a high-explosive penetrating warhead, weighing up to 750 kilograms. Also, the missile can be equipped with a nuclear warhead with a capacity of up to 500 kilotons.

The guidance head is active, radar type.

The P-700 "Granit" is a very "intelligent" missile. Immediately after launch, it rises to a great height and detects its target. After that, the rocket descends to the lowest possible altitude and follows it until the target is hit. This flight mode greatly complicates the work of an enemy missile defense system.

Rockets "Granite" can hunt their prey in a "flock". The first P-700 captures the target (or targets) and directs all other missiles at them. Each of them receives its own target, but if the gunner is destroyed, then another member of the “flock” takes over its functions. Missiles classify targets in order of importance, choose the most optimal attack tactics and plan. The rocket's electronic control system contains the data of all modern ships, their methods of countering attacks. Missiles entering the target constantly exchange information with each other.

All this allows the P-700 to decide what is in front of it: an AUG, a regular convoy or a landing group, to act accordingly. If the ship is destroyed by one missile, then the rest choose other targets for themselves.

Each missile is equipped with a radar jamming device and can throw decoys.

The rocket is launched from a special container, which is set at an angle of 47º.



Designation Complex P-700 "Granite"
Rocket 3M45
Control system inertial with active radar guidance
Dimensions and weight
Length, m 10
Wingspan, m 2,6
Diameter, m 0,85
Starting weight, kg 7000
Warhead type high-explosive-cumulative nuclear (500 kt)
Warhead weight, kg 750
Power point
sustainer engine TRD KR-93
flight data
Speed, km/h on high 2800 (2,5)
near the ground (1,5)
Launch range, km 550 (625)
Minimum flight altitude, m 25
Ceiling, m 14000-17000

Comparison with other anti-ship missiles

If we compare the Granit missile system with its foreign counterparts, then it should be recognized that this missile is the best to date.

The launch weight of the 3M45 missile is ten times (!!!) greater than the similar parameters of the American Harpoon anti-ship missile. Also, "Granite" is more than twice as large as the American in terms of the mass of the warhead, twice in speed. The P-700 has five times the effective range.

There is an even greater difference in performance with the French Exocet anti-ship missile, the Chinese S-802 and the Israeli Gabriel.

The destructive power of the 3M45 missile allows one hit to destroy a modern destroyer or cruiser. For guaranteed destruction of an aircraft carrier, 8-10 such missiles are needed.

These Soviet missiles are really good and have no analogues in the world, but there is one problem associated with target detection and guidance of the P-700 anti-ship missiles. It is she who is the "Achilles heel" of this complex. This makes one doubt that Granit missiles can sink a modern aircraft carrier.

Can "Granite" destroy the modern AUG?

Disputes regarding the ability of the P-700 to hit an aircraft carrier have been going on for a long time. Theoretically, the Granit anti-ship missiles represent great danger for any warship, including an aircraft carrier. But there is one problem that reduces all the advantages of this rocket to almost zero. This is targeting.

When firing at long distances, the P-700 homing head cannot independently capture a target, it needs target designation, which theoretically can be carried out from airborne vehicles or from space.

To destroy an enemy AUG with the Granit, a Russian submarine or surface ship must detect and classify the target, approach it within a salvo, fire missiles that can hit enemy ships. At the same time, one should not forget that aircraft carrier strike groups are a very difficult target. They are extremely protected by a wide variety of air defense, missile defense and electronic warfare systems, constantly maneuver, have a powerful aviation group, and are covered by submarines. It is very difficult to hit this target (and even get close to it at the distance of a rocket salvo).

current Russian fleet extremely limited in terms of target detection. The radius of their detection is usually limited by the limits of the radio horizon. Helicopters operated by some Russian warships, are not suitable for solving this problem, primarily because of their small radius of action. It is inefficient to produce it using the Tu-95RTs aircraft, since a reconnaissance aircraft sometimes needs a large number of hours to arrive in a certain area of ​​the World Ocean.

During Soviet times, the use of submarine nuclear cruisers equipped with the Granit anti-ship missiles relied on a powerful naval intelligence system that had information about a potential enemy in all areas of the ocean theater of operations.

Its basis was the ground-based electronic intelligence centers located both on the territory of the USSR and beyond its borders. We can recall similar centers located in Cuba, in Vietnam (Cam Ranh), in South Yemen. Today there is none of that.

In addition to ground bases, the Soviet Union had an effective system of space reconnaissance and target designation, which could detect an enemy ship almost anywhere in the oceans. And not only to detect: this system constantly monitored the AUG of a potential enemy and, in the event of a war, could give target designations for missile weapons.

Anti-ship missiles "Granit" can be called only one of the components of the Soviet system for the destruction of aircraft carriers, its second element was the space target designation system "Legend". It began to be developed in the mid-70s under the guidance of Academician Keldysh.

The Legend project was to create a satellite constellation in low Earth orbit capable of transmitting information about the movement of surface targets and producing target designations for missile weapons. This group included both active (radar) and passive (object bearing) reconnaissance vehicles. The "Legend" system was capable of directing Soviet missiles at any point on the earth's surface.

However, at the moment, "Legend" has long been history. In 1998, the last apparatus of the satellite constellation completed its work. Currently, a similar system "Liana" is in the process of formation.

Therefore, any Russian ship equipped with the Granit anti-ship missiles will be detected much earlier than it can approach the launch range of these missiles. If we talk about launching missiles from a submarine, then there are some difficulties.

In order to make a successful salvo with P-700 missiles, the submarine must enter the near zone of the anti-submarine defense of the order, where the probability of detecting a submarine will be very high. Even with a successful launch of missiles, not all of them will be able to achieve their goals, since the AUG has a very strong air defense and missile defense system.

To date, the probability of destroying an American aircraft carrier by any means of attack available to the Russian Navy seems very unlikely. Without resuscitation of the global intelligence system, this is very problematic. Unless nuclear warheads will be installed on the missiles.

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It was created to fight American aircraft carrier strike groups - it was part of a group of forces and means that bore the generalized nickname "aircraft carrier killers" in the West. To a large extent, it was the "main caliber" of the Soviet fleet.

The Soviet fleet was built around two major tasks: covering the areas for deploying boats with ballistic missiles(and counteracting enemy missile carriers) and the fight against NATO aircraft carrier strike groups. The second task was solved by a complex of so-called anti-aircraft forces, which included surface (ships), underwater (submarines) and air (sea bombers) components.

For use in the surface and underwater component of the anti-aircraft forces in the 1970s, the Granit complex was designed. The developer is the Reutov NPO Mashinostroeniya. "Granite" has been tested since 1975, put into service in 1983, repeatedly modernized (once again, according to a number of sources, around 2003 - with the transfer of on-board electronics to a new element base).

Rocket 3M45 / SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK of the Granit complex in the NPO Mashinostroenie museum, Reutov. A photo:military photos

The missile of the 3M45 complex has a mass of over 7 tons. The starting accelerator is a resettable solid propellant, a turbojet propulsion engine. The warhead is high-explosive penetrating (750 kg) or nuclear. The firing range, according to various sources, is from 500 to 700 km along a combined trajectory. Max speed rocket flight about 2.5 M.

For over-the-horizon shooting, they used the information of the Legend marine space reconnaissance and target designation system (MKRTS): a low-orbit constellation of satellites with powerful radars. The missile guidance system is combined: inertial with the operation of an active radar homing head at the final stage of the trajectory.

launcher and head part missiles of the Granit complex on the Kursk SSGN after lifting. Photo: forums.airbase.ru

During volley firing, an information exchange system is used between missiles in a salvo, which forms a single information space for all missiles (what one sees, everyone sees) and allows for target distribution in the order of enemy ships with an assessment of the size of a potential target. Embedded in on-board computing is a typical set of information about ship signatures and order patterns, which gives missiles the ability to determine the type of target. A flexible adaptive algorithm for forming trajectories during a group attack is used, the use of which has received the unofficial nickname "wolf pack": salvo missiles themselves automatically "figure out" which of them will perform which part of the combat mission.

In particular, the “gunner missile” scheme is used, which travels along a high trajectory, which, in connection with this, has a larger radio horizon, and supplies the entire “flock” with information about targets. In case of interception of the “gunner”, the “pack” appoints the next one. At the final stage of the flight, the missiles perform an anti-aircraft maneuver according to a pre-calculated evasion program.

The Granit universal missile system with the P-700 long-range submarine-launched anti-ship cruise missile is designed to destroy NATO aircraft carrier groups.

The parent organization is NPO Mashinostroeniya. Chief designer- Vladimir Chelomey (since 1984 - Herbert Efremov). Development began in 1969. The complex was submitted for state testing in 1979. Tests were carried out on coastal stands and lead ships: the Kirov submarine and cruiser. The tests were successfully completed in August 1983, and by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 12, 1983, the Granit complex was adopted by the Navy.

In the process of creating the Granit complex, for the first time, all the main subcontractors of the branched cooperation worked out many (up to one or two dozen) options for design solutions for a cruise missile, an onboard control system, and a submarine. Then these options were evaluated in terms of combat effectiveness, cost and timing of creation, feasibility, and based on the analysis, requirements for a cruise missile and other elements of the weapon system were formulated. As a result, the created complex for the first time acquired the ability to solve any problem. sea ​​battle attire of firepower of one carrier.

Since the creation of the first anti-ship missiles capable of hitting surface ships at very long ranges, the question arose of providing anti-ship missiles with target designation data. On a global scale, this problem could be solved only with the help of spacecraft. The theoretical foundations for the construction of such a space system, the parameters of their orbits, the mutual position of satellites in orbits were developed directly with the participation of Academician M.V. Keldysh. The system consisted of several radar and electronic reconnaissance satellites, from which data on detected targets could be directly transmitted to the CD carrier or to ground stations.

In the west, the rocket received the designation SS-N-19 "Shipwreck".


The onboard autonomous selective control system of anti-ship missiles is built on the basis of a powerful three-processor computer with the use of several information channels, which makes it possible to successfully understand a complex jamming environment and highlight true targets against the background of any interference. The creation of this system was carried out by a team of scientists and designers of the Central Research Institute "Granit" under the leadership of its general director, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize V.V. Pavlov.

The 3M-45 (P-700) missile has several flexible adaptive trajectories depending on the operational and tactical situation in the sea and airspace of the operation area. The maximum flight speed corresponds to M=2.5 at high altitude and M=1.5 at low altitude. The complex provides salvo fire with all ammunition with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles and allows you to operate against a single ship on the principle of "one missile - one ship" or "flock" against a warrant of ships.

In the rapid fire mode, one rocket, which acts as a "gunner", flies in a high trajectory to maximize the target acquisition area, at the same time, other missiles fly in a low trajectory. In flight, missiles exchange information about targets. If the "gunner" missile is intercepted, then one of the other missiles automatically takes over its functions. The missiles themselves distribute and classify according to the importance of the target, choose the tactics of the attack and the plan for its implementation. To eliminate errors in choosing a maneuver and hitting a given target, electronic data on modern classes of ships are embedded in the on-board computer (OCVM). In addition, the onboard computer also contains tactical information, for example, about the type of orders of ships, which allows the missile to determine who is in front of it - a convoy, aircraft carrier or landing group, and attack the main targets in its composition. The onboard computer contains data on countering enemy electronic warfare equipment capable of jamming missiles away from the target, tactical methods of evading fire air defense. After the launch of the rocket, they decide for themselves which of them will attack which target and which maneuvers need to be carried out in accordance with the mathematical algorithms embedded in the behavior program. The missile also has means of counteracting anti-missiles attacking it. Having destroyed the main target in the ship group, the remaining missiles attack other ships of the warrant, eliminating the possibility of two missiles hitting the same target.

The rocket has a sustainer turbojet engine KR-93(developed in the Design Bureau of the Ufa Motor-Building Software under the leadership of the chief designer Sergei Gavrilov) and an annular solid-propellant booster in the tail section, starting work under water. Rocket variant with an experienced supersonic ramjet engine 4D 04, developed in OKB-670 under the leadership of Mikhail Bondaryuk, allowed the rocket to reach speeds of up to 4M.

According to the experience of combat and operational training of the Navy, it is almost impossible to shoot down such a missile. Even if you hit "Granit" with an anti-missile, the rocket, due to its enormous mass and speed, can save initial speed flight and, as a result, reach the target.

The Granit missile system is armed with 12 Project 949A Antey-class nuclear submarine cruisers (APC), 24 anti-ship missiles each, with a submerged speed of more than 30 knots. The launcher SM-225A, located on the agro-industrial complex of this project, is designed to provide conditions for the storage and launch of cruise missiles ZM45 or ZM15 both underwater and on the surface. The CM-225A launcher is placed in a submarine container installed at a constant angle. Inside the container, on the device for longitudinal retention, a cup with guides is installed and secured through transverse shock absorbers to the walls of the PL container. The transverse shock absorbers are placed in a sealed dry volume formed by a container wall, a glass and two rubber-cord shells (RCS).

Each submarine costs ten times less than the US Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. This is our asymmetric and economical response to the carrier threat. There are virtually no other forces in the Russian Armed Forces capable of actually countering this threat. Taking into account the ongoing upgrades of the carriers themselves, the missile system and the Granit anti-ship missiles, the created group is able to operate effectively until 2020. Naturally, at the same time it is necessary to develop and maintain combat-ready systems combat control forces, reconnaissance and target designation.

In addition to combating AUGs, the combat units of the group are capable of acting not only against formations of ships of all classes during armed conflicts of any intensity, but also effectively hitting targets on the enemy coast with missiles with a conventional warhead. If necessary, ships with the Granit complex can serve as a reserve for solving the tasks of the Naval Strategic Nuclear Forces.

Four heavy nuclear missile cruisers of project 1144 (Peter the Great type) carry 20 missiles each in individual underdeck launchers SM-233 (developer - Design Bureau of Special Machine Building), with an elevation angle of 60 °.

Technical solutions in the development of the CM-233 launcher were aimed at fulfilling the following basic requirements:

    unification and borrowing of mechanisms and assembly units of the launcher SM-233 with the launcher SM-225 of the complex RO "Granit" of the submarine project 949;

    increasing the reliability of the rocket launch by reducing the number of operations in the combat cycle.

On the ship, launchers are placed in the underdeck room at an angle to the horizon in four rows of five units along the center plane of the ship. The overall dimensions of the deck openings are determined from the conditions for the safe exit of missiles during launch and loading. The launchers were delivered from the manufacturer (LMZ) to the ship fully assembled, having passed all the tests and checks in the scope of the factory test programs and specifications, which significantly reduced the time for installation, debugging and testing on the ship. Closing of deck openings is provided by protective covers with structural protection against shell fragments by hydraulic drives. The opening (closing) of the covers is carried out according to a predetermined cyclogram as the missiles are launched. On the upper deck and on the covers there are seats for installing a deck loading device.

On the basis of the Decision of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry, the Ministry of General Machinery and the Navy of 05.02.82 No. 1/0018, in 1982, work began on the creation of the launcher SM-233A of the RO "Granit" complex for the ship of project 1143.5 ("Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov", chief designer V.F. Anikiev).

During the development of the CM-233A launchers, technical solutions aimed at increasing performance characteristics and technical and economic indicators of the SM-233 unit:

    increasing combat readiness and reliability by reducing the number of mechanisms and devices involved in the period of pre-launch preparation and missile launch;

    reduction of labor costs and cost by reducing the metal consumption and simplifying the design of labor-intensive units and mechanisms;

    reduction in volume and time Maintenance and simplification of the conditions for its implementation;

    increasing the maintainability of the launcher by simplifying the design of mechanisms;

    reduction in the number of mutual links between launchers and ship systems.

Project 1143.5 ship has 12 SM-233A launchers. Launchers are located under the upper deck with a constant elevation angle. Inside the PU case, on the hinged supports of the longitudinal retention device, a fiberglass cup with guides is installed and secured through the transverse cushioning to the walls of the installation case. From above, the PU is hermetically sealed with a lid with a protective set and a radio masking device.

Anti-ship missile P-700
missile weapon complex "Granit"

Rocket 3M45 / SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK of the Granit complex in the NPO Mashinostroenie museum, Reutov.


Production history

USSRCountry of Origin
NPO Mashinostroeniya (OKB-52) Developer
V. N. ChelomeyChief designer
1969 - 1983 Years of development
November 1975 - July 1983Start of testing
"Granite" with ramjet;
OCD "Granitite" / complex 3K45-2 "Granit-2",
rocket 3M45-2

Operation history

Geometric and mass characteristics

Power point

flight data

on high

near the ground/water

SCRC "Granit"- Universal anti-ship missile system "Granit" with a cruise missile long range actions P-700, underwater-surface launch. It was developed in the USSR from 1969 to 1983. It is in service with the ships of the projects "Orlan" and 1143.5 "Krechet" as well as submarines pr. 949 / 949A "Antey"

History of creation


According to the naval doctrine of the USSR, the main task of the surface fleet, along with providing cover for the SSBN patrol zone, was to counter the American aircraft carrier strike groups (AUG). To solve this problem, in the seventies of the twentieth century, it was decided to create a fundamentally new type missile cruisers, with nuclear power plant, both underwater (Project 949) and surface (Project 1144) type. To arm these ships, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a resolution dated July 10, 1969: to develop a universal missile system capable of being used both from submarines and from conventional cruisers.

Design work and testing

Rocket 3M-45 of the P-700 Complex in section.

The anti-ship missile system P-700 "Granit" was developed at the Mechanical Engineering NPO V. N. Chelomey. V. I. Patrushev was appointed chief designer. According to the terms of reference, the new missile should have been able to autonomously, without interaction with the carrier, select the main target of the attack in the order of ships. The first tests were started in 1975 on a ground stand. Rockets were tested at the Nenoksa training ground (Arkhangelsk region). In total, at least 19 launches were made from ground stands. In 1980, joint tests of the complex began with carriers, the Kirov missile cruiser and the K-525 nuclear submarine (the lead ship of project 949). and the first underwater launch was carried out on February 26, 1976 near Cape Fiolent (Crimea Peninsula). In total, during the flight tests, 45 launches were performed. The cycle of state tests was completed in 1983, and following its results, by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 12, 1983, the Granit complex was adopted by the Navy.

Ever since the creation of the first long-range anti-ship missiles, the need to build a system that would provide target designation for them has become obvious. The fact is that the range of the radar of the ship itself is limited by the horizon and, depending on the height of the mast on which the antenna is located, averages 40-50 km. As for the over-the-horizon long-wave radars, their efficiency is highly dependent on the state of the atmosphere, and besides, they are not always able to provide sufficient target designation accuracy to guide the SCRC. The most promising way to solve this problem would be to create satellite system target designation, which was developed with the direct participation of Academician Mstislav Keldysh. The system of marine space reconnaissance and target designation (MKRTS) "Legend" consisted of one and a half dozen low-orbit satellites equipped with powerful radars, and was capable of monitoring the entire surface of the world's oceans.

Tactical and technical characteristics

SCRC "Granit" on the boat pr.949

The rocket is launched from a transport and launch container, filled with sea water before launch, which is typical, this scheme is used when launching not only from underwater, but also from surface carriers. In the case of a launch from a submarine, this is done for three reasons: to equalize the pressure inside and outside the container, reduce thermal loads on the launcher, and also to use water as a working substance to generate steam that pushes the rocket out of the launcher. As for surface vessels, it was decided to abandon the development of two types of complex equipment, two types of starting engines for missiles, purely for economic reasons.

The missile uses a combined guidance system. The exit to the target area is carried out according to the data of the inertial navigation system (INS). For direct targeting of the enemy ship, an active radar homing head (ARLGSN) is used. The characteristics of the missile's onboard radar allow it to detect a cruiser-type target from a distance of about 70 km.

The missiles of the P-700 complex are equipped with an on-board digital computer (OBCM) using several information channels, which ultimately made it possible to achieve high noise immunity. "Granite" is a smart rocket. Thanks to the data on the classes of modern ships, various warrants, etc. embedded in its onboard computer, the missile is able to autonomously select the highest priority target in a group of opponents. In addition, the missiles of the P-700 complex are equipped with an in-flight information exchange system, which makes it possible to apply the “wolf pack” principle. During salvo launch, one of the missiles is assigned the function of a leader, while the main part of the “flock” is approaching the enemy group of ships at low altitude, hiding behind radio horizons, the leader missile, moving along a high-altitude trajectory, with the help of its onboard radar, leads intelligence. Having found the enemy, the “leader” transmits information to the “flock”, after which, the missiles automatically distribute targets among themselves, in accordance with the laid down program. If the "leader" is shot down, another missile takes the place of the leader. All this makes it possible to optimize the destruction of the highest priority enemy ships.

The P-700 has several different flight path options designed for different operational and tactical situations. When starting on maximum range, most of the flight is performed at an altitude of about 14,000 meters and a speed of 2.5 MAX. At the attack site, the missile is reduced to a height of 25 meters, which makes it less vulnerable to enemy anti-aircraft systems. The missile is equipped with a cruise turbojet engine KR-93 and a solid-propellant launch booster.

Brief table of performance characteristics


P-700 missiles are in service with twenty Project 949A Antey submarine cruisers (24 launchers each), as well as Project 1144 Orlan ships (20 launchers each) and 1143 Krechet (12 launchers each). installations SM-225 (for submarines) or SM-233 (for surface cruisers). On surface ships, the installations are located below deck, at an angle of 60 degrees. Before launch, the launch containers are filled with water. When firing at a long distance (from 100-120 km), in order to reduce air resistance, the rocket travels most of the way at an altitude of 14-17 thousand meters and drops to 25 meters directly in front of the target. In addition to the satellite target designation system of the MKRTs "Legend", it is also used to guide missiles aviation complex"Success", which can be carried by Tu-95RTs aircraft or Ka-25Ts helicopters. Theoretically, the P-700 can be used to destroy not only sea, but also ground targets, however, in view of the fact that there is no equipment necessary for flying over land on board the missile, the entire flight is carried out at high altitude, which greatly increases the likelihood of it being intercepted by enemy air defense.

During the years of the Cold War, the designers of the USSR and the USA initiated work on the creation of submarines containing ultra-high-speed missile torpedoes and cruise missiles. The aggravated relations between the USSR and the USA became the reason for the appearance of missile cruisers in the Soviet armed forces, equipped with anti-ship missiles and supersonic bombers. In 1983, the supersonic P-700 cruise missile of the Granit complex was adopted by the USSR Navy. Since 1969, the beginning of its creation, and until today, the complex has been improved and has passed more than one state test.

How was the weapon made?

Rocket P-700 "Granit" was developed in NPO Mashinostroeniya under the leadership of chief designer V. N. Chelomey. In 1984 he was replaced by Herbert Efremov. For the first time, the P-700 cruise missile of the Granit complex was presented for state testing in 1979.

An onboard autonomous selective system that controls a cruise supersonic missile was assembled by scientists and designers of the Granit Central Research Institute. Responsible for the work of this section was appointed CEO V.V. Pavlov.

Testing was carried out using coastal stands, a submarine and the Kirov cruiser. Since 1983, all design work has been completed, and the USSR Navy received the P-700 Granit complex at its disposal. The photo below shows the design features of an anti-ship missile.

While working on the creation of supersonic cruise missile P-700 used the principle of mutual linking of three elements:

  • Means that indicate the purpose.
  • The carrier on which the missiles were installed.

As a result, the creation of a single complex from these elements made it possible Navy of the Soviet Union to cope with the most difficult tasks of sea battles: to destroy powerful ship and aircraft carrier groups.

Which ships were armed with the new complex?

According to the decree Central Committee The CPSU, after a successful flight design test, which took place in November 1975, were armed with the Granit complex:

  • "Antey" - nuclear submarine.
  • Orlan is a heavy nuclear missile cruiser.
  • “Krechet” is a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser.
  • "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov".
  • Heavy aircraft carrier.
  • Peter the Great is a heavy cruiser.

The type of carrier is affected by the dimensions of the rocket. Over time, P-700 missiles need to be replaced by more versatile and compact anti-ship missiles with a shorter range. The need for replacement is also due to their technical obsolescence.

Installation efficiency

To counter the real carrier threat from the US Air Force Russian designers an asymmetric and economical solution was found. The calculations carried out showed that equipping each Russian submarine with the Granit complex costs the country much cheaper than the US aircraft carriers. After the modernization work and their carriers, the Granit anti-ship missiles, provided they are improved and maintained in combat readiness, can give high performance until 2020.

What is a tool?

The P-700 rocket of the Granit complex is a cigar-shaped product, the front part of which contains an annular air intake and a folding cruciform tail. The central part of the fuselage is equipped with a short wing having a high sweep. After launching the rocket, the wing unfolds. The missile is adapted for sea and airspace. Depending on the operational and tactical situation, anti-ship missiles can use different flight paths. The Granit complex can fire a salvo from the existing ammunition load, as well as use anti-ship missiles one by one. In such cases, the principle applies: one fired P-700 - one hit enemy ship.

What is the purpose of supersonic cruise missiles?

The typical task of the Granit complex is the destruction of naval targets. According to military experts, firing at coastal targets is problematic. This is explained by the fact that when aiming at terrestrial targets, the GOS (homing heads) anti-ship missiles do not function. In such cases, an autonomous mode is intended for missiles, in which the homing heads are disabled. Instead, the anti-ship missile guidance function is performed by an inertial system. The winged P-700s have a very high firing range against ground and coastal targets (higher than against sea targets). For the destruction of objects on land, the PRK does not require a descent to low altitudes. Despite this, such use of cruise missiles without an activated seeker is an expensive undertaking: the ammunition of the Granit complex is vulnerable to enemy air defense.

How is the start?

The P-700 Granit cruise missile is propelled by a KR-21-300 turbojet engine located along the central axis. At the rear of the rocket is a block that contains four solid-fuel boosters. A special sealed transport and launch container is provided for storing the rocket. Prior to the launch of the Granit P-700 anti-ship missiles, the wings and plumage are in the folded position. With the help of a domed fairing, the air intake is covered. In order for the Granit P-700 installation not to be damaged by exhaust during the launch, it is filled with water taken overboard before launch. This procedure is necessary in order to turn on the accelerator, which pushes the rocket out of the mine. The domed fairing folds back in the air. At the same time, the wings and plumage, which were in the folded state before the start, are revealed. After combustion, the accelerator leans back, and the rocket uses a sustainer engine for its flight.

What is the tool equipped with?

Missiles "Granit" P-700 contain:

  • High-explosive penetrating warhead. She weighs between 585 and 750 kg.

  • Tactical nuclear.
  • which weighs 500 kilotons.

Today - according to the accepted international agreement- nuclear cruise missiles "Granit" P-700 are prohibited. For their equipment, only conventional warheads are provided.

Tactical and technical characteristics

  • The size of the rocket complex "Granit" P-700 is ten meters.
  • Diameter - 85 cm.
  • Wingspan - 260 cm.
  • Before launch, the weight of the gun is 7 tons.
  • The product is capable of reaching a minimum flight altitude of 25 meters in the attack area.
  • The combined flight path enables the missile to reach a range of up to 625 km.
  • Low-altitude trajectory allows you to take off at a distance not exceeding 200 km.
  • Use of the INS control system, ARLGSN.
  • The gun is equipped with a penetrating warhead weighing 750 kg.

Due to the large mass and high speed P-700 difficult to hit them anti-aircraft missiles enemy. According to some military experts, the P-700 warhead, which weighs 750 kg, is only effective against an area target. This is due to the fact that cruise missiles are characterized by deviations at a distance of up to 200 meters, which makes it difficult to hit a single target.

What is BCVM?

An active radar head is used to guide the missile to the target. The information channels used by the three-processor on-board computer (BTsVM) make it possible to single out the real target from a large number of interferences. During a group (volley), the detection of the enemy becomes possible through the exchange of information, identification and distribution of the target according to various parameters between the homing missile heads.

The ability of missiles from a number of escort, aircraft carrier or landing ships to identify the desired target and strike at it is possible due to the necessary data on all classes of modern ships embedded in the onboard computer. The work of the onboard computer is aimed at the enemy’s electronic means, which, by creating interference and other anti-aircraft tactics, are capable of diverting fired cruise missiles away from the target. Modern P-700s have the 3B47 “Quartz” station, which, with the help of special devices, drops additional reflectors and decoys provided by the enemy. The presence of the onboard computer makes the P-700 missile highly intelligent: anti-ship missiles protect themselves from enemy radar interference, in response set their own and create false targets for the attacked air defense. With a group start at the expense of the onboard computer, information can be exchanged.

How is the attack carried out?

For firing at a target, the distance to which exceeds 120 km, the P-700 rises to a height of up to 17 km. Most of the flight is done at this level. At this altitude, the effect of air resistance on the rocket is reduced, which makes it possible for it to save fuel. At the level of 17 km, the target detection radius improves. After the target is found, its identification is performed. Then the fired missiles are reduced to 25 meters. GOS turns off. This makes anti-ship missiles invisible to enemy radars. The GOS is turned on just before the attack itself, when it is necessary to carry out accurate aiming. The missile attack is organized in such a way that first they destroy priority goals and then secondary ones. The distribution of information is carried out between the missile heads before the attack itself. Due to this, a certain number of missiles are intended to hit each target. The presence of tactics programmed into each cruise missile gives them the ability to defend themselves against enemy defense anti-aircraft weapons.

How do RCCs work?

An attack by a single cruise missile can be directed at an individual ship. If a group launch is carried out, anti-ship missiles hit a whole complex of ships. The experience of using the P-700 in the air and sea forces has shown the high effectiveness of missiles against enemy coastal targets if they operate in a group. In this case, the first missiles containing a special charge disable all enemy air defense systems. The carrier group, which the city or port under attack has, is no longer able to resist. The next stage of the attack is performed by other missiles that do not have special charges to blind the enemy. In a complex of launched missiles, one of them can serve as a gunner. Mostly such anti-ship missiles are used in the conduct of rapid fire. It provides for the use of considerable height. When intercepted by enemy radars or destroyed, another supersonic cruise missile automatically takes over the aiming function.

Teachings 2016

On October 16, 2016, while performing combat training missions, the crew of the Antey nuclear submarine missile cruiser fired the P-700 missile of the Granit complex. The firing range was located on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago.

According to some military experts, the launch of the P-700 was carried out in order to shoot out obsolete or faulty missiles with their further replacement. At the same time, the mode of firing at ground targets was practiced. There is also another version of the exercises: in connection with the aggravated political situation in the world, this event served as a signal to NATO that Russia does not have obsolete Soviet missile carriers, but modernized ones capable of firing at a ground target at any moment.

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