Harry and Lisa Galkina Instagram. "Little Princess": Alla Pugacheva showed a touching video with Lisa

Fashion & Style 23.06.2019
Fashion & Style

Former MP State Duma Maria Maksakova now even those who are not interested in opera or politics know by sight.

A young pretty woman, a mother of three children, who is celebrating her 40th birthday today, is popular on the Web in a way that she was not popular during her singing and theater career and during the period of "serving time" in the building on Okhotny Ryad. The reason for this is her flight to Ukraine with her husband. Denis Voronenkov, then And as a consequence of all this - a real tragedy. Literally - dancing on the bones.

Masha changes her hair. Sings. Sits on a twine. Wears furs in summer. Photographed with Saakashvili. Now any step Maksakova, captured by the paparazzi, is discussed as the greatest event of the century. Added to the noise was the unexpected “resurrection” of the late husband, who was allegedly “seen alive and well in Israel.”

Yes, now Maria Petrovna Jr. needs to somehow survive in a foreign land. You have to be smart. After all, even a mother will not help here - it seems that the prima of the Vakhtangov Theater Lyudmila Maksakova no longer has any relationship with her daughter.

It's amazing that female destinies all three Maksakovs are not simple. With external well-being, even wealth, family happiness did not come easily to them. They suffered, they tossed. They went out for “the wrong” men. They did stupid things. None managed to make a cozy nest the first time. To - here once and for all. But, what is even more curious, in the fate of every lady there were foreign husbands (and related problems) and a second citizenship. It was not without politics and accusations of betrayal of the motherland, which made life even more difficult for them ...

"Where's my Carmen?"

Maria Petrovna senior. Three times winner of the Stalin Prize, prima of the Bolshoi Theater, performer of Russian romances.

It seems like her life should have been a full bowl. And fate began to test the future star in childhood.

The girl was born in a prosperous family. But the father is an employee of the Volga Shipping Company Petr Sidorov- died early, and at the age of eight, the eldest Marusya had to go to earn money. For singing in the church choir, she was paid a ruble a month. At the age of 17, Maria was already enrolled in the troupe of the Astrakhan Opera Theater.

And in the summer of 1919, a native of Austria, the famous baritone and opera entrepreneur, came to the city on tour. Maximilian Maksakov. He became the new manager of the troupe and immediately entrusted Masha Sidorova with several interesting parts. At the same time, he noted that, having talent and a voice, the girl does not know how to sing at all. She asked Maximilian Karlovich to work with her - he was not up to her. Maria went to the Petrograd Conservatory. However, after learning from Professor Glazunov, which has a lyric soprano, hastened to return to Astrakhan.

Maria Maksakova Sr. in the opera Lohengrin. Photo: RIA Novosti / Dmitry Korobeinikov

Maria Petrovna herself later recalled that, having returned to her homeland, she very soon became not only a student of Maksakov, but also his wife. However, the early marriage of Marusya Sidorova gave rise to many legends that would later accompany her for the rest of her life. They even said that Maximilian connected his life with a simple poor girl at the request of dying wife. Who knows? Maria was 18 years old at that time, he was 50.

Maksakova's granddaughter, her full namesake, would later say: her grandmother wanted to become a singer so much that only Maximilian could help her. He will take her to Moscow, they will live 16 years. And until the end of her days, Maria Petrovna will call him best husband and man.

She will give almost 30 years to the Bolshoi Theater, she will become the voice of this scene. And at the same time, for many years he will live in fear, not sleep at night. Startled at every rustle outside the window. Wait for the "black funnel" to come for her sooner or later.

Maximilian Maksakov as Iago. Photo: Public Domain

The singer's daughter Lyudmila Maksakova recalled: Maria Petrovna and Maximilian Karlovich built a cooperative in Bryusov Lane, and one day the singer needed her husband's passport. When she opened his document for the first time, she almost fainted: it turns out that her beloved is a citizen of Austria, and his last name is not Maksakov at all (it was just a pseudonym), but Schwartz. 1930s. Around the enemies of the people and spies. Arrests, denunciations. She immediately drew the curtains and burned the passport in a frying pan. Since then, fear has settled in her heart. And in 1936, her husband died.

After enduring a year of mourning, Maria Maksakova decided on a new relationship. On tour in Warsaw, she met the Soviet Ambassador to Poland and the founder of foreign intelligence Yakov Davtyan. But this relationship was not destined to be either long or happy. They lived only six months. Davtyan was shot, and she, as the wife of an enemy of the people, was deported. If not Stalin. It is known that he was a great lover of the theater, often visited the opera, knew Maksakova. “Where is my Carmen?” the leader suddenly asked. And the singer was immediately taken to the Kremlin.

Is it any wonder that when, in 1940, 38-year-old Maria Maksakova gave birth to a long-awaited daughter, rumors instantly spread throughout Moscow that the girl's father was "the father of all times and peoples." As it was in fact, no one knew. Later, Lyudmila Vasilievna will tell that her mother gave birth from Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Alexander Volkov. But he did not want to recognize his daughter and fled to the United States during World War II, automatically becoming an enemy of the people.

So, if Maria Petrovna had not crossed out Volkov from life, Lyudmila would have been waiting for the fate of the daughter of a traitor to the motherland. Maksakova Sr. could not allow this. And she wrote down her daughter "Lyudmila Vasilievna". The patronymic of the future prima of the Vakhtangov Theater received from a family friend Vasily Novikov- an employee of the GB authorities. They say that it was he who helped Maria Petrovna and little Lucy to evacuate to Astrakhan during the war.

Then the singer had to work, raise a child. Just live in peace. Great personal happiness, however, was no longer there. And three Stalin Prizes of the first degree could hardly help in his possession. And in 1953, she was overtaken by a terrible blow in her career. Youthful, still in good shape, the Bolshoi Theater unexpectedly retired the singer.

Maksakova was 51 years old. But even at this young age, she was able to start new life. What it cost her is a separate issue. She came to the folk orchestra. Osipova, began to perform Russian songs and romances. And the country applauded her again. But in order to feed herself and her daughter, Maria Petrovna was forced to earn extra money by studying with students. Her daughter hardly saw her. Mother kept Lucy in a tight rein, never spoke heart to heart with her. But main lesson, which Lyudmila Vasilievna received from Maria Petrovna: you have to work. And I tried to follow him.

“Did you hit a man and run away?”

Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova, daughter of Maria Petrovna. Prima of the Vakhtangov Theatre.

Severity in education, restrictions on entertainment led to the opposite result in the life of young Lyudmila Maksakova. Having entered the theater school, against the advice of her mother, to become a translator and graduate from a foreign language, the aspiring actress began experiments on her appearance. She dyed her hair, was fond of bright makeup. The taste of freedom was sweet. Lyudmila was not interested in studying. Much more attracted student parties. No wonder that pretty quickly the beauty jumped out to get married. For her sake artist Zbarsky even left his fashion model wife.

Lev and Lyudmila were young, they loved each other and their friends. There were always guests in the house. The actress went for groceries, cooked, washed dishes. At the same time, the artist demanded that she take care of herself, while he himself was jealous and often rolled up scandals. None of them wanted to be officially registered.

As Lyudmila Vasilievna later said, the talented artist never had 15 rubles for a stamp in his passport. And she always had a lot of work.

Lyudmila Maksakova, 1966 Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Armand

At 29, Lyudmila became pregnant. She bore Maxim hard. And when he was born, Leo had to adopt him. He gave the boy his middle name, last name. However, relations with Lyudmila very soon came to naught. She returned to her mother, Leo decided to emigrate to America.

Mother's mistakes taught me nothing. Fate wanted Lyudmila to learn from her own experience. And the life of the son of an emigrant in the Soviet Union would hardly have been happy. Most likely, he would not have been accepted to a decent institute, would not have been taken to Good work. Abroad would certainly be closed to him. So Lyudmila Maksakova reasoned before going to the registry office and ... submitting documents for the adoption of Maxim Zbarsky. She rewrote her son with her last name. Leo left safely and did not have to pay alimony for 15 years in advance before leaving, as required by Soviet law. He just didn't have that kind of money. Lev Zbarsky never even called his son. Not so long ago the artist died.

With a small child in her arms, Lyudmila continued her search for personal happiness. But the second bright novel was overshadowed by tragedy.

FROM Mikael Tariverdiev Lyudmila Maksakova met in the sanatorium "Actor". Handsome, imposing, smartly dressed, the owner of water skis and a Volga with a deer on the hood, the composer immediately impressed the actress. Both were free and ready for a new romantic relationship. They only lasted three years. Beautiful fairy tale ended in a car accident in which an outside young man was injured. The young man ran across Leningradsky Prospekt at the Sovetskaya Hotel - on the other side a girl was waiting for him - and ended up under the wheels of Tariverdiev's car.

The story that happened to the composer and actress became the basis of the film script Eldara Ryazanova Station for two. In those years, a lot was said about her. But how it really happened, Lyudmila Maksakova and the widow Mikaela Tariverdiev tell differently.

The widow says that Lyudmila was driving, and Mikael, as a decent noble man, took the blame. The actress assures that there were a lot of witnesses - Tariverdiev himself was driving the car. As Lyudmila Vasilievna said, the worst thing that night was that Mikael did not stop, but even increased speed. Apparently there was a shock. And only when some military man caught up with them and shouted: “What, you bastard, knocked down a man and fled ?!” Tariverdiev turned around and drove to the crime scene. The composer had famous lawyer, was given a suspended sentence. However, that story ruined Tariverdiev's life. Having suffered several heart attacks, he passed away quite early.

German citizen, Latvian Peter Paul Andreas Igenbergs, whose ancestors once left tsarist Russia, became the first and only legal husband of Lyudmila Maksakova. A physicist and businessman, Peter worked in Moscow. According to one version, they met by chance, at the entrance. And there the man proposed to the actress. According to another version, they nevertheless saw each other in the apartment - at a party on the occasion of awarding Maksakova the title of "deserved". However, that just doesn't matter.

Lyudmila Maksakova. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

For a year and a half, Peter and Lyudmila looked closely at each other. Though she may have been watching. And he was so persistent from the very beginning that he was ready to run to the registry office almost the next day. As a result, "starved out." And when they applied to Griboedovsky, they began to get on their nerves, demanding the most incredible information about relatives up to the seventh generation.

Finally, Peter and Lyudmila signed. Although in 1974 marriage with a foreigner was considered almost a betrayal of the motherland. And colleagues reacted differently to her marriage. Only a few found the strength to sincerely rejoice. Basically, they were jealous. And many simply stopped talking to her. On the next tour to Greece, her name was not on the list. She became banned. She was no longer invited to shoot and photo tests. There were problems with the entry and exit of the husband. Once, when Maria Petrovna Maksakova was dying, they did not want to let him into the Union, and Lyudmila Vasilievna called Gromyko's assistant. If my husband is not given a visa, I will jump out of the window, ”she shouted into the telephone receiver. And Peter managed to say goodbye to his mother-in-law.

Only in this marriage, Lyudmila Maksakova later admits, did she feel truly happy. Only with Peter did I understand what it means to be “like behind a stone wall”. He raised Maxim as his own son, though " kind people Of course they told the truth. And on July 24, 1977 in Munich, the couple had a daughter, who was named after Maria Petrovna.

Lyudmila Maksakova as Jocasta in Oedipus Rex. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

“During the day I love United Russia, at night I love a communist!”

Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs. Daughter of Lyudmila Vasilievna. Granddaughter of Maria Petrovna.

Like Lyudmila Vasilievna once, as a teenager, Maria also began to make up madly, rebelled, and took offense at her mother. Once she even tried to open her veins. Lyudmila Maksakova herself spoke about this in candid interview. But as if “justified”: most likely, it was a desire only to prove her case, to scare her mother.

“My husband, Vladimir Anatolyevich, is a solid businessman with experience family life, 19 years older than me, ”Maria Maksakova, who, like her grandmother, became an opera singer, said in an interview with a glossy magazine.

Lyudmila Maksakova with her daughter Maria (right) and grandson Petya, 1995. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

Seeing her on TV, Tyurin fell in love immediately, began to wait for Maria in the Hermitage Garden. And he was probably as assertive as once the future father of Mary - in relation to her mother.

Unfortunately, there are no other similarities. “His life was ready for my appearance in it: the finished frame was waiting for its gem, - Maria Maksakova floridly expressed in the same interview. “He offered me literally everything at once: his feelings, his home, having children ... Very soon I also fell in love with him ...”.

Apparently, he offered everything but the truth. On the Web you can find information about Vladimir Anatolyevich Tyurin, born in 1958. He graduated from the Gnessin Music College... He has several convictions and the nickname "Tyurik".

The GUBOP Ministry of Internal Affairs several years ago gave an operational summary: "Tyurin is a thief in law and the leader of the Bratskaya OCG."

A few years ago, in some media, Tyurin was mentioned as the common-law husband of Maria Maksakova. They wrote that it was he who was the father of the singer's two children: Ilya and Lyudmila. But in 2011, Maria became a State Duma deputy from " United Russia”, and a rebuttal appeared on the party’s website that she “never was married and is not married now.” For nothing that already in 2012, Maria admitted that she was in a relationship with the son of a Baku musician - a jeweler Jamil Aliyev. It can be assumed that both unions were not officially registered. However, later Maria decided to disown her acquaintance with Vladimir Tyurin altogether, leaving her fans in the dark about who really is the father of her children.

On March 26, 2015, State Duma deputy from United Russia Maria Maksakova and parliamentarian from the Communist Party Denis Voronenkov officially registered their relationship.

Wedding of Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

The singer admitted that having lived to the age of 37, she no longer hoped to ever meet a man with whom she would like to spend her whole life. He is probably the best thing that happened to me, said Maksakova. "For the first time I feel like a fragile woman, I'm happy."

They bought groceries in the same stores, stayed in the same hotels. And they even took fish from one merchant in the Dorogomilovsky market. But fate was pleased to throw them into politics. And bring them together there, in a large building on Okhotny Ryad. So that they parted so tragically very soon.

Trials began before the wedding. In December 2014, the Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation sent materials to the State Duma depriving Voronenkov of his parliamentary immunity. A criminal case was initiated against him on the raider seizure of a building in the center of Moscow. In April 2015, a month after the wedding, Maria had a miscarriage due to nervousness - she lost twins. But a year later, the couple had a son Ivan.

On that day, an announcement appeared in the State Duma: on the occasion of the birth of the first inter-factional child, the buffet works free of charge. Who composed the ditty remains a mystery:

Lips the color of apricot, and I sing cleanly.
During the day I love United Russia, at night I love communists!

They remembered her Maria Maksakova for a long time. Then it seemed to the lovers that everything would be fine. He called her “my star”, she called him “Denechka”. They believed in themselves. And in the Lord. They even got married in Jerusalem in November 2016. But that didn't save them either.

Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov were deprived of deputy mandates. They fled to Ukraine. He received the citizenship of this country (later Maria will say that her husband is “half Ukrainian”). And on March 23, 2017, less than two years after the wedding, the disgraced

Politics, emigration and an "unreliable" husband played bad joke and with the third representative of the Maksakov family. For emerging dual citizenship (Germany and Russia), Maria was expelled from the party. Gnesinka and Mariinka hurried to fire her.

“Well, glory to you, Lord!” Lyudmila Maksakova told reporters about the death of her son-in-law.

An emotional outburst, of course. But you don't envy her now. Whatever Mary is, whatever she does, she is her daughter.

“Let her publicly renounce her words if she wants me to talk to her,” Maria answered. And then she said that the journalists quarreled with her mother.

“There is such a place in the Bible: even the living will envy the dead ...”, she cried in an interview and assured that she stayed to live only to raise Vanya.

Then there will be other confessions. The fact that Denis was the best husband in the world. That she thanked him for every day she lived. Appreciated every moment. And then, in March, she was very, very sick. Although someone tried to see in her appearance "not enough mourning."

At 39, Maria Maksakova was left a widow with three children. What conclusions will she draw from this story? Can she be happy again?

Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs. She was born on July 24, 1977 in Munich (Germany). Russian Opera singer(mezzo-soprano), TV presenter, politician. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation.

Maria Maksakova was born on July 24, 1977 in Munich. At the same time, according to the “right of blood” (ius sanguinis) and the “right of soil” (ius soli), she received two citizenships: the FRG and the USSR.

Maternal brother - Maxim (son from the first marriage of Lyudmila Maksakova and artist Lev Zbarsky), was CEO PR + Sport LLC, was convicted in a criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (“Fraud”), the brother’s family lives in Italy.

Childhood years were spent in Germany and the USSR. However, she studied in Moscow. In 1995 she graduated from the Central music school at the State Conservatory in piano.

In 2000, she graduated with honors from the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music - department of academic vocals. Then she studied at the graduate school at the academy, which she graduated in 2004. She trained in Italy with such masters of the opera stage as Miwako Matsumoto and Katya Ricciarelli.

Since 2000 - in the troupe of the Moscow theater "New Opera", where she performed the roles of the Snow Maiden ("Snow Maiden"), Ophelia ("Hamlet"), Leila ("Pearl Seekers") and others.

Since 2003 she has been a guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, where she performed the parts of Oscar in the opera Un ballo in maschera and Musetta in the opera La bohème.

Since 2006 - in the troupe of the theater "Helikon-Opera".

Since 2011 she has been a soloist with the Mariinsky Opera Company. She performed the roles of Dorabella (Everybody Does It So), Cherubino (The Marriage of Figaro), Frugola (The Cloak), Composer (Ariadne auf Naxos), Niklaus (The Tales of Hoffmann), Narrator (The Desecration of Lucretia) .

Maria Maksakova. potpuri

She sang the part of Princess Charlotte in the world premiere of Rodion Shchedrin's opera Lefty. In the summer of 2014, she made her debut as Helen Bezukhova in the premiere performances of S. Prokofiev's opera War and Peace.

In the summer of 2014 she made her debut on the stage of the Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theater in Vladivostok as Carmen.

She released two solo discs: “Mezzo? Soprano? (opera arias accompanied by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic" conducted by Dmitry Yurovsky) and an album of classical romances by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff (piano part by L. Petrovskaya). Released by Universal Music Group International.

Since the end of 2016 she has been working as a teacher in Russian Academy music named after the Gnesins.

Since 1998 he has acted in films. She made her debut in an episode of the film "The Barber of Siberia". In the 2000s, she appeared on the screen in small roles in a number of television series - Bigwigs, Savva, Photographer, Rosehip Aroma and others.

From 2009 to 2014, on the Kultura TV channel, she hosted together with people's artist RF Svyatoslav Belza cycle of concert programs "Romance of Romance". From September 2014 to March 2016 she hosted this program with Evgeny Kungurov.

Maria Maksakova in politics

She participated in the elections to the State Duma in 2011 from the United Russia party, stating: “United Russia is the only real political force in our society. And Vladimir Putin is not only the leader of our party, he is a national leader and the only figure who consolidates our society.” Went under the second number in the list of the party in the Astrakhan region. According to the results of the elections, she became a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation, joined the committee on culture.

In numerous interviews, she actively supported the policy of the President of Russia and negatively assessed the reforms of the 1990s.

She was one of the authors of the draft law on the protection of intellectual property rights on the Internet (“On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation on the Protection of Intellectual Rights in Information and Telecommunication Networks”).

On June 11, 2013, she voted for the adoption of Law No. 135-FZ banning homosexual propaganda in Russia. However, in February 2014, she spoke from the rostrum of the State Duma with sharp criticism of this law and with a proposal to adopt amendments that would exclude the wording “non-traditional relations” from the text as contrary to common sense and being discriminatory. The amendments were not accepted.

She was the only State Duma deputy who abstained from voting in the second and third readings of the bill banning the adoption of Russian orphans by US citizens (420 deputies voted in favor of the law, eight were against it).

In 2016, she lost the preliminary intra-party elections to United Russia in St. Petersburg.

Flight of Maria Maksakova to Ukraine

In December 2016, together with her husband Denis Voronenkov, she left Russia and went to Kyiv. There she received a residence permit.

In Ukraine, together with her husband, they began to distribute interviews denigrating Russia. She spoke about Russia as a country where criticism of the authorities is unacceptable, and the people are forced to identify the country with state bodies. According to her, President Putin reacts and makes decisions only on the basis of information from the special services.

Maksakova said that she could not live in Russia under a regime that requires complete loyalty: “We, you understand, criticism is generally unacceptable. This is so strange, this is usurpation. Why should the people identify the country directly with the authorities? Another opinion about our officials, authorities, all the rest can not be expressed anywhere. This is some kind of strange constant routine. It is impossible to look critically at anything, or give a sober assessment. "

She denied that, being a member of United Russia, she voted for the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation: “This is not so. As soon as it was announced that this was coming, I grabbed the children and left for Thailand. I can even send photos, I post every day from Thailand , every day - both directly during the voting, and right at this moment here. So that everyone can understand that I am not there ... From my point of view, this was done in violation of the federal law on the referendum. Even if we say that Crimea - an autonomous part of Ukraine, which is able to make some decisions on its own, but simply exceeded all possible powers ... Even if we do not take this side of the issue, if we consider that this is their own “Crimean sin.” Even in this case, we, Russia, should have held a referendum, and not some incomprehensible vote in the State Duma, which would give legitimacy to the whole process."

February 16, 2017 Maksakova was expelled from the United Russia party due to violation of the law on political parties expressed in the concealment of dual citizenship in election documents in 2011 and 2016, as well as in connection with the violation of the party charter.

In March 2017, she was fired for absenteeism from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

Ukrainian metamorphoses of Maria Maksakova. Live

The growth of Maria Maksakova: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Maksakova:

Was in civil marriage with crime boss Vladimir Tyurin, from whom she gave birth to two children: son Ilya (born 2004) and daughter Lyudmila (born 2008).

In March 2015, she married Denis Voronenkov (he had three children from his first marriage), at that time both were deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. When registering a marriage, she left her last name - Maksakova-Igenbergs.

At the end of April 2015, according to Maria, due to nervous shocks in connection with the criminal prosecution of her husband in the second month of pregnancy, she had a miscarriage, and she lost twins. However, she soon became pregnant again.

In March 2017, it was reported that .

Husband in the center of Kyiv.

July 12, 2018 . A certain Dalkhat Khalaev became her chosen one. The marriage of the opera diva became known only thanks to a court showdown: Maria gave Khalaev an apartment in the center of Moscow, and he sold the apartment without her knowledge. Maria sued the man.

Khalaev and Maksakova met through the Internet. In 2017, Dalhat first offered his legal services to the singer by texting her on a social network. Khalaev said: “The star told him that then there would be no one to deal with her tax issues. She gave me a small amount of money so that I could pay utility bills in Russia. I paid for them and sent her receipts. She was always depressed and saddened that such grief happened in her family.”

Later, they decided to enter into a fictitious union in order to simplify all legal procedures. “We discussed and decided that we could marry. It was a telephone conversation. We got married. I went to Ukraine and we registered. There were no witnesses. We didn't expect it to be any big deal. We needed to register. After we had dinner, talked about business, then I flew back ... Our union was needed in order to facilitate the procedure for selling real estate. She did not have time to come to Russia, she re-registered an apartment for me. The amount for which to sell the apartment was determined by Maria Petrovna, ”Khalaev recalled.

In the summer of 2018, Dalkhat Khalaev sold Maria Maksakova's luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow. However, later it turned out that he was deceived by buyers. Mahmud and Zurab Malsagov helped him in the deal. Housing on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, whose cost was 120 million rubles, was sold 1 million. Murat Merzhoev was the buyer. Dalkhat Khalaev, in an interview with the “Actually” program, noted: “The Malsagovs brought him to me. Here, he is the nephew of one of the high-ranking personalities. Merzhoev Murat came to the apartment. The meeting took place at the end of August. He did not pose as a buyer. He introduced himself as the nephew of one of the people who wants to buy an apartment. But it will be framed for him. The uncle is allegedly a civil servant.” He stated that he had known the Malsagovs since childhood. “They are very wealthy people, they have some real estate in Ingushetia, which they rent out,” said Maksakova's husband. Then both brothers stopped making contact with Dalkhat, he believes that the Malsagovs deceived him.

Dalkhat Khalaev - husband of Maria Maksakova

plastic surgery Maria Maksakova:

She did a lot of face and body surgery.

In particular, the singer resorted to rhinoplasty - significantly changed the shape of the nose. After that, she significantly enlarged her lips and corrected the oval of her face (dramatically reduced the roundness of her face and honed her cheekbones). Also, experts who commented on changes in Maksakova's appearance also pointed to blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery and elimination of signs of aging in the eye area).

In addition, Maria Maksakova has increased her breasts.

Filmography of Maria Maksakova:

1998 - Siberian barber - college student
2008 - Bigwigs - Christina Sinitsyna
2008 - Savva - Sigrid Arnoldson, singer
2008 - Photographer - Olga Tsipko
2010 - About love off - Larisa
2010 - The capital of sin - Ella (Ellochka), owner of the Royal modeling agency
2014 - Rosehip Aroma - "Madeleine"
2014 - Women on the Edge - Albina

Maria Petrovna Maksakova - Russian opera singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. She also realized her talent as an actress and TV presenter. From 2011 to 2016 she was a deputy of the State Duma, where she represented the United Russia party.

Lyudmila Maksakova and young Maria Maksakova

Maria was born on July 24, 1977 in Germany in the family of a German citizen Peter Andreas Igenbergs and Soviet actress. The singer has an older brother Maxim, who is engaged in financial activities. By the way, Maria received her name in honor of her famous grandmother, also an opera singer Maria Petrovna Maksakova, her full namesake.

According to official documents real name Mary unites both maternal and paternal surnames - Maksakova-Igenbergs. But the stage name is always reduced to only the first part.

Maria Maksakova in her youth

As a child, Masha and her parents alternately lived in Russia and Germany, but went to school in Moscow. And not in simple, but in the Central Music School at the State Conservatory, where she studied piano. In her youth, Maria attended fashion shows at a modeling school. Due to a bad relationship with her mother, Lyudmila Maksakova, Maria left her father's house at the age of 18 and began an independent life.

The girl graduated from the department of academic vocals at the famous Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, and in 2004 she strengthened her education when the Gnesin graduate school was submitted to her. By the way, Maria Maksakova had an internship in Italy with the recognized masters of the opera stage Miwako Matsumoto and Katya Ricciarelli.


Immediately after graduating from the Gnessin Academy, Maksakova was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater, where the opera singer made her debut in a role in the performance of the same name. After 3 years, the singer was invited to the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, and after another 3 she moved to the Helikon-Opera.

In 2011, her long-cherished wish came true: Maria Maksakova became a soloist with the Mariinsky Theatre. On its stage, she performed roles in the operas The Marriage of Figaro, Ariadne auf Naxos, The Tales of Hoffmann and many others. Maria also performed in the premiere screenings of the grandiose operas "Lefty" and "War and Peace".

To perpetuate the singer's voice, the Russian branch of one of the largest recording companies released Maksakova's debut disc Mezzo? Soprano?”, which included popular opera arias accompanied by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra “Russian Philharmonic”.

This was followed by an album of classic romances and alternative recordings of the arias "The Other Me. Alter ego", the lyric disc "The Man I Love" and other records.

Maria Maksakova not only sang herself, but also tried to attract an audience that was not a fan of these genres to academic vocals and classical music. For this, the singer on the Kultura TV channel led a cycle of concert programs Romance of Romance. Her co-hosts in the studio were Svyatoslav Belza, and since 2014 -.


In 1998, while still studying at the Academy of Music, Maria Maksakova made her film debut as one of the institute girls in the historical drama The Barber of Siberia. The role was a success thanks to the girl's natural artistic charm and textured appearance - with a height of 173 cm, Maria's weight was 70 kg, and a blond braid completed the image of a Russian beauty.

Maria Maksakova in the film "Between the Notes, or Tantric Symphony"

She had to wait 10 years for her next appearance on the screen. But then she appeared in three films at once - in the crime series "Vorotily", the drama "Savva", dedicated to the biography of a famous philanthropist, and the detective story "Photographer".

There were in her filmography and romantic tapes "Capital of Sin", "About Love" and "Rosehip Aroma". Maria's bright work in the cinema was the melodrama "Between the Notes, or the Tantric Symphony", in which she played the role of a tutor of the protagonist in his memories of the past days.

Maria Maksakova has repeatedly resorted to plastic surgery. Since the mid-2000s, the singer has undergone a number of operations to correct the shape of her nose and lips. The artist has repeatedly used beauty injections to improve the shape of the neck and face. Maksakova also increased the size of her bust.

Public life

Another page of the biography of Maria Petrovna is connected with politics. In 2011, Maria Maksakova entered the State Duma from the United Russia party, running for the Astrakhan region. In a thought it first of all was engaged in questions of culture. Maria Maksakova became one of the authors of the draft law on the protection of intellectual property rights on the Internet.

Maria Maksakova in the State Duma

When the law on non-traditional relationships was adopted, the singer supported this project, but spoke out against openly homophobic language and asked for amendments. The artist's proposal was rejected, but this performance had a great resonance among the deputies. In addition, Maria Maksakova was the only State Duma deputy who abstained from voting on a bill banning the adoption of Russian orphans by US citizens.

Personal life

Maria Maksakova for a long time met and then lived in a de facto marriage with crime boss Vladimir Tyurin, who was considered the head of the Russian mafia in Spain. From him, the woman has two children - son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila. After breaking off relations with her first husband, the singer met with the famous jeweler Jamil Aliyev.

Children at one time lived with their father. Ilya entered the St. Petersburg Suvorov School at the age of 10, but after 4 years he took the documents from there. Daughter Lyudmila, in addition to receiving an economic education, is learning to play the harp. She is now a laureate international competition harpers.

Only in March 2015 Maksakova got married officially. The deputy of the State Duma became the chosen one of Mary. After her marriage, she kept maiden name. It soon turned out that Maria was pregnant with twins, but due to the tense situation associated with the persecution of her husband, the singer experienced a miscarriage.

In April 2016, after Maksakova's health returned to normal, her third child was born - her son Ivan. It seemed that personal life improved, and only light years lay ahead. But the dreams did not come true.

March 23, Maria's husband Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv. The former Russian MP, who immigrated to Ukraine with his wife in early 2017, was killed near the Premier Palace Hotel. It is also reported that his bodyguard, who tried to cover Voronenkov with himself, died at the scene of the tragedy.

Maria Maksakova now

After the death of her husband, Maria remained to live in Kyiv. In early 2017, the singer released the studio album Strong and Proud, which included five songs. to capital musical composition album and the hit "You will be mine" the artist shot clips.

In the spring, the singer changed her hairstyle, making a short boyish haircut, and lost weight by 14 kg, to which the singer's followers on the network could not help but react. "Instagram". Under the photo of Maria Maksakova, enthusiastic comments from fans began to appear.

Maksakova is not discouraged, the singer has many creative plans. In the summer of 2017, the artist began work on the creation of the Fund for the Support of Talented Children. A young mother often travels to Russia, where she is invited to shoot popular programs. Maria has already given an interview on the air of the program “Let them talk”. The video was broadcast on Channel One on July 12, 2017.

Maria Maksakova in the program "Let them talk"

A few months after the death of her husband Maria Maksakova, there were reports of a conspiracy nature that the attack on the Russian was simulated. At the end of July, on the program "Actually," the presenter called on Maria Maksakova to clarify the situation.

Soon, confirmation of the death of Denis Voronenkov sounded from the lips of Maria Maksakova herself on the air of a talk show that the former Georgian president hosted on Ukrainian television. At the beginning of 2018, Maria Petrovna gave a detailed interview to NTV channel journalists as part of the New Russian Sensations program.

According to the results of the investigation conducted by the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, it became known that Voronenkov was killed on the order of the first common-law spouse of Maria Petrovna, Vladimir Tyurin.

After the death of her husband, Mary was not left alone. The artist got a patron, Ukrainian millionaire Alexander Suslensky, who helped Maksakova get through hard times. In the summer of 2018, the next chosen one of Maria Maksakova, with whom she went down the aisle, became an Ingush by nationality.

They got married in Kyiv and did not attract the attention of the press to the wedding. But the information nevertheless became known to the public after the singer applied to the court. Maksakova gave her new husband an apartment in Moscow on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, and the man immediately sold it to his compatriot. Upon learning of this, Maria demanded through the court to cancel the deal. AT in social networks they say that the artist again failed in her personal life.

In October 2018, Maria Maksakova commented on the situation for the first time, admitting that the marriage with Dalkhat was fictitious. Maria could not return to Russia, because Khalaev handled her legal affairs. Immediately after the marriage, the man sold her apartment and tried to escape, but was detained by the police. On the this moment Maksakova's apartment was arrested pending a court decision.


  • Mezzo? Soprano?
  • "Romances. P. Tchaikovsky and S. Rachmaninov»
  • "Other Me. Alter ego"
  • "My voice is for you..."
  • "Astrakhan, how sweet you are to my heart..."
  • "The Man I Love"
  • "R. Schumann, F. Schubert. Songs"
  • "Strong and Proud"


  • 1998 - "The Barber of Siberia"
  • 2008 - "Vorotyli"
  • 2008 - Savva
  • 2008 - "Photographer"
  • 2010 - "About love"
  • 2010 - "Capital of Sin"
  • 2014 - Rosehip Aroma
  • 2014 - "Women on the Edge"
  • 2015 - "Between the Notes, or Tantric Symphony"
  • Russian opera singer and actress, former soloist of the Mariinsky Theater Maria Maksakova. Also known as Ukrainian and Russian potlitik.

Biography of Maria Maksakova

  • Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs was born into an operatic family - her grandmother, People's Artist USSR Maria Maksakova performed at the Bolshoi Theater, mother, Lyudmila Maksakova - actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Maria began to study music from the age of three.

    Maria Maksakova actually has a double surname - Maksakova-Igenbergs. Igenbergs is the surname of her father, a German physicist.

  • In 1994 she graduated from the school of models Vyacheslav Zaitsev, took part in the shows of the Russian Fashion Week.
  • In 1995, Maria Maksakova graduated from the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory in piano and entered the Gnesinka department of academic vocals. Maria Maksakova graduated from the Gnessin Academy in 2000 with a red diploma.

    In Gnesinka, Maksakova studied with Nikolai Baskov.

  • In addition to musical education, Maria Maksakova also has a legal education. In 2002, she graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy in criminal law and even managed to work as an assistant lawyer. She received the profession of a lawyer “in reserve”, in case her operatic career does not work out.
  • In 2000, Maria Maksakova was awarded the title of laureate of the Moscow Opera Festival in 2000 in the nomination "For the best debut".

    In 2000, Maria Maksakova joined the troupe of the Novaya Opera Theater, where for six years she performed the parts of Ophelia, the Snow Maiden, Xenia (Boris Godunov), etc. And in 2003, Maria Maksakova appeared on the stage of the main theater of the country - Bolshoi Theater - she was a guest soloist in the operas Un ballo in maschera and La bohème.

  • In 2004, Maria Maksakova completed her postgraduate studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gnesins. Since 2006, Maria Maksakova has been a soloist of the Helikon-Opera, she made her debut on the stage of the Helikon-Opera with the role of Princess (Mermaid), sang the parts of Rosina (The Barber of Seville), Suzanne (The Marriage of Figaro), Ekaterina ( Queen").

    Before the birth of her first child, she sang coloratura soprano parts, but gradually switched to mezzo-soprano. That was the voice of her grandmother.

  • Since 2011, Maria Maksakova has been a soloist with the Mariinsky Theatre. In addition to opera productions, Maria Maksakova has prepared a number of solo programs and duets. The singer's repertoire includes romances and songs by Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, Richard Strauss, Debussy, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and many other composers.
  • Media career of Maria Maksakova

  • Maria Maksakova acts in films, she has roles in the films The Barber of Siberia, To glory», « Savva" and etc.
  • Hosts the program "Romance of Romance" on the TV channel " culture».
  • In 2010, in the small homeland of the Maksakovs, in Astrakhan, a public charitable foundation Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs, his activities are aimed at developing culture and art in Astrakhan, supporting young talents. A year later, Astrakhan ran for the State Duma.

    Member of United Russia, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation.

  • Maria Maksakova's personal life

  • With her first husband, businessman Vladimir Tyurin, Maria lived in a civil marriage. From this union she had two children - Ilya and Ludmila. civil husband was 19 years older than Maria, he fell in love with her when he saw her on television and began to persistently seek her favor.
  • In 2012, information appeared in the media about Maria's unregistered relationship with Jamil Aliyev.
  • In 2015, Maria officially married politician Denis Voronenkov. The first attempt to have children from a new husband ended tragically - Maria experienced a miscarriage of twins (due to the difficult situation in the family due to litigation Denis). However, in 2016, Maria and Denis nevertheless became parents - Maksakova had a son, Ivan.
  • A year later, in March 2017, Maria's husband was killed - shot dead at the Premier Palace Hotel in the center of Kyiv. After the death of Denis, Maria moved to permanent residence in Germany.
  • Filmography of Maria Maksakova

  1. Between Notes, or Tantric Symphony (TV, 2015)
  2. Rosehip Aroma (TV series 2014)
  3. About Loveoff (2010)
  4. Capital of Sin (TV series 2010)
  5. Savva (mini-series, 2008)
  6. Bigwigs (mini-series, 2008)

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