How to save with a small salary? How to save with a small salary?

Career and finance 09.11.2017
Career and finance

4. Pay yourself

Monthly, before spending money. Those. set aside money and place it, say, on a deposit in a bank. So you create a financial cushion for yourself, and you will be more confident in the future. How much to postpone? From 5 to 20% depending on your financial condition.

5. After getting paid leave some money for unexpected expenses. So you get used to discipline and if the money is left at the end of the month you can spend it on small pleasures, you deserve it. Or again.

6. Discipline and understanding of economy

It is important to understand why you are saving money. Let's say today, or in a week you saved 2,000 rubles. To celebrate, you celebrate this business in a restaurant, just for these very 2 thousand. What's the savings here?

7. Buy slowly

Plan your purchases in advance. Do a market analysis. Perhaps the same product can be bought much cheaper in another store. Or you can pick up a similar, but not branded product, at a more attractive price.

Do the right thing in the store too. The goods on the shelves are arranged in such a way that only the most expensive is at the level of your eyes. Do not be too lazy to consider what lies on the shelves below.

Although all this sounds intimidating, there is nothing supernatural in these rules. The most important thing here is discipline. It will be hard at first, then it will go like clockwork. You will do it automatically. Saving will become a habit. Once again, you will not feel any damage to your needs. But the most important thing is getting the end result. Having learned to save money, you will be able to buy almost everything the same, but spending much less money on it.

How to collect the necessary amount for the purchase? What rules should be followed in order to get what you want in the shortest possible time?

What does it mean to "save money the right way"?

Each person puts his own subjective concept into this phrase. In fact, the correct saving of money is the ability to clearly distribute your finances, refuse unnecessary purchases, minimize non-essential expenses in order to raise funds for the purchase of what you want. It can be an apartment, jewelry, household appliances, a car, etc.

Is it worth saving money? - Yes, it's worth it. This is an opportunity to afford expensive purchases with proper planning of your expenses.

An important step in proper accumulation is understanding where your finances go. It is necessary to clearly analyze how much, on average, a month is spent on food, transport, utilities, other expenses. So you can understand which expense item is irrelevant, how you can save correctly.

Why hoard money? – The answer is individual. Most often, for the purpose of buying expensive things, paying for studies, vacation trips, etc.

Important: do not think that in the last one and a half to two months before the purchase you will be able to postpone the entire salary and purchase the necessary thing. There will always be more important expenses for which funds will be spent.

How to save correctly, and how not?

There are step-by-step strategies showing how to save up for a serious purchase:

  1. You need to use the program"Home bookkeeping" or just keep track of your finances. So you determine where a considerable amount of money goes, what you can save on.
  2. Stop using credit and debit cards. Because of them, the costs are invisible, since these are not cash, but after the purchase it will “hit” your pocket.
  3. Appropriate economy. There are items of expenditure on which you can not save. Refuse low-quality food, do not save on health.
  4. Don't try to look richer than you are. For example, buying a branded computer science should not lead to the fact that for a whole month you will eat only pasta.
  5. Avoid bank deposits. Firstly, you will not be tempted to spend the accumulated amount, and secondly, you will be able to receive a percentage of the income from the money that you have invested in the bank.

Not sure how to teach your child to save money? Experts claim that The best way- show how hard it is to get money.

Tip: The right decision would be a balanced and rational assessment of your income and expenses. Try to save the same amount of money from each salary.

How to save money at home?

If you do not want to give your savings to the bank, preferring to save money at home, you need to consider a few useful tips:

  1. Keep a record of the funds you have set aside.
  2. Set a goal for a future purchase. It will motivate you not to resort to additional expenses, including not touching the amount of money set aside.
  3. Treat the deferred amount as a taboo. Remember that it can only be used as a last resort.
  4. If you have big family, and there are people who are prone to quick and big spending, determine the need for them to inform that you have savings. Wouldn't this be an extra reason for quarrels, scandals, showdown and loss of deferred funds?

The tips seem simple, but by putting them into practice, as well as constantly keeping track of the funds that you have set aside, you will notice how quickly you are approaching the purchase of the desired item.

How to save with a small salary?

This issue is very relevant for many residents of the country, since there are many areas where wages are really low. How is it right?

  1. Select the purpose for which you will save funds. Remember, she must motivate you.
  2. When receiving any kind of income, put a small amount in the "piggy bank". On average, it is 10-15%. This should be done despite force majeure circumstances that may arise.
  3. Use compound interest deposits. Open an account that will not allow you to withdraw funds from it during financial difficulties.
  4. Stop shopping on emotions. Would you like to buy an expensive item? Wait a few days for the euphoria of enjoying the item to subside. So you can see if there is really a need for its purchase and additional costs.
  5. Refuse to use credit and deposit cards, keep payments only in cash. Remember, it is difficult to determine how much was spent on a credit card. This is not cash, where the expense is immediately visible.
  6. Remember to keep track of your expenses. Having correctly analyzed them, you will understand what you can save more on, what purchases you should refuse.

Many people think that saving money is an art. In fact, this is a necessity. Every motivated person can master this "art".

Speaking about the correct accumulation of money, you need to consider where it is better to store the funds that you managed to raise. Practice shows that now three options are mainly used:

  1. Keeping money at home. The advantage is that you always know how much money you have. Disadvantage: at the slightest financial difficulty, you will try to get into your piggy bank. Yes, and being in the "bank", the money does not work, respectively, their depreciation occurs.
  2. Use of a bank deposit. A good option, because your money will bring you a small percentage of income. If you use compound interest, the amount will increase faster. Disadvantage: it is difficult to find a really worthwhile bank where you can make a deposit. Many banking products in our country are not profitable.
  3. Keep with friends, acquaintances, relatives. In this case, you must be sure that strangers will not spend your money, no force majeure will happen.

How to save in Sberbank?

The correct choice of deposit will completely solve the problem of saving your money. It is important to understand how to choose the right deposit in Sberbank of Russia?

  1. If you just want to keep an emergency supply, then you can use the most common bank deposit.
  2. If you want to keep money for current expenses, the most common replenishment account is created. You can deposit or withdraw money from it without losing interest.
  3. If you want to make a large purchase and try to save money, open a replenishable deposit.
  4. Pay attention to the deposit that preserves capital. It is relevant for people who already have considerable savings, but they will not be used at the moment.

Important: To correctly determine the method of accumulation thanks to Sberbank, conduct a full consultation with a branch specialist. BUT! Do not tell in advance how much you plan to invest, what is your main goal, what do you expect in the future. Carefully read the descriptions of contributions, especially what is written in small print.

How to accumulate correctly and quickly?

It happens that within a short period of time you have to raise a considerable amount of funds. Is it real? More than! It is necessary to understand what correct actions will lead to the achievement of the result:

  1. Analyze your expenses and determine what you are ready to save on, and on this you are not. Make a list of mandatory expenses, and reduce the rest of the expenses as much as possible.
  2. You can find additional work. The money received from such work must be immediately put aside in the piggy bank.
  3. Try to completely move away from the money that has already been accumulated. The best option- make a deposit in the bank. If you don't trust banks, remove this amount and don't touch it until X day.
  4. Systematic savings. If in the case of ordinary accumulation, about 10-15% of the income received is set aside, then for the rapid accumulation of money, the correct solution would be to save from 30 to 50% of earnings.

Keep in mind : If you need the money urgently, and you can't save 30%, this is an indicator that you need to look for a part-time job. Otherwise, the time during which you plan to raise funds will increase.

For an apartment?

  1. Determine the amount you are willing to spend on real estate.
  2. Calculate how much you are willing to save each month.
  3. Find out about the terms of mortgage lending. It is possible that this option will suit you.
  4. Use compound interest when investing in a bank.
  5. Look for a side job.
  6. Consider what you can save on in favor of a future property purchase.

Important: keep in mind that saving up for an apartment in a few months is unrealistic, be prepared to live in austerity mode for several years.

To a car?

  1. Decide on the model and its approximate cost. This way you will know how much you need.
  2. Consider all options to minimize your expenses, refuse expensive purchases, do not spend this money that has been set aside.
  3. Review the terms of the loan. It is possible that one of the proposals will be more than relevant for you.
  4. Consider not an expensive car, but cheaper models (consider further car maintenance costs). Over time, you will have the opportunity to sell the car, and when you accumulate money again, buy a more “serious” model.

Not everyone knows how to save and save money, but many want to learn this. There are many ways in which you can save a lot. You just need to want to control your money and not spend it in vain. It is worth trying to learn how to save money. If you really want to do this, then proceed to study the main points and factors in this matter.

How to learn to raise money

To learn how to collect money, first of all, you should start keeping records family budget. To do this, you must record all purchases and other expenses that are made during the month. At the end of the month, it will be possible to analyze how much money you spent in vain and what you can refuse. You will also be able to determine what amount will be enough for you for a normal existence. The remaining funds can be set aside. Create a spreadsheet to record your income and expenses. Let it contain a column with planned expenses and actual ones. Try to spend less than you intended, then you will have a better chance of raising money. Do not buy extra things that are not urgently needed.

In order to save money, you need to set a goal for yourself. It's just not fun to collect them. If you do not have serious motivation, then you will easily succumb to the temptation to spend them on some unnecessary thing. Without a clear goal, it's hard to convince yourself to refrain from spending. You need to set yourself an important and at the same time accessible goal. This may be a trip abroad, buying a car, etc. At the same time, you need to prioritize and decide for yourself whether this goal is really so important as to deny yourself something and save.

Another way to help raise money is to avoid contact with them. In order not to spend them, you should put them away. That is why money is often put in the bank. When they are not in front of your eyes and you cannot use them at any moment, they will remain safe longer.

Oddly enough, a plastic card can interfere with saving money. If you pay by card, then you may not realize exactly how much money you are spending. Parting with money that is on the card is easier, because you will not hold it in your hands. In addition, there may be more funds on the card than you could spend on one trip to the store. That is why you are tempted to take something else extra. To get rid of the habit of paying with a card, you just need to remove it from your wallet and leave it at home. Withdraw in advance the amount that you need to spend on urgent needs.

Where is the best place to save money?

You can store funds in several places. For each person there is a convenient option. It is worth highlighting several places where it is better to save money.

  1. In the bank. It is advantageous to store especially large amounts here. They will not just lie but also increase due to interest. All you have to do is deposit them into a savings account. In addition, you can choose a different currency in which such storage will be most profitable. With the right investment, you can make good money on the exchange rate. If you choose this method of storing money, then be responsible in choosing a reliable bank.
  2. At home. For many, this is convenient, because at any time you can add money to the main amount. However, if the amount is too large, you need to take care of security. You can purchase a safe with a secure lock. In addition, if you do not know how to save, then at any time you want to take money, and not put it in a pile.
  3. Give to relatives. It's not a bad option, but you have to be confident in this person. You need to ask not to give this money until the right time.
  4. Investment in real estate. If you have enough money to buy an apartment, house, plot, etc., then by all means use it. Real estate is constantly becoming more expensive and you can sell it profitably, not only getting money back, but also increasing your capital.

How can you save?

There are many ways to save money. Of these, the following can be distinguished:

  • Before going shopping, you should familiarize yourself with the prices in several stores. Pay attention to sales and promotions in them. This will help save a significant amount;
  • Plan your purchases and write a list. If you follow it, then restrain yourself from impulsive desires to buy something;
  • Visit supermarkets only on a full stomach. When you go shopping hungry, you will take a lot of extra products that you can do without at the moment;
  • Try to buy groceries in advance for the whole week. This will prevent you from spending extra money every time you go to the store. Allocate only a small amount that can be spent on buying bread, milk, and other products that need to be bought every day. Do not take with you to the store more money than you need for these small purchases;
  • If you have loans, always pay them on time to avoid delays that can result in serious amounts;
  • When buying things, give your preference to quality goods that will last for a long time;
  • Use bonus cards and all kinds of discounts;
  • Do not dine in restaurants, but cook at home. It is not only cheaper, but also more useful.

Four envelope method

There is another way to save money. It consists in the method of four envelopes. Here you need to calculate how much income per month you got. Set aside funds from this money for planned and obligatory expenses. First of all, it will be payment of utilities, repayment of loans and other necessary payments. Set aside 10% of the remaining amount. This will be a reserve fund that will accumulate.

The remaining amount should be divided equally among four envelopes. You can only spend money from one envelope per week. So you can accurately distribute the amount to the most necessary products and things. This method is considered quite effective.

If you really want to learn how to save money and save money, then choose the most convenient and acceptable way from those offered. Perhaps you will come up with an even more effective method of accumulating funds.

Almost all rich people once started from scratch, but thanks to their skills and talents, they eventually achieved both position and prosperity. Recall at least the work “The Financier” by Theodore Dreiser, which many probably read in their youth, where main character although he receives certain skills from his banker father, over time he becomes a millionaire only through his own efforts. So how do you start saving money if you don't have any?

If a person thinks about how to save up money for some kind of purchase, for opening his own business or in order to ensure a comfortable existence for himself and his children in the future, this is already the first step to success. What happens next will depend only on patience, as well as on how much a person knows how to listen to advice and act according to reason.

Save wisely

There are some simple and, in general, banal accumulation rules that are known to almost everyone. Everyone knows that in order to save a certain amount of money, one should not spend money on unnecessary things, save somewhere on purchases, if this does not greatly affect their quality, and, most importantly, earn more than spend. In this matter, people always always have problems: is it possible to save on food or health, how my friends will look at me if I use an ordinary phone, and not an Apple product, go on vacation to Crimea or Spain. These questions will no longer seem so serious if a person thoroughly undertakes to accumulate funds (but you still cannot save on health).

One of important barriers on this path is the human prejudice that in order to accumulate funds it is necessary to cut your current budget, that is, to lose something here and now for some later. This is fundamentally not true. It is desirable to set aside funds not on a residual basis, in the last turn, but in such a way that this is the first necessity when receiving a salary, fee, etc. Received money - immediately sent to the account, and it is best if a person has several such accounts, for example, to buy a house, a car, or to study for a child. It is even better if the funds are not transferred to the card, but to a deposit in a reliable bank, which is opened for a certain time, let's say for a year: this way it will be more difficult for a person to use these funds ahead of time, which means it will be easier to accumulate something.

You can even start with a meager amount, but the optimal amount can be considered an amount equal to 10-15 percent of personal or family income.

There are quite interesting way, allowing the family to accurately determine the costs and not spend too much. You need to calculate how much each family member receives per month, then subtract from this amount the costs of utilities, basic necessities, loan payments if there are debts, gasoline and other transportation costs, and another ten percent for a bank deposit. The remaining amount is divided into four equal parts and laid out in envelopes. Each week, the envelope can be opened and used for additional needs without resorting to another envelope until the next week. It's great if by Saturday or Sunday there is something left of the allocated money, they can be spent on recreation and entertainment with a calm heart. Since there are less than five weeks in a month, the fifth envelope will also come in handy, you can put some small amount into it from the one that was distributed over four weeks.

In this way, the family will have an easier time managing their expenses, not having to think about every purchase, they will only have to decide whether there is enough money for this week's expenses. Moreover, one of the essential rules- the same ten percent of income will be immediately sent to the funded part, and not according to the principle of "last resort".

Rule "Save more tomorrow" according to Shlomo Benartzi

Economist Shlomo Benartzi, who was involved in the development of US pension programs, came up with his principle of accumulating money from scratch, which consists in gradually increasing investment in your savings. The bottom line is that every time a person receives a salary increase, a promotion, he begins to save a larger percentage of his salary. You can increase the amount for savings investments by one percent, by five percent, by ten, the main thing is to observe this principle of gradual increase.

Let's look at an example:

If you save according to this scheme, then by the end of four years a person will save 349 thousand rubles. If you consider that this money can be kept in a deposit account and receive interest, then the amount will come out even better. The pace of income will grow, maybe not as fast as we would like, but at a normal and reliable pace.

What is very important, according to Shlomo Benartzi, you can start with a small five percent, but gradually our thinking will get used to increasing the funds set aside for the future, which will be associated with an increase in overall income, and hence prosperity. Over time, the fear of making such investments will disappear, and the process itself will become a habit, and perhaps even change your lifestyle.

Summing up

Those who are really interested in the topic should read the books of economists who have spent many years studying this issue. Often their works are written in an interesting and easy language, "stuffed" with funny examples and cases from life. Well, if the stage of accumulating funds from scratch is completed successfully, in the future it is advisable to get acquainted with the opinion of experts on how else to increase your income by properly investing and investing.

For many of us, the topic of today's conversation is very relevant, agree? How to learn how to save and save money for a car, apartment or other desired thing? How many times have we spoken to tomorrow Start austerity on your income and save money.

But, to our great regret, the process of accumulation is moving slowly, constantly slipping, and is completely postponed for a while. We go on about our own momentary desires, and then we reproach ourselves for extravagance and again give the word to start all over again.

I must say right away that I put things in order in my finances a long time ago, which gave me the opportunity to calmly manage income and expenses without experiencing discomfort.
And now a few words about the simple arithmetic of wealth.

Have you ever wondered what one ruble is?

Just a metal round? Something much more? What will you buy for it? Virtually nothing, right? The ruble is nonsense, a trifle - there is nothing to spend on if it is alone. Or maybe, after all, it is not so simple, this banknote?

Rich people treat coins like seeds. And the seeds have a high life force and the ability to grow and multiply. They turn a small sprout into a family budget tree, and their fruits are able to satisfy the wildest dreams.

Successful people respect these money seeds, they know how to accumulate them quickly. Let's learn from them to treat money with attention and respect.

Now let's look at the distribution of income. The scheme is approximately the same: earned - spent. The more we earn, the more we spend. Is it any wonder that at the right time there is no necessary amount.

Being imbued with a desire for hoarding does not mean greed at all. After all, each of us has a goal, which means a powerful motivation to fulfill a cherished dream.

With motivation and it is worth starting to learn to save. Motivation can be different, friends. The most important thing is to change better life families. Buy an apartment, a car, go on a trip and relax. Quite worldly and fulfillable desires.

To make your dreams come true, you need to follow a few rules. I advise you to rely on the experience of wealthy people who have made a fortune, strictly observing these principles.

  • Don't spend more than you earn.
  • Learn to manage your finances.

Expenditures should be under strict control, income and expenses should be constantly analyzed, a certain amount should be set aside every month in the piggy bank.

Learn to save and save money

I'm sure you won't read anything new. The system of savings and accumulation is based on two "needs":

  1. Know exactly where the earnings go. Decide what you are willing to save on, and what small pleasures you are willing to spend money on.
  2. Regularly set aside rubles. You will never accumulate anything without following the second rule.
  3. Set aside at least 10-15% of your total income. Financial consultants say that the amount is not too large in relation to the total and allows you not to disturb your normal lifestyle.

If you want to learn how to save quickly, then increase the percentage. In most cases, it is quite realistic to save up to 30%.

We save quickly

Little tricky tricks to help you save money and save it quickly:

  1. Don't carry all your cash in your wallet. Take only the amount you need.
  2. Do not take a credit card with you unnecessarily.
  3. I liked some thing - do not rush to buy it. Even if you have enough money and a dress, for example, the village is fine, take a break. Go away and shop for a while, then come back home, postponing the purchase for a day. In many cases, you won't come back for a dress. You cannot imagine how much money you will save by delaying the fulfillment of a desire. Remember to thank yourself for having the courage to resist and not make a purchase.
  4. Don't go to the grocery store hungry. Just do not laugh - I give good advice. Many times I bought extra products just because of the great desire to eat. When going shopping, be sure to make a shopping list and don’t back down, even if you get on some kind of promotion (well, except in the extreme case, a product that is needed every day is sold).

On payday, divide your paycheck into three parts.

1. Rent expenses. This includes payment not only for housing, but also for the Internet, telephone (mobile too). I advise you to go and pay immediately. Along the way, in order to save money, install meters for cold and hot water, change simple light bulbs to energy-saving ones.

2. Accumulation. At least 10% of the income, which must be immediately transferred to the bank.

3. Living expenses. Set aside banknotes here for food, clothing, recreation and entertainment, transportation, training and education, as well as unforeseen expenses.

I advise you to divide the amount into several parts. Divide your food allowance by 4 weeks. Do not put more money in your wallet than you need for one week, otherwise you will quickly spend it, and at the end of the month it will turn out that you did not meet the budget.
The best way to avoid unnecessary expenses and save money is to create a weekly menu. Try to shop for groceries in bulk once a week, and stop by the store on your way home from work for only the essentials, such as bread.

Keep money for clothes, transport, entertainment separately - it is better to plan expenses in advance. Do not make spontaneous purchases, you should know what clothes you need to replenish your wardrobe. Typically, 3-5% of total income is set aside for contingencies.

Today on the Internet you can find several fairly convenient programs for accounting and analyzing expenses and income. For example "Home Accounting". There you can analyze where the money goes and understand where you can cut back. Of course, you will have to collect checks in stores, write down all expenses daily - this results in very significant cost savings.

By the way, you quickly get used to keeping records, and it even becomes interesting. True, I don’t use such programs, I made a file myself in Word and store it on the desktop of the computer. It's more convenient for me, and you see for yourself. But my money accumulates quite quickly and there is always an amount that I can use at any time.

In any case, analyze your expenses at least once a week. First: interesting, you will see a lot of interesting things. Secondly, you will be surprised at what nonsense your hard-earned rubles are spent on. Thirdly: understand where you can save money, and this is very important.

We save up for an apartment, a car

Were going to learn how to save and save money for a car, an apartment and other necessary, but expensive things, then the first necessary action is to determine the required amount.

Accurately calculate how many coins you set aside each month, then determine which items you can save on. The arithmetic is easy.

Whether to save just like this:
Difficult to advise this case, but I would advise to postpone. If you don't, you might regret it someday. It is not known what needs may arise, what will suddenly be needed urgently.

Set aside bills every month, even if you don't have goals. Just a little tip: don't save up for a rainy day, name the action something nicer. For example: “my personal bank”, “my happy future”. Save monthly to a bank account, if possible, then buy shares, property, which you can then rent out.

Change your attitude to money, friends! After all, the well-being of your family depends on it. Saving and saving does not mean big restrictions, but it is necessary to learn how to manage funds rationally.

I have a huge request to all my readers: tell us about your ways of saving and saving money for the things you need, I will be grateful to you.

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