Games to determine leadership qualities. Games for rallying and revealing the leader

Technique and Internet 21.09.2019

Leadership games

Wherever more than two people come together, the problem of leadership arises. In the process of forming a group, some of its members begin to play a more active role, they are given preference, their words are listened to with more respect, in short, they acquire a dominant position. In this way, the group members are divided into leaders and followers, i.e. on leaders and followers. The identified leader can become the main link in the chain of relationships between the leader and the group.

It should be noted that the main types of leadership are emotional and intellectual leadership. Not the last place in the team is occupied by the leader - the organizer. Who will lead your detachment depends not only on personal sympathies, but also on the type of activity, the direction of the life of the detachment in a given shift.

The purpose of these games is to identify potential leaders in the detachment (group). My friend! In the very first minutes of work, remember vitally important rule: “Never do what children can or want to do for themselves.” Look for helpers.

Games to identify the leader help the leader in the very first days to identify the most active and active children, who in the following days can become excellent assistants to the leader. The counselor only gives the task and observes the process of its implementation, the children do everything themselves. In games, leaders try to manage the overall process.



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the name of the Hero Soviet Union A.E. Chernikov"

Goal: unity of the group, identifying the leader.
Time: 5-10 min.
Number of participants: from 6 to 20.
Age: from 10 years.
Venue: any.
Materials: rope about 6 meters long. Tie the ends so that a ring is formed (the length of the rope depends on the number of participants).
Participants stand in a circle and take both hands on the rope that is inside the circle.
Assignment: "Now everyone needs to close their eyes and, without opening their eyes, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle."
First, there is a pause and complete inactivity of the guys, then one of the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, to pay off and then build a triangle by serial numbers, and then directs the actions.
The practice of this game shows that usually these functions are taken over by the leaders.
The game can be continued, complicating the task, and invite the guys to build a square, star, hexagon, rhombus.

The players stand behind the chairs.
At the leader’s command: “Do it once,” everyone must raise their chairs at the same time.
On command: “Do two,” all players must run around the chairs and sit on them.
All actions must be performed simultaneously. The game helps to identify the leader - the organizer, it is he who must guess first to give the command to lower the chairs in the first case, and sit down in the second.

Target: identification of leaders, determination of the structure of interpersonal relations in the detachment.

The counselor invites each of the guys to think and invite no more than 3 guests from the squad to their impromptu birthday. Three four people who scored largest number votes, become the main "birthday people". They invite all participants of the game to visit. The host invites everyone to choose the birthday person to whom he wants to go for his birthday. At the same time, it is specified that if someone does not wish to visit any of the birthday people, he has the right to do so.
Micro-groups of various sizes are created. They are offered to perform any creative tasks.
For example: Have a game with other groups that the guys could play at their friends' birthday party.


Goal: unity of the group, identifying the leader.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 20.

Age: from 13 years old.

Venue: Large room.

Host: "You have 4 types of movements: hands up, crouch, converge in the center, disperse along the walls. Your task is to make the maximum number of people do the same thing."

Careful observation of the group allows you to find out who falls out, who is the leader, who obeys.

Games to identify the leader. Socially adaptive games that allow each child to show individuality, creativity, personal leadership qualities, and get the attention of the group. Emphasize the importance and equal opportunities of each child in the team.
Team building games. They serve to form the ability to work in a team, synchronously with other people, to increase cohesion in a group, form a zone of common interests, support, a productive form social behavior, the ability to listen to the leader ("Elephant", etc.).
Complex games, for example, elections of presidents, parliament, self-government bodies. The main requirement: the reproduction of procedures in accordance with the real regulatory framework.
Games aimed at the manifestation of the inner freedom of the child, creativity and spontaneity, help to eliminate psycho-emotional clamps, psycho-physical complexes, improve communication skills, transform auto-aggressive and aggressive complexes, self-esteem and self-awareness (for example, mixers, etc.).
Psychological game "Adaptation"
A psychological game to identify leadership qualities "Adaptation" is carried out to identify leaders, generators of ideas and performers, to create a creative atmosphere. To do this, at the beginning of the game, the squad is divided into microgroups. For completing tasks, tokens of three colors are awarded: red - to the one who submits ideas, green - to the one who implements them, yellow - to the one who does not participate (yellow may not be).
The first task is a warm-up. Each represents the neighbor on the right, having previously talked for two minutes. The five brightest representatives are determined, who become leaders. They receive five red tokens.
The second task - five microgroups gather around five leaders, which are formed at will. Each group is given a task: to draw a friendly cartoon on any of those present. Whose idea is a red token, who drew it is green. The guys with red tokens move to another microgroup (clockwise).
The third task is to come up with a creative caption for the cartoon (the presenter first collects the cartoons and distributes them to microgroups, taking into account that they do not fall into the same group). Whose idea is a red token, who performed it is green.
The fourth task is “three“ D ”(Friend For A Friend): come up with a task for the neighboring group. Whose idea is a red token, who performed it is green. The guys with red tokens move to another group.
The fifth task - the leader for all microgroups gives the same task.
The game ends with a collective discussion of what is happening and the presentation of the signs of "researchers" to the leaders of the groups.
"Big Family Photo"
It is proposed that the guys imagine that they are all - big family and everyone needs to be photographed together for a family album. You must select a "photographer". He should arrange the whole family for photographing. The first of the family is selected "grandfather". He, too, can participate in the arrangement of members of the "family". No more settings are given to children, they must decide for themselves who to be and where to stand. The counselor can only watch this entertaining picture. The role of "photographer" and "grandfathers" is usually taken by guys striving for leadership. However, elements of leadership and other "family members" are not ruled out. It will be very interesting for adults to observe the distribution of roles, activity-passivity in choosing a location.
This game can open up new leaders for the teacher-organizer or counselor and reveal the system of likes and dislikes in groups. After the distribution of roles and arrangement of "family members", the "photographer" counts to three. On the count of "three!" everyone together and very loudly shout the word "cheese" and make a simultaneous clap of their hands.
The guys are divided into two or three equal in number of team members. Each team chooses a name for itself. The host proposes the conditions: “Now the teams will complete the tasks after I command “Start!”. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner. Thus, a spirit of competition is created, which is very important for the guys.
So, the first task. Now each team should say a single word in unison. "Started!"
In order to complete this task, it is necessary for all team members to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.
Second task. Here it is necessary that half the team quickly stand up without agreeing on anything. "Started!" The interpretation of this game is similar to the interpretation of the Karabas game: the most active members of the group stand up, including the leader.
Third task. Now all the teams are flying to spaceship to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". "So who's faster?!" Usually, the leader again takes on the functions of the organizer, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of a “hare” for himself. This can be explained by his desire to transfer the responsibility of the commander to the shoulders of someone else.
Task four. We flew to Mars and we need to somehow accommodate in a Martian hotel, and there is only a triple room, two double rooms and one single room. You need to distribute as quickly as possible who will live in which room. "Started!"
After playing this game, you can see the presence and composition of microgroups in your team. Single rooms usually go to either hidden, unidentified leaders or "outcasts".
The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is made for a team consisting of 8 participants. If the team has more or less participants, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition that there are triples, doubles and one single.
This technique will give you quite complete system leadership in a team. You can finish it with some kind of team building game.
Rope exercises
10 - 20 people stand in a circle, holding a common rope with both hands, after which the rope is pulled up and tied so that the participants stand close to each other. Then follows the command: "Close your eyes and do not open them" - and the task: "Form a square." The eyes can be opened all together, only after the group decides that the square has turned out. After this exercise and a short break, it is proposed to stand in a circle again, close your eyes and (next task): form an equilateral triangle. Those who do open their eyes are eliminated from the game and can become observers to help the group discuss the exercise. The game can be continued, complicating the task, and invite the guys to build a square, a star, a hexagon.
This exercise shows the importance of group self-organization, finding leaders, using the rope as a means of communication. When discussing, questions are asked: “How did the nomination of the leader happen? What was the most difficult part of solving the problem? What technique compensated for the lack of eye contact?
To conduct a game to identify the leadership qualities of Karabas, children are seated in a circle, a counselor sits with them, who offers the conditions for the game: “Guys, you all know the tale of Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all puppets. I will say the word "KA-RA-BAS" and show a certain number of fingers on outstretched hands. And you will have to, without agreeing, get up from your chairs, and as many people as I show my fingers. This game develops attention and speed of reaction.
This game test requires the participation of two leaders. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the children.
Most often, more sociable, striving for leadership guys get up. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less determined. There are those who first get up and then sit down. They make up the "happy" group. The uninitiated is the group of the detachment that does not get up at all.
It is recommended to repeat the game 4-5 times.
Game cycle "Leader-organizer"
The collective game “Elephant” contributes to the identification of a tendency to organizational activity (lay out an “elephant” from matches within a minute).
After a series of similar games has been held, the leaders are identified by the whole team. The form of assessment may be different. The simplest is voting. Those with the most votes are considered the winners of the competition.
Competition one: The host gives the task to come up with the most interesting (useful) business. Each participant chooses the one for which he casts his vote.
Competition two: "Agitator". The host gives the task to agitate everyone to participate in the case invented by the candidate. The competition is evaluated in the same way as the previous ones.
Third contest: "Organizer". The candidate proposes to acquaint the guys with the plan for organizing the business they invented. The ability to make a plan is assessed.
The fourth contest: "People". Candidates are invited to choose assistants and justify their choice. The ability to select people and evaluate them correctly is assessed.
Fifth competition: "Program". Everyone should continue the phrase: “If I am chosen…, then I…”.
Microgame "Birthday"
The host, addressing the participants in the game, suggests identifying the guys who are most popular in the team.
To do this, everyone must write down the names of those whom he would invite to his birthday. You can invite up to three guests.
The three or four people who receive the most offers become the main birthday parties. They invite all participants of the game to visit.
The host invites everyone to choose the “birthday boy” to whom he wants to go for a birthday. At the same time, the host of the game clarifies that if someone does not wish to go to any of the "birthday people", then he has the right to do so.
Microgroups of various sizes are created.
For certain inter-group connections, the participants in the game are invited, after a short meeting, to determine with which of the groups they would like to unite.
As a result of this micro-game, the emotional leaders of the organization are revealed, and for the children it becomes possible to clearly distinguish between a business and an emotional leader.
The main and basic requirement when conducting various games is regular reflection. Experiential learning occurs when the teenager goes back to the exercise, analyzes what he felt, what happened in the group, how this experience can be connected with other aspects of his life and, finally, as a result, concludes what he will do differently in the future.
These are games (exercises) that serve to raise the mood, remove the psychological barrier, and get to know each other.
Caterpillar: the group becomes in a line. Each member of the group passes his hand to the one standing behind. To do this, the players spread their legs shoulder-width apart and give their hand back between their legs. At the same time, everyone also takes the hand of the person in front. The group begins to move backwards until everyone is on the floor. The group is then asked to return to the starting position. reverse order.
This is my nose: what will you say to a person who points to his elbow and says: “This is my nose?” Well, you can point to your head and say, "Is that my elbow?" Then he will probably show me his foot and say: "That's my head!" it new game and a hand-eye coordination test that shows how long you can last by naming the body parts your partner has just shown while pointing to another part of your body.
Ha-ha-ha: Everyone lies down, putting their head on the stomach of another participant and, thus forming a long chain, the first player says: “Ha”, the second: “Ha-ha”, etc. The game restarts if someone laughs.
Shadow Chief: One of the players leaves the room. The remaining members of the team choose a "leader", who sets any movements for the group and changes them after a while. The task of the newcomer is to determine the "leader". In case of luck, the "leader" himself goes out the door and the game is repeated with the new "leader".
Never: Group members open their palms and take turns saying, "I've never… (did anything)." The one who did the proposed action bends his finger. The game helps a lot in getting to know each other.
Zoo: group members stand in a circle and hold each other's arms. The leader tells everyone the name of the animal. After that, the host loudly calls one of the names. Guys with this name should tighten their legs. The rest must hold them. The best effect is achieved with a large amount of one of them.
Knots: The group stands in a circle and extends their arms to the center. After a random clasp of hands, the group is invited to turn around in a circle so that people standing nearby with clasped hands.
Fruit: the group stands in a circle. Everyone chooses a fruit name starting with the first letter of their name. An exchange of phrases like: "An apple loves an orange" is proposed. After that, "orange" should name a new pair. If this does not happen and the leader manages to touch the "orange", then they change places.
Tutti-frutti: the team is divided into two or more fronts and chooses a name for itself - fruit. One person stands in the center and tells a story. As soon as he uses one of the front names, the members of that front must switch places with each other. If "Tutti-frutti" is pronounced, then all members of all fronts should change places.
Wand: the team sits in a circle and begins to pass an object around the circle, holding it with various parts of the body, changing them. When falling, the game starts over.
Drums: The group sits in a circle. Group members put their palms on their knees to the neighbors on both sides. The group starts clapping in a certain direction - hand by hand, in the order they lie on their knees. With a double strike, the direction is reversed. The one who made a mistake removes his hand.
Killer: The group stands in a circle. Hands are clasped behind the back. Wherein left hand bent at the elbow and holding right hand neighbor on the left. The leader, going around the circle from the outside, quietly selects the "killer", touching his shoulder. The "killer" shakes the neighbor's hand N times. The neighbor presses the next N-1 times, etc. Whoever receives one last handshake is considered dead and leaves the circle. At failed attempt- "killer" sends a new "impulse".
"Feet in hand": the group becomes in a line. Everyone puts one hand on the shoulder of the person in front and raises one leg. With the second hand, the rear pick up the leg of the front. The task is to jump a certain distance without breaking.
"Hee-hee, ha-ha": the group stands in a circle and simultaneously makes movements with their hands and says: "Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha", decrementing the score from 5 to 1 .


1. The main types of games for identifying and developing leadership qualities.

Games to identify the leader. Socially adaptive games that allow each child to show individuality, creativity, personal leadership qualities, and get the attention of the group. Emphasize the importance and equal opportunities of each child in the team.

Team building games. They serve to form the ability to work in a team, synchronously with other people, to increase cohesion in a group, form a zone of common interests, support, a productive form of social behavior, the ability to listen to a leader (“Elephant”, etc.).

Complex games, for example, elections of presidents, parliament, self-government bodies. The main requirement: the reproduction of procedures in accordance with the real regulatory framework. The results of such games can be:

Teaching the basics of self-presentation and self-realization; identification of leadership and formation of a social institution of squad leaders; development of the skill of independent decision-making and responsibility; formation of socially productive forms of activity; ability to organize independent activities.

Games aimed at the manifestation of the inner freedom of the child, creativity and spontaneity, help to eliminate psycho-emotional clamps, psycho-physical complexes, improve communication skills, transform auto-aggressive and aggressive complexes, self-esteem and self-awareness (for example, mixers, etc.).

2. Psychological game "Adaptation".

The psychological game "Adaptation" is carried out to identify leaders, generators of ideas and performers, to create a creative atmosphere. To do this, at the beginning of the game, the squad is divided into microgroups. For completing tasks, tokens of three colors are awarded: red - to the one who submits ideas, green - to the one who implements them, yellow - to the one who does not participate (yellow may not be).

The first task is a warm-up. Each represents the neighbor on the right, having previously talked for two minutes. The five brightest representatives are determined, who become leaders. They receive five red tokens.

The second task - five microgroups gather around five leaders, which are formed at will. Each group is given a task: to draw a friendly cartoon on any of those present. Whose idea is a red token, who drew it is green. The guys with red tokens move to another microgroup (clockwise).

The third task is to come up with a creative caption for the cartoon (the presenter first collects the cartoons and distributes them to microgroups, taking into account that they do not fall into the same group). Whose idea is a red token, who performed it is green.

The fourth task is “three“ D ”(Friend For A Friend): come up with a task for the neighboring group. Whose idea is a red token, who performed it is green. The guys with red tokens move to another group.

The fifth task - the leader for all microgroups gives the same task. The game ends with a collective discussion of what is happening and the presentation of the signs of "researchers" to the leaders of the groups.

3. "Big family photo."

It is proposed that the guys imagine that they are all a big family and everyone needs to be photographed together for a family album. You must select a "photographer". He should arrange the whole family for photographing. The first of the family is selected "grandfather". He, too, can participate in the arrangement of members of the "family". No more settings are given to children, they must decide for themselves who to be and where to stand. The counselor can only watch this entertaining picture. The role of "photographer" and "grandfathers" is usually taken by guys striving for leadership. However, elements of leadership and other "family members" are not ruled out. It will be very interesting for adults to observe the distribution of roles, activity-passivity in choosing a location.

This game can open up new leaders for the teacher-organizer or counselor and reveal the system of likes and dislikes in groups. After the distribution of roles and arrangement of "family members", the "photographer" counts to three. On the count of "three!" everyone together and very loudly shout the word "cheese" and make a simultaneous clap of their hands.

4. "Begin!".

The guys are divided into two or three equal in number of team members. Each team chooses a name for itself. The host proposes the conditions: “Now the teams will complete the tasks after I command “Start!”. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner. Thus, a spirit of competition is created, which is very important for the guys.

So, the first task. Now each team should say a single word in unison. "Started!"

In order to complete this task, it is necessary for all team members to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.

Second task. Here it is necessary that half the team quickly stand up without agreeing on anything. "Started!" The interpretation of this game is similar to the interpretation of the Karabas game: the most active members of the group stand up, including the leader.

Third task. Now all the teams are flying on a spaceship to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize the crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". "So who's faster?!" Usually, the leader again takes on the functions of the organizer, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of a “hare” for himself. This can be explained by his desire to transfer the responsibility of the commander to the shoulders of someone else.

Task four. We flew to Mars and we need to somehow accommodate in a Martian hotel, and there is only a triple room, two double rooms and one single room. You need to distribute as quickly as possible who will live in which room. "Started!" After playing this game, you can see the presence and composition of microgroups in your team. Single rooms usually go to either hidden, unidentified leaders or "outcasts". The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is made for a team consisting of 8 participants. If the team has more or less participants, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition that there are triples, doubles and one single. This technique will give you a fairly complete system of leadership in a team. You can finish it with some kind of team building game.

5. Rope exercises.

10 - 20 people stand in a circle, holding a common rope with both hands, after which the rope is pulled up and tied so that the participants stand close to each other. Then follows the command: "Close your eyes and do not open them" - and the task: "Form a square." The eyes can be opened all together, only after the group decides that the square has turned out. After this exercise and a short break, it is proposed to stand in a circle again, close your eyes and (next task): form an equilateral triangle. Those who do open their eyes are eliminated from the game and can become observers to help the group discuss the exercise. The game can be continued, complicating the task, and invite the guys to build a square, a star, a hexagon. This exercise shows the importance of group self-organization, finding leaders, using the rope as a means of communication. When discussing, questions are asked: “How did the nomination of the leader happen? What was the most difficult part of solving the problem? What technique compensated for the lack of eye contact?

6. Karabas.

To conduct the game, children are seated in a circle, a counselor sits with them, who offers the conditions for the game: “Guys, you all know the tale of Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all puppets. I will say the word "KA-RA-BAS" and show a certain number of fingers on outstretched hands. And you will have to, without agreeing, get up from your chairs, and as many people as I show my fingers. This game develops attention and speed of reaction.

This game test requires the participation of two leaders. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the children. Most often, more sociable, striving for leadership guys get up. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less determined. There are those who first get up and then sit down. They make up the "happy" group. The uninitiated is the group of the detachment that does not get up at all.

7. "Rope courses".

Currently, due to the need to master group methods of work, such methods as "Rope courses", "Team building" are widely used.

Rope courses are the creation of a special environment for training, in which rope ropes stretched above the ground, platforms and other simple devices play the main role. Rope courses are a harmonious system of outdoor exercises that enable teenagers to learn and expand their spiritual and physical capabilities. These courses are designed in such a way that they allow both active and passive children to be involved, as a result of which each member of the group and the entire group as a whole, in addition to their own expectations, participate in achieving the goal.

Rope courses help, on the one hand, to learn the spirit of collectivism based on goodwill and mutual assistance between members of the team, and on the other hand, to relieve tension that sometimes arises in the group, and of course, to again identify leaders, those who are ready to take on coordination actions.

The ropes form a system of obstacles, the passage of which does not require physical strength, but requires overcoming the fear of heights (3-5 meters) and, despite reliable insurance, requires self-control. The task of rope courses is to prove to each person that he can do much more than he imagines. Rope courses do not require special physical training, each person can pass them.

Other obstacles (swinging logs, carts sliding along a cable on a block, all kinds of "bungee", etc.), due to their apparent simplicity, also serve as the basis for tasks that can only be completed with the cooperation of all members of the group. Of course, in order to conduct such courses in full, special training of the organizer is necessary. But the efficiency is great.

Here are some exercises:

1. Web. The ropes are stretched between two trees at a distance of 2.5 - 3 meters. Two parallel ropes are intertwined in the form of a web between each other. The whole group needs to get over to the opposite side of the web. Only one person can pass through one cell. You can't bypass the web. If someone touches the rope, the whole group returns to its original position.

After completing the exercise, the group members sit in a circle on the grass and share their impressions, talk about what happened.

2. Log. The whole group stands on a log in a certain order. The members of the group need to change places: the 1st one should stand in the place of the last member of the group, the 2nd one - in the place of the penultimate one, etc. During the mission, you can not stand on the ground. Otherwise, the group returns to its original position. After completing the exercise, you should analyze the actions of the guys.

3. Electrical circuit. Everyone sat in a circle. They closed the chain with their hands and feet. “We start the current” - everyone needs to stand up at the same time.

4. Prize. On a branch of a tree, at a height of three meters, any prize is attached. The group needs to reach it without leaning on the tree, using themselves as building material.

8. "The Feast of Disobedience."

Feast of disobedience: providing complete freedom of choice of activities up to doing nothing. It is in this situation that an active life position is manifested.

9. "Guinness Book of Records".

Guinness World Records Day: the situation of creating success. A set of competitions contains tasks that would allow everyone to excel. Contests should be not only serious, but also playful. The most important thing is the insignia for the winners (diplomas, diplomas, etc.). See the book by S.A. Shmakova "Holidays" M .: "Higher School", 1997.

10. Game cycle "Leader-organizer".

The collective game “Elephant” (lay out an “elephant” from matches within a minute), the game “web” (pass with an object constructed from branches), etc. contributes to the identification of a tendency to organizational activity.

After a series of similar games has been held, the leaders are identified by the whole team. The form of assessment may be different. The simplest is voting. Those with the most votes are considered the winners of the competition.

Competition one: The host gives the task to come up with the most interesting (useful) business. Each participant chooses the one for which he casts his vote.

Competition two: "Agitator". The host gives the task to agitate everyone to participate in the case invented by the candidate. The competition is evaluated in the same way as the previous ones.

Third contest: "Organizer". The candidate proposes to acquaint the guys with the plan for organizing the business they invented. The ability to make a plan is assessed.

The fourth contest: "People". Candidates are invited to choose assistants and justify their choice. The ability to select people and evaluate them correctly is assessed.

Fifth competition: "Program". Everyone should continue the phrase: “If I am chosen…, then I…”.

11. Microgame "Birthday".

The host, addressing the participants in the game, suggests identifying the guys who are most popular in the team.

To do this, everyone must write down the names of those whom he would invite to his birthday. You can invite up to three guests.

The three or four people who receive the most offers become the main birthday parties. They invite all participants of the game to visit. The host invites everyone to choose the “birthday boy” to whom he wants to go for a birthday. At the same time, the host of the game clarifies that if someone does not wish to go to any of the "birthday people", then he has the right to do so.

Microgroups of various sizes are created. For certain inter-group connections, the participants in the game are invited, after a short meeting, to determine with which of the groups they would like to unite. As a result of this micro-game, the emotional leaders of the organization are revealed, and for the children it becomes possible to clearly distinguish between a business and an emotional leader.

12. The use of gaming methods in teaching adolescents leadership skills "Leadership styles".

Goal: educate children different styles team management and analysis of the practice of the team organizer, analysis own position in the relationship structure. For this purpose, a game called "Leadership Styles" is used.

The content of the game: live through three management styles: democratic, authoritarian, conniving. Any of these styles has a bright type of relationship: democratic - collegial decision-making, correlation of one's own point of view and the collective one, search for a compromise; authoritarian - sole decision-making, ignoring other points of view; conniving - formal leadership, lack of control.

The game can be played in two versions:

Option 1: The guys are invited to play these leadership styles. The group is divided into three teams (three management styles). Each team is given the task to prepare the event in a certain way. Tasks should be of equal value (there can be only one thing, the main focus is on relationships). Before the game, a group of experts is selected, which characterizes each style, monitors the leader's progress in the game. A group of analysts and sociologists can also be selected, the purpose of which is to collect the opinion of the guys. In the process of analyzing the game, it is important to pay attention to the positive and negative aspects of a certain leadership style, to note the situations where these styles take place.

Option 2: the guys are not aware of the beginning of the game. All three leadership styles are demonstrated by organizing teachers (counselors), or existing group leaders. The game should be played by a small group in a certain period of time (for example, three hours). After this period, the guys are invited to analyze what they liked, which of the leaders took into account their opinion, in which case the best result was achieved. Attention! When interpreting the results of the game, look again at the section "Leadership as a factor in the functioning of the group."

13. Games for preschoolers and younger students.

The conscious formation of a leadership position begins in adolescence, when the “I am a concept” is formed. However, work can be written at an earlier age through games for cooperation, conversations, classes. One of the options for classes on the formation of ideas about leadership, leadership and subordination is to discuss, play, experience these concepts (V.A. Sitarov. Non-violent interaction between a teacher and students, - M .: MPGU, 1998).

I. Formation of ideas about leadership and subordination What does it mean to be in charge (lead)? What does it mean to obey? Who do we call the main (leader)? Who - subordinates? How does the chief (leader) behave in any business? How does he behave, how does he walk, how does he smile, how does he speak, etc.?

The same, but how does the subordinate behave? Who is in charge kindergarten(in a group of children), at school, in a hospital, in a shop, at home, etc.? Why?

What is the name of the main adult at work, in the service (head, boss, director, commander, manager, etc.)? Is there a leader in a children's game? Various children's role-playing games are analyzed: who is the main one here, who is the subordinate. Do you remember what games you played recently? Who was each of you, chief or subordinate? Explain.

Who would you like to always be in the game, master or subordinate? Can everyone be the boss in the game? (If the children prefer the position of "chief", then they should gradually lead them to the conclusion that everyone must learn to be both the main and the subordinate.) Why should adults in any business, as well as children, have a boss? Why is it needed? What is he doing? Is it possible to do without the main thing (without organization and leadership)? Analysis of leadership and subordination in fairy tales, stories, poems? Who is the chief here, who is the subordinate, how the chief behaves, how the subordinates behave, who is the chief in this fairy tale. Good or bad, other heroes obey him with pleasure or are forced out of fear, fear, etc.

Demonstration of pictures with various plots, where there are pictures that can be interpreted from the standpoint of "leadership-submission" (the child organizes others for the game "Grandfather telling a fairy tale to children"). It is necessary to find such a picture among others (with a different plot), to characterize the pose of the main person, his gestures, facial expressions. Do the same with respect to submissive postures, gestures, facial expressions.

Demonstration of pictures where the attitudes of people related to leadership (dominance) and subordination are clearly expressed, both in negative and positive aspects (for example, to disassemble V. Serov’s painting “Peter I”). It is important to bring children to the idea of ​​initiative as one of the signs of supremacy, domination, leadership; forms of its expression - positive and negative (request, order, suppression, demand, etc.).

Demonstration of schematic faces (masks), their interpretation from the standpoint of dominance, subordination, equality. A passing instruction is possible: “Which face do you look at more often…”, “Which face looks at you more often…”. That is, at the same time, a diagnosis of the child's self-perceptions in a particular position and the perception of others through a certain position is carried out. Similar work is being done with the schematic poses of stick men, expressing various shades of dominance, submission and equality. Questions are asked: “Who is the boss here?”, “Who is the subordinate here? Why?"

II. The feeling of leadership and submission, the expression of this state by artistic means.

What words come to mind when we say lead (be in charge) ... obey? What color is the word chief ..., subordinate? How do they sound (what kind of music sounds)? How do they smell? What do they feel like? What do they taste like? What weather (season) are associated with the words chief ..., subordinate? Who can be called the main (king) of animals, birds, trees, flowers, insects?

Draw kings: monkeys, cats, elephants, snakes, as well as the forest king, the king of the underworld, etc. Show and tell.

Draw a children's game, where there is a chief, an organizer of the game, and subordinates. Show everyone and tell.

Draw leadership and submission as you imagine them. Show the pictures to everyone and tell them what they show.

III. Emotional experience of states of leadership and subordination, expression of this state in behavior.

Show with facial expressions, gestures, body movements, the voice of kings: monkeys, elephants, flowers, trees, cats, etc. The same, but depict the subordinates of these kings. Show with gestures, facial expressions, voice of the educator, teacher, mother, grandmother, when they "command", order, ask to do something.

Image in pairs of poses: dominance - dominance; dominance - submission; subordination - subordination; equal (partnership) relations, when neither dominance nor subordination prevail.

Learning to cooperate: organize other children to play and independently distribute roles (order); the same, but together with the children to distribute roles (ask, organize); with pleasure (with joy) to agree with the initiative of another child (main); express disagreement with the plan of another child (the main one) in a sharp form, then in a benevolent, persuasive (persuasive) form; in a group game, three or four children must express full agreement that some child plays the role of the main one; the same, but the children must disagree that a certain child will play leading role; the latter plays two forms of behavior: takes offense and leaves the game, agrees with the proposals of partners; the educator organizes the children's game, jointly chooses a role that can be considered the main one, discusses what the chief should do and what the subordinates should do, after which the children are selected for different roles, all this is played out followed by a discussion of the behavior of the main and secondary characters.

Learning how to get out of conflict situations: Vitya and Petya argued in the game, which of them will be the driver, who will be the passenger. You are Vitya, and you are Petya, how do you agree who will be who; Natasha and Zhenya argued which of them would be a mother and which would be a daughter. How can you help them reach an agreement? In this situation, you can play roles.

14. Reflection.

The main and basic requirement when conducting various games is regular reflection. Experiential learning occurs when the teenager goes back to the exercise, analyzes what he felt, what happened in the group, how this experience can be connected with other aspects of his life and, finally, as a result, concludes what he will do differently in the future.

15. "Mixers".

These are games (exercises) that serve to raise the mood, remove the psychological barrier, and get to know each other.

Caterpillar: the group becomes in a line. Each member of the group passes his hand to the one standing behind. To do this, the players spread their legs shoulder-width apart and give their hand back between their legs. At the same time, everyone also takes the hand of the person in front. The group begins to move backwards until everyone is on the floor. The group is then asked to return to the starting position in reverse order.

Shoe factory: everyone takes off their shoes and puts them in the center of the circle, each participant puts on two different shoes and tries to put a foot next to the foot wearing paired shoes.

This is my nose: what will you say to a person who points to his elbow and says: “This is my nose?” Well, you can point to your head and say, "Is that my elbow?" Then he will probably show me his foot and say: "That's my head!" This is a new hand-eye coordination game and test that shows you how long you can last by naming the body parts your partner has just shown while pointing to another part of your body at the same time.

Ha-ha-ha: Everyone lies down, putting their head on the stomach of another participant and, thus forming a long chain, the first player says: “Ha”, the second: “Ha-ha”, etc. The game restarts if someone laughs.

Shadow Chief: One of the players leaves the room. The remaining members of the team choose a "leader", who sets any movements for the group and changes them after a while. The task of the newcomer is to determine the "leader". In case of luck, the "leader" himself goes out the door and the game is repeated with the new "leader".

Never: Group members open their palms and take turns saying, "I've never… (did anything)." The one who did the proposed action bends his finger. The game helps a lot in getting to know each other.

Zoo: group members stand in a circle and hold each other's arms. The leader tells everyone the name of the animal. After that, the host loudly calls one of the names. Guys with this name should tighten their legs. The rest must hold them. The best effect is achieved with a large amount of one of them.

Knots: The group stands in a circle and extends their arms to the center. After a random clasp of hands, the group is invited to turn around in a circle so that people standing nearby with clasped hands.

Fruit: the group stands in a circle. Everyone chooses a fruit name starting with the first letter of their name. An exchange of phrases like: "An apple loves an orange" is proposed. After that, "orange" should name a new pair. If this does not happen and the leader manages to touch the "orange", then they change places.

Tutti-frutti: the team is divided into two or more fronts and chooses a name for itself - fruit. One person stands in the center and tells a story. As soon as he uses one of the front names, the members of that front must switch places with each other. If "Tutti-frutti" is pronounced, then all members of all fronts should change places.

Wand: the team sits in a circle and begins to pass an object around the circle, holding it with various parts of the body, changing them. When falling, the game starts from the beginning.

Drums: The group sits in a circle. Group members put their palms on their knees to the neighbors on both sides. The group starts clapping in a certain direction - hand by hand, in the order they lie on their knees. With a double strike, the direction is reversed. The one who made a mistake removes his hand.

Killer: The group stands in a circle. Hands are clasped behind the back. At the same time, the left hand is bent at the elbow and holds the right hand of the neighbor on the left. The leader, going around the circle from the outside, quietly selects the "killer", touching his shoulder. The "killer" shakes the neighbor's hand N times. The neighbor presses the next N-1 times, etc. Whoever receives one last handshake is considered dead and leaves the circle. If the attempt fails, the "killer" sends a new "impulse".

Monster: "Your task is to get the whole team from this line to that one. In this case, everyone starts at the same time, but at the command of the host. And at the same time the whole group can have five points of contact with the ground.

"Feet in hand": the group becomes in a line. Everyone puts one hand on the shoulder of the person in front and raises one leg. With the second hand, the rear pick up the leg of the front. The task is to jump a certain distance without breaking.

"Hee-hee, ha-ha": the group stands in a circle and simultaneously makes movements with their hands and says: "Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha", decrementing the score from 5 to 1 .

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Games for rallying and identifying the leader.

The task of each leader is to make a team out of his squad. These games will help you get to know each other better and unite the squad.

Similarities and differences.

The counselor offers several questions for the group, each of which has its own number, for example,

Most of the time I am happy when...

I can't stand it when...

I value people the most…etc., no more than seven. Within the set time, the guys have to find others who also answered the questions, like him. Then it is necessary to conduct a conversation-analysis, how much is common for the whole group.

"How many fingers"?

All the guys sit in a circle. The counselor shows one or another quantity on his fingers. Immediately, as many people should stand up as the counselor showed on his fingers. They sit down only after the counselor lowers his hand. At the beginning, the counselor shows 5-7 fingers, at the end - 1-2. At the same time, the counselor blocks the attempts of the participants in the game to agree.

Large family photo.

It is proposed that the guys imagine that they are all a big family and everyone needs to be photographed for a family album. You must select a "photographer". He should arrange the whole family for photographing. The first of the family is selected "grandfather". He, too, can participate in the arrangement of members of the "family". Then the guys themselves must decide who to whom to be and where to stand. Leader as an observer. The role of photographers and "grandfathers" is usually taken by guys striving for leadership, but elements of management and other "family members" are not excluded.

After the distribution of roles and arrangement of "family members", the "photographer" counts up to three. On the count of "three!" everyone together and very loudly shout the word "cheese" and simultaneously clap their hands.

Flight to Mars.

This is another option for identifying leaders, consisting of several games. To do this, the guys are divided into 2-3 teams equal in number of participants. Each team chooses a name for itself. The leader offers the conditions: “Now the teams will have to complete several tasks, the tasks will be completed after the command “Start!” The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner. Thus, a spirit of competition will be created, which is very important for the guys.

So, the first task.

Now each team should say in chorus, some one word.


In order to complete this task, it is necessary for all team members to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.

Second task.

Now all the teams are flying on a spaceship to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize the crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare".

Usually, the leader again takes on the functions of the organizer, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of a “hare” for himself.

Task three.

We flew to Mars, and we need to somehow accommodate in a Martian hotel, and there are only triple rooms, two double rooms and one single room. It is necessary to distribute as soon as possible who will live in which room.

After conducting this game, the counselor can see the presence and composition of microgroups in the detachment. Single rooms usually go to either hidden, unidentified leaders or "outcasts".

The proposed number of rooms and places in them is made up for a team consisting of 8 participants. If there are more or less participants in the team, then the number and capacity of rooms is compiled in such a way that there are triples, doubles, and one single room.

Find out who's missing.

All participants close their eyes, and at this time the Leader touches someone on the shoulder. The one he touched silently leaves. At the signal of the Leader, everyone opens their eyes and looks who is not there. Whoever calls the missing player first wins.

Count up to 10.

All participants sit in a circle with their eyes closed. Task: count up to 10, while each number is called by one person (without agreeing among themselves). If several people called the same number at the same time, then the count starts again.


All participants for limited time(1-2 min.) They must lay out some pattern on the ground from twigs, sticks, buttons, cones and other small objects. The main condition is to perform the task in complete silence.


All participants stand up as a “train”, closing the eyes of the player standing in front. In this way, open eyes stay with the last player, and free hands - at the first. The task before the “locomotive” is to get a certain object that the Driver places in the room after the players have closed their eyes. The last player turns the "engine" with his hands, i.e. directs it. Along the chain, these movements are transmitted to the entire “engine”, and it begins to move. The game continues until the first player picks up the hidden object.


All participants with their eyes closed stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver (counselor) asks: “Guys! Please build a triangle, a square, a rhombus, etc., without uttering a single sound.”

Secret friend.

On separate sheets of paper, the counselor writes the names and surnames of all the children of the detachment (the names and surnames of the girls are in one box, the boys are in another). By lot, boys draw girls, and girls draw boys. Then, for a set time (1-5 days), these children are secretly pleasant surprises. The main condition is that everyone must keep the secret. After the time has elapsed, the entire detachment gathers in one place where the leader (possibly with creative team) surprises the whole squad already (entertainment show, song evening by the fire, etc.) At the end, the counselor, together with the children, finds out whether all the participants are disclosed, and also analyzes the feasibility, effectiveness and necessity of the Secret Friend game, possibly jointly accept the decision to surprise a neighboring detachment, camp, etc.

I love you for...

Participants stand or sit in two circles - inner (boys) and outer (girls), in pairs towards each other. Couples join hands (optionally by the elbows, or hug each other) and whisper to each other what quality they value most in this person. At the same time, they begin with the obligatory phrase: “(participant’s name), I love you because ...” The more detailed the explanation, the better the task was completed. The counselor must play with the children. After 10-15 seconds, the outer circle takes a step to the right and the couples, changing, repeat all over again. At the end of the game - the analysis of sensations.


They choose the Leader, who thinks of one of the participants. The task of the other players is to guess the participant. To do this, it is necessary to ask questions to which the Leader answers associatively. For example, if it is a bakery product, then which one; if it is a color, then what; if it is music, what kind; if this is a poem, then what is it about, etc. Thus, a set of associations appears, by which the children try to guess the participant. As soon as they guessed, the player who was guessed becomes the Driver. You can do the opposite. One participant turns away, and the rest guess. The guesser can ask anyone with a question.


The players are on the benches. The driver (counselor) begins: “You are on a ship that is starting to sink. Your task is to save as much as possible more people. So, the starboard side, the left side, etc., go under the water. At the same time, the driver indicates how much space remains, and the children try to fit in the proposed area. The game continues until the area designated by the counselor becomes extremely small.


The players become in a circle. A rope is stretched inside the circle, for which everyone is holding hands. The facilitator explains that it is necessary to close your eyes and, without opening up, build a square, an equilateral triangle, using only oral negotiations. It is also reported that they play on spatial imagination and attentiveness. During the game, when the rebuilding is in progress, the leader observes which of the guys acts as the organizer of the movements. From the observations, one can draw a conclusion about the cohesion of the group, its organization, and identify leaders.

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