Dark, it is covered with a beautiful carved sheet of bark. Open lesson "invisible network and invisible pyramid"

Tourism and rest 08.09.2019
Tourism and rest

Synopsis of the joint educational activities with children of the middle correctional group
Developed by: teacher Parmenova M.N.
Theme: "Journey to the autumn forest."
Technologies used: didactic game, TRIZ elements, educational games.
Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic creativity".
Cognitive-speech direction:
Expand and clarify children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn.
Continue to learn to distinguish deciduous trees(maple, oak, birch).
Expand children's understanding of wild berries and mushrooms, acquaint them with the features appearance and places of growth.
Activate the speech of children, enrich through the use of definitions in speech (what kind of tree? What kind of foliage?), figurative expressions (“it is covered with dark bark, the leaf is beautiful, carved”, “well done in round dances and in a row in hats”, “Russian beauty” ).
To acquaint with the possibility of finding and solving contradictions contained in one subject, using the elements of TRIZ (for the game "good-bad").
Learn to solve riddles.
Social direction:
Bring up careful attitude to nature.
Contribute to the development of aesthetic perception of the world around.
Develop the ability to communicate with peers, actively participate in activities.
Artistic and aesthetic direction:
To consolidate the ability to sculpt mushrooms, using the techniques of rolling between the palms with straight and circular movements, flattening with the palms, sculpting with fingers to refine the shape.
Corrective tasks:
Enrich the visual sensory experience of preschoolers.
Develop visual attention, memory, the ability to navigate in space.
Colored silhouette images of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, birch, oak, maple leaves, a basket, pictures of trees, berries, models for the game "Collect a Bouquet", dummies of mushrooms, a waltz soundtrack, plasticine.
Guys, it blew at night strong wind, and a leaf flew into our window.
Show maple leaf.
What tree is the leaf from? That's right, it's a maple leaf. He invites us on a journey through autumn forest. I'll take a basket with me. Everything that we see interesting, we will put it in it.
How can you get to the forest? Let's ride the train. You will all be wagons, and I will be a locomotive. Go!
Faster, faster the wheels turned
And now all the cars rolled forward,
As if they are not wagons, but balls,
Tak-tik, tak-tik, tak-tik.
Children follow each other, imitating the movement of the "train".
We've arrived. Get out of the wagons.
One, two, three, maple leaf, help
To be us in the forest,
Where painted the foliage
In purple, gold
Autumn yellow scythe.
Leaves from different trees are scattered on the floor.
How quiet it is in the forest, only the leaves rustle underfoot.
See how many there are. What did you find out?
Find a birch leaf. What tree is it from? Everyone loves birch. This tree is called the Russian beauty.
The teacher shows a picture of a birch, offers to become all "birches"
To the melody of a waltz, children perform dance movements according to the text:
Golden leaves fly from the tree

It's, it's, it's leaf fall!
We walk on the leaves, and they rustle,
The wind is spinning the leaves - this is leaf fall.
It's, it's, it's leaf fall!
Put the birch leaves in the basket.
The teacher shows a picture of an oak tree.
And what is this tree?
It is dark, covered with bark,
The sheet is beautiful, carved,
And at the ends of the branches
Lots and lots of acorns.
Find oak leaves. What are their names?
Say nice words to the leaf. What leaf? (carved, dark, light…).
The teacher holds the leaf vertically, asks:
What does a leaf look like? (herringbone, cone ...)
The teacher holds the leaf horizontally:
So what does the leaf look like? (cloud, cloud, puddle ...)
Indeed, oak leaves are beautiful, carved.
The teacher puts an oak leaf in a basket.
Find maple leaves. In autumn the most beautiful leaves at the maple Why?
Shows a picture of a maple.
Autumn long thin brush
Recolors the leaves.
Red, yellow, gold -
How good you are, colored sheet.
Let's make bouquets of leaves.
The game "Pick a Bouquet" is being played. The teacher offers to collect leaves around the models, grouping them in three ways:
Option 1 - collect all birch and all maple leaves.
Option 2 - collect all oak and all green leaves.
Option 3 - the teacher shows a green birch leaf. Children together determine which bouquet to put the leaf in.
We have beautiful autumn bouquets.
I will put autumn leaf in a basket.
Let's go for a walk in the woods.
Through bushes and hummocks,
Through branches and stumps
Raising your legs higher
We went to a forest clearing.
The teacher brings the children to the carpet, on it there are color pictures with images of berries and a silhouette image of berries.
And berries love to grow in a sunny meadow.
Guess the riddle:
Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears. (raspberry)
What berry is the mystery about? Why do you think so?
Yes, raspberries grow on bushes. Ripens in summer.
Finger gymnastics "berry".
I remove the berries from the branch (we stroke each finger, as if
we remove the berry from it).
And I collect it in a basket (fold both palms in front of me with a cup).
There will be a full basket
I'll try a little (one hand folded in a boat,
cover another).
Find the silhouette image of a raspberry. Put the berry in the basket.
Guess another riddle:
In the heat of the stumps
Lots of thin stems
Every stalk
Holds a red light.
Unfolding the stems
Collecting lights. (strawberry)
What berries look like lights? Find strawberries among the pictures. These berries grow in sunny clearings, they do not like shadows. The berries turn red in the sun, ripen in the summer.
Find the silhouette image of a strawberry. Put the berry in the basket.
Does anyone know what this little berry is called? (blueberry).
Why is she called that?
It grows in the shade, the sun does not like. Therefore, it is necessary to look for it in the forest, under the trees.
Let's make a forest.
The teacher offers children sets of figures for the game "tangram". Children on the tables lay out geometric shapes"herringbone". The teacher makes a "Christmas tree" on the carpet.
Well done! Many blueberries will grow in your forest.
Let's take the blueberry in the basket.
Listen to the riddle:
Under the trees, under the tree
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boot,
There is a hat - no head. (mushroom)
Let's go for mushrooms.
Imagine that you have baskets in your hands. What have you become? You are mushroom pickers. Carefully look under your feet, lift the lower branches of the trees, cut the mushrooms with a knife.
But near the birch is a fungus. (boletus)
What is it called? How did you guess? Yes, boletus grows under a birch.
I was born on a rainy day
Under a young birch
Round, smooth, beautiful,
With a long and straight leg.

And here is another mushroom. (white)
Probably also a boletus?
Compare porcini and boletus.
Who knows why the porcini mushroom was called that, because the hat is brown. If you break off a piece of the leg, you can see that the flesh of this mushroom is white.
The teacher puts the mushroom in the basket.
Move on. See what interesting mushrooms stick out. People called them foxes. Why do you think?
The game "The Fourth Extra" is being played. Children examine the card, tell what is shown on it, what object is superfluous and why.
The first card: white mushroom, boletus, chanterelle, leaf
The second card: Christmas tree, basket, mushroom, multi-storey building.
Here is a handsome man! (fly agaric).
Do you know this mushroom? It is poisonous, but you cannot trample on it. Animals need mushrooms. Elk and squirrel are treated with them. There is nothing unnecessary in nature. We will not take this mushroom into the basket.
We are tired walking through the forest. Let's sit down and rest.
The teacher conducts a developing game "good-bad".
Guys, let's think together about what mushrooms are good for.
Mushrooms are beautiful, they are scattered throughout the forest like flowers. They have a hat and a leg, hats can be multi-colored.
Insects can hide under the mushroom.
Some animals are treated with mushrooms.
Mushrooms are dried for the winter, salted, and soup is made from them.
Children give their own examples.
Now think about if there is something bad in the mushrooms, or tell us what can happen because of the mushrooms.
Mushrooms are poisonous. In this case, they must be bypassed, not trampled. Old mushrooms are wormy. The name of mushrooms can be misleading (Russula). If the mushrooms are not cut with a knife, but plucked, mushrooms may no longer grow in that place.
Children give their own examples.
Well done: How much do you know about mushrooms.
I suggest you fashion the mushrooms you want.
Children come to the tables, choose plasticine. We discuss how to mold a mushroom leg, with what movements to roll plasticine into a ball. In the process of sculpting, the teacher asks the children what kind of mushrooms they are sculpting.
We were with you in the forest,
Where painted the foliage
In purple color. Gold
Autumn yellow scythe.
The maple leaf is calling us back. Let's go back to Kindergarten. Get in the wagons, let's go.
Children follow each other, imitating the movement of the train.

Municipal formation Pavlovsky district Krasnodar Territory

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution
average comprehensive school No. 2 of the village of Pavlovskaya




Teacher primary school

MAOU secondary school №2

Shishkova Elena Borisovna



Topic: Plants and animals around me.

Goals: 1) To acquaint with some plants and animals of our area, their significance for humans;

Rto expand children's ideas about the life of plants, animals and birds;

2) To convey to the minds of children the concept: "Nature and people are one";

3) Cultivate respect for plants, animals and birds.

4) Instill love for native land, native village.

Lesson stages

During the classes

Formation of UUD

Ι. Organizing time.

High mountains,

native spaces,

Primorsky coast line,

forests and meadows,

Gardens and estuaries

All this is native Kuban!

We all live on Earth. It grows trees, shrubs, herbs. Different animals live: animals, birds, insects, fish, frogs, snakes, turtles…

We are surrounded by clear air. Streams and rivers flow across the earth, clouds float across the sky. In clear weather, the sun shines, and at night - the moon and stars.

- All this we call ... nature. Choose from the two landscapes on the slide the one that suits your mood. (There are two pictures on the slide depicting landscapes. One picture is imbued with a sad, sad mood, the other is joyful, cheerful.

Personal UUD:

1) we form the internal position of schoolchildren at the level of a positive attitude towards school;

2) we form the foundations of civic identity, our ethnicity in the form of awareness of "I" as a resident of the Kuban;

3) we form a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings.

ΙΙ. Actualization of knowledge and formulation of the educational problem.

(Knock on the door. They brought a telegram).

What kind of telegram is so strange, not words written, but animals and plants drawn?

Guys, help me figure it out! (Telegram on the slide. From the first letters of the images of plants and animals, you need to make a word (INVITE .)

So we read the telegram! Shall we accept the invitation?

What do you think we will talk about today at the lesson?

children's assumptions.

- Yes, guys, about the plants and animals of the Kuban and the plants and animals that grow in our Pavlovsk region. About plants and animals around us.

We will learn to recognize them. And we will also remember how to treat nature.

Cognitive UUD:

1) we form the ability to extract information from illustrations, text;

2 )

3 )

Personal UUD:

1) we form educational and cognitive interest in the educational material.

Communicative UUD:

1 )

2 )

3 ) we develop the ability to formulate our thoughts orally.

Regulatory UUD:

1 ) we form the ability to determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

ΙΙΙ. Co-discovery of knowledge.

- There are two kingdoms on our planet that never go to war with each other, which are so friendly that they cannot do without each other for a long time. They live on the same territory, and they have everything in common: land, rivers, seas.

Who guessed what these two kingdoms are called?

(Kingdom of Plants and Kingdom of Animals).

What do you think the plant kingdom does?

(Produces food from the earth, which feeds itself and feeds the friendly Animal Kingdom).

Right. In whatever corner of the Earth we would not get, everywhere we met representatives of both kingdoms.

To which of these kingdoms do we belong? (To the Animal Kingdom).

Correctly. And we all must obey the main law of this Kingdom - to respect the interests of the Kingdom of Plants and each of its representatives: every tree, bush, flower.

Name what cultivated plants are grown in our Pavlovsk region?

a) In field?

(Corn, wheat, barley, peas, sugar beets, sunflowers, etc.)

b) In the garden?

(Tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, beets, radishes, cabbage, carrots, etc.)

in) In the garden?

(apple trees, pears, plums, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, etc.).

Now tell me, how does a person use these plants?

What plants are these products derived from?


Black bread;

Buckwheat grain;

Vegetable oil.

Group work.

Exercise 1.

    Recognize the trees by the leaves from the herbarium.

    Which tree blooms first in spring? (willow).

    Name the trees growing in the area.

    What is the difference between pine and oak? (pine - coniferous, oak - deciduous).

    How can you find out the age of a tree? (according to the number of rings on the cut).

Task 2. Solve riddles.

The beauty is worth -

Braids are green, dress is white,

Flying seed. (Birch)

It is covered with dark bark,

The sheet is beautiful, carved.

And at the ends of the branches

Lots and lots of acorns. (oak).

In the spring it grows blooms in summer,

And the flower is honey,

Treats flu, cough and wheezing. (Linden).

The houses are high, the floors are uncountable,

Prickly spiers under flying clouds. (ate).

There is a pillar to heaven,

And on it is a tent-canopy,

Red copper pillar chiseled,

And the canopy is through, green. (pine).

- According to the variety of vegetation Krasnodar region surpasses many parts of the country. Botanists number about three thousand species of plants in the region.

Some of them are real old-timers. They were here before ice age about two million years ago. These plants are well known to you: linden, chestnut, oak, blueberry and others. (Showing pictures) These plants are called relic, that is, preserved from ancient times.

Let's look at the map-scheme of the vegetation of the Krasnodar Territory. Nowhere else in our country is there such a variety of vegetation. Why do you think?

In many ways you are right. In our region there are mountains, and seas, and steppes, i.e. various natural conditions, so they grow different plants. We live in the northern part of the region - this is the Azov-Kuban lowland. Here is a solid steppe.

The vegetation of the steppe part of the region has long lost its former appearance of a wild feather grass steppe with thickets of weeds, wild almonds, blackthorn. Wild grasses - feather grass, broomstick, fescue, thin-legged (demonstration of the herbarium "Plants of my small Motherland") - can only be found along roads, beams and near mounds. In places there are plantains, tansy, poppies, couch grass, St. John's wort.

The Kuban steppe has turned into huge fields of wheat, sunflower, corn, marvelous orchards, vineyards and melons.

Forests cover the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains. Forests are a golden kingdom, a kingdom of colors and wealth different types plants, valuable tree species: oak, beech,. hornbeam, Caucasian fir. Plants of ancient times have been preserved in the region: yew, boxwood, holly and others. On the Black Sea coast- the kingdom of evergreen subtropical shrubs, vines, palm trees, citrus fruits.

There is a Russian proverb: "A plant is an ornament to the earth." So our Kuban plants are the decoration of our homeland, its wealth.

Fizminutka. On the lawn, on the chamomile

The beetle lies in a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

I am friends with daisies.

Quietly swinging in the wind

Low, low bend.

Guess the riddles:

    The doctor grew up by the road, he heals the sick legs (plantain).

    Sand heart, milk petals (chamomile).

    There was a flower, like honey, young, and when he got old, he became gray-haired (dandelion).

    Everyone avoids the toothy ant: the king and queen (nettle).

What plants do you know that are medicinal?

What are the collection rules medicinal plants you know? (do not pull out with roots, leave most for reproduction).

In a forest clearing, you saw beautiful, brightly flowering plants, what will you do? Why?

Beautiful flowers in nature, especially in the forest and in the meadow, attract people, they admire their beauty. But flowers are not for us at all. Bright colors flowers need scent to attract insects. After all, flowers feed them with juice and pollen. In order for a plant to have seeds, you need to transfer pollen from a flower to another flower. This is what insects do. But they don't like all flowers. A bee, for example, will never sit on a lily of the valley. But the lily of the valley mosquito is both a table and a house. And people should know this and remember that if I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you,

If we pick flowers

All fields will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

Insects. Why do we call them that? This is from the word "notch", "notch". Consider the abdomen of a butterfly, a bee, an ant. Cross stripes are visible here.

Do the math. How many limbs do insects have? (six).

And the eye? There are two, and four, and five, and ten.

We have ears on our heads, but insects can have them anywhere. In grasshoppers, for example, in the nose.

Insects are children of the sun. There are useful insects and there are harmful ones, there are beautiful ones and there are ugly ones. But they are all very interesting.

Insects hibernate, showing a lot of ingenuity. See who is wintering where.

    The ant closes the windows in his anthill.

    Ladybugs hide in a pile of dry leaves.

    Mosquitoes are laid directly on the ground.

    The cricket builds a house in the ground.

    A bumblebee is either in an abandoned mouse hole, or in a stack of hay.

- Who is rustling in the grass? Yes, it's a mouse! Do you guys know that mice are pests and gluttons? She becomes an adult 30 days after birth. It reproduces very quickly. There are mice - house, field, forest. If you take a couple of mice, feed them well, then in a year there will be more than 15 thousand mice. 1 mouse eats 1 kg of grain per year. And the owl hunts mice, during the summer it destroys 1000 mice. It turns out that only 1 owl saves us 1 ton of bread a year.

Fizminutka. On the track, on the track

We jump on the right leg. (Jumps on the right leg)

And along the same path

We jump on the left leg. (Jumps on the left foot)

Let's run along the path

Let's run to the lawn. (Running in place).

On the lawn, on the lawn

We will jump like bunnies (jumping in place on both legs)

Stop. Let's get some rest

Our journey continues. We are walking along the edge of the forest. Whose voice are we hearing? (Cuckoo! Cuckoo!) That's right, it's a cuckoo. The legend about this bird tells: one woman killed her husband and, as a punishment, was turned by God into a bird that was not destined to have her own family. Since then, people often hear her crying.

Look, guys, on the path, a chick that fell out of the nest! How should we proceed? (Children answer the question).

Well done! What birds do you know?

Name migratory birds.

What birds winter in our area?

There are 320 species of birds in our region. In the morning, the forest and valleys are filled with the singing and chirping of various birds: jays, magpies, cuckoos, thrushes, wagtails, orioles, falcons, mistletoes, bee-eaters, owls, starlings, etc. They bring great benefits to agriculture, destroying harmful insects.

And what are these guys on stumps

Crowded in a tight bunch?

And they hold umbrellas in their hands,

Caught by a cloud (honey mushrooms).

Good girls! All you know!

Honey mushrooms - unusual mushrooms. All mushrooms grow on the ground, but these grow on stumps and trees.

When do mushrooms start growing? (When it warms up well and is saturated with moisture.)

(Children's stories about mushrooms).

The boletus loves raw aspen forests. They stick out of the grass like a bright button.

Look for a boletus under a birch.

There are many chanterelles in wet summer. They grow in bright orange paths among green moss.

Russula, like flowers, are scattered throughout the forest. They have hats in all colors of the rainbow.

Borovik (white mushroom) is the most delicious and fragrant mushroom. The leg is thick, the hat is fleshy, dark brown. Grows in birch and oak forests.

But we must beware of inedible poisonous mushrooms: pale grebe, false mushrooms, false chanterelles, false mushrooms! Learn from adults to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible. (Demonstration of drawings of mushrooms).

Can't spoil poisonous mushrooms, do not pluck or trample them, because among them there is medicine for animals.

What is the squirrel doing here? (Drawing of a squirrel with a basket, a mushroom in its foot).

Let's help her collect mushrooms.

Run across the meadow

Amanitas and grebes,

Ryzhik, mushrooms,

To lead you astray!

(Mushrooms-pictures on the board, edible and inedible. Children collect edible mushrooms, put squirrels in the basket).

The squirrel wants to ask you a question.

White question:

Why can't mushrooms be uprooted, moss and soil around them should not be torn apart? (such actions violate the mycelium from which the mushroom grows).

Why does a squirrel collect mushrooms? How does it store?

Fizminutka. Clouds flew in, became a cloud (children wave their hands).

Droplets fell to the ground from a cloud (squat).

The fungus was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (rise)

I didn’t want to sleep anymore (trunk to the right, to the left).

Moved, stretched, (arms up, stretching).

I quickly put on my hat.

Pulled up a little (arms to the sides).

And ripened into the white light (jumping in place).

Look, children, what kind of forest animal stood like a column under a pine tree?

Standing among the grass - ears larger than the head? (hare).

Do you know that a hare does not have a house: he does not have a hole where he could hide from enemies. The hare is rescued by his nose, sensitive ears, quick legs and an inconspicuous fur coat. The hare leaves her cubs in the grass, feeds and runs away, the kids are left alone. Can they starve to death? Not! Any other mother hare will find them and feed them.

Many animals live in the Kuban forests.

In ancient times, huge buffaloes lived here, important giraffes, you could meet a rhinoceros, the earth shook from the footsteps of the southern elephant, and they made their lairs in mountain caves. saber-toothed tigers. Some animals died out, others moved to distant warm lands.

But even now, many animals fly, swim, run and crawl in the vastness of the Krasnodar Territory.

- Our river is beautiful. What is it called? (Sosyka).

There are many fish in our river. Now we will go fishing.

(The game "Catch a fish." Catch a fish with a magnetic fishing rod, name it, explain what it eats. These are: perch, pike, bream, rudd, crucian carp).

But I will tell you a little about these fish and show you:

Silver carp: This fish does not like noise so much that when it hears it, it manages to jump out of the water by 2 meters. They say that if you arrive on a boat at a place of accumulation of these fish and slap the water with oars, the fish will jump right into the boat.

Tench: The color of this fish depends on the color of the water, it is covered with dark spots - it “sheds”. Hence the name.

There are many amazing things around us.

Here, for example, is a green frog. What does she have in common with an elephant? Say - nothing ... and you will be mistaken. Both have skin attached to the body in only a few places. Both are dressed, as it were, in a loose dressing gown with several fasteners. But you, the people, the body is squeezed by strong elastic skin. An elephant's skin is as strong as a rope. But the frog is not so strong. But beauties - frogs follow fashion and change clothes - change their skin four times a year. Where do they put their discarded clothes? eat! Don't waste good...

Look, Birch has come to us. But she is very sad. Why? It turns out that unfortunate tourists visited the neighboring clearing: the fire was not extinguished, the garbage was not removed. This is what people who do not know how to properly behave in nature do. What should have been done? (burn the garbage and put out the fire well).

The birch gave us her leaves, and the rules of behavior in the forest are written on them. Let's read them! (children are given “Birch leaves, they read):

    Do not break branches, do not cripple trees, do not tear a blade of grass or a leaf in vain.

    Try not to make noise, otherwise the forest will get scared, hide, and you will not learn a single secret.

    All kinds of animals are important, all kinds of animals are needed: each of them does its own thing in nature.

Thank you, Birch, now we will forever remember how to behave in the forest and never harm nature.

Cognitive UUD:

1 ) we form the ability to identify the essence, features of objects;

2 ) we form the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

3 )

4 ) we form the ability to generalize and classify according to signs.

Communicative UUD:

1 ) develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2 ) we form the ability to build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks;

3 )


Personal UUD:

1) we form the ability to define and express the simplest rules common to all people.

Regulatory UUD:

1 )



ΙV. Application of new knowledge

Today you learned a lot of interesting things about the plants and animals that live next to us. If you want to learn even more, be observant and attentive, read books and magazines about animals, watch TV shows about the animal world.

1. Show drawings of birds: sparrow, starling, magpie, crow, wagtail, swallow.

- Why am I showing you these birds? (They live in our area).

What two groups can they be divided into? Why? (Migratory birds and wintering).

- "How many birds should eat?" - you ask. But how much. If a person had such an appetite, then a person would need 70-80 loaves of bread per day. Many birds eat insects and feed their babies with them. Do you know such birds?

(Answers of children: swallows, swifts, nightingale, woodpeckers).

-There are those who feed on the seeds of plants. Name these birds.

(Answers of children: goldfinches, sparrows, tits, etc.).

- But not few and omnivorous birds. Crows, for example, eat everything: meat and fish, grain and insects, snails and bird eggs, even watermelons and melons.

- And what they are singers! The “singer of love, the singer of sorrow” is famous all over the world - the nightingale.

(Listening to the recording of the singing of the nightingale).

Yes, and all bird songs - so excite the soul.

(Listening to the voices of birds).

- By the behavior of birds, you can even predict the weather.

(Children in groups make signs from words).

2. Work in the textbook-notebook (p. 27)

3. Crossword "Guess"

    Will wink at you furtively

Sweet lantern made from grass.







    At the top of the stem

Sun and clouds.

    What is my name - tell me

I often hide in the rye.

humble wild flower

Blue-eyed ...

    Not allowed into the garden

That's why she burns.

    From these fluffy balls

parachutists fly.

Answers: Strawberry, chamomile, cornflower, nettle, dandelion.

Cognitive UUD:

1 ) we form the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

2 ) we form the ability to establish analogies;

3 ) we form the ability to generalize and classify by signs;

4 ) we form to carry out the analysis of objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features.

Communicative UUD:

1 ) develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2 ) we form the ability to build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks;

3 ) we form the ability to formulate our thoughts orally;

4) we form the ability to jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior.

Personal UUD:

1) we form the ability to define and express the simplest rules common to all people;

2) we form the foundations of ecological culture.

Regulatory UUD:

1 ) we form the ability to determine the success of our assignment in a dialogue with the teacher;

2) we form the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

V. Summary of the lesson.


What did you learn new?

What secrets of animals have we discovered?

Who or what helped you cope?

Who is happy with their work today?

Tree, flower, grass and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

    Guys, how can we help Mother Nature? (children answer).

    What interested you, what would you like to learn more about?

    I thank you for your interest in nature, for your kind hearts, for the fact that you want Mother Earth to flourish and become prettier day by day.

Animal burrows, bird's nest

We will never destroy.

Let the animals and small animals

It's good to live next to us!

Choose from the two landscapes on the slide the one that suits your mood. (There are two pictures on the slide depicting landscapes. One picture is imbued with a sad, sad mood, the other is joyful, cheerful.

Personal UUD:

1) we form knowledge of the basic moral norms and an orientation towards their implementation.

Regulatory UUD:

1) we form the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection;

2) the ability to exercise final control on the result.

VI. Homework.

- Draw on a landscape sheet a plant that will interest you, walking down the street or at home near the yard, in the garden, in the garden. Be sure to find out its name, read about it, and be prepared to share what you've learned about this plant.

This topic contributes to the environmental education of students.

Spiritual and moral development and education:

1) education of moral feeling, ethical consciousness and readiness to perform positive actions, including speech;

2) civil patriotic education;

3) education of diligence, ability to knowledge;

4) education healthy lifestyle life;

5) environmental education;

6) aesthetic education.

Group work.

Exercise 1.

Task 2. Solve riddles.

1) There is a beauty -

Braids are green, dress is white,

Combustible bark, weeping branch,

Flying seed.

2) Dark it is covered with bark,

The sheet is beautiful, carved.

And at the ends of the branches

Lots and lots of acorns.

Falls off in autumn, sleeps off in winter.

And the flower is honey,

5) There is a pillar to heaven,

And on it is a tent-canopy,

Red copper pillar chiseled,

And the canopy is through, green.

Group work.

Exercise 1.

1. Recognize the trees by the leaves from the herbarium.

2. Which tree blooms first in spring?

3. Name the trees growing in the area.

4. What is the difference between pine and oak?

5. How can you find out the age of a tree?

Task 2. Solve riddles.

1) There is a beauty -

Braids are green, dress is white,

Combustible bark, weeping branch,

Flying seed.

2) Dark it is covered with bark,

The sheet is beautiful, carved.

And at the ends of the branches

Lots and lots of acorns.

3)) It grows in spring, blooms in summer,

Falls off in autumn, sleeps off in winter.

And the flower is honey,

Treats flu, cough and wheezing.

4) The houses are high, the floors are uncountable,

Prickly spiers under flying clouds.

5) There is a pillar to heaven,

And on it is a tent-canopy,

Red copper pillar chiseled,

And the canopy is through, green.







    Will wink at you furtively

Sweet lantern made from grass.

    At the top of the stem

Sun and clouds.

    What is my name - tell me

I often hide in the rye.

humble wild flower

Blue-eyed ...

    Not allowed into the garden

That's why she burns.

    From these fluffy balls

parachutists fly.







1. Wink at you furtively

Sweet lantern made from grass.

2. At the top of the stem

Sun and clouds.

3. What is my name - tell me

I often hide in the rye.

humble wild flower

Blue-eyed ...

4. They didn’t let me into the garden -

That's why she burns.

5. With these fluffy balls

parachutists fly.

1) Swallows fly low - to rain.

2) Sparrows bathe in dust - to rain.

3) A goose stands on one leg - to frost.

4) Geese fly high - there will be a lot of water.

5) Sparrows collect fluff together, insulate their nests - in a few days severe frosts will come.

6) Crows and jackdaws curl in the air - in front of the snow; sit down on the snow - to the thaw; sit on the upper branches to frost.

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity for children 6–7 years old “Green oak near the seashore”

Program content:

To form aesthetic feelings by conveying an artistic image using various techniques (paper rolling, plasticineography, bulk material, poking, crumpled paper print, dried plants). Develop a sense of composition, imagination and creativity. Learn to create a fabulous, expressive image. Cultivate accuracy in the performance of work.

Materials and equipment:

Painting "Oaks" by I. I. Shishkin, for children's work: (optional) cardboard A 4, PVA glue, napkins Green colour, gouache, plasticine, dry tea, paper, dry leaves, dried oak leaves, brushes, water.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with different breeds trees, observation during a walk, excursion to the park, looking at illustrations, didactic game “Find out which tree the leaf is from”, work with non-traditional material.

Lesson progress:


My friends, today I invite you to an amazing fairytale journey.
And the main character of our fairy tale will be ... guess the riddle:

It is covered with dark bark,
The sheet is beautiful, carved,
And at the ends of the branches
A lot of acorns ripen.

Questions for children:

Can you tell me what kind of tree it is?
Can we distinguish it from other trees?
What kind of leaves does it have?
Does it bear fruit?
What fairy tale hero reminds us of oak? (bogatyr)
And the hero, what is he? (strong, persistent, powerful).
Do you know the sayings about oak? (strong as an oak, wise as an old oak).
What is the name of the forest where oaks grow? (oak grove, oak grove).
See how the artist I. I. Shishkin depicted oaks in his painting.

What do you see? (children's story)


Indestructible oaks - giants, illuminated by the sun, rise to the azure sky. The leaves are green and the grass under the oaks is also green. And through the branches of oaks you can see the clear blue sky. The picture is sunny, light, bright.

Oak is a powerful tree with a tall, stout greyish-brown trunk. Thick, knotty, sharply curving branches depart from the trunk at almost a right angle, branching at the ends into many short thin branches, densely pubescent with cut leaves. beautiful shape, creating a lush, sprawling crown. Oak resembles a hero - solid, strong, persistent, powerful.

I suggest you take a walk through the oak grove.

Finger and sound gymnastics "In the forest"

Show how many trees there are in the forest (children show their hands with palms facing themselves). A light breeze flew in and the twigs swayed (children touch with their fingers). And now the wind is strong (children are fingering harder), and again a light breeze. Mosquitoes flew in (Children hide their tongue behind their lower teeth and pronounce the sound З - З - З - З). By clapping their hands, children stop making a sound.
Beetles flew in (Children hide their tongues with a cup behind upper teeth and pronounce the sound Zh - Zh - Zh - Zh). By clapping their hands, children stop making a sound.

Repeat 2-3 times.


Oaks - heroes are often found in fairy tales. Listen to an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin.

By the seaside, a green oak,
Golden chain on an oak tree
And day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes around in a circle:
Goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale.
There are miracles, there the goblin roams,
The mermaid sits on the branches.
There on unknown paths
Traces of unseen beasts,
Hut there on chicken legs
It stands without windows, without doors ...

How do you imagine a learned cat? What is he? (important, smart, wise, cunning, crafty).
I suggest you create an image of a fabulous oak and, at the request of a learned cat. And to make your work fabulous, I have prepared an unusual material for you. You have already worked with these items and know where to start and how to create an interesting look. Use any materials. Get to work.
Children choose non-traditional material for work, sit down at the tables. (Examples of oak images: trunk - dry tea, plasticine, gouache; crown - green napkins, dry ground leaves, dried oak leaves, plasticine).

Summary of the lesson:

The lesson ends with an analysis and admiration of children's work, during which originality and creativity are emphasized.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Sections: Primary School

At the lesson, we created a model of the alley, chose a tree - a symbol of Russia. Then, by the Victory Day, birch seedlings were planted on the school grounds. This was a symbol of eternal memory of the people who died tragically during the Second World War.
Such lessons leave indelible impressions in the soul of the child about the need to do good deeds. And at the district design competition, my class took third place in the South-Eastern District.
Our school has a Museum of Military Glory, where we conduct patriotic lessons, meet with war veterans of the Battle of Stalingrad, whose name our school bears.

Lesson topic: V. Soloukhin "Trees". Grade 2 (UMK " Primary School 21 century")


  • exercise in expressive reading, choosing the tone and pace of reading, highlighting the main words (logical stress);
  • develop attention to the word, enrich vocabulary;
  • to form students' motivation for socially significant activities, to cultivate a good attitude towards the older generation;
  • create a project "Green Alley of Memory".

Equipment: cards with the name of trees, sheets of paper with the arrangement of numbers from 1 to 20 (image of a tree), cards for group work on compiling rhymes, tree trunks, their crown on magnets (demonstration material), audio recording of the poem, musical accompaniment "Nightingale Grove".


I. Organizational moment

We wished each other good luck.

II. Preparing to introduce the topic of the lesson

- Before you is a sheet of paper on which numbers from 1 to 19 are written. Connect them in order and find out the topic of today's lesson.
- What happened? (Wood)
What are we going to talk about in class today? (About trees)

III. Consolidation of knowledge

1) U. What role do trees play in nature and human life?
D. Produce oxygen needed for respiration
D. Provide food for animals and humans
D. Provide habitat and shelter for animals
D. Humidify and purify the air

2) Work on cards

- Underline the name of the trees growing in our area (if, saxaul, pine, birch, maple, baobab, tangerine, linden, poplar, oak, cherry plum)

3) Work with the board.

- There are tree trunks on the board: birch, oak, maple, mountain ash, pine. You have to guess which tree is mentioned in the riddle, find this tree and put on its crown.


Sticky buds, green leaves
With white bark stands under the mountain. (Birch)

Dark it is covered with bark
Beautiful cut sheet
And at the tip of the branches there are many, many acorns. (Oak)

I fly to visit her
Flocks of scarlet bullfinches,
On the branches they scurry
Red berries are pecking. (Rowan)

What do you know about these trees? (Children's story about birch, oak, mountain ash)

IV. creative work in groups

“Now I suggest you become poets. Connect the lines to make a rhyme.

1 group

Every day I see
dearer to me than she
Birch from the window
And no girlfriend is closer
Green light haze
And the invisible wind
Carved leaf sways
Wrapped up in spring

2 group

touching the clouds
With an age-old thought
gray-haired head
Oak stands mighty
Black bird storm
Like a king in a crown
Suddenly whistle in the crown
Oak stands calm

3 group

On her shoulders are long braids
Sundress with a wide border
Bold sable eyebrows
Colored half-shawl with fringe
Embroidered with gold leaves
I'll go and I can't believe my eyes
Painted with scarlet tassels
This is a rowan thin tree

V. Work on the topic

Analysis of the poem by V. Soloukhin "Trees".

1. Listening to a poem in an untitled audio recording.

What genre does this work belong to?
- How would you name it? (Trees)

2. Reading a poem silently

What feeling does the poet convey in the poem? (Love and pride)
At what pace should you read it? (Slowly)

3. Analysis of the poem

- Read the first quatrain in such a way as to show the author's love for green spaces.

Second quatrain.

- What is fun?
- Express in words the pride of the poet for the older generation.

Third quatrain.

What is the poet's doubt?
Who is a lyricist?

Fourth quatrain.

Fifth quatrain.

- The garden is on fire - how do you understand?
- How does the author himself relate to mountain ash? (With love)
If you were an artist, what illustration would you draw?

Physical education minute

Get up, stretch
We are trees.
Grow up high, high
The wind blew, the rain fell,
The sun came out, shook the drops from the leaves
They sat down calmly.

VI. Generalization of knowledge

Drawing up a mini-project "Green Alley of Memory".

U. Guys, who do the trees remind us of?
D. Oak looks like a strong man
D. Birch - on a slender girl in a white dress
U. By planting trees, people left a memory of themselves. What memory of yourself can you leave?
D. We propose to plant an alley of memory for the anniversary of the Victory on the territory of our school.
U. What trees do you propose to plant in the alley?
D. Let's plant spruce and pine
U. Conifers die faster than other plants in the conditions of gas and smoke in the city.
U. I suggest planting an oak tree. He has valuable tree bark, tannins, which are obtained from it, are needed in medicine. Lives for a thousand years. It is considered a symbol of strength and courage. Therefore, it is the best suited for the alley of memory.
D. But scientists have noticed that the oak grows slowly, is demanding on fertile soils, loves a lot of heat, and at a young age does not tolerate frosts and is afraid of the burning rays of the sun.
D. We suggest planting a linden tree. Linden emits 3 times more oxygen than other trees. Bees after visiting her flowers bring a lot of honey. Since ancient times, people have considered it a sacred tree.
U. We must remember that linden loves moisture, and in dry times it feels uncomfortable. I suggest planting a poplar.
D. Unfortunately, the fluff that forms on poplar seeds causes allergies in some people, the fluff is highly flammable.
U. Guess which tree it is? This is an unpretentious tree. It can grow in wet and dry soils. The first populates conflagrations, clearings, empty places. She is considered a symbol of Russia.
D. This is a birch
U. When choosing a tree species for our alley, we must take into account not only the beauty of the tree, its role in nature and human life, and which tree will grow best in our area, but also choose a tree that is a symbol of Russia (the statement of the students ... the choice of birch) . The birch alley is bright and joyful at any time of the year, but it is especially beautiful in the combination of white trunks, golden foliage and blue sky.

VII. Lesson summary

U. What good deed can you do on the anniversary of the Victory?
D. Plant a birch alley on the territory of our school as a memory of the people who won peace on earth.

VIII. Reflection

Self-assessment of their work in the classroom. There is a birch tree on the board, which will need to be dressed in red, yellow, green leaves.

U. Show how you did in class today:

Red is excellent
yellow is good
Green - only part of the tasks turned out

IX. Homework

- Learn the poem by heart. Draw an illustration for your favorite stanza.

  • form ideas about food chains and the ecological pyramid;
  • identify the main groups of animals according to the way they eat;
  • to cultivate love for the world around and the need to maintain the ecological balance in nature.


  • lesson presentation;
  • individual cards;
  • cards for working in pairs (food chain; ecological pyramid);
  • answers to riddles in the form of a pyramid.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The sun has risen for a long time
Looked into our window.
Hurry up to class
It's interesting here.

U. Imagine that the sun is pouring its warm rays on you. Gives them to mom, dad, loved ones, all animals and plants. Wish them love and kindness.

Appendix No. 1. Slide No. 1

II. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

U. Read the topic of our lesson.

E. Invisible network and invisible pyramid.

U. What do you know about it?

D. Answers.

U. Mark your knowledge on this topic on your steps.

V. Learning new material.

Appendix No. 1. Slide No. 4

  1. In the oak forest.
  2. Oak Message/

We recommend reading
