Competition of creative works “Red Cross through the eyes of children. Composition red cross through the eyes of children Drawing on the theme reflect the goodness of the red cross

Health 07.07.2019

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Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Golubinsky average comprehensive school»
Golubino village, Novooskolsky district, Belgorod region
Essay for the competition
"Red Cross Through the Eyes of Children"

Mercy... If you ask someone what it is, in most cases you will get the following answer: it is generosity, kindness to people, willingness to forgive or at least understand a person, even if he has done something very bad. The term "mercy" is somewhat outdated, unpopular today. Something peculiar only to former times. "Sister of Mercy", "Brother of Mercy". Even the dictionary gives them as "obsolete". Many people think that in modern society people have forgotten what mercy is. I think there are many people who are compassionate and show mercy. Everyone remembers the tragedy that happened in Krasnodar Territory. A fire started in a nursing home, where sick old people who could not even walk lived. Nurse Lidia Pashentseva rushed to help the disabled. The woman pulled several sick people out of the fire, but she could not get out herself. There are many such examples.
The active manifestation of mercy gradually grew to a nationwide scale. One of the oldest public organizations- Russian Red Cross. Due to the scope of their work, global network regional offices, extensive international relations and public recognition, the Russian Red Cross is Russia's leading non-governmental humanitarian organization.
The Red Cross movement appeared in 1854. When the Crimean War was going on, grand duchess Elena Pavlovna founded the Exaltation of the Cross Community of Sisters of Mercy in St. Petersburg. The sisters of mercy of the community provided assistance to the victims of the war - the wounded and the sick. During the heroic defense of Sevastopol (1854-1855), the outstanding Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov was entrusted with the leadership of this community. On May 18, the first meeting of the established society took place. By that time, Russia had accumulated extensive experience in helping victims of wars. Russia was one of the first countries in the world where the Red Cross Society was established. Over the years, the Russian Red Cross Society has become one of the most powerful in the world. Russian Society The Red Cross set itself broader goals than the societies of other countries. The charter of the ROKK, adopted in 1893, in addition to helping the wounded on the battlefield during the war, also provided for the provision of assistance to war invalids and the population affected by natural disasters.
By the nature of their work, Red Cross staff and volunteers rarely appear where joy and well-being reign. They are with those who are in trouble, who suffered in wars or natural disasters, lost their homes, shelter, lost contact with relatives and friends, who had to know the hardships of poverty and loneliness, illness and rejection. And the people who help the work of the Red Cross are those who are endowed with amazing spiritual generosity, the gift of keeping kindness and warmth in their hearts all their lives, no matter what. This is their work, combined with the work of thousands and thousands of employees and volunteers. The Red Cross has earned the trust of millions and gained a reputation as a great humanist. In life, there has never been and never will be excessive goodness and disinterestedness. That is why the work of the Red Cross is not decreasing now and will not decrease even in much more prosperous times than ours. Today, serving noble goals is not an easy cross, which employees, volunteers, activists of the Red Cross carry courageously and with dignity.
Schoolchildren play a significant role in the development of this organization and contribute to its work. Every year they take part in the action " white chamomile which takes place in our area. The guys put on the form of volunteers and distribute tickets. People willingly make targeted donations to the charitable program “Fighting Tuberculosis in the Belgorod Region”, the proceeds will go to the implementation of the program for the treatment and assistance to people with tuberculosis.
By participating in such an event, we, schoolchildren, understand how much our help is needed for all those in need: an old sick grandfather, an HIV-infected patient, a poor family, orphans. At labor lessons we make wooden souvenirs. Children in elementary grades make snow-white paper daisies that are distributed during the action. We bring our things, toys, congratulate and help veterans and the disabled. We donate the collected funds to the Red Cross organization. I am sure that things and toys will be a pleasant event in the life of a little man thrown by fate. The weak and needy old people will be grateful for the attentive and sensitive attitude towards them.
Helen Keller wrote, "True charity is the desire to benefit others without thought of reward." But how pleasant and warm it becomes in the soul when you do good deeds.

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legend of the Crimean war


Dementieva Irina

7th grade student

MOU "Gruzschanskaya secondary school"


Miroshnik Natalia Alexandrovna

S. Gruzskoe -

Russian women have such faces

You have to take a look at them,
So that in their eyes you can open

Beautiful and proud soul!

War… Crimean, Patriotic War of 1812, World War I, Great Patriotic War… How far they are from us, today's schoolchildren! Only from books, films and memories can we imagine at what cost the victory was won. I sometimes think that every day we go to school, study, have fun, do something, be sad, have fun. Life seems to us either bright or gloomy. But how often do we take the time to remember? Remember those who fought and did not return from the war, remember those who lived under occupation, fought for their lives and were able to survive. I am writing an essay today to remember the great feat of our people in all the wars that have taken place, because we, the younger generation, must know its history, otherwise it is impossible to truly learn to love our Motherland.

“The war is not fireworks at all, but simply hard work,” wrote the veteran poet M. Kulchitsky. And this inhuman hard military work was performed not only by men, defenders of the Motherland from time immemorial, but also by women, girls, yesterday's schoolgirls and students.

It would seem that what could be more unnatural than a woman in war. Created by nature itself to give life, in the hour of severe trials, she was forced to defend her homeland with weapons in her hands. At all times, women were signalmen, doctors, snipers, and even flew combat aircraft and tanks. Through the black whirlwind of war that scorched millions of lives, they managed to carry kindness and tenderness, steadfastness and fidelity, optimism and love. During the years of all wars, many "volunteers in skirts" earned themselves immortal fame by feats of arms. They did important and very dangerous work. And the Motherland appreciated the feats of arms of its brave daughters. And among them, Daria Lavrentievna Mikhailova, the first Russian sister of mercy, whose feat I learned at the lesson of Orthodox culture, when we talked about mercy and kindness. I wanted to learn more about this brave girl who devoted herself to serving sick soldiers during the defense of Sevastopol. And when I found out about the Red Cross through the eyes of children competition, I decided to tell about Dasha's feat in my work.

Of the first Russian sisters of mercy, not one of them gained such fame among the people as Dasha Sevastopolskaya (real name Daria Lavrentyevna Mikhailova). The history of the Russian Red Cross during the defense of Sevastopol in 1854 is connected with her name.

Perhaps today Dasha could take the place of Mother Teresa ... True, the soldiers of the Crimean War could not call her “mother”: Dasha was then 16 years old. Someone called her "daughter", and more often - "sister" or - "sister". Bleeding soldiers believed in the miraculous power of these girlish hands, on a whim, healing their wounds. Dasha saved people not out of the duty of a physician, but at the behest of her heart, driven by mercy. It was from here that the stable phrase “sister of mercy” appeared in Russian speech, filled with moral and philosophical meaning, embodying the image of an exalted sacrificial soul.

Dasha was born in 1838 in Sevastopol in the family of a sailor Black Sea Fleet. Early she was left without a mother, and in November 1853 she lost her father, a sailor of the 10th flipper crew. The orphan lived in a dilapidated, dilapidated father's house in the village of sailors' families - Dry Balka in the vicinity of Sevastopol. The girl saw a lot of grief, wandering around the houses of the same poor people of Dry Balka in search of earnings and a piece of bread.

On September 1, 1854, a huge enemy fleet appeared near the Crimean coast. Nobody expected this, and Sevastopol was poorly defended, and now work was in full swing to strengthen the city night and day. Everyone worked, women helped, even children. Dasha also worked. Together with many countrywomen - sailor wives and daughters - she carried water and food to the bastions, spent the day and night at dressing stations. Dasha now received a sure income - laundry for soldiers. Often, therefore, she came to the camp, bringing washed clothes and taking away dirty ones.

Soon the first shots were fired, and the first blood was shed on the altar of the fatherland. And here Dasha saw all the torment of the wounded defenders of Sevastopol, sometimes left without any care, and her compassionate heart shuddered. I remembered my father - a hero, who was dying among strangers without a word of affection and participation, without any help ... and Dasha decided to devote herself to serving sick soldiers.

But this was not very easy to do. There has never been anything like this in our army, and no one would allow a girl to live among the soldiers and do her holy work. Then Dasha suddenly cut off her braids, changed into a sailor's uniform, sold the house left by her parents, all her orphan property. In exchange, she bought a horse and cart, many blankets and white linen, bottles of vinegar and wine. Neighbors thought that she was "moved" by her mind after hard feelings for her dead father and decided to go to all four directions. But the wagon moved to the banks of the Alma, where one of the most difficult battles of the Crimean War, Alma, was fought.

This "carriage of grief", as the inhabitants of the Ship Side called the wagon of the "crazy orphan", became the first dressing station in the history on the battlefield, and Dasha herself became the first nurse of mercy. According to the recollections of the famous Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov, the situation of the wounded during the defense of Sevastopol was extremely difficult. "Bitter want and medical ignorance combined in fabulous proportions," he wrote. There were not enough doctors Vehicle to transport the wounded to hospitals, and they often lay on the bare ground without any help.

It was to them that Dasha appeared, like a bright angel, as the last hope. The thunder of shots, exploding bombs, cannonballs whistling in the air and exploding the ground, the stench of gunpowder, dust and burning, desperate cries and groans of the wounded at first confused the girl, but she soon recovered. The girl took out scissors from her knapsack, disinfected the wounds with vinegar, bandaged the wounded, consoled them with warm words: “Be patient, my dear, everything will be fine, dear ...” Forgetting fear, now not paying attention to the horrors of the battle, the sailor ran across from one sufferer to another and tirelessly, without straightening his back, he bandaged the wounds. How many defenders of the Black Sea fortress then owed their lives to her - hundreds, thousands?

And the wounded are all carried and carried ... And for a long time the unfortunate lie on the grass and wait in line until the inexperienced hand of a sailor touches them.

Dasha did not have a medical education, and therefore had to act, relying on the experience of the common people. With her mercy, she did not deprive the "alien" wounded - the British, French, Italians, Turks. The dedication of Dasha of Sevastopol was called "a feat of humanism." A young girl heard many words of warm gratitude and blessings for her great philanthropic deed here.

But she was not limited only to helping the wounded, which in itself was a feat. Daria under the name of Alexander Mikhailov participated in the battles, went to reconnaissance. Perhaps, after Nadezhda Durova, this was the only example at that time of the direct participation of a woman in hostilities with weapons in her hands. She was awarded combat awards, went down in the history of the Sevastopol defense and as "the first sister of mercy" and as "hero Alexander Mikhailov."

When the war was over, and the Sovereign was informed about her heroic deed, he granted her a gold medal "For Zeal", gave her 500 rubles and ordered her to give another 1000 rubles when she got married, and the empress sent a gold cross with the inscription "Sevastopol". Now Dasha could already take off her sailor's suit and work freely at the beds of the sick in an ordinary women's dress.

After the Battle of Alma, she worked days and nights either at dressing stations or in hospitals, she even assisted doctors during operations, courageously enduring all the hardships and hardships of wartime. But the soldiers paid their sister for their love with touching gratitude. They reluctantly let paramedics dress up their wounds, waiting for their sister's turn. The dying bequeathed to her some watches, some money, some who could. And no matter how the sister refused such gifts, the soldiers convinced that it was a sin not to fulfill the last will of the dying.

And when, after the end of hostilities, on the last day before leaving the hospital, Dasha came to say goodbye to her patients, she noticed that something unusual was being prepared. Some of the patients could stand, others sat. Toward Dasha moved, tapping with a piece of wood, an old invalid with the image of the Savior in his hands.

You are our sister, - he spoke loudly, in a trembling voice.

You did not spare your youth for us, washed our wounds and saw a lot of grief with us, accepted great labors. Please accept our earthly bow and blessing. The Lord Father will send you happiness... And we will forever pray to the Lord God for you.

Sobbing, the young girl fell to her knees and reverently accepted the soldier's blessing. They collected their labor pennies and bought an icon for their beloved sister. She could never forget those touching minutes, and in all her long life memories of them brought her quiet joy.

Here, on her native Ship side, Darya Lavrentievna lived quietly and modestly until the end of her days. According to the memoirs of old-timers, Daria Lavrentievna Khvorostova (by her husband) died in 1910, was buried in the cemetery in the Dock ravine, her grave has not survived to this day.

The name of Dasha Sevastopolskaya is the 3rd city hospital of Sevastopol, next to it there is a monument to the heroine. The bust of the Heroine is located on the building of the "Defense of Sevastopol" panorama. In the village of Shelanga, on the territory of the local school, a monument to Dasha of Sevastopol was unveiled. Today we can see her in one of the first feature Russian films "Defense of Sevastopol".

Dasha Sevastopol sister of mercy, participant in the first defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855

That's how I met you, Dasha Sevastopolskaya - the first sister of mercy, for whom human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people created the basis of her human happiness.

Many more hundreds and thousands of women and girls who defended their homeland are worthy of our respect. Being in laundries, in the kitchen, in the headquarters office, they performed sometimes inconspicuous, but at the same time extremely necessary work.

We, grateful descendants, will sacredly keep in our hearts and carry through time and distance the memory of those who did not spare their lives in the name of the Motherland throughout its history. Their example helps us to live, helps to revive Russia, fills the souls of young people with true patriotism.

It is good that in our time such forgotten concepts as “kindness”, “humanity”, “mercy”, “goodwill”, “attention to each other” are being revived. Many organizations, individual citizens of our country carry out actions of mercy towards the pupils of orphanages and boarding schools. Residents of nursing homes, the disabled, Afghan soldiers and just the elderly. Some parents, having their own children, take orphans from the orphanage to raise them. Our outstanding artists and musicians hold concerts, the proceeds of which are donated to charitable causes.

And we, the students of the Georgian school, are also the initiators and participants of many charity events. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, widows, elderly labor veterans. We always visit them Hard time for help, because they so need our sympathy and kind-hearted attention.


I started writing and wondered if I would seem ridiculous by choosing a topic about the meaning of art in our lives. What kind of art can we talk about if “Mr. Dollar” reigns today, if museums are closed, priceless

  • Methodological advice Nizhny Novgorod, 2011 Planning the work of libraries with children in 2012 Methodological advice


    O.V. Veshnyakova, T.V. Ksenofontova, T.V. Pantyukhova, T.N. Petruk, O.N. Ponomareva, M.R. Ribson, E.F. Safonenko, A.V. Saichenkova, A.V. Sidorina, L.V. Suskin, N.

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    Organization of activities educational institution Krasnenskaya secondary school named after M.I. Svetlichnaya, aimed at getting free general education primary, basic, secondary (complete).

  • The drawing competition “Red Cross through the eyes of children” was held by the Minsk regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society.

    The competition started on June 7 and was held in three stages - acceptance of works, evaluation of the jury and awarding the winners. In total, more than forty papers were sent. Yulia Knatko, a specialist of the Minsk regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross, said that the children drew volunteers who help the elderly and people with disabilities. In addition, there were works that reflected the daily work of the sisters of mercy and the emergency response team.

    - When the first stage of the competition ended, a commission was created from among employees and volunteers by order of the Chairman. The main criteria for selecting drawings are relevance, depth of disclosure of the topic, expressiveness, accuracy, creativity, Julia explained. - It was hard to choose the best: all the works were done very diligently, because the children took the competition very seriously.

    As a result, the victory went to five contestants - Vadim Strelsky from Volozhin, Anna Dyukareva from Borisov, Angelina Mitskevich from Myadel, Andrei Mitskevich from Nesvizh, Evgeny Sukor from Chervensk. The mayor of Dzherzhinsk, Nikolai Artyushkevich, participated in the award ceremony. All the children were given diplomas, thermomugs, but the main gift was participation in the XIII International Plein Air "R + I", which took place on July 2.

    BOCK Help:

    XIII International Plein Air "R + I" is an annual event organized for artists from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine by Dom folk art in Veliky Selo, in the Derzhinsky district. This year the plein air was attended by Russian artist Sergei Vishnyakov, members of the Union of Professional Artists of Russia Andrei Averyanov, Anatoly Miklyaev, Alexei Gladkov and others.

    Under the guidance of artists, the children drew their own pictures, receiving advice from the masters on how to place their hands correctly, what time of the day is best to approach the easel, what palette to use.

    At the end of the plein air, the children's works, along with the works of famous artists, were exhibited in the children's park in Dzerzhinsk on July 3- said Julia.

    She also stressed that the open air allowed the children to find new friends, communicate with their peers, get a lot of impressions that they lack in everyday life. The Minsk regional organization of the BORC hopes that in the future, participants in such Red Cross competitions will also join plein airs and other events among artists.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Golubinsky secondary school"

    Golubino village, Novooskolsky district, Belgorod region

    Essay for the competition

    "Red Cross Through the Eyes of Children"

    Grade 11

    Head: Kholmovaya V.A.


    Mercy... If you ask someone what it is, in most cases you will get the following answer: it is generosity, kindness to people, willingness to forgive or at least understand a person, even if he has done something very bad. The term "mercy" is somewhat outdated, unpopular today. Something peculiar only to former times. "Sister of Mercy", "Brother of Mercy". Even the dictionary gives them as "obsolete". Many believe that in modern society people have forgotten what mercy is.
    I think there are many people who are compassionate and show mercy.Everyone remembers ttragedy that took place in the Krasnodar Territory. A fire started in a nursing home, where sick old people who could not even walk lived. Nurse Lidia Pashentseva rushed to help the disabled. The woman pulled several sick people out of the fire, but she could not get out herself.There are many such examples.

    The active manifestation of mercy gradually grew to a nationwide scale. One of the oldest public organizations is the Russian Red Cross. Due to the scope of its work, the global network of regional offices, extensive international contacts and the recognition of the population, the Russian Red Cross is Russia's leading non-governmental organization engaged in humanitarian work.

    The Red Cross movement appeared in 1854. When the Crimean War was going on, Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna founded the Exaltation of the Cross Community of Sisters of Mercy in St. Petersburg. The sisters of mercy of the community provided assistance to the victims of the war - the wounded and the sick. During the heroic defense of Sevastopol (1854-1855), the outstanding Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov was entrusted with the leadership of this community. On May 18, the first meeting of the established society took place. By that time, Russia had accumulated extensive experience in helping victims of wars. Russia was one of the first countries in the world where the Red Cross Society was established. Over the years, the Russian Red Cross Society has become one of the most powerful in the world. The Russian Red Cross Society set itself broader goals than the societies of other countries. The charter of the ROKK, adopted in 1893, in addition to helping the wounded on the battlefield during the war, also provided for the provision of assistance to war invalids and the population affected by natural disasters.

    By the nature of their work, Red Cross staff and volunteers rarely appear where joy and well-being reign. They are with those who are in trouble, who suffered in wars or natural disasters, lost their homes, shelter, lost contact with relatives and friends, who had to know the hardships of poverty and loneliness, illness and rejection. And the people who help the work of the Red Cross are those who are endowed with amazing spiritual generosity, the gift of keeping kindness and warmth in their hearts all their lives, no matter what. This is their work, combined with the work of thousands and thousands of employees and volunteers. The Red Cross has earned the trust of millions and gained a reputation as a great humanist. In life, there has never been and never will be excessive goodness and disinterestedness. That is why the work of the Red Cross is not decreasing now and will not decrease even in much more prosperous times than ours. Today, serving noble goals is not an easy cross, which employees, volunteers, activists of the Red Cross carry courageously and with dignity.

    Schoolchildren play a significant role in the development of this organization and contribute to its work. Every year they take part in the action "White Chamomile", which takes place in our area. The guys put on the form of volunteers and distribute tickets. People willingly make targeted donations to the charitable program “Fighting Tuberculosis in the Belgorod Region”, the proceeds will go to the implementation of the program for the treatment and assistance to people with tuberculosis.

    By participating in such an event, we, schoolchildren, understand how much our help is needed for all those in need: an old sick grandfather, an HIV-infected patient, a poor family, orphans. At labor lessons we make wooden souvenirs. Children in elementary grades make snow-white paper daisies that are distributed during the action. We bring our things, toys, congratulate and help veterans and the disabled. We donate the collected funds to the Red Cross organization.I am sure that things and toys will be a pleasant event in the life of a little man thrown by fate. The weak and needy old people will be grateful for the attentive and sensitive attitude towards them.

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