Psychological training to improve self-esteem. Psychological training to increase self-esteem

Pregnancy and children 29.09.2019
Pregnancy and children

Exercise "Ode about myself"

Take a sheet of paper. Calm down, relax, if necessary, look at yourself in the mirror. Write yourself a compliment. Praise yourself! Wish yourself good, health, success in business, work.

Love and everything else. The form of presentation is small sentences of 5-10 words in prose or verse. Write yourself a few. Choose from them the one you like the most. Beautifully rewrite, if possible - put in a frame and hang (place) in a conspicuous place. Read this ode aloud or mentally every morning. Feel how when reading the ode, your mood rises, vitality, how you fill up vitality, and the world becomes bright and joyful.

Exercise "Formula of self-love"

Remember the famous cartoon about a little gray donkey who is tired of being a donkey. And he became at first a butterfly, then, if I am not mistaken, a bird, then someone else ... until, finally, he realized that it would be better for himself and for all others if he remained a little gray donkey.

Therefore, I ask you, do not forget to go to the mirror every day, look into your eyes, smile and say: “I love you (and give my name) and accept you as you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages. I will not fight you, and there is absolutely no reason for me to defeat you. But my love will give me the opportunity to develop and improve, to enjoy life myself and bring joy to the lives of others.

Exercise "Become confident"

The transition from one state to another is accompanied by a corresponding rearrangement of the facial muscles. For example, a smile transmits nerve impulses to the emotional center of the brain. The result is a feeling of joy and relaxation. Try to smile and hold the smile for 10-15 seconds. Change the smile to a smirk - feel dissatisfied. Look angry - feel angry. Your face, voice, gestures, posture can evoke any feeling.

And if you are not confident in yourself, then constantly pretend to be a confident person. If you stoop - straighten up, control your voice - so that it does not tremble, do not fiddle with anything in your hands, do not draw - this is also a sign of anxiety, insecurity. You can say to yourself, “I need to be confident. I can't really become one, but I can control my posture, my voice, my face. I will look like a confident person." And you will become a confident person.

Exercise "I'm 100% sure"

Purpose: to learn to be liberated and love yourself.

This exercise is good for training for women.

Material: small mirrors. If not, then the participants bring powder with a mirror.

Every woman at least once in her life was (or is) dissatisfied with her appearance (figure, face, hair ...)

During the training, participants stand in a circle. Further

We say compliments to each other (3 compliments each)

Each participant tells about herself to those present 3 qualities for which she must be loved. The last quality (be sure to touch on appearance) must be said in front of the mirror.

Bottom line: as a result of this exercise, ladies begin to love and appreciate themselves. If you regularly do this exercise at home in front of a mirror, the results in a short time are very good. Establishing relationships with a man, for those who are free - finds a soul mate. A woman begins to pay attention and thus her self-esteem grows.

Technique "Feelings of confidence"

Try to consciously evoke feelings that you associate with confidence. To do this, it is enough to remember and re-experience three situations in which you felt more confident than ever. As a rule, people say that in such cases they seem to grow wings behind their backs. It seems to a confident person that he suddenly grew up, that everyone around him is like-minded people. A rod appears inside, a person straightens his back, and, straightening his shoulders, looks directly into the eyes of others. There is a feeling that his coordination of movements is just great and he can easily perform the most difficult acrobatic pirouette.

Self-confidence exercise

Purpose: to form self-esteem, self-confidence, to contribute to the acquisition of experience in speaking in front of an audience, which in turn effectively affects the increase in self-confidence.

Required time: 30 minutes.

Procedure: A willing participant is called, he sits on a chair opposite the rest of the players. The essence of the game is as follows: the main participant must trust as much as he sees fit, reveal himself to the rest of the group. He needs to talk about himself. Whatever he sees fit.

The main participant can talk about his acquisitions during the training, about his own experiences, impressions, about how he felt in this group, in the classroom, what unpleasantly hurt his “I”, and what inspired him, etc. About your abilities; plans for the future.

At the end of the story of the main participant, the rest ask him exciting, interesting questions related to the participant. After the speeches of all participants, a general discussion of the game.

Exercise "King and Queen"

Participants choose two people from their group to be king and queen. They sit down on a makeshift throne (preferably with an elevation). The task of the rest of the participants is to come up and greet the king and queen separately. The greeting can be in any form. "Monarchs" also welcome the participants.

Analysis: This is an exercise in discovering the "defenses" of the individual. Each of the participants, based on the game situation, must endure some humiliation - a bow to the king; and each in his own way will have to "defend himself" from this traumatic situation. It is analyzed who and how avoided this situation of subordination.

An exercise " Beautiful women»

The participant is called. Host: After walking around the room, take out all the women whom you consider beautiful for yourself, sit opposite them and look, admire them ... I have to ask the girls one very important question: “Did you know that you are beautiful?” - "No" - "So know it!" Thank the one who chose you, you can sit down in your seats.

Analysis: “Of the selected 1-2 people correspond to the standards of beauty that we have become accustomed to through television, films and magazine covers. But there are always those who are surprised that they were chosen. This exercise shows all the non-standard human preferences. This is a test of optimism. There is a person (girl) among us who, perhaps, considers himself unattractive. So I ask you to believe, in someone's eyes, he can be very beautiful.

For persuasiveness, you can ask one or two more people ( better than men) make your choices.

Exercise "I am Alla Pugacheva"

The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant chooses for himself the role of a person who is significant for him and at the same time known to those present (Alla Pugacheva, the President of the United States, a fairy-tale character, a literary hero, etc.). Then he conducts a self-presentation (verbally or non-verbally: pronounces a phrase, shows a gesture that characterizes his hero). The rest of the participants try to guess the name of the "idol". After the exercise, a discussion is held, during which each participant verbalizes the feelings that arose during the presentation. This exercise helps to increase self-esteem and can be used to develop the skill of confident behavior.

Topic: "Self-esteem"

Target: give an idea about the self-worth of the human "I", continue to develop the skills of introspection and self-esteem.


Discuss ways to maintain positive self-esteem; give the teenager the opportunity to fully realize their strengths;

To enable each member of the group to find out how they are perceived by other participants;

Provide participants with the opportunity to correlate self-assessment and assessment by group members;

Developing the ability to listen and give feedback.

Materials: pencils, paper.

1. Introduction

Conversation "Self-esteem as the most important component of personality

Leading. Self-esteem - a person's assessment of his own qualities, advantages and disadvantages. The term self-esteem" emphasizes the evaluative nature of ideas about oneself, where there are elements of comparing oneself with some external standard, other people or a moral ideal. Self-esteem can be adequate, underestimated and overestimated. Adequate self-esteem - a person really assessing himself, sees both his positive and negative qualities. It is able to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Low self-esteem is characteristic of people who tend to doubt themselves, take it personally, noticing the dissatisfaction of other people, worry and worry about insignificant reasons. Such people are often unsure of themselves, it is difficult for themgivenacceptance of singing, the need to insist on one's own. They are very sensitive.

High self-esteem - a person believes in himself, feels on a "horse", but sometimes, being confident inhis infallibility, he can get into a difficulta situation where you need to give up the habitualview of things and recognize someone else's rightness.

Self-esteem reflects the degree to which a person develops a sense of self-esteem, a sense of his own value and a positive attitude towards everything that is within the scope of his interests. Several factors affect self-esteem. First, ideas about what a person really is and what he would like to be; secondly, a person tends to evaluate himself as, in his opinion, others evaluate him; thirdly, a person experiences satisfaction not because he simply does something well, but because he has chosen a certain business and does it well.

2. Main part

Test- self-assessment game

Adolescents are invited to draw 8 circles in a row, and then quickly enter the letter “I” in one circle. The facilitator explains that the closer the letter is to the left, the lower the self-esteem. Then he explains that this is a test game and should not be taken very seriously.

Exercise "Self-assessment"

Draw a winding road leading from a deep abyss "the most bad person" to mountain top"the nicest person." Mark on this road the point where you are now. Analysis:

What qualities allow you to reach this height? (participants make their own analysis, voicing their conclusions at will) What prevents you from putting a higher mark? (may not be pronounced)

Often your impression of yourself is made up of the assessments given by the people around you.

Group discussion

Topic of the discussion: "How we maintain and improve our self-esteem."

Opinions are written out on a separate sheet of paper and supplemented by the presenter. For example: we improve appearance (hairstyle, make-up, follow the figure); we are engaged in self-education, development of our talents and abilities; achieve success in some business; we devalue other people; win contests, competitions; we help other people, thereby increasing our self-esteem; we decorate our corner with posters with the inscriptions: "You are the best!" etc.; "Running" for a compliment; sometimes we draw (we do something that is not typical, but it looks “cool”, bright); do not set global goals; have a hobby as a way to stand out from the crowd; by an effort of will we try to overcome ourselves, to do something on the verge of the possible.

Participants' opinions are recorded and supplemented by the moderator:

Improving appearance;

We are engaged in self-education, development of our abilities, talents;

We achieve success in some business;

Devalue other people

We win contests, competitions;

We help other people, thereby increasing our self-esteem;

Decorate your corner

We ask for compliments, sometimes we “draw” (we do something that is not typical, but it looks “cool”);

We do not set global goals;

We have a hobby as a way to stand out from the crowd.

All of you have probably heard how one of your peers said about himself "I'm cool" or about someone else - "he's cool." What do you think they mean by these words?

Cool or confident - is it the same thing? “Coolness” is the basis for everyone to think that you are enjoying life and think that you have the strength to act. The facilitator recalls what are the external signs of a confident person, and offers to describe the external signs of a “cool” person (tense posture, fussy gestures, verbosity, increased tone in speech, etc.). It must be emphasized that a person strives to look "cool", but in fact he is not confident in himself.

Exercise "What is he?"

One of the participants goes out the door, and the rest think of someone from the group. The driver, asking the question “what is he?”, Should, by the qualities called by the participants, guess who was guessed

We compliment each other

Separately - so that everyone can see clearly, put two chairs opposite each other. Invite one of the participants to take one of the chairs, all the other members of the group take turns sitting on a free chair and name only its positive qualities. The listener can ask to clarify this or that statement, ask additional questions, but has no right to deny or justify.

Each member of the group, if possible, should take the place of the listener.

Discussion . Discuss how each of the participants felt and thought during the task.

3. Final part

Exercise "Unconditional self-acceptance"

Participants are instructed to say aloud to themselves: “I accept myself as I am, with all the advantages and disadvantages. I accept myself with all the happy moments and joys!”

After that, the facilitator asks the participants to listen to the sensations that arise in the body when pronouncing these words. In what part of the body do these phrases respond? Are they easy to pronounce? What prevents you from accepting yourself with your virtues? What helps?

After the participants mentally answered these questions, the facilitator asks to repeat the following phrase after him: “I forgive myself for ... and remove the condition that interferes with my unconditional love. Now I love myself and accept myself for who I am.”

Participants share their impressions of the exercise.

conclusions To maintain positive self-esteem, we resort to different strategies. For example,we emphasize our positive experiences, avoid setting global goals, devalue others and learn to accept ourselves, relying on our strengths.

Lesson 5

Topic: Self-Esteem

Goals: to give a concept of the self-worth of the human "I", to continue the development of skills of introspection and self-esteem.

Lesson progress:

1. Warm up

An exercise "The day happens..."

Purpose: introduction to the tempo-rhythm and mood of the lesson.

Continue the sentence:

The day happens...








The exercise is performed in a circle (2-3 turns).

2. Work on the topic

Host. The main task that faces you today is to understand, to realize your self-esteem.

Test - game "Self-assessment"

Adolescents are invited to draw 8 circles in a row, and then quickly enter the letter “I” in one circle. The facilitator explains that the closer the letter is to the left, the lower the self-esteem. Then he explains that this is a test - a game and you should not take its results very seriously.


Host. There are 3 levels of self-esteem:

Self-assessment is real, corresponding to reality;

· heightened self-esteem;

· low self-esteem.

As these levels are named, students explain how they understand it, giving examples.

Leading. Do you think you are a good person?

Circle answers.

Why do you think so? What gives you the right to do so?


What does your self-esteem depend on?

Possible answers:

1. From an inner feeling of how well I know myself.

2. From the opinion of others about me.

3. From the opinion of "significant others."

4. How self-confident I am, etc.

Leading. We understand that it is good if a person evaluates himself realistically. And if a person underestimates his abilities, underestimates his capabilities, is not confident in himself, then how do others treat him?


Discussion "The most - the most"

The facilitator invites teenagers to write down on leaflets what is the most important and most valuable thing in life for them.

Then the participants read it out, and the facilitator writes it on the board.

Each item is discussed. It is necessary to bring the guys to the conclusion that each person is unique and is of value. To love yourself means to recognize the right to love other people for yourself.

The facilitator, commenting on each answer, asks to answer questions. For example: “Why is health important to you? (I can live long).

“What are your parents like? (They gave me life and love me).

Then conclusions are drawn:

Every person should love himself and accept him the way he is.
Loving yourself means being proud of your actions and being sure that you are doing the right thing.

He who does not love himself cannot sincerely love others.

If a person's self-esteem is low, then he feels helpless, powerless and alone.


Moderator: so that now we feel more confident, let's do the exercise of the psychological mood for self-confidence

Sit comfortably. Focus on yourself, on your inner feelings. Feel your body and relax...

Imagine that you are looking at the sky. Feel the sky within you. Feel its infinity, allow yourself to dissolve in it.

The body is at rest, but the mind is awake. It is active. You are listening to my voice... Concentrate on it!

Feel how good I treat you. And may my every word find a response in your heart.

I set you up for an energetic, fun life - both now and tomorrow, and in all the days to come. You will be cheerful, energetic, healthy.

I am setting you up for a more indifferent, more indulgent attitude towards the blows of fate. Never lose courage, optimism! Be more persistent and determined!

I set you up for the constant, vigorous development of all your abilities: both now and tomorrow, and in all the days to come...

Imagine and feel that your head has become strong, smart. Feel - you are full of vivacity! You are not afraid of anything! You are full of strength, energy, self-confidence! You will succeed!

You will study well due to great endurance, good mood, tenacity of memory, active desire to catch up faster.

Feel how the clarity of your thought increases, your mood improves, and your intuition sharpens.

Feel the surge of new vitality. You still have ahead! You are talented! And you will succeed!

Okay... Let's finish our work.

Once you feel that you have finished thinking about yourself, that you have rested, you will open your eyes.

So, everyone will open their eyes when they want to...

Completion of the lesson


Conversation on the topic: "Personal growth and self-development"

Self-Esteem Exercises

Many of us have been brought up with the belief that it is “immodest” to praise ourselves mentally or out loud. Sometimes it is much easier for us to find faults in ourselves than virtues. Strictly speaking, self-criticism is useful, but it runs the risk of becoming a habit, and such a habit is extremely harmful. If a person constantly belittles himself, will he be able to feel confident in communicating with people?

I suggest you do the following exercise.

Take a piece of paper and write on it:

1. Two qualities of your appearance that you value in yourself.

2. Two most remarkable features of your character.

3. One outstanding ability or some valuable skill.

Did you manage this task easily? If it causes you difficulty (and this happens quite often), go to a person whose opinion you trust and ask him to do this exercise for you (you, in turn, can do the same for him); then share your results. This is excellent self-esteem exercise.

Save this piece of paper and keep it with you to remind you of your strengths - especially when you are overwhelmed or downcast.

If you constantly focus on the negative, negative attitudes will color your thoughts and body language. As a result, you will not only get bogged down in your own problems, but other people will treat you negatively or hostilely, or even completely ignore you and your opinion. You should constantly remind yourself of your virtues and advantages. Choose a positive attitude for yourself and give up thinking about the bad. This will change your body language and make you look like a successful person instead of a failure. By learning to be good to yourself, you will begin to be good to the people around you. Sometimes we are so self-absorbed that we do not consider anyone around and behave too selfishly, guided only by our own interests. It seems to us that only we suffer, that only our interests should be taken into account, that only we can have problems. We become self-obsessed. Some of these people, attracting everyone's attention to themselves, only amuse their vanity and, as a result, become even more self-centered. The ability to positively perceive yourself and others is the first step to inner confidence. By helping others, you can get considerable satisfaction and gain new strength. Determine the main priorities in life and do not be distracted by everything else: after all, you can’t embrace the immensity. Think about what memory of yourself you would like to leave in this world. Is this how you live? If not, why not? What can you do to change this? It is in your power to set yourself big goals and better help people. By interacting with the outside world, you can get rid of egocentrism, gain more self-confidence and so on. boost your self-esteem.

Exercises for training on self-esteem and self-confidence

Exercises for training on self-esteem and self-confidence

Exercise "Ode about myself"

Take a sheet of paper. Calm down, relax, if necessary, look at yourself in the mirror. Write yourself a compliment. Praise yourself! Wish yourself good, health, success in business, work.

Love and everything else. The form of presentation is small sentences of 5-10 words in prose or verse. Write yourself a few. Choose from them the one you like the most. Beautifully rewrite, if possible - put in a frame and hang (place) in a conspicuous place. Read this ode aloud or mentally every morning. Feel how, while reading the ode, your mood and vitality rise, how you are filled with vitality, and the world around you becomes bright and joyful.

Exercise "Formula of self-love"

Remember the famous cartoon about a little gray donkey who is tired of being a donkey. And he became at first a butterfly, then, if I am not mistaken, a bird, then someone else ... until, finally, he realized that it would be better for himself and for all others if he remained a little gray donkey. Therefore, I ask you, do not forget to go to the mirror every day, look into your eyes, smile and say: “I love you (and give my name) and accept you as you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages. I will not fight you, and there is absolutely no reason for me to defeat you. But my love will give me the opportunity to develop and improve, to enjoy life myself and bring joy to the lives of others.

Exercise "Become confident"

The transition from one state to another is accompanied by a corresponding rearrangement of the facial muscles. For example, a smile transmits nerve impulses to the emotional center of the brain. The result is a feeling of joy and relaxation. Try to smile and hold the smile for 10-15 seconds. Change the smile to a smirk - feel dissatisfied. Look angry - feel angry. Your face, voice, gestures, posture can evoke any feeling.

And if you are not confident in yourself, then constantly pretend to be a confident person. If you stoop - straighten up, control your voice - so that it does not tremble, do not fiddle with anything in your hands, do not draw - this is also a sign of anxiety, insecurity. You can say to yourself, “I need to be confident. I can't really become one, but I can control my posture, my voice, my face. I will look like a confident person." And you will become a confident person.

Exercise "I'm 100% sure"

Purpose: to learn to be liberated and love yourself.

This exercise is good for training for girls.

Material: small mirrors. If not, then the participants bring powder with a mirror.

Every girl at least once in her life was (or is) dissatisfied with her appearance (figure, face, hair ...)

During the training, participants stand in a circle. Further

We say compliments to each other (3 compliments each)

Each participant tells about herself to those present 3 qualities for which she must be loved. The last quality (be sure to touch on appearance) must be said in front of the mirror.

Bottom line: as a result of this exercise, girls begin to love and appreciate themselves. If you regularly do this exercise at home in front of a mirror, the results in a short time are very good. Establishing relationships with a man, for those who are free - finds a soul mate. They begin to pay attention to the girl and thereby her self-esteem grows.

Technique "Feelings of confidence"

Try to consciously evoke feelings that you associate with confidence. To do this, it is enough to remember and re-experience three situations in which you felt more confident than ever. As a rule, people say that in such cases they seem to grow wings behind their backs. It seems to a confident person that he suddenly grew up, that everyone around him is like-minded people. A rod appears inside, a person straightens his back, and, straightening his shoulders, looks directly into the eyes of others. There is a feeling that his coordination of movements is just great and he can easily perform the most difficult acrobatic pirouette.

Self-confidence exercise

Purpose: to form self-esteem, self-confidence, to contribute to the acquisition of experience in speaking in front of an audience, which in turn effectively affects the increase in self-confidence.

Required time: 30 minutes.

Procedure: A willing participant is called, he sits on a chair opposite the rest of the players. The essence of the game is as follows: the main participant must trust as much as he sees fit, reveal himself to the rest of the group. He needs to talk about himself. Whatever he sees fit.

The main participant can talk about his acquisitions during the training, about his own experiences, impressions, about how he felt in this group, in the classroom, what unpleasantly hurt his “I”, and what inspired him, etc. About your abilities; plans for the future.

At the end of the story of the main participant, the rest ask him exciting, interesting questions related to the participant. After the speeches of all participants, a general discussion of the game.

Exercise "King and Queen"

Participants choose two people from their group to be king and queen. They sit down on a makeshift throne (preferably with an elevation). The task of the rest of the participants is to come up and greet the king and queen separately. The greeting can be in any form. "Monarchs" also welcome the participants.

Analysis: This is an exercise in discovering the "defenses" of the individual. Each of the participants, based on the game situation, must endure some humiliation - a bow to the king; and each in his own way will have to "defend himself" from this traumatic situation. It is analyzed who and how avoided this situation of subordination.

Self-confidence training: how to stand up for your rights

Have you ever had to:

Doubt whether it is worth pointing out to the waiter an error in the submitted bill, not wanting to “make a scandal”?

Retreat in a promotion conversation wages or changing working conditions?

Saying "yes" when you feel like saying "no"?

Afraid to get into an argument over an assessment that you feel is unfair?

If you are familiar with these struggles of standing up for your rights, then Joseph Wave has a good solution for you: a technique called self confidence training. Self-confidence training is a very explicit and undisguised procedure. Using group exercises, videos, mirror exercises, and simulated conflict situations, the instructor trains people to behave with confidence and dignity. People learn to be honest, disagree, argue with authorities, practice postures and gestures associated with self-confidence. When shy customers become a little more confident, they are taken out for "field training" in stores and restaurants, where they can put into practice what they have learned.

The first step in training self-confidence is to convince yourself that you have three basic rights: you have the right to refuse, ask and correct the wrong. Standing up for your rights includes asserting these three basic rights when you speak your own voice out loud. To stand for your rights- does it mean to do everything the way you want?

Not really. Between upholding their rights and aggressive behavior there is one fundamental difference. Standing up for your rights is a direct and honest expression of your feelings and desires. It serves not only its own interests. People who do not know how to defend their rights usually suffer from the mistakes of others. Sometimes their repressed anger explodes into sudden outbursts of rage, which can have a very destructive effect on their relationships with other people. Unlike self-confidence Aggression means harming another person or achieving one's goals at the expense of others. Aggression does not take into account the feelings or rights of others. This is an attempt to do it your way, no matter what. Confidence building techniques emphasize toughness, not attack.

The main idea of ​​such training is that each action is repeated until the person is able to do the same even under stress. Let, for example, you really do not like it when the seller in the store serves several people in a row who came up later than you. To get a big self confidence in such situations, you should first rehearse cues, postures and gestures that you can use in a dispute with the seller and other buyers. It can be helpful to practice in front of a mirror. If possible, rehearse the scene with a friend. Explain to your friend that he needs to play the role of the aggressive or irresponsible salesperson as realistically as possible, as well as the cooperative salesperson. Rehearsing and role-playing can also help you in situations where you have a confrontation with someone - for example, if you are going to ask for a raise, argue with a teacher about a grade, or have an unpleasant conversation with a landlord from whom you rent an apartment.

Another important principle is overlearning (continuation of exercises after the initial skills have already been acquired). After you have rehearsed or played a confident command several times, you need to keep practicing until such a reaction of yours becomes almost automatic. This will help you not to get confused and not back down in a real life situation.

Another technique you may find useful is broken recording technique. This method of asserting one's rights consists in the fact that the request is repeated until it is satisfied. Good way to prevent the degeneration of asserting one's rights into aggression is simply to repeat your request so many times and in so many ways that you are finally heard. To illustrate, let's say you want to return a pair of shoes to a store. You only wore the shoes twice and they fell apart, but you bought them two months ago and now you don't have the receipt. The broken record in this case might look like this.

Buyer. I want to exchange these shoes for others.

Salesman. Do you have the receipt?

Buyer. No, these shoes were not bought here, and since they appear to be defective, I would like you to replace them.

Salesman. I can't do this if you don't have a check. Buyer. I understand, but I would like you to replace them.

Salesman. Okay, could you come by after lunch and talk to the manager?

Buyer. I brought (brought) these shoes here because they are defective.

Salesman. Okay, but I'm not authorized to replace them. Buyer. Yes, of course, but if you replace them, I'll leave.

Note that the buyer did not lash out at the seller with curses and did not seek to enter into a conflict with him. A simple repetition, with sufficient persistence, of one's demands is often all that is needed to successfully assert one's rights.

Standing up for one's rights does not provide an immediate establishment of peace of mind, an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence.

Exercise "Step forward"

Purpose: to develop the ability of students to compliment, to say pleasant things.

Number of participants: up to 15-20 people.

Time: 30-40 minutes.

Lesson progress:

The teacher asks two students (this is in this case important) go to the board and face each other with different parties.

Then the teacher gives them the following task: to take a step towards each other and say something pleasant. The students walk until they are close to each other.


Usually, the task itself causes laughter among those present and embarrassment for those who stand in front of the audience.

Sometimes one of the students suggests: "Ask them to say something unpleasant, they will go faster." After this remark, the teacher needs to turn to all students with a request to analyze what they saw and heard.

Raise self-esteem is not an easy task for some individuals. That is why we decided to write an article about how you can by means of exercises independently to raise the self-estimation. To begin with, let's understand what is self-esteem And what is the correct self-image?

People who score high in self-awareness are attuned to their core values ​​and often intuitively choose best image actions because they are able to see the big picture in a difficult situation. Such people are usually well aware of their limitations and strengths, have a sense of humor in relation to themselves. They are able to learn where they need to improve and are open to criticism and feedback.

Proper self-esteem allows a person to know when to ask for help and when to focus on developing their strengths. Knowing your abilities with sufficient accuracy allows you to use your strengths. Self-confident individuals are not afraid of serious trials - they perceive any problems as a personal challenge.

How to form the right self-image

The first task of an insecure person is to remember those who formed his idea of ​​himself and forgive them, the second is to find his own source of energy. The ability to forgive those who offended you is one of the ways to raise yourself and your self-esteem. In addition, the formation of an adequate self-assessment is another possible source of energy.

Exercise 1

When performing this exercise, there is a condition: this exercise must be performed quickly, at a time and without peeking at the end. If in this moment There is no 10-20 minutes for this - it is better to postpone this letter until the next time.

So, you need a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Divide the sheet vertically into three large sections. In the first of them, you need to write in a column 10 (at least) the names of real historical figures, fictional characters in books, films, cartoons - it doesn’t matter if they are real or not. Another thing is important - you should like them (range: from like to "I admire"). Have you written? Great, let's move on. In the second, write in a column (opposite each name) 2-3 qualities that especially attract or delight you in this character ... The third section is special.

Count the repeating qualities from the first column and write them in descending order. For example, if the word "courage" was repeated three times, the word "charisma" - five times, and "patience" - only once, then you need to write down in a column: charisma, courage, patience. Now re-read what you wrote with a fresh look. What do we see? In essence, this is who you are. Because like tends to like - you would never choose qualities that would not sound in unison with your soul. Maybe you will be surprised by what you see, maybe not, but this is now your mirror. Whenever you doubt yourself, look into this mirror.

Exercise 2

We need two sheets. We divide them vertically in half. In the first half of the first sheet, we write a list of our personal qualities or character traits that you do not like and that you would like to get rid of. In the first half of the second sheet, respectively, a list of your strengths and qualities that you, on the contrary, would like to acquire. Have you written? Excellent. And now the task is insidious: in front of each harmful quality, think up and describe a situation where this quality could be useful. And in relation to each quality of the second list, think of a situation (or remember a real one) where this quality would be harmful. Try it, it's a very interesting exercise.

So, Why did we do these exercises?? All adults understand that everything in the world is relative. Proper self-esteem is not just increased self-esteem, it is rather an adequate self-esteem. After doing the first exercise, we realized how white and fluffy we really are, in the second exercise we realized that the qualities that we crave to possess can play a cruel joke on us, and the qualities that we already possess can help us. That it is better to be natural than to put on a mask of qualities that are not inherent in you - after all, it is very difficult to deceive people.

Find your positive qualities

Take paper and a pen and write down 5-10 qualities for which you are appreciated and loved by loved ones. Whenever you feel like you can't do it, pick up this piece of paper and reread it.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself

Feeling sorry for yourself, you accept the fact that you are not able to cope with something, that you are helpless, and everything is to blame for the circumstances. You have the right to make mistakes, but be objective - take responsibility.

Keep a success journal

Write down each of your achievements (in any area, whether it be work or relationships with a man). Reread your notes periodically.

Plan your affairs

This will help you avoid "no-win" situations that can throw you off balance. It is better to make a plan in the evening, and adjust in the morning if necessary.

Stimulate yourself

Give yourself rewards for activities or work that you avoid due to self-doubt (going public, going to gym etc.). Make yourself a gift: buy the desired thing, go on vacation.

Look for the pros

In case of failure, realize the current situation and find positive moments. You lost your job - but you will have time to improve your knowledge or change your profession. The found pluses will save you from depression and help you benefit from the current situation.

Many articles, magazines, books on psychology have been written on how to raise self-esteem and self-confidence. But still, many novice entrepreneurs (and not only) are concerned about this issue. Therefore, at the request of our website readers, we decided to write this detailed article about self-esteem without water and in fact. So let's go!

The old misconceptions that in order to be happy you need to:

  • believe and obey your parents;
  • dance around the fire and worship the gods;
  • build communism;
  • and so on and in the same spirit (underline as appropriate).

With the development of psychological science, only one thing becomes obvious - only man himself can make himself happy except, of course, for force majeure.

So, from this article you will learn:

  1. What is self-esteem and what functions does it have, etc.;
  2. How to love yourself and increase your self-esteem - advice from psychologists and experts;
  3. How to become self-confident and satisfied with your life;
  4. Reasons for low self-esteem, tests, videos, etc.

The article tells how to increase self-esteem, what ways to raise it exist, why people have low self-esteem, etc.

The correctness of self-assessment is a rather complicated thing. This is the one ship's waterline on the high seas, which should not nor rise above, nor go below. Before embarking on a long voyage, it is necessary to understand that nothing will come of it without adequate self-esteem. How does this happen?

The human subconscious builds itself based on many factors. from the first minutes of life.

In order to understand the mechanism of self-esteem formation, it is necessary to understand that:

  • one is never alone- he is a herd animal and must be in society (sociopaths are a deviation, a disease);
  • every word and deed of others in relation to the individual automatically influences it, forcing one way or another to evaluate oneself;
  • for the most part people and builds an opinion about himself, perceiving himself "through the eyes of others", not having the opportunity and desire to analyze their actions on their own and give them a final assessment.

As a result, it turns out that self-esteemthis is combined information about all self-assessments of your personality or on the basis of another opinion, which forms your idea of ​​\u200b\u200btheir qualities and shortcomings.

This can also be stated in another way: self-esteemthis is the definition of one's place in the ranking of all people in the world, which is based on one's own and imposed priorities. It looks different for every person.

For example, a blonde who has not read the primer in her life may have high self-esteem, since her society tells her only positive information about her personality, her virtues coincide with those that are in use among her environment and she looks like from her society demands it. That is, it is surrounded on all sides positive and a small share negative she just doesn't notice/ignores.

On the other hand maybe yesterday's student engineer, who graduated from the university with an average, got a job and, out of fright, already made a couple of minor mistakes, which were treated quite loyally.

It will seem to him that, compared with more experienced colleagues, he is a nonentity, he will never succeed. Here, mom also says that he is a mediocre son, because he forgot to take out the trash in the morning, dad assures that instead of higher education, he just had to go to the mine, because there “normal money is paid, and you don’t need to think with a stupid head.” To all this is added the standard appearance and the dream of the girls from the TV.

All this a typical example of low self-esteem that is shaped by the environment. The young man himself has nothing to do with it - rather, he simply moves with the flow that forms his environment.

Without changing anything in his life, he is unlikely to achieve anything in it.

If you do not pull yourself together, he will face such problems:

  • failures at work due to constant nervous tension and self-flagellation from the series “I won’t succeed, others will do it better”;
  • lack of career growth due to fear of responsibility, thoughts similar to “I can’t do it, it’s not for me, I’m not capable of it”;
  • constant fear of losing a job, a feeling of fatigue, depression, possibly alcoholism, the desire to escape reality into an illusory comfortable world;
  • the impossibility of adequate relationships with girls, since stiffness and complexes will manifest themselves here too, there will be thoughts from the series “she is too beautiful, I don’t earn so much, I’m ugly, I don’t deserve her.”

This is far from full list those trouble and life problems that are born from poor self-esteem, the inability to work with it.

At an older age, it may be problems with raising children, communicating with them. There may also be significant troubles with self-realization, the desire to open your own business and all in the same spirit.

The young man mentioned is just an example, everyone has a reason to think badly about themselves - no one is perfect. It is important to adequately assess your personality as a whole and build connections with the outside world from this.

It must also be understood that it is not only money and career.

A person with low self-esteem cannot initially be happy for the following reasons:

  • constant fear;
  • persistent nervous tension;
  • periodic depression;
  • aggravated stress when exposed to adverse factors;
  • impossibility of self-realization;
  • constant stiffness, up to physical movements;
  • lack of self-righteousness;
  • compliance with the outside world, weakness of character;
  • inability to start something new;
  • closed, shy speech;
  • constant self-digging.

All these are signs that you do not have happy future, because no one will come and change your life by magic.

In order to look confidently into the future, you need to work on yourself and not be afraid to change. Without this, everything will remain in place, and dreams will turn into collapse.

Basic functions of self-assessment

Exists three main functions that make adequate self-assessment so necessary:

  • Protective - strong self-esteem will allow you to be confident in what you think and do, it ensures the stability of your opinion about yourself, and therefore even emotional background less susceptibility to stress;
  • Regulatory - helps to make the most correct and timely choice regarding your personality;
  • Developing - the correct assessment of one's personality gives a strong impetus to its development.

The situation is considered ideal when a person absolutely independently evaluates his qualities and capabilities and adequately understands what he is good at and what he is bad at. From this he plans his life - what he will do, what he will study, and so on. Of course, such impossible .

From early childhood to late old age, everything around is trying to influence us, our self-esteem. At the very beginning, we are characterized parents, after peers and friends, then add to this teachers and professors, colleagues, bosses and so on.

As a result, we do not even evaluate ourselves, but compare the opinion of others about ourselves with the ideals imposed by society. Where can we get to adequate self-esteem, some of the information received does not apply to reality at all!

But only by correctly evaluating your abilities, you can understand in which direction you need to develop and what you are like in general.

In this situation, bad any deviation. An inflated opinion of yourself will lead to many painful mistakes in life, although it is more rare. Much more common low self-esteem which destroys people's lives, does not allow to open up, to show the maximum of their capabilities. The neglected form of this problem leads to an inferiority complex, and hence the destruction of the personality.

Essentially, this one of the main reasons that a person cannot earn money. Not confident in himself, he rushes from corner to corner, afraid to take a step that is risky in his opinion or the thoughts of those around him, eventually despairs and continues to live from one meager salary to another.

Moreover, in such cases, one cannot open one’s own business, because the qualities necessary for this are: activity, readiness to risk and accept decisions are taken from true, adequate self-esteem.

Lack of self-confidence takes the energy of the individual, fetters his actions, which leads to a terrible state when a person is only able to think or dream about action, and not resolutely take up the realization of his desires.

2. How to love yourself and what will happen if this is not done 💋

love yourself does not mean become narcissistic. In fact, it has to do with self-esteem. Only the person who is able to evaluate himself, highlight all his advantages and disadvantages, can really honestly and fairly treat his personality.

How to learn to love yourself and increase self-esteem for a woman and a man

So, how to love yourself and increase self-esteem?

Having low self-esteem, you will only see everything negative in yourself, which of course will not lead to anything good.

Justified self-love based on your virtues and constant work above the shortcomings there is a guarantee that others will treat you well.

It's really hard to love someone who do not appreciate and does not respect myself. It's more of a pity than anything else. Being competitive in business or choosing a spouse or many other things is only possible if you have high self-esteem and right attitude towards yourself . repressed and downtrodden personality cannot be realized in the modern world.

It is a big mistake to constantly look for flaws in yourself. The more you do this, the more difficult it will be for you to make any, even the most insignificant decision.

self-criticism- this is excellent, but it must be harmoniously balanced with praise, forgiveness and respect for one's own personality.

Our psyche has enough specific defense mechanisms against pain, discomfort and various threats. Our consciousness is only the visible part of a huge iceberg, which hides the subconscious. It is also not homogeneous and consists of various personalities "coexisting in one body." Each of them affects the consciousness, the body constantly expressing its desires and needs.

Suppressing the natural desire to be happy, developing an inferiority complex, you make it possible to crawl out the most dark corners of your psyche.

This can lead to various psychological deviations of varying severity. A calm person will be doomed to eternal depression(read the article - ""), and in a sensitive nature, signs of schizophrenia, various manias and other extremely serious diseases. Of course, these are very rare cases, but the risk exists.

3. How to determine that you have low self-esteem?

Here is a list of signs by which you can determine whether a person has low self-esteem:

  • a large amount of criticism addressed to you, both on the case and out of the blue;
  • dissatisfaction with any of their actions and results;
  • too strong a reaction to extraneous criticism;
  • a painful reaction to an opinion expressed about oneself, even a positive one;
  • fear of doing something wrong;
  • indecision, it takes a long time to think before doing anything;
  • unhealthy jealousy;
  • strong envy, especially when others have achieved something;
  • an obsessive desire to please, literally creep in front of others;
  • hatred of one's environment, unreasonable anger at others;
  • constant excuses;
  • the desire to protect yourself from everything in the world;
  • enduring pessimism;
  • lots of negativity all over the place.

Low self-esteem makes a person suffer much more from failure. Any problem is temporary, especially if you start solving it in time.

If a person is insecure, then she will aggravate the trouble until she becomes insoluble, eventually drop his hands and leave everything on gravity that will bring problems in all areas of life.

Such an approach on an ongoing basis will aggravate self-esteem, make you feel worthless, as a result hate yourself.

Society is very sensitive to this, and as soon as your negative attitude towards yourself becomes noticeable, others will begin to treat you worse. The further, the more that eventually ends in alienation and reclusion, a deeply unhappy existence, lack of money and personal life, psycho-emotional disorders.

There is an absolute pattern: respect yourself and others will respect you .

Success factors are self-confidence and high self-esteem

4. Inflated self-esteem and self-confidence 👍 are the most important success factors

Self love- this is not a flaw, not arrogance, and so on. It is worth distinguishing between narcissism and a healthy respect for one's personality.

The most important - Reconcile your opinion with reality. If you are really good at carving wood, love yourself for it, be proud of it, even brag about it.

If you have just started doing this - appreciate yourself for striving for something new, desire to do something. In each action, one can find positive parties and negative . Love yourself for the first and adequately treat the second.

Only in this case, the people who surround you will see your positive sides, start you value and respect. If everything is the other way around, and you look for more and more flaws in your work, others will do the same. And believe me, they will find them.

The more you will confident the more people will reach out to you. And those who have a level of self-esteem higher than yours, and those who have it lower. They will want to communicate closer, start cooperation, just talk with an interesting, confident person who is not afraid and does not hesitate to tell what he sees fit or to do what he thinks is right.

The strength of the spirit attracts everyone- from small to large, which will make you not only popular, but also more satisfied with your life.

Signs of good, high self-esteem:

  • the physical body is not a burdensome ugly shell, but a given from nature;
  • self-confidence, their actions and words;
  • mistakes are not obstacles on the way, but a way to learn more;
  • criticism is useful information that does not affect self-esteem;
  • compliments are pleasant and do not cause strong emotions;
  • speak calmly with all people, do not feel awkward when communicating with strangers;
  • each opinion expressed is valuable, but does not fundamentally affect the opinion of the person himself;
  • take care of the condition of the body;
  • worry about their emotional balance, correct it if necessary;
  • constantly harmonious development, without jumps and unrealistic tasks;
  • they finish what they started, achieve success in this and are not afraid of it.

Believe in yourself, respect your own self- this is the basis for achieving any goal, including the fundamental one - be happy. This will help you grow above yourself today, forget about those troubles and disgusting feelings that you experienced at the bottom of your own self-esteem.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union many members of the older generation have big problems with self-esteem. At that time, it was extremely unpopular, since the general good was the leading one, and not the happiness of everyone. Next generation 90s also did not receive enough adequate positive information about themselves from the world due to the difficult situation in the country, lack of money, dangerous criminal situation.

AT given time it's time to forget about it and think about own well-being. In order to change your self-esteem, you need to work on your personality.

This will be the very qualitative change in life that you have dreamed of so much.

The main reasons for low self-esteem

5. Low self-esteem - 5 main causes of self-doubt 📑

The mouse race, in which a person participates from birth, forces him to form a certain opinion about himself. As a result, by the beginning of a conscious life, we often get unhappy and sad young man, who perfectly understands that a lot of troubles and the need to work are waiting for him and his complexes. Why is it so?

Reason #1. A family

If you ask yourself where a person gets their opinion of themselves, the first correct answer is family. We receive most of our psychological attitudes at a very young age. This is due to the fact that during physiological development, emotional formation also occurs.

In other words, while we are growing up, our parents and environment are laying down the brick-by-brick foundation of our future personality.

It is logical to assume that the opinion created in childhood about ourselves will remain with us for many years, and maybe for life. It is good if parents understand this and are responsible for what they say to the child and how they do it. However, this does not always happen.

For example, according to parents, a child from kindergarten constantly makes mistakes. The progress of parental humiliation looks like this:

  • Built a beautiful house from the designer? And who will clean it up?
  • Did you beat the guys from the neighboring yard in the game of snowballs? Yes you are wet all over, you get sick, but we don’t have money anyway!
  • Got 5 on physical culture? Where's the math, stupid?
  • What do you mean you like this girl? Her father is a gardener, and this is not prestigious!

So, day after day, parents impose on the child that he cannot do anything right. The kid stops believing that he is able to do something with his hands, have fun, choose a partner, company, and so on.

Against this background, self-love cannot arise in any way, who can respect and appreciate such an awkward creature? Then, about twenty years later, parents are surprised to discover that their child is a loser, has not achieved anything in life, is lonely and sad and blames him for this ... himself, because they put so much effort into him, and he, ungrateful... and all in the same vein.

What should a person do in this situation? Of course, work on yourself, increase self-esteem and strive for happiness. Everything is possible, the main thing is to want.

Parents should remember that criticism is a dangerous tool of education that can lead to painful consequences. It is worth knowing that you are raising a separate person who must be confident in his decisions and actions, have his own opinion, be able to make decisions, and not limply follow you as an extension of your body and mind.

The best situation for a baby is kind and affectionate mother who always calm and happy. The father, on the other hand, must be demanding, have serious authority and, most importantly, treat the child fairly at any age.

It is also worth paying attention to every baby in the family, even if there are a lot of them. So-called " little brother syndrome", when the younger is reproached for the success of the elder - worse What can you think of to build a healthy self-esteem.

Because family for a child- the center of the universe, you should carefully consider his ego. If you feel that your self-esteem is falling, raise it.

It doesn't take much to do this - just give him fair praise a few times a day and he'll go to bed happier. Encourage him to do what he does best and gently point out flaws rather than criticize. So the self-esteem of the child will inevitably rise and ensure his stability in life and a happy future.

Reason number 2. Failure at an early age

From early childhood on our way there are failures. This is inevitable for every person, because we live in a far from ideal world. An adult with a stable psyche is usually quite calm about failures, can overcome them and extract useful information from them, but this is not always the case with children.

In quite yet early age, even if you don’t remember the failure, it is possible that it is in the depths of your subconscious and whispers all the time: “ do nothing, it won't work anyway, I'm always behind you". This must be fought.

Over time, if you work on your personality, these memories will come up, they will be very painful and unpleasant, but having analyzed them in detail and realizing that your mistake is completely insignificant and should not affect you in any way later, you will get rid of a significant burden on your heart.

Starting from the time you remember well all your troubles, it is much easier to work with this. Rummaging through the mind, you are sure to find a couple dozens moments that have haunted you since high school. Refusal of a roommate, teacher's bad expression, father's rude comment, failure in competition, double in physics are all examples of a heavy load that lowers your self-esteem and takes away positive energy for eternal torment over long-experienced problems.

All this from youth forms the consciousness of a loser who simply cannot achieve something in life, and this is a lie - after all, everyone is capable of it.

Reason number 3. Life passivity

The formation of personality begins in childhood and in the early stages does not require any effort from us. However, the older we get, the more this situation changes.

To 15 years old our personality will not move forward an inch if we do not try for it. That is, over time, more and more willpower will be required from each person in order to at least remain at the original level, for development it will be necessary to do more and more.

If from childhood a child is depressed, not used to working on himself and developing, in adulthood he will relate to the so-called gray mass.

This substance in society is characterized by the fact that its unit:

  • does not want to develop;
  • constantly putting off important things for later (procrastinates). About that, read in one of our articles;
  • does not dream of more;
  • does not take personal responsibility for himself or his family;
  • accustomed to poverty/small prosperity;
  • does not take care of himself, his appearance;
  • believes that everything new is terrible and superfluous in his life;
  • does not know how to be satisfied or dissatisfied - emotions are absolutely inert.

There is a famous physicist saying that a person without willpower is just a vertical puddle. The gray mass consists of such individuals. This is not an example of poor self-esteem, but of its complete absence.

No aspirations, no wishes, eternal lack of money and lack of any bright impressions that can dispel the gray reality.

This is a rather sad sight that destroys thousands of lives, including those children who grow up in such families. Raise self-esteem in such a case it is vital for women and men.

If this is not done, a happy, bright, full of emotions life will pass by, leaving fragments of poverty and an eternally depressive mood.

Reason number 4. Environment

We are all surrounded by a large number of people. Some of them are successful, others not so much, and others do not want to be so. If you decide to take everything from life, to make yourself a happy, self-confident person, you should acquire the appropriate environment.

Signs of an unhealthy society:

  • constant groundless philosophizing, verbiage;
  • criticism of everything in the world, from the government to neighbors, especially groundless or meaningless;
  • inertia and lack of initiative, for example, if you cannot persuade your friends to go to a concert or a movie;
  • constant gossip, condemnation of others behind their backs;
  • planning to get rich quick without any action or effort;
  • a large amount of alcohol, cigarettes and other bad habits.

The lack of desire to develop, work and generally try in life is quite contagious. In such a company, you feel no worse than anyone, but it relaxes, requires a lot of time and emotions, pulls you to the bottom. it energy vampirism which is difficult, even impossible, to fight. If you can, leave such a company or environment completely, if not, just minimize communication.

The best society for those who strive to develop is people who have already achieved. Don't know how to meet them? Try going to places you haven't been before. Usually this libraries, book the shops, theaters, thematic establishments, seminars, trainings and so on.

Reason number 5. Appearance problems

A strong factor, especially in adolescence, is appearance. If she has some defects, then even with the right approach of relatives to education, low self-esteem can be formed on the basis of the opinions of peers, teachers, and so on.

The most common example in this case is excess weight. Offensive nicknames, the lack of attention of girls / boys, the contemptuous attitude of some adults - all this naturally affects the personality of the child.

If this manifested itself in adulthood, then the person will demonstrate his resentment not so clearly, but the pain will not decrease from this.

In order to change this, you can try to fix the defect. For example, if this is a diet, then the whole family should sit on it so that the child does not feel disadvantaged. If change is not possible, the child needs to be helped to come to terms with this situation and develop in a different direction.

There are many charismatic and attractive fat men in the world and thin people who are absolutely not interesting to anyone.

7 Ways to Raise Your Self-Esteem and Become Self-Confident

6. How to increase self-esteem and confidence - 7 ways 📚

Having figured out what self-esteem is, why it is needed and what affects it on its formation, you can proceed to how to work with it, namely how to raise it.

It’s not enough just to realize that you don’t evaluate yourself correctly, you also need to be able to change the situation. Below are some interesting and effective ways to increase self-esteem and confidence.

Method number 1. Environment

The society you move in defines who you are. It is important for everyone not to be the last. In a company where no one has achieved anything, you feel comfortable because everyone is just like you.

Now imagine that you find yourself in a social circle where one bought yesterday new car, the second opened a new branch of his store, the third recently graduated from the university. At the same time, you hardly graduated from technical school, and can't get a job anywhere.

What will your feelings be? Certainly unpleasant. In addition, you will receive a powerful, powerful impetus to development, a desire to do something significant for your life and career. At first you will feel awkward, but over time you will realize that you are changing for the better with this company.

In addition, you will get rid of the eternally depressing social circle that pulls you to the bottom and ridicules all your timid undertakings.

strong and successful person never will, laughs at those who only try their hand. On the contrary, he will help and prompt, even support, if necessary.

Look for the right social circle that will make you work on yourself.

Method number 2. Literature, trainings, films

Having dealt with the environment, proceed to decisive steps, namely, take up reading books on working on yourself, increasing self-esteem. This list will help you:

  • Brian Tracy "Self-Esteem";
  • Sharon Wegshida-Kroes “How much are you worth? How to learn to love and respect yourself”;
  • "The Charm of the Feminine" by Helen Andelin;
  • Louise Hay Heal Your Life.

Next stage - attending seminars and practices . People who want to change and coaches who are able to give it to them gather here. Thus, you change the environment and get the desired information. it effective way, which allows you to kill two birds with one stone.

Method number 3. The comfort zone is actually the enemy

No matter how strange it may sound, but for now you comfortable and calmly in the world in which you exist is very bad for your personality. The established rules of life will make you ossify and freeze at one place. Only by doing something new can you develop.

In fact, it only seems to you that you already have all the best. There, outside your invisible cage, lives and rages wonderful and amusing a world that is filled not with difficulties and troubles, but with incredible adventures, new stories and acquaintances.

As soon as you throw your fears into the furnace, it will open up to you, instill a sense of self-confidence and show many of the brightest events that you could not even think about.

What do you need to do to leave your "comfort zone"? Analyze where your time is going. How many hours a week do you watch TV, how much do you drink, how much do you play games, and so on. Reduce this time by three hours in seven days and devote them to something new. For what you've always wanted: sculpt from clay, sew a new dress, plant a flower, go to the circus / cinema / theater. The more active the better. Over time, a bright life will suck you in, and you will forget about the mediocre chatty box and other garbage items.

Method number 4. Down with self-criticism!

If you stop eating yourself alive superfluous self-criticism , you can immediately complete three extremely important tasks, which in other ways will take you a lot of time and effort.

Firstly, you will get a lot of free energy. All those forces that you spent on self-criticism and the search for reasons for it can be directed to actions that are more pleasant and useful. For example, reading exciting books with a relaxing plot or writing poetry, knitting, planting flowers, and so on.

Secondly, you will begin to perceive yourself as a holistic person who has his own personality. Yes, you do not look like Vasya, Einstein or Alain Delon. And it is not necessary! Be yourself, and do not participate in the eternal, someone else's competition in which someone has already taken first place.

Thirdly, you will begin to notice in yourself not only the negative, but also the positive aspects. Everyone has something good, something that he knows how to do. Discover it, isolate and educate, improve, nurture, without wasting time and effort. This is the best investment in yourself!

Whatever painful mistakes you encounter, don't let yourself grieve over them for more than an hour. After suffering a little, force yourself to be happy again, and take failure as an experience.

Method number 5. Physical exercise

So unloved by many physical exercise greatly affect our emotional state. To boost self-esteem, buying a gym membership can do more than a lot of training.

This happens because:

  • during sports, a wonderful hormone dopamine is released in a person, which excites our brain and gives a pleasant encouragement, in common parlance it is also called the hormone of joy;
  • you bring your body, and hence your appearance, into perfect order, so that over time you can be proud of it and respect yourself for the work done;
  • even the classes themselves are important without results, because in the process of performing each exercise you overcome laziness, complexes and other troubles;
  • improving well-being gives and develops confidence in yourself and your actions, in every step - it is easier for you to move and feel, it is easier to persuade yourself to start doing something.

it great way improve the quality of life for people with a sedentary lifestyle and the same work. All day, after spending in a stuffy office, it is worth unwinding, but not going to drink beer in a bar. It's more likely to have a detrimental effect on you, and sport on the contrary, it will update and make it more cheerful.

A heavy-lifting person, with a heavy and unattractive body, cannot feel good in the company of slender and healthy people. This is fertile ground for the development of complexes, lowering self-esteem and other troubles.

Among other things, sports will help to start New acquaintances with purposeful people who can teach and show by your own example, that any changes are possible, which also has a beneficial effect on your psyche.

Method number 6. Subconscious programming

You can also influence your consciousness with the help of another, no less interesting and effective tool - programming. In psychology, this is called affirmations. Consider your computer. You give it a command, it processes it and takes the requested action. It's the same with our subconscious, only a little more complicated. You can't just say, "make me happy and confident."

The code, the command is memorized or recorded on the recorder. It should sound like a solid, realized fact. For example, "I am confident", " girls like me», « I can have what I want without much effort» and all in the same spirit. There should not be many such phrases, they should be repeated in the playlist or just to yourself for about two minutes.

These affirmations and they will be the very installation in the subconscious, the command for the computer, which will convince your subconscious of what you need. Do you want to be confident- please convince the hidden parts of your brain of this and it will independently remake the entire conscious part so that you become completely independent and can easily make decisions.

There is one rule here - you need to do this regularly, even after you feel the changes. Continue until you are surprised to find that the affirmations you are listening to are already a fact.

Remember that these words should have an extremely positive effect on your personality, not form ambiguities and not be in doubt. What you convince yourself of should have only benefits, without negative effects, because it will not be easy to “persuade” the subconscious mind back.

Method number 7. Remember your victories

Never neglect what has already been done. This is important for your consciousness, and for the subconscious and for a good mood. There is always something to praise yourself for, and if this is not enough, you will begin to subconsciously strive to do something good for the sake of it. Even if you praise yourself.

To operate this mechanism, start a notebook of victories. You need to write down everything that you think in it. good deed, useful action and so on. Any little things or minor victories - all this is very important for your self-esteem, a sense of being needed in the world.

It might look like this, for example:

  • had breakfast on time;
  • took the linen from the laundry;
  • bought some roses for his beloved wife;
  • pleased his daughter with a game of tag;
  • earned an award for a well-written report;
  • went to the gym three times a week;
  • lost 300 grams.

As you can see, achievements can be anything as long as they brought joy to someone or moral satisfaction to you. In a few months, you can collect an impressive collection that will warm your soul on cold evenings.

Write it down in your personal notebook and difficult moments when you can't find the strength do some difficult task or go up to an extracurricular meeting at work, reread a few pages of the diary.

Your mood is guaranteed to rise, you will remember how many positive emotions your efforts brought to you and your loved ones, and this is a powerful impetus to defeat all the troubles in the world.

The use of these ways to increase self-esteem requires regularity and mindfulness. Carefully monitor your state and thoughts, try to highlight the most successful of them, watch how you change.

This will help you get to know yourself better, learn to communicate with your inner self, and control your life.

Coaching to develop and increase self-confidence - by overcoming public opinion

7. Self-confidence training - overcoming the opinions of society 📝

The society that surrounds us, as we have already understood, seriously affects our self-esteem. If you give it too much great importance, then it is quite capable of destroying the personality.

Of course, criticism is important. Our loved ones point out our mistakes to us, show us the moments in which, in their opinion, we did wrong and this is good. It is called healthy relationships .

However, let it completely define your personality poorly. Each person must independently decide what is good in his life and what is not, and how in the end he will act in a given situation.

Don't worry about what others will say about you first. First, decide what you think about it, and try to perceive the rest of the information as a background, secondarily.

Try to make sure that the opinion of society depends on yours, and not vice versa. There are several interesting exercises for this.

A little circus. This is just a physical exercise that will require serious psychological strength from you. Look in the closet for something ridiculous - an old long tie, funny pants, anything that seems funny to you. Now put it on and boldly head out into the street. Go shopping, go to the movies and so on. It's not worth doing this at work.- may be misunderstood, otherwise - complete expanse. However, do not overdo it, first take less provocative things and eventually put on something more fun so as not to immediately injure your psyche.

This exercise works like this. Your subconscious retains a lot of complexes that are associated with its appearance. The more you go out of your comfort zone, that is, dress inappropriately, the more your subconscious mind will independently destroy established complexes and make your consciousness, and therefore life, freer.

More public. This exercise is simple. The more you speak in public, the more honed this skill will become. Speaking in front of a large number of people requires composure, high-quality preparation, and an effort of will.

This will help you learn to concentrate and complete the task quickly, while being responsible for the result. In addition, it will elevate you in the eyes of your superiors, and will recommend you well among a large audience.

Do these two exercises and be firm in your opinion.

8. How to find yourself and learn how to manage your self-esteem 📋

Much has been said about self-esteem. It may be difficult for you to immediately perceive and implement the entire situation.

For this there is 5 golden rules to print out and hang on the fridge. Constantly reminding and reading them will do the job for you. On a subconscious level, your brain will perceive them as instructions for action and will facilitate the period of transformation into a successful person.

  • No need to compare yourself and others!
  • No need to beat yourself up for mistakes!
  • Surround yourself with positivity!
  • Learn to love what you do!
  • Prefer action over passivity!

Everyone unique and worthy happiness. It is imperative to unleash your unlimited potential in order to get everything out of life.

This requires constant work on yourself and a mandatory increase in self-esteem. But the results will not be long in coming, which will benefit both you and your environment.

9. Self-esteem test - determine the level of attitude towards yourself today 📄

The first practical task on the way to increase self-esteem is to determine its level. To do this, there is a very simple self-esteem test of a dozen questions.

It is very easy to pass it - read each item and answer " Yes" or " No" . Every time you answer " Yes"Remember.

  1. Do you sharply criticize yourself when you make a mistake?
  2. Gossip is one of your favorite activities?
  3. You do not have clear guidelines?
  4. Are you not physically active?
  5. Do you often worry about the little things?
  6. In an unfamiliar society, do you prefer not to be noticed?
  7. Does criticism make you feel stressed?
  8. Envy and criticism of others often happens?
  9. The opposite sex remains a mystery, scares you?
  10. Can an inadvertently thrown word offend you?

Now you need to remember how many "Yes" you said. If less three Your self-esteem is at a normal level. If more three- you need work on it.

10. Conclusion + related video

With a sincere desire to change and change your life, you can achieve a lot. Raising, normalizing self-esteem, this is one of the first, fairly simple steps, which ultimately allows you to achieve success, happiness and of money.

Do not spare your strength, do not take care of yourself until better times. Develop now, get invaluable experience and build your future on a new level!

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