Medical examination for disability. Documents for ITU (Medical and social expertise)

Pregnancy and children 27.06.2020

Getting disability status is not easy. To do this, you need to prove that the state of health does not allow you to carry out certain activities as before and therefore the person needs additional protection from the state.

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This can only be done with the help of an examination or, in other words, an examination, which is carried out by qualified specialists.


Medico-social expertise is a procedure necessary to examine a person and determine his abilities in terms of social opportunities. The examination includes rehabilitation based on the degree of disability. Rehabilitation is aimed at improving the health of the person and his socialization.

There are special institutions that are engaged in the examination of persons applying for the status of "disabled".

Limitation of life activity - loss by a citizen (partial or complete):

  • the ability to take care of themselves;
  • communicate with other people;
  • control behavior;
  • and carry out professional activities.

A person who has functional health disorders that lead to the above restrictions is recognized as a disabled person. That is, those who need social protection.


Medico-social expertise is regulated by such normative acts as:

  1. and others.

Video: reasons for refusal

Why is it carried out

A medical and social examination is necessary in order to recognize a person as a disabled person on a legal basis and to assess the state of his health. The examination is carried out free of charge at the expense of the citizens' health insurance program.

Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

The procedure is carried out in the office at the place of residence of the person who is subject to examination.

This institution performs the following functions:

  • establishing the fact and group of disability;
  • determination of the degree of disability of a citizen;
  • development of an individual program aimed at rehabilitation;
  • determining the need for disabled people in professional and social rehabilitation;
  • development of rehabilitation programs for persons who received a disability during the performance of professional duties;
  • determining the circumstances of the death of disabled persons whose relatives are provided with social assistance;
  • registration of persons who have received the status of a disabled person;
  • implementation of the development of programs aimed at the prevention of disability and social protection of persons with this status;
  • consultation of citizens who applied for medical and social examination.

For use special methods examination or to appeal against the decision of the bureau, a citizen has the right to submit an application to the main bureau of medical and social expertise and undergo a procedure there.

In addition, in some cases, you should contact the Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. To pass the examination, a citizen is obliged to submit an appropriate application, medical documents and a referral.

Where and how to get a referral

Medical and social examination should not be carried out without a special referral, which a citizen can receive in:

  • branch of the Pension Fund;
  • in the body of social protection of the population;
  • or in a healthcare facility.

Most often, this direction is issued precisely in the clinic, where you need to undergo a number of other diagnostic examinations. In this case, the document is issued in the presence of a serious illness, etc.

The pension fund and social security authorities can also send a person to undergo an examination.

Usually these are people who have certain disabilities and are in particular need of additional social protection. The only condition is the availability of certificates confirming illnesses, any injuries, defects, etc. For this, the services are sent to a medical institution for a diagnostic examination.

What does it look like

The document issued by the health care institution has a prescribed form.

  1. The direction indicates all information about the state of health, including data on the degree of violation of certain functions of the body.
  2. Be sure to include all the results of rehabilitation and the purpose for which the referral is issued.

If the document is issued by the Pension Fund or the social security agency, then it has the form established

  1. The referral contains information on the degree of disability of the person, which indicates the need for social protection.
  2. The purpose of the referral is also indicated.

What documents are provided

In addition to the referral, the citizen is required to provide:

  • written statement written by one's own hand or by a guardian;
  • documents confirming the state of health of the applicant;
  • upon re-examination, a certificate of disability is provided;
  • identity document.

To date, applications for medical and social examination can be submitted online.

To do this, just go to public service website and fill out a special form.

You can also send an application by mail. The law established a certain period for conducting a medical and social examination. The entire procedure should not exceed 30 days from the day the person submits the application.

During 5 days the citizen receives an invitation for examination.

Additional documents that need to be submitted to the commission must be submitted to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise within 10 days.


Medical and social expertise is carried out by a special commission, which consists of:

  • chairman;
  • his deputy;
  • secretary;
  • and necessary specialists.

The citizen who is being examined must also be present at this meeting. Members of the commission consider all the submitted documents, then the patient is examined.


There is a special classification by which a citizen can be recognized as disabled. In addition, there are criteria for adults and for children who are not given a disability group.

  1. For I group disability there are criteria such as the need for social protection on the basis of a functional disorder of the body, which led to a sharp limitation of human life.
  2. Disability Group II is given to a person if he has identified a need for social protection due to diseases that provoked functional disorders of the body and disability.
  3. Criteria for confirmation Group III is the need for social protection, provoked by diseases and functional disorders of the body and moderate disability.

Citizen examination

Examination of a person who has applied for a medical and social examination is carried out by specialists of the bureau.

Examination of the provided documents

In addition to examining the face, the commission of the bureau pays close attention to the submitted documents.

Medical certificates on the state of health of a citizen issued in a medical institution are necessarily taken into account.

If necessary, the citizen is sent for additional examination.

Analysis of social, professional, labor, psychological and other data of a citizen

Recognition of a person as a disabled person as a whole does not depend on the state of his health, but on the degree of impairment of physical capabilities that directly affect his life.

Specialists must take into account:

  • the profession of a citizen;
  • the image and conditions of his life;
  • as well as psychological state.

They look at the ability of a disabled person to serve himself, at his communication with other people, etc. Based on this analysis, a disability group is determined.

How the decision is made

There is a certain procedure for the commission to decide on the recognition of a person as a disabled person:

  1. First, there is a discussion of the survey results. Then the members of the commission vote to give the citizen the status of a disabled person. The decision is usually taken by majority vote.
  2. Further, an act is drawn up, which is signed not only by the head of the bureau, but also by the experts who carry out the examination.

    The act indicates the list of medical documents and the information on the basis of which the decision was made. The document must be stamped.

  3. In the presence of members of the commission, the result of the medical and social examination is announced to the citizen (or his guardian).
  4. If there is a need for additional examination procedures, then the examination period is increased.

If you have not been recognized as disabled

A citizen who has not received a disability based on the results of a medical and social examination may require a certificate of results.

In addition, he has the right to apply to a higher authority. These are the main or federal state institutions of medical and social expertise.

There you can appeal the first decision of the bureau and undergo a more thorough examination.

Individual rehabilitation program

After a citizen is recognized as a disabled person, the specialists of the bureau independently develop a special health-improving rehabilitation program.

It is based on:

  • on the degree of disability of the person;
  • as well as on the result of the analysis of professional, social and other data.

The program includes rehabilitation procedures and technical means for their implementation.

Employees of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise must necessarily acquaint the disabled person with this information. The fact of familiarization is reflected in the certificate of examination.

In order to legally recognize a person as a disabled person and determine the degree of damage to his health, a medical and social examination is carried out.
Medico-social expertise (hereinafter referred to as ITU) is a definition in in due course the needs of the examined person in measures of social protection, including rehabilitation, based on an assessment of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions.
ITU involves a comprehensive assessment of the state of the body of a disabled person.
The procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as a disabled person are determined by the Rules for Recognizing a Person as a Disabled Person.
The conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are:
a) a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
b) restriction of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, study or engage in labor activity);
c) the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation.
Depending on the degree of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions resulting from diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, a citizen recognized as disabled is assigned I, II or III disability group, and a citizen under the age of 18 is assigned the category "disabled child". ".
You can get a referral for a medical and social examination:
- in a healthcare institution (polyclinic or other organization where a person receives medical and preventive care);
- in the body of social protection of the population;
- in the body or department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.
To receive a referral to the ITU, a person must undergo the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures in a healthcare institution. The specialists of the medical institution themselves determine a specific list of such examinations and activities if the patient has persistent impairment of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects. Only after a full examination, which confirmed the fears of doctors, the medical institution issues a referral to the ITU.
The body of social protection of the population or a branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can also send for a medical and social examination of a person who has signs of disability and who needs social protection. But such a person must have medical documents confirming the dysfunction of the body due to diseases, the consequences of injuries and defects, for example, certificates or extracts from the medical history.
The form of referral to the ITU by an organization providing medical and preventive care is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. This form indicates data on the state of health of a citizen, reflecting the degree of violation of the functions of organs and systems, the state of the compensatory capabilities of the body, as well as the results of the rehabilitation measures taken. To date, the form is valid (M ° 088 / y 06, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2007 No. 77.
The form of referral to the ITU, issued by the body providing pensions, or the body of social protection of the population, is approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. To date, there is a form approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2006 No. 874.
The referral to the ITU is filled in by the organization sending the person for examination. Organizations providing medical and preventive care, bodies providing pensions, as well as bodies of social protection of the population are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information indicated in the direction to the ITU.
In the event that a medical institution, a body providing pensions, or a body of social protection of the population refused to refer a citizen to the ITU, he is issued a certificate, on the basis of which the citizen or his legal representative have the right to apply to the bureau on their own.
ITU is conducted free of charge, at the expense of funds allocated under the basic program of compulsory medical insurance for citizens of the Russian Federation.
The direction indicates the name of the ITU bureau (at the place of residence (at the place of stay, at the location of the pension file of a disabled person who has left for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation)), where the person should apply.
A citizen sent to the ITU must personally apply to the ITU bureau. If the child has not yet reached the age of 14, then his interests are represented by a legal representative (parent, guardian, trustee or adoptive parent).
ITU can be carried out at home if a citizen cannot come to the bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau) for health reasons, as evidenced by the conclusion of the organization providing medical and preventive care, or in a hospital. where the citizen is being treated, or in absentia by decision of the relevant bureau.
Applicant to the institution for the ITU Must have on hand a referral to the ITU and medical documents confirming the violation of health. A citizen (his legal representative) draws up a written application for the ITU (a sample application is usually available in the ITU institution). The application is submitted to the head of the decisions. A referral and medical documents are attached to the application.
If a person has only a certificate of refusal to send him to the ITU, then the specialists of the bureau conduct an examination of the citizen and, based on its results, draw up a program for an additional examination of the citizen and rehabilitation measures, after which they consider whether he has a disability.
The day the institution receives the citizen's application to recognize him as disabled with the documents attached to it, after the necessary examinations are carried out, is considered the date the disability was established.



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ITU Medical and Social Commission on Disability (VTEC) - what documents are needed?

Issues of obtaining disability are of interest not only to the patients themselves. The moments of how to make the procedure for passing the commission as objective as possible are actively discussed at meetings of interdepartmental and government commissions. So, the usual decoding of the abbreviation VTEK - medical and labor expert commission, today has been replaced by a new name - ITU - medical and social expertise. But changing the name of the commission did not change the essence of the procedure. He still decides on issues of assignment of disability. Thus, the disability commission - VTEC was systematically replaced by the ITU. This is due to the fact that VTEK dealt with the issues of disability of working citizens, and disabled children, by definition, did not fall within its competence. The Medical and Social Commission on Disability has an expanded range of powers and accepts all sick people with disabilities for examination.

Competence of ITU

The range of issues that the ITU or VTEK studies and decides on are:

  • In conducting procedures for the examination of citizens in order to study the prevalence of disability and its structure;
  • In determining its group affiliation;
  • In the study of causal factors that preceded disability.

Medical and social expertise and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the current legislation and special instructions and information letters of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population. Orders and instructions of these departments determine the procedure for sending for a medical and social examination.

Preparation and passage of the commission

Any expert medical examination involves the collection of relevant documents. Information about what primary documents are needed for VTEC can always be obtained from the attending physician who sends for a socio-medical examination, including:

  • Information about diseases;
  • Acts of surveys and previous examinations;
  • Extracts from medical documents and outpatient cards.

The attending physician must also provide a sample application for a medical and social examination, as well as prepare extracts from medical documents and outpatient cards.

The question of how and where VTEC is performed is decided in a medical institution at the place of residence or treatment by the patient.

A referral for an expert examination is issued by two bodies:

  • A medical institution that observed the patient and established the facts or disease, in connection with which the disability occurred;
  • Departments pension fund and social protection.

The medical commission for the establishment of disability no later than 30 days (calendar) from the date of submission of documents and application is obliged to conduct an examination and decide on the appointment of one of the 3 degrees of disability or submit a refusal to assign the status of a disabled person in writing.

Certain difficulties arise in deciding how to undergo VTEK for a bedridden patient. In this case, all necessary documents are submitted without the presence of the patient, and the fact that it is impossible to transport him to the place of examination and examination is confirmed by a corresponding certificate from the attending physician for the head physician of the hospital.

Terms of re-examination

Disability can be established for a fixed period or be indefinite. In the first case, it becomes necessary to repeat the examination procedure. In general, the procedure for re-passing the VTEK for disability is practically no different from the first procedure for passing the commission, the only thing to consider is the timing. The frequency and timing of the repeated procedure depend on the disability group:

  • 2-3 disability group - 1 time during the year;
  • Group 1 - 1 time in six months or 2 times a year.

Documents for VTEK are being prepared in the same way again. New analyzes, examination results and conclusions issued by the previous VTEK medical commission for a disability group are attached to the existing one. In all other respects, the re-examination procedure is identical to the primary procedure.


The procedure for establishing disability for those who encounter it for the first time is often fraught with many incomprehensible moments and various nuances. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to thoroughly cover them all within the framework of one material, we will try to deal with the questions that most often arise among those who are faced with the procedure for establishing disability.

In what cases can disability be established?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are three signs that can serve as the basis for establishing disability:

  • health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries, congenital or acquired defects;
  • limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one's behavior, study or engage in work activities);
  • the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation.

To recognize a person as a disabled person, at least two of the above signs must be present, i.e. one of these signs alone may not be enough to establish disability.

How long is the disability group?

Disability of group 1 is established for a period of 2 years, II and III groups - for 1 year. The category "disabled child" is established for 1 or 2 years or until the child reaches the age of 18 years.

Disability can also be established without specifying the re-examination period in the following cases:

  • In the presence of diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes, violations of the functions of organs and systems of the body specified in the "List of diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes, violations of the functions of organs and systems of the body, in which the disability group without specifying the period of re-examination" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2008 No. 247).
  • If it is impossible to eliminate or reduce during rehabilitation measures the degree of disability caused by persistent irreversible morphological changes, defects and dysfunctions of organs and systems of the body (with the exception of the conditions listed above in the List).
  • In the absence of positive results of rehabilitation measures carried out before being sent for examination, confirmed by the data of the institution providing him with medical and preventive care.

What can be the results of a medical and social examination?

The result of the medical and social examination is:

  • when establishing disability - issuing a certificate confirming the fact of establishing disability, and issuing an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person (IPR);
  • when determining the degree of loss of professional ability to work - issuing a certificate on the results of establishing the degree of loss of professional ability to work in percent and issuing a rehabilitation program for the victim as a result of an accident at work and occupational disease;
  • when establishing the cause of death of a disabled person (in cases where legislation Russian Federation provides for the provision of social support measures to the family of the deceased) - issuance of a certificate on establishing the cause of death of a disabled person;
  • in case of refusal to establish disability - issuance of a certificate on the results of a medical and social examination.

What are the terms of the medical and social examination?

The maximum allowable time for the examination is 30 days from the date of application.

An invitation for examination shall be sent within a period not exceeding 5 calendar days from the date of submission of the application.

If the application is submitted without required documents, then these documents must be submitted within 10 days from the date of application.

An extract from the certificate of examination of a person recognized as disabled is sent to the body providing pensions within 3 days from the date of the decision to recognize him as disabled.

Do the relatives of a patient undergoing a commission for disability have the right to come into the office with him and be present at the commission? Or should the patient enter alone?

Relatives have the right to be present during the medical and social examination if the disabled person needs an accompanying person, i.e. if a disabled person cannot move independently, cannot take care of himself. In other cases, the presence of relatives (with the exception of the legal representatives of minor children, and guardians (custodians of incapacitated citizens) is not provided.

What documents are issued based on the results of the examination?

If a person is recognized as a disabled person, they are issued:

  • Information about the disability group.
  • When determining the degree of loss of professional ability to work - a certificate indicating the degree of loss of professional ability to work in percent.
  • Individual rehabilitation program (IPR).

An extract from the certificate of examination is also drawn up, on the basis of which a pension is assigned, which is sent to the organization paying the pension.

In case of refusal to recognize a disabled person, a citizen is issued:

  • Information about the results of the ITU of an arbitrary form.
  • If there is a certificate of temporary incapacity for work, a note about the expert decision is made in it.

Is it possible to appeal the decision of the ITU in case of disagreement with it?

The decision of the ITU bureau, as well as its actions or inaction, can be appealed to higher organizations - the main ITU bureau, the Federal Bureau of the ITU, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, as well as judicial order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for appealing against decisions of the ITU bureau of cities and regions, the main ITU bureau of the constituent entities of the Federation, the ITU Federal Bureau is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 dated February 20, 2006 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled”.

How can I appeal the decision of the ITU Bureau?

The decision of the ITU bureau can be appealed to the main bureau within a month on the basis of an application submitted to the bureau that conducted the medical and social examination, or to the main bureau.

An application for appeal against the Bureau's decision may be submitted in the form of paper or electronic documents.

The application for appeal against the Bureau's decision contains:

  • the name of the main office to which the application is submitted;
  • complaint against the decision of the bureau, indicating the name of the bureau;
  • a request to conduct a medical and social examination to appeal the decision of the bureau, indicating its purpose;
  • date of application.

The bureau that conducted the medical and social examination of the citizen, within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application for appealing the decision of the bureau, sends it with all available documents to the main bureau.

The main bureau, no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the application for appealing the decision of the bureau, conducts a medical and social examination of the recipient of the public service and, based on the results, makes an appropriate decision.

How can I appeal the decision of the ITU main office?

In the event of an appeal against the decision of the main bureau, the chief expert in medical and social expertise for the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, with the consent of the person being examined, may entrust the conduct of his medical and social expertise to another team of specialists from the main bureau.

The decision of the main bureau can be appealed to the Federal Bureau within a month on the basis of an application submitted to the main bureau that conducted the medical and social examination, or to the Federal Bureau.

An appeal against the decision of the main bureau may be submitted in the form of paper or electronic documents.

The statement of appeal against the decision of the main bureau contains:

  • the name of the Federal Bureau to which the application is being submitted;
  • surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the recipient of the public service;
  • address of the place of residence (place of stay), address Email(in the presence of);
  • complaint against the decision of the main bureau, indicating the name of the main bureau;
  • a request to conduct a medical and social examination to appeal against the decision of the main bureau, indicating its purpose;
  • surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the legal representative (if any);
  • date of application.

The Federal Bureau, no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the application for appealing the decision of the main bureau, conducts a medical and social examination of the recipient of the public service and, based on the results, makes an appropriate decision.

Where else can I appeal the ITU decision?

The decisions of the bureau, the main bureau, the Federal Bureau may be appealed to the court by the recipient of the public service (his legal representative) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

You can also file a complaint with officials, responsible or authorized employees of bodies and institutions involved in the provision of public services, in person, as well as send an appeal by mail or using a public information and communication network.

Officials, responsible or authorized employees of bodies and institutions participating in the examination, the FMBA of Russia, the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation hold a personal reception.

Appeals of citizens on issues of conducting an examination are considered within 30 days from the date of registration of the appeal.

In exceptional cases executive, a responsible or authorized employee of the body or institution to which the appeal was received, has the right to extend the period for consideration of the appeal by no more than 30 days, notifying of the extension of the period for its consideration.

An appeal containing a complaint against the actions of officials of bodies and institutions participating in the examination must contain the following information:

  • surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the recipient of the public service, postal address and / or e-mail address to which the response should be sent, notification of redirection of the appeal;
  • the name of the body and institution involved in the provision of public services, the position, surname, name and patronymic of the employee (if information is available), actions (inaction) and decisions of which are being appealed;
  • essence of the contested action (inaction) and decision.

Additionally, in a written appeal containing a complaint, reasons for disagreeing with the action (inaction) and decision being appealed may be indicated, the circumstances on the basis of which the person being examined believes that his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests have been violated, obstacles to their implementation have been created, or any duty, demands to cancel the decision, to declare illegal the action (inaction) and decision, as well as other information that he considers necessary to provide.

Copies of documents confirming the stated circumstances may be attached to a written appeal containing a complaint. In this case, a list of attached documents is provided.

Based on the results of consideration of the appeal containing the complaint, the official (responsible or authorized employee) decides to satisfy the requirements of the recipient of the public service and to recognize the appealed action (inaction) as unlawful and the decision to establish disability or to refuse to satisfy the requirements, or within the competence gives clarification to the recipient of the public service.

A written response containing the results of consideration of a written appeal containing a complaint shall be sent to the person who filed the complaint.

When is the re-examination carried out in case of disagreement with the decision of the ITU?

In case of filing an application for appeal against the decision of the bureau to the bureau that conducted the medical and social examination, the said bureau, within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application for appealing the decision of the bureau, sends it with all available documents to the main bureau.

The main bureau, no later than 1 month from the date of filing an application to appeal against the decision of the bureau, conducts a medical and social examination and, based on the results obtained, makes an appropriate decision.

If an application for appeal against the decision of the main bureau is submitted to the main bureau that conducted the medical and social examination, the specified main bureau, within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application for appealing the decision of the main bureau, sends it with all available documents to the Federal Bureau.

The Federal Bureau, no later than 1 month from the date of filing a citizen's application, conducts his medical and social examination and, based on the results, makes an appropriate decision.

Who controls the work of the ITU bureau?

Control over the procedure for organizing work on the conduct of medical and social expertise is carried out by federal Service for Supervision in Healthcare and Social Development (Roszdravnadzor).

The FMBA of Russia controls the activities of federal state institutions.

Current control over compliance by the specialists of the bureau, the main bureau, the Federal Bureau for the provision of services in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Regulations and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation is carried out by the head of the bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau).

What is the legal basis for determining disability?

Medical and social expertise is carried out in accordance with:

  • dated November 24, 1995 N181-FZ "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation"
  • dated July 24, 1998 N125-FZ "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases"
  • Government of the Russian Federation dated October 16, 2000 N789 "On approval of the Rules for establishing the degree of loss of professional ability to work as a result of accidents at work and occupational diseases"
  • Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 N95 "On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled"
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2001 N56 "On approval of temporary criteria for determining the degree of loss of professional ability as a result of accidents at work and occupational diseases, the form of the rehabilitation program for the victim as a result of an accident at work and occupational disease" (with amendments made by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2003 N17 "On approval of the clarification" On the determination of the causes of disability by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise "(as amended by the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2005 N317)
  • Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2005 N643 "On approval of the forms of documents on the results of the establishment by federal state institutions of the medical and social examination of the degree of loss of professional ability to work as a percentage and recommendations for their completion" (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation and
  • Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2006 N874 "On approval of the form of referral for medical and social examination issued by the body providing pensions or the body of social protection of the population" (as amended by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2009 N852n)
  • Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2007 N77 "On approval of the form for referral for medical and social examination by an organization providing medical and preventive care" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 12, 2007 N9089) as amended by the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2009 N853n;
  • Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 2008 N379n "On approval of the forms of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, the procedure for their development and implementation" (as amended Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 2009 N116n)
  • Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2009 N906n "On Approval of the Procedure for the Organization and Activities of Federal State Institutions of Medical and Social Expertise"
  • Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 N1013n "On approval of the classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination"
  • Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2010 N1031n "On the forms of a certificate confirming the fact of a disability and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, and the procedure for their preparation"

Is there any fee for medical and social examination?

No, the state service for conducting a medical and social examination is provided free of charge.

If you do not find answers to your questions, you can

3.1. Citizens with signs of permanent disability and disability and in need of social protection are sent to the ITU:

· with an obvious unfavorable clinical and labor prognosis, regardless of the timing of the LT, but not more than 4 months;

· with a favorable labor prognosis in the case of continuing LT up to 10 months (in some cases: trauma, reconstructive surgery, tuberculosis - up to 12 months) to resolve the issue of continuing treatment or establishing a disability group;

working disabled people to change the labor recommendation in cases of worsening clinical and labor prognosis;

Persons who have received damage to their health as a result of accidents at work and occupational diseases, to determine the degree of loss of professional ability to work in percent.

Comment: In cases where a citizen was recognized by the MSEC as a disabled disabled person (without labor recommendations), but continued to work, then in case of diseases and injuries he is issued a l / n, but when it is closed in the column “Get to work”, the entry “conclusion of the bureau” is made ITU: from such and such number I (II) group invalid.

In cases where a working disabled person of group III, as well as a working disabled person of group I and II, employed in work recommended by the ITU institution, temporary disability is due to the progression of the underlying disease, or other severe concomitant diseases, in which, despite complex treatment, an unfavorable clinical and labor prognosis has been determined, the patient must be referred to the ITU as soon as possible early dates to decide whether to continue labor activity or amplification of the disability group.

3.2. The right to refer citizens to the ITU has the attending physicians of outpatient and hospital institutions of various levels and forms of ownership with the approval of the "Referral to the ITU" of the CEC LPU.

3.3. When a disability group is established, the VN period ends with the date of registration of the referral for examination at the relevant ITU bureau.

Comment: If a citizen is recognized as a disabled person, in the line of the l / n "Examined in the BMSE" the dates of the beginning (registration of the patient's documents in the bureau, coinciding with the date of filing the application for examination) and the end of the examination are indicated; in the line "Conclusion of the BMSE" - "recognized as a disabled person of such and such a group." Upon the patient’s return to the medical facility, in the “Get to work” column, l / n, an entry “recognized as a disabled person of such and such a group” is made, indicating the date the group was established, which must correspond to the date of registration of documents (application) of the patient in the ITU bureau.

3.4. For persons not recognized as disabled, l / n is extended by health facilities until the restoration of working capacity or re-referral to the ITU.

Comment: In case of non-recognition of the person examined as a disabled person, in the line “Conclusion of the BMSE”, the entry “not recognized as a disabled person” is made, and the period of examination when the patient returns to the medical facility is included in the column “Exemption from work”. If the signs of VN l / n are preserved, it is extended in accordance with clause 2.3. Instructions / With a period of VN of 10 months and the non-recognition of the patient by the ITU as a disabled person, l / n should be temporarily interrupted.

3.5. If the patient refuses to be sent to the ITU or if he fails to show up for examination on time for an unexcused reason, the l / n is not extended from the day of refusal or the day of registration of the MSEC documents. In these cases, in the columns of the b / l “Violation of the regime” and “Start to work”, “refusal to be examined by the ITU bureau” is recorded.

Comment: If the patient refuses to be referred to the ITU, the form No. 088y is not filled out, and in the outpatient card, the KEK writes down “the patient was offered a referral to the ITU, which he refused”, the signatures of the members of the KEK and the patient are put. If the next day the patient again goes to the clinic about this disease, the attending physician will be obliged to give him a new l / n (because the patient is unable to work), but at the same time warn that he will have problems at work with paying for this l / n .

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