What a patchouli scent. What are perfumes and toilet water with the smell of patchouli

Fashion & Style 17.08.2020
Fashion & Style

The properties of patchouli oil give no reason to doubt its invaluable benefits for the human body. Patchouli oil is used both to get rid of diseases, and as a "magnet" that attracts money.


  • Patchouli essential oil: description of properties

    The properties of patchouli essential oil and its uses are endless. The composition of the ether contains such a component as patchouli alcohol, which gives the oil a unique aroma and attractiveness.
    In addition, among the components there are vitamins of groups B, PP, E, as well as useful trace elements. Ether is considered a powerful antidepressant and aphrodisiac.
    The oil also has the following properties:
    • bactericidal
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Regenerating
    • Healing
    • Tonic
    The oil is popular among people who want to lose weight. Regular use of ether improves metabolism. This subsequently contributes to the removal of toxins from the human body and leads to getting rid of extra pounds.

    Use of patchouli essential oil

    Patchouli essential oil is used in medicine, cosmetology, for the preparation of alcoholic beverages and various dishes.
    Ether effectively fights against:
    • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, acne)
    • Absent-mindedness (improves concentration)
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Problems with the endocrine system
    • Headaches
    • The first signs of aging, as well as age-related skin changes
    Note. To quickly remove headache and fatigue after a hard day's work, 1 drop of oil is applied to both temples with light, circular movements.

    How to use patchouli oil for hair

    Among the large number of esters that are used in cosmetology, patchouli oil is the most popular. For hair, it is used as an additional component, adding to masks, shampoos, balms. And also used for restoring express compresses.
    To return quickly vitality hair, it is enough to add 2-3 drops of ether to one serving of shampoo with each shampoo. Cosmetologists recommend conducting sessions of aroma combing. This contributes to the deep penetration of beneficial trace elements into the hair follicles and scalp.
    To quickly restore curls, there is an effective mask:
    • Mix 3 dessert spoons of vegetable oil (linseed or sunflower), 1 egg yolk (beaten with a whisk), and 3-4 drops of patchouli ester. Apply the mask to your hair from roots to ends. Next, you need to cover your head with cling film and wrap it with a warm towel. Exposure time 30-40 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The recommended recovery course is 21 days. Apply 3 times in 7-10 days.

    How to use patchouli oil for face

    For the face, patchouli oil is used not only in cosmetology clinics, but also at home, for the preparation of anti-aging products.
    Due to its composition, ether:
    • Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, as well as saturates the cells with useful substances
    • Stimulates cell regeneration and effectively fights skin aging, eliminating signs of aging
    • Prevents the appearance of various rashes on the skin (acne, pimples, etc.). It also treats existing problems.
    Important! There are contraindications during pregnancy, individual intolerance, as well as during certain diseases. Before use, you should consult with your doctor.

    The magical properties of patchouli oil: to attract success and money

    Ether is used not only in medicine and cosmetology, patchouli oil also has magical properties and is used for various rituals. In ancient times, it was used during a session to rid girls and women of infertility.
    Now the ether is used to revive the former passion in a relationship or to find long-awaited love. But most often, patchouli oil is used to attract success and money, as well as a "trap" that attracts good luck in any career endeavors.
    It is interesting. If you take a bottle of oil in your hands, think about money, and then smear a bill or wallet with a drop of ether, then an improvement in your financial condition is expected in the near future. Ether is also applied to the wrists and earlobes. This helps to achieve success in work and climb up the career ladder.

    Is patchouli oil used as an aphrodisiac?

    Patchouli oil is a well-known aphrodisiac, so it is used to increase sexual desire. This is explained by the fact that the components that make up the ether directly affect the subconscious of a person, which can cause feelings of passion and romanticism.
    Main scope:
    • Aromatization of bedding and air
    • Aromatic baths
    • For a relaxing massage
    • Local application of drops to pulsating points of the body
    To attract the attention of the opposite sex, patchouli and jasmine oils are mixed 1 drop each, and then the mixture is applied to the wrists or behind the earlobes. Can be used in combination with your favorite perfume. This will only enhance the effect of aphrodisiacs and give some alluring plume.

    Patchouli oil in cosmetology: video and reviews

    The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology can improve the condition of the skin. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, deeply nourishing it with beneficial substances. Suitable for all skin types and daily use.
    To combat cosmetic defects, various products are made with the addition of patchouli ether. In cosmetology clinics, oil is used for relaxing and anti-cellulite massage.

  • Manufactured in Southeast Asia, and later in South America, patchouli oil today is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. It is actively mined by steam distillation of the leaves and inflorescences of the plant. The result is a liquid viscous substance, the color of which can vary from yellow-green to dark orange. At first, the sharp, tart aroma of patchouli is associated with Indian spices, but later the smell acquires soft shades, and the longer the aging time of the oil, the more pleasant its aroma becomes. The benefits of this product for beauty and health are so great that such an ether is quickly becoming an indispensable tool in a home first aid kit.

    The beneficial properties of patchouli oil have been known since ancient times. Thanks to its rich phyto-composition, this ether perfectly helps to cope with many ailments, restores youthfulness to the skin and gives clarity to the mind.

    The composition of the oil includes the following chemical compounds:

    • patchulol (patchouli alcohol), alpha patchoulene, alpha guayene and bulnesen; they give the ether a spicy, warm, harmonious aroma; patchulol has antiseptic and antifungal properties;
    • sesquiterpenes are fragrant substances, in perfumery they are a fixative of aromas, they are also used as anthelmintic agents.

    Patchouli oil belongs to the category of essential oils, which means that the high concentration of components in one drop does not allow using it in its pure form.

    Video: benefits of patchouli essential oil

    Due to its therapeutic properties, patchouli oil is used in cosmetology and medicine. The impact of ether on the human body is manifested in the following effects:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antifungal; helps to get rid of fungal diseases of the nails, herpes and lichen;
    • antiseptic, can be used in the treatment of wounds;
    • tonic; perfectly tightens the skin and evens out its tone;
    • calming; the aroma of the plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system, bringing a person out of a state of stress, depression;
    • antipyretic;
    • diuretic, removes excess fluid from the body and relieves swelling;
    • stimulating, improves male potency, acts as an aphrodisiac for women;
    • insecticidal, the aroma makes insects leave the room in which they live;
    • improving memory and concentration;
    • fight against colds; inhalation with ether vapor quickly relieves a runny nose, cough and sore throat;
    • improved metabolism.

    Patchouli oil is an excellent remedy for potency

    Male strength is valued at any age. It affects the quality of life of a man and is a guarantee of health, good mood, attractiveness in the eyes of ladies. But it happens that for some reason the representative of the stronger sex cannot lead a normal sex life. Erectile dysfunction, neurosis with subsequent loss of libido or impotence acquired due to illness - all this can cause serious psychological problems and frequent family quarrels. The use of patchouli oil, a natural aphrodisiac, will help prevent such consequences.

    Essential extract from patchouli is considered a male prohormonal oil. This does not mean that it is not intended for women, but for the body of a man such oil will be much more useful and effective.

    The bioenergetic effect of patchouli ether on the male sexual chakra is manifested in the awakening of the erotic principle, the stimulation of sexual arousal. This method has long been used in Ayurveda and applied in the practice of tantric sex. The alluring aroma of the plant affects the psychological state of a man, the production of testosterone and estrogen, which are responsible for the level of libido, is normalized.

    Bath recipe for improving male potency using patchouli oil

    1. Add 6 drops of essential oil to 300-400 grams of sea salt.
    2. Pour into a bath filled with water.
    3. Relax and take a bath for 20 minutes.

    The procedure is carried out every day before going to bed. After three baths, you will notice an increase in sexual desire.

    Erotic massage with patchouli oil

    An erotic massage with patchouli oil will help you get in the right mood and increase your arousal. Add to 3 tbsp. l. any fatty cream or cosmetic oil 3 drops of patchouli ester. Rub the composition in your palms and gently massage the body of a man, giving great attention neck, chest, buttocks and thighs. Massage is enough to perform 10 minutes.

    Patchouli essential oil for women's health

    Lack of sexual desire in women is a fairly common problem in modern society. Statistics show that every third lady at least once in her life faced a complete lack of libido and the inability to achieve orgasm. And even though this does not affect the psyche of the young lady as much as it does for men, the presence of these problems still prevents them from leading a full life. Obtaining sexual satisfaction is important for the health, beauty and youth of a woman, but without the proper strength of the libido, it will not be possible to achieve orgasm. That is why some doctors recommend that the fair sex use patchouli essential oil to increase sexual desire.

    Erotic massage, patchouli bath and rubbing the oil composition into the lower abdomen - all these procedures will help restore a woman's libido. The aroma of the oil will awaken sensuality and sexual desire.

    Aromatherapy with patchouli oil

    Scientists have long proven that many neurological, mental, digestive and hormonal processes are associated with the sense of smell. That is why aromatherapy is so widely used in oriental medicine. Today, this practice has spread to Everyday life. Essential oils, incense sticks and candles can be easily purchased at any pharmacy or specialized stores.

    Patchouli oil has an aroma "for an amateur". It either immediately conquers with its smell, or disgusts, but certainly does not leave anyone indifferent. It will appeal to those who prefer oriental exoticism, heavy woody and earthy notes. Patchouli is often the main ingredient in men's perfumes.

    Aromatherapy with patchouli oil will help eliminate anxiety, stress and depression, restore a good mood. The smell of this plant invigorates, gives strength and determination. At the same time, it is useful to inhale ether vapors before going to bed, this will relieve insomnia and set you in a calm mood. Aromatherapy is another effective way to awaken sensuality and increase libido. If a date is scheduled at home, scenting the room with patchouli oil will help set yourself and your partner in the right mood.

    Aromatherapy options:

    • aroma pendant - add 2-3 drops of the extract inside the pendant and wear it throughout the day;
    • aroma combing - apply 6 drops of oil on a wooden comb and comb your hair for 5-6 minutes;
    • aroma lamp - add ether to the water poured into the aroma lamp, at the rate of 3 drops per 15 sq. m. premises; you can repeat the procedure every day;
    • spraying - add 400 ml of water with 3 drops of essential extract dissolved in it into a spray bottle;
    • aromatic evaporation - add 1-2 drops of oil to a small saucer filled with water, place the container on the windowsill or in any convenient place, the evaporation will saturate the air with the aroma of patchouli.

    The most straightforward way of aromatherapy is as follows: apply 1-2 drops of essential extract on a handkerchief or a piece of cloth and inhale the oil vapors for several minutes until a feeling of cheerfulness appears in a state of despondency or until a feeling of calm in case of nervous tension.

    Patchouli oil not only helps in eliminating ailments, but also successfully fights moths, flies, mosquitoes and bedbugs. To do this, just add 4 drops of ether to 500 ml of water, pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle and spray it in a room or car once every 2 days.

    Since ancient times, there has been a belief that the aroma of patchouli attracts good luck and financial well-being. If earlier it was enough to keep the dried stems of this plant at home, today the way to attract wealth has changed a little. The wallet is lubricated from the inside with oil (2-3 drops) or ether is carefully applied to a credit card. It is believed that soon the smell of patchouli will attract money, valuable finds and winnings to the owner of these things.

    All methods of aromatherapy with patchouli essential oil show their effectiveness after the first application.

    The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology

    Essential oils found wide application in cosmetology. They are actively added to caring creams, serums, shampoos and other skin and hair care products. Cosmetic preparations enriched with esters can be made independently.

    Lifting with patchouli ether

    Patchouli oil is an effective natural product that fights aging skin. It has a tightening effect, so at the first sign of flabbiness of the skin of the face and body, it is worthwhile to massage.

    1. Add 2 drops of patchouli ester to your favorite cream or base oil (2 tablespoons of base).
    2. Gently massage the muscles for 5-7 minutes, gently tapping the skin back side palms. Special attention give the contour of the face and neck.
    3. Allow the oil to soak in, then blot the residue with a soft cloth.

    The lifting effect will be provided after 3-4 procedures.

    Thanks to the firming properties of the ether, a massage with patchouli oil will help lift sagging breasts.

    Patchouli oil for wrinkles

    The fight against wrinkles is priority in cosmetology for ladies aged 30+. Crow's feet near the outer corners of the eyes and the resulting nasolabial folds are often the objects of careful exposure to creams and anti-aging capsules. At the same time, the effect of these funds is not always permanent, and after the termination of their use, the problem often returns. Of course, getting rid of wrinkles forever will not work, humanity has not yet learned how to defeat the natural aging process, and this is not necessary, because any age is beautiful in its own way. However, it is always possible to return a youthful appearance. Patchouli essential oil will help women with this.

    Massage with patchouli oil is performed as follows:

    1. To 2 tbsp. l. add 3 drops of patchouli extract to jojoba oil.
    2. Apply the composition to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté and massage the problem areas for 3-5 minutes.
    3. Wipe off the remaining oil with a paper towel.

    After 2 procedures, wrinkles will visually become less, the skin will be more toned, and the contour of the face will be more pronounced. You can do this mask once a day, preferably before going to bed.

    You can also use patchouli oil as an enriching ingredient for your favorite anti-wrinkle cream. To do this, just add 1 drop of extract to the amount of cosmetic product that you use at a time.

    patchouli oil for oily skin

    Oily skin is a lot of trouble. Often it looks unaesthetic, due to excess sebum, pores become clogged, as a result of which blackheads appear. Fighting oily skin is difficult, but possible.

    Care oily skin patchouli oil face:

    1. To 1 tbsp. l. base oil, add 2 drops of patchouli oil and 1 drop of peppermint extract.
    2. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the skin of the face with fingertips. Pay special attention to areas with enlarged pores.
    3. Remove residues with a soft cloth.

    The procedure must be carried out every day. After the third application, you will notice that the skin tone has evened out, and the oiliness of the skin has significantly decreased. The face will acquire a healthier, blooming appearance.

    Patchouli essential oil for dry skin

    Patchouli oil helps to combat flaking and irritation of dry skin. For this, to 2 tbsp. l. base oil, glycerin or 10 ml of cream, add 2 drops of patchouli ester. Rub the mixture into the skin of the face with patting movements of the fingers.

    This procedure can be done daily. The result will not be long in coming.

    How to use patchouli oil for problematic skin

    Patchouli extract has a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Because of this, it can be used in the fight against acne, blackheads and acne. To do this, with a cotton swab, previously dipped in oil, you need to point it to the problem areas. To avoid burns, you need to make sure that concentrated ether does not get on healthy skin.

    1. To 200 ml of water, add 2 drops of patchouli and mint oils.
    2. Pour the mixture into special molds for ice and leave in the freezer.
    3. Rubbing with ice cubes should be done daily in the morning and evening, avoiding areas around the eyes.

    Cold temperature will help to increase the tone of the skin vessels. After several procedures, the complexion will improve, the contours will tighten, the cherished blush will appear, the pores will narrow, and inflammation will become much less.

    How to plump lips with patchouli essential oil

    Sensual lips always look beautiful and seductive. If nature has not endowed you with plump lips, and there is no desire to increase them with Botox injections, you can turn to natural remedies. Due to the high concentration of phyto-components, the oil will contribute to the natural irritation of the skin. This will cause increased blood flow, and the lips will noticeably increase. It is important not to overdo it, just two drops of ether added to 1 tsp are enough. base oil.

    Due to the antifungal properties, patchouli oil effectively eliminates herpes. To do this, you need to point the ethereal concentrate 2 times a day to the area affected by the fungus on the lip. After 2 days, the inflammation will disappear.

    Slimming with patchouli ether

    The versatility of the effect of patchouli oil on the body is also manifested in its ability to remove excess weight. Options for using ether for weight loss:

    • aromatherapy - inhalation of vapors stabilizes the secretion of gastric juice, in connection with which a quick feeling of satiety sets in, so you can force yourself to skip an extra meal, but you must remember that you can’t completely refuse food, it is advisable to adjust the diet by adding more fiber and Omega to it -3, and in no case do not overeat;
    • baths with the addition of 6 drops of ether will help remove excess fluid from the body, this leads to weight loss;
    • massage with patchouli oil removes toxins and affects the restoration of metabolism, in the same way they fight cellulite;
    • cling film wraps - you need to mix 5 tbsp. l. base oil and 4-5 drops of patchouli and ylang-ylang oils, apply the mixture to problem areas of the body with massaging movements, then wrap them with cling film and leave for 20 minutes; gradually fat accumulation will disappear;
    • tea with essential oil - dissolve 1-2 drops of patchouli extract in 1 cup of tea, drink no more than 1 time per day.

    All these techniques will be really effective if you remember to carry them out daily.

    Contraindications to the use of patchouli oil

    In order for patchouli oil to bring real benefits to your body, you first need to make sure that you can switch to its use without harm to health. Contraindications to the use of ether:

    • I and III trimesters of pregnancy;
    • lactation period;
    • children's age up to 6 years;
    • gastritis and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (if you plan to use the oil inside);
    • bronchial asthma;
    • increased skin sensitivity.

    The main sign that oil should not be used is individual intolerance. To check for an allergic reaction in 1 tsp. any oil (even sunflower is suitable) dissolve 1 tsp. patchouli ether. Apply the liquid on the wrist. If redness, itching, peeling or swelling does not appear within 1-2 hours, you can safely start using the oil.

    Side effects of essential oil

    If the dosage is not observed and contraindications are ignored, the appearance of side effects. Patchouli ether can cause burning, reddening of the skin and even burns. In this case, the damaged areas should be washed with water, after which it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is important to prevent the concentrated oil from getting into the eyes and mucous membranes.

    Before using patchouli essential oil, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

    Aromatherapy has been used by people for many years. Surprising ones allow them to be used for medicinal purposes, for hair care, skin care, flavoring of food products. As aphrodisiacs, many oils are used for their wonderful aroma. Patchouli with notes of oriental spices, the smell of earth and smoke is also actively used in perfumery.

    Patchouli - what is it?

    This is a species of tropical shrub plants from the genus Pogostemon. The herbaceous shrub from whose leaves the oil is obtained is called Pogostemon patchouly. His homeland is Philippine Islands, oil production is established in Burma, India. The main suppliers are China and Sumatra. The height of the shrub reaches one meter. Its leaves are pinnate, with a pleasant strong smell. The stem is large, hairy. Branched roots. The flowers are light purple flecked and collected in racemes. The plant is used to flavor rooms and fabrics. Add to various and smoking mixes.

    Essential - what is it?

    It is recommended to use oil in aroma lamps for nervous disorders. The use of baths with the addition of patchouli promotes viral infections. To treat insect bites, as well as to scare them away, essential oil is applied to the skin. Patchouli is suitable for flavoring red wine. A couple of drops of oil are mixed with honey and dissolved in wine. After a certain exposure, such a drink will have an exquisite taste.

    Incense "Patchouli" - what is it?

    The woody notes of the essential oil obtained from the plant are used to make perfume compositions. Basically, they are added to men's toilet waters. Increased sexual activity is another well-known property of the patchouli plant. Perfume with its notes will contribute to the development of more sensual relationships. For the same purpose, you can scent the room with patchouli incense.

    Cosmetics with essential oil from patchouli plants - what is it?

    If you add oil to skin and hair care products, the effect of creams, lotions, shampoos and balms will be enhanced. Hair with such care will gain strength and shine, dandruff will disappear. The regeneration of skin cells will increase, puffiness will decrease. The skin will become elastic, its appearance will improve. Patchouli essential oil is used for skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema. It helps in the care of oily and porous skin. Also known are the positive results of its use in complex therapy in the treatment of cellulite and as an aid in the fight against excess weight. The tool helps to remove excess fluid from the body, has a lifting effect. However, despite all the positive qualities, it can cause allergic reactions, so it is imperative to do a tolerance test before use.

    Patchouli is a beautiful green herbaceous shrub from the mint family. The herb is adorned with delicate pinkish-white flowers and fragrant leaves that have been used for centuries in perfumery because of their fine and strong scent. Patchouli essential oil is phenomenal with extraordinary health benefits.

    Botanical name: Pogostemon cablin

    The plant is an aromatic shrub that can grow up to 1 meter in moist, rich soils. Leaves 7-10 cm long, ovate. Variable purplish green when grown in sun but bright green in shade. The small, thin, pinkish flowers are limited to long spikes. When the plant blooms, you will notice that the flowers are more fragrant than the leaves. Leaves, flowers, and seeds all have a stronger flavor when crushed. Crushing some stems and leaves in your hands will release a strong fragrance around the garden.

    Patchouli is tolerant to Australian conditions. The natural habitat is in Malaysia and India, so it prefers humid and tropical conditions. However, it is not difficult to create a suitable environment in your own garden. Read also about him medicinal properties.

    There are many uses for patchouli, the most well known being in perfumery and as fragrant oils. One of the earliest known uses was as a protection against bed bugs and moths. Patchouli leaves were placed in shipments of Indian cashmere carpets destined for England as a protection against moth damage. Ultimately, cashmere shawls became known for their distinctive scent.

    Growing conditions

    Patchouli is a robust upright shrub that can grow to a height of 90 cm. It prefers just the right amount of water - not too wet and not too dry! It is a relatively fast growing plant from seed or cuttings, and prefers rich soil and full sun (partly shade). After flowering, tiny brown seeds will appear. Young seedlings are best planted in the shade so that they can get stronger. In very cold climates, the plant will need to be kept in a greenhouse or warm sheltered area, also through the winter. If this is not done, then she will die and new seeds or seedlings will be needed for the annual planting. Plants should be rooted out if it becomes ragged in a shaded part of the garden. Read also how to grow in your garden.

    Medicinal uses of patchouli

    Patchouli is used for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of minor skin conditions such as acne, and soothes dry or chapped skin when used as a foot bath. Its reputation as a skin regenerator and healer is well known, and it can help prevent scarring from forming on wounds.

    It has a pleasant smell for people and a killer for insects.

    In addition, anti-fungal properties, and has the function of deodorization, and can also be used to treat insect bites. Patchouli also has a diuretic effect and can help with water retention and breaks down cellulite. Some people use the leaves to make an infusion and drink it to relieve menstrual cramps. Patchouli is also valued for its anti-depressant and uplifting properties, due to the active ingredients stimulating the pituitary gland, which allows the release of endorphins. Placing the crushed leaves in a warm bath will be beneficial for both the body and the mind.

    Other uses

    Patchouli has many uses as a fragrance oil for well-being and as a perfume ingredient. You can dry the leaves yourself and then use them in a potpourri (aromatic concoction) - boil a few leaves in a pot and to scent the air in your home.

    The plant has a traditional use as a shampoo when the leaves are ground with hugo (entada) and lemongrass.

    The crushed leaves and tops of plants can act as an insecticide and help get rid of cockroaches, moths, and even leeches. Young leaves will have the strongest flavor and become a more concentrated oil.

    Patchouli oil - with its recognizable musky, sweet, spicy aroma - is widely used as a base note and serves as a fixing ingredient in modern perfumery. In fact, you will be surprised to know that some of the well-known and much-loved fragrances today contain patchouli as their base note.

    Today we will talk about what perfumes and eau de toilette with the smell of patchouli are. We also consider the most fashionable fragrances and perfumes with hints of patchouli from the world's leading perfume houses. Let's review the patchouli perfume from the classics to the novelties of this season.

    All smells have their own individual style and character, which allows them to be used for different purposes and combined into certain groups. Today we will talk about perfumes with the scent of patchouli, which have recently gained increasing popularity.

    Classification of perfumes with the scent of patchouli

    There are various classification systems for fragrances that help you navigate and choose your own, individual smell. It is customary to distinguish several main classifications: American, German, French. Changes and additions often occur in their structure, new compositional combinations are opened, therefore these classifications are "live" and constantly changing. Such a practical approach to this issue sometimes interferes with the compilers of perfume compositions. Their imagination takes, at times, such bizarre forms that it is difficult to fit the author's perfumery works under a single classification.

    And yet, for ease of consumer perception, smells are usually divided into woody, citrus, floral, amber, etc. Patchouli is a woody fragrance with a warm, sweet scent.

    Patchouli perfume is made from patchouli essential oil, which is obtained from the herbaceous shrub Laaminaceae, which is native to Malaysia. To obtain the essential oil, patchouli leaves are steamed using the distillation method. Patchouli oil is used in perfumery as a natural fixative, and its distinctive scent makes patchouli a favorite "heart note" in many fragrances.

    Perfumery history of patchouli fragrance

    Patchouli-scented perfume dates back to the era of the famous Napoleon. On cool evenings, mannered ladies and young girls covered their shoulders with chic Indian shawls, which came into fashion at that time and were a sign of good taste. Interest in everything exotic was gaining momentum, and even the specific smell of patchouli, which soaked all Indian cashmere products, did not frighten away fashionistas. The fact is that in India, bags of patchouli have long been used to repel moths, and in the manufacture of shawls between the warp threads, Indian craftsmen laid dry patchouli leaves. The woody-resinous smell of patchouli became associated with charm and luxury, and French perfumers had no choice but to release perfumes with the scent of patchouli.

    In the 19th century, patchouli-scented perfumes lost their magnetic influence, and the practical West replaced the oriental exotic. The time has come for all sorts of technical innovations, production processes have reached a completely different level, and sweetish, exotic patchouli perfumes have become covered with a philistine touch of an old grandmother's chest.

    However, this patchouli-scented perfume, with its time-tested fragrance, could not be allowed to ingloriously sink into oblivion. Extravagant Elsa Schiaparelli, designer of fashionable women's clothing, could not pass by the tempting smell. Accustomed to shocking the public, thinking in terms of surrealism, Schiaparelli created an amazing, original Shocking in 1937, returning patchouli-scented perfume to the bohemian French environment.

    Then there were the liberated 60s. and hippies with their flower philosophy. The renewed interest in Oriental culture automatically brought back interest in woody and floral scents.

    Choosing a Patchouli Perfume

    At modern women patchouli-scented perfumes are extremely popular. Exotic, unusual woody-earthy fragrance is one of the most beloved by modern perfumers. The combination with sandalwood, ylang-ylang and citrus components allows you to create different compositions that manifest themselves in different ways on the skin.

    White Patchouli by Tom Ford - combines patchouli and soulful notes of sensual white peony. Noble rose and jasmine give the perfume a bohemian chic flair that will appeal to a real woman.
    Patchouli Patch from L "Artisan Parfumeur - Veil patchouli, as the name of these unusual perfumes is translated. Oriental notes of musk and anise get along well with the warm smell of patchouli, revealing the familiar aroma from a different, richer and fresher side.
    Miss Dior Chérie L'Eau by Dior - notes of patchouli are softened by gardenia and woody aroma, caramel gives the perfume a teasing note and retains the spirit of arrogance and provocation familiar to the youth series of this brand.
    Dune by Dior - the fragrance is associated with sea freshness, freedom and warm sand of a golden beach. The top note is given to citrus and peony. A light accent of lily of the valley excites the imagination, while the base note of patchouli and vanilla relaxes and soothes.

    Chance by Chanel - any perfume of this brand is a kind of laudatory ode female beauty. This perfume composition is no exception. The fragrance adheres to the classic performance, iris gives it elegance, musk and pink pepper add sensuality, and patchouli fixes the fragrance and makes it pronounced.

    Gucci is a stylish, sensual fragrance for a woman who is used to being the center of attention. Lily intrigues and provokes, the barely perceptible aroma of ylang-ylang fascinates and awakens desires, patchouli gives volume to the perception, and stability to the aroma.

    Perfume with patchouli scent will always attract women. A sensual fragrance that lends a unique twist to any fragrance, perfect for modern women who combine confidence with the romantic softness that makes them so sensual and sexy.

    Patchouli essential oil is obtained from the plant Pogostemon patchouli of the mint family. The name of the plant means "green leaf". A bush up to a meter high is found in the tropical regions of Asia, it can be seen in India, China, Malaysia, and also in South America. The fragrant leaves are harvested several times throughout the year.

    Patchouli fragrance in perfumery

    The scent is basically woody with greenish nuances reminiscent of camphor and moss. Heavy, rich, earthy. The sweetish-herbal first impression smoothly flows into a balsamic-woody consonance. The nuance that is added to certain patchouli perfumes depends on the time of harvest, the characteristics of cultivation, as well as the processes of drying and distillation.

    The oil changes its characteristics over time, “ripens”: exquisite fruity notes begin to prevail over the dryish spicy component.

    This is one of the main components of the classic chypre. The ingredient is successfully combined with oriental and powdery compositions, wine glasses. Looks good with vetiver - both have an earthy tint. Often there are mixes with sandalwood, cedar, carnation, lavender, rose, labdanum.

    The first wave of patchouli fashion came to Europe in the 19th century: at that time, fabrics saturated with this smell were brought from India. It all started with the fact that Napoleon Bonaparte brought to France cashmere shawls soaked in an exotic aroma. It was a kind of quality mark: if it was absent, there were doubts about the authenticity of the product. The method of obtaining this smell was kept in strict confidence.

    However, European manufacturers found out about it and began to apply patchouli oil ordered in the East to their fabrics with an oriental pattern - and passed them off as Indian. The secret was revealed in 1837 when the plant was described under the name Mentha cablin.

    Interest in patchouli revived in the 1960s, primarily among hippies. Some experts attribute this to very trivial reasons: the oil interrupted the smell of marijuana well. However, inexpensive fakes were often used, which seriously spoiled the reputation of this ingredient.

    Tom Ford White Patchouli (female)

    The name of Tom Ford's fragrance "White Patchouli" is quite justified. The patchouli note here is adorned with a whole bouquet of luxurious white flowers, including jasmine and peonies.

    In addition, Tom Ford added patchouli with rose, bergamot, coriander, incense and woods. Muscat abelmosh gives a soft musky tone.

    L Artisan Parfumeur Patchouli Patch (Women)

    In this oriental mix, the patchouli nuance is closely intertwined with other components. It is noticeable, but does not clog the rest of the ingredients. Cumin and anise are heard in the spicy top chord.

    Cedar notes are softened by osmanthus and iris, complemented by musk.

    Serge Lutens Borneo 1834 (unisex)

    The smoky bittersweet melody combines patchouli with cocoa, which is devoid of gourmand overtones.
    Perfumer Christopher Sheldrake added galbanum, cardamom, French incense and some white flowers to the composition.

    Bond No 9 Nuits de Noho (Women)

    Many people catch some resemblance to the Thierry Mugler Angel fragrance, where patchouli also plays a major role. But the "Bond" version sounds more restrained.

    Warm, sweet and tempting composition is woven from citruses, pineapple leaves, jasmine and brazil wood. The base is vanilla and musk.
    Lorenzo Villoresi Patchouli (Unisex)

    The note sounds clear and realistic, performing in a classic combination with vetiver. Fragrant nuances of lavender are framed by sandalwood, cedar, oakmoss.
    A prime example of enticing gourmand patchouli is Thierry Mugler Angel. Vanilla-sweet nuances can also be seen in Montale Patchouli Leaves perfume. Sharp, sharp sounds Patchouly Etro. And in Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, this ingredient becomes part of a complex and daring female image.

    Patchouli is a well-known aphrodisiac scent. In India, patchouli leaves are brewed as a tea or used as a condiment by women, as patchouli restores sexual power. According to my observations, Russian women have come up with their own way to restore this very strength: patchouli for themselves, for a man - 50 gr. cognac. (recipe approximate).

    Patchouli essential oil has a pronounced erotic effect. The unusual aroma of patchouli excites, intrigues and teases, beckons deeper and further. This essential oil acts on a subconscious level, and if you want to spend an unforgettable night with your soulmate, light an aroma lamp two hours before his arrival, to which a few drops of patchouli essential oil are added, or use an ordinary wax candle as soon as the wax starts to melt, add a couple of drops of patchouli to it, without touching the wick ...
    The fashionable ladies and young girls of the Napoleonic era covered their shoulders on cool evenings with chic Indian shawls, which came into fashion at that time and were a sign of good taste. Interest in everything exotic was gaining momentum, and even the specific smell of patchouli, which soaked all Indian cashmere products, did not frighten away fashionistas. The woody-resinous smell of patchouli became associated with charm and luxury, and French perfumers had no choice but to release perfumes with the scent of patchouli.
    In the 19th century, patchouli-scented perfumes lost their magnetic influence, the oriental exotic was replaced by the practical and businesslike West.

    The time has come for all sorts of technical innovations, production processes have reached a completely different level, and sweetish, exotic patchouli perfumes have become covered with a philistine touch of an old grandmother's chest. However, it was impossible to allow the patchouli perfume with its time-tested aroma to ingloriously sink into oblivion. Extravagant Elsa Schiaparelli, designer of fashionable women's clothing, could not pass by the tempting smell. Accustomed to shocking the public, thinking in images of surrealism, Madame Schiaparelli created the amazing, original perfume Shocking in 1937, returning patchouli-scented perfume to the bohemian French environment.

    Then there were the liberated 60s. and hippies with their flower philosophy. The era of “the power of flowers” ​​- as the freedom-loving 60s was called in the West - smelled especially: the spirit of sandalwood, jasmine and, of course, patchouli was mixed with a light fog of marijuana ... The revived interest in oriental culture automatically returned interest in woody and floral scents.

    There are many fragrances, one of the ingredients of which is patchouli, as if in addition to the completed composition, and there are perfumes where patchouli is the dominant component. I'll name a few:

    Patchouli Empire CB I Hate Perfume - A spicy, woody fragrance, pepper lends an exquisite bitterness to a deep patchouli scent blended with woody notes.

    Patchouli Leaves Montale
    Patchouli M. Micallef
    Patchouli Lorenzo Villoresi
    Chanel N°5 Chanel
    Shalimar Guerlain

    Patchouli also has a very fabulous property - patchouli essential oil attracts money. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but by googling the Internet you can find a bunch of enthusiastic reviews, such as “I didn’t believe, but ...”, and then the list of cash receipts - debt repayment, bonuses, gifts, awards, inheritances ...

    To make it easier to understand what it is about, and how to conjure correctly, I give several recipes:
    Money bath:
    - 3 drops patchouli oil
    - 1 drop of cinnamon oil,
    - 1 drop of cedar oil.

    Dissolve the oils in a tablespoon of sea salt, add salt to the bath and bathe in the bath, imagine how money comes to you.
    Cash Lubrication Mixture:
    - 7 ml patchouli oil,
    - 5 ml of cedar oil,
    - 2 ml of nutmeg oil,
    - 1 ml of cinnamon oil.

    Abundance Blend:

    4 drops patchouli oil
    - 4 drops of pine oil.

    The mixture must be poured into a small bottle and carried with you in your bag. Is it an atom?

    Oil for getting quick money:

    7 tablespoons of jojoba oil,
    - 7 drops patchouli oil
    - 5 drops of cedar oil,
    - 4 drops of vetiver oil,
    - 2 drops of ginger oil.

    Pour jojoba oil into a beautiful glass jar. Prepare everything you need essential oils. Imagine money. Add patchouli oil and rotate jar clockwise 7 times. Think about money.

    Imagine money rain. Add cedar oil. Spin 7 more times. Do this after adding each oil. After cooking, pour the mixture into a dark bottle and use to lubricate money and anything that helps you earn

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