Philippines holiday season by months. When to go to the Philippines? Best time to travel

Helpful Hints 15.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Philippines is a country of incredible beauty, located on 7100 islands. Coastline state stretched for almost 35,000 km. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to the Philippine Islands in search of perfect place for a beach holiday. But, even though the weather in the Philippines does not differ much by month, you need to carefully choose the time to visit the country. After all, the rainy seasons hit the islands twice a year.


The climate of the islands is tropical monsoon rains, but to the south it gradually changes to subequatorial. In coastal zones, the temperature is 26-30°C almost throughout the year, but it can be colder in the mountains. In the Philippines, the weather differs from month to month not so much in temperature changes as in the amount of precipitation. The monsoon season, coming from the northeast, begins in late autumn and lasts until mid-spring. The southwestern rainy season lasts almost all summer.

Philippine Islands in Spring

In March, the islands are quite dry and warm, while April and May are the hottest months of the year. The air temperature during these months can warm up to 35°C. However, by the end of May, the influence of the cyclone makes itself felt, and the first precipitation begins to fall.

Philippine Islands in summer

Summer on the islands is the monsoon season. It can rain almost every day. And, although the air temperature is still the same 30 ° C, they are much more difficult to tolerate due to high humidity. But if in June you can still catch a few sunny days suitable for swimming, the weather in the Philippines in July and August is not at all conducive to a beach holiday due to incessant downpours. In addition, it is in the summer that destructive typhoons and hurricanes most often fall on the islands.

Philippine Islands in autumn

There is still a lot of rainfall in early autumn. And even in October, the weather in the Philippines does not allow you to relax, bringing devastating floods and typhoons. And only by November the rains gradually become less. But for a comfortable beach holiday, it is still worth waiting a little more.

Philippine Islands in winter

Peak tourist season on the islands it is winter. In December, the weather in the Philippines finally returns to normal. The air becomes drier, and a light breeze makes it easier to carry high temperatures. It may still rain on some individual islands. But they fall out mainly at night, without delivering special trouble tourists. The weather in the Philippines in January and February pleases with its stability. The air warms up to 30°C, and the water temperature is about 27°C. All this makes winter months most favorable for visiting such popular islands of the Philippines as

The best source for finding information about the weather of any country is the site With it, you can determine the temperature of water and air, rainfall and relative humidity. Information is presented in an accessible and understandable form. All data in this article will be taken from this resource.

Philippine climate features

The weather in the Philippines remains hot and humid all year round. Previously, two seasons could be distinguished on the territory of the country: dry (January-June) and wet (July-December). However, in recent times The line between these seasons is becoming more and more invisible.

The climate in most of the country is equatorial, and only in the north it changes to monsoonal subequatorial. The south coast is characterized temperature regime+28 +32°С, northern +25 +29°С. In mountainous areas, the air temperature can drop to +16 +20°C.

In the resort areas of the Philippines, the amount of precipitation is approximately the same throughout the year. The best time to visit the Philippine Islands is from November to May. In March comes high season”, and from the end of April to the end of May - the “golden season”. Hot weather is easily tolerated, as the sea breeze is constantly blowing.

Climate zones of the Philippines

The Philippine Metrology Institute has identified 4 types of climate that characterize the country:

  1. Yellow sector - pronounced seasons (dry climate - from November to the end of April, wet - the rest of the time).
  2. Purple sector - high humidity it is observed here all year round, while the maximum rains are shed from November to April, there is no dry season as such.
  3. Green sector - there is no clear division into seasons, but the driest here is from November to April.
  4. Blue sector - rainy weather throughout the year.

Typhoon season in the Philippines

The northern territories of the Philippine Islands fall into the typhoon zone (brick color on the map; 3.7 - the number of typhoons per year). A tropical cyclone brings typhoons here from late May to November. The same time here is characterized by high humidity. Most often typhoons in this area appear in August. Most cyclones move in from the southeast and then move northward. In the Philippines, cyclones are constantly monitored, so if the weather worsens, a storm warning is immediately announced and appropriate safety measures are taken by citizens.

Let us consider in more detail the climatic conditions of Manila, Boracay, Bohol, Cebu.

Climate of Manila (Luzon Island)

As can be seen from the graph, the daytime temperature on the island does not fall below +29°C, and at night it does not fall below +23°C. The maximum air temperatures are typical for April, May and June. The water temperature at this time is at +28°C.

The sea warms up as much as possible in the summer months, however, during the same period, the amount of precipitation increases and relative humidity. As practice shows, more than 170 mm of precipitation is already uncomfortable weather. For Manila, this time is from June to October.

Climate Boracay

The climate on the island is very good for a resort holiday. The daily temperature is highest in April and May +36°C, while in the shade it rarely exceeds +28 +30°C. In the evening hours the temperature does not exceed +25°+27°C.

May is best month to visit Boracay, because not only the air is pleasantly warm, but also the water warms up to + 28 ° C, although in other months it rarely drops below + 26 ° C. An uncomfortable amount of precipitation begins to fall in June and this epic ends only in October, but it doesn’t happen once in a while.

Climate of Bohol and Cebu

These islands are close to each other, so they have the same weather conditions. It should be noted that all year round in Bohol and Sebus it is beautiful weather.

The air temperature here does not fall below +30°С during the day and below +24°С at night. At the same time, the maximum indicators during the day are + 33 ° С, and at night + 26 ° С. Most warm month- May.

On the Philippines hot and humid throughout the year. But two seasons can be distinguished: dry (from January to June) and wet (from July to December). The climate in most of the territory is equatorial, in the north - subequatorial, monsoonal. On the southern coast, temperatures are 27-28 °С throughout the year, and 24-28 °С on the northern coast. With the ascent to the mountains, they decrease (up to 20 ° C at an altitude of about 1600 m, to 15-17 ° C at the tops of the highest ridges).

tab. 1 average daily temperature in Manila, Philippines

Most of the territory Philippines it is distinguished by significant moisture (over 2000 mm per year), 3500-4500 mm of precipitation falls on the windward slopes of the ridges; in mountain valleys and on some southern islands in places less than 1000 mm per year. On the southern islands, precipitation falls more or less evenly throughout the year. The west coast of the northern part of the archipelago is affected by the summer monsoon, the east coast by the winter monsoon and trade winds with Pacific Ocean , respectively on west coast summer precipitation prevails and there is a summer maximum of river flow, and in the eastern part of the country their maximum shifts to the winter months. Best time for visiting Philippine Islands- November-May, wet season - from June to October.

The Philippine Institute of Meteorology (PAG-ASA), based on seasonality data, distinguishes four types of climate in the Philippine archipelago: I type(west of Luzon and the Visayas) is characterized by two pronounced seasons (dry from November to April-May); II type(east coast of Visayas and Mindanao) no dry season, wet throughout the year with rainfall from November to April; III type climate (central Luzon and Visayas and Mindanao, northern coast of Palawan) has no distinct seasons, relatively dry from November to April; VI type(east of Luzon, center of the Visayas, south of Mindanao) is characterized by equally probable rain throughout the year.

Typhoons in the Philippines

Part of the territory of the Philippines (mainly in the north of Luzon) falls into the so-called. "typhoon zone" - tropical cyclones. Local name typhoon - baguio ( bagyo). Theoretically, the time of typhoon formation (from May to November) coincides with the wet season in the Philippines. The most frequent typhoon occurrence month is August.

The vast majority of cyclones come from the southeast and then turn north. The early 1990s were “fruitful” for typhoons; at present, typhoons are relatively rare. The further south, the less likely a strong tropical cyclone. While a typhoon is virtually impossible in Mindanao, northern Luzon receives an average of 3.7 typhoons per year. The Philippines is monitoring cyclones and issuing storm warnings if necessary and taking action.

The Philippines is predominantly an island state, most of which is dominated by an equatorial climate that has its own characteristics. Despite the fact that in different regions countries, climatic conditions may differ, as in many other resort countries, the holiday season in the Philippines is divided into two parts: high and low, i.e. dry and rainy. It is generally accepted that the best time to visit this country is from November to March-April. During this period, the air warms up to quite comfortable temperatures - 25-30 degrees. But you need to be prepared for the fact that on the islands the air humidity can reach 80%, and in such conditions, clothes almost always remain damp.

If we talk about holidays in the Philippines in winter, then everything is clear here. Precipitation at this time can spoil the rest only in the eastern part of the country, and then, mostly rains begin in the evening, and completely stop by morning. At this time there are no strong waves, the water temperature is within 27 degrees.

Weather conditions in spring are also good for recreation, but the number of vacationers is noticeably reduced. The weather in March is practically no different from what awaits tourists in the Philippines in the spring. At this time, many tourists come to the Philippine Islands not only for the purpose of a beach holiday, but also to get acquainted with the beauties of the local underwater world. There are specialized dive centers in every resort town. In addition, in the spring there is a gradual decrease in prices, which cannot but please vacationers.

An even greater price decline is observed in the summer, but if you decide to go on vacation at this particular time, then you need to be extremely careful and understand that with the advent of the first summer month the wet season begins in the country. It is characterized not only by heavy rains, but also by a sharp jump in humidity, which often leads to a deterioration in well-being, especially for people who suffer from certain chronic diseases. Most precipitation occurs in July and August. Often, rains carry certain dangers associated with floods, mudflows and even destructive typhoons. So if you have the opportunity to refuse a trip to the Philippines in the summer, then it is better to do so.

Autumn in the Philippines is characterized by stabilization weather conditions, the rainy season is gradually receding and with it the likelihood of natural disasters is decreasing. At this time, during the day the air temperature is 30-33 degrees, and at night it drops by only a few degrees. The number of tourists is noticeably increasing, but so far there are not as many of them as in winter period. Climatic conditions spring is not very conducive to trips on excursions, but the weather is quite suitable for swimming and diving.

I briefly stopped you on the main points of a holiday in the Philippines, depending on the season, and when it is better to go, it's up to you. If you want to save money and relax in relatively comfortable conditions, then it is best to go to the Philippines in spring or autumn.

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