Where is buried Abdulov. Do they remember everyone? Who is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery from celebrities

Fashion & Style 24.06.2019
Fashion & Style

Monument to Alexander Abdulov (1953–2008), talented actor, legend Soviet cinema. A block of Karelian granite was installed at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Alexander Gavriilovich Abdulov (1953–2008)actor with a rare talent, a legend of Soviet cinema, an idol for many generations. In 1975, Abdulov made his debut on the stage of Lenkom in the play "Not listed", he did not stop working in this theater until the last days of his life. The most striking are his roles in performances "Juno and Avos", "Cruel Intentions", "School for emigrants", "Memorial prayer". In parallel with serving Melpomene, Alexander Abdulov actively acted in films, creating a whole gallery of expressive and unforgettable film images. Among the favorite roles is a bear in "Ordinary Miracle", Mitya in "Do not part with your loved ones", Nikita in "Carnival", Volodya in "The most charming and attractive", Sergei Nenashev "Geniuses" and many others. Alexander Abdulov - holder of the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR and People's Artist RSFSR.

Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008, was buried in Moscow (next to polling station No. 12, on the central alley).

A year later, on the birthday of the actor, a monument was opened on his grave in the form of a massive block of light gray Karelian granite with white marble. In the upper part of the statue, a black-and-white portrait of Abdulov is carved, the artist is captured in the image of Lancelot from the parable film "Kill the Dragon". The letters of the name are carved with steps directed to the sky. They resemble a staircase leading to Golgotha ​​and symbolize a difficult life path popular actor. The granite block is set on an asymmetric stone stand of the same shape. The 10-ton rock monument embodies all the strength and power of Abdulov's artistic temperament, his outstanding talent and exceptional charm.

During the burial of the body of the actor, the friends of the deceased severely insulted his widow Yulia Miloslavskaya.

The scandal happened at the Vagankovsky cemetery, where a place was set aside on the Central Alley for the burial of the body of Alexander Abdulov.

Yulia Miloslavskaya, the widow of the deceased, was trying to take matters into her own hands and was giving quite reasonable orders, when suddenly several men rudely rebuked her.

“It’s not for you to give orders here! Stay back and shut up!" - insulting words were heard from the lips of the closest, it seemed, friends of the family. But, as you know, not always the husband's friends automatically transfer their love to his chosen one. Moreover, many of his colleagues treated Alexander Gavrilovich's last marriage with more than restraint. Apparently, the accumulated hostility among some broke out at such a difficult moment for everyone, and, probably, especially for Yulia. She had in her arms a tiny daughter from Abdulov Zhenechka and an extremely difficult relationship with her husband's comrades and colleagues.

One way or another, but the widow had a terrible hysteria. They couldn't calm her down for a long time...

It was only by a lucky chance that no one was hurt during the civil memorial service at Lenkom. As already reported by "Your DAY", the crowd of thousands of fans of the actor was at some point divided and a huge number of citizens ended up on the street. As they did not promise people to be allowed to go to the theater later and say goodbye to Abdulov, none of this happened. Several thousand Muscovites and guests of the capital stood in the cold until at 14.45 the car with the coffin of the deceased left Lenkom.

Those who came to pay tribute to the talent of Alexander Gavrilovich directly at the cemetery witnessed the sensational confession of the head of Lenkom Mark Zakharov, under whose leadership the deceased served art for decades:

I apologize to Sasha for being unreasonably strict with him! - Wiping away tears at the grave of Abdulov, said Mark Anatolyevich. - When he joined the troupe, I did not see talent in him. He was arrogant towards him, believing that he was just another handsome man who has texture and does not, and cannot have God's gift. I was wrong. For several long years, Sasha had a hard time. And this is entirely my fault. He suffered, and I know this for sure, only because of my blindness, callousness, unjustified severity. Forgive me, Sasha! Sorry…

Someone carefully placed a red and white scarf on the grave. To a devoted fan of Spartak from loyal fans of his acting talent ...

People can die in a crush

Tens of thousands of Muscovites who came to say goodbye to Alexander Abdulov staged a terrible stampede at the entrance to the Lenkom Theater

An endless stream of citizens who expressed a desire to say goodbye to the deceased, employees law enforcement(and according to some reports, these are FSO employees) were forced to stop at some point. The human sea was divided into two parts - some were able to enter the theater building, while others remained standing in the cold.

According to one of the participants in the cordon, "the leadership is afraid of the possible death of people if a crush forms inside the building at the exit and entrance."

However, people frozen in the street, many of whom flew in from different parts of the country, undertook something similar to storming the theater.

I flew in specially to say goodbye to Alexander Gavrilovich from Siberia, - one of the indignant fans of the actor told "Your DAY". – I am not afraid of the cold, I am a Siberian. But what scares me is that we - ordinary Russians - have been divided into those who can say at Abdulov's coffin last words, and on those who can not be allowed into the theater.

In the meantime, the stars of our show business passed into the hall where the coffin with the body of the deceased was located.

Maybe my daughter and I are not like that luxurious bouquet, like Pugacheva, - lamented a resident of St. Petersburg Nina Petrovna, who came to Moscow to say goodbye to Abdulov, - but we would also like to pay tribute to the memory and gratitude to Alexander Gavrilovich. However, we are standing in the cold, and Alla Borisovna entered, and no one pulled her up, they say, stand up, woman, at the tail of the line ...

Yesterday, the coffin with the body of Alexander Abdulov from the morgue of the Bakulev Cardiovascular Center came to pick up the wife of the actor Yulia Miloslavskaya and his friend actor Leonid Yarmolnik.

From the morgue of the clinic, the funeral procession headed to the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in Putinki, which is located next to Lenkom.

Relatives wished to say goodbye to Alexander Gavrilovich in private. The artist's wife was the first to enter the church and stayed at the coffin of the deceased for several hours.

Abdulov's little daughter Zhenya, who is not even a year old, was also brought to say goodbye to dad. The baby was brought to the coffin, and she immediately pulled her hands to her father, not realizing that he would never hug his child again. The widow of the actor Julia, who was standing nearby, wept bitterly ...

In the evening, the artist's first wife, Irina Alferova, her daughter Ksenia and her husband, Alexander Gavrilovich's mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, came to say goodbye, who was led by the actor's elder brother Robert.

Before his death, Alexander Abdulov re-read his script for the film "Vykrest", which he was never destined to shoot.

On January 1, in the morning, Alexander Gavrilovich's wife came to visit, - one of the employees of the clinic, where he spent his last days artist. - He seemed to have changed and said that he was much better.

She asked close friends, who were to visit him in the evening, to bring him a film script, glasses and ... crackers.

He had such a habit, - the actor's colleagues on the stage recall, - Sashenka loved to gnaw a cracker! Sometimes without everything, and sometimes in tea he dipped it first. So, I felt a surge of strength. I was ready for mental work at that moment ...

Recall that it was on the set of the film “Vykrest” (based on the “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”) that Abdulov began to have serious health problems and he failed to finish the film.

During the burial of the body of the actor, the friends of the deceased severely insulted his widow Yulia Miloslavskaya.

The scandal happened at the Vagankovsky cemetery, where a place was set aside on the Central Alley for the burial of the body of Alexander Abdulov.

Yulia Miloslavskaya, the widow of the deceased, was trying to take matters into her own hands and was giving quite reasonable orders, when suddenly several men rudely rebuked her.

“It’s not for you to give orders here! Stay back and shut up!" - insulting words were heard from the lips of the closest, it seemed, friends of the family. But, as you know, not always the husband's friends automatically transfer their love to his chosen one. Moreover, many of his colleagues treated Alexander Gavrilovich's last marriage with more than restraint. Apparently, the accumulated hostility among some broke out at such a difficult moment for everyone, and, probably, especially for Yulia. She had in her arms a tiny daughter from Abdulov Zhenechka and an extremely difficult relationship with her husband's comrades and colleagues.

One way or another, but the widow had a terrible hysteria. They couldn't calm her down for a long time...

It was only by a lucky chance that no one was hurt during the civil memorial service at Lenkom. As already reported by "Your DAY", the crowd of thousands of fans of the actor was at some point divided and a huge number of citizens ended up on the street. As they did not promise people to be allowed to go to the theater later and say goodbye to Abdulov, none of this happened. Several thousand Muscovites and guests of the capital stood in the cold until at 14.45 the car with the coffin of the deceased left Lenkom.

Those who came to pay tribute to the talent of Alexander Gavrilovich directly at the cemetery witnessed the sensational confession of the head of Lenkom Mark Zakharov, under whose leadership the deceased served art for decades:

I apologize to Sasha for being unreasonably strict with him! - Wiping away tears at the grave of Abdulov, said Mark Anatolyevich. - When he joined the troupe, I did not see talent in him. He was arrogant towards him, believing that he was just another handsome man who has texture and does not, and cannot have God's gift. I was wrong. For several long years, Sasha had a hard time. And this is entirely my fault. He suffered, and I know this for sure, only because of my blindness, callousness, unjustified severity. Forgive me, Sasha! Sorry…

Someone carefully placed a red and white scarf on the grave. To a devoted fan of Spartak from loyal fans of his acting talent ...

People can die in a crush

Tens of thousands of Muscovites who came to say goodbye to Alexander Abdulov staged a terrible stampede at the entrance to the Lenkom Theater

The endless stream of citizens who expressed a desire to say goodbye to the deceased, law enforcement officers (and according to some sources, these are FSO officers) were forced to stop at some point. The human sea was divided into two parts - some were able to enter the theater building, while others remained standing in the cold.

According to one of the participants in the cordon, "the leadership is afraid of the possible death of people if a crush forms inside the building at the exit and entrance."

However, people frozen in the street, many of whom flew in from different parts of the country, undertook something similar to storming the theater.

I flew in specially to say goodbye to Alexander Gavrilovich from Siberia, - one of the indignant fans of the actor told "Your DAY". – I am not afraid of the cold, I am a Siberian. But what scares me is that we - ordinary Russians - have been divided into those who can say the last words at Abdulov's coffin, and those who can not be allowed into the theater.

In the meantime, the stars of our show business passed into the hall where the coffin with the body of the deceased was located.

Maybe my daughter and I don’t have such a luxurious bouquet as Pugacheva’s, - laments Nina Petrovna, a resident of St. Petersburg, who came to Moscow to say goodbye to Abdulov, - but we would also like to pay tribute to the memory and gratitude to Alexander Gavrilovich. However, we are standing in the cold, and Alla Borisovna entered, and no one pulled her up, they say, stand up, woman, at the tail of the line ...

Yesterday, the coffin with the body of Alexander Abdulov from the morgue of the Bakulev Cardiovascular Center came to pick up the wife of the actor Yulia Miloslavskaya and his friend actor Leonid Yarmolnik.

From the morgue of the clinic, the funeral procession went to the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Putinki, which is located next to Lenkom.

Relatives wished to say goodbye to Alexander Gavrilovich in private. The artist's wife was the first to enter the church and stayed at the coffin of the deceased for several hours.

Abdulov's little daughter Zhenya, who is not even a year old, was also brought to say goodbye to dad. The baby was brought to the coffin, and she immediately pulled her hands to her father, not realizing that he would never hug his child again. The widow of the actor Julia, who was standing nearby, wept bitterly ...

In the evening, the artist's first wife, Irina Alferova, her daughter Ksenia and her husband, Alexander Gavrilovich's mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, came to say goodbye, who was led by the actor's elder brother Robert.

Before his death, Alexander Abdulov re-read his script for the film "Vykrest", which he was never destined to shoot.

On January 1, in the morning, Alexander Gavrilovich's wife came to visit, - one of the employees of the clinic, where the artist spent his last days, told "Your DAY". - He seemed to have changed and said that he was much better.

She asked close friends, who were to visit him in the evening, to bring him a film script, glasses and ... crackers.

He had such a habit, - the actor's colleagues on the stage recall, - Sashenka loved to gnaw a cracker! Sometimes without everything, and sometimes in tea he dipped it first. So, I felt a surge of strength. I was ready for mental work at that moment ...

Recall that it was on the set of the film “Vykrest” (based on the “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”) that Abdulov began to have serious health problems and he failed to finish the film.

Another heart attack, which happened to the actor in mid-December, forced him to turn to the attending physicians again. “Alexander Gavrilovich developed complications due to his fatal dangerous disease, which he categorically refused to treat, - the doctor from the clinic said in an interview. Doctors transferred Abdulov from conventional painkillers to the most powerful modern drugs. But the pain did not recede. At the end of December, unable to look at the suffering of her husband, the wife of the actor Yulia Miloslavskaya contacted the doctors and asked for help. “Julia literally sobbed into the phone,” said the hospital doctor. “She begged us to ease the pain of Alexander Gavrilovich.” The clinic urgently assembled a team of the best oncologists, who, together with the attending physician, went to the actor. “The artist’s condition has noticeably worsened,” said the clinic’s doctor. “Unfortunately, he couldn’t even get out of bed on his own.” Metastases affected almost all of Abdulov's vital organs. His body, weakened by the disease, was no longer able to fight the disease, and the doctors could not decide on the method of treatment. The actor was placed in the clinical diagnostic department of the cardiology center. There, Abdulov was examined by the head of the center, Yuri Buziashvili, after which Abdulov was prescribed a course of therapy. “Yulia tearfully begged the doctors to stabilize the condition of her beloved husband,” said one of the doctors. “She said that she really wants their family to forget about the troubles that have piled up for the holidays.”

However, the dreams of spouses to meet in family circle New Year was not destined to come true. Alexander Abdulov spent his last New Year's Eve alone - in a hospital room, away from his family, without the support of friends. The night from December 31 to January 1, Abdulov spent in oblivion, and the doctors tried their best to alleviate the suffering of the actor and injected him with powerful painkillers. " new year's eve Alexander Gavrilovich spent calmly, - the clinic staff said. “Almost until the morning he slept, his heart worked normally.”

On January 1, his wife Yulia came to see her seriously ill husband. From that hour until her death, she did not leave her husband. Friends also came to Abdulov. “For the first time in my life I understood what a house, a beloved wife, a child is,” Abdulov said. And I really don't want to leave the house. I finally realized that this is happiness. I really want to see how Zhenya takes her first steps, to hear how she says the first word. But when his wife left the room, the actor confessed to his friends: “Four months of pain. I'm just tired...". However, in spite of everything, Alexander Abdulov fought for his life. He asked to bring him crackers, glasses and the script for the film "Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin", which he began filming even before his illness. Abdulov was sure that he would shoot the picture, but soon he felt ill, fell into an unconscious state, and did not wake up for a day.

Alexander Abdulov's heart stopped beating on January 3rd. As soon as the cardiac arrest occurred, the actor was urgently connected to a ventilator. The struggle for the life of the artist lasted more than an hour - the doctors either managed to cause a heartbeat, then Alexander Gavrilovich's heart sank again. “I had to resort to chest compressions,” said one of the hospital staff. “However, all the efforts of our doctors were in vain.” It was on this day that the premiere of the film "Loser" was to take place, in which the character of Alexander Abdulov uttered the prophetic phrase: "Bury me at Vagankovsky ...".

On January 4, 2008, the coffin with the body of Alexander Abdulov was brought to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, in the restoration of which Abdulov took the most direct part during his lifetime. “The idea to restore the church near the theater came to Gavrilych on the fly,” recalled the Lenkom furniture maker Alexander Kargin. - Somehow I passed by, I saw a sign on the temple "Circus on stage" - there was a warehouse then, but they kept animals. It dawned on Gavrilych: "But shouldn't we win it back?" Twisted, twisted. After all, there was still Soviet power, but, nevertheless, it happened. It happened because he has a lot of friends in different areas. Some helped arrange everything. Well, those who were with money, Gavrilych split. Somehow his friend comes, and he tells him: “What have you come for?” He: "I decided to see how you are here." Gavrilych replies: "Your friend came here, gave, by the way, four thousand for the bell." - "Well, I'll give four ladies." - "Ah, no, the next bell has been standing for five, it's a little bit bigger." So those bells that hang in the temple are also the merit of Gavrilych. Abdulov himself said about the restoration of the temple: “If you knew how many people come to me with requests. I even built a church. Or rather, he took it away from the state back in those days when it was impossible to even think about it. Previously, dogs were kept in it. And now it is considered our theatrical church - the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Putinki. We raised money for its restoration. In it, Evgeny Leonov was buried. One is associated with this church. interesting story. There is such a singer - Suzy Quadro. Somehow she decided to take several icons out of Russia. Our customs let her through, but the English one detained her. The icons have been returned. I forced the customs officers to publicly donate them to our church. I myself am a believer. Although I go to church only on holidays, I definitely go to the procession, I defend the whole service.

On January 5, 2008, Alexander Abdulov was buried in the temple, after which the coffin was transferred to the Lenkom Theater, after which, from six in the morning, thousands of fans carried flowers to Abdulov - the line to the theater lined up along Malaya Dmitrovka Street to the Pushkinsky cinema. "He was the sun of our theatre," said Mark Zakharov. And the poet Andrei Voznesensky read the following lines: "He saved the world with beauty - he did not have time to save himself."

Until now, in the dressing room, which Alexander Gavrilovich shared with his colleague and friend Sergei Stepanchenko, his things are still standing. And on the table lies the unfinished script for the play Neapolitan Passions. Actress Elena Shanina said: “Sasha and I played together in his very first performance. He was then, in the 70s, like from the covers of magazines - young, handsome, bright. Despite such outward lightness, Sasha remained a very principled person. Everyone knows the story of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is located next to the Lenkom Theater. Almost the entire troupe fought for this temple with the state. And only Sasha managed to come up with the so-called "Backyards" - this became both the name of the festival and the territory on which this temple stands. Sasha and his friends raised money, restored it and handed it over to the Patriarchate. He was in such a hurry to live! He had an incredible number of various projects in parallel. Sasha could talk about them incessantly. Sometimes I even interrupted him: “Sasha, I’m already tired of listening to you! And you don't get tired. When do you rest?" And he answered: “Wait, another three months will pass - and then I will definitely sleep off.” This feeling of sudden death, it seems to me, constantly lived somewhere in the depths of his soul. Apparently, that's why he was in such a hurry - to love, work, be friends. Live! And of course, his body wore out. After all, even before this terrible diagnosis, he was very ill. He had longstanding problems with blood vessels in his legs. But he was in a great hurry to do everything. I rarely visited the companies with which Sasha rested - my health would simply not be enough to walk like that! But, when Sasha did not go on tour with the theater, his absence was immediately felt. After the performance, everyone just went to rooms, no one organized banquets, no one told all sorts of stories for hours ... He wanted to start and even started another one - new life. A life in which he finally became a wonderful father, a wonderful husband. But, unfortunately, he was given so little time for this life!

Alexander Abdulov was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.


"Everything passes"
"Juno and Avos (teleplay, 1983)"
"Barbarian and Heretic"
“Not on the list” B. Vasilyeva - Lieutenant Pluzhnikov (Theatrical Spring Prize)
"The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta" - Joaquin
"" Juno "and" Avos "" A. Voznesensky and A. Rybnikov - Fernando Lopez, Man of the theater, flaming heretic
"Cruel Intentions" by A. Arbuzov - Nikita
"School for emigrants" by D. Lipskerov - Trubetskoy
"Memorial Prayer" by G. Gorin - Menachem Mendel
"The Dictatorship of Conscience" by M. Shatrov - Verkhovensky
"Optimistic Tragedy" Vs. Vishnevsky - Sipliy
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - McMurphy (also stage director)
"School with a theatrical bias"
"Dear Pamela" G. Gorin


1969 - Gold - partisan
1973 - Near these windows ... - a young sailor
1973 - About Vitya, about Masha and marines— paratrooper Kozlov
1974 - Moscow, my love - the groom
1974 - Vera and Fedor - Fedor
1975 - The Lost Expedition - Doctor
1976 - Golden River - Boris Rogov
1976 - Seventy-two degrees below zero - Lenka Savostikov
1976 - 12 chairs - engineer Ernest Pavlovich Shchukin
1977 - Scarlet Flower - Beast and Prince
1977 - Prison Escape - Nikolai Bauman
1977 - Front behind the front line - soldier (uncredited)
1978 - Ordinary miracle - Bear
1978 — Captain's daughter(teleplay) - Pyotr Grinev
1978 - Handsome man - Pierre
1978 - Two in a new house - Sergey
1978 - Everything is decided by the moment - the first coach Varentsov
1979 - D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers - a curious onlooker-carpenter behind Mr. Bonacieux / a wounded guardsman of the cardinal, lying on the ground after a skirmish near the Deschaux monastery
1979 - The meeting place cannot be changed - Loshak, a driver in the Black Cat gang
1979 - The same Munchausen - Heinrich Ramkopf
1979 - Do not part with your loved ones - Mitya
1979 - Green Doll (Novel in the film almanac "Youth". Issue No. 2) - Smith
1980 - Sicilian Defense - Volkov
1981 - Facts of the past day - Grigory Gavrilov
1981 - The Woman in White - Walter Hartright
1981 - Carnival - Nikita
1982 - Grenada
1982 - Look for a woman - Robert de Charance
1982 - Wizards - Ivan Pukhov
1982 - Premonition of love - Sergey
1982 - Saturday and Sunday - dad
1982 - The House That Swift Built - Dr. Richard Simpson
1983 - This fantasy world. Issue 7 - alien, actor
1983 - Kiss - Lobytko
1983 - The recipe for her youth - Gregor
1983 - Juno and Avos (teleplay) - Burning heretic / Fernando Lopez / Man from the theater
1984 - Formula of Love - Jacob
1984 - Two hussars - Sasha
1985 - The most charming and attractive - Volodya Smirnov
1985 - In Search of Captain Grant - Bob Tar
1985 - Insurance agent - Vissarion Bulkin
1985 - Dear Pamela (teleplay)
1986 - Descended from heaven - Sergey
1986 - Keep me, my talisman - Klimov Mitya
1986 - Secrets of Madame Wong - Dole
1986 - A cheerful chronicle of a dangerous journey - Shalom
1987 - Ten Little Indians - Anthony Marston
1987 - Midshipmen, forward! — Vasily Fedorovich Lyadashchev
1987 - Filer - Ivan
1988 - Kill the Dragon - Lancelot
1988 - Pocket Theater
1988 - Dictatorship of conscience - Verkhovensky
1989 — Black Rose- emblem of sadness, red rose - emblem of love - Vladimir
1989 - For the beautiful ladies! — Gena
1989 - Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district - Seryozha
1989 - Rouen maiden nicknamed Pyshka - Prussian officer
1990 - Sons of bitches - Igor Gordynsky
1990 - Live target - Yura
1990 - Humiliated and Insulted - Masloboev
1990 - Jokes - Vasily Kutuzov
1990 - Case of Sukhovo-Kobylin - Krechinsky
1990 - Backyards 3, or the temple must remain a temple (concert film)
1991 - Genius - Sergey Vladimirovich Nenashev
1991 - Siege of Venice - Prince Badritsky
1991 - House under starry sky— plumber Zhora
1992 - Strange men of Semyonova Ekaterina - Igor
1992 - Waiter with a golden tray - waiter Lesha Udaltsov
1992 - Crazy Love - journalist Viktor Shumsky
1993 - I'm to blame - Viktor Ivanovich
1993 - Over dark water- A lion
1993 - Nastya - Teterin
1993 - Sin. The story of passion - monk Sergei
1993 - Prison Romance - Artynov
1993 - Gold - Andreas
1993 - Memorial prayer (teleplay) - Menahem-Mendl
1994 - Innocent - de Saint-Poinge
1994 - Coffee with lemon - Valery Ostrovsky
1995 - Black Veil - Andrey Yakovlevich Rokshin
1995 - First love
1995 - Crusader - cameo
1997 - Schizophrenia - Ivan Golubchik ("Mute")
1999 - Women's property - Sazonov
2000 - Christmas mystery - puppeteer
2000 - Quiet whirlpools - Academician Kashtanov Anton Pavlovich
2000 - Bremen Town Musicians & Co - storyteller
2001 - Fatalists - Clifford Linds
2001 - Next. Next (TV series) - Fedor Palych Lavrikov (Laurus)
2001 - Yellow dwarf - writer Vladimir Zharovsky
2002 — ice Age(TV series) - Igor Klepko
2002 - Next 2 (TV series) - Fedor Palych Lavrikov (Laurel)
2002 - OK! — artist Arkady Sinikhin
2003 - Tartarin from Tarascon - pharmacist Bezuquet
2003 - And in the morning they woke up - Gloomy
2003 - Next 3 (TV series) - Fedor Palych Lavrikov (Laurel)
2004 - About love - Grigory Stepanovich Smirnov
2004 - Juno and Avos (teleplay) - Burning heretic / Fernando Lopez / Conchita's fiance / Man from the theater
2004 - I love you - Alexander
2004 - Dream Factory - Avsharov
2005 - Barbarian and heretic (teleplay) - Alexei Ivanovich
2005 - The Case of Dead Souls - Nozdryov
2005 - Adjutants of Love (TV series) - Admiral Nelson
2005 - Master and Margarita - Koroviev
2006 - Park of the Soviet period - Zimin's friend
2006 - Polonaise of Krechinsky - Prince
2007 - Leningrad (TV series) - Chigasov
2007 - Artist - Vasily Bosyakin
2007 - Route (TV series) - Tembot
2007 - Kapkan - Mikhail G. Volobuev
2007 - From nowhere with love, or Fun funeral - Alik
2007 - Loser - Dmitry
2008 - From flame and light ... (TV series) - Mikhail Vasilievich Arseniev
2009 - Anna Karenina - Steve Oblonsky (the film premiered after the death of the actor)
2010 - Justice of the Wolves - writer Volodya (the film premiered after the death of the actor)

The Vagankovo ​​cemetery is one of the largest in Moscow. It was built in 1771 by order of Count Orlov.

This happened at a time when Russian Empire plague raged. The territory of the Vagankovsky cemetery was allocated for the burial of those who were killed by this disease.

Only in the 19th century did they begin to bury outstanding personalities in the cemetery - about 100 thousand burials reflect the history of our state.

Participants of the Battle of Borodino, victims of Stalin's repressions, participants of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1942), children who died in the terrorist attack on Dubrovka, various famous personalities are buried in the cemetery - more than 500 thousand Muscovites in total, while only 100 thousand of all burials have survived .

Where is the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow

The object is located at the address: Sergey Makeev street, house 15.

The area of ​​the cemetery is almost 48 hectares. This article will serve as a kind of guide between the sites where the graves are located. famous people.

Scheme showing graves

The Vagankovskoye cemetery is very extensive, without any plan or scheme, it is impossible to navigate. The diagram shown in the photo shows the location of 60 burial sites, each of which has its own number.

Two mass graves are indicated and Orthodox Church. The paths between the sections also have their own names. Also, opposite the Vagankovsky cemetery, the Armenian cemetery is located, which is its branch.

Where can I get a complete list of graves

A complete list of burials can be found at the cemetery administration or at the special site. resources. For example, here https://nekropole.info/ru/person/list?cemetery_id=3433 is a list of all persons buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Another interesting resource is interactive map http://vagankovo.net/interaktivnaya-karta/. By clicking on any site number, the link is followed and a list of persons buried here opens.

Which celebrity is buried

Excursions are held at the Vagankovsky cemetery for those who wish, during which sightseers will see the graves of famous personalities of our country - poets Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Sergei Yesenin, artist Alexei Savrasov, actors Alexander Abdulov, Andrei Mironov, TV presenters Vladimir Voroshilov and Vladislav Listyev, and many others .

Grave of Vladimir Vysotsky

Vladimir Semyonovich was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in 1980. His grave is located next to the entrance to the cemetery, on the right side.

His site - at number 1, is still one of the most visited. His mother, Vysotskaya Nina Maksimovna, is buried next to Vysotsky.

Grave of Alexander Abdulov

A. A. Abdulov was born on May 29, 1953. The artist died on January 3, 2008. A few months before his death, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

Alexander Gavrilovich was a famous theater and film actor. Worked at the Lenkom Theatre. The number of films in which Abdulov starred has lost count. The number varies from 100 to 150 paintings. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery at site number 2.

Grave of George Vitsin

G. M. Vitsin was born on April 5, 1917. Due to chronic diseases of the liver and heart, Vitsin passed away on October 22, 2001. Georgy Mikhailovich was a theater and film actor. He worked at the Yermolova Theater. He was involved in more than 300 works.

People know him from pictures like " Caucasian captive", "Gentlemen of Fortune". Unfortunately, in last years his work was no longer in demand. He was buried on October 25, 2001 at the Vagankovsky cemetery on site 12A.

Grave of Igor Talkov

I. V. Talkov was born on November 4, 1956. He was a singer, actor, poet. Took part in 18 projects. During a concert at the Yubileiny Sports Complex in St. Petersburg, Talkov was shot dead. He seemed to have a premonition of his death and knew how he would be killed.

He said that they would shoot at him in front of a large number of people, and the shooter would never be found. And so it happened. The killer of Igor Vladimirovich hid in Israel for a long time. The singer's funeral took place on October 9, he was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery site number 25.

Grave of Sergei Yesenin

How to find a grave famous poet? In order for everyone to honor the memory of Sergei Yesenin, guide signs were installed at the Vagankovsky cemetery near the entrance. Near the grave of the poet is the grave of Galina Benislavskaya, a girl in love with the poet.

S. A. Yesenin was born on September 21, 1895. On December 28, 1925, Yesenin was found hanged in his room at the Angeleterre Hotel in St. Petersburg. He was an outstanding poet of the Silver Age. His poems have always been in demand and loved. Until now, his poems are read, they are taught in schools.

The grave of Sergei Alexandrovich is the most visited at the Vagankovsky cemetery. There are always fresh flowers on it. Yesenin's grave is constantly visited by fans of his work.

Grave of Vladislav Listyev

V. N. Listyev was born on May 10, 1956. He was a TV presenter and TV journalist. Also was the first CEO ORT. Before that, he was the host of numerous popular TV shows, such as Field of Miracles, Guess the Melody, Rush Hour.

On March 1, 1995, Listyev was shot dead in the front door of his house. He spent a little more than a month as director of ORT. The investigation into Listyev's murder is still ongoing. His grave with a tombstone is located on site number 1.

Grave of Vyacheslav Ivankov (Jap)

V. K. Ivankov was born on January 2, 1940. He was a crime boss and a thief in law. Created his own criminal group. Groupings under the guise of a police search got into the apartments of those who, in their opinion, earned money by unclean labor. Some were taken to the forest and tortured. Gangs worked throughout the USSR.

On July 28, 2009, Yaponchik was attacked. He received several gunshot wounds and was taken to the hospital, where he was put into an artificial coma. From 13 to 14 September Ivankov survived clinical death, and on October 9 he died in the oncology center from peritonitis.

Yaponchik's grave is of great interest, so excursions are occasionally given to it. Vyacheslav Ivankov is buried at site number 55.

Grave of Andrey Mironov

A. A. Mironov was born on March 7, 1941. He was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. He has been involved in more than 80 projects. His work is admired to this day. He gave his all to the theatre. As they say, he spent his whole life on stage. Death also caught him on the stage.

At the play "The Marriage of Figaro", where he performed leading role He had a cerebral hemorrhage. Later, the actor was found to have a congenital aneurysm. Andrey Alexandrovich Mironov was buried at site number 40.


The most famous attraction of the Vagankovsky cemetery is the Church of the Resurrection of the Word, built in the period 1819 - 1831. Previously, there was a small wooden church in the cemetery (1773), on the site of which in this moment there is a rotunda.

Divine services are regularly held in the existing stone church, memorial services are performed, a lot of missionary and educational work is being carried out, and a Sunday school for children is functioning.

All information, schedule, opening hours, news and much more can be seen on the official website http://vagankovo.net/.

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