Toasts from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" for all occasions. One small but very proud bird ... One small but proud bird toast

Technique and Internet 13.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Historians believe that this story was first heard 2,500 years ago, in the valley of the Ganges; however, it remains relevant today. So...

One day, a young lioness left her pride in search of a secluded corner for childbirth. She found a suitable place, deep in the jungle, in the shade under a rock, and settled down there. But, unfortunately, there King Cobra guarded her nest.

They rushed at each other as soon as they saw it, without a second's hesitation. Each of them was brave and fearless, fighting for their unborn offspring.

Of course, the lioness killed the cobra. Of course, the cobra stung the lioness. But since the lioness was young and strong, she had the strength to give birth to a lion cub, lick it, and after that she died.

A newborn lion cub would inevitably die, but, fortunately for him, a herd of sheep passed by those places. It accepted, raised and nurtured him. Naturally, he began to feel like a sheep.

Sheep considered him a little strange, nervous, short-haired and very large. Goats, bypassed him, considering him a terrible freak. Yes, and of course he was a vegetarian.

Years passed, and then, one day, a mighty lion left his pride, and in search of food crept up to a herd of rams. He looked at them and couldn't believe his eyes. In the middle of the herd, a young lion walked, in all his royal splendor, and the rams were not at all afraid of him.

The lion's heart literally boiled with resentment for his relative. He forgot about hunting and with a roar rushed after the herd. But the young lion did not rush to cross him, but ran away from him along with the rams. In the end, he caught the young lion and knocked him to the ground. He cried, bleated and begged him:
“Please let me go back to my brothers!”

From this pitiful bleating, the old lion became even more furious. He grabbed him by the mane and dragged him to the mountain lake, quiet, without any ripples, which was like a clear mirror.

He forcefully tilted him to the water and forced him to look at his reflection. The young lion, in fear, looked at the water surface, but did not see a ram there, he saw two lions looking at the water.

The moment the young lion realized who he was, he straightened up, squared his shoulders, and let out a great roar. So strong that even the Mighty Ganges shuddered for a moment at its roar. Before that, he had never growled, because he considered himself a sheep and never doubted it.

Then the mighty lion said:
Well, I did everything I could for you. I showed you who you are, and now it's up to you. If you want, you can come with me, and if you want, you can go back to the herd of sheep?
The young lion laughed and said:
- Never! Now I know who I am, and this knowledge will determine my future path.

Our acquaintance began a long time ago.
Very, very...)
No matter how you come to the river, a tiny bird is sure to flutter up from the edge of the water and rush, almost touching its surface... Sandpiper-carrier.

Tringa (Actitis) hypoleucos

Our permanent neighbor
One of the most numerous shorebirds everywhere south of the tundra.
The most common sandpiper on our rivers.

These birds from the southern regions appear in April and immediately begin their zigzag current flights with noisy wing beats over the water. At the same time, the male performs a trill and makes symbolic holes in the ground for the nest.

If the lady of the heart likes the "nest project", then she reciprocates and ....
the male starts building a real comfortable nest for future offspring.
Himself... one)
The female does not take part in the construction ...

The nest is a small hole with poor bedding of dry blades of grass and leaves.
The color of the walls of the hole, the litter almost merges with the surroundings, and the nest can be difficult to notice even when it is placed in sparse vegetation or is completely open.

The female always lays exactly 4 eggs.
The eggs are pale greenish, with small red-brown and dark gray spots.
They weigh about the same as the mother herself.

For 20 days, the parents incubate the eggs ... both, taking turns letting each other stretch their paws and feed themselves.
Hatched chicks leave the nest almost immediately, and after four weeks they can already fly and live on their own.

The carriers feed on worms, insects and their larvae.

Carriers like to sit in high, open places above the water, even on reeds or ship masts.

These sandpipers not only fly masterfully, but also swim well, dive deep and very quickly paddle underwater with their wings, swimming quite a considerable distance.

Pursued by birds of prey, carriers rush into the water directly from the air and emerge at a distance of several meters from the dive site, they can dive to a depth of one meter and stay under water for more than 30 seconds, paddling underwater with their wings.

And he is really quite tiny - less than a starling.
And always there...)

You walk along the river and he accompanies you, flying from shore to shore... then rapidly planning, then from time to time making a couple of sharp flapping wings...
and a quick thin trill rushes after him: “tilili-li-li-li ...”

Veteran ornithologists describe it as "a trill, reminiscent of the sounds of a small violin" ... "a little sad call signs:" puiii.., puiii.."
These are the romantics))) ornithologists)

Romantics and inventors.
They invented tiny devices - geolocators, small navigators that store information about how the bird lives its bird life, to which it was attached.

Actually, from the story of the ornithologist Zhenya (oh, forgive me Evgeny Grigorievich!))))
and my desire to tell my friends about the oystercatcher began.

Last autumn, exactly a year ago... ornithologists caught a small carrier nesting almost next to their house, attached a tiny ring with a geolocator to its paw and let it go - fly)

And then, in the spring, at will happy occasion, were able to catch a tramp that returned to the nest and remove the geolocator ring from it.

When the information from the geolocator was deciphered, it turned out that the tiddly small piece was the noble Flyer.

Having taken off from the North, in the Surgut region, he rested after a couple of thousand kilometers on Lake Borovoe in Kazakhstan, and then "rushed" to Pakistan.
Four days of non-stop flight.

Red line... track)

The flight map is very schematic) but ...

What an amazing world this is...

How many forces, opportunities, talents have been released to those living on planet Earth ...
From little kulichki to ... we are so reasonable and loving to complain from time to time about fatigue, lack of mood ... and other nonsense ....))))))

P/S: this time the photos are not mine - taken from a wonderful photographer, here:

Visako-Visako, where the peaks of the gray Caucasus,
Where the burning sun caresses the blue of the sky,
Once upon a time there lived a small, small bird, so blue-eyed,
Proud titmouse bird, her name is Aveshavi.

Chito gvrito, oh chito, - that's what her friends called her,
Let her be small, but generous and rich in soul,
Which with its breadth overshadows the whole heavenly distance,
He will greet everyone, whoever comes to visit him in the Caucasus.

Someone wants blue birds, and who is an inaccessible crane.
Everyone dreams of at least tearing a pen from him.
Only there is no better bird for friends than their Aveshavi.
Everyone who knows her will never tire of praising her.

Here are dashing horsemen, pulling their hats over their eyebrows,
Sincere songs are sung about their Suliko.
The kunaks of our bird are practically blood brothers,
They dance so that Tsiskaridze himself would hardly be able to ...

Song of Kunaks Titmouse

I met a girl, lips are honey, her eyebrow is a crescent,
Peach is juicy and tender - my blood stirred.
She flew away, waving goodbye with her wing, in the sky,
And now the jigit has love in his soul.

Golden-haired, do you want me to give the moon and the stars?
Forty fat rams will I bring to the gates of my father?
On the branched trees we will build huge nests,
And we will live happily in this blooming garden!

I’ll throw a cloak under my feet: “Assa!” And I will dance a lezginka.
Where are you, my Aveshavi, where is my Suliko?
I don’t want a crane, I want a blue-eyed blonde! ..
The bumblebee will buzz to us among the fragrant kurai stalks.

The sun will be reflected in glasses of wine,
There will be hops-suneli kunak sprinkled on barbecue!
Genatsvale! I have important information to say:
Aveshavi, let's quickly sing beauty!

Her speeches are sweet, like acacia honey, like churchkhela.
The heavenly voice intoxicates like intoxicated Khvanchkara wine.
From the confessions of horsemen, fikbuk became a little timid ...
Happy birthday, titmouse! We wish you love and kindness!

... So let's get back to our sheep. To graze a flock
The shepherd drove out under the hoarse barking of dogs.
A winged pair watched him from the sky -
Lanky crane and titmouse. Such a fate

In birds: to look at the earth from an unearthly flight
Bird brethren, notice everything on a sharp turn.
The crane was not worried about worldly concerns
About food and a nest, about offspring in a green boundary.

He admired himself openly - the grace of wings
In the reflection of a mountain lake, a bold bend
Neck, slender legs… lovely and stylish
He imagined himself. Oh, such a body - brains!

And Titmouse on the tree cleaned feathers decorously,
Sending a crane sometimes an unobtrusive look,
The one who said: "And in appearance it seems like a decent man ..."
But actions, not appearance, about many things, friends, they say.

It so happened that a falcon started hunting nearby.
Even a sharp-sighted predator sometimes wants to eat.
And for the falcon, the pursuit of every prey is work,
After all, a lot of gluttonous chicks ask for food - at least howl!

Crane? Or maybe a titmouse for dinner?
Even a small bird is good for chicks.
The crane is preferable, this is not a carcass, but a carcass,
Falcon can be satiated at a time baby.

The falcon fell like a stone, breaking the subcortex of the crane.
The crane lazily caught frogs in the swamp,
Gourmet looking for fat and fat - with caviar,
I didn't expect an attack. Falcon strike surprised!

The crane swayed, its head buzzing like a drunken one.
- Dear Sokol-effendi, you confused me with a titmouse!
The falcon took off again, down again, and the job was done:
The dead crane collapsed, not having time to complete this speech.

So let's raise our glasses to the smart titmouse bird!
It is better to be small, but to live long and joyfully.
Let's drink, brothers! And sisters. We are all used to
Compose for friends and drink for their birthday!

November 29th, 2014 02:00 pm

One small but proud bird...

Latvia is a country with a population of just under two million people. One third of the number of only registered residents of the Moscow region and one fifth of the same official number of Moscow. Slightly more than half of the population of the distant Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In terms of territory, Latvia is comparable to such countries as Sri Lanka, Togo, Croatia. It is smaller than Denmark, Bhutan and Haiti. From east to west, the country - from Ludza to Ventspils - can be traveled in six hours, which is about 450 km, and from south to north - from Daugavpils to Valka - in three and a half hours, which is about 280 km.

The population of Latvia consists of twenty percent of "non-citizens". These are people who were born in this country but are not ethnic Latvians.

Yes, do not be surprised that the twenty-first century is in the yard, and in Europe there are countries that deprive part of their population of civil rights. In addition to Latvia, such a racial policy is pursued by Lithuania and Estonia.

Despite the already small number of inhabitants, in fact there are even fewer people in the country. As soon as Latvia joined the European Union, its inhabitants began mass labor migration to the UK and Ireland. According to unofficial statistics, and there is simply no official one, up to 80% of the able-bodied population of this proud country works as servants in hotels in Western Europe, repairs plumbing, and sweeps the streets. The local population treats them in much the same way as we treat migrants from Central Asia.

There is no economy in Latvia. The GDP is slightly more than in Côte d'Ivoire, and less than in Tanzania. This country is not able to maintain either its own army or navy, therefore all foreign policy statements by the Latvian government are associated with hysterical requests to ensure their security. In response to these statements by the United States and NATO countries placed their bases there, thereby leveling the country's independence as an independent state.

In addition to poverty, or rather because of it, nationalist sentiments are strong in Latvia. Russia, which has been feeding this country for fifty years, is usually called the occupiers and considered enemy number one.

Russia, in response, is still the main sponsor of life in Latvia. We are supplied not only with industrial goods from this country, which are not in demand anywhere else, but we also organize all the cultural events of the proud state. This is the New Wave in Jurmala, and the wailing KiViN in the same place. Flocking to Latvia Russian figures cultures provide revenue for hotels, restaurants and, thus, contribute a significant part to the meager budget of the country.

This summer, the government of Latvia finally lost its common sense. It came to the point where it was ready to gouge out its own eye, just to make someone worse. To the festival new wave The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to issue visas to some Russian artists.

I, that it's time to stop sponsoring the economy of a country that is unfriendly to us, refuse to import it, and respond to the aggressive and insulting statements of the head of this state that have recently been heard in the news feeds.

It seems we have been heard. Igor Krutoy, who is the organizer of the New Wave in Jurmala, is considering moving the festival from Latvia to another country. In response, the Latvian Foreign Minister

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