Beautiful hairstyles for girls 13 years old. Hairstyle with plaits

Fashion & Style 27.12.2017
Fashion & Style

Every girl wants to look beautiful, stylish and attractive every day. 13 years old - so transitional age, in which the problem of hairstyles is especially acute. After all, a hairstyle for a girl of 13 years old should not be childish, but at the same time not too adult. The World of the Girl website has prepared an article about what hairstyles for a girl of 13 years old can be done at home.

Beautiful hairstyle for every day for a girl

The two options that we will offer you are ideal for you.

To create a hairstyle you will need: a comb (brush) for hair, a thin comb for creating a parting, a few invisible ones, two small elastic bands.

1. Comb your hair along the entire length with a special comb, preferably with natural bristles, which will additionally give your hair a healthy shine.

2. Using a thin comb, divide the hair into two parts, highlighting the parting along the hair.

3. Secure one section of hair with an elastic band.

4. Comb the hair that you did not put in an elastic band. Take the top strand, divide it into three parts, braid a regular braid. At the same time, grab strands from the total mass of hair. Continue until all hair is in the braid.

5. When all the hair on one side is braided, support the end of the braid, and pull the strands in the pigtail to add volume.

6. Repeat all steps on the other side of the hair.

7. Take the braid on one side, secure it with invisible hairpins at the back of the head, as in the video. Tuck the tail of the pigtail into the resulting hood, secure with invisibility.

Do the same with the scythe on the other side.

8. That's it, the hairstyle is ready!

Romantic fashionable braid for a girl

A stylish braid is the trend of the season among hairstyles for young girls. It is very easy to make, now you will see for yourself.

1. Comb your hair with a comb, divide the hair into three parts, select a small strand from one part, from which you braid an ordinary pigtail, secure it with an elastic band.

2. Braid the braid in the usual way, weaving into it the pigtail braided earlier. This will give an incredible fashionable effect.

3. Slightly pull the strands in the pigtail to give it delicacy and volume.

4. Fix the end of the pigtail with a beautiful hairpin or elastic band to match your hair.

Very often, girls choose too sophisticated and feminine hairstyles for themselves. Of course, no one wants to be treated like a child. That's just this femininity plays against you - the face of a young, beautiful girl with such an "adult" hairstyle often looks just ridiculous.

That's why girls should choose hairstyles for teenagers: embodying immediacy, youth and lightness, without any heaps of accessories and excessive use of hair products.

You may ask: “And what hairstyles are better to choose for hair of different lengths? What is fashionable this season? Well, let's try to answer.

Braid - a sentence for long hair teenagers?

And let's start with the owners. Of course, it is quite difficult to grow hair of this length, someone has too brittle and split ends, and someone considers such a hairstyle extremely impractical, especially in summer. But despite all this, fans long hair it becomes more and more - they grow their own, or they increase it, resorting to the help of hairdressers.

Long braids, small waves and - all this looks very beautiful, at the same time, you will not look much older than your years. Even from the longest and naughty hair you can make beautiful hairstyles for teenage girls.

Particular attention should be paid to bangs - they can drastically change your look, raising your style to new level or destroy it completely. Asymmetrical bangs are very popular this season, but don't be in too much of a hurry to follow the fashion stylists' prescriptions - be sure to see if this or that fashionable hairstyle suits your face type.

Both beautiful and practical, or a little about medium length hair

More and more often on the streets we meet girls with medium length hair. This is understandable - it is easier to make everyday hairstyles for teens And yes, they look very nice. This is the golden mean between beauty and ease of care, which, in fact, most girls choose. Hairstyles should not be too classic and voluminous - the best option for teenagers is long, various cascading haircuts and various asymmetrical hairstyles in several layers. If desired, you can add a little softness to the hairstyle, more smooth lines, but do not copy women's haircuts- experiment, create your own image, while it is still possible, because at a more mature age, all your bright and unusual haircuts will be looked at with incomprehension.

Bangs in their type should match the hairstyle you have chosen - the classic bangs do not fit in with. Therefore, try to give preference to asymmetrical, “torn”, unusually long or short bangs (of course, if they suit your face type and general style, in some cases even a simple even bangs will look fresh and original), or choose hairstyles without bangs at all.

If your hair is too thin, you can add some volume with special means, but do not overdo it - such fashionable hairstyles for 2016 for teenagers as bob, cascade, etc. in a highly voluminous form do not look very stylish.

About short teenage haircuts

Well, and finally, . They are very practical, they practically do not need to be looked after, but they are not suitable for everyone. Best of all, a short asymmetrical haircut will look on a small, thin girl with small, neat features.

Today's most popular hairstyles for teenagers for short hair - these are hairstyles in the style of the eighties, bob, as well as haircuts, in which part of the hair is combed forward or to the side in a certain way. To keep the bouffant longer, use hair styling products. Various combinations of such hairstyles (believe me, even on short hair you can create a real work of art) with bangs will allow you to create your own style, unlike the rest.

In general, it is better for teenagers to give up all attempts to grow up quickly and live for today. You can express your individuality and youth in different ways: makeup, clothes, and, of course, stylish youth hairstyles, some of which are shown in the photo in our article.

Hairstyles for girls 10 years old

Hairstyles for girls 10 years old are diverse. Girls at this age tend to stand out and look older. They begin to take care of themselves and pay a lot of attention to their appearance. An important part of the style is the hairstyle.

An excellent option for a hairstyle for a girl to school will be a beautiful unusual tail. It can be fixed with a thin elastic band and wrap a strand of hair around it. It can be either on the back of the head or on the side.

The tail can also be wrapped with a tourniquet or a scythe, made using one of the strands. This beautiful hairstyle does not look boring despite its simplicity.

At any age, hairstyles with braids are relevant. A braid-crown around the head looks very original and interesting. The braid-snail, which runs from the center in a circle, also looks great. Braids are a very practical option. Hair is neatly collected and does not interfere at school and on a walk.

Every mother noticed that the child's character manifests itself almost from birth. Someone from infancy behaves like a true lady, while other babies can immediately see that she will grow up to be a real daredevil!

But, whatever the character of the girl, experiments with her own appearance and the desire to look attractive are characteristic of all of them without exception.

Well, for mothers, creating new children's hairstyles is often even more interesting and pleasant than for the girls themselves to wear them. After all, it's so great to admire your baby in a new way, to make beautiful photo for a family album and be happy for your daughter if you like the hairstyle. It often becomes a real family hobby and addictive.

Hairstyles for the little ones

Hairstyles for girls for long hair for 5-7 years old (and under this age you are unlikely to be able to grow really long hair) should be simple and practical. Children's hair at this age is still very soft and usually sparse. They will not be able to keep a complex shape, and numerous hairpins and other fixators will limit the movements of little tomboys and distract them from games.

In addition, almost any jewelry will very quickly slip off the soft children's hair and get lost, and you will have to buy it again every time.

As a rule, children's hairstyles for the little ones are based on ponytails with soft elastic bands that do not tighten children's hair, and simple weaving.

Ponytails "Minnie Mouse"

  1. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Without rinsing off the shampoo, comb the baby's hair with a large comb, then rinse with water and towel dry the hair without tangling (do not twist or rub the hair). Divide your hair into a straight parting.
  2. Gather your hair into two tails and make "ears", as shown in photo 2. Leave the hair on the back of the head loose as well.
  3. Divide each "ear" into two parts and tie with the hanging ends of the ponytails, as shown in the photo.
  4. Here is what should be the result:

Hairstyle with curls

For special occasions, and if the girl herself really likes the image of the princess, you can wind the curls.

It is best, if you have time, to do this with simple fabric papillots. Just tear a clean piece of fabric into 16-18 strips and use them to twist curls on either side of the parting. Do this at night, before bed, or in the morning if the event is scheduled for the afternoon.

This method is much safer than curling with a curling iron, which can burn and ruin soft children's hair.

By the way: puffy bows the size of half a child's head have long gone out of fashion. If you want to decorate your hair, let it be a small bow made of fabric to match the dress or a beautiful hairpin with a flower.

Shouldn't be used conventional means for styling girls' hair at such a young age.

If you have an important event planned (performance on stage, photo session), which requires complex styling with fixation, take a special children's hairspray or use the recipe of our grandmothers - 1 tbsp. sugar in 250 ml of water. The resulting syrup can fix complex styling by spraying curled strands through a spray bottle.

So that the hairstyle with curls turns out to be neat, and the child does not get bored during its creation, think in advance what to do with the girl at this time. Alas, no matter what the opponents of early accustoming to gadgets say, nothing fixes a mobile child in place like a tablet with a developing interactive game.

Hairstyles for girls 8-12 years old

At this age, a girl may already have a well-formed opinion about her own appearance and what suits her and what does not. You may still like to dress her up as a princess and decorate with bows, but the girl herself may already see herself in a completely different way.

Entering early adolescence, she often begins to pay more attention to how her peers comb their hair, become interested in teen fashion, save favorite photos of young pop stars to her computer.

8-12 years - this is the time of fashionable hairpins that will be bought up by the thousands and lying all over your house, the time of endless braiding, and perhaps the first timid questions: "Mom, can I dye my hair? Just one strand ..."

But there is some comforting news: even if you have a young hooligan growing up who prefers ripped jeans to any dresses, you can also match her look beautiful hairstyle for long hair, which will please both her and you.

Funny baby hair bows are still in trend!

Hairpins and headbands diversify even the simplest hairstyle.

And of course, weaving braids - all stripes, colors and sizes! (See photo below.)

Hairstyles for girls 13-15 years old

The older your child is, the wider the range of images that he may want to try to embody in his appearance in order to find his ideal image. At this age, you can already use tip coloring or temporary toning, unexpected solutions and complex styling for every occasion.

Try to discuss with your child how she would like to look, look at photos with beautiful hairstyles or original hairstyles of girls about her age together.

Does your girl prefer a romantic image, soft curls and fresh flowers? Or dreams of moving from homemade braids to African, and even to dreadlocks? Let her make her own choice. There is nothing wrong with all this, because this is how young girls learn to be beautiful.

By the way, even in dreadlocks there is nothing wrong, they are very comfortable, especially with an active lifestyle, and do not require much care. The only thing worth thinking about if a child turns to you with such a request is how they will react to the new image in your school. And if the administration educational institution not too conservative - let him try! When else to experiment with your appearance, if not at the age of 15!

Hairstyles for boys can be done not only in classical style. For fidget boys, there are alternative options.

After all, a man, although still small, is also a person who wants to have his own style.

At the age of 10-11 years old, boys are very mobile and inquisitive, so their hairstyles should be simple and comfortable. But it is important to follow fashion.

The most stylish hairstyles that most boys love are “boxing”, “hat”, “hedgehog”.

And for those who are for creativity, they like some mess in styling or haircuts with shaved in the form interesting drawings temples.

Most often, boys, even small ones, are cut with a “hedgehog”. This short haircut became popular for a long time and still does not lose its positions. It is very comfortable and easy to create.

Even dad can make such a haircut for a boy. It is enough to arm yourself with a machine and cut all your hair the same way.

Usually boys are cut so short in hot weather that they feel comfortable.

But if the strands of the crown are made longer, it will be possible to slightly change the styling at the request of the boy himself.

He can remove these bristling strands to one side or leave them upright, giving them the effect of “wet hair”.

Both very young and 10-year-old boys are cut short, “boxing”. This is very much appreciated for its convenience by both men and boys. She seems to radiate energy and enthusiasm.

With such styling, the boy will look like a little gentleman. After all, for a solemn event, like graduation from elementary school, he can lay the strands on his side and put on a business suit. This style is incredibly masculine.

Sometimes children 10-11 years old are cut a little differently, with a “half-box”. This haircut differs from “boxing” in that it is slightly longer. The edging is done just below the back of the head.

On the basis of the "half-box" you can create more styling. Gels and foams will help with this. Strands can be combed perfectly smoothly or ruffled, forming a mohawk.

If an 11-year-old son is tireless and noisy, parents should think about the Mohawk hairstyle. Such a child will definitely like this “fun” haircut.

She suggests that the hair from the sides of the head is completely shaved off. And the hair in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crown and back of the head is not affected by either a machine or scissors.

No need to be afraid that such a haircut will be difficult to care for. The boy's clean hair will only need to be gelled and lifted with his fingers.

Hairstyle modifications for boys 12-13 years old

Children over 12-13 years old will no longer be interested in classic hairstyles. They certainly need to be different from each other, to emphasize their individuality and character.

That is why they strive to bring as much creativity into the hairstyle as possible.

Deviates a little from the classics, but matches the style school uniform hairstyle "Caesar".

The length of the hair with such a haircut is approximately five centimeters. All strands lie in the forward direction. Haircut must be done with bangs.

Despite the loud name, this hairstyle fits without special tricks. The strands just need to be combed, if they are naughty, lightly grease with styling gel.

To create a new image, you can make a “creative mess” hairstyle on your head or ruffle your hair and form a mohawk.

For boys who play sports, it is better to make a “platform” haircut.

It is a haircut when the temples and the back of the head are clean-shaven or cut very short. Only a small tuft of hair is left on the boy's crown.

For 13-year-old boys whose hair is medium in length, the haircut "under the pot" is ideal.

If the boy’s hair is lush and thick, all the more he needs to cut his hair so that the strands at the bottom are shortened and the top ones are left as they are.

There is nothing to get a haircut "under the pot" for guys with curly hair. With such a haircut, it will be impossible to lay the curls, they will scatter in different directions.

Curly guys can be advised to make a "square". It will not be difficult for a boy to put this hairstyle in order. Washed hair, cut under the "square", you just need to gently comb it.

Fashionable and beautiful hairstyles "square" are created with short bangs. In this case, the haircut should have a rounded shape. "Kare" can be profiled, make a straight or side parting.

Boys who like to be in the spotlight can try to wear the same hairstyle as the popular singer Dima Bilan.

The secret of this hairstyle for boys lies in the fact that the hair is short at the top of the head, and rather long strands lie at the back of the neck.

This haircut attracted the interest of men more than ten years ago. With her, the boy will impress those around him as a real fashionista and a direct child with an open character.

Varieties of hairstyles for 14-16 year old boys

The desire of teenagers is to look shocking and bright. They prefer creative hairstyles, so sometimes they even grow long hair.

It is important for children of 16 years old to be seen in them young man and admired. Therefore, they choose their own hairstyle, often without listening to their parents.

This is how hairstyles with unique patterns on the temples or haircuts are born, when one part of the hair is cut short and the other is left long.

16-year-old boys really like the “creative mess” hairstyle. Classic haircuts they modify.

The most popular hairstyles for teenagers are cascade, canadian and grunge.

"Cascade" is a layered haircut that combines long and shorter hair, which is why it is so interesting for young men.

Teenagers were attracted to the “grunge” style by the casual and chic look of the styling, which must be created with the help of foam.

The “Canadian” haircut has become fashionable thanks to hockey players from Canada who have been to competitions in Russia.

However, in our country they have recently begun to get their hair cut the same way as Canadians. This hairstyle is an ideal solution for both an adult man and a young boy of 16 years old.

In a teenager with a Canadian haircut, the temples and the back of the head are shaved to zero, and a roller is formed on the top of the head.

But the transition from smooth temples to a tousled crown is performed smoothly. Long strands at the top of the head make the young man very attractive.

The “hair tattoo” haircut has gained immense popularity. In other words, this is the creation either on the back of the head or on the temples of interesting patterns and figures from hair using a razor.

For teenagers, this is a great way to show their special character.

Stepped hairstyles allow guys to soften sharp features.

Another multi-level haircut, when the hair is cut in steps of the same length, makes the boy different from his peers and classmates. Most of all, this haircut is suitable for curly hair.

And such a hairstyle as "Hitler Youth" can be made to a teenager who wants to look adult and elegant.

This haircut somewhat resembles a “Canadian”, but the hair on the temporal zones is completely shaved off. With this hairstyle, a young man of 16 years old will be a real dandy.

Secrets of styling a boy's hairstyle

Modern men's styling just like women's, it requires care, even if it is worn by a small boy.

To make your hair really beautiful, you need:

  • wash your hair daily or once every two days, otherwise the hair will look untidy;
  • select a creative haircut for a child, based on his type of appearance and structure of hair;
  • to style a complex hairstyle every morning, otherwise a fashionable hairstyle will turn into a very ugly one.

To young men and boys who decided to cut their hair on the latest trends fashion, you will have to pay a lot of attention to your hair.

You may need to work on the bangs, laying it on its side, lifting it up or combing it back. All the effort put in will be worth it.

Not every woman dares to cut off her long locks, although some girls look much better with short hair than with long hair. Take a look at photos of Coco Rocha and Carey Mulligan, for example. Obviously, short haircuts make them bright and chic. If you're thinking about shorter baby hair lengths but aren't sure you can take the risk of going extremely short, start with the medium length. We have prepared a selection of haircuts and different ages, focusing on short haircuts.

Short hairstyles and haircuts for girls

Short hair is easy to style and such a haircut is always associated with an active lifestyle. There is an opinion that you will look the same every day with a short haircut. But you know, it's just a myth. Most short haircuts can be transformed from ordinary "everyday" hairstyles into stylish evening hairstyles. Looking charming with short haircuts is not only possible, but easy! let's consider best ideas for girls of all ages - from 3 to 13-15 years old. Every girl should look great, whether she is a little princess, a teenager or an adult woman.

1 Charming fairy - Pixie.

Intricate braids and buns are really wonderful, but it doesn't hurt to say that girls will benefit from this cute short haircut. This haircut will be equally good for both a baby and a 9-year-old girl.

2 Short hairstyles for wavy hair.

If your little girl has naturally thick, wavy hair, try an angled bob, slightly lengthening the front on both sides. In some cases, add bangs to soften the look.

3 Modern short haircuts.

Inspired by the emo style of the older sisters, the girls make sleek and straight short haircuts. This style uses even edges and thin layers. As a result, straight hair has a cute and simple look and is easy to style.

4 Vintage bob.

Many of us remember this style from our own youth and here it is again popular among little girls. Both baby and teenager will look great with this so-called "bowler cut", where the hair is long on top and very short at the bottom.

5 Hairstyle with plaits.

Even if you have a short haircut, you can create the illusion of long hair. Braid pigtails or make flagella, then collect them in a bun. Decorate it with a flower, bow or other hairpins.

6 Creative approach.

This fun hairstyle is very simple and easy to create. She gives the impression that her hair is longer than it really is. Use rubber bands and hair ornaments to pull them up.

7 Haircut with feathers.

Girls who are very fond of short haircuts will be delighted with this style. In addition, it is very easy to install. Best stylists have been creating this style for generations. This haircut will never go out of style!

8 Simple braid.

Cute and simple. Braid a simple French braid or braid, secure with a hair clip above the ear line. That's it! Since this hairstyle is easy and quick to do, it is ideal for restless babes who do not yet care about long and tiring hair styling.

9 Iroquois.

A strip of hair in several layers runs along the head, the rest of the hair is cut short. For more extravagance, the comb is painted in pink, purple or blue. This haircut is quite bold, and to a greater extent, suitable for teenage girls.

Options for short haircuts and hairstyles for teenage girls

Short messy braid haircut

You can see this style on the covers of glossy magazines as it is very popular. Although the hairstyle may seem strange for the older generation, today's young people are simply delighted with free hair. This only adds to the uniqueness, allows you to stand out from the diversity of modern life.

11 Shades.

To look bold and extravagant, girls dye their hair black, leaving the ends colorless in front. This, of course, is not the little girl that you cherished as a child, but an adult young woman.

12 Punk style.

Sleek straight hair with a neat side parting creates a truly unique punk haircut. When we are talking about short haircuts for girls with thick hair, then this hairstyle is the most successful option.

13 Simple bob.

This simple and versatile haircut suits all face shapes. It will be appropriate for a little girl preschool age as well as for the student.

14 Bob with bangs.

Haircuts for little girls are, of course, influenced by adult haircuts. It doesn't make sense to dye your little one's hair, but a sleek, straight bob and fun bangs are just right.

Short hairstyles on the example of celebrities

Kiernan Shipka, the young Mad Men star, shows us a great and easy hairstyle idea for a girl. Such a simple detail as a bang gathered back draws attention to the expressive features of Kiernan's face, turns a simple haircut into stylish hairstyle for all day.

Zendaya Coleman said goodbye to her gorgeous long locks, and this step was not in vain. Her graphic bob with horizontal bangs is just gorgeous. The big plus of this haircut is that it does not imply complex styling.

We are used to seeing Joey King with bangs, but her short haircut is simply adorable. Let this deliberate mess be the highlight of your look.

Chelsea Kane always knows how to be on trend. Her hairstyle for short hair makes a big impression and looks chic.

Italia Ricci

Light curls perfectly emphasize the delicate features of Italia Ricci. This hairstyle is perfect for girls with short curly hair.

Kelly Jenner boldly uses extravagant colors. She obviously does not have to rack her brains over what kind of styling to do.

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