lbz execution progress. Performing LBZ in World of Tanks

Recipes 10.11.2020

WoT LBZ is a new direction in game world of Tanks, a series of quests that greatly diversify the gameplay. Tasks vary from simple to very complex. Successful completion of LBZ is encouraged by various awards - silver, equipment and consumables, premium account, but the main prize for completing the quest line is unique combat vehicles.

The optimal technique for performing LBZ:

TT- AMX 50B, T57 Heavy, T110E5, E100, Maus, VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B, FCM 50t, AMX 50100
ST- E50M, T-62A, Object 140, TVP T 50/51, E50, T-54, A-43
LT- AMX 13 90, Ru251, WZ-132, M41 Walker Bulldog, Т71, Type 64 and LT lvl 10
Fri- Rhm. Borsig Waffenträger, SU-100, Helkat, JagdPz E 100, T110E4, T110E3, Object 263, Object 268, Grill
ACS- Object 261, Conqueror Gun Carriage, Т92, M40/M43, FV304, G.W. Panther, М53/55

The complexity of the implementation of LBZ

The complexity of performing LBZ (WoT LBZ) varies depending on the technique. In each branch, after completing the first 8-10 tasks, you will have to show all your skills in combat and vehicle control. Sometimes the accomplishment of a task borders on a miracle.


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Additional bonuses:

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optional equipment to your warehouse;
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very often we make a record for experience and damage, both overall on the account, and on a separate vehicle.

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Bayanisto, but they are already giving to close season 1 once and for all. LBZ. Details of innovations.

Are you doing LBZ or have you done them before? Then read on: in this article we will talk about what serious changes are waiting for personal combat missions in version 9.20.1. From the updated execution mechanics and new rewards to the new interface, we have taken your feedback into account and implemented them to make the game even more comfortable.
Accelerated Execution:

AT this moment, after completing all 15 tasks with distinction, the player receives additional award sheets and can use them to credit one of the tasks of the current operation. At the same time, they are not transferred to the next operation, and they will not be used in the future. This reduces the value of the effort expended, because there is no practical point in receiving all five award sheets for the operation. In order to encourage high combat effectiveness and speed up the completion of the 1st campaign, we are removing award lists and introducing order forms instead. Now, having fulfilled the main condition of the last, 15th, task, you will receive a component of the award vehicle, and having fulfilled an additional condition, an order form. Getting a component is a step on the way to a reward machine. When all five components are received, the car becomes yours.

Order forms will be needed when you want to skip the last task of the branch, and in some other cases. As with reward lists, once you've received four order forms, you'll be able to "jump over" the final combat mission - whether it's available or not - and receive a reward for completing its main condition.

However, this is not all. After completing four of the five LBZ chains in one operation and using the order forms to offset the final task of the remaining branch, you will receive the main reward for the entire operation - a promotional tank. And as you complete the chains, your crew will be replenished with tankers.

Do you remember how many times you tried in vain to complete a task, but it did not give in at all? Now such tasks can be skipped using order forms. Yes, yes, after receiving the order form for completing the final task, you can skip any other task in the branch.

Moreover, the order form can be returned - having completed with honors the task for which it was used. After that, the order form can be used again for another task. This also applies to the order forms used to skip the final task of the branch. Upon completion of this task with honors, order forms will also be returned.

Change of conditions:

Since the release of version 9.18, we have collected a large amount of feedback on the revision of the conditions of a number of tasks. Recently, we have completed the first round of improvements, which touched upon LBZ for SPG, and continued to adjust the conditions of tasks in version 9.20.1 to ensure that they correspond to the new SPG gameplay. However, not only LBZ for self-propelled guns required edits. Therefore, we have revised the rest of the tasks, taking into account the rewards and the difficulty of obtaining them. For example, Tier VII vehicles will be enough to complete missions with a Tier VII reward vehicle.


A lot of feedback on LBZ was about the interface, and we improved it. Now you can check your progress and select the next task right in the Garage.

Pay attention to the new tab between "Tasks" and "Achievements". By clicking on it, you will open a menu of personal combat missions, where you can select an operation to perform. And also view any task, regardless of whether it is available in this moment or not.

In addition, you often complained that in order to move on to the next operation, you need to select the nation and specialty of the award crew member. This will change in version 9.20.1. Now you can continue to play through the campaign, and the appointment of a tank girl can be done later at a convenient time.

New Reward

When it comes to LBZ, tankers can play for hours to complete the operation. We thought that such aspiration should be rewarded and added some exclusive elements appearance to the list of awards.

After completing the main conditions of one operation, you will receive three unique camouflage schemes only for the award vehicle.
Completing all missions with distinction will earn you three unique camouflage schemes for the award vehicle, as well as the opportunity to purchase them for any other vehicle from the tech tree of the same nation as the award vehicle.
For completing each operation, you will receive special patches, and they will differ depending on whether only the main conditions are met or also additional ones.
Complete all missions of Campaign 1 with honors and earn a special badge for doing so.

We hope these changes will make Campaign 1 more enjoyable.

LBZ. Details of innovations

The first details and tanks. As well as a list of combat missions that need to be completed in order to upgrade tanks for LBZ 2.0 2018

LBZ 2.0 WoT, Campaign 3. All this is scheduled for August 2018. The name of the campaign is "Second Front"

In update 1.1 of World of Tanks, the main thing, among other things, will be LBZ 2.0, Campaign 3. There will be 3 consecutive operations.

Answers from WoT developers about LBZ 2.0 Campaign 3 "Second Front".

Premium tanks:
1. British tank destroyer 6 levels of Excalibur;
2. British level 8 ST Chimera;
3. Soviet level 10 TT Object 279 (p) // it was previously called .

Recall the two previous campaigns.

The first campaign "Long-awaited Reinforcements" brought LBZ to the game for 4 premium tanks, 2 of which were premium.
- an excellent German premium level 5 tank destroyer, suitable for all fans of this level of battles in World of Tanks.
- premium American tank destroyer Level 7. Unplayable trash. The best thing you can do with it is trade-in.
- German ST level 9. A unique premium tank, a kind of analogue of . Now he needs a serious up.
- a unique premium Soviet level 10 TT looked good when LBZ was introduced, now it needs a serious upgrade.

Then came the second campaign. It appeared with a chain of LBZ for the regime, and the battles in it took place in two formats already familiar to tankers: "Superiority" and "Steel Hunt". The reward for it was a Soviet promotional level 10 ST. The tank was balanced by wry-handed idiots, so it turned out to be an imboy.

As a result, the regime was recognized as unsuccessful and, T-22 cf. nerfed to an unplayable state and forgotten. At the moment, it cannot be obtained in any way and the developers are not going to do anything more with it. This is so that you do not forget about the attitude of developers towards their audience and PS.

Also, for completing the LBZ, reward unique camouflages for each tank and nation will be issued. You can evaluate and see camouflages.

The developers promised to release LBZ only in the fall, and the release of patch 1.1 is just planned for the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

In the new LBZs, there are no longer strict restrictions on vehicle classes, now instead there will be national conditional associations, on the vehicles of which it is necessary and will perform tasks - one chain (15 tasks) per operation for each of them. There are four in total:

Union: USSR and China.
- Block: Germany and Japan.
- Alliance: USA, UK, Poland.
- Coalition: France, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Italy.

List and brief description of all LBZ 2.0. Campaign 3 "Second Front"

Grouped nations, on whose vehicles you need to complete tasks - one chain of 15 tasks each:

Union: USSR, China.
Block: Germany, Japan.
Alliance: USA, UK, Poland.
Coalition: France, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Italy.

1. Operation Excalibur (cumulative LBZ, a la marathons)
It is necessary to fulfill a certain condition of the task in an unlimited number of battles (for example, inflict 10,000 damage over any number of battles). The tasks are cumulative and will require diligence.

2. Operation Chimera (based on LBZ 1.0)
It is necessary to fulfill a certain condition of the task in one battle. Very similar to the tasks from the first campaign: you have to show how cool you can be in one battle.

3. Operation Object 279 (p) (a series of battles, ala events "March of Nations" and Rostelecom)
You will have to show a consistent result in a series of battles (for example, maintain a certain average damage in ten battles in a row).

Some conditions for the implementation of LBZ 2.0 have changed with the release of the second general test 1.1. What has changed - .

Updated January 22, 06:45 (UTC). A small update has been released, thanks to which there have been some changes.

List of changes after the release of the update:

1. The problem with the accrual of female crew and award lists for completing the corresponding personal combat missions has been fixed. The method described below is suitable both for players who had problems with accruing rewards after completing a combat mission, and for those who demobilized a tanker.

How to get a well-deserved reward:

  • Select the 15th combat mission in one of the branches.
  • Open it.
  • Accept the reward.
  • All earned rewards will be credited in full.

2. Changes have been made to the description of some personal combat missions.

Since January 15, personal combat missions have become available in World of Tanks - a completely new gaming facet, where everyone will face the need to take on more and more new challenges in order to become the owner of at least one excellent battle tank! And that's not counting a lot of other valuable awards.

If you set yourself only the maximum goals, then with the successful completion of the tasks, there will be four more tanks in the Angara:

You can find personal combat missions in the "Combat missions" section (upper left corner) in the game client.

Personal tasks are grouped into campaigns and performed only in random battles. The first campaign, Long-Awaited Reinforcements, will consist of four operations, including chains of combat missions for each vehicle class.

Combat missions are limited by vehicle tier:

  • StuG IV— IV-X levels
  • T28 HTC- V-X levels
  • T-55A— VI-X levels
  • Object 260— VI-X levels

Operations are available for execution sequentially, i.e. get heavy tank"Object 260" is possible only after performing the previous operations.

Discussion of operations on the forum:

Each chain of combat missions includes 14 main and one final combat mission. Each task contains the main conditions and additional ones, which are not mandatory, but by simultaneously completing them and the main conditions, you will significantly increase the reward received:

Chains of combat missions in high resolution:

Attention! To complete combat missions, you must activate it manually. Five combat missions can be accepted for completion at the same time (one in the mission chain). After fulfilling the main conditions of a combat mission, it will be automatically taken into account, and you will be able to activate a new mission. You can replay combat missions for which additional conditions are not met.

After completing the main conditions of the final combat mission of the chain, the player will receive four award sheets. Completing additional test conditions allows you to receive an additional award sheet. A unique tank can be obtained by earning twenty award sheets in one operation. After completing four chains of combat missions with honors, the player receives required amount reward lists in advance, as well as the ability to skip the battle chain for the least comfortable vehicle class.

In all operations, with the exception of Operation StuG IV, combat missions from 1st to 14th will be available for completion immediately, without requiring successive completion - just select one of the tests to complete.

Rewards for completing combat missions:

  • Women's Crews. For completing the final task of each chain of combat missions, the player will receive female crews. Among other things, female crews by default have the skill " Fighting girlfriends”, which replaces the “Combat Brotherhood”.

The Battle Girlfriends skill will only work in an all-female crew.

  • Unique technique. Four new tanks available exclusively for players who have completed the conditions of personal combat missions. Tanks are considered promotional and have standard features: the ability to use the crew without retraining and increased profitability of experience.

In the near future, expect the publication of reviews of new tanks.

  • Additional bonuses. By completing combat missions, players will receive rewards: in-game credits, Free XP, consumables, Garage slots, and Premium Account.


Commemorative signs

First merit

women in uniform

Awarded once for completing any personal combat mission in any season

Awarded once for obtaining 5 tank girls
Stage Rewards

Rewards are given only for chains of tasks of each vehicle class that have been completed with honors. The degrees of medals are not tied to specific operations.

Completion with honors of 15 personal combat missions Completion of 30 personal combat missions with honors Completion of 45 personal combat missions with honors Completion of 60 personal combat missions with honors
Light tanks:
Medium tanks:
Heavy tanks:
tank destroyer:

Personal mission planner— your indispensable assistant during the performance of personal combat missions. main feature project - tips on the vehicle on which you can perform tasks. For each of the tasks, the equipment present in the Angara is selected, which can be used to perform a particular task. In addition, here you will find a list of all tasks, performance characteristics of gift equipment and other useful information.

By using the resource.

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