What modules to put on the pipeline. FV4004 Conway — Tier IX British tank destroyer

Health 10.08.2019

19-12-2014, 22:16

Hello to all lovers of bush shooting and welcome to the site! Friends, now we will talk about a wonderful and strong vehicle, a British tier 9 tank destroyer, in front of you FV4004 Conway guide.

This device has an unexpectedly large number of advantages, it is very simple and easy to use, but only when you know the features Conway World of Tanks, the characteristics of this self-propelled gun, you understand its advantages and disadvantages. That is, for a productive game, you need to get to know this British woman better.

TTX FV 4004 Conway

As always, first of all, I would like to say that our self-propelled anti-tank installation has a margin of safety that is modest by the standards of most classmates and a small basic view of 380 meters.

I immediately draw your attention to another obvious fact - it has truly shed dimensions. The car is very high, which suffers from its disguise, long, wide and swollen. In other words, it's easy to find, and even easier to get to.

Unfortunately, with such a large silhouette, FV4004 Conway specifications bookings are very poor. Considering the level of equipment encountered in battle, absolutely everything penetrates us, because even in the forehead you will not find armor thickness higher than 153 millimeters, this is very sad. You can rely on ricochets only in those cases when an enemy projectile hit you completely unsuccessfully.

But at the same time, the lack of mobility Tank Destroyer FV4004 Conway WoT compensates with excellent driving characteristics. Max speed we do not have the highest, but the dynamics are simply excellent, and there is no need to complain about maneuverability.


If the plan general characteristics everything is not so good, but you can’t say the same about weapons, the advantages of our gun prevail, besides, you don’t need to spend money on studying it, you get the top barrel as soon as you buy it FV4004 Conway tank to your hangar, because there are no alternatives in this aspect.

So, first of all, it should be said that the alpha strike of this self-propelled gun is quite modest compared to most other PT-9s. But at the same time FV4004 Conway gun has a high rate of fire, thanks to which you will be able to deal a little more than 3000 damage per minute, and this is even without equipment and perks.

We are a little let down by the parameters of armor penetration, for most classmates they are significantly higher. But targeting vulnerable areas in the defense of the enemy, he can confidently deal damage. However, it’s still worth having 10-15 sub-calibers with you, and yet, our ammunition load is small, so use each cartridge wisely.

The accuracy parameters of our gun allow us to compensate for the low penetration. Spread per 100 meters Conway WoT very compact, the final accuracy is excellent, the aiming speed is excellent and only the stabilization is rather weak, like with most self-propelled guns.

Perhaps the most significant disadvantage in terms of armament of this device can be considered the angles vertical aiming, because the gun bends down by only 5, and rises by 10. But on the other hand, British tank FV4004 Conway absolutely devoid of difficulties with UGN, because we are equipped with a full-fledged rotating tower.

Advantages and disadvantages

The machine in our hands is really strong, it has a great combat potential, and in order to fully realize it, it is necessary to understand the main strengths and weak sides FV4004 Conway World of Tanks, which we will now single out separately, breaking everything down into points.
Good running characteristics;
High rate of fire and excellent DPM;
Excellent accuracy (scatter and convergence);
The presence of a fully rotating tower.
Very weak booking;
Shed dimensions and poor camouflage;
Low penetration rates;
Small one-time damage;
Poor elevation angles.

Equipment for FV4004 Conway

To understand the choice and installation additional modules, it is important to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the tank. In our case, it will not be possible to compensate for the minuses, which means that it is worth concentrating on improving the existing pluses, that is, tank FV4004 Conway We install the following equipment:
1. - will increase the already very decent damage per minute, because this parameter is never too large.
2. - a universal and very necessary module, thanks to which you will get a comprehensive performance boost.
3. - thanks to this option, you can easily achieve maximum range review and get the right first shot.

And if you want to improve the survivability of this self-propelled gun, you can also replace the second item with , because we have serious problems with camouflage, moreover, this configuration option goes well with the third item.

Crew training

The process of pumping skills also gives you a chance to seriously affect the initial parameters of the car, making it stronger and more comfortable for you. This aspect is considered more complex and responsible due to the large number of variations, but on Tank destroyer FV4004 Conway perks learn quite standardly in understanding this class of technology, it looks like this:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) - , , , .

Equipment for FV4004 Conway

Another recognized standard is the purchase of consumables. If you don't have a lot of silver, it's better to stop at a gentleman's set of , , . But when the supply of silver credits or even gold is in order, bet on FV4004 Conway equipment in the form of , , , where the latter is quite possible to replace with , because fires are rare for this machine, but one more increase to the characteristics will not hurt.

в виде , , , где последний вполне возможно заменить на , ведь пожары для это машины редкость, а вот еще одна прибавка к характеристикам не помешает.

Game tactics on FV4004 Conway Тактика игры на FV4004 Conway We have a classic tank destroyer in our hands, which has very weak armor and, moreover, a huge silhouette, due to which camouflage performance suffers. В наших руках классическая ПТ-САУ, которая имеет очень слабое бронирование и к тому же огромный силуэт, из-за которого страдают показатели маскировки. For these reasons, for

По этим причинам для FV4004 Conway tactics fV4004 Conway тактика combat should consist in the maximum covert and cautious game.

ведения боя должна заключаться в максимальной скрытной и осторожной игре. British tank FV4004 Conway In fact, this self-propelled gun can be called a red line vehicle, which means that you should not even be on the second line, but even further away if you want not to shine and be safe. По сути, эту самоходку можно назвать машиной красной линии, это значит, что вы должны находиться даже не на второй линии, а еще дальше, если хотите не светиться и быть в безопасности. Under such conditions в таких условиях FV4004 Conway

FV4004 Conway WoT tank танк WoT

can confidently realize his large DPM by shooting at the allied spotlight, thereby providing invaluable assistance to his team on the lane.

может уверенно реализовывать свой большой ДПМ, стреляя по союзному засвету, оказывая тем самым неоценимую помощь своей команде на линии. Also, to implement damage, you must take the right position, which will help you with good mobility. Также для реализации урона вы должны правильно занять позицию, в чем вам поможет хорошая подвижность. This means that when going to any key point, it is important to remember that Имеется в виду, что отправляясь на какую-либо ключевую точку важно помнить, что

has poor vertical aiming angles. имеет плохие углы вертикальной наводки. This means that hilly terrain is not suitable for us, a kind of pedestal is needed, from which a vast chamber will open. Это значит, что нам не подходит холмистая местность, необходим своего рода пьедестал, с которого будет открывать обширный прострел. And if in such a place you, in addition to remoteness and the presence of bushes, will have a real shelter that will save you in Soviet Union. To do this, she needed a new combat vehicle capable of fighting any Soviet armored vehicles, including with the latest heavy tanks IS-3, and in the future with new even more protected combat vehicles. In the second half of the forties, an increase in the armor penetration of tank guns in most cases came down to an increase in caliber and other related parameters. In accordance with this concept, British designers began two projects of self-propelled artillery mounts with different weapons.

The FV4004 Conway project was the first to appear. It was assumed that this anti-tank self-propelled gun will receive a 120-mm L1 rifled gun, but at the same time retain a number positive traits medium tanks. To simplify the work, a serial one was chosen as the basis for the FV4004 medium tank centurion. From the base vehicle, the FV4004 tank destroyer received an armored hull, an engine with a transmission, and a running gear. Thus, the frontal armor of the FV4004 prototype had a thickness of 76 millimeters, sides of 51 mm, and feed - 32 mm. The Centurion's 640-horsepower engine gave the original tank a top speed of 35 kilometers per hour on the highway. However, after being converted into a self-propelled gun, the armored vehicle became noticeably heavier. According to various estimates, after the installation of a new turret with a larger caliber gun, the combat weight of the tank destroyer reached 53-55 tons. Because of this, the speed characteristics left much to be desired.

Instead of a native turret, a large unit of a characteristic angular shape was installed on the Centurion chassis. The Conway's turret was almost twice as high as the turret of the base tank, which changed accordingly appearance cars. There is no exact data regarding the reservation of the tower, but it can be assumed that the level of protection has remained at the same level. Probably, the tower of the FV4004 prototype was, as they say, a draft version and would have undergone changes in the future. However, it was the Centurion with a new “box” in place of the old tower that drove around the British training grounds.

The large dimensions of the new turret were due to the size and recoil of the new gun. The breech of a 120 mm gun occupied a considerable volume inside the fighting compartment, which, combined with the size of the ammunition stowage and crew jobs, affected the size and layout of the turret. The fighting compartment housed the commander, gunner and loader. According to reports, all the ammunition was stored in the aft niche of the tower, as on modern Western tanks.

There are no exact data on the characteristics of the 120-mm gun of the Conway tank destroyer. In various sources, there are figures of 170-180 millimeters of armor from a kilometer range and even 200. Probably, such characteristics met the requirements of the British military regarding the destruction of existing and promising enemy heavy tanks. It is worth noting that with such opportunities, in the event of a collision between the FV4004 self-propelled guns and the IS-3 tank, the outcome of the battle would depend solely on the skill of the tankers, since both vehicles could hit each other at a long range.

Even at the stage of the start of projects for new tank destroyers, the customer proposed to equip the promising vehicle with even more powerful ones. The FV4005 self-propelled gun, unlike the FV4004, had to carry a 183 mm caliber gun. Such a weapon was guaranteed to hit any existing and promising tanks. However, the installation of such a powerful gun was not too easy. Firstly, the Centurion chassis, being used in the project, would work, as they say, at the limit of its capabilities. Secondly, the work of the ACS crew became too complicated and it was necessary to look for some new solutions.

The first problem was solved with the help of new recoil devices of increased efficiency, which reduced the return to acceptable values. However, it was still too strong, and therefore it was necessary to significantly limit the horizontal pickup sector. According to calculations, when turning the turret and gun at an angle exceeding the allowable one, the shot could turn combat vehicle. The second problem, concerning a powerful weapon, was solved by a more interesting and original way. Since the ammunition for the gun was too heavy, the loader was relieved of their movement around the fighting compartment. A drum automatic loader was placed to the right of the breech, and the loader was made an operator.

Interestingly, the first tests of the FV4005 tank destroyer took place without a turret "box". For some reason, the prototype was first equipped with only the lower part of the turret with the gun mounting system, the gun itself and a number of auxiliary units, including an automatic loader. The reasons for this are not exactly known. Various sources mention both the protracted development and the need to check the correct layout of weapons and equipment and only then close them with an armored turret of a suitable shape.

The contours of the finished FV4005 turret somewhat resembled the shape of the FV4004 turret. However, due to the presence of a more powerful and larger gun with an automatic loader, it turned out to be larger and more massive. There is no data on booking the turret, but some nuances of the photo of the self-propelled gun prototype suggest that this vehicle was originally equipped only with bulletproof protection for the stern and sides of the turret and, possibly, with thicker frontal plates. The relatively thin sides and roof were reinforced with characteristic stiffeners. For landing the crew and servicing the guns, a hatch-door was provided in the aft sheet of the tower.

The combat weight of the FV4005 prototype, according to some sources, reached almost 60 tons. Considering the old Centurion engine, it is not difficult to imagine the running characteristics of the resulting tank destroyer. As for firepower, the FV4005 could be guaranteed to hit any of the existing or just being developed tanks in the world at a distance of two to three kilometers. The main problem in this case was the accuracy of shooting.

Both projects of tank destroyers with record-breaking powerful weapons started at the very beginning of the fifties. The FV4004 was the first to enter the test site. However, just a few months after the start of testing, in 1951, this project was closed. FV4005 was brought to the testing stage only in the 55th. For the first few months, this self-propelled gun, as already mentioned, traveled without armor protection for tower equipment, but later it was “completed”. Tests of a combat vehicle with a 183-mm gun lasted almost two years. In 1957, the FV4005 project was considered unpromising and was also closed.

Probably, main reason the refusal of quite interesting and, probably, promising tank destroyers became their driving performance. As it turned out, the new towers with powerful guns were an unbearable burden for the chassis of the Centurion tank. The development of a special chassis with sufficient carrying capacity was apparently considered impractical. As for weapons, the 120 and 183 mm guns turned out to be too complicated to manufacture and operate. In addition, in the second half of the fifties, the leading countries of the world were already working with might and main on the creation of anti-tank missile systems, which promised to be much more effective than the available artillery.

During the FV4004 and FV4005 projects, only one prototype was built. They were actively tested in various conditions and tested weapons. After testing, both prototypes remained at the test site, they were decided not to be disposed of. According to some reports, in subsequent years, the FV4005 has undergone some changes. So, the base chassis lost its turret and was used in other tests. A few years later, the prototype was restored, but using a different armored hull. Currently, both tank destroyers are in tank museums, but only one is on display. You can see the self-propelled guns with the 183-mm cannon at the Bovington Tank Museum.

According to the websites:

FV4004 Conway- the pre-top model of tank destroyers of Great Britain, which is located at level 9, has a good gun and a turret, but no armor and huge dimensions. A kind of "transport turret on wheels" or "red line tank" - so, at one time, experienced VOD models began to call such vehicles, and "Horse" (one of the tank's nicknames) fully fits these parameters.

A bit of history.
Tank Destroyer FV4004 Conway – prototype, developed at the end of the Second World War, in the year 1945, to fight against the heavy tanks of that time - against German Tiger, as well as Soviet IS, in particular IS-3.
After the end of the war, Great Britain began to seriously prepare for a possible war with the USSR, and vehicles capable of penetrating the equipment of a possible enemy were the main task. And so a number of machines appeared, in which the emphasis was placed on the caliber of the gun and its penetration - so that the machine “sewed” opponents even at a distance, without having a problem with accuracy.
The Conway is a "pt-shka" based on the Centurion medium tank, as a result it has good mobility and maneuverability.

General form.

Those who have reached the ninth level of the British tank destroyers of this branch, passing car after car, already know and understand what to expect from the FV4004 Conway. Conway promotes the same fighting style as the previous machines - measured, third-line games, tower games, and supporting his allies. Alone, the FV4004 Conway does not survive, so being where there are allies, or where there is a chance to escape from the enemy, is the main requirement for the driver of this car.

The main "feature" of the vehicle is an excellent Tier X gun, 120 mm AT Gun L1A1, with excellent rate of fire, accuracy and penetration. One hundred and twenty millimeters has characteristics of 259/326/120, "alpha" 400 points each with AP and BP shells and land mines with "alphastrike" 515 points. An accuracy of 0.32 and a convergence of 1.9 seconds allow the vehicle to fire at pain points enemy, even at long distances. Conway's gun is the opposite of the cannon of its predecessor, the Charioteer, with precision and aiming allowing the vehicle to fire within seconds of the cannon being turned on the enemy.

As for "mobility", this parameter corresponds to the level of medium tanks, since the FV4004 Conway is built on the basis of the Centurion medium tank, and has a Rolls-Royce Griffon engine of 950 horsepower on board, and a power density of almost 19 hp / t. A little "pumped up" the maximum speed - only 35/20 km / h.

Of the minuses of the tank - it's armor and dimensions. If the first point is not “new” for those who download this branch on their own, without going through tanks for “freedom”, then the second point will make you remember a similar situation with the tier 7 tank destroyer, the Challenger, which also had similar disadvantages.
Armor in the hull - 76.2mm forehead / 50.8mm side / 38.1mm feed. Most strong point tank - the forehead of the tower is 132mm, the rest, the board is 95mm and the feed is 36mm - a complete "cardboard".

Commander - sixth sense the Brotherhood of War,camouflage, repair,;
Gunner - smooth turret rotation, brotherhood in arms, camouflage, repairs;
Mechanic - driver - smooth running, brotherhood in arms, repair, virtuoso;
Loader - repair, military brotherhood, camouflage, radio interception;

The most important thing for a vehicle is to know that the tank is invisible and to run away immediately after they hit the enemy’s eyes. Therefore, the sixth sense is an important perk that should be the first for the commander, but for the rest of the crew members you can immediately apply special skills - disguise for such a "barn" is not a very important perk, and pumping out a smooth turret turn with a smooth ride will be much more important. Further, BB (combat brotherhood) and after - according to the preferences of the driver.


  • gun accuracy;
  • high DPM;
  • the presence of a tower
  • dynamics.

Weak sides:

  • machine dimensions;
  • vertical aiming angles;
  • weak booking;

Play style.

The style of play on the British turrets is the same - to be a "samurai" and a "ninja" on the battlefield. Due to its size, FV4004 Conway is hard to be invisible, so you have to adapt to each map. You need to bet on Conway's two main trump cards - this is dynamics and a gun. At the beginning of the battle, if there is no place for a convenient shot, you need to be the first to take the main point and try to gain a foothold on it. The main thing to remember is that the vehicle alone will not be able to withstand the flank, due to the complete lack of armor. If the flank is already “merged” or completely empty, there is nothing more to do in that place FV4004 Conway. Find the line between aggressive gameplay and PT style and Conway will become one of your favorite tanks.

19-12-2014, 22:16

Hello to all lovers of bush shooting and welcome to the site! Friends, now we will talk about a wonderful and strong vehicle, a British tier 9 tank destroyer, in front of you FV4004 Conway guide.

This device has an unexpectedly large number of advantages, it is very simple and easy to use, but only when you know the features Conway World of Tanks, the characteristics of this self-propelled gun, you understand its advantages and disadvantages. That is, for a productive game, you need to get to know this British woman better.

TTX FV 4004 Conway

As always, first of all, I would like to say that our self-propelled anti-tank installation has a margin of safety that is modest by the standards of most classmates and a small basic view of 380 meters.

I immediately draw your attention to another obvious fact - it has truly shed dimensions. The car is very high, which suffers from its disguise, long, wide and swollen. In other words, it's easy to find, and even easier to get to.

Unfortunately, with such a large silhouette, FV4004 Conway specifications bookings are very poor. Considering the level of equipment encountered in battle, absolutely everything penetrates us, because even in the forehead you will not find armor thickness higher than 153 millimeters, this is very sad. You can rely on ricochets only in those cases when an enemy projectile hit you completely unsuccessfully.

But at the same time, the lack of mobility Tank Destroyer FV4004 Conway WoT compensates with excellent driving characteristics. Our maximum speed is not the highest, but the dynamics are simply excellent, and there is no need to complain about maneuverability.


If in terms of general characteristics, everything is not so good, but you definitely can’t say the same about weapons, the advantages of our gun prevail, besides, you don’t need to spend money on studying it, you get the top barrel as soon as you buy it FV4004 Conway tank to your hangar, because there are no alternatives in this aspect.

So, first of all, it should be said that the alpha strike of this self-propelled gun is quite modest compared to most other PT-9s. But at the same time FV4004 Conway gun has a high rate of fire, thanks to which you will be able to deal a little more than 3000 damage per minute, and this is even without equipment and perks.

We are a little let down by the parameters of armor penetration, for most classmates they are significantly higher. But targeting vulnerable areas in the defense of the enemy, he can confidently deal damage. However, it’s still worth having 10-15 sub-calibers with you, and yet, our ammunition load is small, so use each cartridge wisely.

The accuracy parameters of our gun allow us to compensate for the low penetration. Spread per 100 meters Conway WoT very compact, the final accuracy is excellent, the aiming speed is excellent and only the stabilization is rather weak, like with most self-propelled guns.

Perhaps the most significant disadvantage in terms of armament of this device can be considered vertical aiming angles, because the gun bends down by only 5, and rises by 10. But on the other hand, British tank FV4004 Conway absolutely devoid of difficulties with UGN, because we are equipped with a full-fledged rotating tower.

Advantages and disadvantages

The machine in our hands is really strong, it has a great combat potential, and in order to fully realize it, it is necessary to understand the main strengths and weaknesses FV4004 Conway World of Tanks, which we will now single out separately, breaking everything down into points.
Good running characteristics;
High rate of fire and excellent DPM;
Excellent accuracy (scatter and convergence);
The presence of a fully rotating tower.
Very weak booking;
Shed dimensions and poor camouflage;
Low penetration rates;
Small one-time damage;
Poor elevation angles.

Equipment for FV4004 Conway

To understand the choice and installation of additional modules, it is important to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the tank. In our case, it will not be possible to compensate for the minuses, which means that it is worth concentrating on improving the existing pluses, that is, tank FV4004 Conway We install the following equipment:
1. - will increase the already very decent damage per minute, because this parameter is never too large.
2. - a universal and very necessary module, thanks to which you will get a comprehensive performance boost.
3. - thanks to this option, you can easily achieve the maximum viewing range and get the right to fire the first shot.

And if you want to improve the survivability of this self-propelled gun, you can also replace the second item with , because we have serious problems with camouflage, moreover, this configuration option goes well with the third item.

Crew training

The process of pumping skills also gives you a chance to seriously affect the initial parameters of the car, making it stronger and more comfortable for you. This aspect is considered more complex and responsible due to the large number of variations, but on Tank destroyer FV4004 Conway perks learn quite standardly in understanding this class of technology, it looks like this:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) - , , , .

Equipment for FV4004 Conway

Another recognized standard is the purchase of consumables. If you don't have a lot of silver, it's better to stop at a gentleman's set of , , . But when the supply of silver credits or even gold is in order, bet on FV4004 Conway equipment in the form of , , , where the latter is quite possible to replace with , because fires are rare for this machine, but one more increase to the characteristics will not hurt.

в виде , , , где последний вполне возможно заменить на , ведь пожары для это машины редкость, а вот еще одна прибавка к характеристикам не помешает.

Game tactics on FV4004 Conway Тактика игры на FV4004 Conway We have a classic tank destroyer in our hands, which has very weak armor and, moreover, a huge silhouette, due to which camouflage performance suffers. В наших руках классическая ПТ-САУ, которая имеет очень слабое бронирование и к тому же огромный силуэт, из-за которого страдают показатели маскировки. For these reasons, for

По этим причинам для FV4004 Conway tank WoT combat should consist in the maximum covert and cautious game.

ведения боя должна заключаться в максимальной скрытной и осторожной игре. British tank FV4004 Conway has poor vertical aiming angles. This means that hilly terrain is not suitable for us, a kind of pedestal is needed, from which a vast chamber will open. And if in such a place, in addition to remoteness and the presence of bushes, you will have a real shelter that will save you in case of emergency, this will be ideal.

FV4004 Conway WoT tank танк WoT

can confidently realize his large DPM by shooting at the allied spotlight, thereby providing invaluable assistance to his team on the lane.

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